text_editing_intents.dart 12.9 KB
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// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'package:flutter/services.dart';

import 'actions.dart';

/// An [Intent] to send the event straight to the engine.
10 11 12 13
/// See also:
///   * [DefaultTextEditingShortcuts], which triggers this [Intent].
class DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent extends Intent {
  /// Creates an instance of [DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent].
16 17 18
  const DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent();

19 20 21 22
/// A text editing related [Intent] that performs an operation towards a given
/// direction of the current caret location.
abstract class DirectionalTextEditingIntent extends Intent {
  /// Creates a [DirectionalTextEditingIntent].
23 24 25
  const DirectionalTextEditingIntent(

27 28 29 30
  /// Whether the input field, if applicable, should perform the text editing
  /// operation from the current caret location towards the end of the document.
  /// Unless otherwise specified by the recipient of this intent, this parameter
  /// uses the logical order of characters in the string to determine the
32 33
  /// direction, and is not affected by the writing direction of the text.
  final bool forward;
34 35

36 37
/// Deletes the character before or after the caret location, based on whether
/// `forward` is true.
39 40
/// {@template flutter.widgets.TextEditingIntents.logicalOrder}
/// {@endtemplate}
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
/// Typically a text field will not respond to this intent if it has no active
/// caret ([TextSelection.isValid] is false for the current selection).
class DeleteCharacterIntent extends DirectionalTextEditingIntent {
  /// Creates a [DeleteCharacterIntent].
  const DeleteCharacterIntent({ required bool forward }) : super(forward);

/// Deletes from the current caret location to the previous or next word
/// boundary, based on whether `forward` is true.
class DeleteToNextWordBoundaryIntent extends DirectionalTextEditingIntent {
  /// Creates a [DeleteToNextWordBoundaryIntent].
  const DeleteToNextWordBoundaryIntent({ required bool forward }) : super(forward);

/// Deletes from the current caret location to the previous or next soft or hard
/// line break, based on whether `forward` is true.
class DeleteToLineBreakIntent extends DirectionalTextEditingIntent {
  /// Creates a [DeleteToLineBreakIntent].
  const DeleteToLineBreakIntent({ required bool forward }) : super(forward);

/// A [DirectionalTextEditingIntent] that moves the caret or the selection to a
/// new location.
abstract class DirectionalCaretMovementIntent extends DirectionalTextEditingIntent {
  /// Creates a [DirectionalCaretMovementIntent].
  const DirectionalCaretMovementIntent(
70 71 72 73
      this.collapseAtReversal = false,
      this.continuesAtWrap = false,
  ) : assert(!collapseSelection || !collapseAtReversal);
75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86

  /// Whether this [Intent] should make the selection collapsed (so it becomes a
  /// caret), after the movement.
  /// When [collapseSelection] is false, the input field typically only moves
  /// the current [TextSelection.extent] to the new location, while maintains
  /// the current [TextSelection.base] location.
  /// When [collapseSelection] is true, the input field typically should move
  /// both the [TextSelection.base] and the [TextSelection.extent] to the new
  /// location.
  final bool collapseSelection;
87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96

  /// Whether to collapse the selection when it would otherwise reverse order.
  /// For example, consider when forward is true and the extent is before the
  /// base. If collapseAtReversal is true, then this will cause the selection to
  /// collapse at the base. If it's false, then the extent will be placed at the
  /// linebreak, reversing the order of base and offset.
  /// Cannot be true when collapseSelection is true.
  final bool collapseAtReversal;
97 98 99 100 101

  /// Whether or not to continue to the next line at a wordwrap.
  /// If true, when an [Intent] to go to the beginning/end of a wordwrapped line
  /// is received and the selection is already at the beginning/end of the line,
  /// then the selection will be moved to the next/previous line. If false, the
103 104
  /// selection will remain at the wordwrap.
  final bool continuesAtWrap;
105 106

/// Extends, or moves the current selection from the current
108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117
/// [TextSelection.extent] position to the previous or the next character
/// boundary.
class ExtendSelectionByCharacterIntent extends DirectionalCaretMovementIntent {
  /// Creates an [ExtendSelectionByCharacterIntent].
  const ExtendSelectionByCharacterIntent({
    required bool forward,
    required bool collapseSelection,
  }) : super(forward, collapseSelection);

