expansion_tile_test.dart 7.9 KB
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// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

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class TestIcon extends StatefulWidget {
  const TestIcon({Key key}) : super(key: key);

  TestIconState createState() => TestIconState();

class TestIconState extends State<TestIcon> {
  IconThemeData iconTheme;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    iconTheme = IconTheme.of(context);
    return const Icon(Icons.expand_more);

class TestText extends StatefulWidget {
  const TestText(this.text, {Key key}) : super(key: key);

  final String text;

  TestTextState createState() => TestTextState();

class TestTextState extends State<TestText> {
  TextStyle textStyle;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    textStyle = DefaultTextStyle.of(context).style;
    return Text(widget.text);

void main() {
  const Color _dividerColor = Color(0x1f333333);
47 48 49
  const Color _accentColor = Colors.blueAccent;
  const Color _unselectedWidgetColor = Colors.black54;
  const Color _headerColor = Colors.black45;

  testWidgets('ExpansionTile initial state', (WidgetTester tester) async {
    final Key topKey = UniqueKey();
53 54 55
    const Key expandedKey = PageStorageKey<String>('expanded');
    const Key collapsedKey = PageStorageKey<String>('collapsed');
    const Key defaultKey = PageStorageKey<String>('default');

    final Key tileKey = UniqueKey();

59 60
    await tester.pumpWidget(MaterialApp(
      theme: ThemeData(
61 62 63
        platform: TargetPlatform.iOS,
        dividerColor: _dividerColor,
64 65 66
      home: Material(
        child: SingleChildScrollView(
          child: Column(
            children: <Widget>[
68 69
              ListTile(title: const Text('Top'), key: topKey),
70 71 72
                key: expandedKey,
                initiallyExpanded: true,
                title: const Text('Expanded'),
                backgroundColor: Colors.red,
                children: <Widget>[
                    key: tileKey,
77 78 79
                    title: const Text('0'),
82 83 84 85
                key: collapsedKey,
                initiallyExpanded: false,
                title: const Text('Collapsed'),
                children: <Widget>[
                    key: tileKey,
88 89 90
                    title: const Text('0'),
              const ExpansionTile(
                key: defaultKey,
94 95 96
                title: Text('Default'),
                children: <Widget>[
                  ListTile(title: Text('0')),
97 98 99 100 101 102
103 104 105

    double getHeight(Key key) => tester.getSize(find.byKey(key)).height;
106 107 108 109
    Container getContainer(Key key) => tester.firstWidget(find.descendant(
      of: find.byKey(key),
      matching: find.byType(Container),
110 111 112 113 114

    expect(getHeight(topKey), getHeight(expandedKey) - getHeight(tileKey) - 2.0);
    expect(getHeight(topKey), getHeight(collapsedKey) - 2.0);
    expect(getHeight(topKey), getHeight(defaultKey) - 2.0);

115 116
    BoxDecoration expandedContainerDecoration = getContainer(expandedKey).decoration;
    expect(expandedContainerDecoration.color, Colors.red);
117 118
    expect(expandedContainerDecoration.border.top.color, _dividerColor);
    expect(expandedContainerDecoration.border.bottom.color, _dividerColor);
119 120 121 122 123 124

    BoxDecoration collapsedContainerDecoration = getContainer(collapsedKey).decoration;
    expect(collapsedContainerDecoration.color, Colors.transparent);
    expect(collapsedContainerDecoration.border.top.color, Colors.transparent);
    expect(collapsedContainerDecoration.border.bottom.color, Colors.transparent);

125 126 127 128 129
    await tester.tap(find.text('Expanded'));
    await tester.tap(find.text('Collapsed'));
    await tester.tap(find.text('Default'));

    await tester.pump();
130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139

    // Pump to the middle of the animation for expansion.
    await tester.pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
    final BoxDecoration collapsingContainerDecoration = getContainer(collapsedKey).decoration;
    expect(collapsingContainerDecoration.color, Colors.transparent);
    // Opacity should change but color component should remain the same.
    expect(collapsingContainerDecoration.border.top.color, const Color(0x15333333));
    expect(collapsingContainerDecoration.border.bottom.color, const Color(0x15333333));

    // Pump all the way to the end now.
140 141 142 143 144
    await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1));

    expect(getHeight(topKey), getHeight(expandedKey) - 2.0);
    expect(getHeight(topKey), getHeight(collapsedKey) - getHeight(tileKey) - 2.0);
    expect(getHeight(topKey), getHeight(defaultKey) - getHeight(tileKey) - 2.0);
145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154

    // Expanded should be collapsed now.
    expandedContainerDecoration = getContainer(expandedKey).decoration;
    expect(expandedContainerDecoration.color, Colors.transparent);
    expect(expandedContainerDecoration.border.top.color, Colors.transparent);
    expect(expandedContainerDecoration.border.bottom.color, Colors.transparent);

    // Collapsed should be expanded now.
    collapsedContainerDecoration = getContainer(collapsedKey).decoration;
    expect(collapsedContainerDecoration.color, Colors.transparent);
155 156
    expect(collapsedContainerDecoration.border.top.color, _dividerColor);
    expect(collapsedContainerDecoration.border.bottom.color, _dividerColor);
158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217

  testWidgets('ListTileTheme', (WidgetTester tester) async {
    final Key expandedTitleKey = UniqueKey();
    final Key collapsedTitleKey = UniqueKey();
    final Key expandedIconKey = UniqueKey();
    final Key collapsedIconKey = UniqueKey();

    await tester.pumpWidget(
        theme: ThemeData(
          platform: TargetPlatform.iOS,
          accentColor: _accentColor,
          unselectedWidgetColor: _unselectedWidgetColor,
          textTheme: const TextTheme(subhead: TextStyle(color: _headerColor)),
        home: Material(
          child: SingleChildScrollView(
            child: Column(
              children: <Widget>[
                const ListTile(title: Text('Top')),
                  initiallyExpanded: true,
                  title: TestText('Expanded', key: expandedTitleKey),
                  backgroundColor: Colors.red,
                  children: const <Widget>[ListTile(title: Text('0'))],
                  trailing: TestIcon(key: expandedIconKey),
                  initiallyExpanded: false,
                  title: TestText('Collapsed', key: collapsedTitleKey),
                  children: const <Widget>[ListTile(title: Text('0'))],
                  trailing: TestIcon(key: collapsedIconKey),

    Color iconColor(Key key) => tester.state<TestIconState>(find.byKey(key)).iconTheme.color;
    Color textColor(Key key) => tester.state<TestTextState>(find.byKey(key)).textStyle.color;

    expect(textColor(expandedTitleKey), _accentColor);
    expect(textColor(collapsedTitleKey), _headerColor);
    expect(iconColor(expandedIconKey), _accentColor);
    expect(iconColor(collapsedIconKey), _unselectedWidgetColor);

    // Tap both tiles to change their state: collapse and extend respectively
    await tester.tap(find.text('Expanded'));
    await tester.tap(find.text('Collapsed'));
    await tester.pump();
    await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1));
    await tester.pump(const Duration(seconds: 1));

    expect(textColor(expandedTitleKey), _headerColor);
    expect(textColor(collapsedTitleKey), _accentColor);
    expect(iconColor(expandedIconKey), _unselectedWidgetColor);
    expect(iconColor(collapsedIconKey), _accentColor);