Commit 46ff555c authored by abdullh.alsoleman's avatar abdullh.alsoleman


parent 05f00674
pipeline{ pipeline {
agent{ agent {
label "jenkins-agent4" label 'jenkins-agent4'
} }
tools{ tools {
jdk 'jdk17' jdk 'jdk17'
maven 'Maven3' maven 'Maven3'
} }
stages{ stages {
stage["Cleanup Workspace"]{ stage('Cleanup Workspace') {
steps{ steps {
cleanWs() cleanWs()
} }
} }
stage["Checkout from SCM"]{ stage('Checkout from SCM') {
steps{ steps {
git branch: 'master', credentialsId: 'gitlab', url: '' git branch: 'master', credentialsId: 'gitlab', url: ''
} }
} }
} }
} }
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