/// Extends, or moves the current selection from the current
119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128
/// [TextSelection.extent] position to the previous or the next word
/// boundary.
class ExtendSelectionToNextWordBoundaryIntent extends DirectionalCaretMovementIntent {
  /// Creates an [ExtendSelectionToNextWordBoundaryIntent].
  const ExtendSelectionToNextWordBoundaryIntent({
    required bool forward,
    required bool collapseSelection,
  }) : super(forward, collapseSelection);

/// Extends, or moves the current selection from the current
130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138
/// [TextSelection.extent] position to the previous or the next word
/// boundary, or the [TextSelection.base] position if it's closer in the move
/// direction.
/// This [Intent] typically has the same effect as an
/// [ExtendSelectionToNextWordBoundaryIntent], except it collapses the selection
/// when the order of [TextSelection.base] and [TextSelection.extent] would
/// reverse.
/// This is typically only used on MacOS.
140 141 142 143 144 145 146
class ExtendSelectionToNextWordBoundaryOrCaretLocationIntent extends DirectionalTextEditingIntent {
  /// Creates an [ExtendSelectionToNextWordBoundaryOrCaretLocationIntent].
  const ExtendSelectionToNextWordBoundaryOrCaretLocationIntent({
    required bool forward,
  }) : super(forward);

147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163
/// Expands the current selection to the document boundary in the direction
/// given by [forward].
/// Unlike [ExpandSelectionToLineBreakIntent], the extent will be moved, which
/// matches the behavior on MacOS.
/// See also:
///   [ExtendSelectionToDocumentBoundaryIntent], which is similar but always
///   moves the extent.
class ExpandSelectionToDocumentBoundaryIntent extends DirectionalTextEditingIntent {
  /// Creates an [ExpandSelectionToDocumentBoundaryIntent].
  const ExpandSelectionToDocumentBoundaryIntent({
    required bool forward,
  }) : super(forward);

164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183
/// Expands the current selection to the closest line break in the direction
/// given by [forward].
/// Either the base or extent can move, whichever is closer to the line break.
/// The selection will never shrink.
/// This behavior is common on MacOS.
/// See also:
///   [ExtendSelectionToLineBreakIntent], which is similar but always moves the
///   extent.
class ExpandSelectionToLineBreakIntent extends DirectionalTextEditingIntent {
  /// Creates an [ExpandSelectionToLineBreakIntent].
  const ExpandSelectionToLineBreakIntent({
    required bool forward,
  }) : super(forward);

/// Extends, or moves the current selection from the current
184 185
/// [TextSelection.extent] position to the closest line break in the direction
/// given by [forward].
186 187 188 189 190
/// See also:
///   [ExpandSelectionToLineBreakIntent], which is similar but always increases
///   the size of the selection.
191 192 193 194 195
class ExtendSelectionToLineBreakIntent extends DirectionalCaretMovementIntent {
  /// Creates an [ExtendSelectionToLineBreakIntent].
  const ExtendSelectionToLineBreakIntent({
    required bool forward,
    required bool collapseSelection,
    bool collapseAtReversal = false,
    bool continuesAtWrap = false,
  }) : assert(!collapseSelection || !collapseAtReversal),
       super(forward, collapseSelection, collapseAtReversal, continuesAtWrap);
200 201

/// Extends, or moves the current selection from the current
/// [TextSelection.extent] position to the closest position on the adjacent
/// line.
205 206 207 208 209 210
class ExtendSelectionVerticallyToAdjacentLineIntent extends DirectionalCaretMovementIntent {
  /// Creates an [ExtendSelectionVerticallyToAdjacentLineIntent].
  const ExtendSelectionVerticallyToAdjacentLineIntent({
    required bool forward,
    required bool collapseSelection,
  }) : super(forward, collapseSelection);
211 212

/// Extends, or moves the current selection from the current
/// [TextSelection.extent] position to the start or the end of the document.
215 216 217 218 219
/// See also:
///   [ExtendSelectionToDocumentBoundaryIntent], which is similar but always
///   increases the size of the selection.
220 221 222 223 224 225
class ExtendSelectionToDocumentBoundaryIntent extends DirectionalCaretMovementIntent {
  /// Creates an [ExtendSelectionToDocumentBoundaryIntent].
  const ExtendSelectionToDocumentBoundaryIntent({
    required bool forward,
    required bool collapseSelection,
  }) : super(forward, collapseSelection);
226 227

