web_benchmarks.dart 15.9 KB
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert' show json;
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'dart:math' as math;

import 'package:macrobenchmarks/src/web/bench_text_layout.dart';
11 12
import 'package:macrobenchmarks/src/web/bench_text_out_of_picture_bounds.dart';

import 'src/web/bench_build_image.dart';
import 'src/web/bench_build_material_checkbox.dart';
import 'src/web/bench_card_infinite_scroll.dart';
import 'src/web/bench_child_layers.dart';
import 'src/web/bench_clipped_out_pictures.dart';
import 'src/web/bench_default_target_platform.dart';
import 'src/web/bench_draw_rect.dart';
import 'src/web/bench_dynamic_clip_on_static_picture.dart';
21 22
import 'src/web/bench_mouse_region_grid_hover.dart';
import 'src/web/bench_mouse_region_grid_scroll.dart';
import 'src/web/bench_mouse_region_mixed_grid_hover.dart';
import 'src/web/bench_pageview_scroll_linethrough.dart';
import 'src/web/bench_paths.dart';
import 'src/web/bench_picture_recording.dart';
27 28
import 'src/web/bench_simple_lazy_text_scroll.dart';
import 'src/web/bench_text_out_of_picture_bounds.dart';
import 'src/web/bench_wrapbox_scroll.dart';
30 31 32 33
import 'src/web/recorder.dart';

typedef RecorderFactory = Recorder Function();

34 35
const bool isCanvasKit = bool.fromEnvironment('FLUTTER_WEB_USE_SKIA', defaultValue: false);

36 37 38 39
/// List of all benchmarks that run in the devicelab.
/// When adding a new benchmark, add it to this map. Make sure that the name
/// of your benchmark is unique.
final Map<String, RecorderFactory> benchmarks = <String, RecorderFactory>{
  // Benchmarks that run both in CanvasKit and HTML modes
  BenchDefaultTargetPlatform.benchmarkName: () => BenchDefaultTargetPlatform(),
  BenchBuildImage.benchmarkName: () => BenchBuildImage(),
44 45
  BenchCardInfiniteScroll.benchmarkName: () => BenchCardInfiniteScroll.forward(),
  BenchCardInfiniteScroll.benchmarkNameBackward: () => BenchCardInfiniteScroll.backward(),
  BenchClippedOutPictures.benchmarkName: () => BenchClippedOutPictures(),
47 48
  BenchDrawRect.benchmarkName: () => BenchDrawRect.staticPaint(),
  BenchDrawRect.variablePaintBenchmarkName: () => BenchDrawRect.variablePaint(),
  BenchPathRecording.benchmarkName: () => BenchPathRecording(),
50 51
  BenchTextOutOfPictureBounds.benchmarkName: () => BenchTextOutOfPictureBounds(),
  BenchSimpleLazyTextScroll.benchmarkName: () => BenchSimpleLazyTextScroll(),
  BenchBuildMaterialCheckbox.benchmarkName: () => BenchBuildMaterialCheckbox(),
  BenchDynamicClipOnStaticPicture.benchmarkName: () => BenchDynamicClipOnStaticPicture(),
  BenchPageViewScrollLineThrough.benchmarkName: () => BenchPageViewScrollLineThrough(),
  BenchPictureRecording.benchmarkName: () => BenchPictureRecording(),
  BenchUpdateManyChildLayers.benchmarkName: () => BenchUpdateManyChildLayers(),
57 58
  BenchMouseRegionGridScroll.benchmarkName: () => BenchMouseRegionGridScroll(),
  BenchMouseRegionGridHover.benchmarkName: () => BenchMouseRegionGridHover(),
  BenchMouseRegionMixedGridHover.benchmarkName: () => BenchMouseRegionMixedGridHover(),
  BenchWrapBoxScroll.benchmarkName: () => BenchWrapBoxScroll(),
61 62 63 64

