to_string_test.dart 1.58 KB
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// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'package:flutter/physics.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';

class TestSimulation extends Simulation {
  double x(double t) => 0.0;

  double dx(double t) => 0.0;

  bool isDone(double t) => true;

void main() {
  test('Simulation.toString', () {
    expect(ClampedSimulation(TestSimulation(), xMin: -1.0, xMax: 2.0, dxMin: -3.0, dxMax: 4.0).toString(), 'ClampedSimulation(simulation: TestSimulation, x: -1.0..2.0, dx: -3.0..4.0)');
    expect(TestSimulation().toString(), 'TestSimulation');
    expect(GravitySimulation(1.0, -2.0, 3.0, -4.0).toString(), 'GravitySimulation(g: 1.0, x₀: -2.0, dx₀: -4.0, xₘₐₓ: ±3.0)');
    expect(FrictionSimulation(1.0, -2.0, 3.0).toString(), 'FrictionSimulation(cₓ: 1.0, x₀: -2.0, dx₀: 3.0)');
    expect(BoundedFrictionSimulation(1.0, -2.0, 3.0, -4.0, 5.0).toString(), 'BoundedFrictionSimulation(cₓ: 1.0, x₀: -2.0, dx₀: 3.0, x: -4.0..5.0)');
    expect(const SpringDescription(mass: 1.0, stiffness: -2.0, damping: 3.0).toString(), 'SpringDescription(mass: 1.0, stiffness: -2.0, damping: 3.0)');
    expect(SpringDescription.withDampingRatio(mass: 1.0, stiffness: 9.0).toString(), 'SpringDescription(mass: 1.0, stiffness: 9.0, damping: 6.0)');
    expect(SpringSimulation(const SpringDescription(mass: 1.0, stiffness: 2.0, damping: 3.0), 0.0, 1.0, 2.0).toString(), 'SpringSimulation(end: 1.0, SpringType.overDamped)');