physical_key_data.dart 13.6 KB
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// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:convert';

import 'utils.dart';
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/// The data structure used to manage keyboard key entries.
/// The main constructor parses the given input data into the data structure.
/// The data structure can be also loaded and saved to JSON, with the
/// [PhysicalKeyData.fromJson] constructor and [toJson] method, respectively.
class PhysicalKeyData {
  factory PhysicalKeyData(
    String chromiumHidCodes,
    String androidKeyboardLayout,
    String androidNameMap,
  ) {
    final Map<String, List<int>> nameToAndroidScanCodes = _readAndroidScanCodes(androidKeyboardLayout, androidNameMap);
    final Map<String, PhysicalKeyEntry> data = _readHidEntries(
    final List<MapEntry<String, PhysicalKeyEntry>> sortedEntries = data.entries.toList()..sort(
      (MapEntry<String, PhysicalKeyEntry> a, MapEntry<String, PhysicalKeyEntry> b) =>
        PhysicalKeyEntry.compareByUsbHidCode(a.value, b.value),
    return PhysicalKeyData._(data);

  /// Parses the given JSON data and populates the data structure from it.
  factory PhysicalKeyData.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> contentMap) {
    final Map<String, PhysicalKeyEntry> data = <String, PhysicalKeyEntry>{};
    for (final MapEntry<String, dynamic> jsonEntry in contentMap.entries) {
      final PhysicalKeyEntry entry = PhysicalKeyEntry.fromJsonMapEntry(jsonEntry.value as Map<String, dynamic>);
      data[] = entry;
    return PhysicalKeyData._(data);


  /// Find an entry from name, or null if not found.
  PhysicalKeyEntry? tryEntryByName(String name) {
    return _data[name];

  /// Find an entry from name.
  /// Asserts if the name is not found.
  PhysicalKeyEntry entryByName(String name) {
    final PhysicalKeyEntry? entry = tryEntryByName(name);
    assert(entry != null,
        'Unable to find logical entry by name $name.');
    return entry!;

  /// All entries.
  Iterable<PhysicalKeyEntry> get entries => _data.values;

  // Keys mapped from their names.
  final Map<String, PhysicalKeyEntry> _data;

  /// Converts the data structure into a JSON structure that can be parsed by
  /// [PhysicalKeyData.fromJson].
  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
    final Map<String, dynamic> outputMap = <String, dynamic>{};
    for (final PhysicalKeyEntry entry in _data.values) {
      outputMap[] = entry.toJson();
    return outputMap;

  /// Parses entries from Android's `Generic.kl` scan code data file.
80 81
  /// Lines in this file look like this (without the ///):
82 83
  /// ```
84 85 86
  /// key 100   ALT_RIGHT
  /// # key 101 "KEY_LINEFEED"
  /// key 477   F12               FUNCTION
  /// ```
nt4f04uNd's avatar
nt4f04uNd committed
  /// We parse the commented out lines as well as the non-commented lines, so
90 91 92
  /// that we can get names for all of the available scan codes, not just ones
  /// defined for the generic profile.
  /// Some keys (notably `MEDIA_EJECT`) can be mapped to more than
94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163
  /// one scan code, so the mapping can't just be 1:1, it has to be 1:many.
  static Map<String, List<int>> _readAndroidScanCodes(String keyboardLayout, String nameMap) {
    final RegExp keyEntry = RegExp(
      r'#?\s*' // Optional comment mark
      r'key\s+' // Literal "key"
      r'(?<id>[0-9]+)\s*' // ID section
      r'"?(?:KEY_)?(?<name>[0-9A-Z_]+|\(undefined\))"?\s*' // Name section
      r'(?<function>FUNCTION)?' // Optional literal "FUNCTION"
    final Map<String, List<int>> androidNameToScanCodes = <String, List<int>>{};
    for (final RegExpMatch match in keyEntry.allMatches(keyboardLayout)) {
      if (match.namedGroup('function') == 'FUNCTION') {
        // Skip odd duplicate Android FUNCTION keys (F1-F12 are already defined).
      final String name = match.namedGroup('name')!;
      if (name == '(undefined)') {
        // Skip undefined scan codes.
      androidNameToScanCodes.putIfAbsent(name, () => <int>[])

    // Cast Android dom map
    final Map<String, List<String>> nameToAndroidNames = (json.decode(nameMap) as Map<String, dynamic>)
      .cast<String, List<dynamic>>()
      .map<String, List<String>>((String key, List<dynamic> value) {
        return MapEntry<String, List<String>>(key, value.cast<String>());

    final Map<String, List<int>> result = name, List<String> androidNames) {
      final Set<int> scanCodes = <int>{};
      for (final String androidName in androidNames) {
        scanCodes.addAll(androidNameToScanCodes[androidName] ?? <int>[]);
      return MapEntry<String, List<int>>(name, scanCodes.toList()..sort());

    return result;

