Id,label,text 861,Malaria,"I'm suffering from intense itching, chills, vomiting, and a high fever. I've also been sweating a lot and have a headache. Nausea and muscle pain have also been bothering me." 578,Acne,I awoke this morning to see that I had a horrible rash all over my skin. There are several blackheads and pimples loaded with pus. My skin has also been scurrying about. 448,Pneumonia,"I've been coughing a lot and feeling incredibly chilly and exhausted. I have a pretty high fever, and it's difficult for me to breathe. I've been perspiring a lot and generally feeling weak and ill. I've had some quite thick and black phlegm." 445,Pneumonia,"I'm saturated with sweat and struggling to breathe. My throat is blocked with mucous, and I'm uncomfortable. My heart is racing, and my chest aches. I'm coughing up a darkish stringy mucous." 259,Dengue,I have been experiencing muscle pain that makes it difficult for me to move around. I have lost my apetite and feel vomiting. My legs and back pain a lot. 204,Impetigo,I have been suffering from a high fever for the last couple of days. Sores are developing near my nose. The sores are painful and I am feeling very uncomfortable these days. 572,Acne,I've been struggling with a really nasty rash on my skin lately. It's covered in blackheads and pimples that are packed with pus. My skin has also been really scurrying. 823,Jaundice,"I've been constantly feeling scratchy, sick, and tired out. In addition, I've lost weight and have a temperature. My urine is dark, and my skin has turned yellow. Furthermore, I have been experiencing stomach pain." 585,Acne,"This morning when I woke up, I discovered an extremely bad rash on my skin. There are several pus-filled pimples and blackheads all around. My skin has also been moving around a lot." 365,Common Cold,"I've been wheezing a lot and am generally feeling sick and exhausted. My throat feels really scratchy, and a lot of gross stuff is flowing out of my nose. My neck also feels bloated." 811,Jaundice,"I've been itchy and have been throwing up. Along with losing weight, I'm also really exhausted. My skin has turned yellow, and my fever is high. Additionally, I get stomach ache and dark urine." 77,Varicose Veins,The cramps in my calves have been making it difficult for me to walk and do my daily activities. They come on suddenly and last for several minutes. 84,Varicose Veins,"The cramps in my calves are becoming more frequent and intense, making it difficult for me to walk and do my daily activities." 538,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing stiffness and weakness in my neck muscles recently. Since my joints have grownup, it's heavy on behalf of Pine Tree State to run whereas not getting stiff. additionally, walking has been terribly uncomfortable." 82,Varicose Veins,"The veins in my legs are causing discomfort and difficulty sleeping at night. They are swollen and protruding from my skin, making them noticeable and painful." 457,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been having a lot of trouble going to the bathroom lately, and it's been really painful. I've also noticed that my stool has been bloody and my anus has been really irritated." 1137,peptic ulcer disease,"I have a stomach ache that keeps me from falling or staying asleep. After using the restroom, I feel worn out and lose interest in food. I'm constantly pretty anxious." 614,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been struggling with fatigue and a constant cough that's been making it difficult to breathe. My fever is high, and I've been coughing up a lot of thick, mucoid sputum." 1185,diabetes,"My entire body is trembling and shaky. I've lost my ability to taste and smell, and I'm worn out. I sometimes get a racing heart or palpitations." 1075,drug reaction,"My rashes occasionally cause my skin to peel off. I'm more susceptible to illnesses as a result. I start to tremble sometimes, and my hands start to shake." 736,Migraine,"I have been experiencing acidity, indigestion, and headaches, as well as blurred and distorted vision, excessive hunger, a stiff neck, depression, irritability, and visual disturbance" 436,Pneumonia,"Lately I've been experiencing chills, fatigue, a cough, a high fever, and difficulty breathing. I've been sweating a lot and just feeling really sick and weak. I've also had some phlegm that's been really thick and dark." 554,Acne,I've been having a very unhealthy rash on my skin latterly. It's filled with pus-filled pimples and blackheads. My skin has additionally been scurring heaps. 1079,drug reaction,"My desire for sex has dropped, and I'm having trouble having sex. I frequently get brain fog, as well as feeling somewhat bewildered." 1061,drug reaction,"In addition to experiencing a change in taste and fragrance, I also have a metallic aftertaste in my tongue. occasionally get excruciating joint and muscular pain" 350,Common Cold,"I can't stop sneezing and my nose is really runny. I'm also really cold and tired all the time, and I've been coughing a lot. My fever is really high too, like way above normal." 196,Chicken pox,"The high fever, swollen lymph nodes and headache are causing me a lot of trouble. I don't feel like eating anything and feel weak and fatigued. It's hard for me to concentrate on my daily life." 464,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,I've been having a really hard time going to the bathroom lately. It's really painful when I try to go and my anus hurts a lot. There's also been some blood in my stool and my anus has been really itchy. 588,Acne,"I woke up today to find that I had a major rash all over my body. There are lots of pimples filled with pus and blackheads everywhere, and my skin has been scurrying a lot." 5,Psoriasis,The skin on my palms and soles is thickened and has deep cracks. These cracks are painful and bleed easily. 310,Fungal infection,I have an itchy skin and lots of red bumps on my arms and legs. There are some weird looking spots on my skin too. And sometimes there are bumps that feel kind of hard. 661,Hypertension,"I've been suffering from symptoms including a headache, chest pain, dizziness, losing my balance, and trouble concentrating." 404,Pneumonia,"I've been having chills and feeling exhausted, and I can't seem to shake this cough. My chest hurts when I cough, and my heart feels like it's going a million miles an hour. The phlegm I'm coughing up is a dirty rust color." 1195,diabetes,"I'm shaking and trembling all over. I've lost my sense of taste and smell, and I'm exhausted. I occasionally get palpitations or a speeding heart." 1043,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I always get a sour taste in my mouth, even when I don't have anything acidic in my stomach. I regularly have the hiccups and a knot in my throat." 1057,drug reaction,I am experiencing a decrease in my sex drive and difficulty to fucntion sexually. I feel very light headed and confused and often experince brain fog 104,Typhoid,"I've lost a lot of weight in the past week because I haven't been able to eat much due to nausea and vomiting. This is followed by mild fever, headache and belly pain. I'm really concerned about my health." 536,Arthritis,"My muscles have been feeling rather weak lately, but my neck has been really strong. My joints have swollen, making it challenging for me to move about. It has also been excruciatingly difficult to walk." 605,Bronchial Asthma,"I've had a lot of sleepiness, a cough that refuses to go away, and breathing difficulty. I've been coughing up a lot of thick, mucoid saliva and have a high fever." 62,Varicose Veins,The veins in my legs are causing discomfort and difficulty sleeping at night. I have no idea why it is happening. I get cramps when I sprint. 281,Dengue,I have been experiencing chills and shivering. There is a strong pain in my back and also behind my eyes. I have also noticed small red spots on my back and neck. 1055,drug reaction,"I have itching all over my body, and rashes in my chest and back. I get flaky skin from time to time and often this leaves marks on my body." 238,Impetigo,"Small red sores appeared near my nose and neck at first. I now have a high temperature, and the sores have gotten more painful and inflamed in recent days." 223,Impetigo,"The rash on my face has become more painful and inflamed over the past few days, and the sores are beginning to weep clear fluid. It is getting extremely painful with each day." 145,Typhoid,"I've been having a lot of trouble staying hydrated because of the vomiting and diarrhea. I have a high fever, constipation, and a headache. I am also starting to get a strange pain in my stomach area and I can't do anything physical." 1118,peptic ulcer disease,"My mouth is filled with a sour, acidic flavour. My burping and belching are frequent. For a few hours, I get pressure or fullness in my upper belly." 373,Common Cold,"My eyes are constantly red and runny. A persistent tightness in my sinuses has also been bothering me. I've been having a lot of difficulties breathing and constantly feel fatigued. In addition, I have a lot of throat mucus and inflamed lymph nodes." 118,Typhoid,"I am experiencing constipation and stomach ache, which has been really difficult. The discomfort has gotten worse, and it is seriously interfering with my everyday life." 802,Jaundice,"I've felt really scratchy, nauseated, and worn out. I also had a high fever and lost weight. Both my skin and my urine have become yellow. Additionally, my stomach has been hurting." 250,Dengue,I am facing severe joint pain and vomitting. I have developed a skin rash that covers my entire body and is accompanied by intense itching. 1156,diabetes,I have rashes and skin irritations especially in the folds of the skin. There is also very slow healing of any cuts and bruises I have on my skin 9,Psoriasis,"The skin on my genitals is red and inflamed. It is often itchy, burning, and uncomfortable. There are rashes on different parts of the body too." 449,Pneumonia,"I've recently had chills, exhaustion, a cough, a high temperature, and breathing issues. I've been perspiring a lot and generally feeling weak and ill. I've had some quite thick and black phlegm. My heart has been racing quite quickly." 873,Malaria,"I've had a high temperature, vomiting, chills, and intense itching. I also have a headache and am perspiring a lot. My discomfort has also been brought on by nausea and muscle ache." 389,Common Cold,I've been feeling really sick and I've had a lot of fatigue. I've had a really bad cough and my throat has been really sore. I've had a lot of sinus pressure and my nose has been really congested. I just feel really run down and miserable. 965,allergy,"I always feel exhausted, have bad taste, and have an extremely scratchy throat. I also have muscular pain and heat. My entire body simply cramps up occasionally." 460,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been quite constipated lately, and going to the restroom has been excruciatingly uncomfortable. I've also observed blood in my stool, and my anus has been aggravated." 1146,peptic ulcer disease,"Only when I hunch down or lie down does my stomach hurt more. I have pain after eating certain foods, such as hot or acidic food. I occasionally get loose stools as a result of this." 144,Typhoid,"I've had a high fever, particularly at night. It's been quite unpleasant. There is a little headache, as well as constipation and diarrhea. I don't feel like eating anything." 501,Arthritis,I've been feeling really weak in my muscles and my neck has been really stiff. My joints have been swelling up and I've been having a lot of stiffness when I move around. It's also been really painful to walk. 1107,peptic ulcer disease,I have difficulty sleeping due to abdominal pain or discomfort. I have a loss of appetite and feel fatigued after going to the bathroom. I feel very tited all the time 539,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing muscular weakness and stiffness in my neck recently. My joints have swollen, creating it troublesome on behalf of me to run regarding while not changing into stiff. Walking has additionally been agonizingly uncomfortable." 177,Chicken pox,"I'm feeling really sick and lost my appetite. I've seen little red patches on my arms, neck and face that itch when I touch them." 1158,diabetes,I have difficulty breathing especially during physical activity. I have unusual sweating and flushing. I frequently get yeast infections 1050,drug reaction,"I have a metallic taste in my mouth, and also have a sense of change of taste and smell. Sometimes get very unbearable joint pain and muscle pain" 583,Acne,I've recently developed a terrible rash on my skin. It's riddled with blackheads and pus-filled pimples. My skin has also been scurrying about. 1194,diabetes,"My emotions fluctuate, and it's hard for me to concentrate. My mind can be foggy and foggy at times, making it difficult for me to perform even simple chores." 7,Psoriasis,My skin is very sensitive and reacts easily to changes in temperature or humidity. I often have to be careful about what products I use on my skin. 573,Acne,I just developed a really nasty rash on my skin. There are tons of blackheads and pimples that are filled with pus. My skin has also been really scurrying. 842,Jaundice,"I've been feeling really scratchy, dizzy, and worn out. In addition, I've lost weight and have a temperature. My urine is dark, and my skin has turned yellow. Additionally, I get stomach pain." 357,Common Cold,"I've been feeling really tired and sick. I've been sneezing a lot and I can't seem to get warm. I'm so tired and my head is killing me. And my fever is really high, like I'm boiling." 329,Fungal infection,"I've had a pretty uncomfortable itch all over my body, as well as red and bumpy areas on my skin. There are also certain patches of my epidermis with a distinct shade than the rest of it, and I've had some pimples that resemble little balls." 704,Migraine,"I've been facing visual disruptions, seeing things as distorted, and eyesight difficulties." 829,Jaundice,"Extreme itchiness, nausea, and fatigue have been troubling me. In moreover, I experienced a fever and lost weight. My pee is black, and I've developed a yellow rash. The ache in my stomach is also present." 258,Dengue,I have developed red spots on my body that are itchy and inflamed. I am also experiencing high fever along with chills and shivering. 890,Malaria,"I have a high fever, severe itching, chills, and vomiting. I also have a headache and have been perspiring a lot. My discomfort has also been brought on by nausea and muscle ache." 833,Jaundice,I've been itchy and throwing up. I've lost weight and am also really exhausted. My skin has become yellow and I have a severe temperature. My stomach has also been hurting. 1187,diabetes,"I frequently feel the want to urinate and have these strong cravings. I get woozy and disoriented a lot. Moreover, I have lost my vision considerably" 904,urinary tract infection,"My pee looks cloudy and has storng and foul smell. I frequently get an urge to urinate at night, and have been getting high temperatures since these symptoms strted showing" 525,Arthritis,"My neck has been extremely tight and my muscles have been feeling extremely weak. My joints have been swollen and I've been walking around with a lot of stiffness. Additionally, walking has been extremely uneasy." 813,Jaundice,"I've been itchy and throwing up. In addition, I have lost weight and feel really exhausted. My skin has become yellow and I have a severe temperature. I have abdominal ache and black urine." 731,Migraine,"I have been experiencing acidity, indigestion, and frequent headaches, as well as blurred and distorted vision, excessive hunger, a stiff neck, depression, irritability, and visual disturbance." 1031,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I have indigestion and heartburn. I frequently vomit everything I eat, and it is hard for me to swallow since food gets caught in my throat. My upper abdomen is in discomfort." 1140,peptic ulcer disease,"I occasionally have burning in my upper abdomen throughout the day or at night. I regularly get severe heartburn, indigestion, and nausea." 440,Pneumonia,"I've had chills, lethargy, a cough, a high temperature, and difficulties breathing lately. I've been sweating profusely and generally feeling ill and weak. I've also had some quite thick and black phlegm." 531,Arthritis,I've been feeling truly frail in my muscles recently and my neck has been truly solid. Swollen joints make it difficult for me to move around. Walking has also been difficult. 959,allergy,I have itchy and red skin. Sometimes these result in flaking. My face and lips puff up and causes a lot of inconvinience. I get watery eyes sometimes and headches when the puffing gets severe 228,Impetigo,"I am experiencing skin rashes with burning sores. The blistering sores are fluid-filled, elevated, red colored lesions that are unpleasant to touch. I also have a high fever." 1040,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"Especially after eating, my throat frequently feels scorching. I occasionally get a bitter or sour aftertaste that makes me feel sick." 212,Impetigo,"Initially, I developed small red sores near my nose and neck. Now, I am having a high fever and the sores have become more painful and inflamed over the past few days." 79,Varicose Veins,"The veins on my legs are very noticeable and are causing me a lot of discomforts. They are swollen and protrude from my skin, making them visible through my clothing." 148,Typhoid,"I am having some diarrhea and constipation, which has been quite concerning. In my stomach, there is a severe, painful ache. I'm constantly exhausted and don't feel like eating anything." 591,Acne,"I discovered that I had a significant rash all over my body this morning. Blackheads and pus-filled pimples are proliferating, and my skin has been scurrying a lot." 707,Migraine,"I've been grumpy and gloomy lately, and I've also noticed a change in my vision." 589,Acne,"I woke up this morning to find that I had a major rash all over my body. It's covered in pus-filled pimples and blackheads, and my skin has been scurrying a lot" 133,Typhoid,"I've had a lot of bloating and constipation, which has been really painful. There is a lot of pressure and pain in my stomach area. I get a high fever and chills every night." 781,Cervical spondylosis,"My muscles lack strength, and I have been experiencing back pain and a dry cough. I've been experiencing neck pain and feeling lightheaded and unstable on my feet." 408,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing chills, feel really exhausted, and my cough just won't go away. When I cough, my chest aches and my heart is pounding. It's a disgusting brownish hue, the mucous I'm coming up." 969,allergy,"My skin is red and scratchy. These can occasionally flake. My cheeks and lips swell, which is really annoying. I occasionally have headaches and runny eyes because to the puffing." 507,Arthritis,"My neck has been so tense, and I've been feeling like my muscles are incredibly weak. I have trouble moving since my joints have enlarged. To walk has been quite painful." 876,Malaria,"I've experienced severe itching, chills, nausea, and a high fever. Besides having a headache, I'm also perspiring a lot. I've been terrible with nausea and muscle ache." 504,Arthritis,"My muscles have been really weak, and my neck has been extremely stiff. My joints have swollen, making it difficult to move about. Walking has been excruciatingly uncomfortable." 718,Migraine,"Along with increased hunger, a sore neck, melancholy, impatience, and visual distortion, I've also been experiencing acid reflux, indigestion, frequent headaches, and blurred eyesight." 347,Fungal infection,"My body has been itching terribly all over, and there are now red spots everywhere. Some of the patches also differ in tone from my natural complexion. And there are these lumps or pimples that have appeared on my skin." 386,Common Cold,"I've been coughing a lot and finding it difficult to breathe. My throat hurts and I feel like I have a lot of phlegm trapped in my chest. My nose has been running a lot, and I've been feeling really congested." 0,Psoriasis,"I have been experiencing a skin rash on my arms, legs, and torso for the past few weeks. It is red, itchy, and covered in dry, scaly patches." 360,Common Cold,I can't stop sneezing and I feel really tired and crummy. My throat is really sore and I have a lot of gunky stuff in my nose and throat. My neck feels swollen and puffy too. 1133,peptic ulcer disease,"My bloody stools have caused me to lose a lot of things, including iron and bloos. I now have anaemia as a result, and I typically feel rather weak." 475,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,I've been having trouble going to the bathroom. It's been really hard to go and it hurts when I do. My anus is really sore and it's been bleeding when I go. It's really painful and I'm really uncomfortable. 777,Cervical spondylosis,"Back pain, a persistent cough, and arm and leg weakness have been bothering me. I've been experiencing neck pain, balance issues, and dizziness." 753,Cervical spondylosis,"Back pain, a hacking cough, and numbness in my arms and legs have been bothering me. In addition, my neck hurts, and I've having trouble staying balanced and without getting lightheaded." 172,Chicken pox,"I've had a mild fever for the past few days, and it's starting to worry me. The fever has been accompanied by a severe headache. I feel weak and lethargic." 450,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"Constipation, discomfort with bowel motions, and anus pain have all recently been bothering me. My anus has been quite inflamed, and my stool has been extremely bloody." 125,Typhoid,"I am experiencing a lot of nausea and vomiting, and it's been quite difficult for me to eat anything. I've entirely lost my appetite, and as a result, I have become quite weak." 930,urinary tract infection,Blood has been found in my urination. I sometimes have nausea when urinating. I regularly feel like I'm almost feverish. 530,Arthritis,I've been feeling really weak in my muscles lately and my neck has been really stiff. My joints have been swollen and it's hard for me to move around. It's also been painful to walk. 90,Varicose Veins,"I have a rash on my legs that is giving me a lot of pain. There appears to be a cramp, and I can see visible veins on the calf." 1161,diabetes,"My vision is foggy, and it seems to be growing worse. I'm constantly feeling worn out and exhausted. Additionally, I occasionally have severe lightheadedness and dizziness." 181,Chicken pox,I have a high fever and a mild headache. I'm tired most of the time and completely lost my appetite. 1026,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm not in the mood to eat, and swallowing is difficult. I often have this lingering feeling of fullness even after little meals. My typical symptoms include heartburn, nausea, and throat tingling." 999,allergy,"My skin is itching and swollen. Sometimes, they could flake. My lips and cheeks swelling aches a lot. The puffing occasionally gives me headaches and runny eyes." 251,Dengue,"I have been experiencing chills and shivering, despite being in a warm environment. My back pains all the time and there are red spots on my arms." 69,Varicose Veins,The skin around the veins on my legs is dry and flaky. It seems there is a major bruise and my legs have started to swell. 131,Typhoid,"Because of the vomiting and diarrhea, I've been having a lot of difficulties staying hydrated. There is a mild fever, too, as well as stomach pain." 300,Fungal infection,"I have raised lumps, a rash that looks red and inflamed, discoloured areas of skin that are different colours from the rest of my skin, and itching on my skin." 1132,peptic ulcer disease,I frequently get swallowing issues and the sensation that food is getting stuck in my throat. I regularly belch and feel bloated. My aftertaste is unpleasant all the time. 326,Fungal infection,"I have a pretty irritating itch all over my body, and my skin also has a few red, bumpy areas. I've also had some pimples that resemble small balls and other spots that are a different colour than the rest of my skin. " 1019,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"After eating, I get queasy and frequently throw up everything I've eaten. I always get severe abdominal ache and have terrible acid reflux." 499,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"Constipation and bowel movement discomfort have been very common for me lately. The region surrounding my anus and I both ache a lot. My anus is really itchy, and my stool has been bloody." 665,Hypertension,"My balance has been off, and I have a headache, chest pain, and dizziness. I've also observed that it's hard for me to concentrate." 918,urinary tract infection,"My pee has a strong, unpleasant scent and a hazy appearance. Since these symptoms started appearing, I regularly feel the desire to urinate at night and have been experiencing high temperatures" 495,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been getting a lot of bowel issues recently. It's difficult for me to go, and it hurts when I do. My anus is quite painful, and it has been bleeding whenever I go. It's excruciatingly painful, and I'm quite uneasy." 338,Fungal infection,"I've been really itchy lately and there are these rashy spots all over my skin. There are also some areas that don't look like the normal color of my skin, and I've had some bumps that are kind of hard" 963,allergy,I have a plugged nose and nasal congestion. I occasionally have stiffness and chest discomfort at night. I've also lost my ability to taste and smell. 164,Chicken pox,There are small red spots all over my body that I can't explain. The bumps are itchy and uncomfortable and seem to spread rapidly. It's worrying me. 28,Psoriasis,"My genital skin is red and irritated. It is frequently irritating, burning, and unpleasant. There are also rashes in various places of the body. Also, I have a strange pain in my joints." 516,Arthritis,"My muscles have been quite weak, and my neck has been really stiff. My joints have swollen, making it difficult for me to walk about without becoming stiff. Walking has also been excruciatingly uncomfortable." 193,Chicken pox,There are small red spots all over my body. The spots are itchy and uncomfortable. I also have a mild fever and headache. 1103,peptic ulcer disease,I have been having bloody stools which has resulted in bloos loss and loss of iron. Thiis has caused me anemia and I feel very weak in general 169,Chicken pox,"There are red spots all over my body that I can't explain. The spots are itchy and starting to swell, and they are spreading rapidly." 1058,drug reaction,I am experiencing changes in my menstrual cycle and unexpected vaginal discharge. I often get mood swings and feel agitated from time to time 173,Chicken pox,"I have swollen lymph nodes and red spots all over my body, and they are causing discomfort. I also have a mild fever and feel tired most of the time." 518,Arthritis,"My muscles have been quite weak, and my neck has been really stiff. My joints have swollen, making it difficult for me to move without becoming stiff. Walking has been quite uncomfortable as well." 968,allergy,"I feel queasy, nauseous, and dizzy. I have a swelling throat and am having breathing issues. I occasionally have chest discomfort and nausea at night." 701,Migraine,"I've been getting frequent headaches and hazy vision, as well as acid reflux and indigestion after meals." 491,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,I'm having a lot of trouble with my bowel movements lately. It's hard to go and it hurts when I do. My anus is really sore and it's been bleeding when I go. It's really painful and I'm really uncomfortable. 73,Varicose Veins,"As I am overweight, I have noticed that my legs are swollen and the blood vessels are more visible than usual. The swelling seems to be getting worse over time." 980,allergy,"My nose runs and I sneeze a lot. My eyes are wet and hurt, and I cough all the time. My head aches constantly." 587,Acne,"This morning, I realized that I had a major rash all over my body. There are lots of pimples filled with pus and blackheads everywhere, and my skin has been scurrying a lot." 234,Impetigo,"I have rashes around my nose, as well as huge red sores. The rash is spreading to other places on my body, as I've seen. In addition, I have a high temperature every night." 214,Impetigo,"The sores on my face are beginning to weep clear fluid. Also, every night I get a high fever and chills, because of which I cannot sleep all night." 946,urinary tract infection,"In the last four days, I've experienced low temperatures and blood in my pee. My head hurts so much and my urine smells awful. The desires to urinate seldom come on cue, and I hardly ever have any control over when they do." 132,Typhoid,"I have developed diarrhea. It is accompanied by severe pain in my belly area. I don't feel like eating anything, and most of the time, I have a mild headache." 1155,diabetes,I have a feeling of tremors and muscle twitching. I have decreased sense of smell or taste and I feel fatigued. Sometimes I have a feeling of rapid hearbeat or palipatations 732,Migraine,"Stomach acid, indigestion, frequent headaches, hazy and distorted vision, increased appetite, stiff neck, depression, irritation, and visual distortion have all been bothering me." 940,urinary tract infection,"I have to go to the bathroom a lot, but generally only a few drops of urine come out. I have severe stomach pains and an overwhelming want to urinate." 185,Chicken pox,"I am starting to develop tiny red spots all over my face and neck area, and it itches when I touch them. The itching is making my day very uncomfortable." 41,Psoriasis,"My arms, face and back are all red and irritated. It is frequently irritating and unpleasant. My nails have a strange inflammation and have developed small dents. I have never seen anything like this." 108,Typhoid,"I've been having a lot of difficulty breathing, and I feel like I'm constantly nauseous. I also have mild belly pain. It's been terrifying at times." 848,Jaundice,"I have been experiencing severe itching, vomiting, fatigue, and weight loss. My fever is high and my skin has turned yellow. My urine is dark and I have been experiencing abdominal pain" 568,Acne,I've been noticing a really nasty rash on my skin lately. It's covered in blackheads and pimples that are packed with pus. My skin has also been really scurrying. 650,Hypertension,"I have been experiencing a headache, chest pain, dizziness, and difficulty maintaining my balance. I also feel like I am having trouble concentrating" 1000,gastroesophageal reflux disease,I often get aburning sensation in my throat while and especially after eating. Sometimes this also leaves a sour or bitter taste in my mouth and I get nauseos beacuse of this 1165,diabetes,I feel my muscles trembling and shaking. I feel worn out and my senses of taste and smell have diminished. Sometimes I have palpitations or a quick heartbeat. 483,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing a lot of bowel movement issues recently. It's difficult to go, and it hurts when I do. My anus is quite painful, and it has been bleeding whenever I go. It's excruciatingly painful, and I'm quite uneasy." 468,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"Since I've been constipated, using the restroom has been quite challenging. When I do go, it aches and I've had blood in my stool. My anus has been quite itchy and irritating, and I've also been experiencing some discomfort in my butt." 24,Psoriasis,"My skin has a silvery film, particularly on my back, arms and scalp. This dusting is composed of tiny scales that easily peel off when scratched." 660,Hypertension,"I have been experiencing symptoms such as a headache, chest pain, dizziness, loss of balance, and difficulty focusing." 679,Hypertension,"I have been experiencing a headache that feels like a sharp pain in my temples, along with chest pain and dizziness." 752,Cervical spondylosis,"I have been suffering from back pain, a hacking cough, and weakness in my arms and legs. Additionally, my neck hurts and I have had issues with dizziness and maintaining my balance." 993,allergy,"I have nasal congestion and a blocked nose. On occasion, during the night, I have stiffness and chest pain. I've also lost my senses of taste and smell." 366,Common Cold,"My sinuses feel incredibly congested, and my eyes are continuously red. I just constantly feel drained and exhausted. In addition, I have a lot of uncomfortable phlegm in my throat. My lymph nodes feel bloated, and breathing has been challenging." 839,Jaundice,"I've been feeling extremely scratchy, sick, and worn out. In addition, I've lost weight and have a temperature. My urine is dark, and my skin has turned yellow. Additionally, I have been experiencing stomach pain." 1052,drug reaction,I have fever and feel very dizzy and lightheaded. My heart is beating very fast and I feel very confused. I am not able to think very clearing and everything feels very foggy 383,Common Cold,I can't stop coughing and I feel really cold. My sinuses are all blocked and I have a lot of mucus. My chest hurts and I can't smell anything. My muscles are also really sore. 454,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"Recently, I've been having a lot of difficulty using the restroom. When I do, it hurts a lot, and I've noticed some blood in my stool. Around my anus, I've also been experiencing some discomfort and itching." 264,Dengue,The vomiting I have been experiencing is accompanied by stomach cramps and dizziness. I have lost my apetite and feel weak as a result. There is a pain behind my eyes too. 760,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been struggling with severe back pain, a dry cough, and limb weakness. I've been feeling lightheaded and wobbly on my feet, and my neck hurts." 979,allergy,"My skin is irritated and inflamed. Sometimes, they can flake. My lips and cheeks expand, and it is really unpleasant. Because of the puffing, I occasionally have headaches and wet eyes." 444,Pneumonia,"I'm drenched with sweat and can't seem to catch my breath. My throat is clogged with mucus, and I'm miserable. My heart is racing, and my chest aches. I'm coughing up a brownish stringy mucus." 395,Common Cold,"I lack energy and feel like my neck is bloated. My eyes are red, and my throat feels scratchy. I have severe congestion in my nostrils, and my face is under pressure. I can't smell anything, and my chest hurts." 741,Migraine,"Along with impaired seeing, excessive eating, a sore neck, melancholy, impatience, and constant headaches, I've also been fighting heartburn, acid reflux, and indigestion." 176,Chicken pox,"I have little red spots all over my body that I don't understand. It worries me. I have lost my appetite and every night, I am exhausted and have a severe headache." 18,Psoriasis,"There is strange pain in my joints. Also, I have noticed strange peeling of skin in different parts of my body. I am afraid there is something wrong going on with my body." 948,urinary tract infection,My pee smells strongly and seems cloudy. I've had fevers and frequent overnight urination needs ever since these symptoms began. 814,Jaundice,"I've been exhausted and experiencing nausea and itching. In addition, I've lost weight and have a temperature. My urine is dark, and my skin has turned yellow. Additionally, I've been having stomach pain." 595,Acne,"My skin has merely developed an uninherited rash. It has a lot of pus-filled pimples and blackheads. Furthermore, my skin has been quite sensitive." 61,Varicose Veins,"Recently, the pain in my calves has been constant and becomes worse when I stand or walk for long periods of time. My legs have started to swell and also some blood vessels are quite noticeable." 272,Dengue,"My back hurts all the time, and my arms and neck have rashes. The back of eyes pain a lot. I also have fever and it is making we worried about my health." 1125,peptic ulcer disease,My bowel movements have become constipated and diarrheal. I often feel quite tired and lack both energy and appetite. 278,Dengue,"The vomiting I've been having has been followed by stomach pains and dizziness. I've lost my appetite and as a result feel weak. My arms, back, neck pain most of the time." 841,Jaundice,"I have been having severe itching, vomiting, and fatigue. I have also lost weight and have a high fever. My skin has turned yellow and my urine is dark. I am also experiencing abdominal pain." 368,Common Cold,"My sinuses feel stuffy, and my eyes have been quite red. I simply lack energy, and my throat has been really scratchy. Along with the swelling in my lymph nodes, I've also been coughing up a lot of phlegm." 886,Malaria,"I've experienced severe itching, chills, nausea, and a high fever. Along with having a headache, I'm also perspiring a lot. I've also been bothered by nausea and muscle ache." 1014,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I always have foul breath and a sour taste in my mouth, and occasionally, the tingling in my throat makes it difficult to swallow meals." 859,Malaria,"I've been experiencing severe body itchiness, chills, and vomiting. I have a really high fever, and I've been perspiring a lot. I also feel queasy and have a headache. My muscles are in excruciating discomfort." 720,Migraine,"I have been experiencing digestive issues, including acidity and indigestion, as well as regular headaches and distorted vision, excessive hunger, a stiff neck, depression, irritability, and visual disturbance." 825,Jaundice,"I have been having severe itching, vomiting, and fatigue. I have also lost weight and have a high fever. My skin has turned yellow and my urine is dark. I am also experiencing abdominal pain." 547,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing stiffness and weakness in my neck muscles recently. Since my joints have grownup, it's heavy on behalf of American state to run whereas not getting stiff. additionally, walking has been very uncomfortable." 879,Malaria,"I've been experiencing severe itching, chills, vomiting, and a high fever. I'm also sweating a lot and have a headache. Nausea and muscle pain have been causing me a lot of discomfort." 899,Malaria,"I've had severe itching, chills, vomiting, and a high fever. I'm also sweating excessively and have a headache. Nausea and muscle pain have also been causing me a lot of discomfort." 456,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been suffering from severe constipation lately, and whenever I do go to the restroom, it hurts a lot. Aside from that, my anus has been really itchy, and I've observed some blood in my stool." 393,Common Cold,"I've been feeling awful, with a lot of congestion and a runny nose. I've been coughing a lot and having a lot of chest pain. My fever has been really high, and I've been experiencing severe muscular discomfort." 675,Hypertension,I've been experiencing balance issues in addition to feeling disoriented and dizzy. My headache has also been present nonstop. 911,urinary tract infection,I have pain near my pelvic region and vomit a lot. Sometimes there is blood in my pee and there is almost a very foul smell in my urine.I sometimes get headches and have trouble sleeping due to this 964,allergy,"I get symptoms of asthma, such as wheezing and breathing problems. I frequently have headaches and fever. All the time, I feel exhausted." 375,Common Cold,"My eyes are usually red and runny, and my nose is always stuffy. I've also been having difficulty breathing and my chest hurts. In addition, I can't smell anything and my muscles are quite painful." 412,Pneumonia,"I'm having trouble breathing, and my fever is really high. I'm drenched in sweat and shivering from the chill. My heart is thumping rapidly, and I'm quite exhausted. Additionally, I'm about to have some brownish phlegm." 74,Varicose Veins,The veins on my calves are very prominent and are causing me a lot of discomforts. They are swollen and protrude from my skin. 1121,peptic ulcer disease,"I feel bloated and uneasy at the same time. I've been losing weight, and I no longer like eating. I occasionally get bloody vomit and dark, tarry stools." 862,Malaria,"I have a high fever, severe itching, chills, and vomiting. I also have a headache and have been perspiring a lot. Additionally hurting me have been nausea and muscle soreness." 500,Arthritis,"My muscles have been feeling really weak, and my neck has been extremely tight. I've been experiencing a lot of stiffness when I walk about and my joints have been swollen. Walking has also been really uncomfortable." 941,urinary tract infection,"My urine often has a weird odour, is crimson or black in colour, and both. My body's temperature has been fluctuating often, which typically keeps me up at night." 616,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing a high fever, a persistent cough, and shortness of breath. I've also been producing a lot of thick, mucoid sputum, and I'm feeling very tired and weak." 114,Typhoid,"The abdominal pain has been coming and going, and it's been really unpleasant. It's been accompanied by constipation and vomiting. I feel really concerned about my health." 417,Pneumonia,I'm having a really hard time catching my breath and I'm sweating a lot. I feel really sick and have a lot of mucus in my throat. My chest hurts and my heart is racing. The mucus I'm coughing up is dark and looks like rust. 601,Bronchial Asthma,"I've got a cough that won't go away, and I'm exhausted. I've been coughing up thick mucous and my fever is also pretty high." 604,Bronchial Asthma,"I feel really fatigued and weak, and I have a bad cough. My fever is really high, and my breathing has become shallow. When I cough, a lot of saliva comes out as well." 89,Varicose Veins,"The skin around the veins on my legs is dry and flaky, causing discomfort and irritation. I am also starting to get frequent cramps." 1148,peptic ulcer disease,"My mouth is filled with a sour, acidic flavour. I have frequent belching and burping. My upper abdomen has felt pressed in or full for the past few hours." 498,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,I'm having a lot of trouble with constipation and pain while trying to go to the bathroom. It hurts a lot in my anus and the area around it. My stool has been bloody and my anus is really irritated. 875,Malaria,"I've been experiencing a lot of scratching, chills, vomiting, and a fever. I also have a headache and am perspiring a lot. I've been terrible with nausea and soreness in my muscles." 926,urinary tract infection,"I have to use the restroom frequently to relieve myself, but I can't seem to get my bladder empty. I occasionally get severe, uncontrolled desires to urinate, as well as black or crimson urine." 998,allergy,"I'm nauseous, ill, and shaky. I have a huge throat, which makes it tough for me to breathe. I occasionally have nighttime chest aches and occasional sickness." 11,Psoriasis,"The rash on my skin has spread to other parts of my body, including my chest and abdomen. It is itchy and uncomfortable, and it is often worse at night. I am also facing skin peeling." 396,Common Cold,"I feel quite weak, and my lymph nodes are enlarged. My eyes are burning, and my throat hurts. My sinuses are under strain, and my nose is stuffy. I can't smell anything, and my chest hurts." 754,Cervical spondylosis,"Back pain, a coughing cough, and numbness in my arms and legs have been plaguing me. In addition, my neck hurts, and I've having trouble staying balanced and without getting woozy." 555,Acne,My skin has just acquired a nasty rash. It's full of pus-filled pimples and blackheads. My skin has been really sensitive as well. 42,Psoriasis,"I've had trouble sleeping because of the itching and pain produced by the rash. My nails have little dents, which is really alarming. Moreover, my joints pain everyday and I have no idea what is causing it." 167,Chicken pox,The high fever and swollen lymph nodes are causing me much discomfort. I have a headache and feel weak and fatigued. It's hard for me to concentrate because of the fever. 416,Pneumonia,"With a high temperature, shortness of breath, sweating, chills, and intense exhaustion, I've been feeling quite poorly. I've been coughing up a lot of brownish phlegm and my pulse rate is racing." 576,Acne,I recently had a horrible rash on my skin. There are several blackheads and pus-filled pimples. My skin has also been moving around a lot. 267,Dengue,The headache I have been experiencing is severe and is accompanied by a feeling of pressure in my head. I have mild fever along with headache. There are small red spots on my back. 807,Jaundice,"Strong itchiness and nausea have been bothering me. I have also lost weight and am really exhausted. I have a high fever, and my skin is becoming yellow. In addition to feeling stomach ache, my pee is black." 426,Pneumonia,I can't seem to catch my breath and I'm sweating a lot. I feel really sick and have a lot of phlegm in my throat. My chest hurts and my heart is racing. The mucus I'm coughing up is brownish and stringy. 690,Hypertension,"I instantly experienced a headache, chest pain, and dizziness while working out. Since then, it has been challenging for me to keep my balance." 544,Arthritis,"Recently, when I try to walk about, I have stiffness, a stiff neck, swollen joints, and muscular weakness. Walking has also been really uncomfortable." 1122,peptic ulcer disease,I often feel like food is getting caught in my throat and have problems swallowing. I feel bloated and frequently belch. I constantly have a bitter aftertaste. 674,Hypertension,"I have been struggling with a headache that feels like a tight band around my head, along with chest pain and dizziness." 689,Hypertension,"I was in the middle of a workout when I suddenly developed a headache, chest pain, and dizziness. It's been hard for me to maintain my balance since then" 1054,drug reaction,I feel very nauseous and have chest pain. Recently I have been experiencing chest pain. I feel very uneasy and often sweat profusely 1176,diabetes,"I have rashes and skin irritations, especially in the crevices of my skin. My skin bruises and cuts also take a long time to heal." 1032,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"My tendency is to belch and burp frequently. I frequently get chest pain that spreads to my arm, jaw, and the back of my neck. There is pressure and stress in my chest." 1034,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"Periodically, the tingling in my throat, poor breath, and bad taste in my mouth make it difficult for me to swallow meals." 257,Dengue,I have been feeling nauseous and have a constant urge to vomit. There is a strong pain behind my eyes and there are small red spots all over my arms. 335,Fungal infection,"My skin has been really scratchy, and there are rashes all over my body. I have some bumps that are quite firm, as well as some areas that are a darker shade from the rest of my skin. It's extremely unpleasant." 15,Psoriasis,"I am starting to have rashes on my skin. The rash often bleeds when I scratch or rub it. Moreover, I have noticed small dents in my nails." 901,urinary tract infection,"I get frequent urges to urinate at night with little output, and a lot of pain during urination. The urine is coludy and bloody and sometime foul smelling, and I get nauseous" 324,Fungal infection,"My skin always itches, and occasionally it becomes quite rough and red. In addition, I occasionally get little pimples that resemble tiny balls and certain spots that are a different colour from the rest of my skin. It severely irritates me and itches." 607,Bronchial Asthma,"I have a cough that has continued for days, and I feel really weak and tired. My fever is high, and my breath has become strained. When I cough, I also generate a lot of mucus." 1053,drug reaction,I have rashes on my skin and these flake off from time to time. This leaves me prone to infection. My fingers start twitching and sometimes I experience tremors. 790,Cervical spondylosis,"My muscles have been quite weak, and I've been coughing up phlegm along with significant back discomfort. In addition to feeling weak and disoriented, my neck has been hurting." 222,Impetigo,"I have been developing sores on my face and nose area. I am not sure what is causing this. The sores on my face are swollen and tender to the touch, and I have a burning sensation and redness of the skin." 179,Chicken pox,Enlarged lymph nodes are giving me a great deal of pain. I have rashes all over my body and because of which I cannot sleep all night. 99,Varicose Veins,"The veins in my calves are protruding out quite unusually. I am worried about it. Also, I am overweight and I believe this is the reason behind all of this." 521,Arthritis,"My muscles have been feeling really weak, and my neck has been extremely tight. I have swollen joints and find it difficult to move about without becoming stiff. It has also been really uncomfortable to walk." 22,Psoriasis,"My skin is peeling, particularly on my knees, elbows, and scalp. This peeling is frequently accompanied by a stinging or burning feeling." 356,Common Cold,"I've been quite exhausted and ill. I'm sneezing nonstop and am quite cold. My head is throbbing, and I lack energy. Additionally, I have a very high fever and feel like I am on fire." 733,Migraine,"I have been struggling with digestive issues, including acid reflux and indigestion, as well as regular headaches and impaired vision, excessive hunger, a sore neck, depression, irritability, and visual disturbance" 1093,drug reaction,I have awful mental clarity and have trouble focusing. I frequently forget things and struggle with memory. 1111,peptic ulcer disease,"Bloating and unease are both present in me. I've been losing weight and losing interest in food. I occasionally get tarry, black stools and vomit that contains blood." 611,Bronchial Asthma,"I've felt terribly weak and drained, and I've also had a cough that that won't go away. My fever has been exceptionally high, and it has been challenging to try to catch my breath. I've been creating a lot of mucous when I cough." 1009,gastroesophageal reflux disease,I feel uneasiness after eating and usually vomit whatever I've eaten. I always have this pain in my abdomen and have really bad acid reflux 340,Fungal infection,"I've been itching and have rashy patches all over my skin recently. There are also some regions that don't appear to be the regular tone of my skin, and I've experienced some painful bumps." 431,Pneumonia,"My fever is really high, and I'm having difficulty breathing. I'm drenched in sweat and shivering with chills. I'm quite fatigued, and my heart is racing. I'm also expecting some brownish phlegm." 961,allergy,"I often sneeze and have a sore throat. My lips and the area around my eyes occasionally swell. Once I start sneezing, I just can't stop." 217,Impetigo,"The sores around my nose are now surrounded by red, inflamed skin. The rash has caused my skin to become dry and flaky, with a visible yellow colored fluid coming out of the sores." 203,Impetigo,"There are rashes around my nose, with large red sores. I noticed that the rash was spreading to other parts of my body. Also, I have a high fever every night." 905,urinary tract infection,"I have pain in my abdomen, and often get feverish. I have sudden and strong urges to pee. The pain is almost constant, and often increases at night time. My pee almost always has a foul smell" 922,urinary tract infection,"I have lower abdominal ache and a bursting sensation when I urinate. Since I began to experience these additional symptoms, I have also been experiencing low body temperatures. I've been weak as a result of this." 93,Varicose Veins,The blood vessels on my legs are quite visible and give me a lot of pain. They're large and protrude from my skin. It is unusual and I am worried about it. 910,urinary tract infection,I have been having low temperatures and bloody pee since some days now. My head hurts like crazy and pee also smells very foul. I have almost no control on my peeing and get very sudden urges 68,Varicose Veins,The prominent blood vessels on my calves are causing self-consciousness and embarrassment. I believe the problem is because of my overweight. 894,Malaria,"I have a high fever, severe itching, chills, and vomiting. I also have a headache and have been perspiring a lot. My discomfort has also been brought on by nausea and muscle ache." 284,Dengue,I have a high fever along with a severe headache. The fever is accompanied by extreme body pain and chills. I am worried about my health and don’t know what to do. 696,Hypertension,"I felt good when I woke up this morning, but as the day wore on, I began to feel headachey, sick to my stomach, and dizzy. Since then, it has been challenging for me to concentrate and focus on my work." 85,Varicose Veins,"The veins on my legs are causing a lot of discomforts when I sit for long periods of time. They are swollen and protruding from my skin, making them painful and noticeable." 434,Pneumonia,"I'm having trouble breathing and am really uncomfortable. I'm sweating profusely and have a lot of mucus in my throat. My chest aches, and my heart is racing. I'm coughing up dark mucous." 796,Cervical spondylosis,"Back pain, a persistent cough, and numbness in my arms and legs have been bothering me. My neck hurts, and I've been feeling lightheaded and unsteady." 153,Chicken pox,I've lost my appetite and can't seem to eat anything. I'm worried about my health. 75,Varicose Veins,"The skin around the veins on my legs is red, inflamed, and itchy. It is causing a lot of discomforts and I am starting to get regular cramps." 1042,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I have a tendency to burp and belch regularly. I often get chest discomfort that radiates to my arm, jaw, and neck. My chest feels tight and stressed." 580,Acne,"A skin rash with several pus-filled pimples and blackheads has been bothering me lately. Additionally, my skin has been scurring a lot." 446,Pneumonia,"I'm having a lot of problems breathing. I'm not feeling good, and I'm sweating a lot. I have a lot of mucous in my throat and my chest hurts. My breathing is laboured, and the phlegm I'm coughing up has an odd tint." 703,Migraine,"I've been suffering visual disruptions, seeing things as distorted, and eyesight problems." 188,Chicken pox,I'm worried about these red spots on my skin. It's spreading rapidly and causing a lot of problems. I also developed a mild fever and headache every night. 271,Dengue,"I'm experiencing extreme body pain, headache and vomiting. I've developed red spots that covers my entire body and causes severe itching." 236,Impetigo,My nasal sores have crusted up and become difficult to touch. The wounds used to leak a yellow-rust coloured fluid. It is taking a lot longer to deal with using medication. 487,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,Lately I've been experiencing constipation and pain during bowel movements. My anus is really sore and it's been bleeding when I go. It's really painful and I'm really uncomfortable. 1159,diabetes,I have persistent dry cough. My infections dont seem to be healing and I have palpitations. I also have this problem of sore throat that does seem to go away 559,Acne,Lately I've been experiencing a skin rash with a lot of pus-filled pimples and blackheads. My skin has also been scurring a lot. 117,Typhoid,"I've been feeling exhausted and weak, and I can't seem to get rid of it. Because of the vomiting and nausea, I've entirely lost my appetite. My belly pains which are causing me concern." 637,Bronchial Asthma,"My persistent cough, breathing problems, and exhaustion have been making things difficult for me. I've been producing copious amounts of thick, mucoid sputum while also having a high fever. I'm currently feeling fairly ill because everything has been so tiring and exhausting." 1127,peptic ulcer disease,"Due to a stomach discomfort, I have problems sleeping or staying asleep. I am exhausted after using the bathroom and lose my appetite. I'm quite nervous all the time." 750,Cervical spondylosis,"I have been experiencing severe back pain, a persistent cough, and weakness in my limbs. My neck also hurts and I have been feeling dizzy and off balance." 512,Arthritis,"Recently, I've been suffering neck muscle weakness and stiffness. My joints have enlarged and it is difficult for me to walk without feeling stiff. Walking has also been excruciatingly uncomfortable." 633,Bronchial Asthma,"I must admit that I have been having a high fever, a persistent cough, and shortness of breath. In addition, I've been coughing up a lot of thick, mucoid saliva and I've been feeling really depleted and worn out." 785,Cervical spondylosis,"I've had terrible back pain, a persistent cough, and weakness in my arms and legs. I have issues with dizziness and balance loss, and my neck hurts." 1006,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I have a loss of appetite and difficulty swallowing. I often have this persistent feeling of fullness, even after eating small meals. I usually throw up and get heartburn and a tingling sensation in my throat" 852,Malaria,"I've had a high temperature, vomiting, chills, and intense itching. I also have a headache and am perspiring a lot. I'm queasy, and my muscles hurt a lot." 126,Typhoid,"I am having a lot of trouble sleeping because of the high fever and the headache. Moreover, I have constant belly pain, because of which I can't go to work." 116,Typhoid,"I am experiencing extreme belly pain and constipation. Every night, I have a severe fever along with chills and headaches. The last couple of days has been really uncomfortable." 473,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"It's incredibly difficult for me to use the restroom, and when I do, it hurts a lot. My stools have been bloody, and my butt has been hurting. My anus has also been quite itching and aggravated." 740,Migraine,"Along with impaired eyesight, increased appetite, a sore neck, melancholy, impatience, and regular headaches, I've also been experiencing heartburn, acid reflux, and indigestion." 992,allergy,"I have trouble breathing and easily get out of breath. My face and torso are swollen, my eyes hurt, and I have a dry, hacking cough." 57,Varicose Veins,The cramps in my calves are making it difficult for me to walk. I feel fatigued after working for some time. I believe obesity is the reason behind this. 603,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been having issues with exhaustion, a dry cough, and breathing. I have a very high fever and have been coughing up a lot of thick, mucoid phlegm." 786,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been suffering from severe back pain, a persistent cough, and numbness in my arms and legs. I've been experiencing issues with vertigo and balance issues, and my neck hurts." 970,allergy,"I frequently sneeze, and my nose runs. I constantly cough, and my eyes are sore and watery. My head hurts all the time." 656,Hypertension,"I've been encountering trouble walking, a headache, chest pain, and dizziness. My concentration skills and focus has also been challenging." 902,urinary tract infection,I get a burning sensation when I pee. Sometimes a lot of pain and foul smelling urine. I have been getting more urges to urinate at night 921,urinary tract infection,I occasionally urinate with blood in it and occasionally feel queasy while doing so. Help! I also occasionally get high temps at night and have a terrible odour coming from my pee. 105,Typhoid,"The fatigue has been really uncomfortable, and I've had a lot of difficulties doing my usual activities. I've also been feeling really depressed and irritable. There is mild pain in the abdominal part too." 635,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been struggling with a persistent cough, breathing issues, and exhaustion. I've been coughing up a lot of thick, mucoid sputum and have a high fever. All of this has been really tiring and exhausting, and right now I'm feeling rather ill." 369,Common Cold,"My eyes are always red and itchy, and my nose feels all stuffy and congested. I just feel kind of sick and tired all the time, and I keep coughing up all this gunk. My throat feels sore and scratchy, and I've noticed that the bumps on my neck are bigger than usual" 268,Dengue,The nausea I have been feeling is accompanied by a loss of appetite and feeling of unease. There is a distinct pain in my back and muscles pain too. 655,Hypertension,"I have been having a headache, chest pain, dizziness, and trouble with my balance. It has also been hard for me to focus and concentrate." 46,Psoriasis,"I've had trouble falling asleep because of the rash's pain and itching. The skin on my fingers are starting to peel off. My nails have a few tiny cracks, which is really worrying. " 349,Fungal infection,There are now red blotches all over my body where I have been itching horribly all over. A few of the patches also differ in complexion from my natural skin. And these lumps or bumps have developed on my skin. 773,Cervical spondylosis,"Back pain, a persistent cough, and numbness in my arms and legs have been bothering me. I've had trouble staying balanced and experiencing dizziness, and my neck hurts." 195,Chicken pox,I feel tired every day. There are red spots all over my arms and back and it itches if I touch them. I am really worried and not sure what to do. 102,Typhoid,"I have been experiencing chills and fever, along with severe abdominal pain. I've been feeling really miserable overall, and I just can't seem to shake these symptoms." 4,Psoriasis,"My nails have small dents or pits in them, and they often feel inflammatory and tender to the touch. Even there are minor rashes on my arms." 619,Bronchial Asthma,"I've had a persistent cough for days, and I also have breathing problems. I'm so weak and exhausted, and my fever is through the roof. It's been very difficult to manage all of these symptoms, and I've also been coughing up a lot of mucus. I'm becoming so angry over everything." 990,allergy,"I sneeze a lot and my nose is running. My eyes ache and are damp, and I frequently croak. My head hurts all the time." 52,Varicose Veins,"There is bruising on my legs that I cannot explain. I can see strange blood vessels below the skin. Also, I am slightly obese and I am really worried." 263,Dengue,"The joint pain I have been experiencing is severe and feels like a constant ache. My head aches most of the time and I am starting to develope mild fever, accompanied with chills. " 1092,drug reaction,I've gained a lot of weight and am currently quite fat. I have many inclinations and cravings. 443,Pneumonia,"I'm running a temperature and can't seem to catch my breath. I've been sweating tremendously and feeling overall unwell and weak. I've also had some thick, black phlegm. My heart has been beating frantically, and my chest hurts." 971,allergy,I have a sore throat and frequently sneeze. Sometimes the skin around my eyes and my lips swells. I just can't stop sneezing once I get going. 782,Cervical spondylosis,"My muscles haven't been very strong, and I've been experiencing back ache. I've been feeling lightheaded and wobbly on my feet, and my neck hurts." 846,Jaundice,"I have been suffering from intense itching, vomiting, fatigue, and weight loss. My fever is high and my skin has turned yellow. My urine is dark and I have been experiencing abdominal pain" 691,Hypertension,"I have been feeling fine all day, but suddenly developed a headache, chest pain, and dizziness while driving home from work. It's been hard for me to focus and concentrate on the road since then." 304,Fungal infection,"I have a rash all over my body, and I can't stop scratching because my skin is itchy. My skin also has a few spots where the hue is altered and some lumps and knot-like pimples." 341,Fungal infection,"Recently, I've been itching myself a lot, and my skin is covered with rashy patches. Furthermore, there are a few regions where my skin doesn't appear to be its usual tone, and I've experienced a few lumps that are exceptionally painful." 866,Malaria,"I have a high fever, severe itching, chills, and vomiting. I also have a headache and have been perspiring a lot. Additionally hurting me have been nausea and muscle soreness." 313,Fungal infection,"I have lots of itchy spots on my skin, and sometimes they turn red or bumpy. There are also some weird patches that are different colors than the rest of my skin, and sometimes I get these weird bumps that look like little balls." 149,Typhoid,"I've been having diarrhoea and loose, watery stools many times a day. I've lost my appetite and am always sick. I'm also developing a mild fever. Also, my abdominal part pains a lot. I don't know what the reason behind all of these is." 124,Typhoid,"I have had a fever for the last couple of days. Now, I am starting to experience a severe pain in my stomach area and suffering from constipation." 1062,drug reaction,"I suffer migraines and headaches, and I've been having trouble falling asleep. My muscles have been trembling and twitching. I sometimes feel dizzy." 574,Acne,I've been dealing with a really nasty rash on my skin lately. It's covered in blackheads and pimples that are packed with pus. My skin has also been really scurrying. 697,Hypertension,"I was in the middle of a meeting when I suddenly developed a headache, chest pain, and dizziness. It's been hard for me to focus and concentrate on the discussion since then." 664,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing balance issues, a headache, chest pain, and dizziness. I've also realised that I'm having trouble focusing." 50,Varicose Veins,"I have a rash on my legs that is causing a lot of discomforts. It seems there is a cramp and I can see prominent veins on the calf. Also, I have been feeling very tired and fatigued in the past couple of days." 726,Migraine,"I have been experiencing digestive issues, including acidity and indigestion, as well as frequent headaches and impaired vision, excessive hunger, a stiff neck, depression, irritability, and visual disturbance" 799,Cervical spondylosis,"Back pain, a productive cough, and muscle weakness have been bothering me. I have issues with dizziness and uneven balance, and my neck hurts." 353,Common Cold,"I've been sneezing incessantly and I just can't get this chill to go away. I feel so weak and exhausted, and my cough won't stop. My temperature is really high." 1152,diabetes,I have a dry mouth and throat. I also have been experiencing an increased appetite and hunger. However I do feel very tired at times 142,Typhoid,"I am feeling quite weak. I'm having a lot of stomach discomfort and constipation, which is really bothering me. I have a strong urge to vomit at times, and as a result, I can't eat anything." 470,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"Since I've been constipated, using the restroom has been quite challenging. When I do go, it aches and I've had blood in my stool. My anus has been quite itchy and irritating, and I've also been experiencing some discomfort in my butt." 653,Hypertension,"In addition to a head pain, chest pain, instability, and balance issues, I've already been feeling unwell. I also suppose I'm having issues focusing." 399,Common Cold,"I always get hot, puffy eyes and the feeling that something is obstructing my sinuses. My chest feels quite heavy, and I've been coughing up a lot of gunk. I have no sense of smell, and my muscles hurt a lot." 1153,diabetes,I have slow healing of wounds and cuts. I have this tingling sensation in my hand and numbness in both my hands and feet 937,urinary tract infection,"I regularly vomit and get pelvic pain. There is occasionally blood in my pee, and it occasionally has an absolutely intolerable odour. I occasionally have trouble falling asleep because of my migraines." 320,Fungal infection,"Doctor, My skin is covered in an uncomfortable rash and has a few odd patches of skin that are a different colour. There are a few pimples on my skin that resemble little knots." 19,Psoriasis,"My nails have small dents on them. Even my joints have started to pain severely. There is a silver like dusting on my skin, particularly in my back." 684,Hypertension,"I had a headache and chest pain this morning, and as the day wore on, I also started to feel unsteady and unstable on my feet." 35,Psoriasis,"There is a silver like dusting on my skin. Moreover, the skin on my arms and back are starting to peel off. This is strange and really concerning me." 824,Jaundice,"I've felt really scratchy, nauseated, and worn out. I also had a high fever and lost weight. Both my skin and my urine have become yellow. I've also been experiencing stomach pain." 505,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing severe muscular weakness, and my neck has been really stiff. It has been difficult to move about since my joints have swollen. It has been really uncomfortable to walk." 827,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing intense itchiness, nausea, and exhaustion. I also had a high fever and lost weight. Both my skin and my urine have become yellow. Additionally, my stomach hurts." 1070,drug reaction,"I've gained a lot of weight and am now quite fat. My appetite varies, and I have desires for various things." 407,Pneumonia,"I've been having chills and feeling really worn out, and this cough won't go away. My chest hurts when I cough, and my heart is racing. The mucus I'm bringing up is a gross brownish color." 817,Jaundice,"The itch, the nausea, and the weariness have been bothering me. In addition, I developed a fever and lost weight. My pee is black, and I've developed a yellow rash. Additionally, I've had stomach ache." 537,Arthritis,My neck has been extremely tight and my muscles have felt quite weak recently. It is difficult for me to move around without becoming stiff due to my swollen joints. Walking has also been extremely uncomfortable. 758,Cervical spondylosis,"Back discomfort, a breathing difficulty, and weakness in my limbs have been hurting me. I have issues with vertigo and losing my balance, and my neck hurts." 1068,drug reaction,"My sex desire has decreased, and I'm finding it harder to function sexually. I regularly have brain fog and feel quite dizzy and disoriented." 892,Malaria,"Strong itchiness, chills, nausea, and a high fever are all part of my current condition. Besides having a headache, I've been perspiring a lot. I've been uncomfortable from nausea and muscle ache, too." 38,Psoriasis,I've had trouble sleeping because of the itching and pain produced by the rash. My nails have little dents. I am also experiencing skin peeling in different parts of my body. 175,Chicken pox,"I have seen rashes on my skin, and it's difficult for me not to scratch. Also, I've had a high fever for several days. I'm not sure what's causing it." 245,Impetigo,"I'm running a high temperature. I've developed a rash on my face, neck, and arms. The rash consists of painful red lesions. My health is a concern for me." 810,Jaundice,"I've been feeling scratchy and throwing up. I have lost weight and am also really exhausted. My skin has become yellow, and I have a severe fever. I have stomach ache and black urine." 1084,drug reaction,"I suffer migraines and headaches, and I've been having trouble falling asleep. My whole body has been trembling and shivering. At times, I have dizziness." 1077,drug reaction,"My body itches all over, and I have rashes on my back and chest. My skin can be flaky on sometimes, which commonly results in body marks." 784,Cervical spondylosis,"I have been struggling with intense back pain, a chronic cough, and weakness in my arms and legs. My neck is sore and I have had problems with dizziness and loss of balance." 1184,diabetes,"My emotions change, and I have difficulties focusing. At times, my mind might be cloudy and hazy, making it challenging for me to do even simple tasks." 489,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've recently been suffering from constipation and digestive discomfort. My anus is quite painful, and it has been bleeding whenever I go. It's excruciatingly painful, and I'm quite uneasy." 154,Chicken pox,There are small red spots all over my body that I can't explain. It's worrying me. I feel extremely tired and experience a mild fever every night. 638,Bronchial Asthma,"With my persistent cough, respiratory issues, and exhaustion, I've been struggling. I have a high fever and have been producing a lot of thick, mucoid sputum while coughing. I currently feel rather sick as a result of how draining and tiresome everything has been." 662,Hypertension,"Headache, chest discomfort, dizziness, lack of balance, and difficulty concentrating are some of the symptoms I've been having." 853,Malaria,"Strong itchiness, chills, nausea, and a high temperature have been plaguing me. Besides having a headache, I'm also perspiring a lot. My muscles are quite sore, and I feel sick." 287,Dengue,"I have been feeling nauseous and have a constant urge to vomit, which is accompanied with mild fever and headache. " 625,Bronchial Asthma,"Hey, I've had a dry cough, breathing difficulties, as well as a high fever. a lot of mucous is being produced, and I feel incredibly weak and tired.""" 1199,diabetes,"I constantly sneeze and have a dry cough. My infections don't seem to be healing, and I have palpitations. My throat does ache occasionally, but it usually gets better." 685,Hypertension,"I have been dealing with a headache and chest pain for a few days now, but today the dizziness and loss of balance became much worse." 872,Malaria,"I've had a high fever, chills, and intense itching. In addition, I have a headache and am perspiring a lot. I've been suffering from nausea as well as muscle ache." 569,Acne,I just developed a really nasty rash on my skin. There are tons of blackheads and pimples that are filled with pus. My skin has also been really scurrying. 1143,peptic ulcer disease,"I've lost a lot of stuff because of my bloody stools, including iron and bloos. As a result, I now have anaemia and generally feel rather weak." 734,Migraine,"I have been experiencing frequent headaches, blurred vision, excessive appetite, a sore neck, sadness, irritability, and digestive problems including indigestion and acid reflux." 792,Cervical spondylosis,"I have been dealing with back pain, a persistent cough, and weakness in my limbs. My neck is sore and I have had issues with dizziness and loss of balance." 17,Psoriasis,"I am worried about the constant peeling of the skin on my palm, elbow and knee. I have developed rashes on my arms, which itch if I touch them. All of these are making my life quite discomforting and miserable." 127,Typhoid,"I have been feeling really fatigued and weak, and I can't seem to get rid of it. I have a mild fever and a strange pain in my abdominal area. I can't understand what is happening." 322,Fungal infection,"My skin has been acting up lately, becoming exceedingly itchy and prone to rashes. Furthermore, several patches differ from my normal skin tone in terms of colour. And now I have lumps or bumps on my skin that weren't there before." 255,Dengue,"I have been feeling extremely tired and fatigued, and I have no energy to do anything. I have developed rashes on my neck, which itch upon touching. " 943,urinary tract infection,"My pee has a strong odour and a hazy look. Since these symptoms started, I've had high temperatures and frequent nighttime urges to urinate." 1179,diabetes,"I constantly have a dry cough. My infections don't seem to be healing, and I have palpitations. My throat hurts occasionally, but it does appear to get better." 190,Chicken pox,I have swollen red lymph nodes on my arms and legs that itch when I touch them. I'm also suffering from a terrible headache and a mild fever. I don't feel like eating anything and have lost my appetite. 115,Typhoid,"I have been experiencing a lot of bloating and constipation, and it's been really uncomfortable. It feels like there's a lot of pressure and pain in my belly area." 1173,diabetes,My wound is healing slowly and at a slower rate. My hands and feet are numb and tingling at the same time. 888,Malaria,"I've been experiencing severe itching, chills, vomiting, and a high fever. In addition, I have a headache and am perspiring a lot. I've also been bothered by nausea and muscular ache." 606,Bronchial Asthma,"doctor, i have been having high fever since past few days , saliva also became thick , dry cough , weakness also seen" 180,Chicken pox,"My skin rash is giving me a lot of pain and discomfort. It's red and swollen, and it's spreading throughout my body." 301,Fungal infection,"All over my body, there has been a severe itching that has been followed by a red, bumpy rash. My skin also has a few darkened spots and a few tiny, nodular breakouts. It has been happening for several days and is becoming worse." 496,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,I've been having a really hard time going to the bathroom lately. It's really painful and I'm only able to go every few days. There's also a lot of pain in my anus and around that area. My stool has been really bloody and my anus feels really irritated. 348,Fungal infection,"My skin has been really itchy lately, and it occasionally erupts into a rash. In addition, I have a few odd areas of skin that are a different coloration from the rest of me, and occasionally I develop little bumps that look like nodules." 1035,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I routinely experience heartburn and indigestion, particularly after consuming spicy or fatty foods. When I lean forward or lie down, my chest discomfort becomes worse. My chest hurts a lot as well." 982,allergy,"I have breathing problems and become out of breath easily. My eyes ache, I have a dry, hacking cough, and my face and body are bloated." 744,Migraine,"As well as with excessive appetite, a tense neck, depression, irritability, and visual disturbance, I've also been having indigestion, headaches, blurred vision, and acid reflux. These symptoms have been disturbing me and interfering with my usual activities." 1151,diabetes,I have blurred vision and it only seems to be getting worse. I feel fatigued and tired all the time. I also feel very dizzy and light headed at times 517,Arthritis,"My muscles have been really weak, and my neck has been extremely stiff. My joints have swollen, making it difficult for me to walk about without feeling stiff. Walking has also been really uncomfortable." 372,Common Cold,My eyes are red and watery all the time. I've also had this pressure in my sinuses that won't go away. I'm always feeling tired and I've been having a lot of trouble breathing. I've also had a lot of gunk in my throat and my lymph nodes are swollen. 45,Psoriasis,"My nails are slightly dented. Even my joints are now experiencing excruciating discomfort. My skin has a silver-like powder, especially on my back and elbows. " 476,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been finding it challenging to use the restroom. Going has been quite difficult, and it aches when I do. When I go, my anus bleeds and is really uncomfortable. I'm in a lot of discomfort and it hurts extremely bad." 157,Chicken pox,The itching is making it hard for me to sleep at night. I can't get any rest. I have also lost my appetite and feel lethargic. 1046,gastroesophageal reflux disease,I regularly feel sick after eating and puke up the entire meal. I constantly get horrible acid reflux agony and stomach discomfort. 171,Chicken pox,"I have no energy and have lost my appetite. I'm feeling really sick and don't know what's wrong. Also, there are small red spots starting to show on my skin." 16,Psoriasis,"I have noticed that my skin has become more sensitive than it used to be. There is a silver like dusting on my skin, especially on my back and elbows." 511,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing muscular weakness and stiffness in my neck recently. My joints have swollen, making it difficult for me to walk about without becoming stiff. Walking has also been excruciatingly uncomfortable." 48,Psoriasis,"I am starting to have rashes on my arms and neck. The rash often bleeds and hurts when I scratch it. I have also developed small dents in my nails, which is very strange." 191,Chicken pox,I'm really exhausted and lacking in energy. I can hardly keep my eyes open during the day. I have a mild fever and don't feel like eating anything. I think I have lost my appetite. 546,Arthritis,"Recently, the muscles in my neck have become tight and weak. It's difficult for me to run now since my joints are older without getting tight. The act of walking has also been quite unpleasant." 515,Arthritis,"My muscles have been feeling really weak, and my neck has been extremely tight. I have swollen joints and find it difficult to move about without becoming stiff. It has also been really uncomfortable to walk." 977,allergy,I always feel exhausted and have a tickle in my throat. My skin has also started to feel dry. I occasionally get ocular swelling. 938,urinary tract infection,"I need to relieve myself regularly, but I can't seem to get my bladder to empty. On sometimes, I get intense, uncontrollable urges to urinate, along with dark or red urine." 828,Jaundice,"Extreme itchiness, nausea, and exhaustion have been bothering me. In addition, I developed a fever and lost weight. My pee is black, and I've developed a yellow rash. The ache in my stomach is also present." 983,allergy,I have a plugged nose and nasal congestion. I occasionally have stiffness and chest discomfort during the night. I've also lost my ability to smell and taste. 480,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"Constipation and soreness with bowel motions have been bothering me lately. When I go, my anus bleeds and is really uncomfortable. I'm in a lot of discomfort and it hurts extremely bad." 1128,peptic ulcer disease,"A sour, acidic taste is all over my mouth. Belching and burping are common in me. I have pressure or fullness in my upper abdomen for a few hours." 283,Dengue,"I have been vomiting frequently and have lost my appetite as a result. There are rashes on my skin and my eyes pain, because of which I cannot sleep properly." 1029,gastroesophageal reflux disease,I often feel sick after eating and puke up the entire meal. I constantly get excruciating acid reflux and severe stomach pain. 797,Cervical spondylosis,"I've had back pain, a persistent cough, and weakness in my arms and legs. My neck hurts, and I've been feeling off-balance and woozy." 939,urinary tract infection,"My spirits have been incredibly low, and my pee smells awful. My kidney region hurts a lot, and I can't seem to hold my urine in. I get these unreasonable urges all the time." 225,Impetigo,"I am feeling really sick. I have a high fever and headache. I noticed rashes on my arms and face. I am extremely worried about this. Today, I observed red sores near my nose." 26,Psoriasis,My skin is extremely sensitive and quickly irritated by changes in temperature or humidity. My nails have developed dents on them. I am worried about this sudden change. 