version.dart 19.2 KB
Newer Older
1 2 3 4
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

5 6 7 8 9 10 11
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';

import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:quiver/time.dart';

import 'base/common.dart';
import 'base/context.dart';
import 'base/file_system.dart';
import 'base/io.dart';
import 'base/process.dart';
import 'base/process_manager.dart';
import 'cache.dart';
import 'globals.dart';

class FlutterVersion {
21 22
  FlutterVersion(this._clock) {
    _channel = _runGit('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic @{u}');
24 25
    final String branch = _runGit('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD');
    _branch = branch == 'HEAD' ? _channel : branch;

    final int slash = _channel.indexOf('/');
    if (slash != -1) {
      final String remote = _channel.substring(0, slash);
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
      _repositoryUrl = _runGit('git ls-remote --get-url $remote');
      _channel = _channel.substring(slash + 1);
    } else if (_channel.isEmpty) {
      _channel = 'unknown';

    _frameworkRevision = _runGit('git log -n 1 --pretty=format:%H');
    _frameworkAge = _runGit('git log -n 1 --pretty=format:%ar');
    _frameworkVersion = GitTagVersion.determine().frameworkVersionFor(_frameworkRevision);

41 42
  final Clock _clock;

43 44 45
  String _repositoryUrl;
  String get repositoryUrl => _repositoryUrl;

46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
  static Set<String> officialChannels = new Set<String>.from(<String>[

  /// This maps old branch names to the names of branches that replaced them.
  /// For example, in early 2018 we changed from having an "alpha" branch to
  /// having a "dev" branch, so anyone using "alpha" now gets transitioned to
  /// "dev".
  static Map<String, String> obsoleteBranches = <String, String>{
    'alpha': 'dev',
    'hackathon': 'dev',
    'codelab': 'dev',

  String _channel;
65 66
  /// The channel is the upstream branch.
  /// `master`, `dev`, `beta`, `release`; or old ones, like `alpha`, `hackathon`, ...
67 68
  String get channel => _channel;

69 70
  /// The name of the local branch.
  /// Use getBranchName() to read this.
71 72
  String _branch;

73 74
  String _frameworkRevision;
  String get frameworkRevision => _frameworkRevision;
  String get frameworkRevisionShort => _shortGitRevision(frameworkRevision);
76 77 78

  String _frameworkAge;
  String get frameworkAge => _frameworkAge;

80 81 82
  String _frameworkVersion;
  String get frameworkVersion => _frameworkVersion;

83 84
  String get frameworkDate => frameworkCommitDate;

  String get dartSdkVersion => Cache.instance.dartSdkVersion.split(' ')[0];

  String get engineRevision => Cache.instance.engineRevision;
  String get engineRevisionShort => _shortGitRevision(engineRevision);

90 91 92
  Future<Null> ensureVersionFile() {
    return fs.file(fs.path.join(Cache.flutterRoot, 'version')).writeAsString(_frameworkVersion);
93 94 95

  String toString() {
96 97
    final String versionText = frameworkVersion == 'unknown' ? '' : ' $frameworkVersion';
    final String flutterText = 'Flutter$versionText • channel $channel${repositoryUrl == null ? 'unknown source' : repositoryUrl}';
98 99 100
    final String frameworkText = 'Framework • revision $frameworkRevisionShort ($frameworkAge) • $frameworkCommitDate';
    final String engineText = 'Engine • revision $engineRevisionShort';
    final String toolsText = 'Tools • Dart $dartSdkVersion';

    // Flutter 1.3.922-pre.2 • channel master •
103 104 105
    // Framework • revision 2259c59be8 • 19 minutes ago • 2016-08-15 22:51:40
    // Engine • revision fe509b0d96
    // Tools • Dart 1.19.0-dev.5.0

    return '$flutterText\n$frameworkText\n$engineText\n$toolsText';
108 109

110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
  Map<String, Object> toJson() => <String, Object>{
        'channel': channel,
        'repositoryUrl': repositoryUrl ?? 'unknown source',
        'frameworkRevision': frameworkRevision,
        'frameworkCommitDate': frameworkCommitDate,
        'engineRevision': engineRevision,
        'dartSdkVersion': dartSdkVersion,

  /// A date String describing the last framework commit.
120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137
  String get frameworkCommitDate => _latestGitCommitDate();

  static String _latestGitCommitDate([String branch]) {
    final List<String> args = <String>['git', 'log'];

    if (branch != null)

    args.addAll(<String>['-n', '1', '--pretty=format:%ad', '--date=iso']);
    return _runSync(args, lenient: false);

