visual_studio_solution_utils.dart 15.3 KB
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// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'package:meta/meta.dart';

import '../base/common.dart';
import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../convert.dart';
import '../plugins.dart';
import '../project.dart';
import 'visual_studio_project.dart';

// Constants corresponding to specific reference types in a solution file.
// These values are defined by the .sln format.
const String _kSolutionTypeGuidFolder = '2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8';
const String _kSolutionTypeGuidVcxproj = '8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942';

// The GUID for the folder above, managed by this class. This is an arbitrary
// value that was randomly generated, but it should not be changed since that
// would cause issues for existing Flutter projects.
const String _kFlutterPluginSolutionFolderGuid = '5C2E738A-1DD3-445A-AAC8-EEB9648DD07C';
// The FlutterBuild project GUID. This is an arbitrary
// value that was randomly generated, but it should not be changed since that
// would cause issues for existing Flutter projects.
const String _kFlutterBuildProjectGuid = '6419BF13-6ECD-4CD2-9E85-E566A1F03F8F';

/// Extracts and stores the plugin name and vcxproj GUID for [plugin].
class _PluginProjectInfo {
  _PluginProjectInfo(Plugin plugin, {
    @required FileSystem fileSystem,
  }) {
    name =;
    final File projectFile ='windows').childFile('plugin.vcxproj');
    try {
    guid = VisualStudioProject(projectFile, fileSystem: fileSystem).guid;
    } on FileSystemException {
38 39
      throwToolExit('Unable to find a plugin.vcxproj for plugin "$name"');
40 41 42
    if (guid == null) {
      throwToolExit('Unable to find a plugin.vcxproj ID for plugin "$name"');
43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339

  // The name of the plugin, which is also the name of the symlink folder.
  String name;

  // The GUID of the plugin's project.
  String guid;

// TODO(stuartmorgan): Consider replacing this class with a real parser. See

class VisualStudioSolutionUtils {
  const VisualStudioSolutionUtils({
    @required WindowsProject project,
    @required FileSystem fileSystem,
  }) : _project = project,
       _fileSystem = fileSystem;

  final WindowsProject _project;
  final FileSystem _fileSystem;

  /// Updates the solution file for [project] to have the project references and
  /// dependencies to include [plugins], removing any previous plugins from the
  /// solution.
  Future<void> updatePlugins(List<Plugin> plugins) async {
    final String solutionContent = await _project.solutionFile.readAsString();

    // Map of GUID to name for the current plugin list.
    final Map<String, String> currentPluginInfo = _getWindowsPluginNamesByGuid(plugins);

    // Find any plugins referenced in the project that are no longer used, and
    // any that are new.
    // While the simplest approach to updating the solution would be to remove all
    // entries associated with plugins, and then add all the current plugins in
    // one block, Visual Studio has its own (unknown, likely data-structure-hash
    // based) order that it will use each time it writes out the file due to any
    // solution-level changes made in the UI. To avoid thrashing, and resulting
    // confusion (e.g., in review diffs), this update attempts to instead preserve
    // the ordering that is already there, so that once Visual Studio has
    // reordered the plugins, that order will be stable.
    final Set<String> existingPlugins = _findPreviousPluginGuids(solutionContent);
    final Set<String> currentPlugins = currentPluginInfo.keys.toSet();
    final Set<String> removedPlugins = existingPlugins.difference(currentPlugins);
    final Set<String> addedPlugins = currentPlugins.difference(existingPlugins);

    final RegExp projectStartPattern = RegExp(r'^Project\("{' + _kSolutionTypeGuidVcxproj + r'}"\)\s*=\s*".*",\s*"(.*)",\s*"{([A-Fa-f0-9\-]*)}"\s*$');
    final RegExp pluginsFolderProjectStartPattern = RegExp(r'^Project\("{' + _kSolutionTypeGuidFolder + r'}"\)\s*=.*"{' + _kFlutterPluginSolutionFolderGuid + r'}"\s*$');
    final RegExp projectEndPattern = RegExp(r'^EndProject\s*$');
    final RegExp globalStartPattern = RegExp(r'^Global\s*$');
    final RegExp globalEndPattern = RegExp(r'^EndGlobal\s*$');
    final RegExp projectDependenciesStartPattern = RegExp(r'^\s*ProjectSection\(ProjectDependencies\)\s*=\s*postProject\s*$');
    final RegExp globalSectionProjectConfigurationStartPattern = RegExp(r'^\s*GlobalSection\(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms\)\s*=\s*postSolution\s*$');
    final RegExp globalSectionNestedProjectsStartPattern = RegExp(r'^\s*GlobalSection\(NestedProjects\)\s*=\s*preSolution\s*$');

    final StringBuffer newSolutionContent = StringBuffer();
    // readAsString drops the BOM; re-add it.

