data_table_demo.dart 10.3 KB
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// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
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class Desert {
  Desert(, this.calories, this.fat, this.carbs, this.protein, this.sodium, this.calcium, this.iron);
  final String name;
  final int calories;
  final double fat;
  final int carbs;
  final double protein;
  final int sodium;
  final int calcium;
  final int iron;

  bool selected = false;

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93
class DesertDataSource extends DataTableSource {
  final List<Desert> _deserts = <Desert>[
    new Desert('Frozen yogurt',                        159,  6.0,  24,  4.0,  87, 14,  1),
    new Desert('Ice cream sandwich',                   237,  9.0,  37,  4.3, 129,  8,  1),
    new Desert('Eclair',                               262, 16.0,  24,  6.0, 337,  6,  7),
    new Desert('Cupcake',                              305,  3.7,  67,  4.3, 413,  3,  8),
    new Desert('Gingerbread',                          356, 16.0,  49,  3.9, 327,  7, 16),
    new Desert('Jelly bean',                           375,  0.0,  94,  0.0,  50,  0,  0),
    new Desert('Lollipop',                             392,  0.2,  98,  0.0,  38,  0,  2),
    new Desert('Honeycomb',                            408,  3.2,  87,  6.5, 562,  0, 45),
    new Desert('Donut',                                452, 25.0,  51,  4.9, 326,  2, 22),
    new Desert('KitKat',                               518, 26.0,  65,  7.0,  54, 12,  6),

    new Desert('Frozen yogurt with sugar',             168,  6.0,  26,  4.0,  87, 14,  1),
    new Desert('Ice cream sandwich with sugar',        246,  9.0,  39,  4.3, 129,  8,  1),
    new Desert('Eclair with sugar',                    271, 16.0,  26,  6.0, 337,  6,  7),
    new Desert('Cupcake with sugar',                   314,  3.7,  69,  4.3, 413,  3,  8),
    new Desert('Gingerbread with sugar',               345, 16.0,  51,  3.9, 327,  7, 16),
    new Desert('Jelly bean with sugar',                364,  0.0,  96,  0.0,  50,  0,  0),
    new Desert('Lollipop with sugar',                  401,  0.2, 100,  0.0,  38,  0,  2),
    new Desert('Honeycomb with sugar',                 417,  3.2,  89,  6.5, 562,  0, 45),
    new Desert('Donut with sugar',                     461, 25.0,  53,  4.9, 326,  2, 22),
    new Desert('KitKat with sugar',                    527, 26.0,  67,  7.0,  54, 12,  6),

    new Desert('Frozen yogurt with honey',             223,  6.0,  36,  4.0,  87, 14,  1),
    new Desert('Ice cream sandwich with honey',        301,  9.0,  49,  4.3, 129,  8,  1),
    new Desert('Eclair with honey',                    326, 16.0,  36,  6.0, 337,  6,  7),
    new Desert('Cupcake with honey',                   369,  3.7,  79,  4.3, 413,  3,  8),
    new Desert('Gingerbread with honey',               420, 16.0,  61,  3.9, 327,  7, 16),
    new Desert('Jelly bean with honey',                439,  0.0, 106,  0.0,  50,  0,  0),
    new Desert('Lollipop with honey',                  456,  0.2, 110,  0.0,  38,  0,  2),
    new Desert('Honeycomb with honey',                 472,  3.2,  99,  6.5, 562,  0, 45),
    new Desert('Donut with honey',                     516, 25.0,  63,  4.9, 326,  2, 22),
    new Desert('KitKat with honey',                    582, 26.0,  77,  7.0,  54, 12,  6),

    new Desert('Frozen yogurt with milk',              262,  8.4,  36, 12.0, 194, 44,  1),
    new Desert('Ice cream sandwich with milk',         339, 11.4,  49, 12.3, 236, 38,  1),
    new Desert('Eclair with milk',                     365, 18.4,  36, 14.0, 444, 36,  7),
    new Desert('Cupcake with milk',                    408,  6.1,  79, 12.3, 520, 33,  8),
    new Desert('Gingerbread with milk',                459, 18.4,  61, 11.9, 434, 37, 16),
    new Desert('Jelly bean with milk',                 478,  2.4, 106,  8.0, 157, 30,  0),
    new Desert('Lollipop with milk',                   495,  2.6, 110,  8.0, 145, 30,  2),
    new Desert('Honeycomb with milk',                  511,  5.6,  99, 14.5, 669, 30, 45),
    new Desert('Donut with milk',                      555, 27.4,  63, 12.9, 433, 32, 22),
    new Desert('KitKat with milk',                     621, 28.4,  77, 15.0, 161, 42,  6),

    new Desert('Coconut slice and frozen yogurt',      318, 21.0,  31,  5.5,  96, 14,  7),
    new Desert('Coconut slice and ice cream sandwich', 396, 24.0,  44,  5.8, 138,  8,  7),
    new Desert('Coconut slice and eclair',             421, 31.0,  31,  7.5, 346,  6, 13),
    new Desert('Coconut slice and cupcake',            464, 18.7,  74,  5.8, 422,  3, 14),
    new Desert('Coconut slice and gingerbread',        515, 31.0,  56,  5.4, 316,  7, 22),
    new Desert('Coconut slice and jelly bean',         534, 15.0, 101,  1.5,  59,  0,  6),
    new Desert('Coconut slice and lollipop',           551, 15.2, 105,  1.5,  47,  0,  8),
    new Desert('Coconut slice and honeycomb',          567, 18.2,  94,  8.0, 571,  0, 51),
    new Desert('Coconut slice and donut',              611, 40.0,  58,  6.4, 335,  2, 28),
    new Desert('Coconut slice and KitKat',             677, 41.0,  72,  8.5,  63, 12, 12),

