expression_evaluation_web_test.dart 9.42 KB
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// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

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// @dart = 2.8

7 8 9
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart';

10 11 12 13
import '../integration.shard/test_data/basic_project.dart';
import '../integration.shard/test_data/tests_project.dart';
import '../integration.shard/test_driver.dart';
import '../integration.shard/test_utils.dart';
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import '../src/common.dart';

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void main() {
  group('Flutter run for web', () {
    final BasicProject project = BasicProject();
    Directory tempDir;
    FlutterRunTestDriver flutter;

    setUp(() async {
      tempDir = createResolvedTempDirectorySync('run_expression_eval_test.');
      await project.setUpIn(tempDir);
      flutter = FlutterRunTestDriver(tempDir);

    tearDown(() async {
      await flutter.stop();

    Future<void> start({bool expressionEvaluation}) async {
      // The non-test project has a loop around its breakpoints.
      // No need to start paused as all breakpoint would be eventually reached.
        withDebugger: true, chrome: true,
        expressionEvaluation: expressionEvaluation,
        additionalCommandArgs: <String>['--verbose', '--web-renderer=html']);
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106

    Future<void> breakInBuildMethod(FlutterTestDriver flutter) async {
      await flutter.breakAt(

    Future<void> breakInTopLevelFunction(FlutterTestDriver flutter) async {
      await flutter.breakAt(

    testWithoutContext('cannot evaluate expression if feature is disabled', () async {
      await start(expressionEvaluation: false);
      await breakInTopLevelFunction(flutter);
      await failToEvaluateExpression(flutter);

    testWithoutContext('shows no native javascript objects in static scope', () async {
      await start(expressionEvaluation: true);
      await breakInTopLevelFunction(flutter);
      await checkStaticScope(flutter);

    testWithoutContext('can handle compilation errors', () async {
      await start(expressionEvaluation: true);
      await breakInTopLevelFunction(flutter);
      await evaluateErrorExpressions(flutter);

    testWithoutContext('can evaluate trivial expressions in top level function', () async {
      await start(expressionEvaluation: true);
      await breakInTopLevelFunction(flutter);
      await evaluateTrivialExpressions(flutter);

    testWithoutContext('can evaluate trivial expressions in build method', () async {
      await start(expressionEvaluation: true);
      await breakInBuildMethod(flutter);
      await evaluateTrivialExpressions(flutter);

    testWithoutContext('can evaluate complex expressions in top level function', () async {
      await start(expressionEvaluation: true);
      await breakInTopLevelFunction(flutter);
      await evaluateComplexExpressions(flutter);

    testWithoutContext('can evaluate complex expressions in build method', () async {
      await start(expressionEvaluation: true);
      await breakInBuildMethod(flutter);
      await evaluateComplexExpressions(flutter);

    testWithoutContext('can evaluate trivial expressions in library without pause', () async {
      await start(expressionEvaluation: true);
      await evaluateTrivialExpressionsInLibrary(flutter);

    testWithoutContext('can evaluate complex expressions in library without pause', () async {
      await start(expressionEvaluation: true);
      await evaluateComplexExpressionsInLibrary(flutter);
107 108 109 110 111

    testWithoutContext('evaluated expression includes web library environment defines', () async {
      await start(expressionEvaluation: true);
      await evaluateWebLibraryBooleanFromEnvironmentInLibrary(flutter);

114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134
  group('Flutter test for web', () {
    final TestsProject project = TestsProject();
    Directory tempDir;
    FlutterRunTestDriver flutter;

    setUp(() async {
      tempDir = createResolvedTempDirectorySync('run_expression_eval_test.');
      await project.setUpIn(tempDir);
      flutter = FlutterRunTestDriver(tempDir);

    tearDown(() async {
      await flutter.stop();

    Future<Isolate> breakInMethod(FlutterTestDriver flutter) async {
      await flutter.addBreakpoint(
      return flutter.resume(waitForNextPause: true);
136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145