    final Iterator<String> lineIterator = solutionContent.split('\n').iterator;
    bool foundFlutterPluginsFolder = false;
    bool foundNestedProjectsSection = false;
    bool foundRunnerProject = false;
    while (lineIterator.moveNext()) {
      final Match projectStartMatch = projectStartPattern.firstMatch(lineIterator.current);
      if (projectStartMatch != null) {
        final String guid =;
        if (currentPlugins.contains(guid)) {
          // Write an up-to-date version at this location (in case, e.g., the name
          // has changed).
          _writePluginProjectEntry(guid, currentPluginInfo[guid], newSolutionContent);
          // Drop the old copy.
          _skipUntil(lineIterator, projectEndPattern);
        } else if (removedPlugins.contains(guid)) {
          // Drop the stale plugin project.
          _skipUntil(lineIterator, projectEndPattern);
        } else if ( == _project.vcprojFile.basename) {
          foundRunnerProject = true;
          // Update the Runner project's dependencies on the plugins.
          // Skip to the dependencies section, or if there isn't one the end of
          // the project.
          while (!projectDependenciesStartPattern.hasMatch(lineIterator.current) &&
              !projectEndPattern.hasMatch(lineIterator.current)) {
          // Add/update the dependencies section.
          if (projectDependenciesStartPattern.hasMatch(lineIterator.current)) {
            _processSectionPluginReferences(removedPlugins, addedPlugins, lineIterator, _writeProjectDependency, newSolutionContent);
          } else {
            _writeDependenciesSection(currentPlugins, newSolutionContent);

      if (pluginsFolderProjectStartPattern.hasMatch(lineIterator.current)) {
          foundFlutterPluginsFolder = true;

      if (globalStartPattern.hasMatch(lineIterator.current)) {
        // The Global section is the end of the project list. Add any new plugins
        // here, since the location VS will use is unknown. They will likely be
        // reordered the next time VS writes the file.
        for (final String guid in addedPlugins) {
          _writePluginProjectEntry(guid, currentPluginInfo[guid], newSolutionContent);
        // Also add the plugins folder if there wasn't already one.
        if (!foundFlutterPluginsFolder) {

      // Update the ProjectConfiguration section once it is reached.
      if (globalSectionProjectConfigurationStartPattern.hasMatch(lineIterator.current)) {
        _processSectionPluginReferences(removedPlugins, addedPlugins, lineIterator, _writePluginConfigurationEntries, newSolutionContent);

      // Update the NestedProjects section once it is reached.
      if (globalSectionNestedProjectsStartPattern.hasMatch(lineIterator.current)) {
        _processSectionPluginReferences(removedPlugins, addedPlugins, lineIterator, _writePluginNestingEntry, newSolutionContent);
        foundNestedProjectsSection = true;

      // If there wasn't a NestedProjects global section, add one at the end.
      if (!foundNestedProjectsSection && globalEndPattern.hasMatch(lineIterator.current)) {
        newSolutionContent.writeln('\tGlobalSection(NestedProjects) = preSolution\r');
        for (final String guid in currentPlugins) {
          _writePluginNestingEntry(guid, newSolutionContent);

      // Re-output anything that hasn't been explicitly skipped above.

    if (!foundRunnerProject) {
          'Could not add plugins to Windows project:\n'
          'Unable to find a "${_project.vcprojFile.basename}" project in ${_project.solutionFile.path}');

    await _project.solutionFile.writeAsString(newSolutionContent.toString().trimRight());

  /// Advances [iterator] it reaches an element that matches [pattern].
  /// Note that the current element at the time of calling is *not* checked.
  void _skipUntil(Iterator<String> iterator, RegExp pattern) {
    while (iterator.moveNext()) {
      if (pattern.hasMatch(iterator.current)) {

  /// Writes the main project entry for the plugin with the given [guid] and
  /// [name].
  void _writePluginProjectEntry(String guid, String name, StringBuffer output) {
Project("{$_kSolutionTypeGuidVcxproj}") = "$name", "Flutter\\ephemeral\\.plugin_symlinks\\$name\\windows\\plugin.vcxproj", "{$guid}"\r
\tProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject\r
\t\t{$_kFlutterBuildProjectGuid} = {$_kFlutterBuildProjectGuid}\r

  /// Writes the main project entry for the Flutter Plugins solution folder.
  void _writePluginFolderProjectEntry(StringBuffer output) {
    const String folderName = 'Flutter Plugins';
Project("{$_kSolutionTypeGuidFolder}") = "$folderName", "$folderName", "{$_kFlutterPluginSolutionFolderGuid}"\r