  /// The name of the temporary git remote used to check for the latest
  /// available Flutter framework version.
  /// In the absence of bugs and crashes a Flutter developer should never see
  /// this remote appear in their `git remote` list, but also if it happens to
  /// persist we do the proper clean-up for extra robustness.
  static const String _versionCheckRemote = '__flutter_version_check__';
139 140 141 142 143

  /// The date of the latest framework commit in the remote repository.
  /// Throws [ToolExit] if a git command fails, for example, when the remote git
  /// repository is not reachable due to a network issue.
  static Future<String> fetchRemoteFrameworkCommitDate(String branch) async {
145 146 147 148 149 150
    await _removeVersionCheckRemoteIfExists();
    try {
      await _run(<String>[
152 153
154 155
      await _run(<String>['git', 'fetch', _versionCheckRemote, branch]);
      return _latestGitCommitDate('$_versionCheckRemote/$branch');
156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163
    } finally {
      await _removeVersionCheckRemoteIfExists();

  static Future<Null> _removeVersionCheckRemoteIfExists() async {
    final List<String> remotes = (await _run(<String>['git', 'remote']))
        .map((String name) => name.trim()) // to account for OS-specific line-breaks
166 167
    if (remotes.contains(_versionCheckRemote))
      await _run(<String>['git', 'remote', 'remove', _versionCheckRemote]);
168 169

  static FlutterVersion get instance => context[FlutterVersion];

172 173 174 175 176
  /// Return a short string for the version (e.g. `master/0.0.59-pre.92`, `scroll_refactor/a76bc8e22b`).
  String getVersionString({bool redactUnknownBranches: false}) {
    if (frameworkVersion != 'unknown')
      return '${getBranchName(redactUnknownBranches: redactUnknownBranches)}/$frameworkVersion';
    return '${getBranchName(redactUnknownBranches: redactUnknownBranches)}/$frameworkRevisionShort';
177 178 179 180

  /// Return the branch name.
181 182 183 184
  /// If [redactUnknownBranches] is true and the branch is unknown,
  /// the branch name will be returned as `'[user-branch]'`.
  String getBranchName({ bool redactUnknownBranches: false }) {
    if (redactUnknownBranches || _branch.isEmpty) {
      // Only return the branch names we know about; arbitrary branch names might contain PII.
186 187
      if (!officialChannels.contains(_branch) && !obsoleteBranches.containsKey(_branch))
        return '[user-branch]';
    return _branch;

192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205
  /// Returns true if `tentativeDescendantRevision` is a direct descendant to
  /// the `tentativeAncestorRevision` revision on the Flutter framework repo
  /// tree.
  bool checkRevisionAncestry({
    String tentativeDescendantRevision,
    String tentativeAncestorRevision,
  }) {
    final ProcessResult result = processManager.runSync(
      <String>['git', 'merge-base', '--is-ancestor', tentativeAncestorRevision, tentativeDescendantRevision],
      workingDirectory: Cache.flutterRoot,
    return result.exitCode == 0;

206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215
  /// The amount of time we wait before pinging the server to check for the
  /// availability of a newer version of Flutter.
  static const Duration kCheckAgeConsideredUpToDate = const Duration(days: 7);

  /// We warn the user if the age of their Flutter installation is greater than
  /// this duration.
  static final Duration kVersionAgeConsideredUpToDate = kCheckAgeConsideredUpToDate * 4;

216 217 218
  /// The amount of time we wait between issuing a warning.
  /// This is to avoid annoying users who are unable to upgrade right away.
220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227
  static const Duration kMaxTimeSinceLastWarning = const Duration(days: 1);

  /// The amount of time we pause for to let the user read the message about
  /// outdated Flutter installation.
  /// This can be customized in tests to speed them up.
  static Duration kPauseToLetUserReadTheMessage = const Duration(seconds: 2);
228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247

  /// Checks if the currently installed version of Flutter is up-to-date, and
  /// warns the user if it isn't.
  /// This function must run while [Cache.lock] is acquired because it reads and
  /// writes shared cache files.
  Future<Null> checkFlutterVersionFreshness() async {
    final DateTime localFrameworkCommitDate = DateTime.parse(frameworkCommitDate);
    final Duration frameworkAge =;
    final bool installationSeemsOutdated = frameworkAge > kVersionAgeConsideredUpToDate;

    Future<bool> newerFrameworkVersionAvailable() async {
      final DateTime latestFlutterCommitDate = await _getLatestAvailableFlutterVersion();

      if (latestFlutterCommitDate == null)
        return false;

      return latestFlutterCommitDate.isAfter(localFrameworkCommitDate);