282,Dengue,I have been experiencing severe joint pain that is making my day very difficult. I feel like vomiting all the time and have a mild headache too. 1149,peptic ulcer disease,"I unintentionally lose weight and find it challenging to gain it back. To relieve the pain and discomfort I feel, I take antacids. My mouth hurts so severely right now." 437,Pneumonia,"I've recently been suffering with chills, lethargy, a cough, a high temperature, and difficulties breathing. I've been sweating profusely and generally feeling ill and weak. I've also had some quite thick and black phlegm." 1167,diabetes,I frequently feel the want to urinate and frequently have these strong cravings. I frequently feel woozy and bewildered. I've also had sight loss. 364,Common Cold,I've been sneezing a lot and feeling really tired and sick. There's also a lot of gross stuff coming out of my nose and my throat feels really scratchy. And my neck feels swollen too. 229,Impetigo,"I believe I have some skin disease. There are rashes on my face and small sores near my nose. The sores have become red, and painful and some kind of a yellow ooze discharges from them." 37,Psoriasis,"My skin rash gets worse in the winter when the air is dry. To keep my skin moisturized, I have to moisturize more regularly and use humidifiers. I am also facing joint pain." 669,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing dizziness and shakiness, as well as a loss in my attention span and ability to concentrate." 749,Migraine,"I have been struggling with acid reflux, indigestion, and headaches, as well as blurred and distorted vision, excessive hunger, a sore neck, depression, irritability, and visual disturbance. These symptoms have been causing me a lot of problems and making it difficult to concentrate and function normally." 1180,diabetes,"I've been drinking more water and urinating more frequently. My throat and mouth frequently feel dry. Recently, both my hunger and appetite have grown." 374,Common Cold,"My nose feels quite clogged, and my eyes are constantly very red and runny. In addition, my chest hurts and I've been having a lot of breathing problems. In addition, my muscles feel quite painful, and I can't smell anything." 469,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been constipated and it's really hard to go to the bathroom. When I do go, it hurts and my stool has been bloody. I've also been having some pain in my butt and my anus has been really itchy and irritated." 882,Malaria,"Along with my intense scratching, chills, nausea, and high fever, I've also been feeling really unwell. Along with my headache and excessive sweating, I've been suffering from severe muscle pain and nausea." 1181,diabetes,"My vision is foggy, and it appears to be growing worse. I feel exhausted and worn out all the time. I also have severe dizziness and lightheadedness on occasion." 687,Hypertension,"I was at work when I started feeling a headache, chest pain, and dizziness. It's been hard for me to concentrate and focus on my tasks since then." 32,Psoriasis,"I've observed that my skin is more sensitive now than it used to be. My skin has a silvery film, especially on my back and elbows." 1010,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"My throat frequently feels like it is burning, especially after eating. Additionally, I occasionally get a sour or bitter aftertaste, which causes me to feel queasy." 1175,diabetes,"My body is shaking and trembling. My senses of taste and smell have gotten weaker, and I feel exhausted. I occasionally have palpitations or a rapid pulse." 194,Chicken pox,"I've been suffering from severe itching all over my body, along with a fever and headache. The red spots are starting to swell and it is getting really uncomfortable every day." 1105,peptic ulcer disease,"I have changes in my bowel movements, such as constipation and diarrhea. I have a loss of appetite and energy and often feel very fatigued" 1113,peptic ulcer disease,"My bloody stools have caused me to lose iron and bloos, among other things. I now have anaemia from this, and I generally feel quite weak." 1063,drug reaction,"I'm feeling really lightheaded and dizzy when I have a temperature. My mind is completely muddled, and my heart is racing. I find it difficult to think clearly, and everything seems quite hazy." 503,Arthritis,I've been feeling really weak in my muscles and my neck has been really stiff. My joints have been swelling up and it's been hard to move around. Walking has been really painful. 915,urinary tract infection,My is pee is dark and often bloody and often has a very unfathomable smell. I have been having temperature fluctuations pretty frequently and often am not able to sleep at night because of this 976,allergy,"Along with losing my appetite, I've been having swallowing issues. I have a sore throat, and my nose has been running." 1182,diabetes,"My throat and mouth are dry. I've also been getting hungry more and more. I do, however, occasionally feel rather exhausted." 1087,drug reaction,There is severe nausea and chest discomfort. My chest has been aching lately. I'm really nervous and shiver a lot of the time. 800,Jaundice,"I have been experiencing intense itching, vomiting, and fatigue. I have also lost weight and have a high fever. My skin has turned yellow and my urine is dark. I have also been experiencing abdominal pain." 579,Acne,I've just developed a skin rash with several pus-filled pimples and blackheads. My skin has also been quite sensitive. 160,Chicken pox,"I have a skin rash that's red and inflamed, and it's spreading all over my body. I've been experiencing intense itching, especially on my arms and legs." 680,Hypertension,"Along with a chest pain and dizziness, I've had a headache that seems like a sharp pain in my forehead." 1197,diabetes,I regularly experience these intense urges and the want to urinate. I frequently feel drowsy and lost. I've also significantly lost my vision. 162,Chicken pox,"I have a skin rash that's red and swollen, and it's spreading all over my body. I have a mild fever and it is causing me a lot of discomforts." 821,Jaundice,"I've been feeling extremely scratchy, sick, and worn out. In addition, I've lost weight and have a temperature. My urine is dark, and my skin has turned yellow. Additionally, I have been experiencing stomach pain." 705,Migraine,"I have been feeling excessively hungry, even after eating, and have had a stiff neck." 1008,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I have a feeling of food or acid backing up into my throat. I chest pain which gets worse if I lie down. I get frequent heartburn or indigestion, after eating food and vomit it out" 877,Malaria,"I have a high fever, chills, and severe itching. Along with my headache and excessive sweating, I've been terrible with nausea and muscle ache." 895,Malaria,"I've been experiencing intense itching, chills, vomiting, and a high fever. I'm also sweating a lot and have a headache. Nausea and muscle pain have been making me feel miserable." 913,urinary tract infection,I been having very low temperatues and a very foul smelling pee. The area near my kidneys hurt a lot and I cant seem to hold my pee. I often get these uncontrollable urges 1198,diabetes,"I have trouble breathing, especially outside. I start to feel hot and start to sweat. I frequently have urinary tract infections and yeast infections." 152,Chicken pox,"I've had a high fever for the past few days. I don't know what's causing it. Also, I noticed rashes on my skin and it's hard for me to resist scratching." 978,allergy,"I'm dizzy, nauseated, and shaky. I'm having trouble breathing since my throat is swollen. On occasion, throughout the night, my chest hurts and I feel sick." 1002,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I have frequent belching and burping. I have chest pain that often radiates to the back of my neck, jaw and arm. I get a feeling of tightness and pressure on my chest" 509,Arthritis,I've been feeling really weak in my muscles lately and my neck has been really stiff. My joints have been swelling up and it's hard for me to move around without feeling stiff. Walking has been really painful too. 111,Typhoid,"I've also been experiencing some diarrhea and constipation, which has been really worrying. It feels like a sharp, stabbing pain in my belly area. I feel tired all the time." 226,Impetigo,"I've been suffering from a high fever for the past few days. Sores are forming around my nose and there are rashes on different parts of my body. The sores are severe, and I'm feeling really uneasy these days." 985,allergy,"I always feel exhausted, have a bad taste in my mouth, and my throat itches a lot. Also heated and painful are my muscles. My entire body can cramp up at times." 851,Malaria,"I've had a high temperature, vomiting, chills, and intense itching. I also have a headache and am perspiring a lot. I'm queasy, and my muscles hurt a lot." 103,Typhoid,I've been having a lot of trouble keeping hydrated because of the vomiting and diarrhea. There is a mild fever along with constipation and headache. 421,Pneumonia,"I'm sweating profusely and can't seem to get enough air. My throat is filled with a lot of mucus, and I don't feel good. My heart is pounding, and my chest aches. I'm coughing up reddish-colored mucous." 419,Pneumonia,"I'm having a lot of trouble breathing and am really uneasy. I'm feeling unwell and am perspiring a lot. My chest hurts and I have a lot of mucus in my throat. My heart is racing, and the hue of the mucus I'm coughing up is off." 624,Bronchial Asthma,"I've had a fever, a cough that won't go away, and shortness of breath. In addition, I've been coughing up a lot of thick, mucoid saliva and I feel quite worn out and weak." 586,Acne,I've recently been battling a pretty itchy rash on my skin. There are pus-filled pimples and blackheads all over it. My skin has also been scurring a lot. 1060,drug reaction,I have difficulty in maintianing concentration and very low mental clarity. I often forget things and in general have difficulty remembering things 919,urinary tract infection,"My stomach hurts, and I frequently acquire a temperature. I experience sudden, intense cravings to urinate. The discomfort is virtually always there and frequently gets worse at night. My pee nearly always smells bad." 672,Hypertension,"I've had intense aches in my chest, a head pain that refuses to go away, and I've been feeling dizzy and unsteady." 119,Typhoid,"Because of the vomiting and diarrhea, I've been having a lot of difficulties staying hydrated. I have a high fever, as well as constipation and headache." 53,Varicose Veins,I am overweight and have noticed that my legs are swollen and the blood vessels are visible. My legs have swollen and I can see a stream of swollen veins on my calves. 151,Chicken pox,"I'm feeling fatigued and have no energy. I can barely keep my eyes open during the day, and I've been feeling lethargic and unable to motivate myself." 403,Pneumonia,"I've been exhausted and chilly, and I can't stop coughing. When I do, it pains in my chest and makes my heart race. My coughing mucous has a disgusting brownish hue." 1188,diabetes,"I have breathing problems, especially when I'm outside. I'm suddenly flushed and perspiring. I experience yeast infections and urinary tract infections rather regularly." 207,Impetigo,"I am suffering from extreme fever and weakness. I have developed sores on my face. The sores itchy and uncomfortable. Often, a yellow colored ooze comes out of the sores." 1134,peptic ulcer disease,"Both my appetite and ongoing hunger are fierce. There are times when my stomach hurts and cramps. Following a meal, I have very painful gas and bloating." 658,Hypertension,"My coordination has been off, and I've been experiencing a headache, chest pain, and dizziness. Additionally, I've had trouble concentrating and focusing." 1096,drug reaction,"When I have a temperature, I feel pretty nauseous and lightheaded. My heart is pounding, and my mind is absolutely foggy. Everything feels a little hazy to me, and I'm having difficulties thinking clearly." 232,Impetigo,"I've acquired skin rashes with blistering sores. The blistering sores are fluid-filled, elevated lesions that are unpleasant to touch. I'm also running a high fever." 8,Psoriasis,"I have noticed a sudden peeling of skin at different parts of my body, mainly arms, legs and back. Also, I face severe joint pain and skin rashes." 159,Chicken pox,I have no energy and have lost my appetite. I'm feeling really sick and don't know what's wrong. 36,Psoriasis,"My skin rash has extended to other areas of my body, including my chest and belly. It is irritating and unpleasant, and it is frequently worst at night. I'm also experiencing skin flaking." 452,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"Recently, I've been having a lot of difficulty using the restroom. My bowel movements have been extremely uncomfortable and difficult for me to have. My anus has been quite inflamed, and my stool has been extremely bloody." 651,Hypertension,"Along with a headache, chest pain, instability, and balance issues, I've also been feeling dizzy. I also think I'm having problems focusing." 253,Dengue,I have been vomiting frequently and have lost my appetite as a result. My joints and back pain all the time. 303,Fungal infection,"I've had a rash that won't go away and a bothersome itching on my skin. In addition, I've seen some color-different areas and bumps that resemble knots or lumps on my skin." 896,Malaria,"Intense scratching, chills, nausea, and a high temperature have been plaguing me. I also have a headache and am perspiring a lot. I've been terrible with nausea and soreness in my muscles." 1048,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"Even when I don't have anything acidic in my stomach, I constantly have a sour taste in my mouth. I frequently have a lump in my throat and the hiccups." 880,Malaria,"I've had a high temperature, vomiting, chills, and intense itching. I also have a headache and am perspiring a lot. I've been really uncomfortable lately from nausea and muscle ache." 571,Acne,I woke up this morning to find a really nasty rash on my skin. There are a ton of blackheads and pimples that are filled with pus. My skin has also been really scurrying. 623,Bronchial Asthma,"Recently, I've been feeling terrible. My fever has been through the roof, and I've had a persistent cough and breathing problems. I've been coughing up a lot of phlegm and am also feeling quite weary. Dealing with all of these symptoms has been quite difficult." 1144,peptic ulcer disease,I have a strong appetite and am constantly hungry. My stomach occasionally aches and cramps. I have really painful gas and bloating after eating. 1030,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"My throat often feels like it is burning, especially after eating. A bitter or sour aftertaste that I occasionally experience also makes me feel unwell." 1145,peptic ulcer disease,I've been experiencing bowel movements that are both constipated and diarrhoeic. I often lack the will to eat and energy. 262,Dengue,The chills and shivering I have been experiencing are accompanied by a feeling of coldness and high fever. I have also developed rashes on my arms and red spots on my neck. 610,Bronchial Asthma,"Recently, I've felt quite weak and exhausted, and I've also had a cough that simply won't go away. My fever has been really high, and it has been challenging for me to catch my breath. I've been making a lot of mucous when I cough." 297,Dengue,I have developed rashes on my body. I am also experiencing high fever along with chills and headache. My joints and back hurt and there is a strange pain in the back of my eyes. 989,allergy,My skin is swollen and itchy. They may occasionally flake. It hurts a lot when my cheeks and lips swell. I occasionally get headaches and watery eyes from the puffing. 414,Pneumonia,"I have a really high fever, and I have problems breathing. My heart is racing quite quickly, I'm perspiring a lot, and I feel chilly and exhausted. I'm also about to cough out some brownish phlegm." 150,Chicken pox,"I've been experiencing intense itching all over my skin, and it's driving me crazy. I also have a rash that's red and inflamed." 945,urinary tract infection,"My lower abdomen aches, and it feels like it may explode when I urinate. Since I began experiencing these new symptoms, my body temperature has been consistently low. That's why I've been weak." 472,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"Constipation has made it quite difficult for me to use the restroom. My stool has been bloody when I do go, and it hurts. In addition, my anus has been quite itchy and inflamed, and I've been experiencing some butt soreness." 952,allergy,I hace difficulty in breething and shortness of breath. I cough uncontrollably and get itchy eyes and swelling on my face and other body parts 987,allergy,I always get a tickle in my throat and feel fatigued. My skin has begun to feel dry as well. I have ocular edema on occasion. 778,Cervical spondylosis,"Back pain, a persistent cough, and numbness in my arms and legs have been bothering me. I've had trouble staying balanced and experiencing dizziness, and my neck hurts." 640,Bronchial Asthma,"Doctor Due to a high fever, I haven't been able to breathe via my nose or mouth for a few days and feelinf too tired. Please recommend some medications for me." 1189,diabetes,"I have a dry cough that never stops. I have palpitations and my infections don't appear to be getting better. Sometimes my throat hurts, but it seems to get better." 1142,peptic ulcer disease,"I regularly have trouble swallowing, and I sometimes feel like food is becoming trapped in my throat. I frequently feel bloated and belch. Every time, I have a bad aftertaste." 550,Acne,I've been having a really bad rash on my skin lately. It's full of pus-filled pimples and blackheads. My skin has also been scurring a lot. 639,Bronchial Asthma,"My fever is through the roof, and I'm so weak and tired out. I've been coughing up a lot of mucous, and managing all of these symptoms has been really hard. Everything is making me so upset." 935,urinary tract infection,"Blood is in my pee, and I have a low body temperature. I have practically continual headaches and often strong, uncontrollable need to urinate. In addition, I've started having lower back pain." 928,urinary tract infection,"I have to use the restroom frequently, yet only a few drops of pee are usually produced. My stomach aches a lot, and I can't seem to control the desire to urinate." 488,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been having constipation and bowel motions that hurt recently. When I go, my anus bleeds and is really uncomfortable. I'm in a lot of discomfort and it hurts extremely bad." 819,Jaundice,"I have been experiencing intense itching, vomiting, and fatigue. I have also lost weight and have a high fever. My skin has turned yellow and my urine is dark. I have been having abdominal pain as well." 710,Migraine,"Along with recurrent headaches and blurred vision, I suffer acid reflux and trouble digesting my food." 1080,drug reaction,"I've noticed a difference in my monthly cycle and an unexpected vaginal discharge. I become irritable every now and again, and my moods swing a lot." 147,Typhoid,"I've lost a lot of weight in the last week because I couldn't eat much due to nausea and vomiting. This is followed by a high fever, headache, and stomach pain." 146,Typhoid,"I have been getting a headache for the past week that has been growing worse. It has been accompanied by stomach pains, constipation, and diarrhea. I don't know what is happening and I am really worried about it." 1174,diabetes,"I have trouble focusing, and my emotions fluctuate. My brain might seem murky and foggy at times, making it difficult for me to complete even straightforward chores." 962,allergy,"I have trouble breathing and get short of breath. I have a dry, hacking cough, itchy eyes, and swelling all over my face and body." 345,Fungal infection,"I've had a tendency of itching on my skin, that frequently turns into a rash. There are also some strange patches of skin that are a different tone than the rest of my skin, and I regularly get little lumps that mimic nodules." 402,Pneumonia,"I've been feeling really drained and cold, and I can't stop coughing. It hurts in my chest when I do, and my heart feels like it's racing. The mucus I'm coughing up is a gross brownish color." 931,urinary tract infection,My pee smells strongly and is cloudy in appearance. I've had high temperatures and a regular urge to urinate at night since these symptoms first materialised. 954,allergy,I have asthma like symptoms like wheezing and difficulty breathing. I often get fever and have headaches. I feel tired all the time 1124,peptic ulcer disease,"My appetite and chronic hunger are both ferocious. My stomach may occasionally ache and spasm. I have gas and bloating after eating, which is really painful." 659,Hypertension,"My symptoms include a headache, chest pain, dizziness, lack of balance, and trouble concentrating." 463,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been having trouble going to the restroom recently. When I try to go, it's really uncomfortable, and my anus hurts a lot. I've also had some blood in my stool, and my anus has been really uncomfortable." 186,Chicken pox,"I have lost my appetite completely and can't seem to eat anything. I feel like vomiting and feel exhausted. I noticed rashes on my skin, which is really concerning me." 608,Bronchial Asthma,"Mom, Dad, I've been feeling really tired and weak lately, and I've had this cough that just won't go away. It's been hard for me to catch my breath, and my fever has been really high. When I cough, I've been producing a lot of mucus." 143,Typhoid,"There is strange pain in my stomach area. I don't know what the reason behind this is. Moreover, I am starting to get a mild fever along with chills and headaches." 751,Cervical spondylosis,"Along with a chronic cough and limb weakness, I've been dealing with excruciating back discomfort. I've been experiencing neck pain as well as vertigo and instability." 981,allergy,"I sneeze a lot and have a sore throat. My lips and the skin surrounding my eyes will occasionally swell. Once I start, I just can't stop sneezing." 197,Chicken pox,"I have a high fever and red spots and rashes all over my body. I feel exhausted and have completely lost my appetite, which has made me weak and lethargic. I am really worried." 883,Malaria,"I've had a high fever, chills, and intense itching. In addition, I have a headache and am perspiring a lot. I've been in a lot of agony from muscle ache and nausea." 279,Dengue,I have developed red spots on my arms and legs that are itchy and inflamed. I have been feeling nauseaus and have a constant urge to vomit. This is accomapanied by mild fever. 293,Dengue,I have been experiencing a severe fever that is accompanied by pain behind my eyes and headache. I feel tired and exhasuted because of which I cannot do any work. 1088,drug reaction,"I have rashes on my back and chest, and my entire body itches. My skin may be dry and flaky at times, which frequently leaves body marks." 400,Pneumonia,"I've been feeling really cold and tired lately, and I've been coughing a lot with chest pain. My heart is beating really fast too, and when I cough, the phlegm is kind of a rusty color." 122,Typhoid,There is a distinct pain in my abdominal part. I am not sure what it is. I am also going through constant vomiting and feel nauseous. 202,Impetigo,I have a high fever. There are red sores developing near my nose. The sores are painful and have yellow rust-colored ooze coming out from them. 835,Jaundice,"I have been suffering from itching, vomiting, and fatigue. I have also lost weight and have a high fever. My skin has turned yellow and my urine is dark. I have also been experiencing abdominal pain" 246,Impetigo,"Over the last week, the rash on my face has gotten more severe and painful, and the sores have begun to discharge a yellow colored fluid. It's becoming increasingly painful by the day." 1139,peptic ulcer disease,I inadvertently lose weight and have a hard time gaining it back. I use antacids to get rid of the pain and discomfort I experience. It aches so much in my mouth. 384,Common Cold,"I'm coughing nonstop and am really chilly. My mucus production is excessive, and my sinuses are fully clogged. I can't smell anything, and my chest hurts. My muscles are quite painful as well." 854,Malaria,"Along with my intense scratching, chills, nausea, and high fever, I've also been feeling really unwell. Along with my headache and excessive sweating, My muscles hurt a lot, and I feel queasy." 219,Impetigo,I am suffering from mild fever and headache. There are small sores near my nose and rashes on my neck. I am going through a very tough time right now. 641,Bronchial Asthma,"Hey, I've got a dry cough, trouble breathing, and a high fever. I'm producing a lot of mucus and am feeling quite weak and exhausted." 1,Psoriasis,"My skin has been peeling, especially on my knees, elbows, and scalp. This peeling is often accompanied by a burning or stinging sensation." 112,Typhoid,"I have had some constipation and belly pain, which has been really uncomfortable. The pain has been getting worse and it's really affecting my daily life." 698,Hypertension,"I suddenly experienced a headache, chest pain, and dizziness in the middle of a conference. Since then, it has been challenging for me to concentrate and focus on the topic." 951,allergy,I have sore throat and I am sneezing all the time. Sometimes I have swelling on my face like my lips and near my eyes. I just cant stop sneezing once I start sneezing 1078,drug reaction,"I'm losing hair, and my hair's texture has considerably altered. My dandruff is becoming worse, and my dry, itchy scalp. My skin is getting quite dry as well." 441,Pneumonia,"I've been having a lot of respiratory issues lately along with chills, exhaustion, a cough, and a high temperature. I've been sweating profusely and generally feeling ill and weak. My chest aches, and my heart has been racing rapidly." 663,Hypertension,"Along with a headache and chest pain, I also experienced fainting and balance issues. Additionally, I've discovered that it's hard for me to focus." 1196,diabetes,"Particularly in the crevices of my skin, I have skin rashes and irritations. My skin bruises and cuts take a while to heal as well." 317,Fungal infection,"All over my body, I've been scratching so much that my skin has become red and developed pimples. Additionally, I occasionally get these nodules that resemble little pimples, as well as these strange patches that are a different hue from the rest of my skin." 648,Bronchial Asthma,"Doctor Due to a high fever, I haven't been able to breathe via my nose or mouth for a few days and feeling too tired.sometimes mucus has been seen too.Please recommend some medications for me." 709,Migraine,"I've been irritated and depressed lately, and I've also noticed a change in my vision." 972,allergy,"I have respiratory issues and experience breathlessness. My face and torso are swollen, my eyes are itching, and I have a dry, hacking cough." 627,Bronchial Asthma,"I am currently dealing with a number of health issues, including a dry cough, difficulty breathing, a high fever, and increased mucus production. I am also feeling very weak and tired" 632,Bronchial Asthma," must confess that I've been experiencing shortness of breath, a persistent cough, and a high fever. I've also been producing a lot of thick, mucoid sputum, and I'm feeling quite drained and exhausted. It's all been rather tough to deal with, and I'm feeling quite sick at the moment" 1171,diabetes,"I have blurry vision, and it seems to be getting worse. I'm continuously fatigued and worn out. I also occasionally have acute lightheadedness and vertigo." 1106,peptic ulcer disease,I have abdominal pain and it gets only worse if I bend over or lie down. I feel discomfort when I eat certain foods such as spicy or acidic food. Sometimes I get loose stools because of this 795,Cervical spondylosis,"I have been suffering from back pain, a chronic cough, and weakness in my arms and legs. My neck hurts and I have been feeling dizzy and off balance" 645,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing difficulty breathing, a chronic cough, and weariness. I've been producing a lot of thick, mucoid sputum while also running a very high temperature. Due to having to cope with all of this, I'm simply feeling extremely worn out and exhausted." 1012,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"My burping and belching are frequent. I frequently get chest discomfort that spreads to the back of my neck, jaw, and arm. I have pressure and tension in my chest." 556,Acne,"A nasty rash has just appeared on my skin. Blackheads and pimples packed with pus are everywhere. Additionally, my skin has been extremely sensitive." 681,Hypertension,"I have been feeling fine all day, but suddenly developed a headache, chest pain, and dizziness while out for a walk. It's been hard for me to focus and concentrate since then." 577,Acne,"This morning when I woke up, I discovered that I have an extremely bad rash all over my body. There are several pus-filled pimples and blackheads all around. My skin has also been moving around a lot." 524,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing stiffness and weakness in my neck muscles recently. Since my joints have grown, it's hard for me to walk without getting stiff. Additionally, walking has been extremely uncomfortable." 1059,drug reaction,I have experinenced significant weight gain and become very obese. I have changes in my appetite and cravings for different foods 540,Arthritis,"My muscles are quite weak, and my neck has been very stiff. My joints have swollen, creating it troublesome on behalf of me to steer concerning while not feeling stiff. Walking has conjointly been very uncomfortable." 748,Migraine,"I have been experiencing acidity, indigestion, headaches, and blurred and distorted vision, as well as excessive hunger, a stiff neck, depression, irritability, and visual disturbance. These symptoms have been affecting my daily life and causing me discomfort." 1109,peptic ulcer disease,I have unintended weight loss and difficulty gaining weight. I have pain and discomfort that is relieved by taking antacids. My mouth tastes very bad 484,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,I'm having a lot of trouble with my bowel movements lately. It's hard to go and it hurts when I do. My anus is really sore and it's been bleeding when I go. It's really painful and I'm really uncomfortable. 95,Varicose Veins,My legs' swelling has become worse over the last couple of days. I can see the blood vessels protruding out of the skin. This is quite unusual. 1020,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"Especially after eating, my throat regularly feels like it is burning. I also occasionally get a bitter or sour aftertaste, which makes me feel sick." 563,Acne,"A nasty rash has just appeared on my skin. Blackheads and pimples packed with pus are everywhere. Additionally, my skin has been extremely sensitive." 742,Migraine,"I have been experiencing acidity, indigestion, headaches, and blurred and distorted vision, as well as excessive hunger, a stiff neck, depression, irritability, and visual disturbance. These symptoms have been affecting my daily life and causing me discomfort." 863,Malaria,"I have a high temperature, vomiting, chills, and severe itching. In addition, I've been perspiring a lot and have a headache. I've also been bothered by nausea and muscle ache." 891,Malaria,"I have a high fever, severe itching, chills, and vomiting. In addition, I've been perspiring a lot and have a headache. I've also been bothered by nausea and muscle ache." 1038,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"It feels like food or acid is backing up in my throat. My chest discomfort only becomes worse while I'm lying down. After eating, I frequently have heartburn or indigestion and throw up." 206,Impetigo,I have been experiencing extreme fatigue and a high fever. There are rashes near my nose and mouth. The rash is itchy and makes it very difficult for me to sleep. 392,Common Cold,"I can't quit sneezing, and my nose is running. I'm also constantly chilly and exhausted, and I've been coughing a lot. My fever is also really high, well above usual." 794,Cervical spondylosis,"I've had back pain, a cough that won't go away, and limb weakness. I've been experiencing neck pain, instability, and balance concerns." 870,Malaria,"Strong itchiness, chills, nausea, and a high temperature have been plaguing me. Along with having a headache, I'm also perspiring a lot. I've also been bothered by nausea and muscle ache." 397,Common Cold,"I've had a terrible cough and cold for days. My face is tired and my sinuses are blocked. In addition, my chest hurts from the phlegm I've been coughing up. I can't smell, and my muscles are in terrible pain." 766,Cervical spondylosis,"I have been struggling with back pain, a persistent cough, and weakness in my muscles. My neck hurts and I have had problems with dizziness and loss of balance." 1099,drug reaction,"My entire body itches, and I have rashes on my back and chest. Sometimes my skin might be dry and flaky, which often results in body stains." 1028,gastroesophageal reflux disease,My throat feels as though food or acid is backing up. Lying down only makes my chest pain more. I regularly have heartburn or indigestion after eating and puke up. 642,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been coughing nonstop for days, and I also have respiratory issues. My fever is through the roof, and I'm so weak and worn out. All of these symptoms have been really challenging for me to control," 612,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm feeling really tired and weak lately, and I've had this cough that just won't go away. My breathing has become shallow, and my fever has been really high. When I cough, I've been producing a lot of thick, mucoid sputum" 960,allergy,"I often sneeze and have a runny nose. My eyes are scratchy and frequently runny, and I frequently cough. My head hurts constantly." 725,Migraine,"Along with headaches, indigestion, acid reflux, excessive appetite, a sore neck, sadness, impatience, and visual disturbance, I have also been feeling blurred and distorted vision." 683,Hypertension,"I woke up this morning with a headache and chest pain, and as the day has gone on, I've also been feeling dizzy and unsteady on my feet" 98,Varicose Veins,"I am experiencing too many cramps in the last couple of days. I think something is not right. I believe there is a small bruise on my calves, but I am not sure about it." 804,Jaundice,I have been having severe itching and vomiting. I am also very tired and have lost weight. My fever is high and my skin has turned yellow. My urine is dark and I have been experiencing abdominal pain 406,Pneumonia,"I've been feeling really weak and cold lately, and this cough won't go away. It hurts in my chest when I cough, and my heart is pounding. The mucus I'm bringing up is a rusty brown color." 502,Arthritis,"My muscles have been quite weak, and my neck has been really stiff. My joints have swollen and I've been experiencing a lot of stiffness when I move around. Walking has also been excruciatingly uncomfortable." 1071,drug reaction,"I struggle to maintain focus, and my mental clarity is really poor. I have trouble remembering things and frequently forget stuff." 1056,drug reaction,I have hair loss and there is a significant change in the texture of my hair. I have dry and itchy sclap and increased dandruff. My skin is also getting very dry 929,urinary tract infection,"My urine is frequently black, red, and has a really strange odour. I have been experiencing temperature changes very regularly, which usually prevents me from sleeping at night." 779,Cervical spondylosis,"I have been suffering from back pain, a dry cough, and a lack of strength in my muscles. My neck is sore and I have been feeling dizzy and unsteady on my feet" 200,Impetigo,I have developed a skin rash on my face and neck. The rash is made up of red sores that are blistering. I am worried about my health. 134,Typhoid,"I've had a persistent stomach pain for the past week, and it is not healing even with medication. I feel like vomiting and can't eat anything, and because of which I have become extremely weak." 1051,drug reaction,"I have headaches and migraines, have been having difficulty sleeping. I have been having muscle twitching and tremors. Sometimes I get lightheaded" 40,Psoriasis,"My skin has a silvery layer over it, especially on my back and arms. This dusting is made up of small scales that peel off readily when rubbed. Also, there are rashes all over my body." 1017,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I often wake up with a sore throat or a scratchy voice. My throat hurts constantly, and I also have poor breath. I also frequently burp." 230,Impetigo,"I have noticed that the sores on my face are healing more slowly and are more likely to become infected. My cheek sores are large, painful to the touch, and extremely difficult to handle. I can't seem to get rid of these sores." 378,Common Cold,"I've been coughing a lot and feeling chilly and shivery. My nose has been quite clogged, and I am experiencing facial pressure. I also have a lot of phlegm, and coughing pains my chest. I can't smell anything, and my muscles are aching." 288,Dengue,I have developed rashes on my body that are itchy and. I have lost my appetite and feel very tired all day. I feel something is wrong with my body. 418,Pneumonia,"I'm sweating profusely and finding it difficult to catch my breath. I feel quite ill, and my throat is very mucous. My heart is pounding, and my chest aches. I'm coughing up thick mucous that resembles rust." 391,Common Cold,I've been really weary and ill. I've been suffering from a severe cough and sore throat. I've got a lot of chills and a pretty high temperature. I simply feel tired and run down. 592,Acne,"Yesterday, I noticed an enormous rash all over my skin. There are a lot of pus-filled pimples and blackheads all over my face, and my skin has been scurrying a lot." 1086,drug reaction,"Sometimes my skin starts to flake off from my rashes. I'm more prone to becoming sick as a result. On occasion, my hands begin to quiver and I begin to tremble." 647,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been struggling with fatigue and a constant cough that's been making it difficult to breathe. My fever is high, and I've been coughing up a lot of thick, mucoid sputum." 520,Arthritis,I've been feeling really weak in my muscles and my neck has been really stiff. My joints have been swelling up and it's hard for me to move around without feeling stiff. Walking has been really painful too. 64,Varicose Veins,I have noticed cramps in my calves are becoming more frequent and intense. It is causing me a lot of discomforts. I am also overweight and my legs have started to swell. 14,Psoriasis,"My skin is prone to infections due to dry, flaky patches. I am experiencing a strong pain in my joints. The skin on my knees and elbows is starting to peel off." 1064,drug reaction,"My skin occasionally peels off the rashes that I have. This makes me more vulnerable to infections. My hands begin to shake, and occasionally I have tremors." 492,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"My bowel motions have been really difficult for me recently. Going is difficult, and it aches when I do. When I go, my anus bleeds and is really uncomfortable. I'm in a lot of discomfort and it hurts extremely bad." 379,Common Cold,"For days, I've had a nasty cough and cold. My sinuses are clogged, and I have facial pressure. I've also been creating phlegm, and coughing pains my chest. I can't smell anything, and my muscles are aching." 187,Chicken pox,I have a high fever and a severe headache. I can't seem to eat anything and feel like vomiting. There are also some red spots developing on my arms. I am really worried. 763,Cervical spondylosis,"I have been suffering from back pain, a productive cough, and weakness in my limbs. My neck is sore and I have had issues with dizziness and balance." 216,Impetigo,"I have a high fever every night and developed sores on my face, particularly near my nose. I have noticed that the sores are taking longer to heal and are more prone to infection." 791,Cervical spondylosis,"Along with a phlegmy cough and muscle weakness, I've been dealing with excruciating back pain. In addition to feeling woozy and shaky on my feet, my neck has been hurting." 1076,drug reaction,"Both chest pain and extreme nausea are present. Recently, my chest has been hurting. I frequently shiver a lot and am really anxious." 878,Malaria,"I have a high fever, chills, and severe itching. In addition, I have a headache and am perspiring a lot. I've been feeling awful with nausea and muscle ache." 337,Fungal infection,"Recently, I've been scratching myself a lot, and my skin is covered with rashy places. In addition, there are a few spots where my skin doesn't appear to be its usual shade, and I've experienced a few lumps that are quite painful." 719,Migraine,"Together with increased hunger, a sore neck, anxiety, irritation, and visual distortion, I've also been experiencing acid reflux, indigestion, frequent headaches, and impaired eyesight." 295,Dengue,"My joints and back pain everyday. I feel like vomitting and this has made me very weak. Because of my body pain, I am not able to focus on my work and don’t feel like doing anything." 1016,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I don't feel like eating, and swallowing is challenging. Even after eating little meals, I frequently get this lingering sense of fullness. Typically, I have heartburn, nausea, and tingling in my throat." 455,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"Lately I've been really constipated, and it's been really painful when I do go to the bathroom. I've also noticed some blood in my stool, and my anus has been really irritated." 815,Jaundice,"I have been suffering from itching, vomiting, and fatigue. I have also lost weight and have a high fever. My skin has turned yellow and my urine is dark. I have also been experiencing abdominal pain" 269,Dengue,The muscle pain I have been experiencing is severe and feels like a constant ache. There are red spots all over my body and the itching is causing me a lot of discomfort. 995,allergy,"I frequently have exhaustion, a terrible taste in my mouth, and throat itchiness. My muscles are also burning and uncomfortable. Sometimes I have cramps all throughout my body." 201,Impetigo,"I have developed skin rashes made up of blistering sores. The blistering sores are raised, fluid-filled lesions and they are painful to touch. I am also suffering from a high fever." 161,Chicken pox,"I've had a high fever for the past few days, and it's starting to worry me. I don't know what's causing it. Also, I have red spots all over my arms and legs, some of which are swollen." 729,Migraine,"Along with distorted eyesight, excessive appetite, a painful neck, melancholy, irritability, and regular headaches, I have also been experiencing acid reflux, indigestion, and regular headaches." 401,Pneumonia,"I've been coughing a lot recently with chest pain and feeling incredibly chilly and exhausted. Additionally, my heart is thumping rapidly, and the phlegm I cough up has a reddish hue." 702,Migraine,"I have been having trouble with my vision, seeing things as distorted and experiencing visual disturbances." 1129,peptic ulcer disease,"I unknowingly lose weight and find it difficult to gain weight. To relieve the pain and discomfort I feel, I take antacids. My mouth hurts so much." 565,Acne,"My skin has developed a terrible rash that is not inherited. It has a lot of blackheads and pus-filled pimples. Furthermore, my skin has been exceedingly sensitive." 1021,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I have heartburn and indigestion. I regularly vomit everything I eat, and food gets stuck in my throat, making it difficult for me to swallow. I have a pain in my upper abdomen." 1025,gastroesophageal reflux disease," regularly have indigestion and heartburn, especially after eating spicy or fatty foods. My chest pain is worse when I hunch over or lie down. Additionally, my chest hurts a lot." 1104,peptic ulcer disease,"I have persistant, gnawing hunger and apetite. Sometimes I get abdominal cramps and spasms. There is bloating and gas after eating which causes me a great deal of uneasiness" 205,Impetigo,"My skin has developed rashes, mainly near the nose. The rash is spreading to other parts of my body. I am really about worried about this." 34,Psoriasis,"My nails are starting to have small pits on them. I am worried and don't know what is causing it. Also, my joints pain and there are rashes on my arms and back." 775,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing back pain, a persistent cough, and numbness in my arms and legs. I've been having trouble staying balanced and managing my vertigo, and my neck hurts." 508,Arthritis,"My neck has been really stiff, and I've had terrible muscle weakness. Due to the swelling in my joints, it has been challenging to move about. Walking has been quite unpleasant." 1183,diabetes,My wound is recovering more slowly now. Both my hands and feet are tingling and going numb. I feel very weak 91,Varicose Veins,My veins of legs have become more visible and swollen than normal. They are visible through my skin and it hurts when I move. 897,Malaria,"Along with a high fever, I've had chills, vomiting, and severe itching. Besides having a headache, I'm also perspiring a lot. I've been terrible with nausea and muscle ache." 564,Acne,My skin has simply nonheritable a nasty rash. It's packed with pus-filled pimples and blackheads. My skin has been very sensitive moreover. 776,Cervical spondylosis,"My arms and legs have been weak, and I have been suffering from back pain and a persistent cough. In addition to experiencing neck pain and balance issues, I also suffer dizziness." 241,Impetigo,"I've started getting sores on my face and nose. I have no idea what is causing this. My cheek sores are large and irritating to the touch, and I have a burning feeling and skin redness." 13,Psoriasis,"I have experienced difficulty sleeping due to the itching and discomfort caused by the rash. There are small dents in my nails, which is really concerning." 315,Fungal infection,"Doctor, I have these red rashes that keep popping up and my skin is continuously itching. In addition, I've observed some odd color-different spots on my skin, as well as some little nodules on my skin that appear to be expanding." 600,Bronchial Asthma,"I have been feeling extremely tired and weak, and I've also been coughing a lot with difficulty breathing. My fever is very high, and I'm producing a lot of mucus when I cough." 387,Common Cold,"I've been quite exhausted and ill. My throat has been quite painful, and I've had a fairly nasty cough. I've got a lot of chills and a pretty high temperature. Just feeling extremely run down and weak" 166,Chicken pox,I have no energy and have lost my appetite. I have a high fever and severe headache and don't know what's wrong. 840,Jaundice,"I've felt really scratchy, nauseated, and worn out. I also had a high fever and lost weight. Both my skin and my urine have become yellow. I've also been experiencing stomach pain." 20,Psoriasis,"The rashes on my skin are not healing. Moreover, I have noticed a sudden peeling of the skin, especially the skin on my elbows and knees. I am really worried about this." 646,Bronchial Asthma,"Hello, Mom and Father Recently, I've felt incredibly worn out and have had a cough that won't go away. My fever is really high, and my breathing has become shallow. Additionally, I've been coughing up a lot of mucous, thick sputum." 1154,diabetes,I have mood changes and have difficulty concentrating. My mind feels hazy and foggy at times and it gets difficult to do even regular chores 831,Jaundice,"I've been itchy and have been throwing up. Along with losing weight, I'm also really exhausted. My skin has turned yellow, and my fever is high. My stomach has also been hurting recently." 562,Acne,"My skin has developed a horrible rash. There are blackheads and pus-filled pimples everywhere. Furthermore, my skin has been exceedingly sensitive." 1170,diabetes,Both my water intake and frequency of urination have increased. My mouth and throat regularly feel dry. My appetite and hunger have both increased recently. 686,Hypertension,"For a few days now, I've been suffering from a headache and chest pain, but today the dizziness and lack of balance got considerably worse." 957,allergy,"I feel fatigued all the time, and have a tingling sensation in my throat. I have also developed flaky skin. Sometimes I get puffy eyes and sometimes puffs up too." 189,Chicken pox,I'm feeling really nauseous and uneasy. I'm not sure what it might be. I've seen rashes on my arms and legs. I have lost my appetite and feel exhausted every day. 975,allergy,"I always feel worn out, have unpleasant taste in my mouth, and have a really itchy throat. My muscles are also hot and hurting. Sometimes my whole body just cramps up." 699,Hypertension,"I have been feeling fine all day, but suddenly developed a headache, chest pain, and dizziness while out for a run. It's been hard for me to maintain my balance since then" 510,Arthritis,"Recently, my muscles have felt quite weak, and my neck has been really tight. I have swollen joints and find it difficult to move about without becoming stiff. It has also been really uncomfortable to walk." 1082,drug reaction,I have terrible mental clarity and find it difficult to stay focused. I regularly forget things and have problems remembering things. 474,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,I'm having a lot of trouble going to the bathroom and it's really painful when I do. My stool has been bloody and I've had some pain in my butt. My anus has been really itchy and irritated too. 856,Malaria,"I've had intense itching all over my body, accompanied by chills and vomiting. My fever is really high and I've been sweating excessively. I also have a headache and feel nauseous. My muscles are really painful." 747,Migraine,"Along with eyesight problems, increased appetite, a sore neck, melancholy, irritability, and regular headaches, I have also been experiencing acid reflux, indigestion, and frequent dizziness. My regular activities have been made more tough by these symptoms, which have been causing me a great deal of distress." 252,Dengue,"I have been experiencing severe joint pain that makes it difficult for me to move and perform my daily activities. Also, I have lost my apetite because of which I feel weak." 21,Psoriasis,"For the past few weeks, I've had a skin rash on my arms, legs, and chest. It's red and irritating, with dry, scaly spots. I have a strange pain in my joints too." 459,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been terribly constipated lately, and when I do go to the bathroom, it hurts a lot. Aside from that, my anus has been really itchy, and I've observed some blood in my stool." 276,Dengue,My shivers and shivering have been accompanied with a sensation of coldness and a very high fever. Rashes on my arms and red patches on my neck have also appeared. 955,allergy,"I feel tired all the time, I have lost my taste and have a really sore throat. I also get feverish and often have muscle aches. Sometimes my whole body just cramps up" 385,Common Cold,"I can't stop coughing and I'm freezing. My sinuses are completely blocked, and I'm inundated with mucous. My chest hurts, and I'm unable to smell anything. My muscles are also really achy." 805,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing intense itching and nausea. I have lost weight and am also really exhausted. My skin has become yellow, and I have a severe fever. I have dark urine, and I've been having stomach pain." 343,Fungal infection,"There are red, bumpy areas on my skin, and I've been scratching myself nonstop. Additionally, I have some bumps that resemble little lumps and some spots that are a different shade of skin than the rest of my body." 769,Cervical spondylosis,"I have been experiencing severe back pain, a cough that comes and goes, and weakness in my limbs. My neck also hurts and I have been feeling dizzy and off balance." 130,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing chills, fever, and extreme stomach discomfort. I've been generally unhappy, and I can't seem to get rid of these symptoms." 871,Malaria,"Along with my intense scratching, chills, nausea, and high fever, I've also been feeling really unwell. I have a headache and am also perspiring a lot. I've been uncomfortable from nausea and muscle ache, too." 1123,peptic ulcer disease,"I've lost a lot of stuff because of my bloody stools, including iron and bloos. Because of this, I now have anaemia and usually feel fairly weak." 87,Varicose Veins,"My legs have been causing a lot of discomforts when I exercise. They feel heavy and swollen, and the veins are prominent and painful. I feel fatigued all the time." 330,Fungal infection,"I've been really itchy lately and there are these rashy spots all over my skin. There are also some areas that look different in shade than the rest of my skin, and I've had some bumps that are kind of hard." 466,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"Recently, I've been having problems using the restroom. Going is incredibly difficult, and doing so hurts. In addition, I've been experiencing some butt soreness, and my stools have been bloody. My anus has also been quite itching and aggravated." 121,Typhoid,"I'm having severe stomach pain and constipation. Every night, I get a headache and chills. The last few days have been really painful." 1044,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I occasionally have trouble swallowing food because of the tingling in my throat, terrible breath, and bad taste in my mouth." 1095,drug reaction,"I have headaches and migraines, and I have been having difficulties sleeping. I've been shaking and shivering all over. Sometimes I become lightheaded." 1130,peptic ulcer disease,"On occasion, throughout the day or at night, I have burning in my upper abdomen. I frequently get extreme nauseous episodes, heartburn, and indigestion." 860,Malaria,"I've been experiencing severe body itchiness, along with chills and nausea. I've been perspiring a lot and have an extremely high fever. I feel sick to my stomach and have a headache. My muscles are hurting a lot." 1126,peptic ulcer disease,"Bending down or reclining down only makes my stomach feel more. I have pain after eating some foods, such as hot or acidic food. I occasionally get loose stools as a result of this." 5505,Malaria,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including intense itching, chills, fever, nausea, vomiting, headache, muscle pain, and excessive sweating." 5506,Malaria,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including excruciating itchiness, chills, recurring vomiting, and a soaring fever. Additionally, I've noticed excessive sweating, a nagging headache, as well as persistent nausea and debilitating muscle pain." 5507,Malaria,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including extreme itching, chills, frequent vomiting, and a high fever. Additionally, I've been perspiring excessively, suffering from headaches, nausea, and muscle pain." 5508,Malaria,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including excruciating itchiness, chills, vomiting, and a high temperature. Additionally, I've noticed excessive sweating, headaches, nausea, and muscle soreness." 5509,Malaria,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including excruciating itchiness, chills, repeated vomiting, and a soaring fever. Additionally, I've been perspiring excessively, suffering from a pounding headache, as well as nausea and intense muscle pain." 4090,Acne,"I woke up this morning to find myself covered in a terrible rash, complete with multiple blackheads and pusfilled pimples. Additionally, my skin appears to be breaking out excessively." 4091,Acne,"I woke up to find myself covered in a painful rash, accompanied by numerous blackheads and pimples filled with pus. To make matters worse, my skin has become itchy and irritated." 4092,Acne,"I woke up to find myself covered in a nasty rash, with multiple blackheads and pimples filled with pus. Additionally, my skin is experiencing redness and itchiness." 4093,Acne,"Woke up this morning to find myself covered in a dreadful rash, accompanied by numerous blackheads and pimples filled with pus. To make matters worse, my skin is red and irritated." 4094,Acne,"I woke up today to find myself covered in an unpleasant rash, complete with numerous blackheads and pimples filled with pus. To make matters worse, my skin appears dry and flaky." 3440,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent coughing, accompanied by intense chilliness, exhaustion, and high fever. Breathing has become challenging for me, and I'm sweating excessively. My physical state is characterized by weakness and illness, with an added concern about thick, dark mucus." 3441,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent coughing fits and feeling extremely cold and fatigued. My fever is unusually high, making it hard for me to catch my breath. Additionally, I've noticed excessive sweating and overall weakness. The most concerning aspect is the thick, dark phlegm that's been present." 3442,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent coughing, intense chilliness, and overwhelming exhaustion. My fever is extremely high, making it challenging to breathe comfortably. Despite this, my body has been producing an excessive amount of sweat. Moreover, I've noticed thick, black mucus, indicating a significant respiratory issue." 3443,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent coughing, intense chilliness, and exhaustion. My fever is elevated, making it hard for me to catch my breath. Additionally, I'm sweating excessively and feeling weak and unwell overall. I've also noticed thick, black mucus production." 3444,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent coughing, feeling extremely cold and fatigued. My fever is quite high and it's challenging to catch my breath. Additionally, I've noticed excessive sweating and overall weakness. Furthermore, I've produced thick and dark mucus." 3425,Pneumonia,"I'm feeling utterly miserable, with excessive sweating, difficulty breathing, and a constricted throat. A thick mucus is blocking my airways, causing me to cough up dark, stringy phlegm. My heart is racing, and my chest feels like it's burning." 3426,Pneumonia,"I'm feeling extremely unwell drenched in sweat, struggling to catch my breath, and experiencing congestion in my throat. My heartbeat is rapid and my chest feels tight, making me anxious and uncomfortable. To top it off, I'm hacking up a nasty, thick phlegm that's leaving a foul taste in my mouth." 3427,Pneumonia,"I'm feeling utterly miserable drenched in sweat, struggling to catch my breath, and plagued by congestion that's making it hard for me to swallow. My heart is pounding away, and my chest feels like it's being squeezed. And to top it all off, I'm hacking up a nasty, tarlike phlegm from deep within my lungs." 3428,Pneumonia,"I'm feeling utterly miserable, wracked by an intense physical discomfort. My body is sweltering with sweat, making it hard for me to catch my breath. My airways are clogged with thick mucus, leaving me feeling congested and irksome. My heart is pounding away at a frantic pace, accompanied by a dull, gnawing ache in my chest. To top it all off, I'm hacking up gloopy, dark strands of phlegm, making me feel like I'm on the brink of losing it altogether." 3429,Pneumonia,"I'm utterly drained, drenched in sweat, and struggling to catch my breath. A thick, stubborn mucus is choking me, making my throat feel constricted and uncomfortable. My heart is racing out of control, and every beat feels like a punch to my chest. The coughing fit I'm experiencing is producing dark, stringy phlegm that's only adding to my misery." 2495,Dengue,"I've been dealing with persistent muscle discomfort, which has made daily movement challenging. Additionally, I've noticed a significant decline in my appetite and occasional nausea. The majority of my discomfort is centered in my legs and lower back." 2496,Dengue,"I've been struggling with persistent muscle pain, which has hindered my mobility and caused discomfort. Additionally, I've noticed a significant loss of appetite and occasional feelings of nausea. Specifically, I'm experiencing significant pain in my legs and back." 2497,Dengue,"I've been dealing with persistent muscle pain, which has made daily movement challenging. Additionally, I've noticed a loss of appetite and occasional nausea. Specifically, my legs and back experience significant discomfort." 2498,Dengue,"I've been struggling with persistent muscle pain that's impeding my mobility, accompanied by a loss of appetite and frequent feelings of nausea. Specifically, I'm experiencing significant discomfort in my legs and back." 2499,Dengue,"I've been dealing with persistent muscle pain, which has hindered my mobility. Additionally, I've noticed a significant loss of appetite and occasional nausea. My legs and back often ache." 2220,Impetigo,"I've been experiencing a persistent high fever over the past few days, accompanied by painful sores near my nose that have left me feeling quite unwell." 2221,Impetigo,"I've been dealing with a persistent high fever over the past few days, accompanied by sore developments near my nose that are causing me significant discomfort." 2222,Impetigo,"I've been dealing with a persistent fever over the past few days, accompanied by the development of painful sores around my nose. It's left me feeling quite unwell." 2223,Impetigo,"I've been dealing with a persistent high fever over the past few days, accompanied by painful sores forming near my nose. It's been quite an uncomfortable experience for me lately." 2224,Impetigo,"I've been dealing with a persistent high fever for the past few days, accompanied by painful sores forming around my nose. The discomfort is quite bothersome." 4060,Acne,"I've been dealing with an uncomfortable skin issue recently, characterized by acnelike lesions filled with pus. Additionally, I've noticed my skin has become quite dry and itchy." 4061,Acne,"Here's a rephrased version of your message I've been dealing with a frustrating skin issue recently, characterized by persistent acnelike lesions filled with pus. Additionally, my skin has been dry and flaky." 4062,Acne,"Here is the rephrased response I've been dealing with a stubborn skin issue, characterized by large, inflamed acne lesions filled with pus and numerous blackheads. Additionally, my skin has become quite dry and itchy." 4063,Acne,"I've been dealing with a frustrating skin issue, characterized by a breakout of blackheads and acnefilled pimples filled with pus. Additionally, my skin has been quite dry and itchy lately." 4064,Acne,"I've been dealing with an unpleasant rash on my skin, characterized by blackheads and acnefilled pimples filled with pus. Additionally, my skin has been experiencing dryness and flakiness." 5315,Jaundice,"I've been plagued by persistent discomfort, fatigue, and illness. To make matters worse, I've experienced significant weight loss, fever, and darkcolored urine, accompanied by yellowing of the skin. Additionally, I've been dealing with recurring stomach cramps." 5316,Jaundice,"I've been consistently plagued by discomfort, fatigue, and illness. To make matters worse, I've noticed significant weight loss, fever, and concerning changes in my bodily functions my urine is unusually darkcolored, and my skin has taken on a yellowish hue. On top of that, I'm experiencing persistent stomach pain." 5317,Jaundice,"I've been plagued by persistent discomfort, fatigue, and illness. Notably, I've experienced unintended weight loss, fever, and discolored urine that's taken on a dark hue. Additionally, my skin has developed a yellowish tint. Moreover, I'm struggling with severe stomach pain." 5318,Jaundice,"I've been plagued by persistent fatigue, constant sickness, and scratchy feelings. To make matters worse, I've experienced significant weight loss, a fever, and noticed unusual changes in my bodily functions my urine has turned dark and my skin has taken on a yellowish hue. On top of that, I'm struggling with stomach pain." 5319,Jaundice,"I've been plagued by persistent discomfort, fatigue, and illness. Notably, I've experienced unintended weight loss, fever, and noticed changes in the color of my urine and skin. Additionally, I've been struggling with stomach pain." 4125,Acne,"I woke up to find a severe breakout on my skin, characterized by multiple pusfilled pimples and blackheads scattered throughout. To make matters worse, my skin feels itchy and restless, as if it's trying to shift or move around." 4126,Acne,"I'm having a terrible morning after waking up to find a nasty rash covering my skin. The area is filled with red, pusfilled bumps and blackheads, making it look quite inflamed. To make things worse, my skin has become incredibly itchy and seems to be moving around in an unusual way." 4127,Acne,"I woke up this morning to find a nasty rash covering my skin. It's filled with pusfilled pimples and blackheads, and my skin is inflamed and itchy. Additionally, I've noticed that my skin seems to be moving or shifting around strangely." 4128,Acne,"I woke up this morning to find an unpleasant rash on my skin, characterized by numerous pusfilled pimples and blackheads scattered across it. Additionally, my skin appears to be experiencing unusual movement." 4129,Acne,"I woke up this morning to find a severe rash covering my skin, featuring numerous pusfilled pimples and blackheads scattered throughout. To make matters worse, my skin feels like it's crawling or shifting under my fingertips." 3025,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing persistent wheezing and overall feelings of sickness and exhaustion. My throat is quite irritated, with excessive mucus discharge from my nose. Additionally, I'm noticing swelling in my neck area." 3026,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing persistent wheezing, along with general fatigue and sickness. I'm struggling with a scratchy throat, excessive nasal discharge, and feel bloated in my neck." 3027,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing some unpleasant symptoms lately I've had a persistent cough, have felt quite unwell and drained, and noticed that my throat is feeling irritated and scratchy. Additionally, there's been an unusual amount of discharge from my nose, and my neck feels swollen." 3028,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing some unpleasant symptoms lately I've had a persistent cough, felt consistently unwell and drained, and my throat has been feeling irritated and scratchy. To make matters worse, my nasal passages have been producing an excessive amount of mucus, and my neck feels swollen." 3029,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing some unpleasant symptoms lately. I've had persistent coughing fits and feel constantly fatigued. My throat is itchy and inflamed, with mucus draining from my nose in copious amounts. Additionally, my neck has become swollen and tender." 5255,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing severe symptoms, including constant itching, vomiting, unexplained weight loss, intense fatigue, and a yellow discoloration of my skin. My temperature is also elevated, accompanied by recurring stomachaches and darkcolored urine." 5256,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing a combination of symptoms including itchiness, nausea leading to vomiting, significant weight loss, exhaustion, yellowing of my skin, high fever, abdominal pain, and darkcolored urine." 5257,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing symptoms including itching, vomiting, weight loss, extreme fatigue, jaundice yellowing of the skin, a high fever, stomach cramps, and darkcolored urine." 5258,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing persistent itchiness, accompanied by frequent vomiting and unintended weight loss. I'm also extremely fatigued. My skin has taken on a yellowish hue, and I have a high fever. To make matters worse, I'm plagued by stomach cramps and darkcolored urine." 5259,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including itching, vomiting, weight loss, exhaustion, jaundice yellow skin, high fever, abdominal pain, and darkcolored urine. I'm concerned about my overall health." 1585,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing sudden and prolonged calf cramps that make it hard for me to walk or complete daily tasks, lasting for several minutes at a time." 1586,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing sudden and prolonged calf cramps that are hindering my ability to walk and perform daily tasks, striking without warning and persisting for several minutes at a time." 1587,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing sudden and persistent calf cramps that are impeding my ability to walk and complete my daily tasks, lasting for several minutes at a time." 1588,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing sudden and persistent calf cramps that make it challenging for me to walk or engage in everyday tasks, with episodes lasting multiple minutes." 1589,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing sudden and persistent calf cramps that make it challenging to walk or engage in everyday tasks, leaving them lasting for several minutes at a time." 1620,Varicose Veins,I've been experiencing increasingly frequent and severe calf cramps that have made walking and performing daily tasks quite challenging for me. 1621,Varicose Veins,I've been experiencing recurring and increasingly severe calf cramps that have hindered my ability to engage in everyday tasks and simple movements like walking. 1622,Varicose Veins,I've been experiencing increasingly recurring and severe calf cramps that hinder my ability to walk and perform everyday tasks. 1623,Varicose Veins,"My calf cramps have been escalating in frequency and severity, causing significant discomfort that's affecting my mobility and ability to complete everyday tasks." 1624,Varicose Veins,I've been experiencing increasingly frequent and severe calf cramps that have started to hinder my ability to walk and perform everyday tasks. 3890,Arthritis,"I've noticed stiffness and weakness in my neck muscles lately. As I've aged, maintaining flexibility is crucial for me, especially since running has become more challenging with joint issues. Additionally, walking has become quite unpleasant due to these discomforts." 3891,Arthritis,"I've noticed increased stiffness and weakness in my neck muscles lately, which is concerning since I'm no longer young and flexible. Additionally, even simple activities like walking have become quite uncomfortable for me." 3892,Arthritis,"I've noticed increased stiffness and weakness in my neck muscles lately. As I've aged, maintaining flexibility has become more challenging for me, especially when it comes to running. Additionally, walking has become quite uncomfortable due to this stiffness." 3893,Arthritis,"I've noticed increased stiffness and weakness in my neck muscles lately. As I've aged, maintaining flexibility without stiffness can be a challenge for me. Furthermore, walking has become quite unpleasant due to this discomfort." 3894,Arthritis,"I've noticed increased stiffness and weakness in my neck muscles lately, which makes it challenging for me to move freely without feeling stiff. As I've aged, maintaining flexibility is crucial, and I'm finding that even simple activities like walking are becoming quite uncomfortable due to this stiffness." 1610,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing leg vein issues that are affecting my sleep quality at night. My veins are swollen and bulging, causing discomfort and pain, making them noticeable to me and others." 1611,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing leg vein issues that are affecting my comfort and sleep quality. The affected veins are swollen, bulging out of my skin, and quite tender, which is causing me distress and discomfort at night." 1612,Varicose Veins,"My leg veins are causing me distress due to their swelling and prominence, leading to both physical discomfort and insomnia at night." 1613,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing persistent leg vein discomfort that's affecting my sleep. The affected veins appear swollen and bulging under my skin, causing not only pain but also visual noticeability." 1614,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing discomfort and difficulty sleeping due to swollen and protruding veins on my legs, which are causing noticeable and painful symptoms." 3485,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing recurring issues with using the restroom, accompanied by significant discomfort. Additionally, I've observed that my bowel movements have become bloody, and my anal area is excessively irritated." 3486,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent issues with urination, accompanied by significant pain. Additionally, I've observed blood in my stool and heightened irritation around my anus." 3487,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing recurring difficulties with bowel movements, accompanied by persistent pain. Additionally, I've observed blood in my stool and a heightened level of irritation around my anus." 3488,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing difficulties with bowel movements recently, accompanied by discomfort and pain. Additionally, I've observed blood in my stool and persistent irritation around my anus." 3489,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent struggles with bowel movements, which have become quite painful. Additionally, I've observed blood in my stool and significant irritation in the anal area." 6885,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing persistent stomach discomfort that makes it hard for me to fall or stay asleep. Following bathroom use, I often feel exhausted and lose my appetite. Additionally, I'm frequently plagued by anxiety." 6886,peptic ulcer disease,"I've been experiencing persistent stomach discomfort, making it difficult for me to fall or stay asleep. Following a trip to the bathroom, I often feel drained and my appetite wanes. Additionally, I struggle with chronic anxiety." 6887,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing persistent stomach discomfort that prevents me from sleeping or relaxing. Following bathroom use, I often feel drained and lack appetite. Additionally, I've been struggling with ongoing anxiety." 6888,peptic ulcer disease,"I've been experiencing persistent stomach issues, which make it difficult for me to fall asleep or stay asleep. Following a trip to the restroom, I often feel exhausted and struggle with appetite. Additionally, I'm usually plagued by anxiety." 6889,peptic ulcer disease,"I've been experiencing persistent stomach discomfort that makes it difficult for me to fall or stay asleep. Following a trip to the bathroom, I often feel drained and my appetite wanes. Additionally, I'm frequently plagued by anxiety." 4270,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent exhaustion and a nagging cough that's been causing shortness of breath. I'm running a high fever and have been producing copious amounts of thick, sticky phlegm when I cough." 4271,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue, accompanied by a lingering cough that's made it hard for me to catch my breath. I'm also running a high temperature and producing copious amounts of thick, sticky mucus when I cough." 4272,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been dealing with persistent exhaustion, a nagging cough that's making it hard for me to catch my breath, accompanied by a high fever. Additionally, I'm experiencing frequent and forceful coughing fits, resulting in the production of thick, sticky phlegm." 4273,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent exhaustion and a lingering cough that's impeding my breathing. I've also had a heightened fever and produced copious amounts of thick, sticky phlegm when coughing." 4274,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been dealing with persistent fatigue and a nagging cough that's making it hard for me to catch my breath. Additionally, I have a fever and am consistently bringing up thick, yellowish mucus when I cough." 7125,diabetes,"I'm experiencing widespread physical tremors, numbness to flavors and scents, and extreme fatigue. Additionally, I occasionally suffer from rapid heartbeat and irregular palpitations." 7126,diabetes,"I'm experiencing widespread physical weakness, with involuntary tremors throughout my body. Additionally, I've lost my sense of taste and smell, and am exhausted. Occasionally, I experience rapid heartbeat or palpitations." 7127,diabetes,"I'm experiencing a range of physical symptoms, including body tremors, numbness in my senses taste and smell, extreme fatigue, and occasional rapid heartbeat or palpitations." 7128,diabetes,"I'm feeling extremely fatigued, with my whole body experiencing uncontrollable tremors. Additionally, I've noticed a significant decline in my senses, including taste and smell. Furthermore, I occasionally experience rapid heartbeat and palpitations." 7129,diabetes,"I'm feeling extremely unwell, experiencing bodily tremors and fatigue. Additionally, my senses of taste and smell are impaired, and I've noticed occasional rapid heartbeat." 6575,drug reaction,"I experience intermittent skin peeling due to my rashes, which makes me more prone to contracting illnesses. Additionally, I occasionally exhibit involuntary movements such as trembling and hand shaking." 6576,drug reaction,"I experience recurring episodes of skin peeling, which increases my vulnerability to illness. Additionally, I may exhibit involuntary tremors, characterized by shaking hands." 6577,drug reaction,"I experience occasional skin peeling due to my rash, leaving me prone to illnesses. Additionally, I may exhibit involuntary movements, including trembling and hand shaking." 6578,drug reaction,"I experience occasional skin peeling due to my rashes, making me more prone to illness. Additionally, I often exhibit involuntary physical reactions such as trembling and hand shaking." 6579,drug reaction,"I experience recurring skin issues that lead to peeling, making me prone to illnesses. Additionally, I sometimes experience involuntary tremors and hand shaking." 4880,Migraine,"I've been struggling with a range of symptoms, including digestive issues like acidity, indigestion, and stomach discomfort, accompanied by physical complaints such as headaches, blurry vision, and stiffness in my neck. Additionally, I've noticed emotional and mental health impacts like depression, irritability, and altered visual perception." 4881,Migraine,"I've been dealing with a range of health issues including digestive problems such as acidity and indigestion, as well as physical symptoms like frequent headaches, stiffness in my neck, and blurreddistorted vision. Additionally, I've experienced emotional struggles like depression, irritability, and an increased appetite." 4882,Migraine,"I've been plagued by digestive issues such as acidity and indigestion, accompanied by frequent headaches, blurry and distorted vision, intense cravings, stiffness in my neck, and emotional struggles including depression and irritability, all of which have also led to some unusual visual disturbances." 4883,Migraine,"I've been plagued by digestive issues like acidity and indigestion, accompanied by debilitating symptoms such as frequent headaches, blurry vision, and a persistent feeling of hunger. Additionally, I've struggled with stiffness in my neck, dark moods, and irritability, which have also manifested in strange visual disturbances." 4884,Migraine,"I've been dealing with a range of uncomfortable symptoms, including stomach discomfort, digestive issues, and headaches, accompanied by blurring or distortion in my vision, intense hunger, stiffness in my neck, feelings of sadness and frustration, and unusual visual disturbances." 3380,Pneumonia,"I've been feeling unwell with recurring chills, exhaustion, a persistent cough, and high fever. My breathing has become labored and I've been sweating excessively, leaving me weak and drained. Additionally, I've noticed an abundance of thick, dark phlegm that's concerning me." 3381,Pneumonia,"I've been dealing with recurring symptoms including chills, fatigue, coughing, high fever, and labored breathing. Additionally, I'm experiencing excessive sweating, feeling extremely unwell and weakened. Moreover, I've noticed a significant amount of thick, dark phlegm." 3382,Pneumonia,"I've been dealing with recurring symptoms including chills, exhaustion, persistent coughing, fever, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, and overall weakness. Additionally, I've noticed a significant amount of thick and dark phlegm, which has been concerning me." 3383,Pneumonia,"I've been dealing with persistent symptoms including recurring chills, debilitating fatigue, a persistent cough, high fever, and labored breathing. Additionally, I'm experiencing excessive sweating, profound weakness, and an unusual production of thick, dark mucus." 3384,Pneumonia,"I've been dealing with a range of concerning symptoms lately, including chills, exhaustion, persistent coughing, fever, shortness of breath, and excessive sweating. To top it off, I'm struggling with persistent congestion, producing thick and dark phlegm that's really worrying me." 3970,Acne,"I've been experiencing an unwell rash on my skin recently, characterized by inflamed acnelike lesions and clogged pores. Additionally, I've noticed that my skin has been scaling excessively." 3971,Acne,"I've been experiencing a persistent skin issue recently, characterized by inflamed pimples and blackheads that are filled with pus. Additionally, my skin has been experiencing dryness and scaling." 3972,Acne,"I've been experiencing a persistent and unhealthy skin issue lately, characterized by painful, pusfilled acne and clogged pores blackheads. Additionally, my skin has been feeling rough and scaling excessively." 3973,Acne,"Recently, I've experienced an unhealthy skin condition characterized by numerous pusfilled pimples and blackheads. Furthermore, my skin has become increasingly scaly." 3974,Acne,"I've been experiencing a recurring, unpleasant skin issue lately. The rash is characterized by numerous pusfilled pimples and blackheads, accompanied by excessive flakiness." 