  /// Parses entries from Chromium's HID code mapping header file.
  /// Lines in this file look like this (without the ///):
  ///            USB       evdev   XKB     Win     Mac     Code     Enum
  /// DOM_CODE(0x000010, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xffff, "Hyper", HYPER),
  static Map<String, PhysicalKeyEntry> _readHidEntries(
    String input,
    Map<String, List<int>> nameToAndroidScanCodes,
  ) {
    final Map<int, PhysicalKeyEntry> entries = <int, PhysicalKeyEntry>{};
    final RegExp usbMapRegExp = RegExp(
      // Multiline is necessary because some definitions spread across
      // multiple lines.
      multiLine: true,
    final RegExp commentRegExp = RegExp(r'//.*$', multiLine: true);
    input = input.replaceAll(commentRegExp, '');
    for (final RegExpMatch match in usbMapRegExp.allMatches(input)) {
      final int usbHidCode = getHex(match.namedGroup('usb')!);
      final int evdevCode = getHex(match.namedGroup('evdev')!);
165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172
      final int xKbScanCode = getHex(match.namedGroup('xkb')!);
      final int windowsScanCode = getHex(match.namedGroup('win')!);
      final int macScanCode = getHex(match.namedGroup('mac')!);
      final String? chromiumCode = match.namedGroup('code');
      // The input data has a typo...
      final String enumName = match.namedGroup('enum')!.replaceAll('MINIMIUM', 'MINIMUM');

      final String name = chromiumCode ?? shoutingToUpperCamel(enumName);
      if (name == 'IntlHash' || name == 'None') {
174 175 176
        // Skip key that is not actually generated by any keyboard.
177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192
      final PhysicalKeyEntry? existing = entries[usbHidCode];
      // Allow duplicate entries for Fn, which overwrites.
      if (existing != null && != 'Fn') {
        // If it's an existing entry, the only thing we currently support is
        // to insert an extra DOMKey. The other entries must be empty.
        assert(evdevCode == 0
            && xKbScanCode == 0
            && windowsScanCode == 0
            && macScanCode == 0xffff
            && chromiumCode != null
            && chromiumCode.isNotEmpty,
            'Duplicate usbHidCode ${existing.usbHidCode} of key ${} '
            'conflicts with existing ${entries[existing.usbHidCode]!.name}.');
193 194 195
      final PhysicalKeyEntry newEntry = PhysicalKeyEntry(
        usbHidCode: usbHidCode,
        androidScanCodes: nameToAndroidScanCodes[name] ?? <int>[],
        evdevCode: evdevCode == 0 ? null : evdevCode,
197 198
        xKbScanCode: xKbScanCode == 0 ? null : xKbScanCode,
        windowsScanCode: windowsScanCode == 0 ? null : windowsScanCode,
199 200
        macOSScanCode: macScanCode == 0xffff ? null : macScanCode,
        iOSScanCode: (usbHidCode & 0x070000) == 0x070000 ? (usbHidCode ^ 0x070000) : null,
201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222
        name: name,
        chromiumCode: chromiumCode,
      entries[newEntry.usbHidCode] = newEntry;
    return code, PhysicalKeyEntry entry) =>
        MapEntry<String, PhysicalKeyEntry>(, entry));

/// A single entry in the key data structure.
/// Can be read from JSON with the [PhysicalKeyEntry.fromJsonMapEntry] constructor, or
/// written with the [toJson] method.
class PhysicalKeyEntry {
  /// Creates a single key entry from available data.
  /// The [usbHidCode] and [chromiumName] parameters must not be null.
    required this.usbHidCode,
    required this.androidScanCodes,
    required this.evdevCode,
224 225
    required this.xKbScanCode,
    required this.windowsScanCode,
226 227
    required this.macOSScanCode,
    required this.iOSScanCode,
    required this.chromiumCode,
229 230
    List<String>? otherWebCodes,
  }) : otherWebCodes = otherWebCodes ?? <String>[];
231 232 233

