podhelper.rb 13 KB
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# Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

5 6
require 'json'

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
# Minimum CocoaPods Ruby version is 2.0.
# Don't depend on features newer than that.

# Hook for Podfile setup, installation settings.
# @example
# flutter_ios_podfile_setup
# target 'Runner' do
# ...
# end
def flutter_ios_podfile_setup

20 21 22 23
# Same as flutter_ios_podfile_setup for macOS.
def flutter_macos_podfile_setup

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
# Add iOS build settings to pod targets.
# @example
# post_install do |installer|
#   installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
#     flutter_additional_ios_build_settings(target)
#   end
# end
# @param [PBXAggregateTarget] target Pod target.
def flutter_additional_ios_build_settings(target)
34 35
  return unless target.platform_name == :ios

36 37 38
  # Return if it's not a Flutter plugin (transitive dependency).
  return unless target.dependencies.any? { |dependency| dependency.name == 'Flutter' }

39 40
  # [target.deployment_target] is a [String] formatted as "8.0".
  inherit_deployment_target = target.deployment_target[/\d+/].to_i < 9
41 42 43 44

  # This podhelper script is at $FLUTTER_ROOT/packages/flutter_tools/bin.
  # Add search paths from $FLUTTER_ROOT/bin/cache/artifacts/engine.
  artifacts_dir = File.join('..', '..', '..', '..', 'bin', 'cache', 'artifacts', 'engine')
45 46 47 48
  debug_framework_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(artifacts_dir, 'ios', 'Flutter.xcframework'), __FILE__)

  unless Dir.exist?(debug_framework_dir)
    # iOS artifacts have not been downloaded.
    raise "#{debug_framework_dir} must exist. If you're running pod install manually, make sure \"flutter precache --ios\" is executed first"
50 51 52

  release_framework_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(artifacts_dir, 'ios-release', 'Flutter.xcframework'), __FILE__)

  target.build_configurations.each do |build_configuration|
55 56
    # Profile can't be derived from the CocoaPods build configuration. Use release framework (for linking only).
    configuration_engine_dir = build_configuration.type == :debug ? debug_framework_dir : release_framework_dir
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
    Dir.new(configuration_engine_dir).each_child do |xcframework_file|
      if xcframework_file.end_with?("-simulator") # ios-x86_64-simulator
        build_configuration.build_settings['FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]'] = "\"#{configuration_engine_dir}/#{xcframework_file}\" $(inherited)"
      elsif xcframework_file.start_with?("ios-") # ios-armv7_arm64
        build_configuration.build_settings['FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS[sdk=iphoneos*]'] = "\"#{configuration_engine_dir}/#{xcframework_file}\" $(inherited)"
        # Info.plist or another platform.
66 67
    build_configuration.build_settings['OTHER_LDFLAGS'] = '$(inherited) -framework Flutter'

    build_configuration.build_settings['CLANG_WARN_QUOTED_INCLUDE_IN_FRAMEWORK_HEADER'] = 'NO'
69 70 71 72 73
    # Suppress warning when pod supports a version lower than the minimum supported by Xcode (Xcode 12 - iOS 9).
    # This warning is harmless but confusing--it's not a bad thing for dependencies to support a lower version.
    # When deleted, the deployment version will inherit from the higher version derived from the 'Runner' target.
    # If the pod only supports a higher version, do not delete to correctly produce an error.
    build_configuration.build_settings.delete 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' if inherit_deployment_target
74 75 76

    # Apple Silicon ARM simulators not yet supported.
    build_configuration.build_settings['EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]'] = 'arm64 i386'
77 78 79

80 81 82 83
# Same as flutter_ios_podfile_setup for macOS.
def flutter_additional_macos_build_settings(target)
  return unless target.platform_name == :osx

84 85 86
  # Return if it's not a Flutter plugin (transitive dependency).
  return unless target.dependencies.any? { |dependency| dependency.name == 'FlutterMacOS' }

87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
  # [target.deployment_target] is a [String] formatted as "10.8".
  deployment_target_major, deployment_target_minor = target.deployment_target.match(/(\d+).?(\d*)/).captures

  # Suppress warning when pod supports a version lower than the minimum supported by the latest stable version of Xcode (currently 10.9).
  # This warning is harmless but confusing--it's not a bad thing for dependencies to support a lower version.
  inherit_deployment_target = !target.deployment_target.blank? &&
    (deployment_target_major.to_i < 10) ||
    (deployment_target_major.to_i == 10 && deployment_target_minor.to_i < 9)