  /// Writes a project dependencies section, depending on all the GUIDs in
  /// [dependencies].
  void _writeDependenciesSection(Iterable<String> dependencies, StringBuffer output) {
    output.writeln('ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject\r');
    for (final String guid in dependencies) {
      _writeProjectDependency(guid, output);

  /// Returns the GUIDs of all the Flutter plugin projects in the given solution.
  Set<String> _findPreviousPluginGuids(String solutionContent) {
    // Find the plugin folder's known GUID in ProjectDependencies lines.
    // Each line in that section has the form:
    //   {project GUID} = {solution folder GUID}
    final RegExp pluginFolderChildrenPattern = RegExp(
        r'^\s*{([A-Fa-f0-9\-]*)}\s*=\s*{' + _kFlutterPluginSolutionFolderGuid + r'}\s*$',
        multiLine: true,
    return pluginFolderChildrenPattern
        .map((Match match) =>;

  /// Returns a mapping of plugin project GUID to name for all the Windows plugins
  /// in [plugins].
  Map<String, String> _getWindowsPluginNamesByGuid(List<Plugin> plugins) {
    final Map<String, String> currentPluginInfo = <String, String>{};
    for (final Plugin plugin in plugins) {
      if (plugin.platforms.containsKey(_project.pluginConfigKey)) {
        final _PluginProjectInfo info = _PluginProjectInfo(plugin, fileSystem: _fileSystem);
        if (currentPluginInfo.containsKey(info.guid)) {
          throwToolExit('The plugins "${currentPluginInfo[info.guid]}" and "${}" '
              'have the same ProjectGuid, which prevents them from being used together.\n\n'
              'Please contact the plugin authors to resolve this, and/or remove one of the '
              'plugins from your project.');
        currentPluginInfo[info.guid] =;
    return currentPluginInfo;

  /// Walks a GlobalSection or ProjectSection, removing entries related to removed
  /// plugins and adding entries for new plugins at the end using
  /// [newEntryWriter], which takes the guid of the plugin to write entries for.
  /// The caller is responsible for printing the section start line, which should
  /// be [lineIterator.current] when this is called, and the section end line,
  /// which will be [lineIterator.current] on return.
  void _processSectionPluginReferences(
      Set<String> removedPlugins,
      Set<String> addedPlugins,
      Iterator<String> lineIterator,
      Function(String, StringBuffer) newEntryWriter,
      StringBuffer output,
  ) {
    // Extracts the guid of the project that a line refers to. Currently all
    // sections this function is used for start with "{project guid}", even though
    // the rest of the line varies by section, so the pattern can currently be
    // shared rather than parameterized.
    final RegExp entryPattern = RegExp(r'^\s*{([A-Fa-f0-9\-]*)}');
    final RegExp sectionEndPattern = RegExp(r'^\s*End\w*Section\s*$');
    while (lineIterator.moveNext()) {
      if (sectionEndPattern.hasMatch(lineIterator.current)) {
        // The end of the section; add entries for new plugins, then exit.
        for (final String guid in addedPlugins) {
          newEntryWriter(guid, output);
      // Otherwise it's the sectino body. Drop any lines associated with old
      // plugins, but pass everything else through as output.
      final Match entryMatch = entryPattern.firstMatch(lineIterator.current);
      if (entryMatch != null && removedPlugins.contains( {

  /// Writes all the configuration entries for the plugin project with the given
  /// [guid].
  /// Should be called within the context of writing
  /// GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms).
  void _writePluginConfigurationEntries(String guid, StringBuffer output) {
    final List<String> configurations = <String>['Debug', 'Profile', 'Release'];
    final List<String> entryTypes = <String>['ActiveCfg', 'Build.0'];
    for (final String configuration in configurations) {
      for (final String entryType in entryTypes) {
        output.writeln('\t\t{$guid}.$configuration|x64.$entryType = $configuration|x64\r');

  /// Writes the entries to nest the plugin projects with the given [guid] under
  /// the Flutter Plugins solution folder.
  /// Should be called within the context of writing
  /// GlobalSection(NestedProjects).
  void _writePluginNestingEntry(String guid, StringBuffer output) {
    output.writeln('\t\t{$guid} = {$_kFlutterPluginSolutionFolderGuid}\r');

  /// Writes the entrie to make a project depend on another project with the
  /// given [guid].
  /// Should be called within the context of writing
  /// ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies).
  void _writeProjectDependency(String guid, StringBuffer output) {
    output.writeln('\t\t{$guid} = {$guid}\r');