6595,drug reaction,"I've noticed a decline in my sexual desire, making it challenging to engage in intimate activities. Additionally, I often experience mental fogginess and a sense of confusion." 6596,drug reaction,"I've experienced a decline in my sexual desire and struggle to engage in intimacy. Additionally, I often experience mental fogginess and disorientation." 6597,drug reaction,"I've been experiencing a decrease in my sexual drive, making it challenging to engage in intimate activities. Additionally, I often struggle with mental fogginess and feelings of confusion." 6598,drug reaction,"I've experienced a decrease in my sexual desire, making it challenging to maintain intimacy. Additionally, I often struggle with mental fogginess, which can leave me feeling disoriented and uncertain." 6599,drug reaction,"I've noticed a decline in my sexual drive, making it challenging to engage in intimacy. Additionally, I often experience mental fogginess and feelings of disorientation." 6505,drug reaction,"I've noticed a shift in my sense of taste and smell, accompanied by an unpleasant metallic sensation on my tongue. Furthermore, I periodically experience severe joint and muscle discomfort." 6506,drug reaction,"I've noticed not only a change in taste and aroma, but also a lingering metallic sensation on my tongue. Furthermore, I occasionally experience intense joint and muscle pain." 6507,drug reaction,"I've noticed a change in my sense of taste and smell, accompanied by an unpleasant metallic sensation on my tongue. Furthermore, I often experience severe joint and muscle pain that can be quite unbearable at times." 6508,drug reaction,"Along with noticing changes in flavor and aroma, I've also experienced a lingering metallic sensation on my tongue. Moreover, I frequently experience intense joint and muscle pain that can be quite debilitating." 6509,drug reaction,"I've noticed not only a shift in flavor and aroma, but also a lingering metallic sensation on my tongue. To add to this, I sometimes experience intense, debilitating joint and muscle pain." 2950,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing a persistent urge to sneeze, accompanied by excessive nasal discharge. Additionally, I'm feeling chronically cold and fatigued, with frequent coughing episodes. Furthermore, my temperature is unusually high, far exceeding normal levels." 2951,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing a persistent bout of sneezing, accompanied by excessive nasal discharge. Additionally, I've been feeling chronically cold and exhausted, with frequent coughing episodes. Furthermore, my temperature is alarmingly elevated, far surpassing normal levels." 2952,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing persistent sneezing fits with excessive nasal discharge. Additionally, I'm feeling perpetually chilled, exhausted, and plagued by frequent coughing episodes. Moreover, my fever has reached unusually elevated levels." 2953,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing persistent sneezing, excessive nasal discharge, and a perpetual sense of chilliness. Additionally, I've been fatigued, with frequent coughing and a fever that's significantly elevated." 2954,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing a persistent problem with sneezing and having excessive nasal discharge. Additionally, I've been feeling chronically cold and fatigued, accompanied by frequent coughing fits. Furthermore, my temperature has reached an elevated level far exceeding normal ranges." 2180,Chicken pox,"I'm struggling with symptoms like fever, swollen lymph nodes, and headaches, which have left me feeling miserable. I've lost my appetite and energy, making it difficult for me to focus on my daily routine." 2181,Chicken pox,"I'm struggling with the symptoms the high fever, swollen lymph nodes, and headache are really affecting me. I've lost my appetite and feel exhausted and drained, making it tough for me to focus on my usual activities." 2182,Chicken pox,"I'm struggling with the symptoms high fever, swollen lymph nodes, and headaches. Lately, I've lost my appetite, feeling weak and exhausted. It's a challenge to stay focused and maintain my usual routine." 2183,Chicken pox,"I'm struggling with debilitating symptoms fever, swollen lymph nodes, and a pounding headache. The discomfort is making it difficult for me to muster any appetite or energy. I feel weak, fatigued, and find it hard to focus on my daily routine." 2184,Chicken pox,"I'm struggling with a range of symptoms including fever, swollen lymph nodes, and headaches. As a result, I've lost my appetite, feel weakened and exhausted, and it's difficult for me to focus on my daily routine." 3520,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"Here is a rephrased version of your text I've been struggling with bowel movements lately. The process is quite painful, accompanied by significant discomfort in my rectal area. Furthermore, I've noticed blood present in my stool and an intense itchiness in that region." 3521,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort and pain while using the bathroom, accompanied by anal itching and occasional bleeding. The sensation is quite unpleasant." 3522,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing difficulties with bowel movements, accompanied by significant pain during attempts to use the bathroom. The area is also tender and experiences itching sensations. Furthermore, I've noticed minor bleeding in my stool, which is concerning me." 3523,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort during bowel movements, accompanied by significant anal pain. Additionally, I've noticed bloody stools and intense itching around my anus." 3524,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort while using the restroom, characterized by sharp pain during bowel movements and recurring anal itching. Furthermore, I've noticed the presence of blood in my stool, which is concerning me." 4140,Acne,"I woke up this morning to discover a widespread rash covering my entire body. The condition is characterized by numerous pustules and blackheads scattered throughout, accompanied by intense itching and discomfort." 4141,Acne,"Woke up to an unpleasant surprise I'm breaking out in a severe acne rash all over my body, characterized by numerous pimplefilled bumps and blackheads. To top it off, my skin is extremely itchy and flaky." 4142,Acne,"Upon waking, I discovered a widespread skin issue characterized by numerous pimplelike lesions filled with pus and blackheads covering much of my body, accompanied by excessive itching." 4143,Acne,"I woke up this morning to discover a severe breakout on my skin, characterized by numerous pustules and blackheads covering my body, accompanied by excessive itching." 4144,Acne,"Woke up to discover a widespread skin issue numerous pustules and blackheads covering my body, accompanied by intense itching and skin irritation." 1225,Psoriasis,"I have keratosis palmaris, a condition characterized by thickened, cracked skin on my palms and soles that is sensitive to pain and prone to bleeding." 1226,Psoriasis,"I have hyperkeratosis, a condition where the skin on my palms and soles has become thickened and developed deep fissures that are painful to the touch and prone to bleeding." 1227,Psoriasis,"I have thickened skin on my palms and soles, accompanied by deep fissures that cause significant pain and prone to bleeding when injured." 1228,Psoriasis,"I have thickened skin on my palms and soles, accompanied by deep fissures that are sensitive to the touch and prone to bleeding." 1229,Psoriasis,"I have hyperkeratosis, a condition characterized by thickened skin with deep fissures on the palmar surfaces palms and plantar surfaces soles, causing discomfort and frequent bleeding." 2750,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing an itchy skin condition accompanied by numerous red bumps on my arms and legs, as well as some unusuallooking spots. Occasionally, I also notice hard bumps." 2751,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing an itchy skin condition with prominent red bumps on my arms and legs, accompanied by unusuallooking spots. Additionally, I've noticed some firm bumps appearing from time to time." 2752,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing an itchy skin condition with prominent red bumps on my arms and legs, accompanied by unusuallooking patches. Occasionally, I also notice bumps that have a slightly hardened texture." 2753,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing persistent itchiness, accompanied by numerous red bumps on my arms and legs. Additionally, I've noticed unusuallooking patches on my skin, as well as bumps that can be firm to the touch." 2754,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing some skin issues I have itching skin, along with many red bumps on my arms and legs. Additionally, I've noticed some unusuallooking patches on my skin, as well as occasional bumps that feel somewhat firm to the touch." 4505,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing various physical and cognitive challenges, such as frequent headaches, chest discomfort, episodes of dizziness, difficulties with balance and coordination, and impaired mental clarity." 4506,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing a range of symptoms, including headaches, chest discomfort, lightheadedness, frequent loss of balance, and difficulty focusing." 4507,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing persistent symptoms such as frequent headaches, chest discomfort, vertigo, unsteadiness when walking, and difficulty focusing." 4508,Hypertension,"For several weeks now, I've been experiencing a range of unsettling physical and cognitive symptoms such as frequent headaches, episodes of chest discomfort, lightheadedness, poor equilibrium, and difficulty focusing my attention." 4509,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing a range of symptoms such as headaches, chest discomfort, lightheadedness, loss of equilibrium, and difficulty focusing." 3220,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent chills, fatigue, and a stubborn cough that refuses to subside. Each cough leaves me with chest pain and a racing heart sensation. Furthermore, the mucus I'm expelling has an unusual rusty hue." 3221,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing symptoms that have left me feeling unwell. I'm constantly cold, exhausted, and plagued by a persistent cough. When I cough, my chest becomes tender and my heart beats rapidly as if it's racing. The phlegm I hack up is an unusual rustcolored hue, which has concerned me." 3222,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent symptoms including chills, fatigue, and a stubborn cough that's difficult to manage. Coughing is exacerbating chest discomfort and leaving me feeling anxious with an accelerated heart rate. Moreover, the phlegm I'm expelling has taken on a concerning rusty hue." 3223,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent chills, fatigue, and a stubborn cough. Coughing causes chest discomfort and a rapid heartbeat that feels overwhelming. Moreover, the phlegm I'm expelling has turned a concerning rusty brown color." 3224,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent symptoms such as chills, fatigue, and a stubborn cough that won't subside. When I cough, my chest feels sore and my heart rate accelerates. The phlegm I'm bringing up has a reddishbrown hue, which is concerning to me." 7175,diabetes,"I'm extremely anxious, experiencing physical symptoms like tremors and exhaustion. My senses of taste and smell are also impaired, and I've been dealing with irregular heartbeat." 7176,diabetes,"I'm experiencing intense physical symptoms, including tremors and exhaustion. My senses of taste and smell are impaired, and I'm also dealing with irregular heartbeat." 7177,diabetes,"I'm overwhelmed with physical symptoms my body is wracked with uncontrollable tremors, and I've experienced a significant impairment to my senses, including a loss of taste and smell. To top it off, I'm completely drained of energy. Additionally, I sometimes experience irregular heartbeat or rapid palpitations." 7178,diabetes,"I'm extremely anxious and physically drained. My senses are severely impaired I've lost my ability to detect flavors and aromas. On top of that, I'm experiencing irregular heartbeat and fatigue." 7179,diabetes,"I'm experiencing intense physical symptoms, including uncontrollable shaking, numbness in my senses taste and smell, extreme fatigue, and irregular heartbeat with episodes of rapid pulse." 6415,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I consistently experience a lingering unpleasant sensation in my mouth, unrelated to consuming acidic foods. Additionally, I frequently exhibit hiccup episodes and a persistent constriction in my throat." 6416,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience an unpleasant aftertaste, unrelated to consuming acidic foods or drinks, accompanied by frequent hiccups and a persistent constriction sensation in my throat." 6417,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience an unpleasant bitterness in my mouth, unrelated to consuming acidic foods or drinks. Additionally, I commonly encounter hiccup episodes and a recurring constriction sensation in my throat." 6418,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I consistently experience a persistent unpleasant sensation in my mouth, unrelated to consuming acidic foods or drinks. Additionally, I frequently exhibit hiccup episodes and a peculiar lumplike sensation in my throat." 6419,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience an unpleasant, lingering taste sensation in my mouth that isn't related to consuming acidic foods or drinks, accompanied by recurring hiccup episodes and occasional constriction in my throat." 6485,drug reaction,"I'm struggling with decreased libido and sexual dysfunction, accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness, confusion, and mental fogginess." 6486,drug reaction,"I'm currently struggling with low libido and sexual dysfunction, accompanied by symptoms of lightheadedness, confusion, and brain fog." 6487,drug reaction,"I've been noticing a decline in my sexual desire and struggling with sexual performance. Additionally, I'm feeling lightheaded and disoriented, often accompanied by mental fogginess." 6488,drug reaction,"I'm struggling with low libido and sexual dysfunction, accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness, confusion, and mental fogginess." 6489,drug reaction,"I'm noticing a decline in my libido, along with challenges during sexual activities. Additionally, I've been feeling lightheaded and disoriented, accompanied by mental fogginess." 1720,Typhoid,"I've unexpectedly lost significant weight over the past week due to persistent nausea, vomiting, mild fever, headache, and abdominal pain. My overall health is a major concern for me right now." 1721,Typhoid,"I've experienced significant weight loss over the past week due to persistent nausea, vomiting, mild fever, headaches, and stomach discomfort. I'm genuinely worried about my overall wellbeing." 1722,Typhoid,"I've experienced significant weight loss recently due to persistent nausea and vomiting that has left me unable to consume a substantial amount of food. Following this, I've developed mild symptoms such as fever, headache, and abdominal discomfort. My overall wellbeing is worrying me." 1723,Typhoid,"I've experienced significant weight loss over the past week due to persistent nausea and vomiting, accompanied by mild fever, headaches, and abdominal pain. I'm worried about my overall wellbeing." 1724,Typhoid,"I've experienced significant weight loss over the past week due to ongoing nausea, vomiting, and accompanying symptoms like mild fever, headaches, and abdominal pain. I'm deeply concerned about my overall wellbeing." 3880,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing muscle weakness, but my neck feels unusually robust. Swelling in my joints has made it hard for me to get around comfortably, and walking has become an especially painful endeavor." 3881,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing muscle weakness, but surprisingly, my neck seems robust. The swelling in my joints is causing mobility issues, and walking has become an arduous task." 3882,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing muscle weakness recently, with an exception being my neck which has remained surprisingly robust. Additionally, I've noticed significant joint swelling, causing mobility issues and making it extremely arduous to engage in even simple activities like walking." 3883,Arthritis,"I've experienced a mix of physical symptoms recently, with my muscles feeling relatively feeble, while my neck has surprisingly been robust. Additionally, swelling in my joints has made it tough for me to move around comfortably, and walking has become an excruciatingly laborious task." 3884,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing muscle weakness, particularly noticeable in my extremities, while surprisingly noticing increased strength in my neck. Additionally, my joints have become inflamed and painful, making everyday movements a struggle. Walking has become an arduous task due to this discomfort." 4225,Bronchial Asthma,"I've experienced persistent fatigue, a stubborn cough, and labored breathing. Additionally, I've been producing copious amounts of thick mucus and am dealing with a highgrade fever." 4226,Bronchial Asthma,"I've experienced persistent fatigue, a stubborn cough, and shortness of breath. Additionally, I've been producing copious amounts of thick, gooey phlegm and am running a highgrade fever." 4227,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing excessive drowsiness, persistent cough, and labored breathing. Additionally, I've been producing copious amounts of thick, sticky mucus while also dealing with a highgrade fever." 4228,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing excessive sleepiness, persistent cough, and respiratory issues, including difficulty breathing. Additionally, I've noticed that my cough is producing copious amounts of thick mucus, accompanied by a high fever." 4229,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing excessive sleepiness, a persistent cough, and shortness of breath. Additionally, I've been producing large amounts of sticky phlegm when coughing and am dealing with a highgrade fever." 1510,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing leg vein issues that cause discomfort and affect my sleep at night, despite being unclear about the underlying reason. Additionally, I occasionally experience muscle cramps after sprinting." 1511,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing discomfort in my legs, which is affecting my sleep. The issue started without any obvious trigger, although I do notice muscle cramps after intense exercise like sprinting." 1512,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort in my leg veins, making it challenging to sleep through the night. The issue has me stumped, as I'm unsure of its cause. Additionally, I occasionally experience cramping after intense physical activity, such as sprinting." 1513,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing discomfort in my legs, particularly at night, which is making it hard for me to sleep. I'm not sure what's causing this issue, but I do know that sprinting sometimes triggers leg cramps." 1514,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing discomfort and difficulty sleeping due to prominent leg veins, with no clear understanding of the cause. I do notice getting cramps after intense sprinting activities." 2605,Dengue,"I'm experiencing frequent chills and shivering, accompanied by intense back pain and eye discomfort. Additionally, I've noticed small, red spots appearing on my back and neck." 2606,Dengue,"I've been dealing with chills, shivering, sharp back pain, and discomfort behind my eyes. Additionally, I've observed small red spots on my back and neck." 2607,Dengue,"I'm experiencing chills, shivering, and severe back pain. Additionally, I have sharp eye strain and discovered small, red spots on my back and neck." 2608,Dengue,"I've been dealing with recurring chills and shivers, accompanied by intense back pain and eye strain. Additionally, I've developed small, red rashes on my back and neck." 2609,Dengue,"I've been dealing with chills and shivering, along with a sharp pain in my back and intense discomfort behind my eyes. Additionally, I've noticed tiny red spots on my back and neck." 6475,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing widespread itching, with rashes appearing on my chest and back. Additionally, I sometimes develop flaky skin that can leave lasting marks on my body." 6476,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing widespread itching, with rashes forming on my chest and back. Additionally, I occasionally develop flaky skin that can leave lasting marks on my body." 6477,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing widespread itchiness and have developed rashes on my chest and back. Additionally, I sometimes develop flaky skin that can leave lasting marks on my body." 6478,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing widespread itchiness, along with rashes on my chest and back. Additionally, I occasionally develop flaky skin that can leave behind noticeable marks on my body." 6479,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing widespread itchiness and have developed rashes on my chest and back. Additionally, I sometimes develop dry, flaky skin that can leave lasting marks on my skin." 2390,Impetigo,"I initially experienced small, itchy red spots near my nose and neck. The condition has progressed with the onset of a fever and the sores becoming increasingly painful and swollen over time." 2391,Impetigo,"Initially, small red sores emerged around my nose and neck. However, as time passed, they became increasingly painful and inflamed, accompanied by a rising fever." 2392,Impetigo,"Initially, small red bumps emerged around my nose and neck. As time passed, I developed a fever and the bumps became increasingly painful and swollen." 2393,Impetigo,"Initially, small red sores emerged around my nose and neck. Over time, they've become increasingly painful and inflamed, accompanied by a persistent fever." 2394,Impetigo,"I initially noticed small, red sores around my nose and neck, but recently they've become increasingly painful and inflamed, accompanied by a high fever." 2315,Impetigo,"I've noticed a significant increase in pain and inflammation of the rash on my face over the past few days. The sores have started producing clear fluid, making it increasingly uncomfortable with each passing day." 2316,Impetigo,"My facial rash has worsened significantly in terms of pain and inflammation over the past few days, now accompanied by clear discharge from the sores, which have become increasingly excruciatingly painful with each passing day." 2317,Impetigo,"My facial rash has worsened significantly in terms of pain and inflammation over the past few days, with open sores now discharging a clear liquid. The discomfort is becoming increasingly unbearable with each passing day." 2318,Impetigo,"I've been experiencing a worsening of the rash on my face, with increased pain and inflammation over the past few days. The blisters have started to drain clear fluid, making it increasingly uncomfortable as each day passes." 2319,Impetigo,"My facial rash has worsened, becoming increasingly painful and swollen, accompanied by the formation of sores that now release a clear discharge. The discomfort is escalating daily." 1925,Typhoid,"I'm struggling to stay hydrated due to persistent nausea and diarrhea. I'm experiencing symptoms like fever, constipation, and headaches. Additionally, I'm developing abdominal discomfort and am currently unable to engage in any physical activities." 1926,Typhoid,"I'm struggling to stay hydrated due to frequent vomiting and diarrhea. To make matters worse, I'm dealing with a high fever, constipation, and a pounding headache. On top of that, I've developed a mysterious stomach pain and am finding it challenging to engage in any physical activities." 1927,Typhoid,"I'm struggling to stay hydrated due to persistent vomiting and diarrhea. I'm also experiencing a high fever, constipation, and a headache. To make matters worse, I'm now dealing with a peculiar abdominal pain and am unable to engage in any physical activities." 1928,Typhoid,"Having a tough time staying hydrated due to frequent vomiting and diarrhea. I'm dealing with a high fever, constipation, and a nagging headache. Adding to the discomfort is a weird stomach ache that's making it hard for me to engage in any physical activity." 1929,Typhoid,"I'm struggling to stay hydrated due to persistent nausea and diarrhea. To make matters worse, I'm experiencing a high fever, constipation, and headaches. Additionally, I've developed a nagging abdominal pain that's making it difficult for me to engage in any physical activity." 6790,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing a lingering sour taste in my mouth, accompanied by recurring belches and burps. Additionally, I've been noticing periodic discomfort or feeling of fullness in my upper abdomen for short periods." 6791,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing a strong, sour taste in my mouth, accompanied by persistent belching and burping. Additionally, I've been feeling bloated and uncomfortable in my upper abdomen for short periods of time." 6792,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience a lingering sour taste, accompanied by regular burps and belches. Additionally, I often feel discomfort or bloating in my upper abdomen that typically subsides within a few hours." 6793,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing persistent heartburn symptoms, characterized by a sour taste in my mouth, frequent belching, and discomfort in the upper part of my stomach that can last for several hours." 6794,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing a strong, unpleasant taste in my mouth that's acidic and sour. Additionally, I've been having frequent episodes of burping and belching. Furthermore, I've noticed some discomfort and pressure in my upper abdomen that persists for several hours." 3065,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing chronic eye irritation with redness and discharge. A stubborn sinus pressure has also been troubling me, making it hard to breathe comfortably. I often feel exhausted and fatigued. Furthermore, I'm dealing with excess mucus in my throat and swollen lymph nodes." 3066,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing chronic redness and congestion in my eyes, along with persistent sinus tightness that's been causing discomfort. Additionally, I'm struggling with difficulty breathing, fatigue, and excess mucus production in my throat, which has also led to swollen lymph nodes." 3067,Common Cold,"I experience chronic redness and drainage in my eyes, along with persistent sinus tightness that's been causing discomfort. Furthermore, I've struggled with breathing difficulties, fatigue, and an excessive amount of mucus in my throat, accompanied by swollen lymph nodes." 3068,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing chronic eye irritation with redness and excessive tearing. Furthermore, I'm plagued by persistent sinus tightness and difficulty breathing. Additionally, I've been feeling fatigued, accompanied by excessive mucus in my throat and swollen lymph nodes." 3069,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing chronic redness and discharge from my eyes, along with persistent sinus pressure and tightness. Breathing has become labored, leaving me feeling tired and fatigued. Additionally, I've noticed an excessive amount of mucus in my throat and inflamed lymph nodes." 1790,Typhoid,"I'm struggling with persistent constipation and stomach pain that's been unbearable. As time passes, the discomfort has intensified, making it hard for me to go about my daily routine." 1791,Typhoid,"I'm struggling with persistent constipation and stomach pain, making daily activities increasingly challenging due to the significant discomfort." 1792,Typhoid,"I'm currently dealing with persistent constipation and stomach issues, which has taken a significant toll on my daily routine. The discomfort has become increasingly unbearable, causing significant disruptions to my normal activities." 1793,Typhoid,I'm struggling with persistent constipation and stomach discomfort that's making daily life increasingly challenging. The symptoms have intensified to the point where they're significantly impacting my routine and overall wellbeing. 1794,Typhoid,"I'm struggling with persistent constipation and stomach pain, which has become increasingly unbearable and is significantly impacting my daily routine." 5210,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing symptoms such as itchiness, nausea, fatigue, a high fever, weight loss, and a yellowish tint to my skin and urine. I'm also dealing with stomach discomfort." 5211,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort, accompanied by nausea, fatigue, and a fever that's caused me to lose weight. My skin and urine have taken on a yellowish hue, while my stomach has been consistently painful." 5212,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing intense discomfort, including nausea, exhaustion, and a high fever that's caused me to lose weight. My urine has turned yellow, as has my skin, and I'm struggling with persistent stomach pain." 5213,Jaundice,"I've experienced symptoms such as itchiness, nausea, fatigue, and fever, accompanied by weight loss, yellowish discoloration of my skin and urine, and abdominal pain." 5214,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing intense discomfort, feeling queasy and exhausted. My temperature was elevated, leading to significant weight loss. Moreover, my skin and urine have taken on a yellowish hue, and I've been plagued by persistent stomach pain." 2450,Dengue,"I'm experiencing extreme discomfort due to severe joint pain and recurring vomiting. Additionally, I've developed a widespread skin rash characterized by intense itching that covers my entire body." 2451,Dengue,"I'm experiencing excruciating joint pain, accompanied by frequent vomiting. Additionally, I've developed a widespread skin rash that's extremely itchy and covers my entire body." 2452,Dengue,"I'm experiencing excruciating joint pain, accompanied by frequent vomiting. Additionally, I've developed an extensive skin rash that's causing unbearable itchiness, covering my entire body." 2453,Dengue,"I'm experiencing excruciating joint pain, accompanied by frequent vomiting. Additionally, I've developed a widespread skin rash that's extremely itchy, covering my entire body." 2454,Dengue,"I'm experiencing excruciating joint pain, accompanied by frequent vomiting. A widespread skin rash has emerged, characterized by relentless itching that affects my entire body." 6980,diabetes,"I experience frequent rashes and skin irritations, particularly in areas where skin folds occur. Additionally, my wounds including minor cuts and bruises tend to heal at a slower pace." 6981,diabetes,"I experience frequent rashes and skin irritations, particularly in skin folds, as well as delayed wound healing for cuts and bruises." 6982,diabetes,"I experience recurring rashes and skin irritations, particularly in areas where skin folds occur. Additionally, my cuts and bruises take a long time to heal." 6983,diabetes,"I experience recurring rashes and skin irritations, particularly in skin crevices, and notice delayed healing of minor wounds like cuts and bruises." 6984,diabetes,"I experience recurring skin issues, including rashes and irritation, particularly in areas with natural creases or folds. Additionally, I've noticed that minor cuts and bruises take a longer time to heal than normal." 1245,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing genital itching, burning, and discomfort due to red and inflamed skin. Additionally, I've developed rashes on various areas of my body." 1246,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing genital skin irritation characterized by redness, inflammation, itchiness, burning sensations, and discomfort. Additionally, I've developed rashes on various areas of my body." 1247,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing genital skin irritation characterized by redness, inflammation, itching, burning, and discomfort. Additionally, I've developed rashes in various areas of my body." 1248,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing genital irritation, characterized by redness, inflammation, itchiness, burning, and discomfort. Additionally, I've noticed rashes on various areas of my skin." 1249,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing discomfort in the genital area, where the skin appears red and inflamed, accompanied by itching, burning sensations, and an overall sense of unease. Additionally, I've noticed the presence of rashes on other areas of my body as well." 3445,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing symptoms such as fever, fatigue, coughing, shortness of breath, and excessive sweating. Additionally, I've noticed that my phlegm is particularly thick and dark in color. Furthermore, my heart rate has been abnormally fast." 3446,Pneumonia,"I've experienced symptoms including chills, fatigue, coughing, fever, difficulty breathing, excessive sweating, weakness, and a general sense of illness. Additionally, I've noticed thick, dark mucus and a rapid heartbeat." 3447,Pneumonia,"I've experienced symptoms including fever, chills, fatigue, coughing, difficulty breathing, and excessive sweating. Additionally, I've noticed a persistent cough with thick, dark phlegm, rapid heartbeat, and overall feeling of weakness and illness." 3448,Pneumonia,"I've experienced recent symptoms including fever, fatigue, cough, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, and a general feeling of weakness and illness. Additionally, I've noticed thick and dark mucus." 3449,Pneumonia,"I've experienced symptoms including chills, fatigue, coughing, fever, and shortness of breath. Additionally, I've been experiencing excessive sweating, general weakness, and a persistent feeling of illness. I've also noticed thick, dark mucus and an irregular heartbeat with rapid pulse." 5565,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms including fever, vomiting, chills, severe itchiness, as well as headaches, excessive sweating, and feelings of nausea and muscle soreness." 5566,Malaria,"I'm experiencing symptoms of fever, including high temperature, vomiting, chills, and severe itching. Additionally, I'm dealing with a headache, excessive sweating, as well as nausea and muscle soreness." 5567,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms including fever, vomiting, chills, severe itchiness, headaches, excessive sweating, and discomfort accompanied by nausea and muscle pain." 5568,Malaria,"I'm experiencing symptoms including fever, vomiting, shivering, severe itching, headache, excessive sweating, as well as nausea and muscle soreness." 5569,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms including fever, vomiting, chills, itchy skin, headaches, excessive sweating, nausea, and muscle pain." 3145,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing persistent illness symptoms, including severe fatigue, a lingering cough, and intense soreness in my throat. Additionally, I've been dealing with significant sinus pressure and nasal congestion, leaving me feeling utterly drained and miserable." 3146,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing persistent illness symptoms, including exhaustion, a severe cough, and discomfort in my throat. Additionally, I've noticed significant sinus pressure and nasal congestion, leaving me feeling drained and unhappy overall." 3147,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue, a severe cough, and lingering discomfort in my throat. Additionally, I'm dealing with significant sinus pressure and nasal congestion. Overall, I'm feeling quite under the weather and miserable." 3148,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing persistent sickness, accompanied by excessive fatigue. A nagging cough has left my throat feeling raw, while sinus pressure has caused nasal congestion. To top it off, I'm feeling drained and miserable overall." 3149,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing persistent illness symptoms, including fatigue, a severe cough, and throat pain. My sinuses have been under constant pressure, causing nasal congestion. Overall, I'm feeling drained and utterly miserable." 6025,allergy,"I consistently experience fatigue, unpleasant mouth sensations, and a severely irritated throat. Additionally, I often suffer from muscle aches, hot flashes, and occasional fullbody spasms." 6026,allergy,"I consistently experience fatigue, dislike my sense of taste, and suffer from a severely itchy throat. Additionally, I often encounter muscle ache and fever, along with random fullbody spasms." 6027,allergy,"I frequently experience fatigue, a foul taste in my mouth, and persistent soreness in my throat. Additionally, I often suffer from muscle aches and warmth. Moreover, my body occasionally becomes stiff and cramped throughout its entirety." 6028,allergy,"I consistently experience fatigue, unpleasant mouth sensations, and persistent throat irritation, accompanied by muscle aches, heat sensations, and occasional fullbody cramping." 6029,allergy,"I consistently experience fatigue, a lack of appetite, and discomfort in my throat characterized by itchiness. Additionally, I often suffer from muscle aches and feverish sensations, as well as occasional body cramping that affects my overall wellbeing." 3500,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've experienced persistent bowel irregularity, accompanied by difficulty using the restroom and increased discomfort. Additionally, I've noticed rectal bleeding and anal irritation." 3501,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've experienced persistent bowel issues, making trips to the bathroom painfully difficult. Additionally, I've noticed blood in my stool and have been experiencing rectal discomfort and irritation." 3502,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've experienced some persistent digestive issues, making bowel movements painful and inconvenient. Additionally, I've noticed blood in my stool and have developed discomfort and irritation in the anal area." 3503,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've experienced persistent digestive issues, accompanied by difficulty using the bathroom and intense discomfort. Additionally, I've noticed blood present in my bowel movements and increased irritation around my anus." 3504,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"Here's a rephrased version of your message Recently, I've experienced difficulty with bowel movements, making trips to the bathroom quite uncomfortable. Additionally, I've noticed blood in my stool and discomfort in my anal area." 6930,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience increased stomach discomfort when I'm in a downward position hunched or lying down. Additionally, consuming specific foods like spicy or acidic ones triggers postmeal pain, which sometimes leads to loose stools." 6931,peptic ulcer disease,"My stomach discomfort worsens when I'm in a bent or lying position. Following consumption of spicy or acidic foods, I experience persistent pain. Additionally, my bowel movements become irregular and I may have loose stools from time to time." 6932,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience increased stomach discomfort when I bend or sit down. Certain foods, particularly those that are hot or acidic, tend to trigger these episodes, which can be followed by loose stools." 6933,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience increased stomach discomfort when I bend or recline. Certain foods, like spicy or acidic ones, seem to trigger this pain. Additionally, I sometimes have loose stools as a consequence." 6934,peptic ulcer disease,"My stomach hurts more when I'm in a bent or lying position. I also experience discomfort after consuming specific foods, particularly those that are hot or acidic. This can lead to loose stools on occasion." 1920,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing a persistent high fever, especially at night, which has been uncomfortable to say the least. In addition to the fever, I'm also dealing with mild headaches, as well as alternating bouts of constipation and diarrhea. To make matters worse, I've lost my appetite completely." 1921,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing a persistent high fever, especially in the evenings, which has been quite uncomfortable. Additionally, I've had headaches, alternating bouts of constipation and diarrhea, and a general lack of appetite." 1922,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing a persistent high fever, especially at night, which has been quite uncomfortable. Accompanying this, I've had a mild headache, along with alternating episodes of constipation and diarrhea. To top it off, I've lost my appetite completely." 1923,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing a persistent fever, especially in the evenings, which has been quite uncomfortable. Additionally, I'm dealing with some minor headaches, digestive issues including constipation and diarrhea, and an overall loss of appetite." 1924,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing a persistent high fever, especially at night, which has made me quite unwell. Accompanying symptoms include headaches, alternating episodes of constipation and diarrhea, and a general lack of appetite as I'm not feeling inclined to eat." 3705,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing muscle weakness, particularly in my neck and limbs, accompanied by stiffness, swelling, and pain in my joints. Even simple movements have become challenging due to the discomfort. Additionally, walking has become a painful endeavor for me." 3706,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing significant muscle weakness, particularly in my neck, which has become stiff and rigid. Additionally, my joints have been inflamed and painful, causing stiffness and discomfort when moving or performing everyday activities, including walking." 3707,Arthritis,"I've experienced persistent muscle weakness, particularly in my neck, accompanied by stiffness and swelling in my joints. Movement has become laborious and often painful, including walking." 3708,Arthritis,"I've experienced persistent muscle weakness, particularly in my extremities, accompanied by neck stiffness. Additionally, I've noticed significant joint swelling and discomfort when moving or engaging in physical activities, including walking, which has become quite painful." 3709,Arthritis,"I've experienced persistent muscle weakness, particularly affecting my neck, which has resulted in stiffness. Additionally, my joints have been inflamed and moving around has become quite challenging due to pronounced stiffness. Walking has also been extremely uncomfortable and painful." 6735,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing challenges with sleep quality due to persistent abdominal paindiscomfort. Additionally, I've noticed a decrease in appetite and often feel exhausted after using the restroom. To make matters worse, I consistently feel extremely tired throughout the day." 6736,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience difficulties with sleep due to persistent abdominal paindiscomfort. Following bowel movements, I often feel weak and lack an appetite. Moreover, I consistently feel extremely tired." 6737,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience sleep disturbances caused by abdominal pain or discomfort. Additionally, I've noticed a decrease in my appetite and often feel fatigued after using the restroom. To make matters worse, I consistently feel extremely tired throughout the day." 6738,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience issues with falling asleep due to persistent abdominal paindiscomfort. Following bowel movements, I often encounter a lack of appetite and lingering fatigue. Throughout the day, I consistently feel extremely tired." 6739,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience difficulties with sleep due to persistent abdominal pain or discomfort. Following bowel movements, I often feel lethargic and lack an appetite, leaving me feeling perpetually tired." 3895,Arthritis,"I've noticed recurring issues with muscle weakness and stiffness in my neck, accompanied by joint swelling that makes it painful to move or run without becoming stiff. Even walking has become uncomfortably challenging." 3896,Arthritis,"I've noticed muscle weakness and stiffness in my neck lately, accompanied by joint swelling that makes running without feeling stiff difficult for me. Even walking has become uncomfortable due to this condition." 3897,Arthritis,"I've noticed increased muscle weakness and stiffness in my neck lately, accompanied by swelling in my joints that makes running or even walking quite painful and uncomfortable." 3898,Arthritis,"I've been noticing muscle weakness and stiffness in my neck, accompanied by swelling in my joints, which makes running and even walking quite painful and uncomfortable." 3899,Arthritis,"I've been noticing muscle weakness and stiffness in my neck lately. The swelling in my joints makes running difficult without becoming stiff, and even walking is uncomfortably painful." 2085,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing symptoms of illness, including a complete loss of appetite. Additionally, I've noticed small red patches on my arms, neck, and face that become itchy upon contact." 2086,Chicken pox,"I'm not feeling well at all and have lost my appetite. I've also noticed small, itchy red patches on my skin, specifically on my arms, neck, and face." 2087,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing some unwellness and have lost my taste for food. Additionally, I've noticed small, itchy red spots on my arms, neck, and face." 2088,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a sudden onset of illness and have lost my appetite. Additionally, I've noticed small red patches on my skin, particularly on my arms, neck, and face, which become itchy when touched." 2089,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing symptoms of illness and have lost my appetite. Additionally, I've noticed small, itchy red patches on my arms, neck, and face." 6990,diabetes,"I experience shortness of breath, particularly during exercise. I also notice excessive sweating and flushing. Additionally, I'm prone to recurring yeast infections." 6991,diabetes,"I experience respiratory issues, particularly during exercise, accompanied by excessive sweating and flushing. Additionally, I commonly encounter yeast infection problems." 6992,diabetes,"I experience respiratory challenges, particularly with physical exertion, accompanied by excessive sweating and flushing. Additionally, I often struggle with recurring yeast infections." 6993,diabetes,"I experience shortness of breath, particularly during exercise. Additionally, I often notice excessive sweating and facial flushing. Furthermore, I tend to develop recurring yeast infections." 6994,diabetes,"I experience challenges with my breathing, particularly when engaging in physical activities. Additionally, I often exhibit excessive sweating and flushing. Furthermore, I tend to develop frequent yeast infections." 6450,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing a persistent metallic taste in my mouth, as well as changes to my sense of taste and smell. I'm also dealing with severe and unbearable joint and muscle pain." 6451,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing a persistent metallic taste in my mouth, accompanied by altered senses of taste and smell. Additionally, I'm often plagued by excruciating joint and muscle pains that are extremely uncomfortable." 6452,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing a lingering metallic taste in my mouth, along with fluctuations in my sense of taste and smell. Additionally, I'm plagued by intense and often debilitating joint and muscle pain." 6453,drug reaction,"I've been experiencing a persistent metallic taste in my mouth, along with changes in my sense of taste and smell. Additionally, I've been plagued by severe and debilitating joint pain and muscle aches." 6454,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing a lingering metal taste in my mouth, accompanied by fluctuations in my sense of taste and smell. Additionally, I'm plagued by intense and debilitating joint and muscle pain that can be overwhelming at times." 4115,Acne,"I've recently experienced a breakout on my skin, characterized by clusters of blackheads and inflamed acne lesions filled with pus. Additionally, I've noticed increased sensitivity and tenderness." 4116,Acne,"I've recently experienced an outbreak of acne, characterized by blackheads and pustules, accompanied by noticeable redness and inflammation on my skin." 4117,Acne,"I've been experiencing some unpleasant symptoms lately, including a breakout of acne characterized by blackheads and inflamed pimples filled with pus. Additionally, my skin has been exhibiting dryness and flakiness, causing it to become rough and irritated." 4118,Acne,"I've recently developed an unpleasant rash on my skin, characterized by numerous blackheads and inflamed acne. Additionally, my skin has become itchy and irritated." 4119,Acne,"Here is a rephrased version of your text I've noticed an unfortunate change in my skin, characterized by a rash covered in blackheads and painful pimples filled with pus. Additionally, I've experienced excessive redness and inflammation." 7170,diabetes,"I experience mood swings that make it challenging for me to focus. Additionally, my mental clarity is sometimes hazy, which makes everyday tasks feel overwhelming." 7171,diabetes,"My emotional state is unpredictable, causing my focus to waver and making everyday tasks a challenge due to mental fogginess." 7172,diabetes,"I experience mood swings, which makes it challenging for me to focus. Sometimes my thoughts are cloudy, making everyday tasks feel overwhelming." 7173,diabetes,"I experience emotional highs and lows, which can impede my ability to focus and think clearly. Sometimes, my mental clarity is compromised, causing everyday tasks to become overwhelming and challenging." 7174,diabetes,"My emotional state is unpredictable, causing my focus to waver and my mental clarity to be inconsistent. This makes everyday tasks feel overwhelming and challenging." 1235,Psoriasis,"I have extremely sensitive skin that responds quickly to variations in temperature or humidity, necessitating caution when selecting skincare products." 1236,Psoriasis,"I have extremely sensitive skin that tends to flare up in response to even slight variations in temperature or humidity, making it crucial for me to exercise caution when selecting skincare products." 1237,Psoriasis,"I have delicate skin that's prone to irritation from sudden temperature or humidity shifts, so I need to be mindful of the products I use on it." 1238,Psoriasis,"Due to my skin's sensitivity, I need to exercise caution when selecting skincare products, as even slight changes in temperature or humidity can cause adverse reactions." 1239,Psoriasis,"I have extremely reactive skin that responds swiftly to fluctuations in temperature and humidity, necessitating caution when selecting skincare products." 4065,Acne,"I've recently experienced an outbreak of acne, characterized by numerous blackheads and pimples filled with pus. Additionally, I've noticed my skin has become quite dry and itchy." 4066,Acne,"I've recently developed an unpleasant skin condition, characterized by numerous blackheads and pimples filled with pus. Additionally, my skin has become dry and flaky." 4067,Acne,"I've recently developed a stubborn breakout, characterized by numerous blackheads and pusfilled pimples on my skin. Additionally, it's become quite inflamed." 4068,Acne,"I've recently developed a bad case of acne, with numerous blackheads and pimples filled with pus. Additionally, my skin has become dry and itchy." 4069,Acne,"I recently developed an unpleasant skin issue, characterized by numerous blackheads and pimples filled with pus. Additionally, my skin has become quite dry and itchy." 5410,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, and irritability, accompanied by weight loss, fever, and jaundice yellowing of the skin. My urine has become dark in color, and I'm also plagued by stomach discomfort." 5411,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing symptoms of illness, including fatigue, dizziness, and weight loss. I also have a fever, darkcolored urine, and yellowtinged skin. Furthermore, I'm struggling with stomach discomfort." 5412,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing symptoms of illness, including feeling irritable, lightheaded, and exhausted. I've also noticed unexplained weight loss, fever, and changes in my bodily fluids dark urine and yellow skin discoloration. Furthermore, I'm plagued by persistent stomach pain." 5413,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing fatigue, dizziness, and itchiness, accompanied by unintentional weight loss, fever, and darkcolored urine. My skin has also taken on a yellowish hue, and I'm struggling with stomach discomfort." 5414,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing severe symptoms including dizziness, exhaustion, and weight loss, accompanied by a fever, darkcolored urine, and yellowing of my skin. Furthermore, I'm also plagued with stomach discomfort." 2985,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing exhaustion and illness lately. I've had frequent sneezing fits and have struggled to regulate my body temperature. Additionally, I'm feeling extremely fatigued, with a pounding headache and a high fever that feels like it's reaching a boiling point." 2986,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing exhaustion and illness symptoms. My nose has been constantly running due to sneezing fits, and I'm struggling to regulate my body temperature. Additionally, I'm extremely fatigued, with a pounding headache and a fever that feels unusually high, like it's burning within me." 2987,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing extreme fatigue and illness lately. I've had frequent sneezing fits and haven't been able to shake off a lingering chill. To make matters worse, I'm exhausted, my head is pounding, and my fever has reached an unusually high level, making me feel like I'm burning up." 2988,Common Cold,"I've been struggling with fatigue and illness lately. I've had frequent sneezing fits and have trouble regulating my body temperature I always feel cold. To make matters worse, I'm extremely exhausted, suffering from a pounding headache, and my fever is incredibly high, making me feel like I'm burning up." 2989,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue and illness symptoms, including frequent sneezing and difficulty regulating my body temperature, which has left me feeling exhausted with a throbbing headache. My fever has been unusually high, making me feel like I'm burning up inside." 2845,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing an itchy sensation all over my body, accompanied by red and bumpy skin patches. Additionally, there are areas on my skin that have a different color tone than the rest of my epidermis, and I've developed small acnelike bumps resembling tiny balls." 2846,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing an itchy rash all over my body, accompanied by red and bumpy areas on my skin. Additionally, there are patches of skin with a different color than the rest, and I've developed small pimplelike bumps that resemble small balls." 2847,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing an intense itchiness all over my body, accompanied by red and bumpy skin patches. Some areas of my skin have taken on a different tone from the rest, and I've developed acnelike bumps that resemble small balls." 2848,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing an unpleasant rash all over my body, accompanied by red and bumpy skin lesions. Additionally, there are certain areas where my skin tone is different from the rest, and I've also developed pimplelike bumps that resemble small nodules." 2849,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing an annoying itch all over my body, accompanied by red and bumpy patches on my skin. Additionally, there are areas where my epidermis has a distinct coloration compared to the rest of it, and I've noticed some pimples that resemble small, rounded bumps." 4720,Migraine,"I've been experiencing visual disturbances, including distorted vision and difficulty with my eyesight." 4721,Migraine,"I've experienced persistent visual issues, including distorted vision and eye strain." 4722,Migraine,"I've been experiencing visual disturbances, with objects appearing warped or distorted, and struggling with clarity in my vision." 4723,Migraine,"I've experienced visual disturbances, with objects appearing warped or altered in some way, accompanied by issues with my eyesight." 4724,Migraine,"I've been experiencing blurred vision, double vision, and difficulty focusing." 5345,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing severe itching, accompanied by nausea, exhaustion, fever, weight loss, darkcolored urine, a yellow rash, and persistent abdominal pain." 5346,Jaundice,"I've been plagued by intense itching, queasiness, and exhaustion. Additionally, I've had a fever, lost weight, and noticed unusual symptoms including dark urine, a yellow rash, and persistent stomach discomfort." 5347,Jaundice,"I've been plagued by intense itching, nausea, and exhaustion. Additionally, I've had a fever, lost weight, and noticed unusual symptoms dark urine, a yellow rash, and persistent stomach pain." 5348,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing severe itching, queasiness, and exhaustion. Additionally, I've had a fever, lost weight, and noticed unusual changes such as darkcolored urine and a yellow rash. To top it off, I'm also dealing with stomach pain." 5349,Jaundice,"I've been plagued by severe itching, queasiness, and exhaustion. To make matters worse, I've had a fever, lost weight, and noticed changes in my bodily functions my urine has turned black, and I've developed a yellow rash on my skin. Additionally, I'm experiencing persistent stomach pain." 2490,Dengue,"I've noticed red, itchy, and inflamed spots on my skin, accompanied by a high fever, chills, and shivering." 2491,Dengue,"I've noticed red, itchy, and inflamed patches on my skin, accompanied by a high temperature, as well as chills and shaking episodes." 2492,Dengue,"I've noticed red, itchy, and inflamed spots on my skin, accompanied by a high fever, chills, and shivering." 2493,Dengue,"I've noticed reddish patches on my skin, which are itchy and swollen. Additionally, I'm dealing with a highgrade fever accompanied by chills and shivering." 2494,Dengue,"I've noticed red, itchy, and inflamed spots on my skin, accompanied by a high fever, chills, and shivering." 5650,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of uncomfortable symptoms including a high fever, intense itching, chills, and frequent vomiting. Additionally, I've got a throbbing headache, excessive sweating, and am feeling quite nauseous with accompanying muscle aches." 5651,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of unpleasant symptoms including a high fever, intense itching, chills, and frequent vomiting. Additionally, I've been plagued by a throbbing headache, excessive sweating, and feelings of nausea and muscle strain." 5652,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms including a high fever, intense itching, chills, vomiting, headaches, excessive sweating, nausea, and significant muscle pain." 5653,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms including a high fever, intense itching, chills, and recurring vomiting. Additionally, I've had a severe headache, excessive sweating, nausea, and significant muscle discomfort." 5654,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a high fever, intense itching, and symptoms of discomfort including chills, vomiting, headache, excessive sweating, nausea, and muscle pain." 5365,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing symptoms of illness, including itching, nausea, weight loss, fatigue, jaundice yellowing of the skin, fever, and stomach discomfort." 5366,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing persistent itchiness, accompanied by frequent vomiting. I've also noticed significant weight loss and feel extremely fatigued. Additionally, my skin has taken on a yellowish hue, and I'm running a high fever. My stomach has been particularly painful." 5367,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing persistent itchiness, accompanied by frequent vomiting, significant weight loss, and debilitating exhaustion. Additionally, my skin has taken on a yellowish hue, and I'm running a high fever. Furthermore, I'm plagued by severe stomach pain." 5368,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing persistent itchiness, accompanied by recurring vomiting, significant weight loss, extreme exhaustion, and symptoms of jaundice yellowing of the skin. Additionally, I'm dealing with a high fever and stomach discomfort." 5369,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing symptoms of illness, including itching, nausea, weight loss, extreme fatigue, jaundice yellowing of the skin, fever, and abdominal pain." 7135,diabetes,"I often experience overwhelming urges to use the restroom and intense desires. I also find myself feeling dizzy and offbalance frequently. Additionally, I've noticed significant impairment in my visual acuity." 7136,diabetes,"I often experience overwhelming urges to use the restroom accompanied by intense cravings. Additionally, I commonly feel lightheaded and confused. Furthermore, my visual acuity has significantly diminished." 7137,diabetes,"I often experience intense urges to use the restroom and struggle with overwhelming cravings. Additionally, I commonly feel dizzy and unbalanced. Furthermore, my vision has significantly deteriorated." 7138,diabetes,"I often experience overwhelming urges to use the restroom and intense cravings. Additionally, I struggle with dizziness and disorientation frequently. Furthermore, I've suffered significant loss of vision." 7139,diabetes,"I often experience overwhelming urges to use the bathroom and intense cravings. I also commonly feel lightheaded and dizzy, as well as experiencing significant visual impairment." 5720,urinary tract infection,"I've noticed my urine appears cloudy with sediment and has a strong, unpleasant odor. Additionally, I've experienced increased urges to urinate during the night, and have developed a consistent fever since these symptoms began." 5721,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing cloudy urine with a strong, unpleasant odor. I've also noticed frequent urges to urinate at night, accompanied by recurring high temperatures since these issues began." 5722,urinary tract infection,"I've been experiencing cloudy urine with sediment and a strong, unpleasant odor. Additionally, I've noticed an increased need to urinate at night, and I've developed recurring fever episodes since these symptoms began." 5723,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing cloudy urine with strong and unpleasant odors. Additionally, I've developed a sudden need to use the restroom frequently at night, accompanied by recurring fever since these symptoms emerged." 5724,urinary tract infection,"I've been experiencing abnormal urine that appears cloudy, contains sediment, and has a strong, unpleasant odor. Additionally, I've noticed an increased frequency of nighttime urination, accompanied by elevated body temperatures since these symptoms began." 3825,Arthritis,"I've experienced severe neck stiffness, accompanied by muscle weakness. My joints have become inflamed, leading to stiffness in my movements. Walking has also been particularly challenging due to this discomfort." 3826,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort in my neck, accompanied by muscle weakness. Swelling in my joints has left me feeling stiff and uncomfortable, making even simple movements feel labored. Walking has become an effort due to the unusual stiffness I'm enduring." 3827,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing intense tension in my neck, accompanied by feebleness in my muscles. My joints have been inflamed and I've felt stiff, making it difficult to walk without discomfort." 3828,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing intense tension in my neck, accompanied by muscle weakness. My joints have become inflamed and I've been dealing with significant stiffness, making everyday movements feel labored. Walking has also been a challenging endeavor due to the unusual discomfort." 3829,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent tension in my neck, accompanied by muscle weakness. Swelling and stiffness have also affected my joints, making every step feel labored and uncomfortable." 5265,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing symptoms of illness, including itching, nausea, weight loss, fatigue, jaundice yellowing of the skin, fever, abdominal pain, and darkcolored urine." 5266,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing persistent itchiness, accompanied by frequent vomiting. Additionally, I've noticed significant weight loss, extreme fatigue, and a persistent fever. My skin has taken on a yellowish hue, and my urine has turned black. I'm also suffering from severe abdominal pain." 5267,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing symptoms such as itching, nausea with vomiting, significant weight loss, fatigue, yellowing of my skin jaundice, fever, abdominal pain, and darkcolored urine." 5268,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing symptoms including itching, nausea, unexplained weight loss, extreme fatigue, yellowing of my skin jaundice, high fever, stomach pain, and darkcolored urine." 5269,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing symptoms such as itching, nausea, significant weight loss, extreme fatigue, yellowing of my skin jaundice, a high fever, stomach cramps, and darkcolored urine." 4855,Migraine,"I've been struggling with various physical and emotional symptoms, including heartburn, stomach discomfort, frequent headaches, blurry vision, intense hunger, neck stiffness, feelings of sadness and frustration, and unusual visual phenomena." 4856,Migraine,"I've been struggling with digestive issues like acidity and indigestion, accompanied by physical symptoms such as frequent headaches, blurrydistorted vision, and stiffness in my neck. Mentally, I've noticed increased hunger, feelings of depression, irritability, and visual disturbances." 4857,Migraine,"I've been plagued by a range of symptoms including digestive issues like acidity and indigestion, as well as physical complaints such as frequent headaches, blurrydistorted vision, and stiffness in my neck. Additionally, I've noticed emotional struggles with depression, irritability, and an insatiable appetite, along with visual disturbances that have been affecting me." 4858,Migraine,"I've been struggling with persistent issues including heartburn, stomach upset, and recurring headaches, along with blurry and double vision, constant cravings for food, a tight neck, feelings of sadness and frustration, and unusual visual experiences." 4859,Migraine,"I've been dealing with a range of symptoms including acid reflux, indigestion, frequent headaches, blurrydistorted vision, intense hunger, stiffness in my neck, feelings of depression, irritability, and visual disturbances." 6355,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing persistent indigestion and heartburn, which often leads to frequent vomiting after eating. Swallowing becomes challenging as food tends to get stuck in my throat, causing further distress. I also have persistent discomfort in my upper abdomen." 6356,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing recurring episodes of indigestion and heartburn, accompanied by frequent vomiting after eating. Swallowing is also challenging due to food getting stuck in my throat. I'm currently feeling significant discomfort in my upper abdomen." 6357,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing frequent episodes of nausea, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing due to indigestion and heartburn. The discomfort is mainly concentrated in my upper abdomen, where I feel a persistent sensation of unease." 6358,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing frequent episodes of indigestion and heartburn, accompanied by recurring vomiting after eating. Swallowing can be challenging as food often becomes lodged in my throat, causing discomfort. I also feel a persistent ache in my upper abdomen." 6359,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing persistent indigestion and heartburn. Food often comes back up after eating, making swallowing challenging as it gets stuck in my throat. I'm also feeling discomfort in my upper abdomen." 6900,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience recurring episodes of burning sensations in my upper abdomen, both during the day and at night, accompanied by frequent and severe occurrences of heartburn, indigestion, and nausea." 6901,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience recurring episodes of burning sensations in my upper abdomen, both during the day and at night. In addition, I commonly suffer from intense heartburn, severe indigestion, and debilitating nausea." 6902,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience recurring episodes of burning discomfort in my upper abdomen, both during the day and at night, accompanied by frequent occurrences of severe heartburn, indigestion, and nausea." 6903,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience recurring episodes of burning sensation in my upper abdomen, both during the day and at night. Additionally, I frequently suffer from intense heartburn, indigestion, and nausea." 6904,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience recurring episodes of discomforting burning sensations in my upper abdominal area, both during the day and at night. Additionally, I frequently suffer from intense heartburn, severe indigestion, and debilitating nausea." 3400,Pneumonia,"In recent days, I've experienced symptoms including chills, fatigue, a persistent cough, high fever, shortness of breath, and excessive sweating. Additionally, my mucus has been thick and dark in color, leaving me feeling weak and unwell overall." 3401,Pneumonia,"Lately, I've been experiencing symptoms such as chills, lethargy, coughing, fever, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, and overall weakness. Additionally, I've noticed thick and dark mucus." 3402,Pneumonia,"Recently, I've experienced symptoms such as chills, fatigue, persistent coughing, elevated body temperature, and shortness of breath. Additionally, I've been sweating excessively and overall feeling unwell and weak. Furthermore, I've noticed the presence of thick, dark mucus." 3403,Pneumonia,"I've experienced recurring symptoms of illness, including chills, fatigue, coughing, fever, and shortness of breath. Additionally, I've noticed excessive sweating and overall feelings of weakness and poor health. Furthermore, I've expelled dark and viscous phlegm on several occasions." 3404,Pneumonia,"Recently, I've experienced symptoms such as chills, fatigue, coughing, fever, and shortness of breath. Additionally, I've been sweating excessively and overall feeling unwell and weakened. Moreover, I've noticed a significant amount of thick and black mucus." 3855,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing muscle weakness lately, but at the same time, I've noticed stiffness in my neck. My joints have been swollen, making it hard for me to move around comfortably, and even walking has become a challenge." 3856,Arthritis,"I've experienced a notable decrease in muscle strength lately, accompanied by stiffness in my neck. My joints have become swollen, making movement challenging. Even walking has been labored." 3857,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing muscle weakness, particularly noticeable in my arms, while my neck has become stiff and rigid. I'm also struggling with swollen joints that make movement a challenge, and even simple tasks like walking have become arduous." 3858,Arthritis,"I've experienced a significant loss of muscle tone, accompanied by stiffness and swelling in my joints, making it challenging to engage in physical activities such as walking." 3859,Arthritis,"I've experienced a noticeable decline in muscle strength, whereas my neck has become stiff and rigid. Additionally, swollen joints have made mobility challenging, making everyday activities like walking quite arduous." 5995,allergy,"I'm experiencing recurring symptoms including itchy, red, and flaky skin on my face and lips, accompanied by swelling that leads to discomfort. Additionally, I occasionally suffer from watery eyes and headaches when the swelling becomes more pronounced." 5996,allergy,"I'm experiencing itchy, red, and flaky skin on my body, with additional symptoms including facial swelling, lip puffy, and inconvenience. Occasionally, this leads to watery eyes and headaches when the puffiness is particularly severe." 5997,allergy,"I'm experiencing symptoms of eczema, including itchy and red skin that sometimes flakes off. Additionally, my face and lips tend to puff up and become inflamed, causing significant discomfort. On occasion, I also get watery eyes and headaches when the puffing becomes severe." 5998,allergy,"I'm experiencing itchy, red, and flaky skin, particularly on my face and lips, which can lead to puffiness and discomfort. In more severe cases, this puffiness can cause headaches and watery eyes." 5999,allergy,"I'm experiencing symptoms of eczema, including itchy and red skin that can cause flaking. My face and lips become puffy, leading to significant discomfort. Occasionally, I also experience watery eyes and headaches due to the severity of the puffing." 2340,Impetigo,"I'm having a severe skin reaction characterized by painful, fluidfilled blisters that are swollen, red, and extremely tender to the touch. Additionally, I've developed a highgrade fever." 2341,Impetigo,"I'm having skin issues characterized by painful, burning rashes and blisters. The blisters are filled with clear fluid, raised, red, and quite tender to the touch. Additionally, I've developed a significant fever." 2342,Impetigo,"I'm dealing with itchy skin rash accompanied by painful, fluidfilled blisters that are raised and inflamed, making them uncomfortable to touch. Additionally, I'm running a high temperature." 2343,Impetigo,"I'm having severe skin issues painful blisters filled with fluid, raised, and reddish in color. They're uncomfortable to the touch. Additionally, I'm running a high temperature." 2344,Impetigo,"I'm currently dealing with painful and itchy skin rashes accompanied by fluidfilled blisters that are inflamed, raised, and red in color. Touching them is uncomfortable. Additionally, I've developed a highgrade fever." 6400,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I often experience an uncomfortably hot sensation in my throat, particularly after eating, accompanied by an unpleasantly bitter or sour aftertaste that can make me feel queasy." 6401,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I often experience a burning sensation in my throat, particularly after meals, accompanied by an unpleasantly bitter or sour aftertaste that leaves me feeling queasy." 6402,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I often experience a burning sensation in my throat, particularly after meals. Additionally, I sometimes notice an unpleasantly bitter or sour aftertaste that can leave me feeling unwell." 6403,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"After meals, I often experience a burning sensation in my throat, which can be accompanied by an unpleasantly bitter or sour aftertaste that leaves me feeling unwell." 6404,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"Following meals, my throat often becomes uncomfortably hot. Additionally, I sometimes experience an unpleasantly bitter or sour aftertaste that leaves me feeling queasy." 2260,Impetigo,I first noticed small red bumps around my nose and neck. The situation has escalated I'm now experiencing a high fever and the bumps have grown increasingly painful and swollen over the past few days. 2261,Impetigo,"I first experienced small, itchy red spots around my nose and neck. Over time, these symptoms escalated with the onset of a high fever the original sores have worsened in both pain and inflammation." 2262,Impetigo,"I started with minor red bumps near my nose and neck, but recently, they've worsened now I'm experiencing a high fever and the sores are throbbing with pain and swelling." 2263,Impetigo,"I first noticed small, red bumps around my nose and neck. Recently, my symptoms have escalated with a highgrade fever, and the sores have grown increasingly painful and swollen." 2264,Impetigo,"I started with tiny red bumps around my nose and neck, but things escalated quickly I've been hit with a high fever and those initial sores have turned into painful and swollen ones over the past few days." 1595,Varicose Veins,"I have prominent leg veins that are causing me distress due to their swelling and tendency to bulge out from under my skin, often becoming noticeable through my clothes." 1596,Varicose Veins,"I'm selfconscious about the prominent veins on my legs, which are not only uncomfortable but also visible through my clothes due to their swelling and protrusion." 1597,Varicose Veins,"I have prominent veins on my legs that are causing me significant distress due to their swelling and prominence above my skin, which makes them easily visible under my clothes." 1598,Varicose Veins,I have prominent veins on my legs that cause me significant distress due to their swelling and bulging appearance beneath my clothing. 1599,Varicose Veins,"I have prominent leg veins that are causing me distress due to their swelling and bulging nature, which makes them easily visible beneath my clothing." 1940,Typhoid,"I'm experiencing persistent digestive issues, including diarrhea and constipation, which is causing me significant distress. My stomach hurts severely and painfully, leaving me feeling weak and lacking energy. To make matters worse, I've lost my appetite." 1941,Typhoid,"I'm experiencing gastrointestinal issues, including diarrhea and constipation, which is causing me distress. I have persistent stomach cramps that are very uncomfortable. To top it off, I'm feeling extremely fatigued and lacking appetite altogether." 1942,Typhoid,"I'm experiencing gastrointestinal issues, including diarrhea and constipation, which is causing me distress. My stomach is severely achy and painful. To make matters worse, I'm feeling consistently fatigued and have lost my appetite." 1943,Typhoid,"I'm experiencing digestive issues, including diarrhea and constipation, which is causing me concern. My stomach is extremely sore and I've been plagued by a sharp, persistent pain. To make matters worse, I'm feeling incredibly fatigued and have lost my appetite." 1944,Typhoid,"I'm experiencing persistent digestive issues, including diarrhea and constipation, which is causing me significant distress. My stomach hurts terribly and I'm feeling extremely fatigued, making it hard for me to muster up an appetite." 4155,Acne,"I woke up to find a widespread rash covering my entire body, accompanied by an outbreak of blackheads and painful, pusfilled acne." 4156,Acne,"I woke up to find a widespread rash covering my entire body. My skin is also breaking out with blackheads and inflamed pimples, causing it to appear red and irritated." 4157,Acne,"I woke up to find my body covered in a noticeable rash, with blackheads and pustules rapidly spreading across my skin, which is also experiencing increased irritation." 4158,Acne,"I woke up to find a widespread rash covering my body, accompanied by an outbreak of blackheads and painful pimples filled with pus. My skin is also experiencing excessive flakiness and irritation." 4159,Acne,"This morning, I was surprised to find a widespread rash covering my entire body. What's more, blackheads and acnefilled pimples have multiplied, causing my skin to become increasingly itchy and irritated." 4735,Migraine,"I've been feeling quite irritable and somber lately, and to top it off, I've observed some changes in my visual acuity as well." 4736,Migraine,"I've been feeling downbeat for a while now, and simultaneously, I've observed a shift in my visual acuity." 4737,Migraine,"I've been feeling down and irritable recently, and I've also started to notice some issues with my eyesight." 4738,Migraine,"Lately, I've felt irritable and melancholic, and I've also observed some shifts in my visual perception." 4739,Migraine,I've been feeling quite downbeat recently and have also observed some changes in my visual acuity. 4145,Acne,"This morning, I discovered a severe skin breakout covering my entire body. The rash is comprised of inflamed pimples and blackheads filled with pus, accompanied by intense itching." 4146,Acne,"I woke up with a sudden and intense breakout on my skin, characterized by numerous pustules and comedones that are inflamed and producing pus. Additionally, my skin feels itchy and is experiencing excessive flakiness." 4147,Acne,"I abruptly awoke to an unsettling discovery a widespread, uncomfortable rash had taken over my entire body. The affected areas are densely packed with inflamed blemishes and darkened pores, causing my skin to exhibit noticeable irritation." 4148,Acne,"Woke up to discover a widespread breakout covering my entire body it's a messy combination of pusfilled pimples and blackheads, accompanied by intense itching and scratching." 4149,Acne,"I woke up with a sudden and alarming skin condition, characterized by widespread redness and inflammation featuring pusfilled pimples and blackheads. My skin appears to be experiencing an unusual degree of activity, causing it to appear as though it's scurrying or moving in an unnatural way." 1865,Typhoid,"I've experienced persistent bloating and constipation, causing significant discomfort and pain in my abdominal area. I also often develop a high temperature and shiver at night." 