96 97 98 99 100 101
  # This podhelper script is at $FLUTTER_ROOT/packages/flutter_tools/bin.
  # Add search paths from $FLUTTER_ROOT/bin/cache/artifacts/engine.
  artifacts_dir = File.join('..', '..', '..', '..', 'bin', 'cache', 'artifacts', 'engine')
  debug_framework_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(artifacts_dir, 'darwin-x64'), __FILE__)
  release_framework_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(artifacts_dir, 'darwin-x64-release'), __FILE__)

102 103 104 105 106
  unless Dir.exist?(debug_framework_dir)
    # macOS artifacts have not been downloaded.
    raise "#{debug_framework_dir} must exist. If you're running pod install manually, make sure \"flutter precache --macos\" is executed first"

107 108 109 110
  target.build_configurations.each do |build_configuration|
    # Profile can't be derived from the CocoaPods build configuration. Use release framework (for linking only).
    configuration_engine_dir = build_configuration.type == :debug ? debug_framework_dir : release_framework_dir
    build_configuration.build_settings['FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS'] = "\"#{configuration_engine_dir}\" $(inherited)"
111 112 113

    # ARM not yet supported https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/69221
    build_configuration.build_settings['EXCLUDED_ARCHS'] = 'arm64'
114 115 116 117

    # When deleted, the deployment version will inherit from the higher version derived from the 'Runner' target.
    # If the pod only supports a higher version, do not delete to correctly produce an error.
    build_configuration.build_settings.delete 'MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' if inherit_deployment_target
118 119 120 121 122 123

    # Avoid error about Pods-Runner not supporting provisioning profiles.
    # Framework signing is handled at the app layer, not per framework, so disallow individual signing.
    build_configuration.build_settings.delete 'EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY'
    build_configuration.build_settings['CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED'] = 'NO'
    build_configuration.build_settings['CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED'] = 'NO'
124 125 126

127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136
# Install pods needed to embed Flutter iOS engine and plugins.
# @example
#   target 'Runner' do
#     flutter_install_all_ios_pods
#   end
# @param [String] ios_application_path Path of the iOS directory of the Flutter app.
#                                      Optional, defaults to the Podfile directory.
def flutter_install_all_ios_pods(ios_application_path = nil)
137 138 139 140 141 142 143
  flutter_install_plugin_pods(ios_application_path, '.symlinks', 'ios')

# Same as flutter_install_all_ios_pods for macOS.
def flutter_install_all_macos_pods(macos_application_path = nil)
  flutter_install_plugin_pods(macos_application_path, File.join('Flutter', 'ephemeral', '.symlinks'), 'macos')
144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158

# Install iOS Flutter engine pod.
# @example
#   target 'Runner' do
#     flutter_install_ios_engine_pod
#   end
# @param [String] ios_application_path Path of the iOS directory of the Flutter app.
#                                      Optional, defaults to the Podfile directory.
def flutter_install_ios_engine_pod(ios_application_path = nil)
  # defined_in_file is set by CocoaPods and is a Pathname to the Podfile.
  ios_application_path ||= File.dirname(defined_in_file.realpath) if self.respond_to?(:defined_in_file)
  raise 'Could not find iOS application path' unless ios_application_path

  copied_podspec_path = File.expand_path('Flutter.podspec', File.join(ios_application_path, 'Flutter'))

161 162
  # Generate a fake podspec to represent the Flutter framework.
  # This is only necessary because plugin podspecs contain `s.dependency 'Flutter'`, and if this Podfile
  # does not add a `pod 'Flutter'` CocoaPods will try to download it from the CocoaPods trunk.
164 165 166 167 168 169
  File.open(copied_podspec_path, 'w') { |podspec|
    podspec.write <<~EOF
      # NOTE: This podspec is NOT to be published. It is only used as a local source!
      #       This is a generated file; do not edit or check into version control.