  void _sort/*<T>*/(Comparable<dynamic/*=T*/> getField(Desert d), bool ascending) {
    _deserts.sort((Desert a, Desert b) {
      if (!ascending) {
        final Desert c = a;
        a = b;
        b = c;
      final Comparable<dynamic/*=T*/> aValue = getField(a);
      final Comparable<dynamic/*=T*/> bValue = getField(b);
      return, bValue);

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  int _selectedCount = 0;

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  DataRow getRow(int index) {
    assert(index >= 0);
    if (index >= _deserts.length)
      return null;
    final Desert desert = _deserts[index];
    return new DataRow.byIndex(
      index: index,
      selected: desert.selected,
      onSelectChanged: (bool value) {
106 107 108 109 110 111
        if (desert.selected != value) {
          _selectedCount += value ? 1 : -1;
          assert(_selectedCount >= 0);
          desert.selected = value;
112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129
      cells: <DataCell>[
        new DataCell(new Text('${}')),
        new DataCell(new Text('${desert.calories}')),
        new DataCell(new Text('${desert.fat.toStringAsFixed(1)}')),
        new DataCell(new Text('${desert.carbs}')),
        new DataCell(new Text('${desert.protein.toStringAsFixed(1)}')),
        new DataCell(new Text('${desert.sodium}')),
        new DataCell(new Text('${desert.calcium}%')),
        new DataCell(new Text('${desert.iron}%')),

  int get rowCount => _deserts.length;

  bool get isRowCountApproximate => false;
131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140

  int get selectedRowCount => _selectedCount;

  void _selectAll(bool checked) {
    for (Desert desert in _deserts)
      desert.selected = checked;
    _selectedCount = checked ? _deserts.length : 0;
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class DataTableDemo extends StatefulWidget {
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  static const String routeName = '/data-table';

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  _DataTableDemoState createState() => new _DataTableDemoState();

class _DataTableDemoState extends State<DataTableDemo> {
  int _rowsPerPage = PaginatedDataTable.defaultRowsPerPage;
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  int _sortColumnIndex;
  bool _sortAscending = true;
  DesertDataSource _desertsDataSource = new DesertDataSource();
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  void _sort/*<T>*/(Comparable<dynamic/*=T*/> getField(Desert d), int columnIndex, bool ascending) {
    _desertsDataSource._sort/*<T>*/(getField, ascending);
158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168
    setState(() {
      _sortColumnIndex = columnIndex;
      _sortAscending = ascending;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new Scaffold(
      appBar: new AppBar(title: new Text('Data tables')),
      body: new Block(
        padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20.0),
        children: <Widget>[
          new PaginatedDataTable(
            header: new Text('Nutrition'),
173 174 175 176
            rowsPerPage: _rowsPerPage,
            onRowsPerPageChanged: (int value) { setState(() { _rowsPerPage = value; }); },
            sortColumnIndex: _sortColumnIndex,
            sortAscending: _sortAscending,
            onSelectAll: _desertsDataSource._selectAll,
178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220
            columns: <DataColumn>[
              new DataColumn(
                label: new Text('Dessert (100g serving)'),
                onSort: (int columnIndex, bool ascending) => _sort/*<String>*/((Desert d) =>, columnIndex, ascending)
              new DataColumn(
                label: new Text('Calories'),
                tooltip: 'The total amount of food energy in the given serving size.',
                numeric: true,
                onSort: (int columnIndex, bool ascending) => _sort/*<num>*/((Desert d) => d.calories, columnIndex, ascending)
              new DataColumn(
                label: new Text('Fat (g)'),
                numeric: true,
                onSort: (int columnIndex, bool ascending) => _sort/*<num>*/((Desert d) => d.fat, columnIndex, ascending)
              new DataColumn(
                label: new Text('Carbs (g)'),
                numeric: true,
                onSort: (int columnIndex, bool ascending) => _sort/*<num>*/((Desert d) => d.carbs, columnIndex, ascending)
              new DataColumn(
                label: new Text('Protein (g)'),
                numeric: true,
                onSort: (int columnIndex, bool ascending) => _sort/*<num>*/((Desert d) => d.protein, columnIndex, ascending)
              new DataColumn(
                label: new Text('Sodium (mg)'),
                numeric: true,
                onSort: (int columnIndex, bool ascending) => _sort/*<num>*/((Desert d) => d.sodium, columnIndex, ascending)
              new DataColumn(
                label: new Text('Calcium (%)'),
                tooltip: 'The amount of calcium as a percentage of the recommended daily amount.',
                numeric: true,
                onSort: (int columnIndex, bool ascending) => _sort/*<num>*/((Desert d) => d.calcium, columnIndex, ascending)
              new DataColumn(
                label: new Text('Iron (%)'),
                numeric: true,
                onSort: (int columnIndex, bool ascending) => _sort/*<num>*/((Desert d) => d.iron, columnIndex, ascending)
            source: _desertsDataSource
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