1866,Typhoid,"I've experienced persistent bloating and constipation that's caused significant discomfort, characterized by intense stomach pressure and pain. Additionally, I develop a fever and experience chills almost nightly." 1867,Typhoid,"I've experienced recurring bloating and constipation, accompanied by significant discomfort and pain in my abdominal region. Additionally, I've noticed that every evening, I develop a fever and shiver with chills." 1868,Typhoid,"I've experienced persistent bloating and constipation, accompanied by severe discomfort and pain in my abdominal area. Additionally, I've developed a nightly pattern of high fever and chills." 1869,Typhoid,"I've experienced frequent bloating and constipation, causing severe discomfort and pain in my abdominal area. Each evening, I'm plagued by a high fever and uncontrollable chills." 5105,Cervical spondylosis,"I'm struggling with muscle weakness, accompanied by persistent discomfort in my back, along with a dry cough. I've also noticed recurring neck pain, as well as episodes of dizziness, leaving me feeling offbalance and uncertain on my feet." 5106,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been struggling with muscle weakness, accompanied by persistent back pain, a nagging dry cough, and discomfort in my neck, which has also left me feeling dizzy, unbalanced, and uncertain on my feet." 5107,Cervical spondylosis,"I've noticed a significant decline in my muscle strength, accompanied by recurring issues such as back pain, a persistent dry cough, and discomforts in my neck. Additionally, I've experienced symptoms like dizziness, lightheadedness, and instability while standing or walking." 5108,Cervical spondylosis,"I'm struggling with muscle weakness, accompanied by persistent discomfort in my back, as well as a nagging cough. Additionally, I've noticed recurring pain in my neck, which has left me feeling dizzy, unsteady, and uncertain on my feet." 5109,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been struggling with muscle weakness, accompanied by persistent discomfort in my back and frequent episodes of dry coughing. Additionally, I've noticed recurring episodes of neck strain, as well as feelings of dizziness, lightheadedness, and instability when standing or walking." 3240,Pneumonia,"I've been dealing with persistent symptoms including chills, exhaustion, and a stubborn cough that's not improving. When I cough, it triggers chest discomfort and rapid heartbeat. The phlegm I'm producing is thick and brownish in color." 3241,Pneumonia,"I'm currently dealing with symptoms that include recurring chills, persistent exhaustion, and a stubborn cough. Coughing exacerbates the issue, causing chest pain and rapid heartbeat. Additionally, my phlegm has taken on a brownish color." 3242,Pneumonia,"I've been dealing with persistent symptoms chills, extreme fatigue, and a stubborn cough that's been lingering. Each time I cough, it's followed by sharp chest pain and an irregular heartbeat. The phlegm I'm producing has a nasty brown color to it." 3243,Pneumonia,"I've been dealing with persistent symptoms such as chills, fatigue, and a stubborn cough that's refusing to subside. When I cough, it exacerbates chest discomfort and rapid heartbeat. Additionally, the phlegm I'm producing has an unappealing brownish tint." 3244,Pneumonia,"I'm concerned about my symptoms I've had chills, persistent exhaustion, and a stubborn cough that's leaving me feeling drained. When I cough, I feel a sharp pain in my chest and my heart rate increases significantly. Additionally, the phlegm I'm bringing up has an unpleasant brownish color." 6045,allergy,"I experience skin issues characterized by redness, itchiness, and occasional flaking. Additionally, my cheeks and lips tend to swell, which can be quite frustrating. Furthermore, I often suffer from headaches and runny eyes due to the allergic reaction causing puffiness." 6046,allergy,"I experience dry, itchy skin that may flake periodically. Additionally, my cheeks and lips often become swollen, which can be quite bothersome. Furthermore, I sometimes suffer from headaches and watery eyes due to the allergic reaction." 6047,allergy,"I experience frequent skin irritation, characterized by redness, itchiness, and occasional flaking. Additionally, my cheeks and lips tend to become swollen, which can be quite frustrating. Furthermore, I often suffer from headaches and runny eyes due to allergic reactions." 6048,allergy,"I experience skin irritation, often accompanied by itching and occasional flaking. My face also reacts with swelling on my cheeks and lips, which is quite frustrating. Furthermore, I sometimes suffer from headaches and runny eyes due to the allergic reactions." 6049,allergy,"I experience redness, itchiness, and occasional flaking on my skin. Additionally, my cheeks and lips become swollen, which is frustrating. Furthermore, I often get headaches and runny eyes as a result of this condition." 3735,Arthritis,"My neck has been extremely tight, causing me to feel unusually weak in my muscles. Joints that have expanded make it challenging for me to move comfortably. Walking has become a painful experience." 3736,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent tension in my neck and unexplained weakness in my muscles, making it challenging to move freely. The enlargement of my joints has also made everyday activities like walking quite painful." 3737,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent tension in my neck, accompanied by a sense of muscle weakness. The enlargement of my joints has made it challenging to move freely, and even walking has become painfully uncomfortable for me." 3738,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent tension in my neck, accompanied by unusual weakness in my muscles. My joint enlargement has made it challenging to move comfortably. Walking has become a source of discomfort and even pain." 3739,Arthritis,"I've experienced persistent tension in my neck, accompanied by unusually feeble muscles. Enlarged joints make it challenging for me to move freely, and walking has become a painful endeavor." 5580,Malaria,"I'm dealing with intense symptoms including extreme itching, chills, vomiting, and a soaring temperature. Additionally, I've got a pounding headache and am experiencing excessive sweating, as well as significant issues with nausea and muscle soreness." 5581,Malaria,"I'm dealing with intense symptoms like severe itching, chills, and a high fever, accompanied by nausea, headaches, and excessive sweating. Additionally, I've been struggling with persistent nausea and muscular discomfort." 5582,Malaria,"I've been suffering from intense symptoms including severe itching, chills, nausea, and a high fever. Additionally, I've experienced excessive sweating, headaches, and persistent nausea and muscle aches." 5583,Malaria,"I've been dealing with intense symptoms, including severe itching, chills, nausea, and a soaring fever. Additionally, I'm experiencing excessive sweating, frequent headaches, and debilitating muscle aches." 5584,Malaria,"I've been plagued by intense symptoms including severe itching, chills, nausea, and a high fever. In addition to headaches, I'm also struggling with excessive sweating and debilitating muscle aches." 3720,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing muscle weakness, severe stiffness in my neck, swelling in my joints, and chronic discomfort while walking." 3721,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent muscle weakness, significant stiffness in my neck, and swelling in my joints, which has made everyday movements a challenge, including walking, which has become quite painful." 3722,Arthritis,"I've experienced persistent muscle weakness, accompanied by severe stiffness in my neck. Swelling in my joints makes everyday movement a challenge, and walking is particularly arduous." 3723,Arthritis,"I've experienced persistent muscle weakness, debilitating stiffness in my neck, and swelling in my joints that makes everyday movements a challenge. Even walking has become an arduous task due to the discomfort." 3724,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing muscle weakness, particularly in my neck which has become unusually stiff. Additionally, swelling in my joints has made movement challenging, and walking has been quite painful." 4790,Migraine,"I've been dealing with a range of unpleasant symptoms, including heartburn, stomach discomfort, recurring headaches, and vision impairments in addition to increased hunger, neck soreness, melancholy, irritability, and visual distortions." 4791,Migraine,"In addition to symptoms like hunger, neck pain, sadness, irritability, and visual disturbances, I've also noticed digestive issues such as acid reflux and indigestion, as well as recurring headaches and impaired vision." 4792,Migraine,"I've been dealing with a range of uncomfortable physical symptoms, including acid reflux, indigestion, recurring headaches, and issues with my vision, in addition to increased hunger, neck soreness, feelings of melancholy, impatience, and visual distortion." 4793,Migraine,"In addition to heightened hunger, physical discomforts include a sore neck, stomach issues such as acid reflux and indigestion, recurring headaches, and impaired visual acuity with blurry vision." 4794,Migraine,"In addition to physical and emotional discomforts like hunger pangs, neck pain, sadness, frustration, and distorted vision, I've been plagued by persistent heartburn, stomach upset, recurring headaches, and fuzzy eyesight." 2935,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing intense itching all over my body, accompanied by the development of red spots and patches with varying tones compared to my natural complexion. Additionally, small lumps or pimples have emerged on my skin." 2936,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing intense itchiness all over my body, accompanied by red spots that cover a significant area. Additionally, some patches have developed an unusual coloration, deviating from my natural skin tone. I've also noticed the emergence of lumps or pimples on my skin, which is quite concerning." 2937,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing intense itchiness all over my body, accompanied by widespread red spots and changes in skin tone compared to my natural complexion. Additionally, I've developed noticeable lumps or pimples on my skin." 2938,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing widespread itchiness and red rashes with varying shades compared to my normal skin tone. Additionally, I've noticed the appearance of bumps and pimples on my skin." 2939,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing severe itchy sensations all over my body, accompanied by the formation of numerous red spots. Some areas have taken on a different hue compared to my natural skin tone, and I've also noticed the emergence of lumps or pimples." 3130,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing persistent coughing and respiratory issues. My throat is sore and I'm struggling to catch my breath due to excess mucus accumulation in my chest. Additionally, my nose has been consistently running and I feel overall congested." 3131,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing persistent coughing, labored breathing, and discomfort in my throat. I also feel like I'm carrying excess mucus in my chest and have had excessive nasal discharge, making me feel quite congested." 3132,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing persistent coughing, breathing difficulties, and discomfort in my throat. Additionally, I'm feeling like I have excess mucus stuck in my chest, which is making it hard to catch my breath. To top it off, my nose has been running nonstop and I feel extremely congested." 3133,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing persistent coughing, accompanied by breathing difficulties, a sore throat, and a sensation of excess mucus trapped in my chest. Additionally, I've had a runny nose and felt extremely congested." 3134,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing persistent coughing and struggling with breathing difficulties. My throat is sore and I sense excess mucus lodged in my chest. Additionally, my nose has been consistently running and I'm feeling quite congested." 1200,Psoriasis,"I've been dealing with a persistent skin rash on my arms, legs, and torso over the past few weeks. The affected areas appear red, itchy, and are characterized by dry, scaly patches." 1201,Psoriasis,"For several weeks, I've been plagued by an uncomfortable skin rash affecting my arms, legs, and torso. The affected areas are inflamed, itchy, and characterized by dry, flaky scales." 1202,Psoriasis,"I've had a recurring skin rash on my arms, legs, and torso over the past few weeks, characterized by redness, itching, and the presence of dry, flaky scales." 1203,Psoriasis,"I've been dealing with a persistent skin rash on my arms, legs, and torso over the past few weeks. The rash appears as raised, red, and itchy bumps with accompanying dry, flaky scales." 1204,Psoriasis,"For the past few weeks, I've noticed a recurring skin rash affecting my arms, legs, and torso. The rash appears as red, itchy patches with dry, scaly scales." 3000,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing some miserable symptoms constant sneezing, extreme fatigue, and feeling quite unwell overall. My throat is severely irritated, and I've got a nasty buildup of mucus in my nose and throat. To top it off, my neck feels swollen and puffy too" 3001,Common Cold,"I'm feeling miserable, exhausted, and congested. My throat hurts, and I've got a nasty sinus issue with thick mucus building up. To top it off, my neck is all inflamed and tender." 3002,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing a miserable combination of symptoms, including nonstop sneezing, exhaustion, and discomfort. My throat is inflamed and congested, with excessive mucus production affecting both my nose and throat. To top it off, my neck feels swollen and puffy." 3003,Common Cold,"I'm feeling miserable, struggling with uncontrollable sneezing, exhaustion, and overall crumminess. My throat is raw and tender, and my nasal passages are clogged with thick mucus. To top it off, my neck feels swollen and inflamed." 3004,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing a nasty cold constant sneezing, extreme fatigue, and overall feeling unwell. My throat is extremely sore, congested with mucus, and my nasal passages are clogged. To top it off, my neck feels swollen and puffy." 6865,peptic ulcer disease,"I've lost significant amounts of blood due to my frequent, bloody bowel movements, leading to iron deficiency anemia and persistent fatigue." 6866,peptic ulcer disease,"I've suffered from recurring bloodtinged stools, leading to significant losses in iron and blood volume. This has resulted in anaemia, leaving me feeling persistently weakened." 6867,peptic ulcer disease,"My frequent bloodtinged bowel movements have led to significant losses, including iron deficiency and anemia. Consequently, I often experience debilitating weakness." 6868,peptic ulcer disease,"My frequent episodes of bloodstreaked bowel movements have led to significant losses of iron and blood, resulting in anaemia and leaving me perpetually feeling weak and fatigued." 6869,peptic ulcer disease,"I've experienced heavy bleeding in my stool, leading to significant losses of iron and blood. As a consequence, I've developed anemia, which has left me feeling persistently weak." 3575,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"Here's a rephrased version of your text I'm experiencing some difficulties with bowel movements. It's become quite challenging to have a bowel movement, which is accompanied by discomfort and pain. My rectal area is tender and has been experiencing bleeding after using the bathroom. The experience is quite painful and leaves me feeling uneasy." 3576,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing difficulty with bowel movements, accompanied by pain and discomfort. The effort required to go to the bathroom has become quite challenging, and I'm experiencing soreness and bleeding in my anus." 3577,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I'm experiencing some difficulties with bowel movements. It's become quite challenging for me to pass stool, and the process causes discomfort and pain. My rectal area is extremely sore and has been bleeding after each episode. This ongoing issue is causing significant distress and discomfort." 3578,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing difficulty using the restroom, accompanied by discomfort and pain during the process. The area has become tender and irritated, resulting in bleeding after bowel movements. Overall, it's a distressing and unpleasant experience for me." 3579,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"Here's a rephrased version of your text I've been experiencing difficulties with using the bathroom, where going is quite challenging and often accompanied by pain. My rectal area is extremely sore and has been bleeding during these episodes, making me feel quite uncomfortable." 5085,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been plagued by recurring back pain, a stubborn cough, and numbness or weakness in my arms and legs. Additionally, I'm dealing with persistent neck pain, difficulties maintaining my balance, and frequent episodes of dizziness." 5086,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been plagued by recurring back pain, a stubborn cough, and muscle weakness in my arms and legs. Additionally, I'm struggling with persistent neck pain, balance problems, and frequent episodes of dizziness." 5087,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been dealing with ongoing discomfort in my back, as well as frequent episodes of coughing. Additionally, I've noticed weakness or heaviness in my arms and legs. Moreover, I'm struggling with persistent neck pain, feeling unsteady on my feet, and experiencing occasional dizziness." 5088,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been plagued by chronic back discomfort, persistent coughing fits, and numbnessweakness in my arms and legs. Recently, I've also noticed neck ache, balance problems, and frequent episodes of dizziness." 5089,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been plagued by persistent back pain, as well as recurring discomfort in my arms and legs. Additionally, I'm struggling with neck pain, balance issues, and episodes of dizziness." 4965,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing discomfort in my back, accompanied by a persistent cough, as well as numbness in my arms and legs. Additionally, my neck has been hurting, making it challenging for me to maintain balance and causing occasional dizziness." 4966,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort, including back pain, a persistent cough, numbness or tingling sensations in my arms and legs, as well as ongoing issues with neck pain, balance problems, and occasional lightheadedness." 4967,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing recurring issues with back pain, a persistent cough, and numbnesstingling sensations in my arms and legs. Additionally, I'm dealing with neck pain and difficulties maintaining balance and stability, which often leaves me feeling lightheaded." 4968,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort with back pain, recurring coughing fits, and numbness or tingling sensations in my arms and legs. Furthermore, I've noticed neck pain, balance issues, and occasional dizziness." 4969,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort, including back pain, a persistent cough, and numbness or tingling sensations in my arms and legs. Additionally, I'm dealing with neck pain and difficulties maintaining balance and stability, which has also left me feeling lightheaded at times." 2060,Chicken pox,"I've been experiencing a lowgrade fever for the past few days that's started to concern me, along with a persistent and intense headache. I'm also feeling quite drained and lacking energy." 2061,Chicken pox,"I've been experiencing a lowgrade fever for several days, which is concerning to me. Along with the fever, I've also had a persistent and intense headache. To make matters worse, I'm feeling unusually fatigued and sluggish." 2062,Chicken pox,"I've had a lowgrade fever for a few days, which is concerning me along with a persistent severe headache. I'm also experiencing fatigue and feeling quite lethargic." 2063,Chicken pox,"I've been experiencing a persistent mild fever with accompanying severe headaches over the past few days. Additionally, I'm feeling weak and lacking energy." 2064,Chicken pox,"I've been experiencing a lowgrade fever for a few days, which is concerning me alongside my persistent severe headache. Lately, I've felt quite drained and lethargic." 3450,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing constipation, discomfort with bowel movements, and anal pain lately. My anus has become inflamed, and my stool has turned out to be extremely bloody." 3451,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent issues with constipation, rectal discomfort, and anal pain. My anus has become inflamed, and I'm noticing abnormally bloody stools." 3452,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent issues with constipation, discomfort during bowel movements, and anal pain. Furthermore, my anus has been chronically inflamed, and I've noticed that my stool is unusually bloody." 3453,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing recurring issues with constipation, bowel discomfort, and anal pain. Lately, I've noticed significant inflammation in my anus, accompanied by profusely bloody stools." 3454,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing recurring issues with constipation, painful bowel movements, and rectal discomfort lately. The inflammation in my anus has been persistent, accompanied by abnormally bloody stools." 1825,Typhoid,"I'm currently struggling with persistent nausea and vomiting, which has made eating a significant challenge for me. My appetite is virtually nonexistent, leading to noticeable weakness as a result." 1826,Typhoid,"I'm struggling with persistent nausea and vomiting, which has significantly impacted my ability to consume food. My appetite has disappeared altogether, leaving me feeling weak and fatigued." 1827,Typhoid,"I've been plagued by persistent nausea and vomiting, making it challenging to consume food. My loss of appetite has left me feeling extremely weakened." 1828,Typhoid,"I'm struggling with persistent nausea and frequent vomiting, which has severely impacted my ability to consume food. My appetite is completely gone, leaving me feeling increasingly weak and frail." 1829,Typhoid,"I'm struggling with persistent nausea and vomiting, which has severely impacted my ability to consume food. My appetite is nonexistent, leading to significant weight loss and overall weakness." 5850,urinary tract infection,"I've experienced some concerning symptoms lately. Blood has been present in my urine, and I often feel nauseous while urinating. Additionally, I frequently get a feverlike sensation." 5851,urinary tract infection,"I've noticed blood in my urine and occasionally experience nausea while urinating. Additionally, I often feel like I'm developing a fever, although it never quite reaches that level." 5852,urinary tract infection,"I've noticed blood present in my urine, which occasionally coincides with nausea while urinating. Additionally, I frequently experience a slight feverlike sensation." 5853,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing some concerning symptoms, including blood in my urine and occasional nausea when urinating. Additionally, I often feel like I'm on the verge of having a fever, which is causing me concern." 5854,urinary tract infection,"I've discovered blood in my urine, and occasionally experience nausea while urinating. Additionally, I often feel mildly febrile." 3850,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing muscle weakness, neck stiffness, joint swelling, and discomfort when walking or moving around. The pain has made daily activities challenging." 3851,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing muscle weakness, stiffness in my neck, joint swelling, and difficulty moving around. Additionally, walking has become quite painful for me." 3852,Arthritis,"I've noticed a significant decline in muscle strength, accompanied by persistent stiffness in my neck. Additionally, I've experienced joint swelling, making it challenging to move freely. Walking has become increasingly painful, leaving me feeling restricted and uncomfortable." 3853,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent muscle weakness, stiffness in my neck, joint swelling, and limited mobility, which has made walking particularly uncomfortable." 3854,Arthritis,"I've experienced a decline in muscle strength, accompanied by persistent stiffness in my neck. Additionally, my joints have become inflamed, making it challenging to engage in physical activities or even perform everyday movements. Furthermore, walking has become quite uncomfortable due to pain." 1650,Varicose Veins,I'm experiencing a painful rash on my legs accompanied by a cramping sensation and visibly prominent veins in my calves. 1651,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing a painful rash on my legs, accompanied by what looks like a cramping sensation and prominent calf veins." 1652,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing a painful rash on my legs, accompanied by what looks like a cramping sensation. The rash has also caused visible veins to become prominent on my calf." 1653,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing a painful rash on my legs accompanied by cramping sensations. Additionally, I've noticed prominent veins on my calf." 1654,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing a painful rash on my legs, accompanied by muscle cramping and visibly prominent veins on my calf." 7005,diabetes,"I'm experiencing blurred vision that's worsening, accompanied by persistent fatigue and exhaustion. I also get occasional episodes of intense dizziness and lightheadedness." 7006,diabetes,"I'm experiencing blurred vision that's worsening, accompanied by persistent fatigue and exhaustion. I also encounter episodes of intense dizziness and lightheadedness." 7007,diabetes,"I'm experiencing hazy vision that's worsening, accompanied by persistent fatigue and exhaustion. I also struggle with occasional episodes of intense dizziness." 7008,diabetes,"I'm experiencing blurred vision that's deteriorating, accompanied by persistent fatigue and exhaustion. I also frequently encounter episodes of intense lightheadedness and dizziness." 7009,diabetes,"My eyesight is becoming increasingly hazy, and I'm experiencing persistent fatigue and exhaustion. Furthermore, I've been plagued by episodes of intense lightheadedness and dizziness." 2105,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a highgrade fever, accompanied by a minor headache. Fatigue is my constant companion, and I've also lost all interest in food." 2106,Chicken pox,"I'm currently experiencing a highgrade fever, accompanied by a gentle headache. Additionally, fatigue has been my constant companion, leaving me drained most of the time. To top it off, I've completely lost my interest in food and have no desire to eat at all." 2107,Chicken pox,"I'm currently experiencing symptoms of illness, including a highgrade fever and mild headaches. Additionally, I've been feeling exhausted for much of the day and have lost all desire to eat." 2108,Chicken pox,"I'm currently experiencing a highgrade fever, accompanied by a mild headache. Additionally, fatigue is a significant issue for me, and I've also seen a complete loss of appetite." 2109,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a highgrade fever accompanied by a mild headache, and I've been feeling excessively fatigued as well. Additionally, I've lost all interest in food and have no appetite." 6330,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing a loss of appetite and difficulty swallowing. Even small meals can leave me with a persistent sense of fullness. Common symptoms for me include heartburn, nausea, and a tingling sensation in my throat." 6331,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing eating difficulties, including discomfort with swallowing. Despite having small meals, I often feel persistently full. Commonly, I also experience heartburn, nausea, and a tingling sensation in my throat." 6332,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing some digestive discomfort at the moment it's hard for me to eat and swallow comfortably. Even small meals leave me with a persistently full feeling. Additionally, I've been dealing with recurring symptoms like heartburn, queasiness, and throat irritation." 6333,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing some digestive discomfort, with no appetite and difficulty swallowing. Even small meals leave me feeling uncomfortably full. Common issues for me include frequent heartburn, nausea, and a tickly sensation in my throat." 6334,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing digestive discomfort, struggling with appetite and finding it hard to swallow. Even small meals leave me feeling uncomfortably full. Common symptoms I've noticed include heartburn, nausea, and a prickly sensation in my throat." 6195,allergy,"I'm experiencing skin irritation with itchy, swollen, and flaky patches. Additionally, my lips and cheeks are inflamed, causing discomfort and pain. This condition also triggers occasional headaches and excessive tearing in my eyes." 6196,allergy,"I'm experiencing itchy and inflamed skin, which can lead to flaking at times. Additionally, my lips and cheeks often become swollen and tender, causing frequent headaches and runny eyes due to the puffiness." 6197,allergy,"I'm experiencing skin irritation, with itchy and swollen patches that may also flake off at times. Additionally, my lips and cheeks are inflamed, causing discomfort and occasional pain. This inflammation can lead to headaches, teariness, and a runny nose." 6198,allergy,"I'm experiencing itchy and inflamed skin that can also flake at times. Additionally, my lips and cheeks are swollen and tender, which often causes headaches and excessive tearing in my eyes." 6199,allergy,"I'm experiencing itchy and inflamed skin, which sometimes flakes off. Additionally, my lips and cheeks are consistently swollen and ache significantly. This inflammation can cause occasional headaches and runny eyes." 2455,Dengue,"I've been feeling quite unwell lately. I'm getting chills and shivers even when I'm in a warm setting. Additionally, I have persistent back pain and noticeable red spots on my arms." 2456,Dengue,"I'm experiencing recurring episodes of chilliness and shivering, even when I'm in a warm setting. Additionally, I've noticed persistent discomfort in my back, accompanied by the appearance of red spots on my arms." 2457,Dengue,"I've noticed recurring episodes of chilliness and shivering, even when I'm in a warm setting. Additionally, I frequently experience back pain, and have developed red patches on my arms." 2458,Dengue,"I've noticed I'm getting frequent chills and shivers, even when I'm surrounded by warmth. Additionally, I've been experiencing persistent back pain and have developed red spots on my arms." 2459,Dengue,"I've noticed I'm getting chills and feeling cold even though I'm surrounded by warmth. Additionally, I've been experiencing persistent back pain, and I've developed red spots on my arms." 1545,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing dry, flaky skin around the veins on my legs, accompanied by what appears to be a large bruise and swelling in that area." 1546,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing dry, flaky skin around my leg veins, accompanied by a large bruiselike area and swelling." 1547,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing dry, flaky skin around my leg veins, accompanied by a large bruiselike discoloration and swelling in that area." 1548,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing dry, flaky skin around my leg veins, accompanied by significant bruising and swelling." 1549,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing dry, flaky skin around the veins on my legs, accompanied by a large bruise and swelling." 1855,Typhoid,"I've been struggling to stay hydrated due to frequent vomiting and diarrhea, accompanied by a lowgrade fever and abdominal discomfort." 1856,Typhoid,"I've been struggling to stay hydrated due to persistent vomiting and diarrhea, accompanied by a lowgrade fever and stomach discomfort." 1857,Typhoid,"I've been struggling to stay hydrated due to frequent episodes of vomiting and diarrhea, accompanied by a lowgrade fever and stomach cramps." 1858,Typhoid,"I've been struggling to stay hydrated due to persistent vomiting and diarrhea. Additionally, I'm experiencing a lowgrade fever and stomach discomfort." 1859,Typhoid,"I'm struggling to stay hydrated due to persistent vomiting and diarrhea, accompanied by a lowgrade fever and stomach discomfort." 2700,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing elevated lesions, a reddish and inflamed rash, patches of skin with varying discolorations compared to the surrounding skin tone, and intense pruritus itching." 2701,Fungal infection,"I experience eczemalike symptoms characterized by raised bumps, reddened and inflamed skin, patchy discoloration, and intense itching." 2702,Fungal infection,"I am experiencing symptoms including hives, a rash with erythema and inflammation, patches of discoloration varying in color compared to my natural skin tone, and pruritus." 2703,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing lesions with erythema, patches with varied discoloration compared to my normal skin tone, and pruritus." 2704,Fungal infection,"I've developed skin lesions with a reddish, inflamed appearance, along with discolorations in various shades and intense itching sensations." 6860,peptic ulcer disease,"I commonly experience difficulties with swallowing, often accompanied by a feeling of food lodging in my throat. Additionally, I frequently experience burping and discomfort due to bloating, which leaves an unpleasant taste in my mouth that persists even after eating." 6861,peptic ulcer disease,"I often experience difficulty swallowing, accompanied by a feeling of food getting lodged in my throat. Additionally, I commonly experience gas and bloating, leaving an unpleasant aftertaste." 6862,peptic ulcer disease,"I often experience swallowing difficulties, a feeling of food lodging in my throat, frequent belching, and persistent bloating. Additionally, I consistently notice an unpleasant aftertaste." 6863,peptic ulcer disease,"I often experience difficulty swallowing, a feeling of food lodging in my throat, and recurring belching, accompanied by persistent bloating. Additionally, I'm plagued by an unpleasant aftertaste in my mouth at all times." 6864,peptic ulcer disease,"I often experience difficulties with swallowing, where it feels like food is getting lodged in my throat. Additionally, I frequently burp and feel uncomfortably full. My mouth also tends to have an unpleasant lingering taste." 2830,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing widespread itching with accompanying red bumps all over my body. Additionally, I've developed small, balllike pimples and other discolored spots that stand out against the normal tone of my skin." 2831,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing a frustrating overall itching sensation, accompanied by scattered red bumps on my skin. Additionally, I've noticed acnelike patches resembling small spheres as well as distinct color variations on my complexion." 2832,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing widespread itching accompanied by red bumps all over my body. Additionally, I've noticed small, rounded pimples and patches with distinct coloring, differing from the overall tone of my skin." 2833,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing widespread itching and have developed numerous small, raised bumps on my skin, along with red, bumpy patches. Additionally, I've noticed the appearance of small, rounded pimples and other spots that vary in color from the rest of my skin tone." 2834,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing widespread itching all over my body, accompanied by red, bumpy patches. Additionally, I've noticed the emergence of small, rounded pimples and other discolorations that contrast with my natural skin tone." 6295,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience postmeal discomfort, often followed by nausea and frequent vomiting of my entire meal. Additionally, I typically develop a sharp abdominal pain and struggle with severe acid reflux after eating." 6296,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"Following meals, I often experience nausea, which can lead to me vomiting all that I've consumed. I also commonly suffer from excruciating stomach pain and debilitating acid reflux." 6297,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"Following meals, I often experience discomfort, including nausea, which sometimes leads to vomiting of recently consumed food. Additionally, I consistently suffer from intense stomach pain and frequent acid reflux." 6298,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience nausea and frequent vomiting after consuming food, often regurgitating my entire meal. Additionally, I typically suffer from intense stomach pain and severe acid reflux." 6299,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience unpleasant symptoms after eating, including nausea that often leads to vomiting of consumed food. This is accompanied by excruciating stomach cramps and intense acid reflux issues." 3695,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing frequent constipation and bowel issues, accompanied by persistent discomfort and pain in the perianal area. Additionally, I've noticed significant itching around my anus, as well as bloodied stools." 3696,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've experienced persistent constipation and bowel discomfort, accompanied by persistent anal pain and itching. Additionally, my stools have been streaked with blood." 3697,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've experienced frequent constipation and bowel discomfort recently, accompanied by persistent pain in the area surrounding my anus and rectum. Additionally, my anus has become extremely itchy and I've noticed blood in my stool." 3698,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've experienced persistent constipation and bowel issues, accompanied by rectal pain and discomfort. There's also significant itching around my anus, and my stools have been bloody." 3699,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've experienced frequent constipation and discomfort with bowel movements recently. The area around my anus and rectum have been sore, accompanied by intense itchiness. Additionally, my stools have had a bleeding tendency." 4525,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing some unbalanced physical sensations, including headaches, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness. Additionally, I've noticed difficulty focusing and concentrating." 4526,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing physical discomfort including headaches, chest pain, and dizziness, as well as cognitive difficulties with focusing." 4527,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing an imbalance in my body, which has triggered symptoms like headaches, chest discomfort, dizziness, and difficulty focusing." 4528,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing some physical discomfort lately, including a persistent imbalance which has led to headaches, chest pain, and dizziness. Additionally, I've noticed difficulty focusing and concentrating." 4529,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing some discomfort lately, with a persistent imbalance that's triggered headaches, chest tightness, and dizziness. Additionally, I'm struggling to focus due to mental fogginess." 5790,urinary tract infection,"I've been noticing my urine has an overpowering odor and a cloudy appearance since these issues began. Alongside this, I've developed frequent nighttime urges to use the bathroom and have also experienced elevated body temperature." 5791,urinary tract infection,"I've been noticing that my urine has a very potent, unappealing odor and a foggy consistency. Additionally, since this issue began, I've been getting sudden urges to use the bathroom in the middle of the night and have also been running a fever." 5792,urinary tract infection,"I've noticed a pungent odor and cloudy color in my urine since this issue began. Additionally, I've developed frequent nighttime urges to use the restroom and experience episodes of elevated body temperature." 5793,urinary tract infection,"I've been noticing that my urine has a potent, unpleasant odor and an unusual hazelike quality. Since this issue arose, I've experienced frequent nighttime urges to use the restroom and intermittent fever." 5794,urinary tract infection,"I've noticed that my urine has an intense, unpleasant odor and a foggy consistency since this began. Accompanying these issues are frequent nighttime urges to use the restroom and episodes of elevated body temperature." 3675,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing some persistent bowel problems lately. Passing stool is challenging for me, accompanied by discomfort during the process. My anus is sensitive to the point of being painful, and bleeding has occurred with each bowel movement, causing significant distress." 3676,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent bowel problems lately, characterized by straining to defecate and discomfort or pain during bowel movements. Additionally, my rectal area is tender and has been bleeding occasionally, causing significant distress and anxiety." 3677,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent bowel problems. Going to the bathroom has become a struggle for me, as it's accompanied by discomfort and pain. My rectal area is particularly sore and has been bleeding with each episode. The sensation is extremely unpleasant, leaving me feeling anxious and uneasy." 3678,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing frequent bowel issues with discomfort and pain. Going to the bathroom is challenging for me, as it causes significant pain. My anus is consistently sore and has been bleeding after bowel movements, which is extremely distressing and unsettling for me." 3679,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing recurring gastrointestinal issues that make it challenging for me to have bowel movements, accompanied by discomfort and pain during and after the process. My anal area is persistently sore, with bleeding occurring each time I go, causing a great deal of distress and anxiety." 2890,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing persistent itching accompanied by rashlike patches and discoloration on my skin. Additionally, there are some firm bumps that have appeared, which are concerning me." 2891,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing excessive itchiness and noticing several rashes and discolored patches on my skin. Additionally, I've developed some areas with raised, firm bumps." 2892,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing excessive itching and have noticed multiple rashlike patches on my skin. Additionally, there are areas with discoloration and some raised bumps that feel slightly hardened to the touch." 2893,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing persistent itchiness and noticed several rashes and patches on my skin. Additionally, there are areas with abnormal coloring and some bumps that feel somewhat raised or hardened." 2894,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing persistent itchiness and have developed rashy patches all over my skin. Additionally, there are some areas with unusual discoloration and a few bumps that feel slightly hardened." 6015,allergy,"I'm experiencing persistent nasal congestion and a plugged nose, accompanied by occasional nighttime chest tightness and stiffness. Additionally, I've noticed a significant loss of taste and smell." 6016,allergy,"I'm experiencing nasal obstruction and sinus pressure, which is accompanied by occasional nighttime episodes of chest tightness. Additionally, I've noticed a significant impairment in my sense of taste and smell." 6017,allergy,"Here is the rephrased response I'm experiencing a plugged nose, nasal congestion, as well as occasional nighttime stiffness and chest discomfort. Additionally, I've noticed a loss of sense of taste and smell." 6018,allergy,"I'm experiencing persistent nasal congestion and a plugged nose, along with occasional nocturnal chest discomfort and stiffness. Additionally, I've noticed significant impairments in both taste and smell." 6019,allergy,"I'm experiencing nasal congestion and a plugged nose, along with occasional nighttime symptoms of chest tightness and stiffness. Additionally, I've noticed significant impairments in my sense of taste and smell." 2020,Chicken pox,"I'm concerned about a peculiar condition where I have numerous small, red spots covering my body, accompanied by itching and discomfort. These bumps appear to be spreading quickly, which is causing me anxiety." 2021,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a mysterious skin condition characterized by numerous small, red bumps that are itchy and uncomfortable. They're spreading quickly and causing concern for me." 2022,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a mysterious rash with tiny red spots all over my body that's causing itchiness and discomfort, spreading quickly I'm concerned about what might be causing this." 2023,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing numerous small, red spots on my skin that are causing itching and discomfort. They appear to be spreading quickly and are concerning me." 2024,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a strange phenomenon where numerous small, red bumps have appeared all over my skin, accompanied by itchiness and discomfort. These spots seem to be spreading quickly, leaving me feeling concerned and unsure of what's causing them." 1340,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing persistent discomfort and irritation on my genital area, often accompanied by a burning sensation. Additionally, I've noticed rashes on other parts of my body, as well as unexplained joint pain." 1341,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing persistent discomfort on my genital skin, characterized by redness, irritation, and a burning sensation that's often unpleasant. Additionally, I've noticed recurring rashes on different areas of my body. Furthermore, I'm feeling unexplained joint pain." 1342,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing persistent discomfort down below, characterized by redness, irritation, and an uncomfortable burning sensation. Additionally, I've developed rashes in various areas of my body. To make matters worse, I'm also dealing with joint pain that's unusual for me." 1343,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing discomfort and irritation in my genital area, characterized by redness and burning sensations. Additionally, I've developed rashes on different parts of my body, as well as persistent joint pain with an unusual quality to it." 1344,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing persistent discomfort and itching in my genital area, accompanied by redness and irritation. Additionally, I'm dealing with recurring skin rashes on different parts of my body and occasional joint pain that's not typical for me." 3780,Arthritis,"I've experienced persistent muscle weakness, along with stiffness in my neck that's been quite pronounced. Additionally, my joints have become inflamed, causing mobility issues and discomfort when walking, which has felt agonizing." 3781,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing significant muscle weakness, accompanied by stiffness in my neck and joint swelling that makes everyday activities like walking challenging and painful." 3782,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent muscle weakness, accompanied by stiffness in my neck and swelling in my joints, which makes it challenging to move around comfortably. Even walking becomes a painful and laborious process." 3783,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing muscle weakness, stiffness in my neck, and joint swelling, which makes walking a challenging and painful endeavor." 3784,Arthritis,"I've experienced muscle weakness, stiffness in my neck, swelling in my joints, and discomfort while walking that's made daily activities challenging." 2165,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a rash with small, red, itchy bumps covering my skin, accompanied by a mild fever and headache." 2166,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing numerous small, itchy red spots on my skin, which are causing discomfort. Additionally, I've developed a mild fever and headache." 2167,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing numerous small, itchy red spots on my skin, which is quite uncomfortable. Additionally, I've developed a mild fever and headache." 2168,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing small, itchy red spots covering my body, which is causing discomfort. Additionally, I've developed a mild fever and headache, making me feel quite unwell overall." 2169,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a widespread rash with small, itchy red spots all over my body, accompanied by a mild fever and headache." 6715,peptic ulcer disease,"I've been experiencing bloody stools, leading to blood loss and iron deficiency. This has developed into anemia, making me feel remarkably weak overall." 6716,peptic ulcer disease,"I've experienced frequent bleeding in my stool, leading to significant blood loss and iron deficiency. This has developed into anemia, leaving me feeling generally weak and fatigued." 6717,peptic ulcer disease,"I've been experiencing frequent bleeding during bowel movements, leading to significant blood loss and iron deficiency. As a result, I've developed anemia, which has left me feeling persistently weak." 6718,peptic ulcer disease,"I've experienced frequent occurrences of bright red blood in my stool, leading to significant iron deficiency and loss of blood. This has contributed to my development of anemia, leaving me feeling persistently weak." 6719,peptic ulcer disease,"I've been experiencing frequent bowel movements with blood, leading to a significant loss of blood and iron. This has ultimately led to my diagnosis with anemia, leaving me feeling persistently weak overall." 2045,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a sudden onset of red, itchy spots all over my body that are rapidly swelling and spreading." 2046,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a sudden onset of numerous red, itchy, and swelling spots covering my entire body, with no apparent cause or explanation." 2047,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a mysterious rash covering my entire body. The red spots are accompanied by intense itching and swelling, which is worsening and spreading quickly." 2048,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing unexplained red spots all over my body that are itchy and swelling, with a rapid spread. Could you help me figure out what's going on" 2049,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a sudden onset of red, itchy, and swollen skin lesions all over my body, which are rapidly spreading and causing discomfort." 6490,drug reaction,"I've been noticing some irregularities with my period and experiencing unusual vaginal discharge. Lately, I've also been dealing with unpredictable mood swings and irritability." 6491,drug reaction,"I'm noticing irregularities in my period and unusual vaginal discharge. Additionally, I've been dealing with frequent mood shifts and feeling irritable at times." 6492,drug reaction,"I'm noticing fluctuations in my period and occasional unusual discharge. I also struggle with emotional ups and downs, including frequent mood shifts and irritability." 6493,drug reaction,"I've noticed some irregularities in my menstruation and have been experiencing unusual vaginal discharge. Additionally, I frequently experience mood fluctuations and feelings of irritability." 6494,drug reaction,"I've been noticing some irregularities with my period and also experiencing unusual vaginal discharge. Additionally, I've been dealing with frequent mood shifts and feelings of agitation." 2065,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing symptoms such as swollen lymph nodes, widespread red spots, moderate discomfort, a mild fever, and persistent fatigue." 2066,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing symptoms including swollen lymph nodes, scattered red spots on my skin, which are causing some discomfort. Additionally, I've got a lowgrade fever and often feel fatigued." 2067,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing swelling in my lymph nodes and numerous reddish spots across my skin, which is accompanied by moderate discomfort. Additionally, I've developed a lowgrade fever and often feel fatigued throughout the day." 2068,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing symptoms including swollen lymph nodes, widespread red spots, and associated discomfort. Additionally, I've developed a lowgrade fever and often feel fatigued." 2069,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing symptoms including swollen lymph nodes and red skin lesions scattered across my body, which is accompanied by discomfort. Additionally, I've developed a lowgrade fever and fatigue, making me feel tired most of the time." 3790,Arthritis,"I've experienced persistent muscle weakness, accompanied by stiffness in my neck and swollen joints that make movement painful and stiff. Even simple activities like walking have become uncomfortable due to these symptoms." 3791,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing muscle weakness, accompanied by stiffness in my neck and swelling in my joints, which makes movement painful and stiff. Even walking has become uncomfortable." 3792,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing muscle weakness, stiffness in my neck, swelling in my joints, and discomfort while walking, which makes movement challenging." 3793,Arthritis,"I've experienced muscle weakness, neck stiffness, and joint swelling, which makes movement challenging and leaves me feeling stiff and uncomfortable when walking." 3794,Arthritis,"I've experienced muscle weakness, stiffness in my neck, swelling in my joints, and discomfort when walking." 6040,allergy,"I'm experiencing symptoms of queasiness, dizziness, and shortness of breath. My throat is swollen, making it difficult to breathe comfortably. Additionally, I've noticed occasional chest discomfort and nighttime nausea." 6041,allergy,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including queasiness, dizziness, and shortness of breath. My throat is swollen and I'm struggling to catch my breath. Additionally, I've been experiencing recurring episodes of chest tightness and nausea, particularly at night." 6042,allergy,"I'm experiencing symptoms of lightheadedness, dizziness, and nausea, accompanied by a swollen throat that's affecting my breathing. Additionally, I've noticed occasional chest tightness and nighttime nausea." 6043,allergy,"I'm experiencing symptoms of vertigo, nausea, and lightheadedness, accompanied by a swollen throat and difficulty breathing. I also notice occasional chest tightness and nighttime nausea." 6044,allergy,"I'm experiencing symptoms of discomfort and distress, including queasiness, dizziness, and difficulty breathing. I've also noticed swelling in my throat, occasional chest tightness, and recurring nighttime nausea." 4705,Migraine,"I've been experiencing recurring headaches, blurry vision, as well as postmeal discomfort characterized by acid reflux and indigestion." 4706,Migraine,"I've experienced recurring headaches, blurred vision, and digestive issues such as acid reflux and indigestion, particularly after eating." 4707,Migraine,"I've experienced recurring headaches, blurry vision, and gastrointestinal issues such as acid reflux and indigestion following meals." 4708,Migraine,"I've been experiencing recurring headaches, blurred vision, along with postmeal symptoms of heartburn and digestive discomfort." 4709,Migraine,"I've been experiencing recurring headaches, blurry eyesight, as well as persistent heartburn and digestive discomfort postmeals." 3655,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing some discomfort with my bowel movements. Going to the bathroom has become a struggle, and even when I do manage to go, it's accompanied by pain. Additionally, my anal area is quite sore and has been bleeding, which is causing me a great deal of distress and discomfort." 3656,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing some discomfort with my bowel movements recently. Going to the bathroom has become a struggle, and I'm feeling pain while doing so. My anus is quite sore, and I've noticed bleeding during these episodes. Overall, it's been a painful and uncomfortable experience for me." 3657,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing some difficulties with my bowel movements recently. Passing stools has become a challenging and uncomfortable process, accompanied by pain and discomfort. Additionally, I've noticed that my anus is quite sore and has been bleeding after going to the bathroom, which has added to my overall distress." 3658,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I'm experiencing some challenging issues with my digestive system lately. Passing stool has become a struggle, accompanied by discomfort and pain. Additionally, I've noticed rectal soreness and bleeding during bowel movements, which is causing significant distress and discomfort." 3659,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I'm experiencing some challenging digestive issues, including difficulty having bowel movements that are accompanied by pain and discomfort. The area around my anus is tender and has been bleeding, making me feel quite distressed." 1565,Varicose Veins,"I've experienced increased leg swelling, accompanied by a noticeable prominence of veins, which appears to be worsening with time. As someone who is overweight, I'm attributing this issue to my weight status." 1566,Varicose Veins,"I've experienced increased swelling in my legs, accompanied by heightened visibility of blood vessels due to my weight. The swelling appears to be worsening over time." 1567,Varicose Veins,"I've experienced increased leg swelling and visibility of blood vessels due to my weight. Notably, the swelling has worsened over time." 1568,Varicose Veins,"I've experienced increased leg swelling and more prominent blood vessels due to my weight status, with the issue appearing to worsen over time." 1569,Varicose Veins,"I've observed that my legs have become increasingly swollen, with visibly prominent blood vessels, likely due to my weight." 6100,allergy,"I'm experiencing persistent nasal congestion, accompanied by frequent sneezing, excessive tearing in my eyes, and recurring coughing fits. Moreover, I've been struggling with a perpetual headache." 6101,allergy,"I'm experiencing nasal congestion with frequent sneezing, accompanied by watery and irritated eyes. Additionally, I'm plagued by persistent coughing fits, and my head is consistently throbbing with discomfort." 6102,allergy,"I'm experiencing persistent congestion with frequent sneezing, accompanied by watery and irritated eyes, as well as constant coughing. Additionally, I have a nagging headache that persists throughout the day." 6103,allergy,"I'm experiencing symptoms of congestion, including excessive sneezing, watery and painful eyes, persistent coughing, and recurring headaches." 6104,allergy,"I'm experiencing congestion with frequent sneezing, watery eyes that hurt, persistent coughing, and a constant headache." 4135,Acne,"I woke up to discover a widespread breakout on my skin, characterized by numerous pustules and blackheads, accompanied by excessive itchiness." 4136,Acne,"I woke up to discover a widespread breakout on my skin, characterized by numerous pustules and comedones scattered across my body, accompanied by noticeable flaking." 4137,Acne,"I woke up this morning to discover a widespread skin issue, characterized by numerous pustules and blackheads covering my body. My skin is also experiencing increased sensitivity and itchiness." 4138,Acne,"I woke up this morning to discover a widespread breakout on my skin. My face is covered in inflamed pimples and blackheads, causing my skin to appear red and irritated." 4139,Acne,"I woke up this morning to discover a widespread breakout on my skin, featuring numerous pusfilled pimples and blackheads scattered across my body, accompanied by an itchy sensation." 2370,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing a breakout of rashes and sores around my nose, which appears to be spreading to other areas of my body. I've also been dealing with nightly fevers." 2371,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing skin issues, including rashes and large red sores around my nose, which are now spreading to other parts of my body. Additionally, I've been running a fever at night." 2372,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing skin issues around my nose, including rashes and large, inflamed sores that are spreading to other areas of my body. Additionally, I've noticed I develop a fever every evening." 2373,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing skin issues around my nose, including red rashes and large, painful sores. The rash appears to be spreading to other areas of my body. Additionally, I've noticed that my body temperature consistently spikes at night." 2374,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing rashes and red sores primarily around my nose, which are now spreading to other areas of my body. Additionally, I've been noticing a consistent high temperature every evening." 2270,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing pusfilled lesions on my face that are now oozing clear discharge. Additionally, I'm plagued by recurring fevers and chills at night, making it impossible for me to get a good night's rest." 2271,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing pusfilled sores on my face that are now discharging a clear liquid. Furthermore, I've been plagued by recurring fever and chills at night, making it impossible for me to get a good night's rest." 2272,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing acne that's now oozing clear discharge, accompanied by frequent nightly fevers and chills that disrupt my ability to sleep due to the discomfort." 2273,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing lesions on my face that are now discharging a clear liquid. Additionally, I've been plagued by recurring fevers and chills at night, making it impossible for me to get a good night's rest." 2274,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing skin lesions on my face that have started draining clear fluid. Additionally, I've been waking up with a high fever and chills every evening, making it impossible for me to get a good night's rest." 5930,urinary tract infection,"I've had a rough 4 days I'm dealing with cold temperatures, blood in my urine, severe headaches, strongsmelling pee, and unpredictable urination that often feels out of my control." 5931,urinary tract infection,"Over the past 4 days, I've noticed a pattern of low body temperature, hematuria blood in my urine, severe headache, and an unpleasant odor from my urine. Additionally, I'm experiencing infrequent and unpredictable urination episodes with limited control over when they occur." 5932,urinary tract infection,"Over the past 4 days, I've noticed a drop in body temperature, accompanied by blood in my urine. My head is throbbing and the odor of my urine is unpleasant. Urination has become unpredictable, with infrequent urges and loss of control over when it occurs." 5933,urinary tract infection,"Over the past 4 days, I've noticed a sudden onset of symptoms consistently low temperatures, hematuria blood in my urine, severe headaches, unpleasantly pungent urine, and frequent urination urges that are difficult to control." 5934,urinary tract infection,"Here is a rephrased version of your text Over the past four days, I've noticed some concerning symptoms my body temperature has been consistently low, I've seen blood in my urine, and my head has been throbbing with pain. To make matters worse, my urine has developed an unpleasant odor and I'm struggling to control my urination schedule it's become unpredictable and often inconvenient." 1860,Typhoid,"I'm experiencing diarrhea, accompanied by intense stomach cramps. Appetite has been severely impacted, and I often have a mild headache." 1861,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing symptoms of diarrhea along with excruciating abdominal cramps. My appetite has significantly decreased, and I often have a mild to moderate headache." 1862,Typhoid,"I've recently experienced an onset of gastrointestinal symptoms, characterized by frequent bowel movements and significant discomfort in my abdominal region. Additionally, I'm not feeling motivated to consume food, and when I do eat, it's often accompanied by a moderate level of headachy sensation." 1863,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing diarrhea, which is accompanied by sharp abdominal pain. To make matters worse, I've lost my appetite and often have a minor headache." 1864,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing diarrhea along with intense stomach cramps. The thought of food is unappealing to me, and I'm also dealing with occasional mild headaches." 6975,diabetes,"I'm experiencing frequent muscle spasms and tremors, accompanied by a dulling of my senses including smell and taste. Additionally, I often feel exhausted and fatigued. Occasionally, I also notice sudden increases in heart rate or palpitations." 6976,diabetes,"I'm experiencing tremors and muscle twitches, accompanied by a dulling of my sense of smell and taste. Additionally, I often feel exhausted. Occasionally, I also experience episodes of rapid heartbeat and palpitations." 6977,diabetes,"I'm experiencing physical symptoms including trembling, muscle spasms, and fatigue. Additionally, my sense of smell and taste has been impaired, and at times I've noticed rapid heartbeat and palpitations." 6978,diabetes,"I'm experiencing recurring tremors and muscle spasms, accompanied by a decrease in my sense of smell and taste. Additionally, I often feel exhausted and fatigued. Occasionally, I also experience episodes of rapid heartbeat and palpitations." 6979,diabetes,"I'm experiencing physical symptoms including tremors, muscle twitches, fatigue, and alterations in my senses of smell and taste. Occasionally, I also notice rapid heartbeat or palpitations." 4860,Migraine,"I've been experiencing a range of discomforting symptoms, including stomach acid issues, indigestion, recurring headaches, blurry and distorted vision, an increase in appetite, stiffness in my neck, feelings of depression, irritability, and visual disturbances." 4861,Migraine,"I've been experiencing a range of unpleasant symptoms, including stomach acid and indigestion issues, as well as persistent problems with headaches, blurred vision, and increased hunger. I've also noticed stiffness in my neck, feelings of depression and irritation, and visual distortions that are affecting my daily life." 4862,Migraine,"I've been experiencing a range of unpleasant symptoms, including stomach issues, digestive discomfort, recurring headaches, blurred and distorted vision, heightened hunger, stiffness in my neck, feelings of sadness and depression, and persistent irritability." 4863,Migraine,"I've been experiencing a range of discomforts, including stomach issues, digestive problems, frequent headaches, blurred vision, an increase in hunger, stiffness in my neck, feelings of sadness and irritability, and distortions in my perception." 4864,Migraine,"I've been experiencing a range of unpleasant symptoms, including stomach discomfort, digestive issues, recurring headaches, blurred vision, increased hunger, stiff neck, feelings of depression and irritation, and distorted visuals." 5900,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing frequent urges to use the restroom, despite minimal output each time. Accompanying this is intense abdominal discomfort and an overwhelming need to void." 5901,urinary tract infection,"I experience frequent urges to use the restroom, often resulting in minimal amounts of urine being released. Additionally, I'm plagued by intense stomach discomfort accompanied by an insistent need to urinate." 5902,urinary tract infection,"I frequently need to use the restroom, although my urine output is usually minimal. However, I'm experiencing excruciating abdominal cramps and an intense urge to void." 5903,urinary tract infection,"I experience frequent urges to use the bathroom, although when I do, it's usually just a small amount of urine that comes out. Accompanying this is intense abdominal discomfort and an urgent need to relieve myself." 5904,urinary tract infection,"I experience frequent, yet small, urges to use the restroom, accompanied by intense stomach discomfort and an uncontrollable desire to void." 2125,Chicken pox,"I've noticed small, red spots appearing on my face and neck, accompanied by an itchy sensation when I touch them. The itching has been quite bothersome, making my day rather uncomfortable." 2126,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing small, red patches on my face and neck that are accompanied by an annoying itchiness. When I touch or scratch these spots, they become even more irritated, making my day quite unbearable." 2127,Chicken pox,"I've noticed small, red bumps appearing all over my face and neck, which become itchy when touched. The itchiness is really disrupting my daily routine." 2128,Chicken pox,"I've noticed small, red spots appearing on my face and neck, accompanied by an itchy sensation that becomes unbearable when I touch them. This constant itchiness is really affecting my daily routine." 2129,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing small, red bumps on my face and neck that become itchy when touched, making my day quite unbearable." 1405,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing widespread skin irritation, with redness and discomfort affecting my arms, face, and back. The condition can be quite bothersome. Additionally, my fingernails have become inflamed and have developed small indentations, a phenomenon I've never witnessed before." 1406,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing widespread skin irritation my arms, face, and back are all affected, causing frequent discomfort and unease. Additionally, my fingernails are inflamed and showing signs of small indentationlike dents, which is completely unfamiliar to me." 1407,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing severe skin irritation on my arms, face, and back, which is often accompanied by an uncomfortable and annoying sensation. Additionally, my fingernails are inflamed and have formed small indentations, a phenomenon I've never witnessed before." 1408,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing severe skin irritation on my arms, face, and back, which is often painful and uncomfortable. Additionally, my fingernails are inflamed with small indentations, a condition I've never encountered before." 1409,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing widespread skin irritation, with my arms, face, and back affected. The discomfort is recurring and quite unbearable. Additionally, I've noticed unusual inflammation on my nails, accompanied by tiny indentations. This is completely unprecedented for me." 1740,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing significant trouble breathing and persistent nausea, accompanied by mild abdominal discomfort. This has left me feeling terrified at times." 1741,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing trouble breathing and persistent nausea, accompanied by mild stomach discomfort. This has been quite unsettling for me at times." 1742,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing significant respiratory issues, accompanied by persistent nausea and mild stomach discomfort. The situation has been overwhelming at times." 1743,Typhoid,"I'm experiencing persistent respiratory issues, accompanied by ongoing nausea and mild abdominal discomfort. This has been causing me significant distress." 1744,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing persistent issues with breathing difficulties, accompanied by ongoing nausea and mild abdominal discomfort. At times, it's been quite frightening." 5440,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing excruciating itching, frequent vomiting, extreme exhaustion, and significant weight loss. My temperature is soaring, and my skin has taken on a yellowish hue. Additionally, my urine is noticeably dark, and I'm plagued by persistent abdominal discomfort." 5441,Jaundice,"I'm concerned about my overall health as I've been dealing with a range of symptoms including intense itching, recurring vomiting, persistent fatigue, significant weight loss, a high fever, yellowing skin jaundice, dark urine, and recurring abdominal pain." 5442,Jaundice,"I'm plagued by intense itching, frequent vomiting, persistent fatigue, and unexplained weight loss. My fever is raging, my skin has taken on a yellowish hue, and my urine appears dark. Additionally, I've been experiencing sharp abdominal pain." 5443,Jaundice,"I'm presenting with a complex of symptoms including intense pruritus, nausea, lethargy, and significant weight decline. My temperature is elevated, and my complexion has taken on a yellowish hue. Additionally, my urine appears dark, and I'm experiencing persistent abdominal discomfort." 5444,Jaundice,"I'm reporting a range of concerning symptoms, including intense itching, frequent vomiting, persistent fatigue, significant weight loss, elevated fever, jaundice yellowing of the skin, darkcolored urine, and persistent abdominal discomfort." 4040,Acne,"I've been experiencing some unpleasant skin issues lately, including acnelike lesions filled with pus and blackheads. Additionally, I've noticed my skin has become quite dry and flaky." 4041,Acne,"I've been experiencing some frustrating skin issues lately, including a breakout of acnefilled blackheads and pimples filled with pus. To make matters worse, my skin has been feeling particularly dry and itchy." 4042,Acne,"I've noticed some concerning acne on my skin recently. The blemishes are filled with pus and have blackheads, making them quite unsightly. Additionally, my skin has felt extremely dry and flaky." 4043,Acne,"I've been dealing with a frustrating skin issue lately, characterized by a rash filled with blackheads and pustules. Additionally, my skin has been quite dry and flaky." 4044,Acne,"I've been experiencing a stubborn rash on my skin, characterized by numerous blackheads and pimples filled with pus. Additionally, my skin has become quite itchy." 4450,Hypertension,"I've been plagued by a persistent headache, accompanied by chest discomfort, lightheadedness, and an unsettling lack of equilibrium, which has made it challenging to focus and stay mentally sharp." 4451,Hypertension,"I've been struggling with persistent headaches, chest discomfort, lightheadedness, and issues with equilibrium, making everyday activities more challenging. Additionally, I'm finding it difficult to focus and stay mentally alert." 4452,Hypertension,"I've been dealing with headaches, chest discomfort, lightheadedness, and issues with balance and coordination. Additionally, I'm finding it challenging to focus and stay mentally sharp." 4453,Hypertension,"I've been dealing with recurring symptoms including headaches, chest discomfort, lightheadedness, and issues with balance and coordination. Additionally, I'm struggling to focus and concentrate." 4454,Hypertension,"I've been dealing with recurring headaches, chest discomfort, lightheadedness, and issues with staying balanced. Additionally, I'm finding it challenging to focus and maintain mental clarity." 6200,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience a burning sensation in my throat, particularly after consuming food. Occasionally, this also leads to a lingering sour or bitter taste in my mouth, which can cause me to feel queasy." 6201,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience a burning sensation in my throat, particularly after meals. This discomfort can sometimes linger, leaving a sour or bitter taste in my mouth and causing nausea as a result." 6202,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience a burning feeling in my throat, which is particularly intense before and after meals. Additionally, this sensation often lingers, leaving a sour or bitter taste in my mouth. The discomfort also triggers nausea in me." 6203,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience a burning sensation in my throat, which is particularly pronounced before and after meals. This discomfort sometimes lingers, leaving a sour or bitter aftertaste, and can even trigger nausea." 6204,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience a burning sensation in my throat, particularly after eating. Occasionally, this is accompanied by an unpleasantly sour or bitter taste that lingers in my mouth, leaving me feeling queasy and nauseous as a result." 7025,diabetes,"I'm experiencing muscle tremors and fatigue, accompanied by a decline in my sense of taste and smell. Additionally, I occasionally experience palpitations or rapid heartbeat." 7026,diabetes,"I'm experiencing physical exhaustion, with my muscles vibrating and tremors occurring. My senses of taste and smell are also dulled. Occasionally, I may experience palpitations or a rapid heart rate." 7027,diabetes,"I'm experiencing muscle tremors and spasms, leaving me feeling exhausted. Additionally, my appetite and sense of smell are suppressed, while occasional irregular heartbeats can be unsettling." 7028,diabetes,"I'm experiencing physical discomfort, with my muscles vibrating and my body feeling exhausted. My appetite and sense of smell are also severely impacted. Occasionally, I may feel sudden jolts of irregular heartbeats." 7029,diabetes,"I experience muscle tremors and weakness, accompanied by dulled senses of taste and smell. Occasionally, I may also encounter palpitations or an irregular heartbeat." 3615,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been dealing with persistent bowel problems, where it's challenging to have a bowel movement and it's accompanied by discomfort. My anal area is quite tender, and bleeding occurs frequently. The experience is extremely painful and has left me feeling anxious." 3616,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been having trouble with my bowel movements lately. Going to the bathroom is a struggle, and it's uncomfortable when I do. My rectal area is sore and has been bleeding after I go, which is really unpleasant. The whole experience is quite painful and has left me feeling anxious." 3617,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been struggling with bowel movements lately. It's challenging to have a bowel movement and it can be quite painful when I do. My anal area is experiencing discomfort and has been bleeding occasionally, which is causing me significant distress." 3618,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been struggling with bowel irregularities lately. Passing stool is challenging and accompanied by discomfort. My rectal area is sore and experiences bleeding during bowel movements, causing intense pain and making me feel anxious." 3619,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been dealing with recurring bowel difficulties, which are making it tough to have a bowel movement and causing discomfort. My rectal area is sensitive and often bleeds after using the restroom, leading to extreme pain and unease." 3540,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been struggling with constipation, making trips to the bathroom difficult. When I do go, it's painful and I've noticed blood in my stool. I'm also dealing with persistent itchiness and irritation around my anus, accompanied by discomfort in my buttocks." 3541,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been struggling with constipation, which has made using the restroom very difficult. Even when I do manage to go, it's often painful and accompanied by blood in my stool. To make matters worse, my anus is extremely itchy and irritated, and I'm also experiencing discomfort in my buttocks." 3542,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been dealing with constipation, which has made using the restroom difficult. When I do go to the bathroom, it's often painful and accompanied by blood in my stool. Additionally, my anus is itchy and irritated, and I'm also experiencing discomfort in my buttocks." 3543,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been struggling with constipation, making trips to the bathroom quite difficult. When I do manage to go, it's painful and accompanied by blood in my stool. Additionally, I'm dealing with itchiness and irritation around my anus, as well as discomfort in my rear end." 3544,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been struggling with constipation, making bathroom visits a real challenge. When I do go, it's often accompanied by pain and occasional blood in my stool. On top of that, my anus has become itchy and irritated, and I'm also experiencing discomfort in my buttocks." 1320,Psoriasis,"I have a thin layer of scales on my skin, mostly noticeable on my back, arms, and scalp, which can be easily removed by scratching." 1321,Psoriasis,"I have a thin layer of flakes on my skin, mostly on my back, arms, and scalp, which can be removed by scratching." 1322,Psoriasis,"I have a thin, powdery coating on my skin, mostly noticeable on my back, arms, and scalp, comprised of small flakes that can be easily removed by scratching." 1323,Psoriasis,"I have dandruff, characterized by a thin layer of flaky scales on my back, arms, and scalp, which can be removed with scratching." 