  // CanvasKit-only benchmarks
  if (isCanvasKit) ...<String, RecorderFactory>{
    BenchTextLayout.canvasKitBenchmarkName: () => BenchTextLayout.canvasKit(),
    BenchBuildColorsGrid.canvasKitBenchmarkName: () => BenchBuildColorsGrid.canvasKit(),
66 67
    BenchTextCachedLayout.canvasKitBenchmarkName: () => BenchTextCachedLayout.canvasKit(),

  // HTML-only benchmarks
  if (!isCanvasKit) ...<String, RecorderFactory>{
71 72 73 74
    BenchTextLayout.domBenchmarkName: () => BenchTextLayout.dom(),
    BenchTextLayout.canvasBenchmarkName: () => BenchTextLayout.canvas(),
    BenchTextCachedLayout.domBenchmarkName: () => BenchTextCachedLayout.dom(),
    BenchTextCachedLayout.canvasBenchmarkName: () => BenchTextCachedLayout.canvas(),
75 76
    BenchBuildColorsGrid.domBenchmarkName: () => BenchBuildColorsGrid.dom(),
    BenchBuildColorsGrid.canvasBenchmarkName: () => BenchBuildColorsGrid.canvas(),
78 79

final LocalBenchmarkServerClient _client = LocalBenchmarkServerClient();
81 82 83

Future<void> main() async {
  // Check if the benchmark server wants us to run a specific benchmark.
84 85 86
  final String nextBenchmark = await _client.requestNextBenchmark();

  if (nextBenchmark == LocalBenchmarkServerClient.kManualFallback) {
87 88 89 90
    _fallbackToManual('The server did not tell us which benchmark to run next.');

  await _runBenchmark(nextBenchmark);
92 93 94 95

Future<void> _runBenchmark(String benchmarkName) async {
  final RecorderFactory? recorderFactory = benchmarks[benchmarkName];
97 98 99 100 101 102

  if (recorderFactory == null) {
    _fallbackToManual('Benchmark $benchmarkName not found.');

103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144
  await runZoned<Future<void>>(
    () async {
      final Recorder recorder = recorderFactory();
      final Runner runner = recorder.isTracingEnabled && !_client.isInManualMode
          ? Runner(
              recorder: recorder,
              setUpAllDidRun: () => _client.startPerformanceTracing(benchmarkName),
              tearDownAllWillRun: _client.stopPerformanceTracing,
          : Runner(recorder: recorder);

      final Profile profile = await runner.run();
      if (!_client.isInManualMode) {
        await _client.sendProfileData(profile);
      } else {
    zoneSpecification: ZoneSpecification(
      print: (Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, String line) async {
        if (_client.isInManualMode) {
          parent.print(zone, '[$benchmarkName] $line');
        } else {
          await _client.printToConsole(line);
      handleUncaughtError: (
        Zone self,
        ZoneDelegate parent,
        Zone zone, Object error,
        StackTrace stackTrace,
      ) async {
        if (_client.isInManualMode) {
          parent.print(zone, '[$benchmarkName] $error, $stackTrace');
          parent.handleUncaughtError(zone, error, stackTrace);
        } else {
          await _client.reportError(error, stackTrace);
145 146 147

void _fallbackToManual(String error) {
149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165
    <div id="manual-panel">

      <p>Choose one of the following benchmarks:</p>

      <!-- Absolutely position it so it receives the clicks and not the glasspane -->
      <ul style="position: absolute">
            .map((String name) => '<li><button id="$name">$name</button></li>')
  ''', validator: html.NodeValidatorBuilder()..allowHtml5()..allowInlineStyles());

  for (final String benchmarkName in benchmarks.keys) {
    final html.Element button = html.document.querySelector('#$benchmarkName')!;
    button.addEventListener('click', (_) {
      final html.Element? manualPanel = html.document.querySelector('#manual-panel');
169 170 171 172 173 174

175 176
/// Visualizes results on the Web page for manual inspection.
void _printResultsToScreen(Profile profile) {
  html.document.body = html.BodyElement();
180 181

  profile.scoreData.forEach((String scoreKey, Timeseries timeseries) {
182 183 184
185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192