248 249 250 251 252
    final VersionCheckStamp stamp = await VersionCheckStamp.load();
    final DateTime lastTimeWarningWasPrinted = stamp.lastTimeWarningWasPrinted ?? _clock.agoBy(kMaxTimeSinceLastWarning * 2);
    final bool beenAWhileSinceWarningWasPrinted = > kMaxTimeSinceLastWarning;

    if (beenAWhileSinceWarningWasPrinted && installationSeemsOutdated && await newerFrameworkVersionAvailable()) {
      printStatus(versionOutOfDateMessage(frameworkAge), emphasis: true);
      await Future.wait<Null>(<Future<Null>>[
xster's avatar
xster committed
255 256 257
258 259
        new Future<Null>.delayed(kPauseToLetUserReadTheMessage),
261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282

  static String versionOutOfDateMessage(Duration frameworkAge) {
    String warning = 'WARNING: your installation of Flutter is ${frameworkAge.inDays} days old.';
    // Append enough spaces to match the message box width.
    warning += ' ' * (74 - warning.length);

    return '''
  ║                                                                            ║
  ║ To update to the latest version, run "flutter upgrade".                    ║

  /// Gets the release date of the latest available Flutter version.
  /// This method sends a server request if it's been more than
  /// [kCheckAgeConsideredUpToDate] since the last version check.
  /// Returns null if the cached version is out-of-date or missing, and we are
284 285 286
  /// unable to reach the server to get the latest version.
  Future<DateTime> _getLatestAvailableFlutterVersion() async {
    final VersionCheckStamp versionCheckStamp = await VersionCheckStamp.load();

289 290
    if (versionCheckStamp.lastTimeVersionWasChecked != null) {
      final Duration timeSinceLastCheck =;
291 292 293

      // Don't ping the server too often. Return cached value if it's fresh.
      if (timeSinceLastCheck < kCheckAgeConsideredUpToDate)
        return versionCheckStamp.lastKnownRemoteVersion;
295 296 297 298

    // Cache is empty or it's been a while since the last server ping. Ping the server.
    try {
      final String branch = officialChannels.contains(_channel) ? _channel : 'master';
      final DateTime remoteFrameworkCommitDate = DateTime.parse(await FlutterVersion.fetchRemoteFrameworkCommitDate(branch));
xster's avatar
xster committed
302 303 304
        newKnownRemoteVersion: remoteFrameworkCommitDate,
305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313
      return remoteFrameworkCommitDate;
    } on VersionCheckError catch (error) {
      // This happens when any of the git commands fails, which can happen when
      // there's no Internet connectivity. Remote version check is best effort
      // only. We do not prevent the command from running when it fails.
      printTrace('Failed to check Flutter version in the remote repository: $error');
      return null;
314 315

316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338
/// Contains data and load/save logic pertaining to Flutter version checks.
class VersionCheckStamp {
  /// The prefix of the stamp file where we cache Flutter version check data.
  static const String kFlutterVersionCheckStampFile = 'flutter_version_check';

  const VersionCheckStamp({

  final DateTime lastTimeVersionWasChecked;
  final DateTime lastKnownRemoteVersion;
  final DateTime lastTimeWarningWasPrinted;

  static Future<VersionCheckStamp> load() async {
    final String versionCheckStamp = Cache.instance.getStampFor(kFlutterVersionCheckStampFile);

    if (versionCheckStamp != null) {
      // Attempt to parse stamp JSON.
      try {
339 340 341
        final dynamic jsonObject = json.decode(versionCheckStamp);
        if (jsonObject is Map) {
          return fromJson(jsonObject);
        } else {
          printTrace('Warning: expected version stamp to be a Map but found: $jsonObject');
344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351
      } catch (error, stackTrace) {
        // Do not crash if JSON is malformed.
        printTrace('${error.runtimeType}: $error\n$stackTrace');

    // Stamp is missing or is malformed.
    return const VersionCheckStamp();
353 354

  static VersionCheckStamp fromJson(Map<String, String> jsonObject) {
    DateTime readDateTime(String property) {
357 358
      return jsonObject.containsKey(property)
        ? DateTime.parse(jsonObject[property])
359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412
        : null;

    return new VersionCheckStamp(
      lastTimeVersionWasChecked: readDateTime('lastTimeVersionWasChecked'),
      lastKnownRemoteVersion: readDateTime('lastKnownRemoteVersion'),
      lastTimeWarningWasPrinted: readDateTime('lastTimeWarningWasPrinted'),

  Future<Null> store({
    DateTime newTimeVersionWasChecked,
    DateTime newKnownRemoteVersion,
    DateTime newTimeWarningWasPrinted,
  }) async {
    final Map<String, String> jsonData = toJson();

    if (newTimeVersionWasChecked != null)
      jsonData['lastTimeVersionWasChecked'] = '$newTimeVersionWasChecked';

    if (newKnownRemoteVersion != null)
      jsonData['lastKnownRemoteVersion'] = '$newKnownRemoteVersion';

    if (newTimeWarningWasPrinted != null)
      jsonData['lastTimeWarningWasPrinted'] = '$newTimeWarningWasPrinted';

    const JsonEncoder kPrettyJsonEncoder = const JsonEncoder.withIndent('  ');
    Cache.instance.setStampFor(kFlutterVersionCheckStampFile, kPrettyJsonEncoder.convert(jsonData));

