scroll_simulation_test.dart 6.65 KB
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Ian Hickson committed
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
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// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

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import 'dart:math' as math;

import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
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void main() {
  test('ClampingScrollSimulation has a stable initial conditions', () {
    void checkInitialConditions(double position, double velocity) {
      final ClampingScrollSimulation simulation = ClampingScrollSimulation(position: position, velocity: velocity);
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      expect(simulation.x(0.0), moreOrLessEquals(position));
      expect(simulation.dx(0.0), moreOrLessEquals(velocity));
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    checkInitialConditions(51.0, 2866.91537);
    checkInitialConditions(584.0, 2617.294734);
    checkInitialConditions(345.0, 1982.785934);
    checkInitialConditions(0.0, 1831.366634);
    checkInitialConditions(-156.2, 1541.57665);
    checkInitialConditions(4.0, 1139.250439);
    checkInitialConditions(4534.0, 1073.553798);
    checkInitialConditions(75.0, 614.2093);
    checkInitialConditions(5469.0, 182.114534);
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  test('ClampingScrollSimulation only decelerates, never speeds up', () {
    // Regression test for
    final ClampingScrollSimulation simulation =
        ClampingScrollSimulation(position: 0, velocity: 8000.0);
    double time = 0.0;
    double velocity = simulation.dx(time);
    while (!simulation.isDone(time)) {
      expect(time, lessThan(3.0));
      time += 1 / 60;
      final double nextVelocity = simulation.dx(time);
      expect(nextVelocity, lessThanOrEqualTo(velocity));
      velocity = nextVelocity;

  test('ClampingScrollSimulation reaches a smooth stop: velocity is continuous and goes to zero', () {
    // Regression test for
    const double initialVelocity = 8000.0;
    const double maxDeceleration = 5130.0; // -acceleration(initialVelocity), from formula below
    final ClampingScrollSimulation simulation =
        ClampingScrollSimulation(position: 0, velocity: initialVelocity);

    double time = 0.0;
    double velocity = simulation.dx(time);
    const double delta = 1 / 60;
    do {
      expect(time, lessThan(3.0));
      time += delta;
      final double nextVelocity = simulation.dx(time);
      expect((nextVelocity - velocity).abs(), lessThan(delta * maxDeceleration));
      velocity = nextVelocity;
    } while (!simulation.isDone(time));
    expect(velocity, moreOrLessEquals(0.0));

  test('ClampingScrollSimulation is ballistic', () {
    // Regression test for
    const double delta = 1 / 90;
    final ClampingScrollSimulation undisturbed =
        ClampingScrollSimulation(position: 0, velocity: 8000.0);

    double time = 0.0;
    ClampingScrollSimulation restarted = undisturbed;
    final List<double> xsRestarted = <double>[];
    final List<double> xsUndisturbed = <double>[];
    final List<double> dxsRestarted = <double>[];
    final List<double> dxsUndisturbed = <double>[];
    do {
      expect(time, lessThan(4.0));
      time += delta;
      restarted = ClampingScrollSimulation(
          position: restarted.x(delta), velocity: restarted.dx(delta));
    } while (!restarted.isDone(0) || !undisturbed.isDone(time));

    // Compare the headline number first: the total distances traveled.
    // This way, if the test fails, it shows the big final difference
    // instead of the tiny difference that's in the very first frame.
    expect(xsRestarted.last, moreOrLessEquals(xsUndisturbed.last));

    // The whole trajectories along the way should match too.
    for (int i = 0; i < xsRestarted.length; i++) {
      expect(xsRestarted[i],  moreOrLessEquals(xsUndisturbed[i]));
      expect(dxsRestarted[i], moreOrLessEquals(dxsUndisturbed[i]));

  test('ClampingScrollSimulation satisfies a physical acceleration formula', () {
    // Different regression test for
    // This one provides a formula for the particle's acceleration as a function
    // of its velocity, and checks that it behaves according to that formula.
    // The point isn't that it's this specific formula, but just that there's
    // some formula which depends only on velocity, not time, so that the
    // physical metaphor makes sense.

    // Copied from the implementation.
    final double kDecelerationRate = math.log(0.78) / math.log(0.9);

    // Same as the referenceVelocity in _flingDuration.
    const double referenceVelocity = .015 * 9.80665 * 39.37 * 160.0 * 0.84 / 0.35;

    // The value of _duration when velocity == referenceVelocity.
    final double referenceDuration = kDecelerationRate * 0.35;

    // The rate of deceleration when dx(time) == referenceVelocity.
    final double referenceDeceleration = (kDecelerationRate - 1) * referenceVelocity / referenceDuration;

    double acceleration(double velocity) {
      return - velocity.sign
                 * referenceDeceleration *
                 math.pow(velocity.abs() / referenceVelocity,
                          (kDecelerationRate - 2) / (kDecelerationRate - 1));

    double jerk(double velocity) {
      return referenceVelocity / referenceDuration / referenceDuration
               * (kDecelerationRate - 1) * (kDecelerationRate - 2)
               * math.pow(velocity.abs() / referenceVelocity,
                          (kDecelerationRate - 3) / (kDecelerationRate - 1));

    void checkAcceleration(double position, double velocity) {
      final ClampingScrollSimulation simulation =
          ClampingScrollSimulation(position: position, velocity: velocity);
      double time = 0.0;
      const double delta = 1/60;
      for (; time < 2.0; time += delta) {
        final double difference = simulation.dx(time + delta) - simulation.dx(time);
        final double predictedDifference = delta * acceleration(simulation.dx(time + delta/2));
        final double maxThirdDerivative = jerk(simulation.dx(time + delta));
        expect((difference - predictedDifference).abs(),
            lessThan(maxThirdDerivative * math.pow(delta, 2)/2));

    checkAcceleration(51.0, 2866.91537);
    checkAcceleration(584.0, 2617.294734);
    checkAcceleration(345.0, 1982.785934);
    checkAcceleration(0.0, 1831.366634);
    checkAcceleration(-156.2, 1541.57665);
    checkAcceleration(4.0, 1139.250439);
    checkAcceleration(4534.0, 1073.553798);
    checkAcceleration(75.0, 614.2093);
    checkAcceleration(5469.0, 182.114534);