1324,Psoriasis,"I have a fine, powdery coating on my skin, most noticeable on my back, arms, and scalp. The flakes are very small and can be removed with minimal scratching." 4500,Hypertension,"I've been noticing physical discomforts including headaches, chest tightness, lightheadedness, unsteadiness, and trouble concentrating." 4501,Hypertension,"I've been noticing a cluster of physical symptoms lately, including recurring headaches, occasional chest discomfort, lightheadedness, issues with my equilibrium, and trouble concentrating." 4502,Hypertension,"I've been noticing various physical and cognitive issues, including headaches, chest discomfort, lightheadedness, trouble maintaining my equilibrium, and reduced concentration." 4503,Hypertension,"I've been noticing physical symptoms like headaches, chest discomfort, lightheadedness, clumsiness, and trouble concentrating." 4504,Hypertension,"I've been noticing some concerning physical sensations lately, including recurring headaches, chest tightness, lightheadedness, feelings of unsteadiness, and trouble concentrating." 4595,Hypertension,"I've been plagued by a persistent headache characterized by sharp pains in my temples, accompanied by chest discomfort and episodes of dizziness." 4596,Hypertension,"I've been having a headache characterized by a stabbing sensation in my temples, accompanied by chest discomfort and lightheadedness." 4597,Hypertension,"I've been having recurring headaches characterized by a sharp, templefocused pain, accompanied by chest discomfort and lightheadedness." 4598,Hypertension,"I've been dealing with a persistent headache characterized by sharp pains in my temples, accompanied by chest discomfort and lightheadedness." 4599,Hypertension,"I've been dealing with a persistent headache characterized by sharp pains in my temples, accompanied by discomfort in my chest and lightheadedness." 4960,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort in my back, accompanied by a nagging cough, as well as fatigue and numbness in my extremities. My neck has also been sore, and I've struggled with episodes of dizziness and balance issues." 4961,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent back discomfort, accompanied by a persistent hacking cough and noticeable fatigue in my limbs. Furthermore, I've struggled with neck pain and recurring episodes of dizziness, which have impacted my ability to maintain good balance." 4962,Cervical spondylosis,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms including chronic back pain, persistent cough, fatigue in my limbs, neck discomfort, and difficulties with balance and equilibrium." 4963,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort, including chronic back pain, a persistent hacking cough, as well as noticeable weakness in my limbs. Furthermore, I'm plagued by recurring neck pain and struggles with maintaining balance due to frequent episodes of dizziness." 4964,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort, including back pain, a persistent cough, and reduced strength and mobility in my arms and legs. My neck is also quite sore and I've noticed difficulty with balance and equilibrium." 6165,allergy,"I'm experiencing chronic nasal congestion and sinus pressure, which occasionally worsens at night, accompanied by stiffness and chest tightness. Additionally, I've lost my ability to appreciate flavors and aromas due to a complete loss of sense of taste and smell." 6166,allergy,"I'm experiencing chronic nasal congestion and a persistently blocked nose. Occasionally, I've woken up with stiffness and chest tightness at night. Additionally, I've lost my ability to perceive flavors and odors." 6167,allergy,"I'm experiencing chronic nasal congestion and a persistently blocked nose. Occasionally, I wake up with stiffness and chest tightness, which can be uncomfortable. Additionally, I've noticed a significant loss in my sense of taste and smell, making everyday activities more challenging." 6168,allergy,"I'm experiencing chronic nasal congestion and sinus pressure, which often leads to nocturnal episodes of chest tightness and discomfort. Additionally, I've noticed a significant impairment in my ability to perceive flavors and aromas." 6169,allergy,"I'm experiencing persistent nasal congestion and a blocked nose. Additionally, I occasionally wake up with stiffness and chest discomfort at night. Furthermore, I've noticed significant impairments to my sense of taste and smell." 3030,Common Cold,"I'm feeling utterly miserable with clogged sinuses, constant eye irritation, and persistent exhaustion. On top of that, I've got thick phlegm stuck in my throat, swollen lymph nodes, and struggling to catch a full breath." 3031,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing severe sinus congestion, accompanied by persistent redness in my eyes. I'm also feeling perpetually fatigued and drained. Furthermore, I have an abundance of phlegm in my throat that's uncomfortable to deal with. My lymph nodes are swollen, making it difficult for me to breathe properly." 3032,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing severe sinus congestion, constant redness in my eyes, and persistent exhaustion. I also have excessive mucus in my throat that's causing discomfort, swollen lymph nodes, and difficulty breathing." 3033,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing severe sinus congestion, constant redness in my eyes, persistent fatigue, and discomfort from excess mucus in my throat. Additionally, my lymph nodes are swollen and it's difficult to breathe." 3034,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing severe sinus congestion, constant eye redness, and overwhelming fatigue. Additionally, I've got excess mucus in my throat, swollen lymph nodes, and difficulty breathing, which is all really draining me." 5395,Jaundice,"I've been dealing with intense itchiness, feeling unwell and exhausted. To make matters worse, I've experienced significant weight loss, a fever, darkcolored urine, and yellowish skin tone. On top of that, I'm also struggling with abdominal discomfort." 5396,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing severe discomfort, including itchiness, illness, and fatigue. To make matters worse, I've noticed significant weight loss, a fever, and darkcolored urine. My skin has also taken on a yellowish hue, and I'm struggling with persistent stomach pain." 5397,Jaundice,"I'm currently experiencing symptoms of illness, including feeling extremely unwell, having lost weight, fever, and darkcolored urine. I've also noticed that my skin has taken on a yellowish hue and I'm struggling with persistent stomach discomfort." 5398,Jaundice,"I'm struggling with severe symptoms intense itchiness, fatigue, and overall sickness. To make matters worse, I've experienced significant weight loss, a fever, and darkcolored urine. My skin has also taken on a yellowish hue, and I'm experiencing persistent stomach pain." 5399,Jaundice,"I've been struggling with intense itching, constant illness, and exhaustion. To make matters worse, I've also experienced significant weight loss, a fever, darkcolored urine, and yellowing of my skin. Furthermore, I've been plagued by persistent stomach cramps." 6460,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing a high fever, which has left me feeling dazed, disoriented, and extremely lightheaded. My heart rate is racing, and I'm struggling to focus or process information clearly. Everything feels hazy and unclear." 6461,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing a high fever, accompanied by intense dizziness and lightheadedness. My heart rate is racing and I'm feeling disoriented and confused. It's hard for me to focus or think clearly, as my mind feels clouded and everything appears hazy." 6462,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing a high fever, accompanied by intense dizziness and lightheadedness. My heart is racing rapidly and I'm feeling disoriented. My thinking is muddled and everything appears shrouded in a thick haze." 6463,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing a high temperature, dizziness, and lightheadedness. My heartbeat is rapid and I'm feeling disoriented and confused. It's difficult for me to focus and my thinking is hazy." 6464,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing symptoms of a high fever, including dizziness and lightheadedness, rapid heartbeat, and confusion. My thinking is clouded and everything feels hazy." 3115,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing a nasty cold with persistent coughing, feeling freezing cold, and severe sinus congestion accompanied by an overabundance of mucus. To top it off, my chest is killing me, my sense of smell is nonexistent, and my muscles ache terribly." 3116,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing severe congestion, feeling chronically chilled and struggling with persistent coughing. Sinus blockage is making it hard for me to breathe, accompanied by an abundance of mucus. Additionally, my chest is aching, my sense of smell is impaired, and my muscles are incredibly sore." 3117,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing some miserable symptoms uncontrollable coughing, intense chilliness, and severe sinus congestion with excessive mucus production. Additionally, my chest feels achy, my sense of smell is nonexistent, and I'm struggling with significant muscle soreness." 3118,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing a nasty bout of congestion, with constant coughing, a chill running through my body, and sinuses completely clogged up. The excess mucus is making it hard to breathe comfortably. On top of that, I've got a nagging pain in my chest, and my sense of smell has abandoned me. To make matters worse, my muscles are feeling achy and stiff." 3119,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing some unpleasant symptoms constant coughing, a chilliness that's hard to shake, and sinus congestion with excess mucus. My chest is bothering me, and my sense of smell is gone. To top it off, my muscles are achy too." 3470,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing issues with bowel movements, which are often painful. I've also noticed blood in my stool and discomfortitching around my anus." 3471,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing recurring issues with bowel movements, which are often accompanied by significant pain. Additionally, I've observed blood present in my stool. Furthermore, I've been experiencing localized discomfort and itching around my anus." 3472,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been struggling with frequent and painful bowel movements, often accompanied by blood in my stool. Additionally, I'm experiencing discomfort, itching, and irritation around my anus, making it uncomfortable to sit or move around." 3473,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been struggling with bowel movements lately, which have become painful and accompanied by blood in my stool. Additionally, I'm experiencing discomfort and itchiness around my anus." 3474,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing issues with bowel movements, accompanied by pain and bleeding. Additionally, I'm experiencing itchiness and discomfort around my anus." 2520,Dengue,"I've been experiencing severe symptoms including recurring vomiting, stomach cramps, and dizziness. Additionally, I've lost my appetite and feel physically weakened due to these issues. Furthermore, I'm also experiencing discomfort behind my eyes, which is adding to my overall distress." 2521,Dengue,"I've been experiencing recurring vomiting, accompanied by stomach cramps and dizziness. My appetite has decreased significantly, leaving me feeling weak overall. Additionally, I'm also plagued by a dull ache behind my eyes." 2522,Dengue,"I'm experiencing recurring vomiting episodes, often accompanied by severe stomach cramps and dizziness. Additionally, I've lost my appetite, leaving me feeling weak. I'm also noticing a persistent pain situated just behind my eyes." 2523,Dengue,"I've been experiencing severe vomiting, often accompanied by sharp stomach cramps and dizziness. As a result, I've lost my appetite and am feeling quite weak. Additionally, I'm noticing a persistent pain behind my eyes." 2524,Dengue,"I've been plagued by recurring vomiting episodes, often accompanied by stomach cramping and lightheadedness. Additionally, I've lost my appetite and am feeling noticeably weaker. Furthermore, I'm experiencing a dull ache behind my eyes, which is further exacerbating my overall discomfort." 5000,Cervical spondylosis,"For several days, I've experienced intense lower back pain, accompanied by a persistent dry cough and numbness or weakness in my limbs. Moreover, I've felt dizzy and unsteady while standing or walking, with a nagging ache in my neck that persists." 5001,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort in my back, accompanied by a persistent dry cough, as well as weakness in my limbs. Additionally, I've noticed dizziness when standing or walking, along with pain in my neck that's affecting my overall mobility." 5002,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent and debilitating symptoms, including excruciating back pain, a stubborn dry cough, and noticeable weakness in my limbs. Additionally, I've been plagued by dizziness, feeling lightheaded and unsteady on my feet, accompanied by nagging neck pain." 5003,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort in my back, accompanied by a persistent dry cough, as well as noticeable weakness in my limbs. Additionally, I've felt dizzy and unsteady on my feet, and I'm also dealing with pain in my neck." 5004,Cervical spondylosis,"For several weeks now, I've been experiencing excruciating back pain, a persistent dry cough, and noticeable weakness in my limbs. Additionally, I've felt dizzy and unsteady when walking, accompanied by recurring neck discomfort." 6095,allergy,"I'm experiencing persistent skin irritation and inflammation, which often leads to flaking. Additionally, my lips and cheeks become puffy, causing discomfort and sometimes resulting in headaches and excess tearing in my eyes." 6096,allergy,"I'm experiencing eczema symptoms my skin is dry, red, and itchy, often resulting in flakes. The condition also affects my face, causing my lips and cheeks to swell and become tender, which can be accompanied by headaches and watery eyes." 6097,allergy,"I'm experiencing skin irritation and inflammation, which can lead to flaking in some areas. Additionally, my lips and cheeks tend to swell, causing discomfort. This swelling often leads to occasional headaches and excessive tearing in my eyes." 6098,allergy,"I experience dry, itchy skin that often becomes inflamed and flakes off. This is accompanied by swelling on my lips and cheeks, which can be quite uncomfortable. The swelling sometimes triggers headaches and puffy, watery eyes." 6099,allergy,"I'm experiencing chronic skin irritation and inflammation, which often leads to flakiness. Additionally, my lips and cheeks tend to swell, causing discomfort. This swelling can trigger frequent headaches and watery eyes." 3420,Pneumonia,"I'm soaked in sweat, struggling to draw a full breath. A thick layer of phlegm clogs my throat, leaving me feeling wretched. My heart pounds wildly, and my chest is tight with discomfort. Each cough brings up a stream of brownish mucus." 3421,Pneumonia,"I'm utterly drained from excessive sweating, struggling to breathe due to congestion in my throat. My body's overwhelmed by a nasty cold, leaving me feeling miserable. My heart beats rapidly and my chest is sore, making every breath a chore. The coughing fits produce thick, brownish mucus that's hard to expel." 3422,Pneumonia,"I'm utterly exhausted, struggling to breathe due to congestion that's left me gasping for air. My throat feels thick with phlegm, making every breath a laborious effort. My heart is pounding wildly, and my chest hurts as if someone has tightened an invisible band around it. Each cough brings up a gloopy, brownish substance that only adds to my misery." 3423,Pneumonia,"I'm overwhelmed by exhaustion, struggling to draw a full breath. A thick, sticky mucus has taken over my throat, making me feel utterly wretched. My heart is pounding wildly, and my chest is heavy with discomfort. With each cough, I hack up a long, stringy strand of brownish phlegm." 3424,Pneumonia,"I'm feeling utterly exhausted, with beads of sweat dripping down my face. Every breath feels like a struggle, and a thick layer of phlegm is making my throat ache. My heart is pounding wildly, and my chest is tight with discomfort. To top it off, I'm hacking up a disgusting mixture of brownish goo and sticky mucus." 3175,Common Cold,"I'm feeling exhausted with a stuffy sensation in my neck. My eyes are irritated, my throat is scratchy, and I have a severe sinus headache. The congestion in my nose is overwhelming, causing pressure on my face. To top it off, my sense of smell is completely gone, and I'm experiencing chest discomfort." 3176,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing fatigue and a stuffy sensation in my neck. My eyes appear red, and my throat feels irritated. Congestion is severe in my nasal passages, causing facial discomfort. My sense of smell is impaired, and I'm also experiencing chest tightness." 3177,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing a general lack of energy and feeling unwell. My symptoms include neck swelling, red eyes, scratchy throat, severe nasal congestion, facial tension, loss of sense of smell, and chest discomfort." 3178,Common Cold,"I'm feeling exhausted with a noticeable swelling in my neck. My eyes appear red and irritated, while my throat feels scratchy and congested. I've got severe nasal congestion and my face is experiencing discomfort. To top it off, I have lost all sense of smell, and my chest is also experiencing some pain." 3179,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing fatigue, accompanied by symptoms such as swollen neck, itchy eyes, sore throat, congested sinuses, facial pressure, loss of sense of smell, and chest discomfort." 4905,Migraine,"In addition to vision problems, overeating, a stiff neck, sadness, irritability, and recurring headaches, I've also struggled with frequent heartburn, acid reflux, and digestive discomfort." 4906,Migraine,"In addition to visual difficulties, I've been experiencing various physical discomforts, including excessive appetite, neck strain, sadness, irritability, frequent headaches, and digestive issues such as heartburn, acid reflux, and indigestion." 4907,Migraine,"I've been dealing with a range of issues including visual impairment, overeating, neck strain, depression, irritability, frequent headaches, as well as ongoing struggles with heartburn, acid reflux, and indigestion." 4908,Migraine,"I've been experiencing a range of physical and emotional issues, including impaired vision, overeating, neck strain, depression, irritability, frequent headaches, as well as persistent symptoms like heartburn, acid reflux, and indigestion." 4909,Migraine,"I've been experiencing a range of symptoms including blurry vision, overeating, neck strain, depression, irritability, frequent headaches, as well as persistent heartburn, acid reflux, and digestive issues." 2080,Chicken pox,"I'm concerned about small, bright red spots covering my skin, which are unexplained. The thought of it is unsettling. Additionally, I've been experiencing a loss of appetite and every evening, I'm left feeling drained with a debilitating headache." 2081,Chicken pox,"I'm concerned about the small, bright red spots covering my skin, which I don't know how to explain. To add to my concern, I've also experienced a loss of appetite, extreme fatigue each evening, and intense headaches." 2082,Chicken pox,"I'm concerned about small, red spots covering my body, which I don't know the cause of. Additionally, I've experienced a loss of appetite and daily symptoms including exhaustion and severe headaches at night." 2083,Chicken pox,"I've been experiencing small, bright red spots all over my skin, which has left me feeling concerned. To make matters worse, I've also noticed a significant decline in my appetite and am struggling with persistent fatigue and debilitating headaches every evening." 2084,Chicken pox,"I've been experiencing small, itchy red spots all over my body with no apparent cause, which is concerning to me. Additionally, I've noticed a significant loss of appetite and debilitating symptoms at night, including overwhelming exhaustion and severe headaches." 1290,Psoriasis,I'm experiencing unusual joint discomfort and noticing patches of peeling skin across my body. This has left me concerned that there may be an underlying issue affecting my overall health. 1291,Psoriasis,"I've been experiencing a peculiar and persistent ache in my joints lately, accompanied by patches of peeling skin appearing randomly across my body. This has left me feeling uneasy and concerned about what might be causing these unusual symptoms." 1292,Psoriasis,I'm experiencing unusual joint pain and observing patches of peeled skin appearing randomly on my body. My concern is that this could be an indication of a deeper issue with my physical health. 1293,Psoriasis,I'm experiencing an unusual ache in my joints and noticing patches of peeling skin on various areas of my body. I'm concerned that something might be amiss with my overall health. 1294,Psoriasis,I'm experiencing unusual joint pain and noticing patches of peeling skin on various areas of my body. I'm worried that this might be a sign of an underlying issue and would like to investigate further. 5940,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing a strong, unpleasant odor from my urine, which also appears cloudy. Additionally, I've been dealing with recurring fevers and a persistent need to get up frequently during the night to use the restroom." 5941,urinary tract infection,"I've been experiencing a strong, cloudy urine smell along with recurring fevers and increased nocturnal urination since noticing these issues." 5942,urinary tract infection,"I've been experiencing a strong, cloudy urine odor and consistency, accompanied by recurring fevers and increased need to urinate at night." 5943,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing a strong, cloudy urine odor and frequency, accompanied by recurring fevers and an increased need to urinate at night, which started with the onset of these symptoms." 5944,urinary tract infection,"I've been experiencing a strong, cloudy urine odor and frequency, accompanied by recurring fevers and increased nighttime urination since this started." 5270,Jaundice,"I've been feeling extremely fatigued, accompanied by nausea, itching, and a fever. To make matters worse, I've lost weight, noticed darkerthannormal urine, and developed jaundice yellowing of the skin. On top of that, I'm experiencing persistent stomach discomfort." 5271,Jaundice,"I'm feeling extremely fatigued, accompanied by persistent nausea, itchy sensations, and weight loss. I've also developed a fever and notice unusual changes in my urine dark color and skin yellowish hue. To top it off, I'm experiencing recurring stomach pain." 5272,Jaundice,"I've been feeling drained and dealing with persistent symptoms like nausea, itching, and fever. My appetite's taken a hit, causing me to lose weight, and my urine's become darker than usual. My skin has also developed a yellowish tint. To top it all off, I've been experiencing sharp stomach pain." 5273,Jaundice,"I've been feeling unwell with symptoms including exhaustion, nausea, itchiness, weight loss, fever, dark urine, yellowing skin, and persistent stomach discomfort." 5274,Jaundice,"I've been feeling extremely fatigued and have been dealing with symptoms like nausea, itching, and stomach pain. I've also noticed significant weight loss, a fever, and changes in my urine it's turned dark and skin tone which has yellowed. These issues are causing me concern." 4175,Acne,"I've recently experienced a sudden onset of acne, characterized by numerous inflamed pimples and blackheads filled with pus. Additionally, my skin has become excessively sensitive to various stimuli." 4176,Acne,"I've recently developed an unexplained acnelike condition on my skin, characterized by numerous pusfilled pimples and blackheads. To make matters worse, my skin has become extremely sensitive to external stimuli." 4177,Acne,"I've recently developed an acnelike rash on my skin, characterized by inflamed pimples and blackheads filled with pus. Additionally, my skin has become extremely sensitive to touch or environmental factors." 4178,Acne,"I've recently developed an unexplained rash on my skin, characterized by numerous inflamed pimples and blackheads filled with pus. Additionally, my skin has become extremely sensitive to stimuli." 4179,Acne,"I've recently acquired an inherited rash on my skin, characterized by numerous pusfilled pimples and blackheads. Additionally, my skin has become remarkably sensitive to various stimuli." 1505,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing persistent calf pain that worsens with prolonged standing or walking. Additionally, my legs have become swollen and visible blood vessels have appeared." 1506,Varicose Veins,"I've experienced persistent calf pain that intensifies with prolonged standing or walking. Additionally, swelling in my legs and visible blood vessels have become apparent." 1507,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing persistent calf pain that worsens with prolonged standing or walking. Additionally, my legs have become swollen and visible veins are now noticeable." 1508,Varicose Veins,"Over the past few days, I've experienced persistent calf pain that worsens with prolonged standing or walking. Additionally, my legs have become swollen and visible blood vessels are now apparent." 1509,Varicose Veins,"I've experienced persistent calf pain lately, which worsens when standing or walking extensively. Additionally, my legs have become swollen and prominent blood vessels have appeared." 2560,Dengue,"I'm experiencing persistent backache, as well as rashes on my arms and neck. Additionally, I'm having eye strain at the back of my eyes, which is causing discomfort. To top it off, I've developed a fever, leaving me concerned about my overall health." 2561,Dengue,"I'm experiencing persistent backaches, as well as rashes on my arms and neck. Additionally, I've been suffering from eye strain and frequent fevers, which are causing me significant concern for my overall health." 2562,Dengue,"I'm experiencing persistent discomfort in my back, as well as skin irritation on my arms and neck. I'm also dealing with eye strain and frequent fevers, which are causing me significant concern for my overall wellbeing." 2563,Dengue,"I'm experiencing persistent lower back pain, accompanied by rashes on my arms and neck. Additionally, I've been plagued by eye strain and headaches at the back of my eyes. Furthermore, I've developed a fever, which has left me concerned about my overall health." 2564,Dengue,"I'm experiencing persistent backaches, accompanied by skin rashes on my arms and neck. Additionally, I've been experiencing eye strain at the back of my eyes, which is quite bothersome. Furthermore, I've developed a fever, leaving me concerned about my overall wellbeing." 6825,peptic ulcer disease,"I've been experiencing irregular bowel habits, alternating between constipation and diarrhea. Additionally, I'm struggling with fatigue, feeling drained of energy and lacking an appetite." 6826,peptic ulcer disease,"I've been experiencing irregular bowel habits, with periods of constipation followed by episodes of diarrhea. Additionally, I've been feeling fatigued and struggling to muster the energy or interest in food." 6827,peptic ulcer disease,"I've been experiencing irregular bowel habits, alternating between constipation and diarrhea. Additionally, I've noticed a significant decrease in my energy levels and appetite, leaving me feeling exhausted and lacking motivation." 6828,peptic ulcer disease,"I've been experiencing irregular bowel habits, alternating between constipation and diarrhea. Lately, I've felt extremely fatigued and struggled with a lack of energy and appetite." 6829,peptic ulcer disease,"I've been experiencing irregular bowel movements, with alternating episodes of constipation and diarrhea. Lately, I've felt fatigued, lacking both physical energy and enthusiasm for food." 2590,Dengue,"I've been experiencing recurring episodes of vomiting, accompanied by persistent stomach discomfort and lightheadedness. Additionally, I've noticed a significant decrease in my appetite, which has led to feelings of weakness. Furthermore, I'm often plagued by pain in my arms, back, and neck, making daily life quite challenging." 2591,Dengue,"I've been experiencing recurring vomiting, accompanied by persistent stomach discomfort and dizziness. My appetite has significantly decreased, leaving me feeling weak and fatigued. Additionally, I'm plagued by chronic pain in my arms, back, and neck, making everyday activities a challenge." 2592,Dengue,"I've been experiencing recurring vomiting episodes accompanied by persistent stomach cramps and lightheadedness. Additionally, I've noticed a significant decline in my appetite, which has left me feeling feeble and weak. Furthermore, I'm constantly plagued by chronic pain in my arms, back, and neck." 2593,Dengue,"I've been experiencing persistent vomiting accompanied by stomachaches and lightheadedness. Additionally, my appetite has significantly decreased, leaving me feeling lethargic. I'm also struggling with recurring pain in my arms, back, and neck." 2594,Dengue,"I've been experiencing recurring episodes of vomiting accompanied by persistent stomach discomfort and lightheadedness. Additionally, I've noticed a significant loss of appetite, which has left me feeling fatigued. Furthermore, I'm consistently plagued with muscle pain in my arms, back, and neck." 5405,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including persistent itching, recurring vomiting, extreme fatigue, noticeable weight loss, and a high fever. Additionally, I've noticed significant changes in my bodily functions my skin has turned yellow, my urine is dark, and I'm experiencing abdominal pain." 5406,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing intense symptoms including itching, vomiting, fatigue, weight loss, fever, jaundice yellowing of the skin, dark urine, and abdominal pain." 5407,Jaundice,"I've been suffering from intense itching, frequent vomiting, persistent fatigue, significant weight loss, and a soaring fever. Additionally, my skin has taken on a yellow hue, while my urine has become unusually dark. I'm also plagued by recurring abdominal pain." 5408,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing extreme symptoms including intense itching, frequent vomiting, persistent fatigue, significant weight loss, and a highgrade fever. Additionally, my skin has developed a yellowish hue, my urine appears dark, and I'm plagued by severe abdominal pain." 5409,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing intense itching, frequent vomiting, persistent fatigue, significant weight loss, and a highgrade fever. Additionally, my skin has taken on a yellowish hue, my urine appears dark, and I'm suffering from abdominal discomfort." 3040,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing some symptoms that suggest I might be fighting off an infection my sinuses feel congested, my eyes are red and itchy, I'm feeling tired and sluggish, my throat is scratchy, and I've had swollen lymph nodes along with a persistent cough producing a lot of mucus." 3041,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing congestion and sinus pressure, accompanied by redness in my eyes. Additionally, I've been feeling fatigued, struggling with scratchy throat, and noticing swollen lymph nodes. To top it off, I've been coughing up a lot of mucus." 3042,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing sinus pressure, itchy eyes, fatigue, a scratchy throat, swollen lymph nodes, and excessive mucus production, accompanied by frequent coughing." 3043,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing congestion and sinus pressure, along with dryness and irritation in my eyes. Additionally, I'm feeling fatigued, have a scratchy throat, swollen lymph nodes, and am producing excess mucus when I cough." 3044,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing sinus congestion, accompanied by bloodshot eyes. I'm feeling lethargic and my throat is irritated. To top it off, I've had swollen lymph nodes and a persistent cough with thick mucus." 5630,Malaria,"I've been struggling with intense symptoms including severe itching, chills, vomiting, and a high fever. Additionally, I'm dealing with headaches, excessive sweating, as well as stomach discomfort and muscle pain." 5631,Malaria,"I'm dealing with intense symptoms including severe itching, chills, nausea, and a soaring fever, accompanied by a throbbing headache, excessive sweating, as well as nausea and persistent muscle pain." 5632,Malaria,"I've been dealing with intense symptoms including uncontrollable itching, chills, and a fever that's left me feeling extremely unwell. On top of this, I'm struggling with headaches, excessive sweating, nausea, and debilitating muscle pain." 5633,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of uncomfortable symptoms including intense itching, chills, and fever, accompanied by headaches, excessive sweating, stomach upset, and muscle soreness." 5634,Malaria,"I'm currently dealing with intense symptoms including severe itching, chills, nausea, and a high fever. Additionally, I've been experiencing headaches, excessive sweating, as well as nausea and muscle aches." 6270,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I consistently experience bad breath and a bitter aftertaste, along with intermittent throat tingling that can impede swallowing food." 6271,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I consistently experience bad breath and a sour sensation in my mouth, which is sometimes accompanied by an uncomfortable tingling in my throat that makes eating challenging due to difficulties swallowing." 6272,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I consistently experience bad breath and a persistent acidic sensation in my mouth. Additionally, I sometimes encounter episodes of throat discomfort that can make it challenging to eat meals." 6273,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience unpleasant oral symptoms, including persistent bad breath and a lingering sour taste. Additionally, intermittent throat discomfort can make eating and swallowing challenging at times." 6274,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I consistently experience bad breath and a bitter aftertaste, as well as occasional discomfort swallowing due to the sensation of tingling in my throat." 5495,Malaria,"I'm currently dealing with intense skin irritation, accompanied by shivering, nausea, and vomiting. I have a very high temperature and am producing excessive sweat. Additionally, I'm feeling lightheaded, experiencing a throbbing headache, and my muscles are extremely sore and achy." 5496,Malaria,"I'm currently dealing with intense bodily symptoms extreme itching, chills, nausea, and vomiting. I've got a soaring fever and am excessively sweating. Additionally, I'm experiencing queasiness, headaches, and debilitating muscle pain." 5497,Malaria,"I'm currently dealing with intense physical symptoms including severe itching, chills, vomiting, and a highgrade fever that's leaving me hot and sweaty. Additionally, I'm experiencing dizziness, nausea, headaches, and extreme muscle pain." 5498,Malaria,"I've been suffering from intense itching all over my body, accompanied by chills, nausea, and vomiting. I have an extremely elevated temperature and am experiencing excessive sweating. Additionally, I'm feeling queasy and have a persistent headache. My muscles are in extreme pain." 5499,Malaria,"I'm currently dealing with intense physical symptoms including severe itching all over my body, chills, vomiting, and a soaring fever. Additionally, I've been experiencing excessive sweating, nausea, headaches, and debilitating muscle pain." 4800,Migraine,"For several weeks, I've been struggling with various symptoms, including stomach problems like heartburn and upset digestion, frequent headaches, blurry vision, intense cravings, a sore neck, feelings of sadness and frustration, and unusual visual effects." 4801,Migraine,"For several weeks, I've been struggling with various health issues, including recurring acidity and indigestion, frequent headaches, blurred vision, uncontrollable hunger, persistent stiffness in my neck, feelings of depression and irritability, and disorienting visual disturbances." 4802,Migraine,"I've been dealing with various health concerns, such as stomach problems causing acidity and indigestion, plus frequent headaches, blurry vision, intense hunger, neck stiffness, feelings of sadness and frustration, and unusual visual effects." 4803,Migraine,"I've been dealing with various physical symptoms, such as digestive problems like acidity and indigestion, frequent headaches, blurry vision, persistent hunger, a stiff neck, depressive episodes, mood swings, and unusual visual disturbances." 4804,Migraine,"I've been dealing with various health concerns, including digestive problems such as acidity and indigestion, as well as recurring headaches, blurred vision, persistent hunger, stiffness in my neck, feelings of depression and irritability, and unusual visual disturbances." 5325,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing intense itching, frequent vomiting, exhaustion, weight loss, and a persistent fever. Additionally, my skin has taken on a yellowish hue, my urine appears dark, and I'm plagued by persistent abdominal discomfort." 5326,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing intense itching, frequent vomiting, extreme fatigue, and significant weight loss. I've developed a persistent fever and my skin has taken on a yellowish hue. Additionally, my urine has turned dark and I'm plagued by abdominal pain." 5327,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing intense symptoms including severe itching, frequent vomiting, exhaustion, and significant weight loss. Additionally, I've developed a highgrade fever, jaundice yellowish discoloration of skin, darkcolored urine, and persistent abdominal discomfort." 5328,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms including intense itching, frequent vomiting, persistent fatigue, significant weight loss, high fever, jaundiced skin yellowing, dark urine, and abdominal discomfort." 5329,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing intense symptoms including uncontrollable itching, frequent vomiting, persistent fatigue, significant weight loss, and a highgrade fever. Additionally, my skin has taken on a yellowish hue, and my urine has turned dark brown. I'm also plagued by abdominal pain." 3935,Arthritis,"I've noticed increased stiffness and weakness in my neck muscles lately. As I've aged, it's common for joints to become stiffer, making it harder to move without feeling creaky. Additionally, walking has become quite uncomfortable due to this stiffness." 3936,Arthritis,"I've been noticing persistent stiffness and weakness in my neck muscles lately. As I've entered adulthood, it's become a normal phenomenon for me to experience occasional stiffness when running, but it's been particularly prominent recently. Additionally, even simple activities like walking have become uncomfortable due to this issue." 3937,Arthritis,"Recently, I've noticed stiffness and weakness in my neck muscles, which is unusual for someone with agerelated joint growth. As a result, even simple activities like running or walking have become quite uncomfortable due to this stiffness." 3938,Arthritis,"I've noticed a recent increase in stiffness and weakness in my neck muscles. As I've aged, I've found that I'm more prone to stiffness, which can make it challenging to move freely. Additionally, walking has become an uncomfortable experience for me due to these symptoms." 3939,Arthritis,"I've noticed a recent increase in stiffness and weakness in my neck muscles. As I've aged, maintaining flexibility has become increasingly important for me. Additionally, going for walks has become quite uncomfortable due to this issue." 5595,Malaria,"I'm struggling with intense symptoms including unbearable itching, extreme temperature fluctuations, frequent vomiting, and severe body aches. I'm constantly sweating and experiencing excruciating headaches, making it difficult for me to cope." 5596,Malaria,"I'm currently dealing with a range of uncomfortable symptoms intense itching, recurring chills, frequent vomiting, and a soaring fever. Additionally, I've been experiencing excessive sweating, headaches, and debilitating nausea and muscle pain." 5597,Malaria,"I'm currently dealing with intense symptoms including excruciating itchiness, chills, repeated vomiting, and a soaring fever. I've also noticed excessive sweating and a pounding headache. To make matters worse, nausea and muscle pain have been causing significant distress." 5598,Malaria,"I'm feeling extremely unwell with intense itching, recurring chills, violent vomiting, and a persistently elevated temperature. Additionally, excessive sweating, severe headaches, and debilitating nausea and muscle cramps are making it difficult for me to cope." 5599,Malaria,"I'm feeling extremely unwell with intense itchiness, recurring chills, persistent nausea, and a highgrade fever. Additionally, I'm experiencing excessive sweating, a pounding headache, and significant muscle pain which is making it hard for me to cope with my symptoms." 5695,Malaria,"I'm experiencing intense symptoms including severe itching, chills, vomiting, and a high fever, accompanied by excessive sweating and a headache. I'm also dealing with nausea and debilitating muscle pain." 5696,Malaria,"I'm experiencing intense symptoms including severe itching, chills, vomiting, and a high fever. I've also noticed excessive sweating, a debilitating headache, nausea, and significant muscle pain." 5697,Malaria,"I'm experiencing intense itching, chills, vomiting, and a soaring fever. Additionally, I'm dealing with excessive sweating, headaches, nausea, and significant muscle pain that's causing me considerable distress." 5698,Malaria,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including intense itching, chills, vomiting, and a high fever. I'm also overwhelmed by excessive sweating, a pounding headache, as well as nausea and debilitating muscle pain." 5699,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of unpleasant symptoms including intense itching, chills, fever, excessive sweating, headaches, nausea, and muscle pain." 3480,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent and painful bowel movements, accompanied by severe constipation. Additionally, I'm dealing with anal itching and have noticed blood present in my stool." 3481,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've experienced persistent and painful bowel movements, accompanied by rectal pain and itching. Additionally, I've noticed blood present in my stool." 3482,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing chronic constipation, accompanied by painful bowel movements. Additionally, my rectal area has become severely itchy and I've noticed occasional bleeding in my stool." 3483,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent constipation issues, accompanied by painful bowel movements. Additionally, my rectal area is consistently itchy, and I've noticed occasional bleeding when I have a bowel movement." 3484,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent constipation, accompanied by discomfort during bowel movements. Additionally, I've noticed itching and bleeding in the affected area." 3165,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing a range of unpleasant symptoms lately, including persistent congestion, nasal discharge, frequent coughing, and sharp chest pain. Additionally, I've had a high fever and have been struggling with intense muscle cramping and discomfort." 3166,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing symptoms such as excessive congestion, rhinitis, frequent coughing, chest tightness, high fever, and intense muscle cramping." 3167,Common Cold,"I've been struggling with severe symptoms constant congestion and a runny nose, frequent coughing, sharp chest pains, and a persistent fever. To top it off, I'm also dealing with excruciating muscle soreness." 3168,Common Cold,"I've been suffering from intense discomfort, including persistent congestion, a runny nose, excessive coughing, sharp chest pains, a high fever, and debilitating muscle aches." 3169,Common Cold,"I've been struggling with a miserable combination of symptoms constant congestion, a nonstop runny nose, persistent coughing, sharp chest pains, a soaring fever, and debilitating muscle aches." 4575,Hypertension,"I've been dealing with persistent balance problems, accompanied by feelings of dizziness and disorientation. Moreover, I've had a constant headache." 4576,Hypertension,"I've noticed a combination of symptoms, including persistent dizziness, disorientation, and balance problems, accompanied by a constant headache." 4577,Hypertension,"I've noticed I've been struggling with persistent balance problems, accompanied by feelings of disorientation and dizziness. To make matters worse, my headaches have been a constant presence." 4578,Hypertension,"I've been struggling with persistent balance problems, accompanied by a sense of disorientation and dizziness. To make matters worse, I'm constantly plagued by a lingering headache." 4579,Hypertension,"I've noticed persistent balance problems, accompanied by feelings of dizziness and disorientation. Additionally, I've had a constant headache." 5755,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing discomfort near my pelvis, accompanied by frequent vomiting. Occasionally, I notice blood in my urine and a strong, unpleasant odor. Additionally, I'm prone to headaches and often struggle with sleep due to these symptoms." 5756,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing discomfort in my pelvic area, accompanied by frequent vomiting. Occasionally, I notice blood in my urine and a strong, unpleasant odor. Additionally, I've been dealing with headaches and difficulty sleeping as a result of these symptoms." 5757,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing discomfort near my pelvis, accompanied by frequent vomiting. Additionally, I've noticed blood in my urine at times, along with a strong, unpleasant odor. I also occasionally suffer from headaches and struggle to sleep due to these symptoms." 5758,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing persistent discomfort in my pelvic area, accompanied by frequent vomiting. Notably, I've observed hematuria blood in my urine on occasion, as well as a strong, unpleasant odor emanating from my urine. Additionally, I've been plagued by recurring headaches and difficulty sleeping, likely linked to these symptoms." 5759,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing persistent pelvic discomfort, accompanied by frequent vomiting. Notably, my urine often contains blood and emits a strong, unpleasant odor. Additionally, I've been plagued by headaches and difficulty sleeping due to these symptoms." 6020,allergy,"I experience recurring symptoms of asthma, including wheezing and respiratory issues. Additionally, I consistently deal with frequent headaches, fevers, and a perpetual feeling of exhaustion." 6021,allergy,"I experience recurring episodes of asthmalike symptoms, including wheezing and respiratory difficulties. Additionally, I often encounter headaches and fever, leaving me perpetually fatigued." 6022,allergy,"I often experience asthmalike symptoms including wheezing and difficulty breathing. Additionally, I commonly suffer from frequent headaches and fevers. Most notably, I consistently feel extremely fatigued." 6023,allergy,"I often experience symptoms associated with asthma, including wheezing and respiratory difficulties. Additionally, I commonly experience frequent headaches and fevers. Furthermore, I consistently feel fatigued." 6024,allergy,"I experience recurring asthmatic symptoms like wheezing and difficulty breathing. Additionally, I often suffer from frequent headaches and fevers, which leaves me feeling perpetually fatigued." 3075,Common Cold,"I typically experience redness, itchiness, and discharge in my eyes, as well as nasal congestion. Additionally, I've noticed issues with breathing, accompanied by chest discomfort. Furthermore, I'm struggling with a loss of sense of smell and experiencing significant muscle pain." 3076,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing persistent issues with dry, itchy eyes and a runny discharge. My nasal passages are consistently congested, causing difficulty breathing and discomfort in my chest. Additionally, I've lost my sense of smell and am plagued by muscle pain." 3077,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing persistent eye irritation, accompanied by constant congestion and a stuffy nose. Additionally, I've noticed difficulties with breathing, accompanied by chest pain. Furthermore, I'm struggling to perceive odors and am plagued by muscle discomfort." 3078,Common Cold,"I typically experience itchy and congested eyes, a perpetually blocked nose, and struggle to breathe with discomfort in my chest. Furthermore, I'm currently dealing with a loss of sense of smell and widespread muscle pain." 3079,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing persistent symptoms of a cold or sinus infection, including red and runny eyes, stuffy nose, labored breathing, chest discomfort, loss of sense of smell, and muscle pain." 3260,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing difficulty breathing, accompanied by a severe fever and chills. My body is covered in sweat, but I'm also extremely cold. My heart is racing rapidly and I'm feeling exhausted. To top it off, I think I'm about to cough up some phlegm." 3261,Pneumonia,"I'm feeling quite unwell my breathing is labored, feverishly high, and I'm experiencing a mixture of sweating and shivering. My heart is racing rapidly and I'm extremely fatigued. Furthermore, I anticipate producing some mucus shortly." 3262,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing difficulty breathing and my temperature is extremely high. I'm soaked in sweat and struggling with chills. My heartbeat is racing and I'm feeling drained. On top of that, I'm anticipating a productive cough." 3263,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing severe respiratory distress, accompanied by a highgrade fever, profuse sweating, and chills. My pulse is racing, and I'm extremely fatigued. Furthermore, I anticipate expectorating brownish mucous shortly." 3264,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing difficulty breathing and a severe fever. I'm excessively sweating and shivering simultaneously. My heart rate is extremely rapid, and I'm feeling extremely fatigued. Furthermore, I anticipate coughing up some yellowish mucus soon." 1570,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing significant discomfort due to prominent, swollen veins on my calves that protrude from my skin." 1571,Varicose Veins,"I have noticeable varicose veins on my calves that are causing significant discomfort due to their swelling and prominence, protruding from my skin." 1572,Varicose Veins,I have prominent veins on my calves that are causing significant discomfort due to their swelling and protrusion from the skin. 1573,Varicose Veins,"I have noticeable veins on my calves that are quite bulging, leading to significant discomfort." 1574,Varicose Veins,"I have noticeable, prominent veins on my calves that are causing me significant discomfort due to their swelling and protrusion from my skin." 6805,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing a mix of discomfort and bloating simultaneously. Despite my recent weight loss, food doesn't appeal to me anymore. Occasionally, I'll have episodes of bloody vomiting and dark, tarlike stool." 6806,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing persistent discomfort, marked by bloating and unease. Despite recent weight loss, my appetite has dwindled significantly. Additionally, I've noticed irregularities in my bowel movements, characterized by occasional bloody vomiting and darkstained stools." 6807,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing persistent bloating and discomfort. Despite recent weight loss, food no longer appeals to me. Occasionally, I've noticed blood in my vomit and dark, tarlike stools." 6808,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing persistent discomfort, accompanied by feelings of fullness and unease. Despite recent weight loss, food has lost its appeal to me. Additionally, I've noticed occasional episodes of blood in my vomit and dark, tarlike stool consistency." 6809,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing persistent discomfort and bloating. Despite losing weight, food doesn't appeal to me anymore. Occasionally, I've had episodes of bloody vomiting and passed dark, tarlike stool." 5510,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms, including a high fever, intense itching, chills, and episodes of vomiting. I'm also struggling with headaches, excessive sweating, and discomfort caused by nausea and muscle soreness." 5511,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of uncomfortable symptoms including a high fever, intense itching, chills, and frequent vomiting. I've also developed a severe headache, excessive sweating, and am bothered by nausea and significant muscle soreness." 5512,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms including a high fever, intense itching, chills, and vomiting. I'm also struggling with a headache, excessive sweating, nausea, and muscle soreness." 5513,Malaria,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including a high fever, intense itching, chills, vomiting, headaches, excessive sweating, nausea, and muscle pain." 5514,Malaria,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including a high fever, intense itching, chills, and vomiting. I'm also dealing with a headache, excessive sweating, as well as nausea and muscle pain." 3700,Arthritis,"I've been noticing significant muscle weakness, particularly in my body, accompanied by severe neck tension. My movements often feel restricted due to noticeable stiffness, and my joints have become inflamed, making walking a challenging and unpleasant experience." 3701,Arthritis,"I've been noticing some physical discomfort lately my muscles feel weak, my neck is quite stiff, and I'm experiencing a fair amount of stiffness in my joints, making everyday activities like walking rather unpleasant." 3702,Arthritis,"I've been noticing significant weakness in my muscles, particularly in my neck which feels incredibly stiff. My joints have become inflamed and walking has become quite unpleasant due to the discomfort and stiffness I experience." 3703,Arthritis,"I've been noticing significant muscle weakness, particularly in my limbs. Additionally, I've experienced persistent neck tension, leading to pronounced stiffness while walking or engaging in daily activities. My joints have become inflamed and swollen, making physical movement uncomfortable and tiring." 3704,Arthritis,"I've been noticing some concerning physical symptoms lately my muscles feel unusually weak, my neck is incredibly tense, and I'm experiencing significant stiffness while walking. To make matters worse, my joints are inflamed and walking has become quite painful." 5905,urinary tract infection,"I frequently experience unusual urine characteristics, including an unappealing odor, as well as an uncommon color that can range from bright red to dark black. Additionally, my body's temperature tends to vary frequently, leading to disrupted sleep patterns and restless nights." 5906,urinary tract infection,"I frequently experience unusual urination symptoms, including an unusual odor, bloodstained or dark urine, and sometimes a combination of both. Additionally, my body temperature tends to vary frequently, leading to disrupted sleep patterns and difficulty sleeping at night." 5907,urinary tract infection,"I frequently experience unusual urination symptoms, including an unpleasant odor, red or dark coloration, and sometimes both. Additionally, my body temperature tends to vary frequently, leading to sleep disturbances due to nighttime fever spikes." 5908,urinary tract infection,"I frequently experience unusual urination symptoms, including an unpleasant smell, color variations ranging from red to dark brown, and sometimes a mix of both. Additionally, my body temperature tends to fluctuate frequently, causing difficulty falling asleep at night." 5909,urinary tract infection,"I frequently experience unusual urine odor, color variations ranging from red to black, and sometimes both. Additionally, my body temperature tends to fluctuate frequently, leading to restless nights due to difficulty sleeping." 4280,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been dealing with a persistent fever, along with a nagging cough and difficulty breathing. Additionally, my mucus production has increased significantly, resulting in thick, gloopy phlegm. To top it off, I'm feeling overwhelmingly fatigued and drained of energy." 4281,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been struggling with a recurring fever, constant coughing, and labored breathing. Additionally, my mucus is unusually thick and sticky, leaving me feeling extremely fatigued and lacking energy." 4282,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm dealing with a prolonged fever, persistent cough, and labored breathing. Additionally, I've noticed excessive production of thick, yellowish mucus and am experiencing fatigue and a general sense of weakness." 4283,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been dealing with a fever that's stuck at a high level, accompanied by a persistent cough and difficulty breathing. Additionally, I've been producing copious amounts of thick, gooey phlegm and am feeling extremely fatigued and depleted." 4284,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been dealing with a prolonged fever, persistent cough, and labored breathing. Additionally, I'm consistently bringing up thick, sticky mucus when I cough, and overall I'm feeling exhausted and drained." 1770,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing recurring abdominal discomfort that's quite uncomfortable. It's often accompanied by constipation and nausea, which has left me feeling worried about my overall wellbeing." 1771,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing recurring abdominal pain, which is quite uncomfortable. It's often accompanied by constipation and vomiting. To be honest, it's left me feeling genuinely worried about my overall wellbeing." 1772,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing recurring abdominal discomfort, which is quite uncomfortable. Alongside this, I'm also struggling with constipation and occasional vomiting. To be honest, it's got me feeling quite anxious about my overall wellbeing." 1773,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing recurring abdominal discomfort, which is quite uncomfortable, along with constipation and nausea. I'm genuinely worried about my wellbeing." 1774,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing recurring abdominal discomfort, which is quite distressing. The symptoms have also included constipation and nausea, leaving me with a growing sense of unease about my overall wellbeing." 3285,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing severe respiratory distress, feeling overwhelmed with difficulty breathing, excessive sweating, and a general sense of sickness. I'm also plagued by thick mucus in my throat, accompanied by chest pain and rapid heartbeat. The phlegm I'm coughing up appears dark and rustcolored, which is concerning me." 3286,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing significant respiratory distress, accompanied by excessive sweating. I'm feeling unwell, with a scratchy throat producing thick, discolored mucus. My chest is tender and my heart rate is elevated. The phlegm I'm coughing up appears dark and metallic." 3287,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing shortness of breath, profuse sweating, and feeling quite unwell. I have a persistent cough producing dark, rustyappearing phlegm. Additionally, my chest feels tender and my heart is racing." 3288,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing severe respiratory distress, accompanied by excessive sweating. I'm feeling extremely unwell, with a heavy buildup of mucus in my throat causing discomfort. My chest is tender and my heart rate is elevated. The mucus I'm coughing up appears dark and rustcolored." 3289,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing difficulty breathing, accompanied by excessive sweating and discomfort. I'm feeling quite unwell, with a thick, stubborn mucus in my throat that's causing me to cough. My chest is tender and my heart is racing rapidly. The phlegm I'm expelling appears dark and rustcolored." 4205,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been dealing with a persistent cough that hasn't subsided, accompanied by overwhelming fatigue. Additionally, I'm producing copious amounts of mucus while experiencing a notable elevation in temperature." 4206,Bronchial Asthma,"I've had a persistent cough that refuses to subside, accompanied by extreme fatigue. My cough has been producing copious amounts of thick mucus, and I'm also experiencing a significant fever." 4207,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm dealing with a persistent cough that refuses to subside, accompanied by extreme fatigue. To make matters worse, I've been experiencing frequent hacking up of thick mucus and a rather elevated body temperature." 4208,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm experiencing a persistent cough that refuses to subside, accompanied by extreme fatigue. Additionally, I've been coughing up copious amounts of thick mucus, along with a noticeable fever." 4209,Bronchial Asthma,"I've had a persistent cough that's not subsiding, accompanied by extreme fatigue. Additionally, I'm experiencing profuse mucus production and a notable fever." 4220,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm feeling exhausted and lacking energy. I've also developed a persistent cough, accompanied by a high fever, labored breathing, and excessive sputum production when I cough." 4221,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm experiencing severe fatigue and weakness, accompanied by a persistent cough that's producing excess saliva when I cough. Additionally, I have a high fever, shallow breathing, and overall feeling unwell." 4222,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm experiencing extreme fatigue and weakness, accompanied by a persistent cough. I also have a high fever, labored breathing, and excessive salivation when I cough." 4223,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm experiencing extreme exhaustion and weakness, accompanied by a persistent and bothersome cough. I've developed a high fever, which is affecting my breathing, making it shallow and labored. Additionally, when I cough, I'm producing an excessive amount of saliva." 4224,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm experiencing extreme fatigue and weakness, accompanied by a persistent cough. My temperature is unusually high, and my breathing has slowed down significantly. Each cough also results in an excessive amount of phlegm being released." 1645,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing dryness and flakiness on the skin surrounding my leg veins, which has led to discomfort and irritation. Additionally, I've noticed an increase in leg cramps that are becoming more frequent." 1646,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing dry, itchy skin around my leg veins, accompanied by discomfort and irritation. Additionally, I've been noticing recurring leg cramps that are becoming increasingly bothersome." 1647,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing dryness and flakiness on my leg skin near the veins, accompanied by discomfort and irritation. Additionally, I've started having recurring leg cramps, which is concerning me." 1648,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing dry, flaky skin around my leg veins, which is uncomfortable and irritating. Additionally, I've noticed I'm getting regular leg cramps." 1649,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing dry, flaky skin around my leg veins, accompanied by a sense of discomfort and irritation. Additionally, I've started noticing frequent cramping in my legs." 6940,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing a strong, sour taste in my mouth. Additionally, I've been having recurring episodes of belching and burping. Furthermore, I've noticed a feeling of pressure or discomfort in my upper abdomen that's persisted over the past few hours." 6941,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing a strong, unpleasant taste in my mouth that's bitter and acidic. Additionally, I've been having recurring episodes of belching and flatulence. Furthermore, my upper abdominal area feels tight and bloated, particularly over the past few hours." 6942,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing a strong sour taste in my mouth, accompanied by recurring belches and burps. Additionally, my upper abdominal area feels tense and swollen, persisting for several hours." 6943,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing a persistent sour taste in my mouth, accompanied by recurring belches and burps. Additionally, my upper abdominal area feels tight and bloated for the past few hours." 6944,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing a strong, sour taste in my mouth, accompanied by regular belches and burps. Additionally, I've been feeling uncomfortably bloated and compressed in the upper part of my stomach for several hours." 3690,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I'm experiencing significant difficulties with constipation, accompanied by persistent discomfort during bowel movements. I'm suffering from severe pain in my anal area, which is exacerbated by hemorrhoids that have caused bloody stools and intense irritation." 3691,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I'm experiencing persistent constipation issues accompanied by significant pain during bowel movements. The discomfort is particularly pronounced in the anal region, with pain radiating to surrounding areas. Furthermore, my stools have been accompanied by blood and my anus has become inflamed." 3692,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"Here's a rephrased version of your text I'm experiencing severe constipation, accompanied by significant discomfort and pain while attempting to use the bathroom. The anal area is particularly painful and inflamed, with rectal bleeding and increased irritation observed in my stool." 3693,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I'm experiencing discomfort and difficulties with bowel movements, accompanied by intense pain in my anal region. The area surrounding my anus is also affected, causing significant irritation. Moreover, my stool has taken on a reddish hue due to bleeding, further exacerbating the issue." 3694,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I'm experiencing significant issues with constipation, accompanied by severe discomfort when attempting to use the restroom. The pain is intense in my anal area and surrounding region. Additionally, I've noticed blood in my stool and increased irritation around my anus." 5575,Malaria,"I've been feeling quite unwell lately, with persistent symptoms like intense itching, shivering, vomiting, and a high fever. Additionally, I'm dealing with a headache, excessive sweating, and debilitating nausea as well as muscle soreness." 5576,Malaria,"I've been dealing with a range of uncomfortable symptoms including intense itching, persistent chills, repeated vomiting, and a high fever. Additionally, I'm experiencing a headache, excessive sweating, severe nausea, and muscle soreness." 5577,Malaria,"I've been feeling quite unwell lately, plagued by persistent symptoms such as excessive itching, recurring chills, repeated vomiting, and a lingering fever. Additionally, I'm experiencing a stubborn headache and profuse sweating, accompanied by intense nausea and muscle soreness that's left me feeling miserable." 5578,Malaria,"I've been feeling extremely unwell, with symptoms including intense itching, shivering, vomiting, and a high temperature. Additionally, I'm experiencing a throbbing headache, excessive sweating, and debilitating nausea and muscle soreness." 5579,Malaria,"I've been having a rough time lately, dealing with symptoms like intense itching, shivers, repeated bouts of vomiting, and a high fever. To top it off, I'm also struggling with headaches, excessive sweating, and severe nausea that's left me feeling weak and sore all over." 5830,urinary tract infection,"I experience frequent and urgent needs to use the restroom, yet I struggle to fully empty my bladder. Additionally, I sometimes experience sudden and uncontrollable urges to urinate, accompanied by the production of darkcolored black or red urine." 5831,urinary tract infection,"I experience frequent urges to use the restroom, but struggle to fully empty my bladder. Occasionally, I'm overcome with strong and uncontrollable urges to urinate, accompanied by urine that's either dark brown black or bright red crimson." 5832,urinary tract infection,"I experience frequent and recurring urges to use the bathroom, yet struggle to fully empty my bladder. Additionally, I've noticed that at times, I'll have sudden, intense needs to urinate, accompanied by unusual discolorations of my urine, which may appear black or red." 5833,urinary tract infection,"I experience frequent and intense urges to use the bathroom, yet I struggle to fully empty my bladder. Additionally, I sometimes notice sudden and uncontrollable needs to urinate, accompanied by unusual changes in the color of my urine, which may appear black or reddish." 5834,urinary tract infection,"I experience frequent and intense urges to use the bathroom, but struggle to fully empty my bladder. Additionally, I sometimes encounter sudden and uncontrollable urges to urinate, accompanied by darkcolored urine, often appearing black or red." 6190,allergy,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms of illness, including nausea, dizziness, and difficulty breathing due to a constricted airway. Additionally, I sometimes suffer from nocturnal chest pain and periodic episodes of sickness." 6191,allergy,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms of illness, including nausea, dizziness, and a persistent cough that's making breathing difficult. Additionally, I've been experiencing recurring episodes of chest tightness at night, as well as occasional bouts of sickness." 6192,allergy,"I'm feeling unwell, experiencing symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, and trembling. My enlarged thyroid gland is causing difficulties with breathing due to its size. Additionally, I sometimes suffer from nocturnal chest pain and mild digestive issues." 6193,allergy,"I'm feeling unwell with symptoms including nausea, dizziness, and trembling. My large adenoids are causing difficulty breathing. Additionally, I experience occasional nocturnal chest discomfort and sporadic episodes of illness." 6194,allergy,"I'm feeling quite unwell, experiencing symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, and tremors. My enlarged esophagus is causing difficulties with breathing, and I sometimes experience nocturnal chest pains and occasional bouts of illness." 1255,Psoriasis,"My skin rash has now extended to other areas such as my chest and abdomen, causing itching and discomfort, especially at night. Additionally, I'm experiencing skin peeling." 1256,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing a spreading rash on my skin that's now affecting areas like my chest and abdomen. The itching and discomfort are significant, especially at night. Additionally, I've noticed some skin peeling, making things even more challenging." 1257,Psoriasis,"My skin rash has worsened, spreading from its original location to my chest and abdomen. The itching and discomfort are constant, particularly at night. Additionally, I'm experiencing skin peeling, which is concerning me." 1258,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing a spreading rash on my skin that now covers areas such as my chest and abdomen. The itchiness and discomfort are significant, especially at night. To make matters worse, I've also noticed excessive skin peeling." 1259,Psoriasis,"I've noticed the rash on my skin has become more widespread, affecting areas such as my chest and abdomen. The itching and discomfort are noticeable, with symptoms typically worsening at night. Additionally, I'm experiencing skin peeling." 3180,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing a range of discomforts physical weakness, swollen lymph nodes, sore eyes, throat pain, sinus pressure, nasal congestion, loss of sense of smell, and chest discomfort." 3181,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms, including fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, eye irritation, a sore throat, sinus pressure, nasal congestion, and loss of sense of smell. Additionally, I have chest pain." 3182,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing a range of uncomfortable symptoms including fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, eye irritation, sore throat, sinus pressure, nasal congestion, anosmia loss of sense of smell, and chest discomfort." 3183,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing a range of uncomfortable symptoms fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, eye irritation, sore throat, sinus congestion, nasal stuffiness, loss of sense of smell, and chest discomfort." 3184,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms that suggest I may be unwell. Specifically, I'm feeling quite weak, with swollen lymph nodes. My eyes feel irritated, my throat is sore, and my sinuses are under pressure, causing congestion in my nose. Additionally, I've lost my sense of smell, and my chest area is uncomfortable." 4970,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort in my back, accompanied by a persistent cough and numbness or tingling sensations in my arms and legs. Moreover, I'm also dealing with pain in my neck, which is affecting my balance and causing me to feel dizzy or lightheaded at times." 4971,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent back pain, as well as a persistent cough. Additionally, I've noticed numbness in my arms and legs, along with neck pain that's making it difficult for me to maintain my balance or stand upright without feeling dizzy." 4972,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent back discomfort, along with a chronic cough, numbness in my arms and legs, neck pain, and difficulties with balance and dizziness." 4973,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort in my back, accompanied by a persistent cough, numbness in my arms and legs, as well as pain in my neck. Additionally, I'm struggling with balance issues and frequent dizziness." 4974,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent back pain, along with a nagging cough and tingling sensations in my arms and legs. Additionally, my neck is sore, and I'm struggling to maintain my balance or even stand upright without feeling dizzy." 3975,Acne,"I've recently developed an uncomfortable rash characterized by inflamed bumps filled with pus and blackheads, along with increased sensitivity to touch." 3976,Acne,"I'm experiencing some unpleasant symptoms, including a breakout of acne characterized by pusfilled pimples and blackheads, which is accompanied by heightened sensitivity." 3977,Acne,"I'm experiencing some discomfort, as I've developed an acneridden complexion with inflamed pimples and clogged pores. Additionally, my skin is feeling particularly reactive and sensitive." 3978,Acne,"I've recently developed an unpleasant breakout on my skin, characterized by inflamed bumps and clogged pores filled with pus. Additionally, my skin has become unusually sensitive." 3979,Acne,"I've recently developed an unpleasant breakout on my skin, characterized by inflamed pimples and blackheads filled with pus. Additionally, my skin is experiencing heightened sensitivity." 1410,Psoriasis,"I've been struggling with insomnia due to the discomfort caused by the rash's itching and pain. Additionally, I'm concerned about the small dents on my nails and the daily joint pain I'm experiencing, but I'm unsure of the underlying cause for these issues." 1411,Psoriasis,"I'm struggling to get a good night's sleep due to the constant itching and discomfort caused by the rash. Additionally, I've noticed my nails are taking on unusual dents, which has me concerned. On top of that, I'm experiencing persistent joint pain every day, but I have no idea what's triggering it." 1412,Psoriasis,"I've been struggling with sleep due to the discomfort caused by the rash's itching and pain. It's also concerning that my nails have developed small dents. Additionally, I'm experiencing persistent joint pain daily, but I'm not sure what's triggering it." 1413,Psoriasis,"I've been struggling with sleep due to the discomfort from the rash's itching and pain. The nail damage is also concerning, as they now have noticeable dents. To make matters worse, I'm experiencing persistent joint pain daily, but I'm unsure of its underlying cause." 1414,Psoriasis,"I've been struggling to sleep due to the discomfort caused by the rash's itching and pain. I'm also concerned about the tiny dents on my nails. To make matters worse, I experience daily joint pain, but I'm unsure of its underlying cause." 2035,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing significant discomfort due to my high fever and swollen lymph nodes. In addition, I've developed a headache and am feeling weak and fatigued. My fever is making it challenging for me to focus and think clearly." 2036,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing significant discomfort due to my elevated fever and inflamed lymph nodes, accompanied by a throbbing headache and general weakness and fatigue. The fever is making it particularly challenging for me to focus and think clearly." 2037,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing significant distress due to my elevated temperature and inflamed lymph nodes, which is accompanied by a throbbing headache and general weakness. The fever is making it challenging for me to focus and think clearly." 2038,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing significant physical distress due to my elevated fever and enlarged lymph nodes, which is making me feel weak, fatigued, and headachy. The fever is also impairing my ability to focus and think clearly." 2039,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing significant discomfort due to my elevated temperature and swollen lymph nodes, which are also causing headaches, weakness, and fatigue. The fever is making it challenging for me to focus." 3280,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing severe symptoms including fever, labored breathing, excessive sweating, shivering, and extreme fatigue. Additionally, I've been hacking up a significant amount of dark mucus and my heart rate has been unusually rapid." 3281,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing severe symptoms fever, labored breathing, profuse sweating, shivering, and debilitating fatigue. My cough has produced copious amounts of dark mucus, accompanied by an elevated heart rate." 3282,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing severe symptoms including fever, labored breathing, profuse sweating, chills, and debilitating fatigue. Additionally, I'm producing copious amounts of thick, brown mucus when I cough, accompanied by a rapid heartbeat." 3283,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing a range of symptoms including fever, difficulty breathing, profuse sweating, chills, and extreme fatigue. Additionally, I've noticed a significant increase in my respiratory efforts, accompanied by frequent coughing up of thick, brown mucus, and an accelerated heart rate." 3284,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including fever, labored breathing, profuse sweating, and debilitating fatigue. Additionally, I've been producing excessive amounts of dark mucous when I cough, accompanied by an elevated heart rate." 4080,Acne,"I've been experiencing some frustrating skin issues lately. I've developed a rash with multiple blackheads and inflamed pimples, which have left me feeling uncomfortable. To make matters worse, my skin has been experiencing sensitivity and irritation, causing it to move around uncomfortably." 4081,Acne,"I've been experiencing some unpleasant skin issues lately, including a breakout with multiple blackheads and inflamed pimples filled with pus. Additionally, I've noticed that my skin has become quite itchy and prone to shifting or moving around." 4082,Acne,"I've been experiencing some unpleasant skin issues lately, including a breakout of blackheads and acne lesions filled with pus. Additionally, I've noticed that my skin has been fluctuating in texture, appearing oily and then dry at times." 4083,Acne,"I've been experiencing some uncomfortable skin issues lately, including a breakout with multiple blackheads and pimples filled with pus. To make matters worse, my skin has become quite itchy and prone to shifting in texture." 