228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236
/// Scrolls to the beginning or end of the document depending on the [forward]
/// parameter.
class ScrollToDocumentBoundaryIntent extends DirectionalTextEditingIntent {
  /// Creates a [ScrollToDocumentBoundaryIntent].
  const ScrollToDocumentBoundaryIntent({
    required bool forward,
  }) : super(forward);

237 238 239 240
/// An [Intent] to select everything in the field.
class SelectAllTextIntent extends Intent {
  /// Creates an instance of [SelectAllTextIntent].
  const SelectAllTextIntent(this.cause);

242 243 244 245
  /// {@template flutter.widgets.TextEditingIntents.cause}
  /// The [SelectionChangedCause] that triggered the intent.
  /// {@endtemplate}
  final SelectionChangedCause cause;
246 247

248 249 250 251
/// An [Intent] that represents a user interaction that attempts to copy or cut
/// the current selection in the field.
class CopySelectionTextIntent extends Intent {
  const CopySelectionTextIntent._(this.cause, this.collapseSelection);

253 254 255
  /// Creates an [Intent] that represents a user interaction that attempts to
  /// cut the current selection in the field.
  const CopySelectionTextIntent.cut(SelectionChangedCause cause) : this._(cause, true);

257 258 259
  /// An [Intent] that represents a user interaction that attempts to copy the
  /// current selection in the field.
  static const CopySelectionTextIntent copy = CopySelectionTextIntent._(SelectionChangedCause.keyboard, false);

261 262
  /// {@macro flutter.widgets.TextEditingIntents.cause}
  final SelectionChangedCause cause;

264 265 266
  /// Whether the original text needs to be removed from the input field if the
  /// copy action was successful.
  final bool collapseSelection;
267 268

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/// An [Intent] to paste text from [Clipboard] to the field.
class PasteTextIntent extends Intent {
  /// Creates an instance of [PasteTextIntent].
  const PasteTextIntent(this.cause);

274 275
  /// {@macro flutter.widgets.TextEditingIntents.cause}
  final SelectionChangedCause cause;
276 277

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278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287
/// An [Intent] that represents a user interaction that attempts to go back to
/// the previous editing state.
class RedoTextIntent extends Intent {
  /// Creates a [RedoTextIntent].
  const RedoTextIntent(this.cause);

  /// {@macro flutter.widgets.TextEditingIntents.cause}
  final SelectionChangedCause cause;

288 289 290 291 292
/// An [Intent] that represents a user interaction that attempts to modify the
/// current [TextEditingValue] in an input field.
class ReplaceTextIntent extends Intent {
  /// Creates a [ReplaceTextIntent].
  const ReplaceTextIntent(this.currentTextEditingValue, this.replacementText, this.replacementRange, this.cause);

294 295
  /// The [TextEditingValue] that this [Intent]'s action should perform on.
  final TextEditingValue currentTextEditingValue;

297 298
  /// The text to replace the original text within the [replacementRange] with.
  final String replacementText;

300 301
  /// The range of text in [currentTextEditingValue] that needs to be replaced.
  final TextRange replacementRange;

303 304
  /// {@macro flutter.widgets.TextEditingIntents.cause}
  final SelectionChangedCause cause;

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307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316
/// An [Intent] that represents a user interaction that attempts to go back to
/// the previous editing state.
class UndoTextIntent extends Intent {
  /// Creates an [UndoTextIntent].
  const UndoTextIntent(this.cause);

  /// {@macro flutter.widgets.TextEditingIntents.cause}
  final SelectionChangedCause cause;

317 318 319
/// An [Intent] that represents a user interaction that attempts to change the
/// selection in an input field.
class UpdateSelectionIntent extends Intent {
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  /// Creates an [UpdateSelectionIntent].
  const UpdateSelectionIntent(this.currentTextEditingValue, this.newSelection, this.cause);

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  /// The [TextEditingValue] that this [Intent]'s action should perform on.
  final TextEditingValue currentTextEditingValue;

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  /// The new [TextSelection] the input field should adopt.
  final TextSelection newSelection;

329 330
  /// {@macro flutter.widgets.TextEditingIntents.cause}
  final SelectionChangedCause cause;
332 333 334 335 336 337 338

/// An [Intent] that represents a user interaction that attempts to swap the
/// characters immediately around the cursor.
class TransposeCharactersIntent extends Intent {
  /// Creates a [TransposeCharactersIntent].
  const TransposeCharactersIntent();