snippets_test.dart 3.36 KB
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// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:io' hide Platform;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;

import 'package:test/test.dart' hide TypeMatcher, isInstanceOf;
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import 'package:snippets/configuration.dart';
import 'package:snippets/snippets.dart';

void main() {
  group('Generator', () {
    Configuration configuration;
    SnippetGenerator generator;
    Directory tmpDir;
    File template;

    setUp(() {
      tmpDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('snippets_test');
22 23
      configuration = Configuration(flutterRoot: Directory(path.join(
          tmpDir.absolute.path, 'flutter')));
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      configuration.templatesDirectory.createSync(recursive: true);
      configuration.skeletonsDirectory.createSync(recursive: true);
      template = File(path.join(configuration.templatesDirectory.path, 'template.tmpl'));



main() {
<div>HTML Bits</div>
<div>More HTML Bits</div>
<div>HTML Bits</div>
<div>More HTML Bits</div>
      generator = SnippetGenerator(configuration: configuration);
    tearDown(() {
      tmpDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);

    test('generates application snippets', () async {
      final File inputFile = File(path.join(tmpDir.absolute.path, 'snippet_in.txt'))
        ..createSync(recursive: true)
A description of the snippet.

On several lines.

```my-dart_language my-preamble
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const String name = 'snippet';

void main() {
  print('The actual \$name.');

      final String html =
          generator.generate(inputFile, SnippetType.application, template: 'template', id: 'id');
      expect(html, contains('<div>HTML Bits</div>'));
      expect(html, contains('<div>More HTML Bits</div>'));
      expect(html, contains('print(&#39;The actual \$name.&#39;);'));
81 82 83
      expect(html, contains('A description of the snippet.\n'));
84 85 86
          contains('&#47;&#47; A description of the snippet.\n'
              '&#47;&#47; On several lines.\n'));
87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
      expect(html, contains('void main() {'));

    test('generates sample snippets', () async {
      final File inputFile = File(path.join(tmpDir.absolute.path, 'snippet_in.txt'))
        ..createSync(recursive: true)
A description of the snippet.

On several lines.

void main() {
  print('The actual \$name.');

      final String html = generator.generate(inputFile, SnippetType.sample);
      expect(html, contains('<div>HTML Bits</div>'));
      expect(html, contains('<div>More HTML Bits</div>'));
      expect(html, contains('  print(&#39;The actual \$name.&#39;);'));
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      expect(html, contains('<div class="snippet-description">'
          '{@end-inject-html}A description of the snippet.\n\n'
          'On several lines.{@inject-html}</div>\n'));
112 113 114 115
      expect(html, contains('main() {'));