  /// Populates the key from a JSON map.
  factory PhysicalKeyEntry.fromJsonMapEntry(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
234 235
    final Map<String, dynamic> names = map['names'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
    final Map<String, dynamic> scanCodes = map['scanCodes'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
    return PhysicalKeyEntry(
237 238 239 240
      name: names['name'] as String,
      chromiumCode: names['chromium'] as String?,
      usbHidCode: scanCodes['usb'] as int,
      androidScanCodes: (scanCodes['android'] as List<dynamic>?)?.cast<int>() ?? <int>[],
      evdevCode: scanCodes['linux'] as int?,
242 243 244 245
      xKbScanCode: scanCodes['xkb'] as int?,
      windowsScanCode: scanCodes['windows'] as int?,
      macOSScanCode: scanCodes['macos'] as int?,
      iOSScanCode: scanCodes['ios'] as int?,
      otherWebCodes: (map['otherWebCodes'] as List<dynamic>?)?.cast<String>(),
247 248 249 250 251 252

  /// The USB HID code of the key
  final int usbHidCode;

253 254
  /// The Evdev scan code of the key, from Chromium's header file.
  final int? evdevCode;
255 256 257 258 259
  /// The XKb scan code of the key from Chromium's header file.
  final int? xKbScanCode;
  /// The Windows scan code of the key from Chromium's header file.
  final int? windowsScanCode;
  /// The macOS scan code of the key from Chromium's header file.
  final int? macOSScanCode;
  /// The iOS scan code of the key from UIKey's documentation (USB Hid table)
  final int? iOSScanCode;
263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272
  /// The list of Android scan codes matching this key, created by looking up
  /// the Android name in the Chromium data, and substituting the Android scan
  /// code value.
  final List<int> androidScanCodes;
  /// The name of the key, mostly derived from the DomKey name in Chromium,
  /// but where there was no DomKey representation, derived from the Chromium
  /// symbol name.
  final String name;
  /// The Chromium event code for the key.
  final String? chromiumCode;
273 274
  /// Other codes used by Web besides chromiumCode.
  final List<String> otherWebCodes;

276 277 278 279
  Iterable<String> webCodes() sync* {
    if (chromiumCode != null) {
      yield chromiumCode!;
    yield* otherWebCodes;
281 282

283 284 285 286 287 288 289
  /// Creates a JSON map from the key data.
  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
    return removeEmptyValues(<String, dynamic>{
      'names': <String, dynamic>{
        'name': name,
        'chromium': chromiumCode,
      'otherWebCodes': otherWebCodes,
291 292 293
      'scanCodes': <String, dynamic>{
        'android': androidScanCodes,
        'usb': usbHidCode,
        'linux': evdevCode,
295 296
        'xkb': xKbScanCode,
        'windows': windowsScanCode,
297 298
        'macos': macOSScanCode,
        'ios': iOSScanCode,
299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318

  static String getCommentName(String constantName) {
    String upperCamel = lowerCamelToUpperCamel(constantName);
    upperCamel = upperCamel.replaceAllMapped(
      (Match match) => '${} ${}',
    return upperCamel.replaceAllMapped(RegExp(r'([A-Z])'), (Match match) => ' ${}').trim();

  /// Gets the name of the key suitable for placing in comments.
  /// Takes the [constantName] and converts it from lower camel case to capitalized
  /// separate words (e.g. "wakeUp" converts to "Wake Up").
  String get commentName => getCommentName(constantName);

  /// Gets the named used for the key constant in the definitions in
  /// keyboard_key.g.dart.
320 321 322 323 324
  /// If set by the constructor, returns the name set, but otherwise constructs
  /// the name from the various different names available, making sure that the
  /// name isn't a Dart reserved word (if it is, then it adds the word "Key" to
  /// the end of the name).
  late final String constantName = (() {
326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341
    String? result;
    if (name.isEmpty) {
      // If it doesn't have a DomKey name then use the Chromium symbol name.
      result = chromiumCode;
    } else {
      result = upperCamelToLowerCamel(name);
    result ??= 'Key${toHex(usbHidCode)}';
    if (kDartReservedWords.contains(result)) {
      return '${result}Key';
    return result;

  String toString() {
342 343 344
    final String otherWebStr = otherWebCodes.isEmpty
        ? ''
        : ', otherWebCodes: [${otherWebCodes.join(', ')}]';
    return """'$constantName': (name: "$name", usbHidCode: ${toHex(usbHidCode)}, """
        'linuxScanCode: ${toHex(evdevCode)}, xKbScanCode: ${toHex(xKbScanCode)}, '
        'windowsKeyCode: ${toHex(windowsScanCode)}, macOSScanCode: ${toHex(macOSScanCode)}, '
        'windowsScanCode: ${toHex(windowsScanCode)}, chromiumSymbolName: $chromiumCode '
        'iOSScanCode: ${toHex(iOSScanCode)})$otherWebStr';
350 351 352 353 354

  static int compareByUsbHidCode(PhysicalKeyEntry a, PhysicalKeyEntry b) =>