4084,Acne,"I've been experiencing some unpleasant skin issues lately, including a breakout with multiple blackheads and acnefilled bumps. Additionally, I've noticed that my skin has been fluctuating in texture and tone." 2535,Dengue,"I've been plagued by a intense headache, characterized by a sensation of pressure in my head. Additionally, I'm experiencing a mild fever and noticing tiny red spots on my back." 2536,Dengue,"I'm experiencing a severe headache, accompanied by a sense of pressure in my head. Additionally, I have a mild fever and noticeable symptoms including small red spots on my back." 2537,Dengue,"I'm experiencing a severe headache accompanied by a feeling of pressure in my head, as well as a mild fever. Additionally, I've noticed small, red spots on my back." 2538,Dengue,"I'm experiencing a severe headache with a pressing sensation in my head, as well as a mild fever. Additionally, I've noticed small red spots on my back." 2539,Dengue,"I'm currently dealing with a very intense headache that's also causing a sensation of tension in my head. Additionally, I've got a lowgrade fever going on as well. To top it off, I've noticed some tiny red spots appearing on my back." 5235,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing intense itching, accompanied by persistent nausea. Additionally, I've noticed significant weight loss, extreme fatigue, and a highgrade fever. My skin has taken on a yellowish hue, and I'm also suffering from stomach pain and darkcolored urine." 5236,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing severe itching, nausea, weight loss, exhaustion, high fever, jaundice yellowing of the skin, abdominal pain, and darkcolored urine." 5237,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing severe itching, nausea, weight loss, exhaustion, high fever, jaundice yellowing of the skin, stomach cramps, and darkcolored urine." 5238,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing severe itching and nausea, accompanied by significant weight loss, exhaustion, and a high fever. My skin has taken on a yellowish hue, and I'm also dealing with stomach discomfort and darkcolored urine." 5239,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing intense itching, accompanied by persistent nausea and vomiting. I've also noticed significant weight loss, debilitating fatigue, and a highgrade fever that's causing my skin to take on a yellow hue. Furthermore, I'm suffering from severe stomach cramps and discolored urine, which has turned black." 3330,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing difficulty breathing, excessive sweating, and feeling unwell. I have a heavy sensation in my throat, accompanied by chest discomfort and rapid heartbeat. My cough produces thick, brownish mucus." 3331,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing shortness of breath, excessive sweating, and feeling unwell. I have a thick, phlegmy sensation in my throat, accompanied by chest discomfort and an irregular heartbeat. My cough is producing brownish, stringy mucus." 3332,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing difficulty breathing, excessive sweating, and feeling quite unwell. I have a sore chest and a racing heartbeat. My cough produces thick, brownish, and stringy mucus." 3333,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing shortness of breath, excessive sweating, and general sickness. My chest is painful, and my heartbeat feels rapid. Thick, brownish phlegm is accumulating in my throat, causing me to cough up long, stringy strands." 3334,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing respiratory distress, feeling extremely unwell with congestion in my throat, chest pain, and rapid heartbeat. My phlegm is thick and brownish, and I'm coughing up stringy mucus." 4650,Hypertension,"After exercising, I suddenly developed a headache, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness. Following this episode, maintaining my balance has become extremely difficult." 4651,Hypertension,"I suddenly developed a severe headache, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness during exercise. Now, maintaining my equilibrium is a struggle for me." 4652,Hypertension,"Immediately after exercising, I suffered from a sudden onset of headaches, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness. Following this episode, maintaining my equilibrium has proven difficult for me." 4653,Hypertension,"During exercise, I suddenly felt a sharp headache, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness. After that episode, maintaining my equilibrium has become an ongoing struggle." 4654,Hypertension,"While exercising, I suddenly felt a severe headache, sharp chest discomfort, and a dizzy spell. After that, maintaining my equilibrium became an ongoing struggle." 3920,Arthritis,"I've experienced persistent issues with mobility, including stiffness in my neck and joints, as well as muscle weakness. Additionally, walking has become quite uncomfortable for me." 3921,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing stiffness in my body, particularly in my neck, as well as swelling and joint pain. Additionally, I've noticed significant muscle weakness that makes walking feel quite uncomfortable." 3922,Arthritis,"I've experienced increased stiffness, particularly in my neck, accompanied by swelling in my joints and noticeable muscular weakness. What's more, walking has become quite uncomfortable for me lately." 3923,Arthritis,"Lately, I've experienced stiffness in my movements, accompanied by a stiff neck, swollen joints, and muscle fatigue that makes walking particularly challenging and uncomfortable." 3924,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent stiffness, particularly in my neck, accompanied by swelling in my joints and muscle weakness. Additionally, walking has become quite uncomfortable for me lately." 6810,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience frequent discomfort when eating, including sensations of food getting stuck in my throat and difficulties with swallowing. Additionally, I often feel bloated and experience regular belching. Moreover, I consistently notice a lingering bitter taste in my mouth after consuming food." 6811,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience recurring issues with food getting stuck in my throat, making it difficult to swallow. Additionally, I often feel bloated and gassy, accompanied by frequent belching. Furthermore, I consistently notice a bitter aftertaste lingering after meals." 6812,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience recurring discomfort while eating, characterized by food feeling stuck in my throat, difficulties with swallowing, and persistent issues with bloating and belching. Moreover, I often notice an unpleasantly bitter taste lingering after meals." 6813,peptic ulcer disease,"I commonly experience discomfort while eating, as if food gets stuck in my throat, making it difficult to swallow. Additionally, I often feel bloated and experience frequent belching. Furthermore, I'm plagued by an unpleasantly bitter aftertaste with most foods." 6814,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience recurring issues with swallowing, as if food gets stuck in my throat. Additionally, I often feel bloated and suffer from frequent belching. Furthermore, I'm left with a persistent, unpleasantly bitter aftertaste." 4570,Hypertension,"I'm experiencing a persistent headache characterized by a sensation of a constricting band around my head, accompanied by chest discomfort and lightheadedness." 4571,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing a persistent headache characterized by a constricting sensation around my head, accompanied by chest discomfort and lightheadedness." 4572,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing a persistent headache characterized by a constricting sensation around my entire head, accompanied by recurring chest discomfort and occasional episodes of dizziness." 4573,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing a persistent headache characterized by a feeling of constriction around my head, accompanied by chest discomfort and lightheadedness." 4574,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort characterized by a squeezing sensation around my head, accompanied by chest pressure and lightheadedness." 4645,Hypertension,"During a workout, I unexpectedly experienced a sudden onset of headaches, chest discomfort, and dizziness, making it challenging for me to regain my equilibrium ever since." 4646,Hypertension,"I was interrupted by sudden onset symptoms while exercising a severe headache, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness. Since then, I've struggled to maintain my equilibrium." 4647,Hypertension,"During a recent workout, I experienced sudden onset of symptoms including a headache, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness, which has made it challenging for me to regain my equilibrium ever since." 4648,Hypertension,"During my workout, I unexpectedly experienced a severe headache, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness, which has made it challenging for me to regain my equilibrium ever since." 4649,Hypertension,"While exercising, I experienced an unexpected onset of headache, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness, which has made it challenging for me to regain my equilibrium." 6470,drug reaction,"I'm feeling extremely queasy and experiencing severe chest discomfort, which has been recurring recently. Additionally, I'm feeling quite anxious and tend to break out in a cold sweat frequently." 6471,drug reaction,"I'm feeling extremely unwell, with severe nausea and chest discomfort. This is not a new issue for me I've been experiencing chest pain recently. Additionally, I've been feeling quite anxious and have been sweating excessively." 6472,drug reaction,"I'm feeling extremely unwell, with severe nausea and chest discomfort. Over the past few days, my chest pain has become more frequent. Additionally, I've been experiencing excessive sweating and a general sense of unease." 6473,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing severe nausea, accompanied by chest discomfort. This is a recurring issue for me, and I've also noticed feeling anxious and sweating excessively." 6474,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing severe nausea, accompanied by intense chest discomfort. Over the past few weeks, I've had recurring episodes of chest pain. To make matters worse, I often feel extremely anxious, which is accompanied by excessive sweating." 7080,diabetes,"I experience persistent skin issues, including rashes and irritations, particularly in areas with creases or folds. Additionally, minor wounds such as bruises and cuts tend to take an extended period to fully recover." 7081,diabetes,"I experience frequent skin issues, with persistent rashes and irritations primarily occurring in areas where my skin folds, such as crevices. Additionally, minor injuries like bruises and cuts tend to take an extended period to fully recover from." 7082,diabetes,"I experience frequent rashes and skin irritation, particularly in hardtoreach areas like crevices. Additionally, I find that wounds, including bruising and cutting, have slower healing rates." 7083,diabetes,"I experience recurring rashlike symptoms and skin irritation, particularly in areas where skin folds meet. Additionally, minor injuries such as cuts and bruises tend to linger longer than usual on my skin." 7084,diabetes,"I experience recurring rashes and skin irritations, particularly in areas where my skin naturally folds or creases. Additionally, minor injuries such as bruises and cuts tend to persist for an extended period before fully healing." 6360,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I have a habit of experiencing frequent belching and burping. Additionally, I often experience chest discomfort that radiates to my arm, jaw, and the base of my neck, accompanied by feelings of pressure and tension." 6361,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I often experience gas and digestive discomfort, accompanied by recurring episodes of chest pain that radiates to my arm, jaw, and the base of my neck, characterized by pressure and tension in my chest." 6362,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I have a propensity for excessive belching and burping. I often experience recurring episodes of chest discomfort that radiates to my arm, jaw, and the base of my neck, accompanied by a sense of pressure and tension in my chest." 6363,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience recurring gasrelated symptoms, including belching and burping. Additionally, I often feel a sensation of chest tightness that radiates to my arm, jaw, and the base of my neck, accompanied by pressure and discomfort in my chest." 6364,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I often experience gasrelated discomfort, characterized by frequent belching and burping. Additionally, I commonly suffer from anginalike symptoms, including radiating chest pain to my arm, jaw, and the back of my neck, accompanied by feelings of pressure and stress in my chest." 6370,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"Occasionally, I experience a persistent sensation of throat discomfort, halitosis, and an unpleasant aftertaste that makes it challenging to consume food." 6371,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I occasionally experience a range of unpleasant symptoms, including a tickling sensation in my throat, unpleasant breath, and an unpleasant aftertaste, which can make mealtime challenging due to difficulty swallowing." 6372,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience recurring episodes of soreness and discomfort in my throat, accompanied by unpleasant breath and a lingering bitter taste, which makes mealtime a challenge as swallowing becomes laborious." 6373,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"Occasionally, I experience discomfort characterized by throat tingling, unpleasant breath, and a foul mouth sensation, which hinders my ability to comfortably consume meals." 6374,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I occasionally experience discomfort while eating due to recurring symptoms of a scratchy throat, halitosis, and an unpleasant aftertaste that impede my ability to swallow food smoothly." 2485,Dengue,"I'm experiencing severe stomach discomfort, accompanied by intense urges to vomit. Additionally, I've got excruciating eye pain and noticeable red spots scattered across my arms." 2486,Dengue,"I'm experiencing nausea, intense stomach discomfort that's prompting frequent urges to vomit. Additionally, I'm suffering from piercing headaches behind my eyes and have developed numerous small red rashlike patches on my arms." 2487,Dengue,"I'm experiencing recurring nausea, accompanied by a persistent desire to throw up. I also have intense eye strain with sharp pains behind my eyelids and numerous tiny red rashes covering my arms." 2488,Dengue,"I've been experiencing nausea with an overwhelming desire to purge, accompanied by a severe headachelike sensation behind my eyes. Additionally, I've noticed numerous small, red lesions scattered across my arms." 2489,Dengue,"I'm experiencing persistent nausea, accompanied by an overwhelming desire to vomit. I'm also plagued by intense eye pain and breaking out in small, scattered red rashes on my arms." 2875,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing persistent itchiness and numerous rashes across my body, accompanied by firm bumps and darkened patches that are quite uncomfortable." 2876,Fungal infection,I've been experiencing intense itching with widespread rashes on my skin. There are both hard bumps and areas where my skin appears darker than usual. The overall discomfort is quite unbearable. 2877,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing itchy skin with widespread rashes, accompanied by raised bumps and patches that are noticeably darker than the surrounding skin. This is causing me significant discomfort." 2878,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing dry, itchy skin with widespread rashes, accompanied by firm bumps and discoloration in various patches, which is causing me significant discomfort." 2879,Fungal infection,"I've experienced intense itchiness, accompanied by widespread rashes and several firm bumps on my skin. Additionally, I've noticed some areas have developed a darker tone compared to the rest of my complexion, making it a truly uncomfortable situation." 1275,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing skin issues with rashes that tend to bleed when scratched or rubbed, and I've also observed minor nail indentations." 1276,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing skin issues the rashes are accompanied by bleeding when scratched or rubbed. Additionally, I've noticed subtle nail changes with tiny dents appearing on their surface." 1277,Psoriasis,"I've developed skin rashes that tend to bleed when scratched or rubbed. Additionally, I've observed small indentations on my fingernails." 1278,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing skin issues, characterized by recurring rashes that bleed easily with scratching or rubbing. Additionally, I've observed small indentations on my fingernails." 1279,Psoriasis,"I've been experiencing skin issues, characterized by recurring rashes that frequently bleed when scratched or rubbed. Additionally, I've observed tiny dents developing on my fingernails." 5705,urinary tract infection,"I experience recurring nighttime urges to urinate with minimal voiding, accompanied by significant discomfort during the process. My urine appears cloudy and bloodstained, occasionally emitting a foul odor, which also triggers nausea." 5706,urinary tract infection,"I experience recurring nighttime urges to urinate, often resulting in minimal output accompanied by significant discomfort during the process. My urine appears cloudy, has blood, and occasionally emits a foul odor, which also leaves me feeling queasy." 5707,urinary tract infection,"I experience recurring nighttime urges to use the bathroom with minimal output, accompanied by significant discomfort during urination. My urine appears cloudy, has blood in it, and sometimes smells unpleasantly. Additionally, I often feel queasy." 5708,urinary tract infection,"I experience recurring nighttime urges to urinate, but when I do, there's minimal output accompanied by significant discomfort during the process. My urine often appears cloudy, contains blood, and sometimes has a foul odor, which makes me feel queasy." 5709,urinary tract infection,"I experience recurring nighttime urges to urinate with minimal discharge, accompanied by significant discomfort during the process. The urine appears cloudy, has blood in it, and sometimes emits a foul odor, causing me to feel nauseous." 2820,Fungal infection,"I experience persistent itchiness on my skin, which can also become dry, rough, and inflamed at times. Additionally, I occasionally develop small, bumpy pimples and patches with distinct coloration. This causes significant discomfort and itching for me." 2821,Fungal infection,"I experience persistent itchiness on my skin, which sometimes worsens to become rough and red. Additionally, I occasionally develop small pimples resembling tiny balls or distinct spots that differ in color from the surrounding skin. This condition causes significant discomfort and intense itching." 2822,Fungal infection,"I experience persistent itching on my skin, which can intensify to rough and red patches at times. Additionally, I occasionally develop small pimples resembling tiny balls and distinct coloration spots that bother me significantly and exacerbate the itching sensation." 2823,Fungal infection,"I experience persistent itchiness on my skin, which can become intensely rough and inflamed at times. Additionally, I occasionally develop small bumps resembling tiny balls and patches with distinct colorations that differ from my natural skin tone. This irritation causes intense itching, further exacerbating the discomfort." 2824,Fungal infection,"I experience persistent itching on my skin, which sometimes escalates into rough, red patches. Additionally, I occasionally develop small, rounded pimples and discolored spots that stand out from my natural skin tone. These issues cause significant discomfort and intense itching." 4235,Bronchial Asthma,"I've had a persistent cough for several days, accompanied by debilitating fatigue and weakness. My temperature is elevated, and breathing has become labored. Coughing also yields copious amounts of phlegm." 4236,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing a persistent cough for days, accompanied by debilitating fatigue and exhaustion. My temperature is elevated, making breathing labored, and each coughing spell is followed by an excessive production of phlegm." 4237,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been dealing with a persistent cough for several days now, accompanied by exhaustion and weakness. My temperature is elevated, and breathing feels labored. Each coughing spell produces a significant amount of phlegm." 4238,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing a persistent cough for several days, accompanied by fatigue, weakness, and a high fever. My breathing has become labored and I'm producing excessive phlegm when I cough." 4239,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing a persistent cough for several days now, accompanied by extreme fatigue and weakness. My temperature is elevated and breathing has become labored. Each coughing spell also produces an excessive amount of phlegm." 6465,drug reaction,"I suffer from recurring skin rash that flakes off periodically, making me susceptible to infections. Additionally, I experience involuntary finger twitching and occasional tremors." 6466,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing recurring skin rashes that shed and leave me vulnerable to infections. Additionally, I've noticed involuntary finger spasms and occasional tremors." 6467,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing recurring skin rashes that shed flakes periodically, making me vulnerable to infections. Additionally, I've noticed my fingers tend to twitch occasionally, and in some cases, I've experienced involuntary tremors." 6468,drug reaction,"I suffer from skin conditions that cause rashes to form, which can lead to flaking and increase my risk of infection. Additionally, I occasionally experience involuntary movements in my fingers and, at times, fullbody tremors." 6469,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing recurring skin rashes that tend to flake off, leaving me vulnerable to infections. Additionally, I've noticed my fingers exhibit involuntary twitches, occasionally accompanied by tremors." 5150,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent muscle weakness, accompanied by frequent coughing and the production of phlegm. I'm also struggling with back pain and have had a nagging ache in my neck, leaving me feeling weak, disoriented, and uncomfortable." 5151,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing muscle weakness, persistent coughing with mucus production, and persistent lower back pain. Additionally, I've felt weak, dizzy, and had neck pain." 5152,Cervical spondylosis,"I've experienced persistent muscle weakness, accompanied by persistent coughing and phlegm production, as well as recurring back pain. Furthermore, I've felt weak and dizzy, with persistent neck discomfort." 5153,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing muscle weakness, persistent coughing accompanied by mucus production, and notable back pain. Additionally, I've felt weak, disoriented, and suffered from neck pain." 5154,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing muscle weakness, persistent coughing with mucus production, and discomfort in my back. Furthermore, I'm feeling weak, dizzy, and dealing with pain in my neck and back." 2310,Impetigo,"I've been experiencing recurring sores on my face and nose area, accompanied by swelling, tenderness, and a burning sensation upon contact, as well as prominent redness. The cause is unknown." 2311,Impetigo,"I've been experiencing recurring sores on my face and nose that are swollen, tender to the touch, accompanied by a burning sensation and noticeable redness." 2312,Impetigo,"I've been experiencing skin issues on my face and nose area, with uncertain causes. The facial sores are inflamed, sensitive to the touch, and accompanied by burning sensations and noticeable redness." 2313,Impetigo,"I've been experiencing painful, swollen, and tender sores on my face and nose area, accompanied by a burning sensation and skin redness." 2314,Impetigo,"I've developed painful sores on my face and nose that are swollen, tender to the touch, accompanied by a burning sensation and noticeable redness." 2095,Chicken pox,I'm experiencing severe discomfort from enlarged lymph nodes and widespread rashes that make it impossible for me to get a good night's sleep. 2096,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing severe discomfort due to enlarged lymph nodes, accompanied by widespread skin rash that's disrupting my sleep." 2097,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing severe discomfort due to enlarged lymph nodes, accompanied by widespread rashes that make it impossible for me to get a good night's sleep." 2098,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing significant discomfort due to enlarged lymph nodes, accompanied by widespread rashes that are making it impossible for me to get a good night's sleep." 2099,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing severe discomfort due to enlarged lymph nodes, accompanied by widespread rashes that are disrupting my ability to get a good night's rest." 1695,Varicose Veins,"I've noticed that the veins on my calves are protruding more prominently than usual, which has me concerned. As someone who is currently overweight, I'm attributing this to my weight issues." 1696,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing an unusual prominence of veins on my calf area, which has caused me concern. Given my current weight status as being overweight, I suspect that my excess weight may be contributing to this issue." 1697,Varicose Veins,"I'm concerned about the unusual prominence of the veins on my calves. As someone who's currently overweight, I suspect that my weight may be contributing to this issue." 1698,Varicose Veins,"I've noticed that the veins on the back of my legs have become more prominent than usual, which has caused me concern. Given my current weight status, I suspect that being overweight may be contributing to this issue." 1699,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing unusual prominence of veins on my calf area. As an overweight individual, I'm concerned that my weight may be contributing to this issue." 3805,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent muscle weakness, particularly in my neck which feels extremely tense. Additionally, my joints are inflamed and moving around often leaves me feeling stiff. Even simple activities like walking have become quite uncomfortable due to these symptoms." 3806,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent muscle weakness, accompanied by severe neck stiffness and joint swelling. My movements are often hindered by stiffness, making everyday activities like walking quite uncomfortable." 3807,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent muscle weakness, accompanied by intense neck stiffness and swelling in my joints. This has made everyday movements, including walking, quite challenging due to stiffness and discomfort." 3808,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing muscle weakness, particularly in my arms and legs, accompanied by neck stiffness and swelling in my joints. This has made everyday activities like walking quite challenging due to stiffness and discomfort." 3809,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing significant muscle weakness, accompanied by intense neck stiffness and swelling in my joints. Even minor movements leave me feeling stiff and inflexible, while walking has become quite painful." 1310,Psoriasis,"I've been experiencing flaky skin, mostly on my knees, elbows, and scalp, which often comes with an uncomfortable stinging or burning sensation." 1311,Psoriasis,"I've been experiencing peeling skin, mostly on my knees, elbows, and scalp, which is often accompanied by a uncomfortable stinging or burning sensation." 1312,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing skin peeling, mainly on my knees, elbows, and scalp, often accompanied by a stinging or burning sensation." 1313,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing skin peeling, mainly on my knees, elbows, and scalp, often with a tingling or fiery sensation." 1314,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing widespread skin peeling, most notably on my knees, elbows, and scalp, which is often accompanied by an unpleasant stinging or burning sensation." 2980,Common Cold,"I've been feeling extremely fatigued and unwell lately. Nonstop sneezing has been a constant companion, and I'm shivering with cold. A throbbing headache is making my head ache, and I'm struggling to muster any energy. To top it all off, I have a raging fever that's left me feeling like I'm burning from the inside out." 2981,Common Cold,"I've been feeling utterly drained and unwell lately. Nonstop sneezing has been plaguing me, and I'm shivering with coldness. My head is pounding persistently, and my energy levels are at an alltime low. On top of that, I'm struggling with a soaring fever that makes me feel like I'm burning from the inside out." 2982,Common Cold,"I've been feeling utterly drained and unwell lately. I'm constantly plagued by relentless sneezing fits, shiver uncontrollably from the cold, and my head is pounding with throbbing pain. To make matters worse, I'm struggling to muster any energy, and an excruciating fever has left me feeling like I'm burning up inside." 2983,Common Cold,"I've been feeling incredibly unwell lately, experiencing constant sneezing, chills, and a pounding headache. To make matters worse, I'm struggling with fatigue, an extremely elevated body temperature that feels like I'm being scorched from the inside out." 2984,Common Cold,"I've been feeling miserable constant sneezing, extreme chilliness, and a pounding headache. To top it off, I'm running a skyhigh fever that makes me feel like my body is burning from the inside out." 4865,Migraine,"I've been dealing with various health concerns, such as persistent digestive problems like acid reflux and indigestion, accompanied by recurring headaches, blurred vision, unrelenting hunger, a stiff neck, feelings of depression, irritability, and unusual visual disturbances." 4866,Migraine,"For several months, I've been dealing with various health concerns that have significantly impacted my daily life. Specifically, I've experienced recurring issues like acid reflux and indigestion, as well as frequent headaches, blurry vision, intense hunger, neck pain, depression, irritability, and unusual visual disturbances." 4867,Migraine,"I've been experiencing persistent digestive problems such as acid reflux and indigestion, accompanied by recurring headaches, blurred vision, insatiable hunger, stiffness in my neck, feelings of sadness and frustration, and distorted visual perception." 4868,Migraine,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort, characterized by recurring acid reflux and indigestion, accompanied by frequent headaches, blurry vision, unrelenting hunger, neck strain, and underlying emotional struggles with depression, irritability, and visual disturbances." 4869,Migraine,"I've experienced persistent health issues, including recurring symptoms of heartburn and indigestion, frequent headaches, blurry vision, intense hunger, neck pain, feelings of sadness and frustration, and unusual visual disturbances." 6665,drug reaction,"I experience difficulties with mental acuity, often finding it challenging to concentrate and maintain focus. Additionally, I frequently encounter lapses in memory, forgetting important details and struggling to recall them." 6666,drug reaction,"I often experience difficulty concentrating, and my mental sharpness is lacking. Additionally, I tend to forget important details and struggle with retaining memories." 6667,drug reaction,"I often struggle with mental clarity, finding it challenging to concentrate and stay focused. Additionally, I experience frequent memory lapses, leading to difficulties recalling important details and information." 6668,drug reaction,"I experience significant difficulties with mental clarity, often struggling to maintain focus and attention. Additionally, I frequently encounter issues with shortterm memory loss, leading to frequent forgetfulness." 6669,drug reaction,"I often experience difficulties with concentration, accompanied by poor mental acuity, which can lead to frequent lapses in memory and a struggle to recall specific information." 6755,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing persistent bloating and discomfort. Despite this, I've noticed a decline in my appetite and weight loss. Additionally, I've had episodes of tarlike stools, black stool, and vomiting with blood." 6756,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing persistent bloating and discomfort. Despite this, I've noticed a recent weight loss and decreased appetite for food. Additionally, I've started noticing episodes of tarlike stool, black stools, and vomiting with blood content." 6757,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing bloating and discomfort, accompanied by weight loss and a lack of appetite. Occasionally, I've noticed tarlike stools, black stools, and episodes of vomiting with bloody contents." 6758,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing persistent bloating and discomfort, accompanied by a decline in appetite and a loss of interest in eating. Occasionally, I notice tarlike stools, as well as vomiting with blood present." 6759,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing persistent bloating and discomfort. Lately, I've noticed a decline in my appetite and weight loss. Additionally, I've had occasional episodes of dark, tarlike stools, as well as vomiting with blood present." 4255,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing extreme fatigue, along with a persistent cough that refuses to subside. Additionally, I've had a fever that's unusually high, making it difficult for me to catch my breath. When I do cough, I produce an excessive amount of mucus." 4256,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue, accompanied by a stubborn cough that refuses to clear up. My temperature has been unusually high, making it difficult for me to breathe comfortably. When I do cough, I produce a significant amount of mucus." 4257,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing severe fatigue and exhaustion, accompanied by a persistent and stubborn cough that shows no signs of subsiding. My fever has been unusually high, making it difficult for me to catch my breath. Coughing also leads to an excessive production of mucus." 4258,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing extreme fatigue and exhaustion, accompanied by a persistent cough that won't subside. My temperature has been unusually high, making it difficult for me to catch my breath. When I do cough, I produce an excessive amount of mucus." 4259,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue and exhaustion, accompanied by a lingering cough that refuses to subside. Additionally, I've had an elevated fever and struggled to breathe comfortably. When I do cough, I produce excessive mucus." 6245,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience discomfort after eating, often followed by nausea and vomiting of what I've consumed. Additionally, I consistently suffer from abdominal cramps and severe acid reflux." 6246,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience discomfort after eating, often followed by nausea and vomiting of consumed food. Additionally, I consistently experience abdominal pain and severe acid reflux." 6247,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I often experience discomfort after eating, which typically results in me vomiting what I've consumed. Additionally, I consistently suffer from abdominal pain and severe acid reflux." 6248,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"After consuming food, I frequently experience discomfort followed by vomiting up what I've eaten. Additionally, I consistently suffer from abdominal pain and severe acid reflux." 6249,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience discomfort after eating, often followed by vomiting what I've consumed. Additionally, I consistently suffer from persistent abdominal pain and severe acid reflux." 2900,Fungal infection,"I've developed an itchy rash with patchy areas on my skin, accompanied by uneven skin tones and painful bumps." 2901,Fungal infection,"I've developed an itchy skin condition with recurring rashlike patches all over my body, accompanied by uneven skin tones and painful bumps." 2902,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing itchy skin with rashlike patches covering my body, accompanied by discolored areas that don't match my natural skin tone. Additionally, I've developed painful bumps in certain spots." 2903,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing an itchy skin condition with rashlike patches covering my entire body, accompanied by irregular skin tones and painful bumps in certain areas." 2904,Fungal infection,"I've had an intense itching sensation and developed numerous rashlike patches on my skin, particularly in areas where my skin tone appears altered, accompanied by painful bumps." 3355,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms of illness high fever, labored breathing, excessive sweating, and chills. I'm also feeling exhausted and have rapid heartbeat. Additionally, I'm anticipating a productive cough with brownish mucus." 3356,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing a severe fever, shortness of breath, and intense sweating. I'm also struggling with chills, fatigue, and rapid heartbeat. Additionally, I anticipate producing expectorated mucus that appears brown in color." 3357,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms high fever, labored breathing, excessive sweating, chills, fatigue, rapid heartbeat, and anticipating a cough with brownish mucus." 3358,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms high fever, labored breathing, excessive sweating, and uncontrollable shivering. I'm extremely fatigued, with a rapid heartbeat. Additionally, I'm anticipating a cough that may produce yellow or brown mucus." 3359,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing a high fever, struggling to breathe, and feeling extremely unwell. My body is drenched in sweat and I'm shivering with chills. I'm incredibly fatigued, my heart is racing, and I expect to cough up brownish mucus." 6005,allergy,"I frequently experience episodes of excessive sneezing, accompanied by discomfort in my throat and occasional swelling of my lips and orbital areas. When I start sneezing, it becomes a prolonged and uncontrollable process." 6006,allergy,"I frequently experience symptoms of allergies, including recurring sneezing, a sore throat, and occasional swelling of my lips and eye areas. Additionally, once I start sneezing, it's as if I'm in a cycle that's difficult to break, making it hard for me to stop." 6007,allergy,"I frequently experience allergies, including persistent sneezing and sore throats. Additionally, my lips and eye areas tend to puff up at times. When I start sneezing, it's as if I'm in a cycle that's hard to break." 6008,allergy,"I frequently experience recurring symptoms of allergies or sinus issues, including excessive sneezing, a sore throat, and occasional swelling of my lips and surrounding eye areas. Moreover, once my sneezing starts, it's difficult for me to stop, as if it becomes an uncontrollable chain reaction." 6009,allergy,"I frequently experience episodes of excessive sneezing accompanied by a sore throat. Additionally, my lips and periocular region tend to swell periodically. Once I begin sneezing, it's as if I'm powerless to stop." 2285,Impetigo,"I've developed a skin condition around my nose where red, inflamed patches surround open sores, causing my skin to become dry, flaky, and secreting a yellowish discharge." 2286,Impetigo,"The lesions around my nose have developed into a more severe condition, characterized by redness and inflammation surrounding the affected areas. Additionally, my skin has become increasingly dry and flaky, with a noticeable yellow discharge emanating from the sores themselves." 2287,Impetigo,"I've developed a skin condition characterized by red, inflamed patches surrounding the sores around my nose. This has led to dry, flaky skin and an unpleasant, yellowish discharge oozing from the affected areas." 2288,Impetigo,"My nasal sores have developed a surrounding ring of redness and inflammation. The accompanying rash has left my skin feeling dry, flaky, and oily, with a distinctive yellow discharge emerging from the affected areas." 2289,Impetigo,"I've developed a rash surrounding the sores on my nose, characterized by reddened and inflamed skin. The affected area has become dry and flaky, with a noticeable discharge of yellowcolored fluid emanating from the sores." 2215,Impetigo,"I've developed painful rashes around my nose, characterized by large red sores, which are now spreading to other areas of my body. Additionally, I've been experiencing a persistent high fever at night." 2216,Impetigo,"I've developed rashes around my nose with large, inflamed sores. The rash is spreading to other areas of my body. Additionally, I've been experiencing a persistent high fever at night." 2217,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing widespread rashes, particularly around my nose, accompanied by large red sores. The rash is spreading to other areas of my body. Additionally, I've been dealing with a persistent high fever every evening." 2218,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing itchy rashes around my nose, characterized by large, red sores. The rash has been progressing and spreading to other areas of my body. Additionally, I've developed a consistent highgrade fever each evening." 2219,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing a skin condition characterized by rashes and large red sores primarily around my nose, which has been spreading to other areas of my body. Additionally, I've developed a persistent nighttime fever, which is concerning me." 5725,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing persistent abdominal pain, accompanied by recurring fevers. I also have intense and frequent urges to urinate. The discomfort persists throughout the day, with some relief during the daytime hours. Notably, my urine often has an unpleasant odor." 5726,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing persistent abdominal pain, accompanied by frequent episodes of fever and overwhelming urge to urinate. The discomfort persists throughout the day, intensifying at night, and my urine consistently has an unpleasant odor." 5727,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing persistent abdominal pain accompanied by recurring fevers. I also experience intense and frequent urges to urinate. The pain persists throughout the day, but worsens at night. Notably, my urine often has a strong, unpleasant odor." 5728,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing persistent abdominal pain accompanied by recurring fevers and intense, sudden urges to urinate. The discomfort persists throughout the day but worsens at night. Notably, my urine consistently has a strong unpleasant odor." 5729,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing persistent abdominal pain accompanied by frequent episodes of fever, intense urges to urinate, and a strong likelihood of passing foulsmelling urine. The discomfort is typically consistent, with occasional exacerbations at night." 5810,urinary tract infection,"I've been feeling persistent discomfort in my lower abdomen, accompanied by a sudden urge to urinate and a sensation of pressure during elimination. Since developing these new symptoms, I've also noticed I'm consistently running a low body temperature, which has left me feeling weak and fatigued." 5811,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing persistent lower abdominal pain and a sudden pressure sensation while urinating. Alongside these issues, I've noticed my body temperature is consistently low, leaving me feeling weak overall." 5812,urinary tract infection,"I've developed persistent lower abdominal pain accompanied by a sudden urge to urinate. Additionally, I've noticed my urine flow is intense and rapid. Since these new symptoms emerged, I've also experienced recurring lowgrade fevers, leaving me feeling weak and fatigued." 5813,urinary tract infection,"I've developed discomfort in my lower abdomen, accompanied by a sudden feeling of pressure while urinating. Additionally, I've noticed a drop in my body temperature and overall weakness, which has left me feeling quite drained." 5814,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing recurring episodes of lower abdominal pain and a sudden urge to urinate, accompanied by a feeling of urgency. Additionally, my body temperature has decreased, leaving me feeling weak." 1665,Varicose Veins,"I have prominent, painful varicose veins on my legs that are causing concern due to their size and visibility." 1666,Varicose Veins,"I'm concerned about the prominent, painful varicose veins on my legs, which are causing discomfort. The large, bulging vessels protrude from my skin, making me feel selfconscious and anxious to find a solution." 1667,Varicose Veins,"I have prominent, painful varicose veins on my legs that are causing concern for me. The veins are noticeably large and bulge outward from my skin, which is unusual and worrying to me." 1668,Varicose Veins,"I'm concerned because the prominent blood vessels on my legs, which are unusually large and bulging from my skin, cause significant discomfort." 1669,Varicose Veins,"I've noticed that the veins on my legs are particularly prominent, causing significant discomfort. They appear to be larger than usual and bulge out from under the skin, which seems unusual to me. This has caused some concern, as I'm unsure what's contributing to this phenomenon." 5750,urinary tract infection,"I've been experiencing a combination of symptoms over the past few days, including low body temperature, bloodtinged urine, severe headaches, and a strong, unpleasant odor to my urine. Additionally, I've noticed a loss of control when it comes to urination, with sudden and intense urges." 5751,urinary tract infection,"I've been experiencing recurring episodes of lowgrade fever, hematuria blood in my urine, and a strong burning sensation when urinating. Additionally, my headaches are extremely severe and my urine has an unpleasant odor. I also struggle with loss of urinary control, accompanied by sudden and intense urges to void." 5752,urinary tract infection,"I've experienced recurring episodes of lowgrade fever, accompanied by reddishbrown urine, headaches, and a strong, unpleasant odor. Additionally, I've noticed a loss of bladder control, with sudden, uncontrollable urges to urinate." 5753,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing recurring issues with fever, blood in my urine, and a severe headache. Additionally, my urine has a strong unpleasant odor and I've noticed a loss of bladder control, accompanied by sudden and intense urges to urinate." 5754,urinary tract infection,"I've experienced recurring symptoms, including low body temperature, bloodtinged urine, severe headache, and a strong unpleasant odor from my urine. Additionally, I struggle with urinary incontinence and experience sudden, uncontrollable urges to urinate." 1540,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing selfconsciousness and embarrassment due to noticeable blood vessels on my calves, which I attribute to my weightrelated issues." 1541,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing selfconsciousness and embarrassment due to the prominent blood vessels visible on my calves, which I attribute to my current weight status." 1542,Varicose Veins,"I'm feeling selfconscious about the prominent blood vessels on my calves, which I attribute to my current weight status." 1543,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing discomfort and anxiety due to noticeable blood vessels on my calves, which I attribute to my weight." 1544,Varicose Veins,"The noticeable veins on my calves are making me feel selfconscious and embarrassed, which I attribute to my current weight." 5670,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of unpleasant symptoms, including a high fever, intense itching, chills, and episodes of vomiting. Additionally, I've got a severe headache, excessive sweating, and feelings of nausea and muscle soreness." 5671,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms including a high fever, intense itching, chills, and episodes of vomiting. Additionally, I've been bothered by a headache, excessive sweating, as well as feelings of nausea and muscle soreness." 5672,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of unpleasant symptoms including a high fever, intense itching, shivering, and vomiting. Additionally, I've got a throbbing headache, excessive sweating, as well as nausea and muscle pain that's making me feel quite unwell." 5673,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms including a high fever, severe itching, chills, and vomiting. Additionally, I've got a throbbing headache, excessive sweating, nausea, and muscle pain." 5674,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of uncomfortable symptoms including a high fever, intense itching, chills, and vomiting. Additionally, I'm dealing with a severe headache, excessive sweating, and discomfort caused by nausea and muscle pain." 2620,Dengue,"I'm experiencing a highgrade fever, accompanied by excruciating headaches, widespread bodily discomfort, and intense shivering. I'm deeply concerned about my overall wellbeing and would appreciate guidance on how to address this situation." 2621,Dengue,"I'm experiencing a highgrade fever, accompanied by a debilitating headache, intense body aches, and uncontrollable chills. I'm seriously concerned about my health and need guidance on how to manage these symptoms effectively." 2622,Dengue,"I'm experiencing a highgrade fever, accompanied by excruciating headaches, widespread bodily aches, and uncontrollable shivering. My concern for my overall wellbeing is growing, as I'm unsure of how to effectively manage these symptoms." 2623,Dengue,"I'm experiencing a concerning combination of symptoms, including a high fever, debilitating headaches, widespread body ache, and uncontrollable chills. As a result, I'm feeling anxious about my overall wellbeing and unsure how to address these issues." 2624,Dengue,"I'm experiencing a persistent high fever, accompanied by excruciating headaches, intense body aches, and uncontrollable chills. My concern for my wellbeing is growing, and I'm unsure of how to proceed." 4680,Hypertension,"As the day progressed, my initial good feeling gave way to symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and dizziness. As a result, I've struggled to maintain my concentration and productivity at work." 4681,Hypertension,"As the day progressed, my initial sense of wellbeing gave way to discomfort, with symptoms like headaches, nausea, and dizziness emerging. This has made it difficult for me to stay focused and productive at work." 4682,Hypertension,"This morning, I started out feeling great, but as the day went on, I developed a headache, nausea, and dizziness. As a result, I've struggled to stay focused and productive at work." 4683,Hypertension,"As the day progressed, my initial feeling of wellbeing gave way to discomfort and fatigue, marked by a headache, queasiness, and dizziness. Since then, I've struggled to stay focused and maintain my productivity at work." 4684,Hypertension,"As I started the day feeling fine, I gradually experienced a decline in my condition, with symptoms like headaches, nausea, and dizziness taking hold. This has made it difficult for me to stay focused and get anything done at work." 1625,Varicose Veins,"I experience significant discomfort when sitting for extended periods due to bulging and swollen veins on my legs, which become painful and prominent." 1626,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing significant discomfort due to prominent and swollen veins on my legs that become exacerbated during prolonged sitting, leading to pain and noticeable swelling." 1627,Varicose Veins,"My leg veins become inflamed and bulge out from my skin when I'm seated for extended periods, leading to significant discomfort." 1628,Varicose Veins,"I experience significant discomfort in my legs when sitting for extended periods due to prominent, swollen veins that protrude from my skin, causing pain and noticeable swelling." 1629,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing considerable discomfort in my legs due to prominent and swollen veins that bulge out from beneath my skin, becoming painful and noticeable during extended sitting periods." 3370,Pneumonia,I'm experiencing difficulty breathing and feeling quite unwell. I'm overwhelmed with sweat and noticing an excessive amount of mucus in my throat. My chest hurts and my heart rate is elevated. I've been coughing up dark phlegm. 3371,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing severe respiratory distress and discomfort. I'm overwhelmed by excessive sweating and a thick, sticky sensation in my throat. My chest feels tight and heavy, accompanied by rapid heartbeat and labored breathing. The coughing is intense, and I've been producing dark, tarlike phlegm." 3372,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing respiratory distress, feeling extremely uncomfortable. I'm excessively sweating and having difficulty clearing mucus from my throat. Chest pain is present, accompanied by rapid heartbeat. Coughing is producing thick, darktinged secretions." 3373,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing severe respiratory distress. I'm feeling extremely uncomfortable, with excessive sweating, thick mucus in my throat, and a sharp ache in my chest. My heart is racing and I'm coughing up dark phlegm." 3374,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing severe respiratory distress, feeling extremely uncomfortable with excessive sweating, thick mucus in my throat, and a sharp pain in my chest. Additionally, my heart rate is rapid and I'm coughing up dark phlegm." 5180,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing a range of discomforting symptoms, including recurring back pain, a persistent cough, and numbness or tingling sensations in my arms and legs. Additionally, I've noticed neck pain and have felt lightheaded and offbalance at times." 5181,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing chronic back pain, a persistent cough, as well as numbness in my arms and legs. Additionally, I've been dealing with neck pain and occasional feelings of lightheadedness and unsteadiness." 5182,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing ongoing discomfort in my back, accompanied by a persistent cough. Additionally, I'm noticing numbness or tingling sensations in my arms and legs. My neck is also sore, and I've felt lightheaded and unsteady at times." 5183,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing chronic back discomfort, accompanied by a persistent cough and numbness in my extremities. Additionally, I'm dealing with pain in my neck and have felt lightheaded and unsteady at times." 5184,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing chronic discomfort in my back, accompanied by a persistent cough and numbness in my extremities. Additionally, my neck has been aching, and I've felt dizzy and offbalance at times." 1965,Chicken pox,"I've been experiencing a lack of appetite lately, which has made it difficult for me to consume any food. This is causing me concern about my overall wellbeing." 1966,Chicken pox,"I've been experiencing a lack of appetite, making it difficult for me to consume food. This has left me concerned about my overall wellbeing." 1967,Chicken pox,"I've been struggling with a lack of appetite lately, and despite my best efforts, I just can't seem to muster up the desire to eat. As a result, I'm feeling increasingly concerned about my overall health and wellbeing." 1968,Chicken pox,"I've been experiencing a sudden loss of appetite, leaving me unable to enjoy food. This has led to concerns about my overall wellbeing." 1969,Chicken pox,"I'm struggling with a sudden loss of appetite, making it challenging for me to eat. My concern is genuine I fear this could be an indication of an underlying issue with my health." 1575,Varicose Veins,"I've experienced discolored, swollen, and scratchy skin surrounding the veins on my legs, which has led to significant discomfort and recurring leg cramps." 1576,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing redness, inflammation, and itchiness on my leg areas where the veins are located, which has been quite uncomfortable and now I'm also getting frequent cramplike sensations." 1577,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing redness, inflammation, and itching on the skin surrounding the veins on my legs, which has been quite uncomfortable. Additionally, I've started noticing recurring leg cramps, which is making it difficult for me to move around comfortably." 1578,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing some unpleasant symptoms on my legs, specifically around my veins. The skin in this area has become red, swollen, and extremely itchy, which is quite uncomfortable. To make matters worse, I'm now getting regular leg cramps that are really bothering me." 1579,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing symptoms of veinrelated dermatitis on my legs, characterized by redness, inflammation, and intense itching. This condition has been causing significant discomfort, accompanied by recurring leg cramps." 6410,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience episodes of flatulence and indigestion. Additionally, I commonly encounter chest pressure that spreads to my arm, jaw, and neck, leaving me with a feeling of tension and stress." 6411,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience recurring episodes of belching and flatulence. I also frequently experience chest discomfort that spreads to my arm, jaw, and neck, leaving me feeling tense and anxious." 6412,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience frequent gas release and sometimes feel pressure in my chest that spreads to my arm, jaw, and neck, causing a sense of tightness and stress." 6413,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience frequent gasrelated symptoms, including burping and belching. Additionally, I frequently experience chest discomfort that spreads to my arm, jaw, and neck, leaving me with a feeling of tension and stress in my chest." 6414,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience frequent belching and flatulence. Additionally, I frequently suffer from chest discomfort that spreads to my arm, jaw, and neck, leaving me with a feeling of tension and stress in my chest." 4100,Acne,"I've been experiencing a persistent skin issue characterized by multiple pustules and blackheads, accompanied by excessive scaling." 4101,Acne,"I've been experiencing a skin issue characterized by numerous pustules and blackheads, accompanied by persistent itching and scaling." 4102,Acne,"I've been experiencing a recurring skin issue characterized by multiple inflamed acne lesions pimples and clogged pores blackheads. Furthermore, my skin has become increasingly itchy and flaky." 4103,Acne,"I've been experiencing a persistent skin issue featuring multiple pusfilled acne lesions and blackheads. Furthermore, my skin has been excessively flaking or scaling." 4104,Acne,"I've been experiencing a skin issue characterized by multiple inflamed pimples and blackheads, accompanied by excessive scratching." 3430,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing difficulty breathing and feeling unwell. I'm excessively sweating and having trouble expelling mucus from my throat and chest. My breathing is becoming increasingly labored, and the phlegm I'm coughing up has a peculiar color to it." 3431,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing difficulty breathing and feeling unwell. I'm profuseely sweating and producing excessive mucus, which is causing discomfort in my throat and chest. My breathing is laboured, and the phlegm I'm coughing up has an unusual colour to it." 3432,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing difficulty breathing. I'm not feeling well, and I'm sweating excessively. I have a lot of mucus in my throat and chest pain is present. My breathing is labored, and the phlegm I'm coughing up appears unusual." 3433,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing difficulty breathing, accompanied by discomfort, excessive sweating, and congestion. The mucus in my throat and chest feels thick and painful, causing labored breathing. Additionally, the phlegm I'm coughing up appears unusual in color." 3434,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing difficulty breathing, feeling unwell and excessively sweaty. My throat and chest are congested with a thick mucus, making every breath laborious. The phlegm I'm coughing up appears unusual in color." 4715,Migraine,"I've experienced recurring visual disturbances, with objects appearing distorted, and persistent issues with my eyesight." 4716,Migraine,"I've been experiencing visual disturbances, including blurred vision and double vision, which have caused difficulties with my eyesight." 4717,Migraine,"I've been experiencing issues with my vision, including distortions, blurriness, and difficulties with eyesight." 4718,Migraine,"I've been experiencing visual disturbances, with distorted visions and eye issues." 4719,Migraine,"I've been experiencing blurred vision and distorted perceptions, along with issues with my eyesight." 2140,Chicken pox,"I'm concerned about the red rash on my skin, which is rapidly spreading and causing significant issues. Additionally, I've been experiencing mild fever and headaches at night." 2141,Chicken pox,"I'm concerned about the red spots on my skin that are rapidly spreading and causing issues. Additionally, I've experienced a mild fever and headaches at night." 2142,Chicken pox,"I'm concerned about the red spots on my skin, which are spreading quickly and causing issues. Additionally, I've been experiencing mild fever and headaches at night." 2143,Chicken pox,"I'm concerned about the sudden appearance of red spots on my skin, which is spreading quickly and causing issues. Additionally, I've been experiencing mild fever and headaches at night." 2144,Chicken pox,"I'm concerned about the red rash that's appeared on my skin, which is spreading quickly and causing issues. Additionally, I've been experiencing a mild fever and headaches every evening." 2555,Dengue,"I'm having a severe reaction with intense body pain, a persistent headache, and repeated episodes of vomiting. I've also noticed widespread red rashes covering my skin, accompanied by excruciating itching sensations." 2556,Dengue,"I'm currently dealing with intense physical discomfort, including a pounding headache, nausea leading to vomiting, and a widespread rash characterized by red spots covering my skin, accompanied by severe itchiness." 2557,Dengue,"I'm having a severe reaction with excruciating body pain, debilitating headaches, and frequent vomiting. Additionally, I've developed widespread red rashes that are causing intense itchiness." 2558,Dengue,"I'm suffering from severe physical discomfort, including excruciating headaches and nausea, accompanied by widespread red rash covering my skin, which is causing intense itching." 2559,Dengue,"I'm having a severe reaction with intense body aches, migrainelike headaches, and episodes of vomiting. I've also developed widespread red skin lesions causing severe itching." 2380,Impetigo,"The crusts on my nasal sores are now hardened and tender, making it uncomfortable to touch them. Previously, they would discharge a yellowrust colored liquid. Unfortunately, the treatment has been slower than expected in resolving the issue." 2381,Impetigo,"I've experienced crusty, stubborn nasal sores that are tender to the touch. Initially, they released a yellowish discharge, but it's been challenging for me to find relief using medications." 2382,Impetigo,"My nasal lesions have formed crusts, making them uncomfortable to touch. Previously, they would discharge a yellowishorange substance. Unfortunately, my treatment progress has been slower than expected." 2383,Impetigo,"My nasal sores have progressed to crusty scabs, making them painful to the touch. Initially, they would discharge a yellowishrust colored liquid. Unfortunately, my recovery is taking longer than expected despite treatment." 2384,Impetigo,"I've developed crusty nasal sores that are now sensitive to the touch, whereas previously they would ooze a yellowishrust colored discharge. The healing process has been slower than expected despite treatment." 3635,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been dealing with persistent constipation, accompanied by discomforting pain during bowel movements. Furthermore, my anal area has become excruciatingly sensitive, resulting in bleeding upon defecation. The overall experience is quite distressing and leaves me feeling uneasy." 3636,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been dealing with persistent constipation, accompanied by discomforting bowel movement experiences. The area around my anus has become tender and sensitive, leading to occasional bleeding. This is causing significant pain and unease for me." 3637,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been struggling with constipation and discomfort while having bowel movements. My rectal area has become irritated, tender, and even bleeding at times, causing significant pain and unease." 3638,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been struggling with constipation, accompanied by discomfort and pain during bowel movements. My anal area has become quite sore and has started to bleed, making each trip to the bathroom a painful experience." 3639,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been dealing with persistent constipation, accompanied by discomforting pain during bowel movements. My rectal area has become increasingly sensitive, leading to noticeable soreness and occasional bleeding. The experience is quite painful and leaves me feeling uneasy." 6995,diabetes,"I've been experiencing a persistent dry cough, along with lingering infections that don't appear to be resolving on their own. Additionally, I've noticed palpitations and a recurring issue with a sore throat that doesn't seem to clear up." 6996,diabetes,"I'm experiencing a chronic dry cough, and my infections aren't responding well to treatment. Additionally, I've noticed an irregular heartbeat palpitations and a recurring sore throat that persists." 6997,diabetes,"I'm experiencing a persistent dry cough, along with slowhealing infections and palpitations. Additionally, I've been dealing with a recurring sore throat issue that doesn't seem to resolve." 6998,diabetes,"I'm experiencing a persistent dry cough, along with unresponsive infections and palpitations. Additionally, I've been dealing with recurring sore throats that don't seem to resolve." 6999,diabetes,"I'm experiencing a chronic dry cough, despite not seeing improvement in my infection symptoms. Additionally, I've been dealing with palpitations and a persistent sore throat issue that seems to persist." 3995,Acne,"I've noticed some changes in my skin lately I'm dealing with acne that's causing inflamed pustules and clogged pores, and it's also been quite flaky." 3996,Acne,"I've been dealing with a skin issue lately, characterized by numerous pusfilled pimples and blackheads. Additionally, my skin has become quite flaky." 3997,Acne,"I've recently noticed some issues with my skin, including breakouts featuring pusfilled acne and blackheads. Additionally, my skin has been experiencing excessive flakiness or scaling." 3998,Acne,"Recently, I've noticed an outbreak of acne on my skin, characterized by numerous pusfilled pimples and blackheads. Additionally, my skin has been experiencing excessive flaking." 3999,Acne,"I've recently noticed that my skin has been breaking out into a rash characterized by numerous pimples filled with pus as well as blackheads. Additionally, I've observed significant scarring on my skin." 1785,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue and a general sense of weakness that I'm struggling to overcome. The accompanying nausea and vomiting have completely taken away my appetite. Additionally, I'm concerned about the recurring stomach discomfort." 1786,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing persistent exhaustion and weakness. The associated vomiting and nausea have eliminated my appetite altogether. Additionally, I'm worried about recurring stomach pain." 1787,Typhoid,"I'm experiencing persistent fatigue and weakness. The accompanying nausea and vomiting have completely eliminated my appetite. Additionally, I'm troubled by persistent stomach pain." 1788,Typhoid,"I've been struggling with persistent exhaustion and fatigue, accompanied by a loss of appetite due to ongoing nausea and vomiting. Additionally, I'm experiencing abdominal pain that's worrying me." 1789,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing persistent exhaustion and weakness, despite trying to shake it off. The constant nausea and vomiting have completely eliminated my appetite, leaving me feeling drained. Additionally, I'm worried about the recurring stomach pain." 4385,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been struggling with persistent coughing, breathing issues, and fatigue, which have made daily activities challenging. To make matters worse, I'm experiencing excessive production of thick mucus and a high fever. Right now, I'm feeling quite unwell due to the overwhelming exhaustion." 4386,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been struggling with persistent symptoms like coughing, shortness of breath, and fatigue. My respiratory issues have worsened with thick mucus production and frequent fevers, leaving me feeling quite unwell and exhausted." 4387,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been struggling with a persistent cough, labored breathing, and overwhelming fatigue. My symptoms have included producing an abnormal amount of thick mucus, accompanied by a high fever. As a result, I'm feeling quite unwell due to my overall exhaustion." 4388,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm struggling with persistent symptoms that are really taking a toll on me. A chronic cough, breathing issues, and constant fatigue have left me feeling drained. To make matters worse, I've been producing excessive amounts of thick mucus and battling a fever. Overall, my health is quite poor right now due to the exhaustion and discomfort I'm experiencing." 4389,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm struggling with persistent issues a stubborn cough, breathing difficulties, and overwhelming fatigue. My body is producing an excessive amount of thick mucus, accompanied by a high fever. To be honest, I'm feeling quite unwell and exhausted, making everyday tasks feel like a huge burden." 6835,peptic ulcer disease,"I've been experiencing stomach issues which affect my sleep, making it difficult for me to fall asleep or stay asleep. Additionally, even simple tasks like using the bathroom leave me feeling drained. My appetite has also taken a hit. On top of that, I'm consistently on edge and feel quite anxious." 6836,peptic ulcer disease,"I've been experiencing some digestive issues that are affecting my sleep quality it's hard for me to fall asleep and stay asleep as a result. Additionally, even simple activities like using the restroom leave me feeling drained. My appetite has also taken a hit, and I'm feeling anxious most of the time." 6837,peptic ulcer disease,"I've been experiencing some digestive issues that are affecting my sleep patterns, making it hard for me to fall asleep or stay asleep. Additionally, even simple tasks like using the bathroom leave me feeling exhausted. My appetite has also taken a hit as a result. To make matters worse, I'm feeling pretty anxious all the time, which is only adding to my overall discomfort." 6838,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing persistent stomach issues that make it challenging for me to fall asleep or stay asleep. Even after using the restroom, I feel drained of energy. My appetite has also decreased significantly. On top of this, I'm constantly feeling anxious and nervous." 6839,peptic ulcer disease,"I've been experiencing stomach issues that are affecting my sleep, making it difficult for me to fall asleep or stay asleep. Even when I do manage to sleep, I wake up feeling exhausted from having used the bathroom. Additionally, my appetite has decreased significantly and I often feel anxious and on edge, even during calm moments." 4950,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been dealing with intense discomfort in my back, accompanied by a persistent cough and fatigue in my limbs. Additionally, I'm experiencing neck pain and frequent episodes of dizziness, which makes me feel unsteady and off balance." 4951,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been plagued by debilitating symptoms including chronic back pain, a stubborn cough, and muscle weakness affecting my limbs. Additionally, I'm experiencing discomfort in my neck and suffering from dizziness and unsteadiness." 4952,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been struggling with intense backaches, a stubborn cough, and fatigue in my arms and legs. Additionally, my neck has been throbbing, leaving me feeling lightheaded and unsteady." 4953,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been plagued by intense backaches, a relentless cough, and fatigue that's affecting my entire body. To make matters worse, my neck is throbbing and I've been feeling lightheaded and unstable on my feet." 4954,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been plagued by intense backaches, a stubborn cough that won't quit, and noticeable fatigue in my extremities. To top it off, my neck is throbbing with discomfort and I've been struggling with dizziness and loss of equilibrium." 3760,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing recurring issues with neck muscle weakness and stiffness, which has caused my joints to swell and made walking a challenging and painful endeavor." 3761,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent neck muscle weakness and stiffness lately, accompanied by swollen joints that make walking a painful and stiffening ordeal." 3762,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent neck weakness and stiffness, accompanied by joint swelling that makes walking painful and challenging. Additionally, my walks are now characterized by discomfort and stiffness, making everyday activities increasingly arduous." 3763,Arthritis,"I've experienced a decline in my neck mobility, accompanied by persistent muscle weakness and stiffness. Additionally, my joints have swollen and I struggle with walking due to significant discomfort and stiffness, making even short walks feel agonizing." 3764,Arthritis,"I've experienced a decline in neck strength and flexibility, accompanied by joint swelling, which makes walking painful and arduous due to stiffness." 4365,Bronchial Asthma,"To be honest, I've been struggling with a severe case of fever, persistent cough, and labored breathing. Furthermore, I've noticed excessive production of thick, yellowish mucus when I cough, leaving me feeling drained and exhausted." 4366,Bronchial Asthma,"To be honest, I've been experiencing symptoms like a high fever, persistent cough, and difficulty breathing. What's more, I've been producing an excessive amount of sticky phlegm while coughing, which has left me feeling exhausted and drained." 4367,Bronchial Asthma,"To be honest, I've been dealing with a stubborn fever, a relentless cough, and labored breathing. To make matters worse, I've been producing an excessive amount of viscous phlegm when I cough, leaving me feeling utterly drained and exhausted." 4368,Bronchial Asthma,"To be honest, I've been dealing with a rather unpleasant combination of symptoms a fever that's lingered for some time, a persistent cough, and difficulty breathing. What's more, I've noticed a significant amount of thick mucus in my saliva and have generally felt drained and exhausted." 4369,Bronchial Asthma,"To be honest, I've been struggling with a severe cold fever, persistent cough, and labored breathing have left me exhausted and drained. The constant coughing has also brought up thick mucus, further depleting my energy." 5125,Cervical spondylosis,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms including debilitating back pain, persistent coughing, and muscle weakness throughout my body. Additionally, I've been struggling with dizziness, balance issues, and neck discomfort." 5126,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing severe symptoms including chronic back discomfort, recurring coughing episodes, muscle fatigue affecting both upper and lower limbs, as well as difficulties with equilibrium and coordination, which are accompanied by persistent neck pain." 5127,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing chronic discomfort, including severe back pain, a stubborn cough, and muscle weakness throughout my body. Additionally, I struggle with dizziness, balance issues, and persistent neck pain." 5128,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing chronic discomfort, including severe back pain, persistent coughing, and muscle weakness throughout my body. Additionally, I've struggled with dizziness, balance problems, and recurring neck pain." 5129,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing severe discomfort, including chronic back pain, a stubborn cough, and muscle weakness in my extremities. Additionally, I've struggled with lightheadedness, loss of balance, and persistent neck pain." 6230,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing a decreased appetite, along with trouble swallowing. I frequently feel persistently full, even when consuming light meals. Additionally, I often vomit, accompanied by heartburn and a tingling sensation in my throat." 6231,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing a lack of appetite and trouble swallowing. I frequently feel persistently full, even with small meals. Additionally, I often experience vomiting, heartburn, and a tingling sensation in my throat." 6232,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing a decreased desire to eat loss of appetite and struggling with swallowing. Despite consuming small portions, I frequently feel persistently full. This is accompanied by frequent vomiting, heartburn, and a tingling sensation in my throat." 6233,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing a lack of appetite, difficulty swallowing, and persistent feelings of fullness despite eating small portions. Additionally, I frequently experience nausea leading to vomiting, as well as heartburn and a tingling sensation in my throat." 6234,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing a lack of hunger and trouble consuming food. Despite eating smaller portions, I frequently feel persistently full. This is often accompanied by nausea, frequent vomiting, and symptoms like heartburn and a tingling sensation in my throat." 5460,Malaria,"I'm experiencing symptoms including fever, nausea with vomiting, chills, intense itching, headaches, excessive sweating, queasiness, and muscle pain." 5461,Malaria,"I've been experiencing severe symptoms including fever, nausea, chills, pruritus, and profuse sweating. Additionally, I'm complaining of headaches, muscle aches, and general discomfort." 5462,Malaria,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including fever, nausea, chills, intense itching, headaches, excessive sweating, queasiness, and significant muscle pain." 5463,Malaria,"I've been experiencing symptoms such as fever, nausea, chills, severe itchiness, headaches, excessive sweating, and muscle soreness." 5464,Malaria,"I'm experiencing symptoms of fever, nausea, shivering, pruritus, and profuse sweating. Additionally, I have a headache, excessive perspiration, and muscle discomfort." 1830,Typhoid,"I'm struggling with sleep due to my persistent high fever and migrainelike headache. Additionally, my stomach is constantly aching, making it impossible for me to attend work as usual." 1831,Typhoid,"I'm struggling with insomnia due to my persistent fever and headache. Additionally, I'm experiencing recurring stomach pain that's making it impossible for me to attend work." 1832,Typhoid,"I'm struggling with sleep due to my ongoing fever and throbbing headache. On top of that, I've been experiencing persistent stomach discomfort, making it impossible for me to head to work." 1833,Typhoid,"I'm struggling with poor sleep due to my elevated fever and persistent headache. Additionally, I'm experiencing recurring abdominal discomfort, making it difficult for me to attend work." 1834,Typhoid,"Due to my ongoing high fever, debilitating headache, and persistent stomach discomfort, I'm struggling to get any restful sleep. Unfortunately, these symptoms are so severe that I'm unable to attend work as usual." 1780,Typhoid,"I'm having intense abdominal discomfort accompanied by constipation. Each evening, I'm also plagued by fever, chills, and headache symptoms. The past few days have been particularly challenging." 1781,Typhoid,"I'm currently dealing with intense stomach cramps and bowel issues. Additionally, every evening is marked by a high fever, accompanied by shivering and migraines. These past few days have been particularly distressing." 1782,Typhoid,"I'm currently dealing with intense abdominal cramps and persistent constipation. Additionally, I've been waking up each morning with a highgrade fever accompanied by chilling sensations and debilitating headaches. These past few days have been particularly unbearable." 1783,Typhoid,"I'm currently dealing with intense abdominal discomfort accompanied by persistent constipation. Additionally, every evening I develop a high fever, which is often accompanied by chills and headaches. The past few days have been quite miserable." 1784,Typhoid,"I'm currently dealing with intense abdominal cramps and bowel obstruction, accompanied by recurring high fevers, shivering, and migraines every evening. The past few days have been extremely unpleasant." 3565,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,I'm struggling with bowel movements that are excruciatingly painful and often accompanied by bleeding. The experience is also leaving me with persistent rectal itchiness and discomfort. 