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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

# This script has been adapted from:
# Any modifications made to this file might be applicable there as well.

# This expects the device to be in zedboot mode, with a zedboot that is
# is compatible with the Fuchsia system image provided.
# The first and only parameter should be the path to the Fuchsia system image
# tarball, e.g. `./ generic-x64.tgz`.
# This script expects `pm`, `device-finder`, and `fuchsia_ctl` to all be in the
17 18
# same directory as the script.

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set -Eex

script_dir=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")
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# The nodes are named blah-blah--four-word-fuchsia-id

if [ -z "$device_name" ]
  echo "No device found. Aborting."
  exit 1
  echo "Connecting to device $device_name"

reboot() {
  # note: this will set an exit code of 255, which we can ignore.
  $script_dir/fuchsia_ctl -d $device_name --dev-finder-path $script_dir/dev_finder ssh --identity-file $script_dir/.ssh/pkey -c "dm reboot-recovery" || true
37 38 39 40

trap reboot EXIT

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$script_dir/fuchsia_ctl -d $device_name pave  -i $1
$script_dir/fuchsia_ctl push-packages -d $device_name --repoArchive generic-x64.tar.gz -p tiles -p tiles_ctl

# set fuchsia ssh config
export FUCHSIA_SSH_PKEY=$script_dir/.ssh/pkey
cat > $script_dir/fuchsia_ssh_config << EOF
Host *
  CheckHostIP no
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  ForwardAgent no
  ForwardX11 no
  GSSAPIDelegateCredentials no
  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
  User fuchsia
  IdentitiesOnly yes
  IdentityFile $FUCHSIA_SSH_PKEY
  ControlPersist yes
  ControlMaster auto
  ControlPath /tmp/fuchsia--%r@%h:%p
  ConnectTimeout 10
  ServerAliveInterval 1
  ServerAliveCountMax 10
  LogLevel ERROR

export FUCHSIA_SSH_CONFIG=$script_dir/fuchsia_ssh_config

# Run the driver test

# remove all out dated .packages references
find $flutter_dir -name ".packages" | xargs rm

cd $flutter_dir/dev/benchmarks/test_apps/stocks/

$flutter_bin pub get
$flutter_bin drive -v -d $device_name --target=test_driver/stock_view.dart