    Future<void> startPaused({bool expressionEvaluation}) {
      // The test project does not have a loop around its breakpoints.
      // Start paused so we can set a breakpoint before passing it
      // in the execution.
        withDebugger: true, chrome: true,
        expressionEvaluation: expressionEvaluation,
        startPaused: true, script: project.testFilePath,
        additionalCommandArgs: <String>['--verbose', '--web-renderer=html']);
147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175

    testWithoutContext('cannot evaluate expressions if feature is disabled', () async {
      await startPaused(expressionEvaluation: false);
      await breakInMethod(flutter);
      await failToEvaluateExpression(flutter);

    testWithoutContext('can evaluate trivial expressions in a test', () async {
      await startPaused(expressionEvaluation: true);
      await breakInMethod(flutter);
      await evaluateTrivialExpressions(flutter);

    testWithoutContext('can evaluate complex expressions in a test', () async {
      await startPaused(expressionEvaluation: true);
      await breakInMethod(flutter);
      await evaluateComplexExpressions(flutter);

    testWithoutContext('can evaluate trivial expressions in library without pause', () async {
      await startPaused(expressionEvaluation: true);
      await evaluateTrivialExpressionsInLibrary(flutter);

    testWithoutContext('can evaluate complex expressions in library without pause', () async {
      await startPaused(expressionEvaluation: true);
      await evaluateComplexExpressionsInLibrary(flutter);
176 177 178 179
    testWithoutContext('evaluated expression includes web library environment defines', () async {
      await startPaused(expressionEvaluation: true);
      await evaluateWebLibraryBooleanFromEnvironmentInLibrary(flutter);

Future<void> failToEvaluateExpression(FlutterTestDriver flutter) async {
  await expectLater(
186 187 188 189 190 191
      (RPCError error) => error.message,
      contains('Expression evaluation is not supported for this configuration'),
192 193

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Future<void> checkStaticScope(FlutterTestDriver flutter) async {
  final Frame res = await flutter.getTopStackFrame();
  expect(res.vars, equals(<BoundVariable>[]));
198 199 200

Future<void> evaluateErrorExpressions(FlutterTestDriver flutter) async {
  final ObjRef res = await flutter.evaluateInFrame('typo');
  expectError(res, 'CompilationError:');
202 203 204

Future<void> evaluateTrivialExpressions(FlutterTestDriver flutter) async {
  ObjRef res;
206 207

  res = await flutter.evaluateInFrame('"test"');
  expectInstance(res, InstanceKind.kString, 'test');
209 210

  res = await flutter.evaluateInFrame('1');
  expectInstance(res, InstanceKind.kDouble, 1.toString());
212 213

  res = await flutter.evaluateInFrame('true');
  expectInstance(res, InstanceKind.kBool, true.toString());
215 216 217

Future<void> evaluateComplexExpressions(FlutterTestDriver flutter) async {
218 219 220 221
  final ObjRef res = await flutter.evaluateInFrame('new');
  expectInstance(res, InstanceKind.kDouble,;

222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233
Future<void> evaluateTrivialExpressionsInLibrary(FlutterTestDriver flutter) async {
  final LibraryRef library = await getRootLibrary(flutter);
  final ObjRef res = await flutter.evaluate(, '"test"');
  expectInstance(res, InstanceKind.kString, 'test');

Future<void> evaluateComplexExpressionsInLibrary(FlutterTestDriver flutter) async {
  final LibraryRef library = await getRootLibrary(flutter);
  final ObjRef res = await flutter.evaluate(, 'new');
  expectInstance(res, InstanceKind.kDouble,;

234 235 236 237 238 239
Future<void> evaluateWebLibraryBooleanFromEnvironmentInLibrary(FlutterTestDriver flutter) async {
  final LibraryRef library = await getRootLibrary(flutter);
  final ObjRef res = await flutter.evaluate(, 'const bool.fromEnvironment("dart.library.html")');
  expectInstance(res, InstanceKind.kBool, true.toString());

240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249
Future<LibraryRef> getRootLibrary(FlutterTestDriver flutter) async {
  // `isolate.rootLib` returns incorrect library, so find the
  // entrypoint manually here instead.
  // Issue:
  final Isolate isolate = await flutter.getFlutterIsolate();
  return isolate.libraries
    .firstWhere((LibraryRef l) => l.uri.contains('org-dartlang-app'));

250 251 252 253 254
void expectInstance(ObjRef result, String kind, String message) {
    const TypeMatcher<InstanceRef>()
      .having((InstanceRef instance) => instance.kind, 'kind', kind)
      .having((InstanceRef instance) => instance.valueAsString, 'valueAsString', message));
255 256

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void expectError(ObjRef result, String message) {
    const TypeMatcher<ErrorRef>()
      .having((ErrorRef instance) => instance.message, 'message', contains(message)));