171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185
      Pod::Spec.new do |s|
        s.name             = 'Flutter'
        s.version          = '1.0.0'
        s.summary          = 'High-performance, high-fidelity mobile apps.'
        s.homepage         = 'https://flutter.io'
        s.license          = { :type => 'MIT' }
        s.author           = { 'Flutter Dev Team' => 'flutter-dev@googlegroups.com' }
        s.source           = { :git => 'https://github.com/flutter/engine', :tag => s.version.to_s }
        s.ios.deployment_target = '8.0'
        # Framework linking is handled by Flutter tooling, not CocoaPods.
        # Add a placeholder to satisfy `s.dependency 'Flutter'` plugin podspecs.
        s.vendored_frameworks = 'path/to/nothing'
186 187 188 189 190

  # Keep pod path relative so it can be checked into Podfile.lock.
  pod 'Flutter', :path => 'Flutter'

191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200
# Same as flutter_install_ios_engine_pod for macOS.
def flutter_install_macos_engine_pod(mac_application_path = nil)
  # defined_in_file is set by CocoaPods and is a Pathname to the Podfile.
  mac_application_path ||= File.dirname(defined_in_file.realpath) if self.respond_to?(:defined_in_file)
  raise 'Could not find macOS application path' unless mac_application_path

  copied_podspec_path = File.expand_path('FlutterMacOS.podspec', File.join(mac_application_path, 'Flutter', 'ephemeral'))

  # Generate a fake podspec to represent the FlutterMacOS framework.
  # This is only necessary because plugin podspecs contain `s.dependency 'FlutterMacOS'`, and if this Podfile
  # does not add a `pod 'FlutterMacOS'` CocoaPods will try to download it from the CocoaPods trunk.
202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229
  File.open(copied_podspec_path, 'w') { |podspec|
    podspec.write <<~EOF
      # NOTE: This podspec is NOT to be published. It is only used as a local source!
      #       This is a generated file; do not edit or check into version control.

      Pod::Spec.new do |s|
        s.name             = 'FlutterMacOS'
        s.version          = '1.0.0'
        s.summary          = 'High-performance, high-fidelity mobile apps.'
        s.homepage         = 'https://flutter.io'
        s.license          = { :type => 'MIT' }
        s.author           = { 'Flutter Dev Team' => 'flutter-dev@googlegroups.com' }
        s.source           = { :git => 'https://github.com/flutter/engine', :tag => s.version.to_s }
        s.osx.deployment_target = '10.11'
        # Framework linking is handled by Flutter tooling, not CocoaPods.
        # Add a placeholder to satisfy `s.dependency 'FlutterMacOS'` plugin podspecs.
        s.vendored_frameworks = 'path/to/nothing'

  # Keep pod path relative so it can be checked into Podfile.lock.
  pod 'FlutterMacOS', :path => File.join('Flutter', 'ephemeral')

# Install Flutter plugin pods.
231 232 233
# @param [String] application_path Path of the directory of the Flutter app.
#                                   Optional, defaults to the Podfile directory.
def flutter_install_plugin_pods(application_path = nil, relative_symlink_dir, platform)
  # defined_in_file is set by CocoaPods and is a Pathname to the Podfile.
235 236
  application_path ||= File.dirname(defined_in_file.realpath) if self.respond_to?(:defined_in_file)
  raise 'Could not find application path' unless application_path
237 238 239 240

  # Prepare symlinks folder. We use symlinks to avoid having Podfile.lock
  # referring to absolute paths on developers' machines.

  symlink_dir = File.expand_path(relative_symlink_dir, application_path)
242 243 244 245 246
  system('rm', '-rf', symlink_dir) # Avoid the complication of dependencies like FileUtils.

  symlink_plugins_dir = File.expand_path('plugins', symlink_dir)
  system('mkdir', '-p', symlink_plugins_dir)

247 248
  plugins_file = File.join(application_path, '..', '.flutter-plugins-dependencies')
  plugin_pods = flutter_parse_plugins_file(plugins_file, platform)
249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256
  plugin_pods.each do |plugin_hash|
    plugin_name = plugin_hash['name']
    plugin_path = plugin_hash['path']
    if (plugin_name && plugin_path)
      symlink = File.join(symlink_plugins_dir, plugin_name)
      File.symlink(plugin_path, symlink)

      # Keep pod path relative so it can be checked into Podfile.lock.
      pod plugin_name, :path => File.join(relative_symlink_dir, 'plugins', plugin_name, platform)
259 260 261

262 263
# .flutter-plugins-dependencies format documented at
# https://flutter.dev/go/plugins-list-migration
def flutter_parse_plugins_file(file, platform)
  file_path = File.expand_path(file)
266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273
  return [] unless File.exists? file_path

  dependencies_file = File.read(file)
  dependencies_hash = JSON.parse(dependencies_file)

  # dependencies_hash.dig('plugins', 'ios') not available until Ruby 2.3
  return [] unless dependencies_hash.has_key?('plugins')
  return [] unless dependencies_hash['plugins'].has_key?('ios')
  dependencies_hash['plugins'][platform] || []