/// Draws timeseries data and statistics on a canvas.
class TimeseriesVisualization {
  TimeseriesVisualization(this._timeseries) {
    _stats = _timeseries.computeStats();
    _canvas = html.CanvasElement();
    _screenWidth = html.window.screen!.width!;
194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213
    _canvas.width = _screenWidth;
    _canvas.height = (_kCanvasHeight * html.window.devicePixelRatio).round();
      ..width = '100%'
      ..height = '${_kCanvasHeight}px'
      ..outline = '1px solid green';
    _ctx = _canvas.context2D;

    // The amount of vertical space available on the chart. Because some
    // outliers can be huge they can dwarf all the useful values. So we
    // limit it to 1.5 x the biggest non-outlier.
    _maxValueChartRange = 1.5 * _stats.samples
      .where((AnnotatedSample sample) => !sample.isOutlier)
      .map<double>((AnnotatedSample sample) => sample.magnitude)
      .fold<double>(0, math.max);

  static const double _kCanvasHeight = 200;

  final Timeseries _timeseries;
214 215 216 217
  late TimeseriesStats _stats;
  late html.CanvasElement _canvas;
  late html.CanvasRenderingContext2D _ctx;
  late int _screenWidth;
218 219

  // Used to normalize benchmark values to chart height.
  late double _maxValueChartRange;
221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247

  /// Converts a sample value to vertical canvas coordinates.
  /// This does not work for horizontal coordinates.
  double _normalized(double value) {
    return _kCanvasHeight * value / _maxValueChartRange;

  /// A utility for drawing lines.
  void drawLine(num x1, num y1, num x2, num y2) {
    _ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);
    _ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);

  /// Renders the timeseries into a `<canvas>` and returns the canvas element.
  html.CanvasElement render() {
    _ctx.translate(0, _kCanvasHeight * html.window.devicePixelRatio);
    _ctx.scale(1, -html.window.devicePixelRatio);

    final double barWidth = _screenWidth / _stats.samples.length;
    double xOffset = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < _stats.samples.length; i++) {
      final AnnotatedSample sample = _stats.samples[i];

      if (sample.isWarmUpValue) {
        // Put gray background behind warm-up samples.
249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288
        _ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(200,200,200,1)';
        _ctx.fillRect(xOffset, 0, barWidth, _normalized(_maxValueChartRange));

      if (sample.magnitude > _maxValueChartRange) {
        // The sample value is so big it doesn't fit on the chart. Paint it purple.
        _ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(100,50,100,0.8)';
      } else if (sample.isOutlier) {
        // The sample is an outlier, color it light red.
        _ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,50,50,0.6)';
      } else {
        // A non-outlier sample, color it light blue.
        _ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(50,50,255,0.6)';

      _ctx.fillRect(xOffset, 0, barWidth - 1, _normalized(sample.magnitude));
      xOffset += barWidth;

    // Draw a horizontal solid line corresponding to the average.
    _ctx.lineWidth = 1;
    drawLine(0, _normalized(_stats.average), _screenWidth, _normalized(_stats.average));

    // Draw a horizontal dashed line corresponding to the outlier cut off.
    _ctx.setLineDash(<num>[5, 5]);
    drawLine(0, _normalized(_stats.outlierCutOff), _screenWidth, _normalized(_stats.outlierCutOff));

    // Draw a light red band that shows the noise (1 stddev in each direction).
    _ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,50,50,0.3)';
      _normalized(_stats.average * (1 - _stats.noise)),
      _normalized(2 * _stats.average * _stats.noise),

    return _canvas;

289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302
/// Implements the client REST API for the local benchmark server.
/// The local server is optional. If it is not available the benchmark UI must
/// implement a manual fallback. This allows debugging benchmarks using plain
/// `flutter run`.
class LocalBenchmarkServerClient {
  /// This value is returned by [requestNextBenchmark].
  static const String kManualFallback = '__manual_fallback__';

