bash_entrypoint_test.dart 4.79 KB
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// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';

import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/io.dart';

import '../src/common.dart';
import 'test_utils.dart';

final String flutterRootPath = getFlutterRoot();
final Directory flutterRoot =;

Future<void> main() async {
  test('verify terminating flutter/bin/dart terminates the underlying dart process', () async {
    final Completer<void> childReadyCompleter = Completer<void>();
    String stdout = '';
    final Process process = await processManager.start(
    final Future<Object?> stdoutFuture = process.stdout
        .forEach((String str) {
          stdout += str;
          if (stdout.contains('Ready to receive signals') && !childReadyCompleter.isCompleted) {
    // Ensure that the child app has registered its signal handler
    await childReadyCompleter.future;
    final bool killSuccess = process.kill();
    expect(killSuccess, true);
    // Wait for stdout to complete
    await stdoutFuture;
    // Ensure child exited successfully
        await process.exitCode,
        reason: 'child process exited with code ${await process.exitCode}, and '
    expect(stdout, contains('Successfully received SIGTERM!'));
  skip: platform.isWindows); // [intended] Windows does not use the bash entrypoint
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108

  test(' does not compile flutter tool if PROG_NAME=dart', () async {
    final Directory tempDir = fileSystem.systemTempDirectory.createTempSync('bash_entrypoint_test');
    try {
      // bash script checks it is in a git repo
      ProcessResult result = await<String>['git', 'init'], workingDirectory: tempDir.path);
      expect(result, const ProcessResultMatcher());
      result = await<String>['git', 'commit', '--allow-empty', '-m', 'init commit'], workingDirectory: tempDir.path);
      expect(result, const ProcessResultMatcher());

      // copy dart and to temp dir
      final File trueSharedSh = flutterRoot.childDirectory('bin').childDirectory('internal').childFile('');
      final File fakeSharedSh = (tempDir.childDirectory('bin').childDirectory('internal')
          ..createSync(recursive: true))
      final File fakeDartBash = tempDir.childDirectory('bin').childFile('dart');
      // mark dart executable

      // create no-op fake script
      final File updateDartSdk = tempDir.childDirectory('bin').childDirectory('internal').childFile('')..writeAsStringSync('''
#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo downloaded dart sdk

      // create a fake dart runtime
      final File dartBin = (tempDir.childDirectory('bin')
          ..createSync(recursive: true))
#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo executed dart binary

      result = await<String>[fakeDartBash.path]);
      expect(result, const ProcessResultMatcher());
        (result.stdout as String).split('\n'),
        // verify we ran updateDartSdk and dartBin
        containsAll(<String>['downloaded dart sdk', 'executed dart binary']),

      // Verify we did not try to compile the flutter_tool
      expect(result.stderr, isNot(contains('Building flutter tool...')));
    } finally {
  skip: platform.isWindows); // [intended] Windows does not use the bash entrypoint
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// A test Dart app that will run until it receives SIGTERM
File get listenForSigtermScript {
  return flutterRoot

// The executable bash entrypoint for the Dart binary.
File get dartBash {
  return flutterRoot
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void makeExecutable(File file) {
  final ProcessResult result = processManager.runSync(<String>['chmod', '+x', file.path]);
  expect(result, const ProcessResultMatcher());