analysis_options_user.yaml 2.92 KB
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# Specify analysis options.
# Until there are meta linter rules, each desired lint must be explicitly enabled.
# See:
# For a list of lints, see:
# See the configuration guide for more
# There are four similar analysis options files in the flutter repos:
#   - analysis_options.yaml
#   - packages/flutter/lib/analysis_options_user.yaml (this file)
#   -
#   -
# This file contains the analysis options used by "flutter analyze" and the
# dartanalyzer when analyzing code outside the flutter repository. It isn't named
# 'analysis_options.yaml' because otherwise editors would use it when analyzing
# the flutter tool itself.
# When editing, make sure you keep this and /analysis_options.yaml consistent.

    # treat missing required parameters as a warning (not a hint)
    missing_required_param: warning

    # these rules are documented on and in the same order as
    # the Dart Lint rules page to make maintenance easier
    # - always_declare_return_types
    # - always_specify_types
    # - annotate_overrides
    # - avoid_as
    - avoid_empty_else
    - avoid_init_to_null
    - avoid_return_types_on_setters
    - avoid_web_libraries_in_flutter
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    - await_only_futures
    - camel_case_types
    - cancel_subscriptions
    - close_sinks
    # - comment_references # we do not presume as to what people want to reference in their dartdocs
    # - constant_identifier_names #
    - control_flow_in_finally
    - empty_constructor_bodies
    - empty_statements
    - hash_and_equals
    - implementation_imports
    # - invariant_booleans
    # - iterable_contains_unrelated_type
    - library_names
    # - library_prefixes
    # - list_remove_unrelated_type
    # - literal_only_boolean_expressions
    - non_constant_identifier_names
    # - one_member_abstracts
    # - only_throw_errors
    # - overridden_fields
    - package_api_docs
    - package_names
    - package_prefixed_library_names
    - prefer_is_not_empty
    # - prefer_mixin #
    # - public_member_api_docs
    - slash_for_doc_comments
    # - sort_constructors_first
    # - sort_unnamed_constructors_first
    # - super_goes_last # no longer needed w/ Dart 2
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    - test_types_in_equals
    - throw_in_finally
    # - type_annotate_public_apis # subset of always_specify_types
    - type_init_formals
    # - unawaited_futures
    - unnecessary_brace_in_string_interps
    - unnecessary_getters_setters
    - unnecessary_statements
    - unrelated_type_equality_checks
    - valid_regexps