  /// Whether we fell back to manual mode.
  /// This happens when you run benchmarks using plain `flutter run` rather than
  /// devicelab test harness. The test harness spins up a special server that
  /// provides API for automatically picking the next benchmark to run.
  bool isInManualMode = false;
304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323

  /// Asks the local server for the name of the next benchmark to run.
  /// Returns [kManualFallback] if local server is not available (uses 404 as a
  /// signal).
  Future<String> requestNextBenchmark() async {
    final html.HttpRequest request = await _requestXhr(
      method: 'POST',
      mimeType: 'application/json',
      sendData: json.encode(benchmarks.keys.toList()),

    // 404 is expected in the following cases:
    // - The benchmark is ran using plain `flutter run`, which does not provide "next-benchmark" handler.
    // - We ran all benchmarks and the benchmark is telling us there are no more benchmarks to run.
    if (request.status == 404) {
      isInManualMode = true;
      return kManualFallback;

    isInManualMode = false;
    return request.responseText!;
327 328

329 330 331 332
  void _checkNotManualMode() {
    if (isInManualMode) {
      throw StateError('Operation not supported in manual fallback mode.');
333 334

335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346
  /// Asks the local server to begin tracing performance.
  /// This uses the chrome://tracing tracer, which is not available from within
  /// the page itself, and therefore must be controlled from outside using the
  /// DevTools Protocol.
  Future<void> startPerformanceTracing(String benchmarkName) async {
    await html.HttpRequest.request(
      method: 'POST',
      mimeType: 'application/json',
347 348

349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357
  /// Stops the performance tracing session started by [startPerformanceTracing].
  Future<void> stopPerformanceTracing() async {
    await html.HttpRequest.request(
      method: 'POST',
      mimeType: 'application/json',

359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375
  /// Sends the profile data collected by the benchmark to the local benchmark
  /// server.
  Future<void> sendProfileData(Profile profile) async {
    final html.HttpRequest request = await html.HttpRequest.request(
      method: 'POST',
      mimeType: 'application/json',
      sendData: json.encode(profile.toJson()),
    if (request.status != 200) {
      throw Exception(
        'Failed to report profile data to benchmark server. '
        'The server responded with status code ${request.status}.'

377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390
  /// Reports an error to the benchmark server.
  /// The server will halt the devicelab task and log the error.
  Future<void> reportError(dynamic error, StackTrace stackTrace) async {
    await html.HttpRequest.request(
      method: 'POST',
      mimeType: 'application/json',
      sendData: json.encode(<String, dynamic>{
        'error': '$error',
        'stackTrace': '$stackTrace',
391 392

393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403
  /// Reports a message about the demo to the benchmark server.
  Future<void> printToConsole(String report) async {
    await html.HttpRequest.request(
      method: 'POST',
      mimeType: 'text/plain',
      sendData: report,

404 405 406 407
  /// This is the same as calling [html.HttpRequest.request] but it doesn't
  /// crash on 404, which we use to detect `flutter run`.
  Future<html.HttpRequest> _requestXhr(
    String url, {
408 409 410 411 412
    String? method,
    bool? withCredentials,
    String? responseType,
    String? mimeType,
    Map<String, String>? requestHeaders,
413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452
    dynamic sendData,
  }) {
    final Completer<html.HttpRequest> completer = Completer<html.HttpRequest>();
    final html.HttpRequest xhr = html.HttpRequest();

    method ??= 'GET';
    xhr.open(method, url, async: true);

    if (withCredentials != null) {
      xhr.withCredentials = withCredentials;

    if (responseType != null) {
      xhr.responseType = responseType;

    if (mimeType != null) {

    if (requestHeaders != null) {
      requestHeaders.forEach((String header, String value) {
        xhr.setRequestHeader(header, value);

    xhr.onLoad.listen((html.ProgressEvent e) {


    if (sendData != null) {
    } else {

    return completer.future;