  Map<String, String> toJson({
    DateTime updateTimeVersionWasChecked,
    DateTime updateKnownRemoteVersion,
    DateTime updateTimeWarningWasPrinted,
  }) {
    updateTimeVersionWasChecked = updateTimeVersionWasChecked ?? lastTimeVersionWasChecked;
    updateKnownRemoteVersion = updateKnownRemoteVersion ?? lastKnownRemoteVersion;
    updateTimeWarningWasPrinted = updateTimeWarningWasPrinted ?? lastTimeWarningWasPrinted;

    final Map<String, String> jsonData = <String, String>{};

    if (updateTimeVersionWasChecked != null)
      jsonData['lastTimeVersionWasChecked'] = '$updateTimeVersionWasChecked';

    if (updateKnownRemoteVersion != null)
      jsonData['lastKnownRemoteVersion'] = '$updateKnownRemoteVersion';

    if (updateTimeWarningWasPrinted != null)
      jsonData['lastTimeWarningWasPrinted'] = '$updateTimeWarningWasPrinted';

    return jsonData;

413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429
/// Thrown when we fail to check Flutter version.
/// This can happen when we attempt to `git fetch` but there is no network, or
/// when the installation is not git-based (e.g. a user clones the repo but
/// then removes .git).
class VersionCheckError implements Exception {


  final String message;

  String toString() => '$VersionCheckError: $message';

/// Runs [command] and returns the standard output as a string.
/// If [lenient] is true and the command fails, returns an empty string.
431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447
/// Otherwise, throws a [ToolExit] exception.
String _runSync(List<String> command, {bool lenient: true}) {
  final ProcessResult results = processManager.runSync(command, workingDirectory: Cache.flutterRoot);

  if (results.exitCode == 0)
    return results.stdout.trim();

  if (!lenient) {
    throw new VersionCheckError(
      'Command exited with code ${results.exitCode}: ${command.join(' ')}\n'
      'Standard error: ${results.stderr}'

  return '';

448 449 450 451
String _runGit(String command) {
  return runSync(command.split(' '), workingDirectory: Cache.flutterRoot);

452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465
/// Runs [command] in the root of the Flutter installation and returns the
/// standard output as a string.
/// If the command fails, throws a [ToolExit] exception.
Future<String> _run(List<String> command) async {
  final ProcessResult results = await, workingDirectory: Cache.flutterRoot);

  if (results.exitCode == 0)
    return results.stdout.trim();

  throw new VersionCheckError(
    'Command exited with code ${results.exitCode}: ${command.join(' ')}\n'
    'Standard error: ${results.stderr}'
467 468

String _shortGitRevision(String revision) {
469 470
  if (revision == null)
    return '';
471 472
  return revision.length > 10 ? revision.substring(0, 10) : revision;
473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493

class GitTagVersion {
  const GitTagVersion(this.x, this.y, this.z, this.commits, this.hash);
  const GitTagVersion.unknown() : x = null, y = null, z = null, commits = 0, hash = '';

  /// The X in vX.Y.Z.
  final int x;

  /// The Y in vX.Y.Z.
  final int y;

  /// The Z in vX.Y.Z.
  final int z;

  /// Number of commits since the vX.Y.Z tag.
  final int commits;

  /// The git hash (or an abbreviation thereof) for this commit.
  final String hash;

  static GitTagVersion determine() {
    final String version = _runGit('git describe --match v*.*.* --first-parent --long --tags');
495 496 497 498 499 500 501
    final RegExp versionPattern = new RegExp('^v([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-g([a-f0-9]+)\$');
    final List<String> parts = versionPattern.matchAsPrefix(version)?.groups(<int>[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
    if (parts == null) {
      printTrace('Could not interpret results of "git describe": $version');
      return const GitTagVersion.unknown();
    final List<int> parsedParts = parts.take(4).map<int>(
502 503
      // ignore: deprecated_member_use
      (String value) => int.parse(value, onError: (String value) => null),
504 505 506 507 508 509
    return new GitTagVersion(parsedParts[0], parsedParts[1], parsedParts[2], parsedParts[3], parts[4]);

  String frameworkVersionFor(String revision) {
    if (x == null || y == null || z == null || !revision.startsWith(hash))
      return '0.0.0-unknown';
511 512 513 514 515
    if (commits == 0)
      return '$x.$y.$z';
    return '$x.$y.${z + 1}-pre.$commits';