3566,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I'm experiencing significant discomfort while using the restroom, which often causes me pain. Additionally, my bowel movements are accompanied by blood, and I'm experiencing persistent anal irritation and tenderness." 3567,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I'm struggling with using the restroom due to severe discomfort. When I do manage to go, it causes me significant pain. Additionally, I've noticed blood in my stools, accompanied by persistent anal itching and irritation." 3568,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"Using the restroom is extremely challenging for me, accompanied by significant discomfort and pain. My bowel movements are often accompanied by blood, and I experience persistent anal itching and irritation." 3569,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I'm experiencing significant discomfort and pain when using the bathroom. The process is extremely challenging for me, and afterwards, I often feel severe discomfort in my rectal area. Additionally, I've noticed blood in my stool, persistent itching around my anus, and ongoing irritation in that region." 4900,Migraine,"I've been dealing with a range of physical and emotional symptoms, including blurred vision, excessive hunger, a stiff neck, feelings of sadness and frustration, recurring headaches, as well as persistent issues like heartburn, acid reflux, and digestive discomfort." 4901,Migraine,"In addition to my other symptoms, I've also been plagued by heartburn, acid reflux, and indigestion." 4902,Migraine,"In addition to physical symptoms like vision difficulties, excessive hunger, neck stiffness, sadness, irritability, and recurring headaches, I've also been struggling with heartburn, acid reflux, and digestive discomfort." 4903,Migraine,"I've been dealing with a range of physical and emotional symptoms, including blurred vision, excessive hunger, neck strain, depression, irritability, frequent headaches, as well as persistent issues with heartburn, acid reflux, and digestive discomfort." 4904,Migraine,"I've been dealing with a range of discomforts, including impaired vision, heightened hunger, neck stiffness, sadness, irritability, frequent headaches, as well as recurring issues like heartburn, acid reflux, and digestive troubles." 6160,allergy,"I experience respiratory difficulties, often struggling to catch my breath. Additionally, I'm plagued by facial and torso swelling, eye discomfort, and a persistent, dry cough." 6161,allergy,"I experience respiratory difficulties, frequently becoming winded. Additionally, I suffer from facial and upper body swelling, eye discomfort, and a persistent, dry cough." 6162,allergy,"I experience shortness of breath and fatigue. I also suffer from facial and torso swelling, eye discomfort, and a persistent, dry cough." 6163,allergy,"I experience difficulty breathing and become winded quickly. Additionally, I am plagued by facial and torso swelling, eye discomfort, and a persistent, dry cough." 6164,allergy,"I experience difficulty breathing, often feeling winded easily. I've also noticed swelling in my facial and torso areas, accompanied by eye discomfort and a persistent, dry cough." 1485,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing persistent calf cramping that's hindering my ability to walk comfortably. Additionally, I often feel fatigued after sustained periods of physical activity, which I attribute to my weight and potential obesity." 1486,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing persistent calf cramping that's impacting my mobility, especially during extended periods of physical activity. Additionally, I often feel fatigued shortly after working. I suspect my weight may be contributing to these issues." 1487,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing persistent calf cramps that make walking challenging, and I often feel exhausted after working for a while. I suspect my obesity may be contributing to these issues." 1488,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing persistent calf cramps that make walking challenging, and I often feel exhausted after working for a while. I attribute these symptoms to my weight and suspect that obesity may be the underlying cause." 1489,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing persistent calf cramps that hinder my ability to walk comfortably. Additionally, I often feel fatigued after working, which may be linked to my current weight status and potentially contributing to these issues." 4215,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue, along with a stubborn dry cough and shortness of breath. Recently, my fever has spiked to extremely high levels, accompanied by frequent and intense coughing spells that produce copious amounts of thick, sticky mucus." 4216,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue, a nagging dry cough, and shortness of breath. Additionally, I'm struggling with a severe fever and frequent hacking to clear my airways, which has resulted in expectorating a significant amount of thick, yellowish phlegm." 4217,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue, a dry hacking cough, and difficulty breathing. Lately, I've developed a severe fever and am consistently bringing up copious amounts of thick, sticky mucus when I cough." 4218,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue, along with a lingering dry cough and difficulty breathing. Additionally, I'm currently dealing with a severe highgrade fever, accompanied by frequent and productive coughing that produces thick, yellowish mucus." 4219,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue, a lingering dry cough, and difficulty breathing. Recently, I've developed a severe fever accompanied by profuse coughing that produces copious amounts of sticky, mucuslike phlegm." 5130,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been struggling with chronic discomfort, including excruciating back pain, a lingering cough, and numbness or tingling sensations in my extremities. Additionally, I've experienced recurring episodes of dizziness, balance problems, and persistent pain in my neck." 5131,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been struggling with excruciating back pain, as well as chronic discomforts including a nagging cough, numbness in my arms and legs, and difficulties with equilibrium and balance. Additionally, I'm experiencing persistent pain in my neck." 5132,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been dealing with a range of symptoms including debilitating back pain, a lingering cough, and tingling sensations in my extremities. I've also noticed difficulties with equilibrium, vertigo, and persistent discomfort in my neck." 5133,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been struggling with chronic back pain, coupled with recurring respiratory problems, numbness and tingling sensations in my extremities, and persistent issues with dizziness and equilibrium. Additionally, I'm dealing with neck discomfort." 5134,Cervical spondylosis,"I'm currently experiencing chronic discomfort, including excruciating back pain, a lingering cough, and numbness in both my arms and legs. Additionally, I've noticed recurring episodes of vertigo, balance difficulties, and persistent neck pain." 6050,allergy,"I'm plagued by persistent respiratory issues frequent sneezing, a runny nose, and relentless coughing that leaves my eyes feeling sore and watery. To top it off, I've got a perpetual headache." 6051,allergy,"I'm plagued by a persistent trifecta of symptoms frequent sneezing, constant nasal discharge, and recurring bouts of coughing. To top it off, my eyes are perpetually irritated, leading to excessive watering and discomfort, while my head remains chronically sore and throbbing." 6052,allergy,"I often experience excessive sneezing, nasal discharge, and persistent coughing, accompanied by eye irritation and tearing. Moreover, I consistently suffer from headaches." 6053,allergy,"I experience frequent sneezing, nasal discharge, persistent coughing, and ongoing discomfort in my eyes, eyesight, and head, causing persistent soreness, itchiness, and watery sensation." 6054,allergy,"I'm plagued by recurring symptoms of congestion and discomfort. Frequent sneezing, runny nose, and persistent coughing have left me with sore, itchy eyes and a constant headache." 4480,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing difficulties with mobility, accompanied by physical symptoms such as headaches, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness. Additionally, I've struggled with maintaining my concentration and focus." 4481,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing physical symptoms such as difficulty walking, headaches, chest pain, and dizziness, along with mental struggles including impaired concentration and diminished focus." 4482,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing physical discomfort while walking, including headaches, chest pain, and dizziness. Additionally, I've struggled with maintaining my concentration and focus." 4483,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing difficulties with physical symptoms such as unsteadiness while walking, headaches, chest pain, and dizziness, as well as mental struggles including impaired concentration and focus." 4484,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing difficulties with mobility, accompanied by physical symptoms such as headaches, chest discomfort, and dizziness. Additionally, I've found it tough to maintain my concentration and focus." 5710,urinary tract infection,"I experience a burning sensation while urinating, occasionally accompanied by significant discomfort and strongsmelling urine. Additionally, I've noticed an increase in nocturnal urges to void." 5711,urinary tract infection,"I experience a burning sensation while urinating, often accompanied by intense discomfort and unpleasantsmelling urine. Recently, I've noticed an increase in nighttime urges to use the bathroom." 5712,urinary tract infection,"I experience a strong burning feeling when I urinate, occasionally accompanied by significant discomfort and foulsmelling urine. Additionally, I've noticed an increase in my need to use the bathroom during nighttime hours." 5713,urinary tract infection,"I experience a burning sensation during urination, accompanied by occasional severe pain and unpleasantly smelly urine. Additionally, I've noticed an increase in nighttime urges to void." 5714,urinary tract infection,"I experience a burning sensation during urination, often accompanied by significant discomfort and a strong unpleasant odor. Additionally, I've noticed an increase in nighttime urges to use the bathroom." 5805,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing hematuria blood in urine and occasional dysuria discomfort during urination. Additionally, I've noticed feverish temperatures at night and an unpleasant odor emanating from my urine." 5806,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing hematuria blood in urine and occasional nausea when urinating, along with nocturnal hyperthermia high body temperature at night and an unpleasant odor emanating from my urine. I'm seeking assistance" 5807,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing symptoms of hematuria, where blood is present in my urine, accompanied by occasional nausea during urination. Additionally, I've been noticing elevated body temperatures at night and a strong, unpleasant odor emanating from my urine. Please assist." 5808,urinary tract infection,"You're experiencing some concerning symptoms, including hematuria blood in your urine, dysuria discomfort or queasiness during urination, nocturnal fever, and a strong or unpleasant odor emanating from your urine. It's crucial to seek medical attention to identify the underlying cause and receive proper treatment." 5809,urinary tract infection,"I experience occasional hematuria blood in urine accompanied by episodes of nausea when voiding. Furthermore, I often wake up with elevated body temperatures and am plagued by an unpleasant odor emanating from my urine. Urgent assistance is needed" 1725,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort from fatigue, which has made it challenging to carry out my daily tasks. Additionally, I'm struggling with feelings of sadness and irritability. I also have a lowgrade ache in my abdomen." 1726,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing debilitating fatigue, making it hard to perform daily tasks. Additionally, I'm struggling with persistent depression and irritability, which are affecting my overall wellbeing. Mild abdominal pain has also become a concerning issue for me." 1727,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing extreme fatigue, making it challenging to perform daily tasks. Additionally, I'm struggling with depression and irritability. Mild abdominal discomfort has also been a persistent issue for me." 1728,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing unbearable fatigue that's made it hard for me to do things I normally enjoy. On top of that, I've been struggling with persistent feelings of depression and irritability. Additionally, I've noticed some mild abdominal discomfort." 1729,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing intense fatigue that's made it hard for me to do everyday things, accompanied by feelings of depression and irritability. Additionally, I'm noticing mild abdominal discomfort." 4375,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing a lingering cough, difficulty breathing, and overwhelming fatigue. My cough produces copious amounts of thick mucus, accompanied by a high fever. This combination has left me feeling incredibly drained and unwell." 4376,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been dealing with a persistent cough, shortness of breath, and overwhelming fatigue. My cough is accompanied by thick, sticky phlegm and a high temperature, leaving me extremely fatigued and unwell at this point." 4377,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing a persistent cough, labored breathing, and overwhelming fatigue. My cough is particularly troublesome, as it often brings up thick, mucuslike phlegm. Accompanying this are frequent fevers, which have left me feeling weak and unwell." 4378,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent symptoms, including a stubborn cough, difficulty breathing, and extreme fatigue. My cough produces copious amounts of thick, phlegmy mucus, accompanied by a fever. This combination has left me feeling drained and quite unwell." 4379,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing a persistent cough, difficulty breathing, and debilitating exhaustion. The cough is producing thick, yellowish mucus that's draining my energy, accompanied by a high fever that's leaving me feeling quite unwell and drained." 3045,Common Cold,"I consistently experience redness and itchiness in my eyes, as well as nasal congestion and stuffiness. I often feel fatigued and unwell, accompanied by frequent coughing and the production of phlegmlike substance. My throat is persistently sore and irritated, and I've observed that the bumps on my neck have grown larger than usual." 3046,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing persistent eye irritation, accompanied by a stuffy and congested nose. I often feel unwell and exhausted, with frequent coughing episodes and a scratchy throat. Additionally, I've noticed an unusual increase in the size of the bumps on my neck." 3047,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing persistent symptoms including red, itchy eyes, a stuffy and congested nose, constant fatigue, and recurring coughing fits. Additionally, my throat feels sore and scratchy, and I've noticed an unusual increase in the size of the bumps on my neck." 3048,Common Cold,"I consistently experience redness and itchiness in my eyes, along with nasal congestion. I often feel unwell, tired, and congested, accompanied by frequent coughing fits that produce a lot of phlegm. My throat is usually sore and irritated, and I've noticed an increase in the size of the bumps on my neck." 3049,Common Cold,"I'm consistently plagued by dry, itchy eyes, a stuffy and congested nose, and general feelings of fatigue and sickness. I've been coughing up a lot of mucus lately, which is unpleasant. Additionally, my throat feels irritated and my neck bumps appear larger than usual." 2540,Dengue,"I've been experiencing stomach discomfort, along with a decrease in hunger and an overall sense of unease. Additionally, I'm noticing specific pain in my back and general muscle soreness." 2541,Dengue,"I've been experiencing persistent nausea, which has been compounded by a lack of appetite and overall sense of discomfort. Additionally, I'm struggling with a sharp pain in my back and noticeable muscle soreness." 2542,Dengue,"I've been experiencing a combination of symptoms, including nausea, loss of appetite, and an overall sense of unease. I'm also dealing with persistent discomfort in my back and muscle pain." 2543,Dengue,"I've been experiencing nausea along with a lack of appetite and overall discomfort. Additionally, I'm dealing with persistent back pain as well as muscle soreness." 2544,Dengue,"I've been experiencing persistent nausea, accompanied by a lack of appetite and an overall sense of discomfort. Additionally, I'm dealing with distinct back pain and muscle soreness." 4475,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing recurring symptoms including headaches, chest discomfort, lightheadedness, and difficulties with balance and coordination. Additionally, I've noticed it's become challenging for me to maintain focus and concentration." 4476,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing persistent symptoms including headaches, chest discomfort, lightheadedness, and difficulties with balance and coordination. Additionally, I've noticed it's become challenging for me to maintain my concentration and mental clarity." 4477,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing symptoms that include recurring headaches, chest discomfort, episodes of dizziness, and issues with maintaining my equilibrium. Additionally, I'm struggling to maintain my mental clarity and concentration." 4478,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing recurring symptoms including headaches, chest discomfort, lightheadedness, and difficulties with balance and coordination. Additionally, I've noticed significant challenges in maintaining mental clarity and focusing on tasks." 4479,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing recurring symptoms including headaches, chest discomfort, lightheadedness, and equilibrium issues, which have also made it challenging for me to maintain mental clarity and concentration." 1430,Psoriasis,"The constant discomfort from the rash has been making it hard for me to fall asleep at night. To make matters worse, the skin on my fingers is starting to peel and my nails are developing small cracks, which is quite concerning." 1431,Psoriasis,"I'm struggling with insomnia due to the discomfort and itching caused by the rash. To make matters worse, my finger skin is peeling off, and I've noticed small cracks on my nails it's a concern for me." 1432,Psoriasis,"I've struggled with sleep due to the persistent discomfort and itchiness caused by the rash. As a result, the skin on my fingers has started to flake off, and I'm concerned about the small cracks forming under my nails." 1433,Psoriasis,"I've been struggling with sleep due to the persistent discomfort and itching from the rash. To make matters worse, the skin on my fingers is starting to flake off and I'm noticing tiny cracks in my nails, which is causing me a lot of concern." 1434,Psoriasis,"The constant discomfort from the rash has been making it difficult for me to fall asleep. To make matters worse, the skin on my fingers is becoming increasingly irritated and peeling off, with small cracks forming at the base of my nails a concerning development that's causing me distress." 2945,Fungal infection,"I've broken out into a rash, with numerous red blotches covering my skin due to intense itching. Some of the patches are a different shade than my normal skin tone, and I've also developed small lumps or bumps on my skin." 2946,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing intense itching all over my body, resulting in red blotches that cover me extensively. Some of the patches have a different skin tone than mine, and I've also noticed lumps or bumps forming on my skin." 2947,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing intense itchiness all over, resulting in red blotches covering my body. Some patches have taken on a different hue than my natural skin tone, and I've also noticed lumps or bumps forming on my skin." 2948,Fungal infection,"I've developed red blotchy rashes all over my body, accompanied by intense itching and some areas that have taken on a different color than my normal skin tone. Additionally, I'm experiencing small lumps or bumps forming on my skin." 2949,Fungal infection,"I've broken out into a rash with red blotches covering my entire body, accompanied by intense itching and some areas exhibiting a different skin tone than my normal complexion. Additionally, small lumps or bumps have formed on my skin." 5065,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing a range of discomforts, including recurring back pain, persistent coughing fits, and numbness in both my arms and legs. Additionally, I've struggled with balance issues, feeling dizzy at times, and have also noticed stiffness and pain in my neck." 5066,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been dealing with persistent discomfort including back pain, chronic coughing fits, and numbness or tingling sensations in my limbs. Additionally, I've struggled with maintaining balance, experiencing frequent dizziness, and suffering from persistent neck pain." 5067,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing a range of symptoms that are impacting my daily life, including chronic back pain, a persistent cough, and numbness or tingling in my arms and legs. Additionally, I've noticed difficulty with balance and coordination, accompanied by occasional dizziness, and a painful neck." 5068,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been dealing with persistent discomfort, including backaches, a nagging cough, and numbnesstingling sensations in my extremities. Additionally, I've struggled with balance issues, dizziness, and neck pain." 5069,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomforts including back pain, a chronic cough, numbness or tingling sensations in my limbs, balance issues causing dizziness, and recurring neck pain." 2175,Chicken pox,"I'm consistently feeling exhausted, with persistent red rashes on my arms and back that become itchy when touched. This is causing me significant concern and uncertainty about how to address the issue." 2176,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing persistent fatigue daily, accompanied by widespread red spots on my arms and back that become itchy when touched. This is causing me significant concern and uncertainty about how to address the issue." 2177,Chicken pox,"I'm constantly feeling exhausted, and I've developed numerous red rashes on my arms and back that become itchy when touched. This is causing me significant distress and uncertainty about how to address the issue." 2178,Chicken pox,"I'm constantly fatigued, and I've noticed red patches covering my arms and back that become itchy when touched. I'm deeply concerned and unsure how to address this issue." 2179,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing persistent fatigue daily, accompanied by widespread red rashes on my arms and back that become itchy when touched. I'm deeply concerned and unsure of how to address this issue." 1710,Typhoid,"I've been struggling with recurring episodes of chills, fever, and excruciating abdominal pain, leaving me feeling utterly unwell and unable to recover from these persistent symptoms." 1711,Typhoid,"I've been struggling with recurring fevers, intense stomach cramps, and unrelenting chills, leaving me feeling utterly wretched." 1712,Typhoid,"I've been struggling with recurring episodes of chills, fever, and intense stomach cramps, leaving me feeling extremely unwell and unable to recover." 1713,Typhoid,"I've been dealing with a combination of chills, fever, and intense stomach cramps. To be honest, I'm feeling pretty unwell and haven't been able to kick this illness." 1714,Typhoid,"I've been struggling with recurring episodes of chilliness, fever, and intense stomach discomfort, leaving me feeling unwell and unable to recover." 1220,Psoriasis,"I experience small dents or pits on my fingernails, accompanied by inflammation and tenderness when touched. Additionally, I occasionally notice minor skin rashes on my arms." 1221,Psoriasis,"I've experienced nail issues characterized by small dents or pits, accompanied by inflammation and tenderness when touched. Additionally, I've developed minor rashes on my arms." 1222,Psoriasis,"I experience small indentations on my fingernails, accompanied by inflammation and tenderness when touched. Additionally, I occasionally notice minor rashes on my arms." 1223,Psoriasis,"I experience tiny dents or pits on my fingernails, which sometimes become inflamed and sensitive when touched. Additionally, I occasionally develop mild rashes on my arms." 1224,Psoriasis,"I experience small indentations on my fingernails accompanied by inflammation and tenderness when touched. Additionally, I notice minor rashes on my arms." 4295,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been dealing with a stubborn cough for days, accompanied by breathing difficulties. My fatigue is extreme, and my fever has reached an alarming level. Managing these symptoms has been a struggle, and I'm also consistently coughing up mucus. To be honest, my frustration is growing." 4296,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been dealing with a stubborn cough for days, accompanied by labored breathing and an unrelenting fever. I'm feeling incredibly weak and fatigued, and my body is struggling to cope with the constant mucus production. The overwhelming symptoms have left me frustrated and irritated." 4297,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing a stubborn cough for days, accompanied by breathing difficulties that have left me feeling weak, exhausted, and feverish. The constant struggle to manage these symptoms has taken its toll on my mental state as well, leading to frustration and anger towards everything around me." 4298,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been plagued by a stubborn cough for days, accompanied by labored breathing that leaves me feeling drained. The constant fever has left me weak and exhausted. Managing these symptoms is a daunting task, made worse by the fact that I'm consistently coughing up thick mucus. Frustration is building as I struggle to cope with everything." 4299,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been dealing with a persistent cough for days, accompanied by breathing difficulties that leave me feeling weak and exhausted. To make matters worse, my fever has spiked and it's been a struggle to manage all these symptoms. On top of that, I'm constantly coughing up thick mucus, which is frustrating enough. Lately, I've just been getting angrier with every passing moment." 6150,allergy,"I'm experiencing a variety of uncomfortable symptoms, including frequent sneezing, a runny nose, itchy and watery eyes, constant coughing, and recurring headaches." 6151,allergy,"I'm experiencing a persistent cold or allergy symptoms, characterized by frequent sneezing, runny nose, itchy and watery eyes, hoarse voice, and persistent headaches." 6152,allergy,"I'm experiencing frequent sneezing, a runny nose, and constant congestion, which is also affecting my eyes, causing them to feel itchy and teary. Additionally, I'm suffering from persistent headaches and a hoarse throat." 6153,allergy,"I'm experiencing a range of uncomfortable symptoms excessive sneezing, a runny nose, itchy and watery eyes, recurring coughs, and persistent headaches." 6154,allergy,"I'm experiencing some unpleasant symptoms excessive sneezing, congestion in my nose, itchy and watery eyes, frequent coughing, and a persistent headache." 1460,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing unexplained bruising on my legs, accompanied by visible blood vessels just beneath the surface of my skin. Additionally, I'm carrying a few extra pounds and it's causing me significant concern." 1461,Varicose Veins,"I'm concerned about unexplained bruising on my legs, accompanied by visible blood vessels underneath the skin. As an added concern, I'm also dealing with obesity, which is causing me significant anxiety." 1462,Varicose Veins,"I've noticed unexplained bruising on my legs, accompanied by visible blood vessels just beneath the surface of my skin. As someone who's also dealing with slight obesity, I'm becoming increasingly concerned about these unusual physical developments." 1463,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing unexplained bruising on my legs, accompanied by visible blood vessels just beneath the surface of my skin. Additionally, I'm concerned about being slightly overweight and would appreciate any guidance or reassurance you can offer." 1464,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing unexplained bruising on my legs, accompanied by visible blood vessels just beneath the skin's surface. Additionally, I'm carrying a few extra pounds and this is causing me significant concern." 2515,Dengue,"I've been struggling with intense, persistent joint pain that's quite unbearable. On top of that, I'm experiencing frequent headaches and a mild fever, along with chills, which is really concerning me." 2516,Dengue,"I've been dealing with excruciating joint pain that feels like a persistent ache. Additionally, I'm experiencing frequent headaches and have developed a mild fever accompanied by chills." 2517,Dengue,"I've been dealing with intense joint pain that persists constantly, accompanied by a dull ache. Additionally, my headaches have become frequent and I'm now experiencing mild fever symptoms, including chills." 2518,Dengue,"I've been dealing with excruciating joint pain that's persistent and feels like a perpetual ache. Additionally, my headaches have become frequent and I'm now experiencing mild fever symptoms along with chills." 2519,Dengue,"I've been plagued by intense joint pain that's persistent and feels like a nagging ache. On top of that, my head has been throbbing most of the time, along with mild fever and chills." 6660,drug reaction,"I've experienced significant weight gain, resulting in my current body shape. I'm also struggling with strong food urges and cravings." 6661,drug reaction,"I've experienced significant weight gain, resulting in a larger physique. I'm also susceptible to strong food desires and impulses." 6662,drug reaction,"I've experienced significant weight gain, resulting in a current physical appearance that's heavier than I'd like. I'm also struggling with intense cravings and strong desires for certain foods." 6663,drug reaction,"I've experienced significant weight gain, resulting in my current physical state. I'm also struggling with intense food cravings and urges that can be overwhelming at times." 6664,drug reaction,"I've experienced significant weight gain, resulting in a higher body mass index. I struggle with strong food cravings and temptations." 3415,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing a fever and difficulty breathing. I've been excessively sweating and feeling generally unwell and weak. Additionally, I've noticed thick, black mucus. My heart is racing rapidly, and my chest area is painful." 3416,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing a fever, having difficulty breathing, and feeling extremely hot and unwell. Additionally, I've noticed thick, black mucus and am experiencing rapid heartbeat and chest pain." 3417,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing fever symptoms, including difficulty breathing, excessive sweating, general weakness, and overall malaise. I've also noticed a significant amount of dark mucus. Furthermore, my heartbeat is rapid and my chest feels constricted." 3418,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing a fever and difficulty breathing. I've been excessively sweating and generally feeling unwell and weak. Additionally, I've produced thick, black mucus. My heart is racing rapidly, and my chest is in discomfort." 3419,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing symptoms of illness a fever, difficulty breathing, excessive sweating, weakness, and discomfort. Additionally, I've noticed thick, dark mucus and have been feeling chest pain and rapid heartbeat." 6055,allergy,"I'm experiencing a sore throat, accompanied by frequent sneezing episodes. Additionally, I've noticed swelling around my eyes and lips at times. When I start sneezing, it's hard for me to stop" 6056,allergy,"I'm experiencing discomfort from a sore throat, accompanied by frequent sneezing episodes. Additionally, I've noticed swelling around my eye area and mouth. Once I start sneezing, it's hard for me to stop" 6057,allergy,"I'm experiencing symptoms of a sore throat, frequent sneezing, and occasional swelling around my eyes and lips. Once I start sneezing, it's hard to stop" 6058,allergy,"I'm experiencing a persistent sore throat, accompanied by frequent sneezing episodes. Additionally, the skin around my eyes and mouth tends to swell occasionally. When I start sneezing, I often lose control and can't seem to stop" 6059,allergy,"I'm experiencing a sore throat, accompanied by frequent sneezing. Additionally, I've noticed swelling around my eyes and lips at times. When I start sneezing, I often lose control and can't seem to stop" 5110,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been struggling with muscle weakness, which has led to persistent back pain. Additionally, I've noticed dizziness and unsteadiness when walking, accompanied by neck discomfort." 5111,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been struggling with weak muscles, which has led to persistent back pain. Additionally, I've noticed myself feeling dizzy and unsteady on my feet, and I'm also experiencing discomfort in my neck." 5112,Cervical spondylosis,"I've noticed a decline in my muscle strength, which has led to discomfort and pain in my back. Additionally, I've been experiencing dizziness and instability when standing upright, accompanied by soreness in my neck." 5113,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been struggling with weakness in my muscles, which has led to recurring back pain. Additionally, I've noticed a decrease in my balance and stability, causing me to feel lightheaded and unsteady on my feet. Furthermore, I've developed persistent neck discomfort." 5114,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been struggling with muscle weakness, which has led to persistent back pain. Additionally, I've noticed dizziness when standing, along with discomfort in my neck." 5430,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including intense itching, frequent vomiting, persistent fatigue, significant weight loss, and a highgrade fever accompanied by jaundice yellow discoloration of the skin. Additionally, my urine has turned dark and I'm dealing with persistent abdominal pain." 5431,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including incessant itching, persistent nausea with vomiting, debilitating fatigue, and significant weight loss. My body temperature is elevated, accompanied by a yellowish discoloration of my skin. Additionally, my urine has turned dark and I've been plagued by recurring abdominal pain." 5432,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including uncontrollable itching, frequent vomiting, persistent exhaustion, and significant weight loss. My temperature is elevated, my skin has taken on a yellow hue, and my urine appears darker than normal. Additionally, I'm plagued by recurring abdominal cramps." 5433,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including intense itching, persistent vomiting, extreme fatigue, significant weight loss, a high fever, jaundiced skin, dark urine, and persistent abdominal pain." 5434,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including persistent itching, frequent vomiting, extreme fatigue, significant weight loss, and a highgrade fever with jaundice. Additionally, my urine is discolored and I've developed recurring abdominal pain." 4655,Hypertension,"After feeling normal all day, I experienced a sudden onset of symptoms including a headache, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness while driving home from work. Since then, it's been challenging for me to maintain my attention and focus on the road." 4656,Hypertension,"I've been doing well today, but around the time I was driving home from work, my symptoms took a sudden turn for the worse I developed a headache, chest pain, and dizziness, making it challenging for me to stay focused on the road." 4657,Hypertension,"I've been feeling great all day, but my mood took a sudden turn when I experienced a severe headache, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness while driving home from work. Since then, it's been challenging for me to stay focused on the road." 4658,Hypertension,"My day was going smoothly until I experienced an unexpected onset of symptoms a headache, chest pain, and dizziness while driving home from work. Since then, I've struggled to stay focused and maintain concentration on the road." 4659,Hypertension,"I was having a good day at work, but things took a turn when I got a sudden onset of a headache, chest discomfort, and dizziness while driving home. Since then, it's been tough for me to stay focused and attentive on the road." 2720,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing widespread itching accompanied by a fullbody rash that's driving me to scratch constantly. In addition, I've noticed some areas with discoloration, along with bumps and lumplike acnelike lesions." 2721,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing a widespread rash on my skin, accompanied by intense itchiness that makes me scratch constantly. In addition to the general redness and inflammation, I've noticed localized areas with discoloration, as well as small lumps or pimplelike bumps." 2722,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing a widespread rash on my body that's accompanied by intense itching, making it difficult for me to stop scratching. Additionally, I've noticed areas of skin discoloration, along with bumps and lumplike acne lesions." 2723,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing widespread itching and scratching due to an intense rash that covers my entire body, accompanied by altered skin tone in certain areas, as well as small bumps and nodular lesions." 2724,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing widespread itching and scratching due to a rash covering my entire body. Additionally, I've noticed areas with discoloration, along with bumps and nodules that resemble acnelike pimples." 2905,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing intense itching and breaking out in rashes all over my body. Additionally, certain areas of my skin have lost their normal color and I'm dealing with several painful bumps." 2906,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing excessive itching lately, accompanied by widespread rashes and discoloration of my skin in certain areas. Additionally, I've noticed some painful lump formations." 2907,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing intense itching, which has left me with numerous rashy patches on my skin. Additionally, some areas have lost their normal pigmentation, and I'm noticing painful bumps." 2908,Fungal infection,"I've noticed an increase in scratching and have developed itchy rashes all over my body. Additionally, some areas of my skin have changed color, and I'm experiencing painful knots as well." 2909,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing intense itching and have developed numerous rashes on my skin. Additionally, some areas of my skin have lost their normal color, and I'm dealing with several painful bumps." 5530,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms, including a high fever, intense itching, chills, and vomiting. I'm also dealing with headaches, excessive sweating, nausea, and muscle soreness." 5531,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms including a high fever, intense itching, chills, and episodes of vomiting. I've also been struggling with a persistent headache, excessive sweating, nausea, and muscle soreness." 5532,Malaria,"I'm experiencing symptoms of a serious illness, including a high fever, intense itching, chills, and frequent vomiting. My headaches are severe, and I've also had excessive sweating, as well as nausea and widespread muscle pain." 5533,Malaria,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including a high fever, intense itching, chills, and frequent vomiting. I've also had a persistent headache, excessive sweating, as well as nausea and debilitating muscle soreness." 5534,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms including a high fever, severe itching, chills, vomiting, and profuse sweating. I also have a headache, nausea, and muscle soreness that's causing discomfort." 2765,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing various skin issues, including itchy spots that occasionally become red or inflamed, along with unusual patches featuring distinct colorations. Additionally, I've noticed small, bumpy growths resembling tiny balls." 2766,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing various skin issues itchy spots that can become red or inflamed, unusual color patches on my skin, and occasionally, small bumps resembling tiny balls appear." 2767,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing various skin issues, including itchy spots that occasionally become red or inflamed. Additionally, there are unusual patches on my skin with distinct colorations compared to the surrounding area. Furthermore, I sometimes develop small bumps resembling tiny nodules." 2768,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing a lot of skin issues, including itchy spots that occasionally become red or inflamed, as well as unusual patches with distinct colorations. Additionally, I've noticed small bumps that resemble tiny balls appearing on my skin at times." 2769,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing itchy spots on my skin, which can become red, inflamed, or develop bumpy lesions. Additionally, there are peculiar patches with altered skin tones, and occasionally, I notice small, rounded bumps resembling tiny balls." 1945,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing frequent episodes of diarrhea with loose, watery stools, accompanied by a loss of appetite and constant nausea. Additionally, I'm developing a mild fever and suffering from abdominal pain. I'm unsure of the underlying cause for these symptoms." 1946,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing frequent bouts of diarrhea with loose, watery stools, accompanied by loss of appetite and persistent nausea. Additionally, I'm developing a mild fever and am plagued by abdominal pain. I'm unsure of the underlying cause for these symptoms." 1947,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing frequent episodes of diarrhea with loose, watery stools. Additionally, I've lost my appetite and have been feeling constantly nauseous. I'm also developing a mild fever. Furthermore, I'm experiencing sharp abdominal pains. I'm unsure what's causing these symptoms." 1948,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing frequent bouts of diarrhea with loose, watery stools, accompanied by a loss of appetite and persistent nausea. I'm also running a mild fever and suffering from abdominal cramping. I'm unsure what's causing these symptoms." 1949,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing frequent bouts of diarrhea with loose, watery stools, accompanied by loss of appetite and persistent nausea. Additionally, I'm developing a mild fever and experiencing abdominal discomfort. I'm unsure of the underlying cause for these symptoms." 1820,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing a fever for the past few days. Recently, I've started to feel sharp stomach pains and have noticed issues with bowel movements." 1821,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing a high fever for a few days. Lately, I've developed sharp stomach pains and have also noticed constipation issues." 1822,Typhoid,"I've been battling a fever for the past few days, and now I'm experiencing excruciating abdominal pain and dealing with constipation." 1823,Typhoid,"I've been dealing with a fever for the past few days, but things have taken a turn for the worse as I'm now experiencing excruciating abdominal pain and struggling with bowel movements." 1824,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing a fever for the past few days, which has now led to a sharp stomach ache and constipation issues." 6510,drug reaction,"I've been experiencing recurring migraines and headaches, along with difficulties falling asleep. Additionally, I've noticed involuntary muscle movements such as trembling and twitching, which can lead to feelings of dizziness." 6511,drug reaction,"Experiencing frequent migraines, headaches, and difficulty sleeping, I've also noticed involuntary muscle tremors and twitches, along with occasional dizziness." 6512,drug reaction,"I've been experiencing frequent migraines and headaches, along with difficulties falling asleep at night. Additionally, I've noticed my muscles have become increasingly trembly and twitchy, which is accompanied by occasional feelings of dizziness." 6513,drug reaction,"I experience frequent migraines and headaches, which are accompanied by difficulties sleeping through the night. Additionally, my muscles have been experiencing involuntary tremors and twitches, causing me to feel lightheaded at times." 6514,drug reaction,"I experience frequent migraines and headaches, and lately, I've struggled with insomnia. I've also noticed involuntary muscle spasms and twitching, which can be unsettling. Occasionally, I feel a sense of dizziness as well." 4070,Acne,"I've been struggling with a stubborn skin issue, characterized by inflamed pimples filled with pus and numerous blackheads. Additionally, my skin has become dry and flaky, which is concerning me." 4071,Acne,"I've been struggling with a frustrating skin issue recently, characterized by blackheads and pustules filled with pus. Additionally, my skin has been experiencing excessive dryness." 4072,Acne,"I've been struggling with a persistent skin issue, characterized by painful blackheads and acnefilled pimples filled with pus. Additionally, my skin has been dry and flaky." 4073,Acne,"I've been struggling with a stubborn skin issue I have a rash covered in blackheads and pimples filled with pus, which is quite concerning. Additionally, my skin has been dry and flaky." 4074,Acne,"Here is the rephrased text I've been struggling with a stubborn skin issue, characterized by acnelike lesions filled with pus and blackheads. Additionally, my skin has become quite dry and irritated." 4685,Hypertension,"During a meeting, I unexpectedly experienced a sudden onset of a headache, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness. As a result, it's become challenging for me to engage fully in the conversation and maintain my attention." 4686,Hypertension,"I experienced sudden onset symptoms a headache, chest pain, and dizziness during a meeting, making it challenging for me to stay focused on our discussion afterwards." 4687,Hypertension,"During a meeting, I unexpectedly experienced symptoms including a headache, chest pain, and dizziness. Since then, it's been challenging for me to remain focused and engaged in the conversation." 4688,Hypertension,"I experienced a sudden onset of symptoms a headache, chest pain, and dizziness while in the midst of a meeting, which has made it challenging for me to engage with the conversation since then." 4689,Hypertension,"During a meeting, I unexpectedly experienced symptoms including a severe headache, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness, making it challenging for me to engage in meaningful conversation or maintain my attention on the topic at hand." 4520,Hypertension,"I've been dealing with some concerning symptoms lately, including balance problems, headaches, chest discomfort, and spells of lightheadedness. To make matters worse, I've noticed my concentration has suffered too it's like my mind is constantly foggy." 4521,Hypertension,"Recently, I've noticed various physical symptoms, including equilibrium problems, headaches, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness. Additionally, my mental clarity has been affected, making it challenging for me to concentrate." 4522,Hypertension,"I've noticed some concerning physical symptoms lately, including balance problems, headaches, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness. Additionally, I've found it difficult to concentrate and stay focused." 4523,Hypertension,"I've noticed some concerning symptoms lately, including balance problems, headaches, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness. On top of that, I'm struggling to concentrate." 4524,Hypertension,"I've been dealing with ongoing symptoms including balance problems, headaches, chest tightness, and episodes of dizziness. Lately, I've noticed it's becoming harder for me to concentrate and stay focused." 1450,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing an itchy rash on my legs that's causing significant discomfort. The affected area appears to be accompanied by a cramping sensation and noticeable vein prominence on my calf. Additionally, I've been feeling unusually tired and fatigued over the past couple of days." 1451,Varicose Veins,"I've developed a rash on my legs that's quite uncomfortable. The affected areas exhibit visible cramping and prominent veins on my calves. Additionally, I've experienced excessive fatigue and exhaustion over the past few days." 1452,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing a bothersome rash on my legs accompanied by cramping sensations and noticeable veins on my calves. Additionally, I've been feeling extremely exhausted and fatigued over the past few days." 1453,Varicose Veins,"I've developed a rash on my legs, which is quite uncomfortable. Notably, I'm experiencing muscle cramping and visible vein prominence on my calf. Additionally, I've been feeling extremely fatigued over the past few days." 1454,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing a rash on my legs, which is causing significant discomfort. Notably, it appears to be accompanied by cramping and visible veins on my calves. Additionally, I've felt extremely tired and fatigued over the past few days." 4830,Migraine,"I've been struggling with various health issues, including persistent stomach problems like heartburn and bloating, recurring headaches, blurry vision, unrelenting hunger, chronic neck stiffness, feelings of sadness and frustration, and distortions in my visual field." 4831,Migraine,"I've been dealing with various health concerns, such as digestive problems like acid reflux and indigestion, as well as recurring headaches, blurry vision, intense hunger, stiffness in my neck, feelings of sadness and irritability, and unusual visual disturbances." 4832,Migraine,"I've been struggling with various health issues, such as stomach problems like heartburn and acid reflux, accompanied by recurring headaches, blurred vision, intense hunger, a rigid neck, feelings of sadness and frustration, and unusual visual disturbances." 4833,Migraine,"I've been dealing with various health concerns, such as stomach troubles like heartburn and indigestion, accompanied by recurring headaches, blurry vision, intense appetite, stiffness in my neck, feelings of sadness and frustration, and unusual visual phenomena." 4834,Migraine,"I've been dealing with various health concerns, such as stomach upset characterized by acidity and indigestion, along with recurring headaches, blurry vision, unrelenting hunger, stiffness in my neck, feelings of depression and irritability, and unusual visual disturbances." 5195,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort in my back, accompanied by a recurring cough that's producing phlegm. Additionally, I'm struggling with fatigue and muscle weakness. Furthermore, I've noticed difficulties with maintaining balance, often feeling dizzy or offcenter, and my neck has become increasingly painful." 5196,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent back pain, a persistent cough, and noticeable muscle weakness. Additionally, I've noticed difficulties with maintaining my balance, as well as recurring dizziness and a lingering neck ache." 5197,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort in my back, accompanied by a recurring cough and noticeable weakening of my muscles. Additionally, I'm struggling with frequent dizziness, loss of balance, and chronic neck pain." 5198,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent symptoms including lower back pain, a recurring cough that produces phlegm, and noticeable muscle weakness. Additionally, I've struggled with dizziness, poor balance, and chronic neck discomfort." 5199,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort in my back, along with a persistent cough that's producing phlegm. Additionally, I'm noticing significant weakening of my muscles. Furthermore, I'm struggling with episodes of dizziness, which have affected my balance and caused me to feel offkilter. To make matters worse, I'm also experiencing neck pain." 2965,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing nonstop sneezing and a lingering chill that refuses to subside. I'm feeling incredibly weak and drained, with a persistent cough that just won't quit. To make matters worse, my temperature is through the roof." 2966,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing relentless sneezing fits and I'm unable to shake off this persistent chill. I'm feeling incredibly weak and fatigued, with a nonstop cough that's really taking its toll on me. To make matters worse, my temperature is extremely high." 2967,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing a relentless stream of sneezes, along with an unrelenting chill that refuses to dissipate. I'm feeling incredibly fatigued and drained, accompanied by a persistent cough and a fever that's elevated my body temperature." 2968,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing a relentless stream of sneezes and am struggling to shake off this lingering chill. I'm feeling incredibly fatigued and worn out, with a persistent cough that refuses to subside. To make matters worse, my body temperature is alarmingly high." 2969,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing nonstop sneezing, a lingering chill that refuses to subside, and a persistent cough. I'm feeling extremely fatigued and weak, with a fever that's left me feeling quite unwell." 6960,diabetes,"I've been noticing some unusual symptoms lately my mouth and throat have been feeling quite dry, and I've had a surge in appetite and hunger. On the other hand, I've also been experiencing fatigue from time to time." 6961,diabetes,"I'm noticing dryness in my mouth and throat, along with increased hunger and appetite. At the same time, I often feel unusually tired." 6962,diabetes,"I'm dealing with dryness in my mouth and throat, as well as an increase in hunger and appetite. Although, I do notice periods of excessive fatigue." 6963,diabetes,"I'm experiencing dryness in my mouth and throat, as well as increased hunger and appetite. Despite this, I've noticed periods of feeling extremely fatigued." 6964,diabetes,"I've noticed I have a dry mouth and throat, as well as increased appetite and hunger lately. At the same time, I often feel extremely fatigued." 1910,Typhoid,"I'm currently experiencing significant physical discomfort. I'm dealing with persistent stomach issues, including constipation, which is quite distressing. Additionally, I've been having intense urges to vomit, making it challenging for me to consume food." 1911,Typhoid,"I'm experiencing persistent stomach issues and constipation that's causing me significant distress. I've been plagued by nausea and an overwhelming desire to vomit, making it difficult for me to consume food." 1912,Typhoid,"I'm currently experiencing some unpleasant symptoms, including persistent stomach issues, constipation, and a strong desire to purge, which makes it difficult for me to consume food." 1913,Typhoid,"I'm currently experiencing significant physical distress, with persistent stomach issues and constipation causing me considerable discomfort. The thought of vomiting often leaves me feeling queasy, making it challenging for me to even consider eating." 1914,Typhoid,"I'm experiencing significant physical distress. I'm struggling with persistent stomach issues, including constipation, which is causing me considerable discomfort. Additionally, I've been plagued by frequent urges to vomit, making it difficult for me to consume any food." 3550,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been struggling with constipation, making bathroom trips difficult. When I do manage to go, it's often painful and accompanied by blood in my stool. Additionally, my anus is irritated and itchy, and I'm also dealing with discomfort in my buttocks area." 3551,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been struggling with constipation lately, which has made using the restroom extremely difficult. When I do manage to go, it's often accompanied by pain and blood in my stool. Additionally, I've experienced persistent itching and irritation around my anus, as well as discomfort in my buttocks." 3552,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been struggling with constipation, making using the bathroom difficult. When I do go, it's painful and sometimes accompanied by blood in my stool. Additionally, my anus has become itchy and irritated, while I've also experienced discomfort in my buttocks." 3553,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been struggling with constipation, making it difficult to use the restroom comfortably. When I do go, it's often accompanied by pain and occasional bleeding. My rectal area has become increasingly itchy and irritated, and I'm also experiencing discomfort in my buttocks." 3554,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been struggling with constipation, making using the restroom difficult. When I do go, it's painful and accompanied by bleeding. Additionally, I'm dealing with itching, irritation, and discomfort around my anus." 4465,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing persistent symptoms including headache, chest discomfort, dizziness, balance problems, and general feeling of being unwell. Moreover, I'm struggling to concentrate as well." 4466,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing more than just physical symptoms I'm feeling unwell overall, with ongoing discomfort in my head, chest, and body, accompanied by difficulties concentrating and maintaining my balance." 4467,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing symptoms beyond just headache, chest discomfort, dizziness, and balance problems I've actually been feeling pretty unwell overall. Plus, it seems like I'm struggling with concentration too." 4468,Hypertension,"To be honest, I've been experiencing a range of symptoms that have left me feeling unwell. These include headaches, chest discomfort, dizziness, balance problems, and difficulty concentrating." 4469,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing a range of symptoms beyond just my physical complaints, including overall unwellness, difficulty concentrating, and potentially cognitive impairment." 3195,Common Cold,"I frequently experience symptoms such as puffiness, itchiness, and congestion around my eyes. Additionally, I often feel pressure in my sinuses, accompanied by heaviness in my chest and persistent coughing. I've also lost my sense of smell and am plagued by recurring muscle aches." 3196,Common Cold,"I experience recurring symptoms including puffiness and warmth in my eyes, nasal congestion with a sensation of obstruction, heaviness in my chest, persistent coughing with thick phlegm, anosmia loss of sense of smell, and widespread muscle pain." 3197,Common Cold,"I frequently experience symptoms including puffy eyes, nasal congestion, and a sensation that something is blocking my sinuses. My chest feels weighed down, and I've been coughing up mucus in abundance. Additionally, I've lost my sense of smell and am plagued by persistent muscle pain." 3198,Common Cold,"I experience recurring symptoms including hot, puffy eyes, sinus pressure, a heavy feeling in my chest, persistent coughing with excessive phlegm production, anosmia loss of sense of smell, and muscle soreness." 3199,Common Cold,"I consistently experience symptoms including puffiness and redness around my eyes, sinus pressure, and congestion that makes me feel like something is blocking my sinuses. Additionally, I've noticed that my chest feels weighed down, accompanied by frequent coughing that brings up thick mucus. Moreover, I'm lacking in the sense of smell department and experiencing muscle discomfort." 6965,diabetes,I experience delayed wound healing and exhibit symptoms such as tingling sensations in one hand and numbness in both hands and feet. 6966,diabetes,"I experience delayed wound healing and encounter a persistent tingling sensation in one hand, as well as numbness in both hands and feet." 6967,diabetes,"I experience delayed wound healing and exhibit symptoms such as tingling sensations in my hand, as well as numbness in both hands and feet." 6968,diabetes,"I experience delayed wound healing and encounter a persistent tingling sensation in one hand, accompanied by numbness in both hands and feet." 6969,diabetes,"I experience delayed wound healing and encounter a persistent tingling sensation in one hand, as well as numbness in both hands and feet." 5885,urinary tract infection,"I experience recurring episodes of vomiting and pelvic discomfort. Blood is sometimes present in my urine, which can also develop a strong and unpleasant odor at times. Additionally, I frequently struggle with sleep due to ongoing migraine issues." 5886,urinary tract infection,"I experience recurring vomiting and pelvic discomfort. My urine may contain blood and sometimes has a pungent odor. Additionally, my migraines often disrupt my ability to fall asleep." 5887,urinary tract infection,"I experience recurring symptoms including vomiting, pelvic pain, occasional hematuria blood in urine, and unpleasant odors. Migraines also affect my ability to fall asleep." 5888,urinary tract infection,"I frequently experience vomiting and lower back discomfort. Blood may be present in my urine at times, accompanied by a foul smell. Additionally, I sometimes struggle to fall asleep due to my frequent migraine episodes." 5889,urinary tract infection,"I experience recurring episodes of vomiting and pelvic discomfort. In some cases, my urine contains blood or has a strongly unpleasant odor. Additionally, I often struggle with falling asleep due to frequent migraine attacks." 2800,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing some discomfort with a widespread rash that's also accompanied by some unusual patches of altered pigmentation. Additionally, I've noticed a few small bumps resembling tiny nodules." 2801,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing a concerning rash covering most of my skin, accompanied by discolored patches and some small, knotty pimples." 2802,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing some skin issues I have a rash covering most of my skin, accompanied by some unusual patches with different skin tones. Additionally, there are some pimplelike bumps on my skin that appear knotty." 2803,Fungal infection,"I've got a skin issue it's quite itchy and I have some unusual patches with different colors, plus some pimplelike bumps that look like small knots." 2804,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing some concerning symptoms on my skin it's covered in an itchy rash with distinct patches of altered pigmentation, and I also have several pimplelike bumps that appear as small nodules." 1295,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing nail damage with small dents and joint pain that's become quite severe. Additionally, I've noticed a strange, silvery powderlike substance settling on my skin, particularly on my back." 1296,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing discomfort and physical symptoms small dents on my fingernails and severe joint pain. Additionally, I've noticed a peculiar grayish residue on my skin, mostly concentrated on my back." 1297,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing minor dents on my fingernails and moderate joint pain. Additionally, I've noticed a subtle silver powdery residue on my skin, primarily concentrated on my back." 1298,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing minor dents on my fingernails and joint discomfort. Additionally, I've noticed a fine, silvery powder on my skin, most prominently on my back." 1299,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing minor nail damage with small dents and joint pain that's become quite severe. Additionally, I've noticed a grayish powder or dust on my skin, primarily on my back." 4620,Hypertension,"This morning, I experienced a headache, chest discomfort, and subsequently, my legs became uncoordinated, causing me to feel offbalance and unstable." 4621,Hypertension,"This morning, I experienced a headache and chest discomfort, which later progressed to dizziness and balance issues while walking." 4622,Hypertension,"This morning, I experienced a headache, chest discomfort, and later, I noticed my balance was off, feeling unsteady and unstable on my feet as the day went on." 4623,Hypertension,"This morning, I experienced a combination of symptoms including a headache and chest discomfort, followed by a sense of imbalance and instability while walking." 4624,Hypertension,"I began the day experiencing a headache and chest discomfort, which later escalated into dizziness and an unsteady gait." 1375,Psoriasis,"I've developed a silvergray rash on my skin, accompanied by peeling skin on my arms and back. I'm finding this unusual and quite worrisome." 1376,Psoriasis,"I've noticed fine silver scales on my skin, which I find unsettling. Additionally, my arm and back skin is shedding in small flakes, causing me a lot of alarm and worry." 1377,Psoriasis,"I've noticed a fine, powdery substance coating my skin, and it's getting worse the skin on my arms and back is actually flaking off. It's definitely unusual and has me feeling anxious about what might be causing this." 1378,Psoriasis,"I've noticed a fine, silvery powder on my skin, and my arm and back skin is starting to flake off in patches. This is quite unsettling and has me worried." 1379,Psoriasis,"I've noticed a faint, silvery residue on my skin, which is unusual enough. What's even more unsettling is that the skin on my arms and back seems to be shedding or peeling away. It's a pretty peculiar and worrying phenomenon." 5320,Jaundice,"I've been feeling utterly miserable, plagued by symptoms like itchiness, nausea, exhaustion, and a soaring fever that's caused me to lose weight. My skin has taken on a yellowish hue, as have my urine. To top it off, I'm experiencing persistent stomach discomfort." 5321,Jaundice,"I've been feeling unwell with symptoms including itchiness, nausea, fatigue, fever, weight loss, and jaundice yellow skin and urine. Additionally, I'm experiencing abdominal discomfort." 5322,Jaundice,"I've been feeling miserable with symptoms including itchiness, nausea, fatigue, high fever, weight loss, and jaundice yellow skin and urine. I'm also experiencing stomach pain." 5323,Jaundice,"I've been feeling extremely unwell with symptoms including fever, nausea, fatigue, weight loss, and stomach discomfort. Additionally, my skin and urine have taken on a yellowish hue." 5324,Jaundice,"I've been feeling quite unwell, with symptoms including itchiness, nausea, fatigue, and a high fever. Additionally, I've noticed changes in my bodily functions my skin has taken on a yellowish hue, as have my urine deposits. To make matters worse, I'm experiencing persistent stomach pain." 3725,Arthritis,"I've been dealing with persistent muscle fatigue, accompanied by significant stiffness in my neck. My joints have become inflamed, making it challenging for me to move around freely. Walking has become particularly unpleasant due to this discomfort." 3726,Arthritis,"Recently, I've noticed significant muscle weakness and persistent stiffness in my neck. Mobility has become challenging due to joint inflammation, making it uncomfortable to engage in physical activities like walking." 3727,Arthritis,"I've noticed significant muscle fatigue, accompanied by persistent stiffness in my neck. My joints have become inflamed, making it challenging to move around comfortably. Walking has been particularly painful and arduous as a result." 3728,Arthritis,"I've been dealing with intense muscle fatigue, accompanied by significant stiffness in my neck. Moving around has become a struggle due to swelling in my joints, making it quite uncomfortable to even take a step." 3729,Arthritis,"I've been dealing with intense muscle fatigue, accompanied by stiffness in my neck. The swelling in my joints has made it challenging for me to move around comfortably, and walking has become particularly troublesome due to the discomfort." 5335,Jaundice,"I've been dealing with severe itching, queasiness, and fatigue. I've also developed a high temperature and lost weight. Notably, my skin and urine have turned yellow, and my stomach is consistently sore." 5336,Jaundice,"I've been suffering from severe itching, queasiness, fatigue, as well as a persistent fever and significant weight loss. Furthermore, my skin has taken on a yellowish hue, and so has my urine. To top it off, I'm experiencing stomach pain." 5337,Jaundice,"I've been dealing with severe itching, queasiness, and fatigue. I've also had a highgrade fever, significant weight loss, and changes in both my skin and urine tone to yellow. To top it off, I'm experiencing abdominal discomfort." 5338,Jaundice,"I've been struggling with severe itching, queasiness, and extreme fatigue. I've also had a prolonged fever, significant weight loss, and noticeable changes in the color of my skin and urine. To top it off, my stomach has been experiencing persistent discomfort." 5339,Jaundice,"I've been dealing with severe itching, queasiness, and fatigue. I've also had a high temperature, significant weight loss, and noticeable changes in the color of my skin and urine. To top it off, I'm experiencing stomach pain." 6550,drug reaction,"I've experienced significant weight gain and currently struggle with my weight. My hunger levels fluctuate, and I often find myself craving different foods." 6551,drug reaction,"I've experienced significant weight gain and now consider myself overweight. My hunger levels fluctuate, and I have cravings for different foods." 6552,drug reaction,"I've experienced significant weight gain and currently struggle with obesity. My hunger levels fluctuate, and I have cravings for different foods and treats." 6553,drug reaction,"I've experienced significant weight gain, resulting in a larger physique. My hunger levels fluctuate, and I find myself craving a wide range of foods." 6554,drug reaction,"I've experienced significant weight gain and currently struggle with my weight management. My hunger levels fluctuate, and I often find myself craving different foods." 3235,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing feverlike symptoms with persistent exhaustion, along with an unrelenting cough that's causing discomfort in my chest. When I do cough, my heart rate increases and I'm producing thick, brown mucus." 3236,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing recurring chills, fatigue, and a persistent cough that's not subsiding. Each coughing spell leaves me with chest discomfort. Additionally, I'm noticing rapid heartbeats and producing thick, brownish mucus." 3237,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing persistent symptoms chills, fatigue, and a stubborn cough that's accompanied by chest discomfort when I cough. Additionally, my heart feels like it's racing, and the phlegm I'm producing has an unsettling brownish hue." 3238,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent symptoms such as chills, fatigue, and a lingering cough that's causing discomfort in my chest. When I do cough, it feels like my heart is racing. Additionally, the phlegm I'm bringing up has an unsettling brownish hue." 3239,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing recurring chills, fatigue, and an ongoing persistent cough that's causing discomfort in my chest. When I cough, it hurts and my heart rate increases. Additionally, the phlegm I'm producing has turned a dark brown color." 5285,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing a range of discomforting symptoms including itching, nausea, fatigue, fever, weight loss, dark urine, and a yellow rash on my skin. On top of that, I've also been plagued by stomach pains." 5286,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing a combination of unpleasant symptoms including itchiness, nausea, fatigue, fever, weight loss, darkcolored urine, a yellow rash, and abdominal pain." 5287,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort, including itching, nausea, fatigue, and a fever. To make matters worse, I've noticed significant weight loss and some unusual physical symptoms darkcolored urine, a yellow rash, and recurring stomach pain." 5288,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing an array of unpleasant symptoms intense itching, nausea, exhaustion, as well as a fever and significant weight loss. Moreover, my urine has turned black, I'm sporting a yellow rash, and I've also been plagued by recurring stomach pain." 5289,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort due to an itch, nausea, weariness, as well as a fever that's led to weight loss. Notably, my urine has turned dark and I've developed a yellow rash on my skin. To top it off, I've also been plagued by stomach cramps." 3885,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing stiffness and weakness in my neck, along with swollen joints that make it challenging to move freely. Even simple activities like walking have become uncomfortable and stiffening sensations persist." 3886,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent stiffness in my neck, accompanied by weakness in my muscles. My joints have become noticeably swollen, making it challenging to move around freely without feeling stiff and restricted. Even walking has become an uncomfortable ordeal for me lately." 3887,Arthritis,"I've experienced a significant increase in tension in my neck, accompanied by pronounced muscle weakness. Simple movements become stiff and labored due to inflammation in my joints, making walking quite uncomfortable as well." 3888,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing a lot of stiffness in my neck, accompanied by weakness in my muscles. My joints have been inflamed, making it challenging to move freely and comfortably. Even walking has become a painful endeavor for me lately." 3889,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing stiffness in my neck and weakness in my muscles, making it challenging to move freely without feeling stiff and sore. Additionally, my swollen joints have made walking a laborious process." 4990,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent pain in my back, shortness of breath, and muscle weakness. Additionally, I'm struggling with dizziness, loss of balance, and a lingering ache in my neck." 4991,Cervical spondylosis,"I'm experiencing persistent discomfort in my back, shortness of breath, and weakness in my limbs. Additionally, I'm plagued by episodes of vertigo, balance issues, and persistent pain in my neck." 4992,Cervical spondylosis,"I'm experiencing persistent discomfort in my back, labored breathing, and muscle weakness. Additionally, I'm plagued by episodes of vertigo, loss of balance, and persistent neck pain." 4993,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent pain and discomfort in my back, as well as difficulties with breathing and numbnessweakness in my limbs. Additionally, I'm struggling with vertigo, which often leaves me feeling offbalance, and I also have recurring neck pain." 4994,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent back pain, labored breathing, and numbness or weakness in my extremities. Additionally, I've noticed symptoms of vertigo and difficulty maintaining my balance, which has left me with recurring neck pain." 6540,drug reaction,"I've noticed a decline in my sexual desire lately, which is affecting my ability to engage in intimacy. Additionally, I'm experiencing persistent mental fogginess, accompanied by dizziness and feelings of being disconnected from my surroundings." 6541,drug reaction,"I've experienced a decline in my sexual drive, making intimacy more challenging. Additionally, I'm struggling with persistent mental fogginess, accompanied by frequent episodes of dizziness and disorientation." 6542,drug reaction,"I've noticed a decline in my sexual drive and am having trouble with intimacy. Additionally, I'm experiencing persistent mental fogginess and frequent episodes of dizziness that leave me feeling unbalanced." 6543,drug reaction,"I've experienced a decrease in my sexual drive, making it more challenging for me to engage in intimate activities. Additionally, I've been struggling with brain fog, accompanied by dizziness and feelings of disorientation on a regular basis." 6544,drug reaction,"I've noticed a decline in my sexual interest, making it more challenging for me to engage in intimate activities. Additionally, I often experience mental fogginess, accompanied by lightheadedness and feelings of being disconnected." 5660,Malaria,"I'm currently experiencing severe symptoms including intense itching, chills, stomach upset, and a high fever. Additionally, I've had a persistent headache, excessive sweating, and discomfort due to nausea and muscle pain." 5661,Malaria,"I'm currently experiencing intense itching, chills, nausea, and a soaring fever. Additionally, I've had a persistent headache, excessive sweating, and discomfort due to nausea and muscle soreness." 5662,Malaria,"I'm experiencing intense itching, shivering, queasiness, and a soaring fever. Additionally, I've had headaches, excessive sweating, and discomfort due to nausea and muscle pain." 5663,Malaria,"I'm currently experiencing severe symptoms including intense itchiness, chills, and a fever. I've also had a persistent headache, excessive sweating, and discomfort due to nausea and muscle soreness." 5664,Malaria,"I'm experiencing severe itching, accompanied by chills, nausea, and a high temperature. In addition to these symptoms, I've also been plagued by headaches and profuse sweating, as well as discomfort caused by nausea and muscle soreness." 1390,Psoriasis,"The itching and discomfort caused by the rash have been affecting my sleep quality. Additionally, I've noticed my fingernails having tiny dents and experiencing skin peeling in various areas of my body." 1391,Psoriasis,"I've been struggling with insomnia due to the discomfort caused by the rash's itching and pain. Additionally, my fingernails have developed small indentations, and I'm noticing skin peeling in various areas of my body." 1392,Psoriasis,"I've been struggling to sleep due to the discomfort caused by the rash, which has left me with indented nails. Additionally, I'm noticing skin peeling on various areas of my body." 1393,Psoriasis,"I'm struggling with insomnia due to the discomfort caused by the itchiness and pain from the rash, which has also led to nail damage with small indentations. Additionally, I'm noticing skin peeling in various areas of my body." 1394,Psoriasis,"The constant itching and discomfort caused by the rash are making it difficult for me to get a good night's sleep. To make matters worse, my fingernails have developed small dents from excessive scratching, and I'm also noticing skin peeling in various areas of my body." 2075,Chicken pox,"I've noticed skin rashes that can be challenging to resist scratching. Additionally, I've been experiencing a prolonged high fever over the past few days and am unsure of its underlying cause." 2076,Chicken pox,"I've noticed rashes on my skin that are tempting me to scratch. Additionally, I've been experiencing a persistent high fever for several days and am unsure of its underlying cause." 2077,Chicken pox,"I've noticed rashes on my skin and find it challenging to resist scratching. Additionally, I've been experiencing a prolonged high fever that's puzzled me I'm unsure of its underlying cause." 2078,Chicken pox,"I've experienced skin rashes that are frustratingly itchy, making it hard for me to resist scratching. Additionally, I've been dealing with a persistent high fever for several days, and I'm stumped as to its underlying cause." 2079,Chicken pox,"I've been experiencing rashes on my skin and have been struggling with the urge to scratch them. Additionally, I've developed a fever that has persisted for several days, but I'm unsure of its underlying cause." 2425,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing fever and discomfort due to a severe skin reaction that's spread across my face, neck, and arms. The red, painful lesions are causing concern about my overall wellbeing." 2426,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing a fever and have developed an uncomfortable rash on my facial area, neck, and arms, characterized by painful red spots. As a result, I'm concerned about my overall wellbeing." 2427,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing an elevated body temperature and have developed a concerning rash on my face, neck, and arms, characterized by painful red lesions. As a result, my overall wellbeing has become a source of worry for me." 2428,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing a fever and have developed an uncomfortable rash on my facial area, neck, and arm regions, characterized by painful red bumps. This has raised concerns about my overall wellbeing." 