Commit 8bad9a81 authored by mohamadbashar.disoki's avatar mohamadbashar.disoki

remove soulution :)

parent 90a9f070
......@@ -33,9 +33,7 @@ int main(){
cudaMemcpy(d_b, b, sizeof(float) * N, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
// Executing kernel
int block_size = 512;
int grid_size = ((N + block_size) / block_size);
vector_add<<<grid_size,block_size>>>(d_out, d_a, d_b, N);
vector_add<<<1,256>>>(d_out, d_a, d_b, N);
// Transfer data back to host memory
cudaMemcpy(out, d_out, sizeof(float) * N, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
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