settings.dart 3.63 KB
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// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

part of fitness;
6 7

typedef void SettingsUpdater({
8 9
  BackupMode backup,
  double goalWeight
10 11

class SettingsFragment extends StatefulComponent {

  SettingsFragment({ this.navigator, this.userData, this.updater });

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  Navigator navigator;
  UserData userData;
  SettingsUpdater updater;

  void syncConstructorArguments(SettingsFragment source) {
21 22 23 24
    navigator = source.navigator;
    userData = source.userData;
    updater = source.updater;
25 26

  void _handleBackupChanged(bool value) {
27 28 29 30
    assert(updater != null);
    updater(backup: value ? BackupMode.enabled : BackupMode.disabled);

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
  Widget buildToolBar() {
    return new ToolBar(
      left: new IconButton(
        icon: "navigation/arrow_back",
        onPressed: navigator.pop),
      center: new Text('Settings')

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  String get goalWeightText {
    if (userData.goalWeight == null || userData.goalWeight == 0.0)
      return "None";
      return "${userData.goalWeight}";

  static final GlobalKey weightGoalKey = new GlobalKey();

  double _goalWeight;

  void _handleGoalWeightChanged(String goalWeight) {
    // TODO(jackson): Looking for null characters to detect enter key is a hack
    if (goalWeight.endsWith("\u{0}")) {
      navigator.pop(double.parse(goalWeight.replaceAll("\u{0}", "")));
    } else {
      setState(() {
        try {
          _goalWeight = double.parse(goalWeight);
        } on FormatException {
          _goalWeight = 0.0;

  EventDisposition _handleGoalWeightPressed() {
    showDialog(navigator, (navigator) {
      return new Dialog(
        title: new Text("Goal Weight"),
        content: new Input(
          key: weightGoalKey,
          placeholder: 'Goal weight in lbs',
          keyboardType: KeyboardType_NUMBER,
          onChanged: _handleGoalWeightChanged
        onDismiss: () {
        actions: [
          new FlatButton(
            child: new Text('CANCEL'),
            onPressed: () {
          new FlatButton(
            child: new Text('SAVE'),
            onPressed: () {
    }).then((double goalWeight) => updater(goalWeight: goalWeight));
    return EventDisposition.processed;

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  Widget buildSettingsPane() {
    return new Material(
      type: MaterialType.canvas,
      child: new ScrollableViewport(
        child: new Container(
          padding: const EdgeDims.symmetric(vertical: 20.0),
          child: new BlockBody([
            new DrawerItem(
              onPressed: () { _handleBackupChanged(!(userData.backupMode == BackupMode.enabled)); },
              child: new Flex([
                new Flexible(child: new Text('Back up data to the cloud')),
109 110
                new Switch(value: userData.backupMode == BackupMode.enabled, onChanged: _handleBackupChanged),
111 112 113
            new DrawerItem(
              onPressed: () => _handleGoalWeightPressed(),
              child: new Flex([
115 116 117 118 119 120
                  new Text('Goal Weight'),
                  new Text(goalWeightText, style: Theme.of(this).text.caption),
                direction: FlexDirection.vertical,
                alignItems: FlexAlignItems.start
122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134

  Widget build() {
    return new Scaffold(
      toolbar: buildToolBar(),
      body: buildSettingsPane()