url_strategy_test.dart 4.76 KB
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// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

@TestOn('chrome') // Uses web-only Flutter SDK

import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:flutter_web_plugins/flutter_web_plugins.dart';

void main() {
  group('$HashUrlStrategy', () {
    late TestPlatformLocation location;
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    setUp(() {
      location = TestPlatformLocation();

18 19 20 21 22 23
    test('allows null state', () {
      final HashUrlStrategy strategy = HashUrlStrategy(location);
      expect(() => strategy.pushState(null, '', '/'), returnsNormally);
      expect(() => strategy.replaceState(null, '', '/'), returnsNormally);

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    test('leading slash is optional', () {
      final HashUrlStrategy strategy = HashUrlStrategy(location);

      location.hash = '#/';
      expect(strategy.getPath(), '/');

      location.hash = '#/foo';
      expect(strategy.getPath(), '/foo');

      location.hash = '#foo';
      expect(strategy.getPath(), 'foo');

    test('path should not be empty', () {
      final HashUrlStrategy strategy = HashUrlStrategy(location);

      location.hash = '';
      expect(strategy.getPath(), '/');

      location.hash = '#';
      expect(strategy.getPath(), '/');

  group('$PathUrlStrategy', () {
    late TestPlatformLocation location;
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    setUp(() {
      location = TestPlatformLocation();

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    test('allows null state', () {
      location.baseHref = '/';
      final PathUrlStrategy strategy = PathUrlStrategy(location);
      expect(() => strategy.pushState(null, '', '/'), returnsNormally);
      expect(() => strategy.replaceState(null, '', '/'), returnsNormally);

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    test('validates base href', () {
      location.baseHref = '/';
        () => PathUrlStrategy(location),

      location.baseHref = '/foo/';
        () => PathUrlStrategy(location),

      location.baseHref = '';
        () => PathUrlStrategy(location),

      location.baseHref = 'foo';
        () => PathUrlStrategy(location),

      location.baseHref = '/foo';
        () => PathUrlStrategy(location),

    test('leading slash is always prepended', () {
      location.baseHref = '/';
      final PathUrlStrategy strategy = PathUrlStrategy(location);

      location.pathname = '';
      expect(strategy.getPath(), '/');

      location.pathname = 'foo';
      expect(strategy.getPath(), '/foo');

    test('gets path correctly in the presence of basePath', () {
      location.baseHref = 'https://example.com/foo/';
      final PathUrlStrategy strategy = PathUrlStrategy(location);

      location.pathname = '/foo/';
      expect(strategy.getPath(), '/');

      location.pathname = '/foo';
      expect(strategy.getPath(), '/');

      location.pathname = '/foo/bar';
      expect(strategy.getPath(), '/bar');

    test('gets path correctly in the presence of query params', () {
      location.baseHref = 'https://example.com/foo/';
      location.pathname = '/foo/bar';
      final PathUrlStrategy strategy = PathUrlStrategy(location);

      location.search = '?q=1';
      expect(strategy.getPath(), '/bar?q=1');

      location.search = '?q=1&t=r';
      expect(strategy.getPath(), '/bar?q=1&t=r');

    test('generates external path correctly in the presence of basePath', () {
      location.baseHref = 'https://example.com/foo/';
      final PathUrlStrategy strategy = PathUrlStrategy(location);

      expect(strategy.prepareExternalUrl(''), '/foo');
      expect(strategy.prepareExternalUrl('/'), '/foo/');
      expect(strategy.prepareExternalUrl('bar'), '/foo/bar');
      expect(strategy.prepareExternalUrl('/bar'), '/foo/bar');
      expect(strategy.prepareExternalUrl('/bar/'), '/foo/bar/');

/// A mock implementation of [PlatformLocation] that doesn't access the browser.
class TestPlatformLocation extends PlatformLocation {
  String pathname = '';

  String search = '';

  String hash = '';

  Object? get state => null;
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  /// Mocks the base href of the document.
  String baseHref = '';

  void addPopStateListener(EventListener fn) {
    throw UnimplementedError();

  void removePopStateListener(EventListener fn) {
    throw UnimplementedError();

  void pushState(Object? state, String title, String url) {}
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  void replaceState(Object? state, String title, String url) {}
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  void go(int count) {
    throw UnimplementedError();

  String getBaseHref() => baseHref;