2429,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing a high fever and have developed a concerning rash on my face, neck, and arms, characterized by painful, red lesions. As a result, I'm becoming increasingly worried about my overall wellbeing." 5250,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing persistent discomfort, frequent vomiting, and significant weight loss. Additionally, I'm feeling extremely fatigued. My skin has turned yellow, and I've developed a high fever. I also have abdominal pain and darkcolored urine." 5251,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing persistent discomfort, frequent vomiting, significant weight loss, and extreme fatigue. Additionally, my skin has turned yellow, I have a high fever, and I'm complaining of abdominal pain. Furthermore, my urine has turned dark in color." 5252,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing symptoms including scratchiness, nausea, significant weight loss, extreme fatigue, jaundice yellow skin, high fever, abdominal pain, and darkcolored urine." 5253,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing intense discomfort, frequent vomiting, significant weight loss, extreme fatigue, and a high fever. My skin has turned yellowish, accompanied by severe abdominal pain and darkcolored urine." 5254,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing discomfort, frequent vomiting, significant weight loss, exhaustion, and a high temperature. Additionally, my skin has turned yellowish, and my urine is dark in color, accompanied by a persistent stomachache." 6620,drug reaction,"I experience frequent migraines and headaches, which has also affected my ability to fall asleep at night. Additionally, I've been experiencing unexplained tremors and shivers throughout my body, as well as occasional dizziness." 6621,drug reaction,"I experience frequent migraines and headaches, accompanied by difficulties sleeping and a persistent tremor throughout my entire body. Additionally, I occasionally experience dizziness and episodes of shaking." 6622,drug reaction,"I've been experiencing frequent migraines and headaches, as well as difficulty falling asleep at night. Additionally, my entire body has been characterized by tremors and shivers, accompanied by occasional bouts of dizziness." 6623,drug reaction,"I experience frequent migraines and headaches, which have been accompanied by difficulty sleeping. Additionally, my entire body has been experiencing uncontrollable tremors and shivers, as well as occasional episodes of dizziness." 6624,drug reaction,"I experience frequent migraines and headaches, which is accompanied by difficulty sleeping through the night. Additionally, my entire body has been experiencing involuntary tremors and shivers, and at times, I've also experienced episodes of dizziness." 6585,drug reaction,"I experience widespread itching, accompanied by rashlike patches on my back and chest. Additionally, my skin may become flaky at times, leading to the formation of visible marks." 6586,drug reaction,"I experience widespread itching, accompanied by rashes on my back and chest. Additionally, my skin may become flaky, leading to the formation of noticeable markings." 6587,drug reaction,"I experience widespread itchiness, accompanied by rashes on my back and chest. Additionally, my skin can become dry and flaky at times, leading to the formation of noticeable patches or marks." 6588,drug reaction,"I experience widespread itching, accompanied by rashes on my back and chest. Additionally, my skin may become dry and flaky at times, leading to the appearance of body marks." 6589,drug reaction,"I experience widespread itching, accompanied by rashes on my back and chest. Additionally, my skin may become flaky at times, leading to noticeable markings." 5120,Cervical spondylosis,"For several weeks, I've been experiencing excruciating back pain, persistent coughing fits, and numbnessweakness in my limbs, including my arms and legs. Additionally, my neck has been inflamed and I've noticed decreased stability, often feeling dizzy and unbalanced." 5121,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort and symptoms including severe back pain, recurring coughing fits, and fatigue affecting my upper and lower limbs. Additionally, my neck has been aching and I've noticed issues with equilibrium and balance." 5122,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort in my back, accompanied by a lingering cough, as well as fatigue and numbness in my limbs. Additionally, I've noticed stiffness in my neck and frequent episodes of dizziness and loss of equilibrium." 5123,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort, including debilitating back pain, a lingering cough, and muscle weakness affecting my entire body. Additionally, I've noticed stiffness in my neck, as well as episodes of dizziness and difficulty maintaining my balance." 5124,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort due to severe back pain, a lingering cough, and noticeable fatigue in my limbs. Additionally, I'm plagued by stiffness in my neck, accompanied by recurring episodes of dizziness and imbalance issues." 7120,diabetes,"My emotional state is unpredictable, causing difficulties in concentrating. My mind can feel foggy, making everyday activities a struggle." 7121,diabetes,"I experience mood shifts, which often lead to struggles with concentration. My thoughts can become foggy and unclear, making everyday activities feel dauntingly complex." 7122,diabetes,"I experience emotional shifts, which can make it hard for me to concentrate. Sometimes, my thoughts feel foggy and unclear, making everyday activities seem overwhelming." 7123,diabetes,"Emotional instability causes my mental clarity to shift, leading to trouble concentrating. At times, my thoughts become foggy, making everyday activities a struggle." 7124,diabetes,"I experience emotional shifts, which can hinder my ability to concentrate. My mental clarity can also fluctuate, leading to a foggy or hazy mindset that makes everyday activities feel overwhelming." 3645,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent constipation and digestive issues, accompanied by severe rectal pain and bleeding upon bowel movements. The discomfort is unbearable and has left me feeling anxious." 3646,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent constipation and digestive issues, which have left my rectal area in significant pain. The discomfort is exacerbated by bleeding with bowel movements, causing considerable distress." 3647,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent constipation and digestive issues, accompanied by severe anal pain. The area is tender and has been bleeding with bowel movements, causing significant discomfort and distress." 3648,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent constipation and digestive issues, accompanied by severe rectal pain and bleeding during bowel movements. The discomfort is intense and unsettling." 3649,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent constipation and digestive issues. The area around my anus has become increasingly painful, accompanied by recurring bleeding during bowel movements. This discomfort is extremely unpleasant, leaving me feeling anxious." 1970,Chicken pox,"I'm concerned about the numerous small, red spots covering my body their cause is unknown to me. Additionally, I've been feeling unusually fatigued and develop a lowgrade fever each evening." 1971,Chicken pox,"I'm concerned about the small red spots covering my body, which I'm unable to account for. Additionally, I'm feeling exhausted and notice a recurring lowgrade fever each evening, leaving me anxious to understand what's causing these symptoms." 1972,Chicken pox,"I'm concerned about the small, red spots covering my body they're unexplained and have me worried. To top it off, I'm feeling exhaustingly tired and develop a mild fever each evening." 1973,Chicken pox,"I'm concerned about the numerous small red spots covering my skin, as they're unexplained. Additionally, I've been feeling unusually fatigued and experiencing a nightly lowgrade fever, which is causing me distress." 1974,Chicken pox,"I've been noticing small, itchy red spots all over my skin that I'm unable to explain. This is causing me some concern. Additionally, I've been feeling exhausted and experiencing a mild fever every evening." 4390,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been battling with persistent health issues, including a nagging cough, respiratory problems, and overwhelming fatigue. Lately, my symptoms have intensified I've had recurring fevers, copious amounts of thick mucus while coughing, leaving me feeling weak and worn out." 4391,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been dealing with a persistent cough, respiratory problems, and exhaustion. Lately, I've had a fever and have been coughing up thick, mucouslike phlegm. To be honest, I'm feeling pretty unwell due to how draining and exhausting everything has been." 4392,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been fighting a tough battle with my persistent cough, respiratory problems, and exhaustion. On top of that, I'm dealing with a high fever and an overabundance of thick, mucoid phlegm when I cough. To be honest, it's taken a toll on me and I'm feeling quite unwell." 4393,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been battling a persistent cough, respiratory issues, and exhaustion, which has taken a toll on my overall health. Lately, I've experienced a high fever, excessive mucus production when coughing, and an overwhelming sense of sickness due to the constant draining and fatigue." 4394,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been dealing with a persistent cough, respiratory issues, and exhaustion, leaving me feeling quite unwell. A high fever has also taken its toll, making it difficult to manage thick, mucoid sputum while coughing. Overall, I'm feeling drained and fatigued due to the relentless symptoms." 4510,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing a range of symptoms, including headaches, chest tightness, lightheadedness, poor coordination, and mental fogginess." 4511,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing recurring headaches, a sensation of discomfort in my chest, spells of dizziness, loss of equilibrium, and trouble focusing my attention." 4512,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing headaches, chest tightness, lightheadedness, coordination issues, and trouble focusing." 4513,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing a range of symptoms, including headaches, chest tightness, dizziness, loss of balance, and trouble focusing my attention." 4514,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing symptoms such as headaches, chest discomfort, dizziness, loss of balance, and trouble focusing." 5465,Malaria,"I've been experiencing excruciating itching, accompanied by chills, nausea, fever, and headaches. Additionally, I'm excessively sweating, with tender muscles that make me feel unwell overall." 5466,Malaria,"I'm experiencing intense itching, feverish chills, queasiness, and a soaring body temperature. To top it off, my head is pounding, I'm excessively sweating, my muscles ache terribly, and overall, I feel utterly unwell." 5467,Malaria,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including intense itching, fever, chills, stomach upset, and excessive sweating. In addition to these issues, I'm also bothered by a headache and muscle cramps that leave me feeling extremely unwell." 5468,Malaria,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including intense itching, chills, stomach upset, fever, and body aches. Additionally, I have a pounding headache, excessive sweating, and overall feeling of sickness." 5469,Malaria,"I'm experiencing severe itching, fever, nausea, and chills. Additionally, I have a pounding headache, excessive sweating, sore muscles, and overall feeling unwell." 2635,Dengue,"I've been experiencing persistent nausea and frequent urges to throw up, along with a lowgrade fever and minor headache." 2636,Dengue,"I've been experiencing nausea and a persistent desire to purge, along with a lowgrade fever and headaches." 2637,Dengue,"I've been experiencing persistent nausea, along with an intense desire to vomit, as well as a mild fever and headache." 2638,Dengue,"I'm experiencing persistent nausea and a strong desire to vomit, along with a lowgrade fever and mild headaches." 2639,Dengue,"I've been experiencing nausea and frequent urges to vomit, along with a mild fever and headache." 4325,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm experiencing a persistent dry cough, labored breathing, and a highgrade fever. I'm also noticing an excessive amount of mucus production, accompanied by debilitating weakness and fatigue." 4326,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm experiencing a persistent dry cough, labored breathing, and a highgrade fever, accompanied by excessive mucus production and feeling extremely fatigued and exhausted." 4327,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm experiencing a persistent dry cough, labored breathing, and a fever that's quite elevated. My body seems to be producing an excessive amount of mucus, leaving me feeling extremely fatigued and drained." 4328,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm experiencing a persistent dry cough, labored breathing, and a high fever. My body is producing excessive mucus, leaving me feeling extremely fatigued and exhausted." 4329,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing a persistent dry cough, difficulty breathing, and a highgrade fever. My body is producing an excessive amount of mucus, leaving me feeling extremely fatigued and exhausted." 7195,diabetes,"I experience recurring sneezing and persistent dry cough. Additionally, my infections appear to linger without proper resolution, accompanied by irregular heartbeat. Occasionally, my throat becomes sore, though this tends to subside on its own." 7196,diabetes,"I experience frequent sneezing and a persistent dry cough. Despite efforts, my infections appear to be lingering, accompanied by palpitations. While occasional throat discomfort occurs, it tends to resolve on its own." 7197,diabetes,"I experience recurring sneezing and persistent dry cough. Additionally, my infections are not responding well to treatment and I've noticed irregular heartbeats. My throat sometimes feels sore, although the discomfort typically subsides over time." 7198,diabetes,"I frequently experience excessive sneezing, accompanied by a persistent dry cough. Furthermore, my infections appear to stagnate without significant improvement, and I often feel irregular heartbeats. Occasionally, I'll notice some discomfort in my throat, though this symptom typically subsides over time." 7199,diabetes,"I experience recurring sneezing fits and a persistent dry cough. My infections appear to be lingering without significant improvement, accompanied by irregular heartbeats palpitations. Occasionally, my throat feels sore, although it often subsides with time." 4625,Hypertension,"I've had a persistent headache and chest discomfort over the past few days, but things took a turn for the worse today when I started experiencing severe dizziness and loss of balance." 4626,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing a persistent headache and chest discomfort over the past few days, but things took a turn for the worse today when I started feeling extremely dizzy and struggling with balance issues." 4627,Hypertension,"I've had a recurring headache and chest pain over the past few days, but things took a turn for the worse today as my dizziness and loss of balance intensified." 4628,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing a persistent headache and chest discomfort for a few days, but today the symptoms escalated with severe dizziness and loss of balance." 4629,Hypertension,"I've had a persistent headache and chest discomfort for a few days, but today's symptoms escalated to include severe dizziness and loss of balance." 5560,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms including a high fever, chills, intense itching, headache, excessive sweating, nausea, and muscle aches." 5561,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms including fever, chills, severe itching, headaches, excessive sweating, nausea, and muscle pain." 5562,Malaria,"I've experienced symptoms including fever, chills, intense itching, headache, excessive sweating, nausea, and muscle aches." 5563,Malaria,"I've experienced symptoms including a high fever, chills, intense itching, headaches, excessive sweating, nausea, and muscle aches." 5564,Malaria,"I'm experiencing symptoms including high fever, chills, intense itching, headaches, excessive sweating, nausea, and muscle aches." 4045,Acne,"I've recently broken out in a painful rash, characterized by numerous blackheads and pimplelike lesions filled with pus. Additionally, my skin feels extremely itchy." 4046,Acne,"I recently developed a severe skin breakout, characterized by numerous blackheads and pimples filled with pus. Additionally, my skin has become quite dry and irritated." 4047,Acne,"I've recently broken out in a bad case of acne, characterized by numerous blackheads and pimples filled with pus. To make matters worse, my skin is also feeling particularly itchy." 4048,Acne,"I've recently broken out in a severe acne flareup, featuring numerous blackheads and pusfilled pimples. Additionally, my skin is extremely dry and flaky." 4049,Acne,"I recently broke out in a painful rash, characterized by numerous blackheads and pimples filled with pus. Additionally, my skin has become extremely flaky." 6915,peptic ulcer disease,"Due to my frequent bouts of diarrhea, I've misplaced significant items, including essential vitamins and blood components. This has led to anemia and constant fatigue." 6916,peptic ulcer disease,"My frequent bowel movements have led to significant losses, particularly in iron and blood. This has resulted in anemia, leaving me feeling persistently fatigued." 6917,peptic ulcer disease,"Due to recurring issues with bloody stool, I've misplaced significant amounts of essential nutrients like iron and blood, leading to anemia and persistent weakness." 6918,peptic ulcer disease,"Due to recurring issues with bowel movements, I've misplaced significant amounts of essential nutrients like iron and blood, leading to anemia and overall fatigue." 6919,peptic ulcer disease,"Due to my chronic gastrointestinal issues, I've experienced significant blood loss, leading to deficiencies in iron and other essential nutrients. Unfortunately, this has resulted in anemia and persistent fatigue." 4870,Migraine,"Recently, I've been dealing with recurring issues such as headaches, blurry eyesight, increased hunger, neck strain, feelings of sadness and frustration, and digestive troubles like indigestion and heartburn." 4871,Migraine,"Recently, I've been plagued by recurring headaches, hazy eyesight, an insatiable appetite, a tender neck, persistent sadness, shorttemperedness, and stomach issues featuring indigestion and acid reflux." 4872,Migraine,"I've been dealing with recurring headaches, hazy eyesight, insatiable hunger, a tender neck, persistent sadness, short temper, and gastrointestinal issues such as indigestion and acid reflux." 4873,Migraine,"I've been struggling with recurring headaches, blurry eyesight, heightened hunger, neck pain, persistent feelings of sadness and frustration, and gastrointestinal issues such as indigestion and heartburn." 4874,Migraine,"I've been dealing with recurring issues such as headaches, blurry vision, increased hunger, a stiff neck, feelings of melancholy and frustration, and stomach problems like heartburn and acid reflux." 5160,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing ongoing discomfort, including chronic back pain, a stubborn cough, and fatigue in my arms and legs. Additionally, my neck has been tender and I've noticed problems with equilibrium and balance." 5161,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort including recurring back pain, a stubborn cough, and fatigue in my extremities. Additionally, I've noticed stiffness in my neck, accompanied by frequent episodes of dizziness and balance problems." 5162,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing chronic back pain, a persistent cough, and significant fatigue in my limbs. Additionally, I've noticed neck stiffness and struggled with recurring episodes of dizziness and loss of balance." 5163,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing ongoing discomforts including chronic back pain, persistent coughing, and muscle weakness in my extremities. Additionally, my neck has been aching and I've struggled with dizziness and impaired balance." 5164,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing chronic back pain, accompanied by a persistent cough and fatigue in my limbs. Additionally, I've noticed discomfort in my neck and have struggled with dizziness and balance issues." 1285,Psoriasis,"I'm concerned about the persistent peeling on my palms, elbows, and knees, accompanied by itchy rashes on my arms that worsen when touched. This is causing significant distress and discomfort in my daily life." 1286,Psoriasis,"I'm concerned about the persistent skin peeling on my palms, elbows, and knees, accompanied by itchy rashes on my arms that worsen with contact. This combination is causing significant discomfort and negatively impacting my daily life." 1287,Psoriasis,"I'm concerned about the persistent peeling of my palm, elbow, and knee skin, as well as the itchy rashes that have developed on my arms. This has been causing significant discomfort and distress in my daily life." 1288,Psoriasis,"I'm concerned about the persistent shedding of skin on my palms, elbows, and knees. Accompanying this is the emergence of rashes on my arms that become itchy when touched, leaving me feeling uncomfortable and miserable." 1289,Psoriasis,"I'm concerned about the persistent peeling of skin on my palms, elbows, and knees. Accompanying this is the development of itchy rashes on my arms, which worsen when I touch them. These issues are significantly impacting my daily life, leaving me feeling uncomfortable and miserable." 1835,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue and weakness, accompanied by a mild fever and stomach discomfort. I'm puzzled and seeking guidance on what might be causing these symptoms." 1836,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue and weakness, accompanied by a lowgrade fever and discomfort in my abdominal area. I'm at a loss to explain what's causing these symptoms." 1837,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue and weakness, accompanied by a lowgrade fever and an unusual ache in my abdomen. I'm at a loss to explain these symptoms." 1838,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue and weakness, accompanied by a lowgrade fever and unexplained stomach discomfort. I'm concerned and unsure about what's causing these symptoms." 1839,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue and weakness lately, accompanied by a lowgrade fever and an unusual stomach ache. I'm feeling frustrated and uncertain about what's causing these symptoms and how to overcome them." 2810,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing some skin issues recently. My skin has become very itchy and prone to rashes, with several areas displaying a different color from my usual tone. Additionally, I've developed new lumps or bumps on my skin that weren't present previously." 2811,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing some unusual skin issues lately. My skin has become very itchy and prone to breaking out into rashes. Additionally, certain areas of my skin have taken on a different color than the rest, and I've developed lumps or bumps that weren't present before." 2812,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing some frustrating skin issues my skin has become super itchy and prone to rashes, with some patches changing color from my usual tone. To top it off, I've developed new lumps or bumps on my skin that didn't exist before." 2813,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing some concerning skin issues recently. My skin has become uncomfortably itchy and prone to breaking out into rashes. Additionally, several areas of my skin have developed noticeable color differences from my normal tone. To top it off, I've started noticing lumps or bumps on my skin that weren't there previously." 2814,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing some skin issues recently it's become very itchy and prone to breaking out into rashes. Additionally, I've noticed several areas with a different skin tone compared to my normal complexion. To top it off, I've developed lumps or bumps on my skin that weren't there previously." 2475,Dengue,"I've been experiencing excessive fatigue and lethargy, lacking the motivation to engage in any activities. Additionally, I've noticed the onset of skin rashes on my neck that become itchy when touched." 2476,Dengue,"I've been experiencing relentless fatigue and exhaustion, making it impossible for me to muster any energy or enthusiasm. Additionally, I've noticed the onset of itchy rashes on my neck that become more bothersome with even light contact." 2477,Dengue,"I'm experiencing persistent fatigue and exhaustion, accompanied by a lack of motivation to engage in activities. Additionally, I've noticed the appearance of itchy rashes on my neck that worsen upon contact." 2478,Dengue,"I've been experiencing overwhelming fatigue and exhaustion, leaving me with zero motivation or energy to accomplish tasks. Additionally, I've noticed the emergence of itchy rashes on my neck that become worse when touched." 2479,Dengue,"I'm experiencing persistent exhaustion and lethargy, with an overwhelming lack of energy to engage in activities. Additionally, I've noticed rashes forming on my neck that become itchy when touched." 5915,urinary tract infection,I've been experiencing a strongsmelling urine with a cloudy appearance. Accompanying this is a persistent fever and increased need to urinate at night. 5916,urinary tract infection,"I've been experiencing a strongsmelling urine with a cloudy appearance, accompanied by recurring fevers and an increased need to use the bathroom at night." 5917,urinary tract infection,I've been experiencing a strongsmelling urine with a cloudy appearance. Accompanying this issue are recurring fevers and an increased need to use the bathroom at night. 5918,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing a strongsmelling urine with a cloudy appearance, accompanied by recurring fever and an increased need to urinate at night." 5919,urinary tract infection,"I've experienced a sudden change in my urine's appearance, characterized by a strong odor and cloudy color. Concurrently, I've been plagued by recurring fever and excessive nocturnal urination." 7095,diabetes,"I've been experiencing a persistent dry cough, and my infections haven't shown significant improvement. I also notice occasional palpitations and intermittent throat discomfort that typically subsides." 7096,diabetes,"I've been experiencing a persistent dry cough, and my respiratory issues haven't seemed to improve. Additionally, I've noticed some irregular heartbeats palpitations and occasional throat discomfort, although the pain typically subsides with time." 7097,diabetes,"I've been experiencing persistent dry coughing, along with lingering respiratory infections that haven't shown significant improvement. Additionally, I've noticed occasional heart palpitations and intermittent throat discomfort, which seems to resolve on its own." 7098,diabetes,"I experience persistent dry coughing, and my infections show little signs of improvement. Additionally, I've noticed palpitations, as well as occasional throat discomfort that sometimes subsides." 7099,diabetes,"I experience persistent dry coughing, with lingering respiratory issues that don't seem to resolve. Additionally, I've noticed frequent heart palpitations and occasional throat discomfort, which often subsides on its own." 2150,Chicken pox,"Here is the rephrased text I've developed swollen red lymph nodes on my arms and legs, which become itchy when touched. Additionally, I'm experiencing a severe headache and a mild fever. My appetite has significantly decreased, leaving me with little interest in eating." 2151,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing swollen, red lymph nodes on my arms and legs, accompanied by itching when touched. Additionally, I'm dealing with a severe headache and mild fever. My appetite has been suppressed, making it difficult for me to eat." 2152,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing swollen, red lymph nodes on my arms and legs accompanied by intense itching when touched. Additionally, I'm dealing with a severe headache and mild fever. My appetite is significantly decreased and I've lost interest in eating." 2153,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing swollen, tender lymph nodes on my arms and legs accompanied by intense itching when touched. Additionally, I'm dealing with a severe headache and mild fever, which has left me feeling uninterested in food and struggling to maintain my appetite." 2154,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing painful, itchy swelling in the lymph nodes on my arms and legs, accompanied by a severe headache and mild fever. Additionally, I've lost my appetite and am not feeling inclined to eat." 1775,Typhoid,"I've been dealing with persistent bloating and constipation, which has been causing significant discomfort. I'm experiencing a sense of fullness and tenderness in my abdominal area, accompanied by pressure and pain." 1776,Typhoid,"I've been dealing with persistent bloating and constipation that's causing significant discomfort. It feels like I have constant pressure and pain in my abdominal region, making it hard to feel at ease." 1777,Typhoid,"I've been struggling with persistent bloating and constipation, which has left me feeling quite unwell. The discomfort is quite intense, characterized by a sense of pressure and pain in my abdominal area." 1778,Typhoid,"I've been dealing with persistent bloating and constipation issues, which are causing significant discomfort. It's like I'm carrying around a heavy burden in my abdomen, accompanied by aching sensations." 1779,Typhoid,"I've been struggling with persistent bloating and constipation lately, which has been quite distressing. It's as if I'm experiencing a constant sense of discomfort and tension in my abdominal region." 7065,diabetes,"I'm experiencing a delayed recovery from my injury, with my extremities hands and feet simultaneously feeling numb and tingling." 7066,diabetes,"I'm experiencing a gradual healing process, with my injury taking longer to recover than expected. Additionally, I've noticed numbness and tingling sensations in both my hands and feet simultaneously." 7067,diabetes,"I'm experiencing delayed healing from my injury, with additional symptoms of numbness and tingling sensations in both my hands and feet simultaneously." 7068,diabetes,"I'm experiencing a slow recovery process, with my wound taking longer to heal than expected. Additionally, I've noticed numbness and tingling sensations in both my hands and feet simultaneously." 7069,diabetes,"I'm experiencing slow healing from my wound, accompanied by numbness and tingling sensations in both my hands and feet simultaneously." 5640,Malaria,"I'm feeling extremely unwell with intense itchiness, accompanied by a highgrade fever, chills, vomiting, and excessive sweating. I'm also experiencing a pounding headache, debilitating nausea, and muscle soreness." 5641,Malaria,"I'm currently suffering from intense itching, chills, vomiting, and a severe fever. I've also experienced headaches, excessive sweating, nausea, and muscle pain." 5642,Malaria,"I'm currently dealing with intense discomfort, including uncontrollable itching, cold chills, repeated vomiting, and a severe fever. Additionally, I'm struggling with a pounding headache, excessive sweating, and persistent nausea, along with lingering muscle pain." 5643,Malaria,"I'm having a miserable time with intense itchiness, shivering from cold, frequent bouts of vomiting, and an elevated body temperature. On top of that, I'm dealing with a throbbing headache, excessive sweating, queasiness, and sore muscles." 5644,Malaria,"I've been struggling with intense itchiness, shivering, frequent vomiting, and a soaring temperature. Alongside this, I'm dealing with a debilitating headache, excessive sweating, and persistent nausea accompanied by muscle cramps." 4230,Bronchial Asthma,"Doctor, I've been experiencing a highgrade fever for several days, along with thick and sticky saliva, a persistent dry cough, and overall feeling of weakness." 4231,Bronchial Asthma,"I've had a persistent high fever for several days, accompanied by thick and sticky saliva, a dry cough, and overall weakness." 4232,Bronchial Asthma,"I've had a persistent high fever for several days now, accompanied by thick and sticky saliva, a dry cough, and noticeable physical weakness. Could you help me identify the cause of these symptoms" 4233,Bronchial Asthma,"Doctor, I've had a persistent high fever for several days, accompanied by sticky saliva, a dry and hacking cough, and noticeable fatigue." 4234,Bronchial Asthma,"Doctor, I've been experiencing a persistent high fever for several days, along with thick and sticky saliva, a dry cough, and overall weakness." 2100,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing severe discomfort and pain due to a persistent skin rash that's become inflamed, red, and increasingly widespread across my body." 2101,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing excruciating pain and discomfort due to a severe skin rash that's turned red, swollen, and rapidly spreading across my body." 2102,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing intense pain and discomfort due to a skin rash that's become severely inflamed and spread across my body, appearing red and swollen." 2103,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing severe itching, burning, and inflammation due to the persistent skin rash, which has become increasingly painful and uncomfortable, accompanied by intense redness and swelling that seems to be spreading rapidly across my body." 2104,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing intense pain and discomfort due to a severe skin rash that's turned bright red and become increasingly swollen, now spreading across my entire body." 2705,Fungal infection,"I've experienced intense itching all over my body, accompanied by a worsening rash that's turned red and bumpy. Additionally, I've noticed darker patches and small nodules on my skin. The symptoms have persisted for several days and are now intensifying." 2706,Fungal infection,"I've experienced a persistent and intense itching sensation all over my body, accompanied by a red, bumpy rash that's worsened daily. Additionally, I've noticed dark spots and small nodular breakouts on my skin, which have been increasing in severity over several days." 2707,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing intense itching all over my body, accompanied by a worsening rash that's turned red and bumpy. In addition to this, I've noticed some darkened spots and small nodules forming on my skin, which have been growing more frequent and severe over the past few days." 2708,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing widespread itching all over my body, accompanied by a persistent red rash with bumps. Additionally, I've noticed some darkened skin patches and small, raised nodules appearing. This discomfort has persisted for several days and is worsening in severity." 2709,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing a persistent and worsening itchiness all over my body, accompanied by a red, bumpy rash that's developed into darker spots and small nodules." 3680,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing severe discomfort when using the bathroom, with episodes becoming increasingly infrequent often going several days without relief. Additionally, I'm experiencing persistent pain in the anal area, accompanied by heavy bleeding and irritation." 3681,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort while using the bathroom, accompanied by significant pain and infrequent bowel movements every few days. Additionally, I'm experiencing tenderness and irritation in my anal region, which is exacerbated by rectal bleeding and discomfort." 3682,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I'm struggling with bowel movements, experiencing significant discomfort and pain during episodes, which are becoming increasingly infrequent usually occurring every few days. I'm also noticing persistent pain in my anal area, accompanied by bloody stool and irritation." 3683,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I'm struggling with chronic bowel issues, experiencing severe pain while using the bathroom and having infrequent bowel movements every few days. I'm also noticing rectal pain and discomfort. My stools have become increasingly bloody, and I'm feeling a heightened sense of irritation around my anus." 3684,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing difficulty with bowel movements, which is causing significant discomfort and pain. The process is quite painful, and I'm only able to go every few days. Additionally, there's considerable tenderness in my anal area, accompanied by bloody stools and persistent irritation around that region." 2940,Fungal infection,"I've experienced recurring itchiness, which often leads to rashes breaking out on my skin. Additionally, I have some irregular areas with distinct pigmentation compared to the rest of my complexion, and occasionally, small nodular bumps form." 2941,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing persistent itchiness, which often manifests as rashes. Additionally, I've noticed some unusual discolorations on my skin, as well as small nodular bumps that appear from time to time." 2942,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing itchy skin lately, which sometimes leads to rashes. Additionally, I have some unusual patches of skin with distinct coloring, and occasionally small nodular bumps appear." 2943,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing recurring itchiness, which often leads to rashes breaking out on my skin. Additionally, I've noticed distinct patches with altered pigmentation, and sometimes these areas become inflamed, forming small nodular bumps." 2944,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing persistent itchiness with occasional rashes. Additionally, I've noticed some unusual patches of skin with varying tone compared to my overall complexion, and sometimes I develop small nodular bumps." 6375,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I consistently encounter heartburn and indigestion, often triggered by eating spicy or fatty foods. The discomfort intensifies when I'm in an upright position or lying down, and I also experience significant chest pain." 6376,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I commonly suffer from heartburn and indigestion, exacerbated by spicy or fatty meals. Forward leaning or lying down worsens my chest symptoms, which are accompanied by significant pain." 6377,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I consistently encounter heartburn and indigestion, often triggered by spicy or fatty meals. Leaning forward or lying down tends to exacerbate these symptoms, which are accompanied by significant chest pain." 6378,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I commonly suffer from heartburn and indigestion, often triggered by eating spicy or greasy meals. Upon inclining or reclining, my chest discomfort intensifies. Additionally, I experience significant chest pain." 6379,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently suffer from heartburn and indigestion, especially when eating spicy or fatty foods. When I bend forward or recline, the discomfort intensifies. I also experience significant chest pain." 6110,allergy,"I experience respiratory difficulties, tiring easily from physical activity or exertion. Additionally, I often suffer from eye strain, a persistent dry cough, and noticeable facial and bodily swelling." 6111,allergy,"I experience respiratory issues, including shortness of breath, as well as ocular discomfort and a persistent dry, hacking cough. Additionally, I often suffer from facial and bodily swelling." 6112,allergy,"I experience respiratory issues, including shortness of breath, as well as eye discomfort, a persistent dry cough, and noticeable facial and bodily swelling." 6113,allergy,"I experience respiratory difficulties, frequently getting winded. Additionally, I suffer from eye strain, a persistent dry cough, and facial and bodily swelling." 6114,allergy,"I experience respiratory issues, including shortness of breath and rapid exhaustion. Additionally, I often suffer from eye strain, a persistent dry cough, and frequent puffiness on my face and body." 4920,Migraine,"I've been experiencing a range of issues including excessive hunger, neck tension, depression, mood swings, visual disturbances, indigestion, frequent headaches, blurred vision, and recurring acid reflux episodes. These symptoms have significantly impacted my daily life, making it difficult for me to carry out my usual routines." 4921,Migraine,"I've been experiencing an array of symptoms including excessive appetite, a tense neck, depression, irritability, visual disturbances, as well as digestive issues such as indigestion, headaches, blurred vision, and acid reflux, which have been disrupting my daily routine." 4922,Migraine,"In addition to experiencing extreme hunger, a stiff neck, sadness, frustration, and visual issues, I've also been dealing with stomach discomfort, frequent headaches, fuzzy vision, and heartburn. These symptoms have been causing me distress and impacting my daily routine." 4923,Migraine,"In addition to experiencing an intense desire for food, a stiff neck, feelings of sadness and irritability, and visual problems, I've also been dealing with indigestion, frequent headaches, blurred vision, and acid reflux. These symptoms have not only caused me distress but have also significantly impacted my daily routines." 4924,Migraine,"I've been experiencing not just excessive appetite, but also neck tension, depression, irritability, visual disturbances, as well as indigestion, frequent headaches, blurred vision, and recurring acid reflux, which has been disrupting my daily routines." 6955,diabetes,"I'm experiencing persistent issues with my vision, including blurred sight that appears to be worsening. Additionally, I often feel extremely fatigued and tired, as well as prone to dizziness and lightheadedness." 6956,diabetes,"I'm experiencing blurred vision that's worsening, along with persistent fatigue and exhaustion. I also struggle with dizziness and lightheadedness." 6957,diabetes,"I'm experiencing blurred vision that's gradually worsening, along with persistent fatigue and exhaustion. Additionally, I often feel dizzy and lightheaded." 6958,diabetes,"I'm experiencing blurred vision that's gradually worsening, accompanied by persistent fatigue and exhaustion. Additionally, I often feel dizzy and lightheaded." 6959,diabetes,"I'm experiencing worsening blurred vision, persistent fatigue, and recurring episodes of dizziness and lightheadedness." 3785,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent muscle weakness, accompanied by severe stiffness in my neck. Additionally, my joints have become inflamed, causing mobility issues and discomfort when walking." 3786,Arthritis,"I've experienced persistent muscle weakness, accompanied by severe stiffness in my neck. Additionally, swelling in my joints has made everyday movements like walking a challenge due to discomfort and stiffness." 3787,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing significant muscle weakness, accompanied by severe stiffness in my neck. Additionally, my joints have become inflamed, causing discomfort and limited mobility when walking, which is often painful and cumbersome." 3788,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent muscle weakness, accompanied by severe stiffness in my neck. Additionally, my joints have become inflamed, making everyday activities like walking a challenge due to discomfort and stiffness." 3789,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing significant muscle weakness, with my neck being particularly stiff. My joints are inflamed, causing discomfort and stiffness when walking. The sensation is exacerbated by the fact that walking itself has become quite unpleasant." 3060,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing persistent redness, itchiness, and watery eyes. Additionally, I've had ongoing sinus pressure that hasn't subsided. I often feel fatigued and have struggled with breathing difficulties. Moreover, I've noticed a buildup of mucus in my throat and swelling in my lymph nodes." 3061,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing persistent redness, itchiness, and watery eyes. Additionally, I'm dealing with chronic sinus pressure that refuses to subside. My energy levels have been low, and I've struggled with labored breathing. Moreover, I've noticed an excessive amount of mucus in my throat, accompanied by swollen lymph nodes." 3062,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing persistent redness, itchiness, and excessive watering in my eyes. Additionally, I've been dealing with chronic sinus pressure that refuses to subside. Furthermore, I'm perpetually fatigued and struggling to catch my breath. My throat has been congested, and I've noticed swelling in my lymph nodes as well." 3063,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing persistent redness, itchiness, and watering in my eyes. Additionally, I've been dealing with sinus pressure that refuses to subside. I often feel exhausted and have struggled with shortness of breath. Furthermore, I've noticed excessive mucus buildup in my throat and swollen lymph nodes." 3064,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing chronic redness, itchiness, and wateriness in my eyes. Additionally, I've had persistent sinus pressure that persists despite efforts to alleviate it. Furthermore, I've felt unusually fatigued and struggled with breathing difficulties. I've also noticed excessive mucus in my throat and swollen lymph nodes." 1425,Psoriasis,"I've been affected by an unknown substance that's caused minor nail damage, joint pain, and a peculiar rash with a silvery hue, primarily noticeable on my back and elbows." 1426,Psoriasis,"I'm suffering from minor nail damage and severe joint pain. Additionally, I've developed a peculiar skin condition characterized by a metallic sheen, particularly noticeable on my back and elbows." 1427,Psoriasis,"I've suffered minor physical damage to my fingernails and am experiencing significant joint pain. Additionally, I have developed a powdery rash with a silver hue on certain areas of my body, particularly on my back and elbows." 1428,Psoriasis,"I've been exposed to metallic particles that have affected my appearance and caused physical discomfort. Notably, my nails show slight indentations, while my joints ache with intense pain. Additionally, I've developed a silvery residue on my skin, particularly on my back and elbows." 1429,Psoriasis,"I've developed some noticeable imperfections my nails have minor indentations, while my joints are plagued by intense pain. Additionally, I've noticed a powdery residue, particularly on my back and elbows, which has taken on a silverlike hue." 3580,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing trouble using the restroom. Urination has become quite painful, and afterwards, my rectum remains sore. Whenever I do go, it's accompanied by bleeding and significant discomfort. Overall, I'm in a state of heightened distress and extreme pain." 3581,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,I'm experiencing difficulties using the restroom as urination is painful and accompanied by bleeding and discomfort around the anus. The experience causes significant pain and distress. 3582,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I'm experiencing persistent difficulties with using the bathroom, as urination has become a painful process that leaves me feeling uncomfortable. Afterward, my rectal area becomes tender and bleeds, causing significant distress and discomfort." 3583,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I'm experiencing persistent issues with using the bathroom. It's become painful to go, and even then, it causes significant discomfort and bleeding. The pain is severe, making every trip to the restroom an unbearable experience." 3584,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I'm experiencing difficulties with bowel movements. Passing stool is painful and accompanied by bleeding and discomfort, leaving me feeling achy and in significant distress. The pain is intense and makes using the restroom a challenging and unpleasant experience for me." 1985,Chicken pox,"I'm struggling with persistent itching that's disrupting my nighttime sleep, leaving me fatigued and restless. Additionally, I've lost my desire to eat and often feel unusually lethargic." 1986,Chicken pox,"The constant itching has disrupted my ability to sleep soundly, leaving me exhausted and restless at night. Additionally, I've lost my appetite and feel unusually fatigued." 1987,Chicken pox,"I'm struggling with insomnia due to persistent itching, which is keeping me awake at night. Additionally, I've experienced a significant loss of appetite and feel unusually fatigued." 1988,Chicken pox,"I'm having trouble sleeping at night due to constant itching, which leaves me feeling exhausted. On top of that, I've also lost my appetite and feel extremely lethargic." 1989,Chicken pox,"The itching is disrupting my nighttime routine, causing me to struggle with falling asleep. To make matters worse, I'm not getting any restful sleep and am feeling quite fatigued as a result. Additionally, I've noticed that I've lost my appetite and feel lethargic, which only adds to my discomfort." 6430,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I often experience unpleasant symptoms after eating, including nausea and regurgitation of my entire meal. Additionally, I frequently suffer from severe heartburn and stomach distress." 6431,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience nausea and vomiting after consuming food, which leads to me regurgitating my entire meal. Additionally, I consistently struggle with excruciating heartburn and abdominal distress." 6432,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience discomfort after consuming food, often accompanied by nausea and complete meal regurgitation. Additionally, I consistently suffer from excruciating acid reflux and stomach distress." 6433,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I often experience nausea and regurgitate my food shortly after consuming a meal. Additionally, I frequently struggle with excruciating acid reflux and persistent stomach discomfort." 6434,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience nausea and regurgitation of my entire meal shortly after eating, accompanied by intense stomach distress and recurring episodes of severe acid reflux." 2055,Chicken pox,"I'm exhausted and have lost my desire to eat. I'm feeling very unwell and can't pinpoint the cause. Additionally, tiny red spots are appearing on my skin." 2056,Chicken pox,"I'm exhausted, lacking an appetite and generally unwell. To make matters worse, I've noticed small red spots appearing on my skin. I'm at a loss for what's causing these symptoms." 2057,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing extreme fatigue, loss of appetite, and a general sense of illness without any clear cause. Additionally, I've noticed tiny red spots appearing on my skin, which is concerning me." 2058,Chicken pox,"I'm exhausted with a complete lack of appetite. I'm genuinely unwell and can't pinpoint the cause. To make things worse, small red rashes have begun appearing on my skin." 2059,Chicken pox,"I'm exhausted, lacking an appetite and feeling unwell. I'm experiencing mysterious symptoms small red spots have appeared on my skin. I'm unsure of the cause." 1280,Psoriasis,"I've observed a change in my skin's sensitivity, which seems more pronounced lately. Additionally, I've noticed a fine, silvery dusting on certain areas, particularly on my back and elbows." 1281,Psoriasis,"I've experienced an increase in skin sensitivity, particularly on my back and elbows where I've noticed a fine, silvery dusting or flaking." 1282,Psoriasis,"I've observed that my skin has recently become more sensitive than usual. Additionally, I've noticed a fine, silvery powder depositing on my skin, particularly on my back and elbows." 1283,Psoriasis,"I've recently experienced increased sensitivity in my skin, particularly on my back and elbows, where I've observed a fine, silvery dusting or flaking." 1284,Psoriasis,"I've observed that my skin has developed increased sensitivity lately. Additionally, I've noticed a fine, silvery deposit on my skin, particularly on my back and elbows." 3755,Arthritis,"I've been dealing with muscle weakness and stiffness in my neck, accompanied by swelling in my joints that's made walking a challenging and uncomfortable experience." 3756,Arthritis,"I've been noticing some physical changes lately I've developed muscle weakness and stiffness in my neck, which has caused my joints to swell and make walking a real struggle. To be honest, even simple movements can feel quite painful." 3757,Arthritis,"I've been noticing some concerning symptoms lately I've had recurring episodes of neck weakness and stiffness, accompanied by joint swelling that makes everyday activities like walking a struggle. To top it off, even simple strolls have become incredibly painful." 3758,Arthritis,"I've noticed recurring issues with muscle weakness and stiffness in my neck, accompanied by swelling in my joints that causes discomfort when walking. Even simple movement becomes painful and stiff." 3759,Arthritis,"I've noticed I'm feeling weaker and stiffer in my neck muscles lately, accompanied by swelling in my joints that makes walking challenging due to stiffness. Even a simple stroll becomes agonizing." 1440,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing skin issues on my arms and neck, characterized by recurring rashes that frequently bleed and become painful when scratched. Additionally, I've noticed small dents forming on my fingernails, an unusual development." 1441,Psoriasis,"I've been experiencing skin issues on my arms and neck, characterized by rashes that sometimes bleed and become painful when scratched. Additionally, I've noticed small indentations forming on my fingernails, which seems unusual." 1442,Psoriasis,"I've been experiencing rashes on my arms and neck that sometimes bleed and become painful when scratched. Additionally, I've noticed small dents forming on my fingernails, which is an unusual occurrence for me." 1443,Psoriasis,"I'm experiencing recurring rashes on my arms and neck that frequently bleed and become painful upon scratching. Additionally, I've noticed small indentations forming on my fingernails, which is unusual." 1444,Psoriasis,"I've noticed developing rashes on my arms and neck that frequently bleed and become painful when scratched. Additionally, I've experienced the formation of small indentations on my fingernails, which seems unusual." 2155,Chicken pox,"I'm feeling extremely fatigued and struggling to stay energized, even during the day. My eyelids are heavy, making it hard for me to keep them open. Additionally, I've developed a mild fever and haven't felt like eating much lately, which has likely contributed to my loss of appetite." 2156,Chicken pox,"I'm feeling completely drained of energy, to the point where it's hard for me to stay awake during the day. Additionally, I've developed a mild temperature and haven't had much of an appetite lately, which makes me think I may be losing interest in food altogether." 2157,Chicken pox,"I'm feeling completely drained of energy, struggling to stay awake even during the daytime. Additionally, I've developed a lowgrade fever and haven't had much interest in food, possibly indicating a loss of appetite." 2158,Chicken pox,"I'm feeling quite drained, with little to no energy. Even simple tasks tire me out, making it hard for me to keep my eyes open during the day. To make matters worse, I've developed a mild fever and haven't had much of an appetite lately." 2159,Chicken pox,"I'm feeling extremely fatigued and drained of energy. It's difficult for me to stay awake during the day, as I'm struggling with lethargy. Additionally, I've developed a mild fever and haven't had much interest in eating lately, which has left me wondering if my appetite is gone." 3930,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing stiffness and weakness in my neck muscles lately, which makes running challenging due to my aging joints. Even simple activities like walking have become uncomfortable for me." 3931,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing stiffness and weakness in my neck muscles lately, which has made running challenging due to my aging joints. Even simple walks have become uncomfortable for me as a result." 3932,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing stiffness and weakness in my neck muscles lately, which has made it challenging to run comfortably. As I've gotten older, my joints tend to get tighter when I'm physically active. Even simple activities like walking have become uncomfortable due to this newfound tightness." 3933,Arthritis,"Over the past little while, I've noticed that the muscles in my neck have stiffened and weakened significantly. This change makes it challenging for me to run as comfortably as I used to, especially given my older joints' increased sensitivity to tightness. Even walking has become an unpleasant experience." 3934,Arthritis,"I've experienced a sudden onset of stiffness and weakness in my neck muscles, making it challenging to engage in physical activities like running. With aging joints, even simple movements like walking have become uncomfortable for me." 3775,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing muscle weakness, particularly in my body, accompanied by severe stiffness in my neck. Additionally, I'm struggling with swollen joints that make movement challenging and leave me feeling stiff. Even walking has become an unpleasant experience for me." 3776,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent muscle weakness, severe neck stiffness, and swollen joints that make it challenging to move freely or take a comfortable walk." 3777,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent muscle weakness, accompanied by stiffness and discomfort in my neck. Additionally, my joints have become inflamed and swollen, making movement and walking quite challenging for me." 3778,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent muscle weakness, accompanied by stiffness in my neck and joints. Movement becomes labored and often results in discomfort, making it challenging to engage in daily activities such as walking." 3779,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent muscle weakness, particularly in my arms and shoulders. Additionally, my neck has been chronically tense, leading to discomfort and stiffness. Swelling in my joints has made it challenging to move freely, with even minor activities triggering stiffness and pain. Walking has also become a struggle due to the discomfort and fatigue." 6085,allergy,"I experience persistent fatigue, a nagging tickle in my throat, and dry skin. Additionally, I sometimes develop puffiness around my eyes." 6086,allergy,"I consistently experience fatigue, accompanied by a persistent tickle in my throat. Additionally, my skin has become increasingly dry, and I sometimes develop eye puffiness." 6087,allergy,"I consistently experience fatigue, accompanied by a nagging sensation of having something stuck in my throat. Additionally, my skin feels parched, and I occasionally develop puffiness around my eyes." 6088,allergy,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue, accompanied by a recurring sensation of having a tickle in my throat. Additionally, I've noticed my skin becoming increasingly dry. Furthermore, I occasionally develop eye swelling." 6089,allergy,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue, accompanied by a nagging tickle in my throat. Additionally, my skin has become increasingly dry, and I occasionally develop puffiness around my eyes." 5890,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing frequent, unrelenting urge to use the restroom, yet struggling to fully empty my bladder. Occasionally, I experience sudden, overwhelming need to urinate accompanied by dark or reddishcolored urine." 5891,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing recurring needs to use the restroom, yet I struggle to fully empty my bladder. Occasionally, I'll feel an overwhelming and unstoppable urge to urinate, accompanied by dark or reddishcolored urine." 5892,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing frequent and urgent needs to use the restroom, but struggling to fully empty my bladder. Additionally, I occasionally experience sudden and intense urges to urinate, accompanied by the production of dark or reddishcolored urine." 5893,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing frequent and persistent urinary needs, yet I struggle to fully empty my bladder. Occasionally, I'll suddenly feel an overwhelming need to use the restroom, accompanied by dark or reddishcolored urine." 5894,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing frequent and overwhelming urges to urinate, accompanied by dark or reddishcolored urine, yet I struggle to fully empty my bladder." 5340,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing intense itching, queasiness, and fatigue. Furthermore, I've developed a fever, lost weight, and noticed unusual symptoms such as dark urine, a yellow rash, and persistent abdominal discomfort." 5341,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing severe symptoms including intense itching, queasiness, and fatigue. Additionally, I've had a high temperature, significant weight loss, dark urine, a yellow rash, and persistent abdominal discomfort." 5342,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing intense itching, queasiness, and fatigue. Additionally, I've had a fever, weight loss, and discolored urine black. A yellow rash has appeared on my skin, accompanied by stomach cramps." 5343,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing severe itching, queasiness, and fatigue. Additionally, I've had a fever, lost weight, and noticed changes in my body's appearance, including darkcolored urine and a yellow rash on my skin. I'm also dealing with stomach cramps and discomfort." 5344,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing intense itching, queasiness, and fatigue. Furthermore, I've had a fever, lost weight, and noticed some concerning physical symptoms darkcolored urine, a yellow rash on my skin, and persistent stomach pain." 6115,allergy,"I'm experiencing a plugged nose and nasal congestion, accompanied by occasional stiffness and chest discomfort at night. Additionally, I've lost my sense of smell and taste." 6116,allergy,"I'm experiencing nasal congestion and a plugged nose, accompanied by occasional stiffness and chest discomfort at night. Furthermore, I've lost my sense of smell and taste." 6117,allergy,"I'm experiencing persistent nasal congestion and a plugged nose, along with occasional nocturnal chest tightness and stiffness. Additionally, I've noticed significant impairments in my sense of smell and taste." 6118,allergy,"I'm experiencing chronic rhinitis, accompanied by occasional nocturnal chest tightness. Additionally, I've noticed a significant decline in my sense of smell and taste." 6119,allergy,"I'm experiencing persistent nasal congestion and a plugged nose, accompanied by occasional nighttime stiffness and chest discomfort. Moreover, I've noticed a significant loss of my sense of smell and taste." 3600,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent constipation and discomfort with bowel movements. During bowel movements, I'm noticing bleeding and intense soreness around my anus, which is causing significant discomfort and pain." 3601,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing constipation and discomfort during bowel movements, accompanied by rectal bleeding and intense soreness. The sensation is excruciatingly painful, leaving me feeling miserable and seeking relief." 3602,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent constipation and painful bowel movements. Every time I have a bowel movement, my anus bleeds and becomes excruciatingly uncomfortable. The pain is intense and leaves me feeling very distressed." 3603,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing recurring constipation and discomfort during bowel movements. Unfortunately, when I have a bowel movement, I notice significant bleeding and soreness around my anus, which causes me considerable pain and distress. The pain is excruciatingly intense, making it difficult for me to cope with this persistent issue." 3604,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent constipation and discomfort with bowel movements. Each time I have a bowel movement, my anus bleeds and feels very tender. The pain and discomfort are quite intense." 6840,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing an unpleasantly sour taste that persists throughout my mouth. Additionally, frequent belching and burping are characteristic of my digestive issues. Furthermore, I often feel bloated or experience pressure in my upper abdominal region for several hours." 6841,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience a persistent sour or acidic sensation in my mouth. Frequent belching and burping occur, accompanied by discomforting pressure and fullness in my upper abdominal region that lasts for several hours." 6842,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing a persistent, unpleasantly acidic aftertaste. I frequently suffer from belching and burping, accompanied by discomforting pressure or fullness in my upper abdominal area that lasts for several hours." 6843,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing an intense, acidic sensation in my mouth. Frequent belching and burping are also occurring. Additionally, I've noticed persistent pressure and fullness in my upper abdominal region that lasts for several hours." 6844,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience a persistent acidic sensation in my mouth, accompanied by frequent belching and burping. Additionally, I often feel pressure or discomfort in my upper abdomen that can last for several hours." 2615,Dengue,"I've experienced recurring vomiting, leading to a loss of appetite. Additionally, I'm dealing with skin rashes and eye discomfort that's making it difficult for me to get a good night's sleep." 2616,Dengue,"I've been experiencing recurring episodes of vomiting, accompanied by a loss of appetite. Additionally, I've noticed rashes on my skin and persistent eye pain, making it difficult for me to get proper rest." 2617,Dengue,"I've been experiencing recurring episodes of vomiting, accompanied by a significant loss of appetite. Additionally, I'm plagued by skin rashes and eye discomfort, making it difficult for me to get a good night's sleep." 2618,Dengue,"I've been experiencing recurring vomiting episodes, which has led to a loss of appetite. Additionally, I'm dealing with skin rashes and eye discomfort that's making it difficult for me to get a good night's sleep." 2619,Dengue,"I've been experiencing recurring episodes of vomiting, which has led to a loss of appetite. Additionally, I'm plagued by skin rashes and eye pain that prevents me from getting a good night's rest." 6345,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience symptoms of nausea and vomiting shortly after consuming food, which is followed by a complete loss of my meal. Additionally, I regularly struggle with intense heartburn and debilitating stomach discomfort." 6346,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience nausea and vomiting shortly after consuming food, which often results in me regurgitating my entire meal. Additionally, I consistently suffer from intense acid reflux and debilitating stomach discomfort." 6347,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience unpleasant physical sensations following meals, which are typically followed by vomiting up everything I've eaten. Additionally, I consistently struggle with intense acid reflux and severe stomach discomfort." 6348,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience discomfort after eating, which is usually followed by a complete loss of appetite and nausea that leads to me vomiting my entire meal. Additionally, I consistently suffer from intense heartburn and debilitating stomach cramps." 6349,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience nausea and vomiting after consuming food, as well as intense heartburn and debilitating abdominal discomfort." 5185,Cervical spondylosis,"I've experienced chronic back discomfort, along with a stubborn cough, and noticeable fatigue in my upper and lower limbs. Additionally, I've had recurring pain in my neck and have felt dizzy and uncoordinated." 5186,Cervical spondylosis,"I've experienced recurring episodes of discomfort, including lower back pain, persistent coughing, fatigue in my limbs, and stiffness in my neck. Additionally, I've noticed a lack of balance and occasional dizziness." 5187,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing chronic discomfort, including lower back pain, a lingering cough, and muscle weakness affecting my entire body, as well as persistent neck ache, dizziness, and a sense of unsteadiness." 5188,Cervical spondylosis,"I've experienced persistent discomfort, including recurring backaches, a nagging cough, and fatigue in my limbs. Additionally, I've noticed soreness in my neck and have felt unsteady and dizzy at times." 5189,Cervical spondylosis,"I've experienced recurring issues with back pain, a nagging cough, and fatigue affecting my entire body. Additionally, I've noticed discomfort in my neck, as well as feelings of dizziness and lightheadedness that make me feel offbalance." 5895,urinary tract infection,"I'm feeling quite down and struggling with some unpleasant physical symptoms my urine has an strong odor, I experience frequent discomfort in my kidneys, and have difficulty controlling my bladder function. Additionally, I'm plagued by unpredictable cravings." 5896,urinary tract infection,"I've been struggling with some tough emotions lately, and to make matters worse, I'm experiencing some physical discomforts as well. Specifically, I've noticed that my urine has a strong odor, and I've had recurring issues with incontinence. Additionally, I've been plagued by an overwhelming urge to do certain things without warning." 5897,urinary tract infection,"I've been feeling down and struggling with some physical discomfort my urine has an unpleasant odor, and I'm experiencing pain and frequent urination in my kidney area. Additionally, I'm dealing with unwanted urges that feel uncontrollable." 5898,urinary tract infection,"I've been feeling down and frustrated, and it's affecting my physical health too I've got urinary frequency issues and my urine has a strong odor. On top of that, I'm experiencing discomfort and pain in my kidney area. To make matters worse, I've also been plagued by intense urges that feel uncontrollable." 5899,urinary tract infection,"I'm feeling quite drained and my urinary tract issues are causing me discomfort, including frequent urination and unpleasant odors. Additionally, I've been experiencing recurring, unexplained cravings." 2325,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms a soaring fever and excruciating headache. I've also developed rashes on my arms and face, which has left me deeply concerned. To add to my distress, I noticed reddish sores emerging near my nose today." 2326,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms a high fever, intense headache, and noticeable rashes on my arms and face are leaving me very concerned. To make matters worse, I've recently noticed red sores near my nose." 2327,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms, including a high fever, excruciating headache, and noticeable rashes on my arms and face. To make matters worse, I've recently noticed red sores appearing near my nose, which has left me extremely anxious about my overall health." 2328,Impetigo,"I'm not feeling well at all I have a severe fever and headache, and I've developed itchy rashes on my arms and face. Seeing the red sores near my nose has really got me worried." 2329,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms a soaring fever, intense headache, and unexpected rashes on my arms and face are causing me immense distress. What's even more concerning is the appearance of red sores near my nose, which I discovered today." 1330,Psoriasis,"I'm concerned about a recent development my skin is unusually reactive to environmental changes, becoming easily irritated by temperature and humidity fluctuations. Additionally, my fingernails have started to show small dents. This rapid change has me worried." 1331,Psoriasis,"I'm concerned about a recent change I've noticed in my skin, which is unusually sensitive to temperature and humidity fluctuations. Additionally, I've developed noticeable indentations on my fingernails. I'd appreciate any guidance on what might be causing these changes." 1332,Psoriasis,"I'm concerned about recent changes affecting my skin and nails. Due to its sensitivity, even minor fluctuations in temperature or humidity can cause irritation. Furthermore, I've noticed denting on my nails, which has me worried about the potential underlying causes." 1333,Psoriasis,"I'm concerned about my recent skin sensitivity issues, as even minor changes in temperature or humidity seem to cause irritation. Additionally, my nails have begun showing dents. I'm trying to understand what might be causing these sudden changes and would appreciate any guidance." 1334,Psoriasis,"I'm concerned about the recent changes I've experienced, including sensitivity to temperature and humidity fluctuations, which trigger rapid irritation. Additionally, my nails have taken on a dented appearance, and I'm worried about what might be causing these unexpected developments." 2610,Dengue,"I'm struggling with excruciating joint pain, which is significantly impacting my daily routine. On top of that, I've also been experiencing persistent nausea and a minor headache." 2611,Dengue,"I've been struggling with intense joint pain that's really impacting my daily routine. To make matters worse, I've also had recurring nausea and a minor headache lately." 2612,Dengue,"I'm having a tough day due to intense joint pain, accompanied by nausea and a light headache." 2613,Dengue,"I'm struggling with excruciating joint pain, which has made my day really tough. On top of that, I've had a persistent feeling of nausea and a mild headache as well." 2614,Dengue,"I'm having a tough day due to excruciating joint pain, accompanied by nausea and a mild headache. It's really taking a toll on me." 6945,peptic ulcer disease,"Unintentional weight loss has left me struggling to regain the pounds, making it tough to manage my overall wellbeing. The discomfort takes a toll on my body, leading me to rely on antacids for relief. Currently, I'm experiencing severe mouth pain." 6946,peptic ulcer disease,"I've accidentally shed pounds without meaning to and struggle to regain them. When my digestive issues become unbearable, I turn to antacids for relief. Right now, my mouth is throbbing with pain." 6947,peptic ulcer disease,"I unexpectedly shed pounds, but struggle to regain the lost weight. To alleviate the persistent discomfort, I turn to antacids for relief. Currently, my mouth is throbbing with intense pain." 6948,peptic ulcer disease,"I accidentally shed pounds and struggle to regain them. To ease the distress caused by digestive issues, I take antacids. My mouth is throbbing in agony as I type this." 6949,peptic ulcer disease,"I've been experiencing unintended weight loss, making it difficult for me to regain my original weight. In an effort to alleviate the physical discomfort and pain, I've resorted to taking antacids. As I speak, my mouth is throbbing in agony." 3385,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing a range of symptoms including chills, fatigue, persistent coughing, fever, and shortness of breath. Additionally, I've noticed excessive sweating and general feelings of illness and weakness. Furthermore, I've produced thick, dark mucus." 3386,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing symptoms such as fever, fatigue, persistent cough, shortness of breath, and excessive sweating. Additionally, I've noticed a significant amount of thick, dark mucus." 3387,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing symptoms including fever, fatigue, persistent coughing, shortness of breath, and excessive sweating. Additionally, I've noticed a significant amount of thick, dark mucus." 3388,Pneumonia,"I've experienced symptoms including recurring chills, fatigue, persistent cough, fever, and shortness of breath. Additionally, I've noticed excessive sweating, overall poor health, and production of thick, dark mucus." 3389,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing symptoms such as chills, fatigue, a persistent cough, fever, and shortness of breath. Additionally, I've been sweating heavily and overall feel unwell and weak. Notably, my mucus has been thick and dark in color." 7035,diabetes,"I often experience a strong urge to urinate, accompanied by recurring cravings. Additionally, I commonly feel lightheaded and disoriented. Furthermore, I've suffered from visual impairment." 7036,diabetes,"I often experience a strong urge to use the restroom, accompanied by recurring intense cravings. Additionally, I commonly feel dizzy and disoriented, and have also experienced episodes of vision impairment." 7037,diabetes,"I experience recurring urges to use the restroom, accompanied by intense cravings. Additionally, I often feel lightheaded and disoriented. Furthermore, I've experienced partial vision loss." 7038,diabetes,"I often experience a sudden urge to use the restroom, accompanied by intense desires. Additionally, I commonly feel lightheaded and disoriented. Furthermore, I've experienced vision impairment." 7039,diabetes,"I often experience a strong urge to use the restroom, accompanied by recurring intense cravings. Additionally, I commonly feel dizzy and disoriented. Furthermore, I've experienced visual impairments." 3020,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing excessive sneezing, accompanied by fatigue, illnesslike symptoms, and nasal discharge. My throat feels itchy and congested, while my neck is also feeling swollen." 3021,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing persistent sneezing, fatigue, and illness symptoms. Additionally, I'm dealing with excessive nasal discharge and a scratchy throat feeling. My neck has also become swollen." 3022,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing frequent sneezing, excessive fatigue, and general illness. Additionally, I've noticed an unusual discharge from my nose and a scratchy sensation in my throat. Furthermore, my neck has become swollen." 3023,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing frequent sneezing, accompanied by persistent fatigue and illnesslike symptoms. Additionally, I'm noticing an unusual amount of mucus emanating from my nose, which is often thick and uncomfortable to clear. Furthermore, my throat feels irritated and scratchy, and my neck appears swollen." 3024,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing frequent sneezing, excessive fatigue, and general sickness. Additionally, I've noticed an unusual amount of discharge from my nose, accompanied by a scratchy sensation in my throat. Furthermore, my neck has become swollen." 2345,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing symptoms that concern me I've developed rashes on my face and small sores near my nose. These sores have turned red, painful, and are now discharging a yellowish substance." 2346,Impetigo,"I'm concerned about a potential skin condition as I've developed rashes on my face and small sores near my nose. These sores have turned red, become painful, and are now accompanied by yellow discharge." 2347,Impetigo,"I'm concerned I may have a skin condition. I've developed rashes on my face and small sores around my nose that are turning red, painful, and discharging a yellowish substance." 2348,Impetigo,"I'm concerned about a potential skin condition as I've developed rashes on my face and small sores near my nose. The sores have turned red, become painful, and are now draining a yellowish discharge." 2349,Impetigo,"I'm concerned about a possible skin condition as I've developed rashes on my face, along with small, inflamed lesions near my nose that are now tender, red, and producing a yellowish discharge." 1385,Psoriasis,"As winter approaches, my skin rash tends to flare up due to low humidity. To combat this, I need to increase my moisturizing routine and rely on humidifiers to maintain a healthy moisture level. Additionally, I've been experiencing persistent joint pain." 1386,Psoriasis,"As winter approaches with drier air, my skin rash tends to worsen. To combat this, I need to increase my moisturizing routine and utilize humidifiers to maintain hydration. Furthermore, I've been experiencing persistent joint pain." 1387,Psoriasis,"As winter approaches, my skin rash tends to worsen due to dry air. To combat this, I need to increase my moisturizing routine and utilize humidifiers. Additionally, I'm experiencing persistent joint pain." 1388,Psoriasis,"As winter approaches, I find that my skin rash tends to worsen due to the drying effects of the cold, arid air. To combat this, I need to increase my moisturizing routine and utilize humidifiers to maintain optimal hydration levels. Additionally, I've been experiencing persistent joint discomfort." 1389,Psoriasis,"As winter arrives with dry air, my skin rash tends to worsen. To combat this, I need to increase my moisturizing routine and utilize humidifiers. Additionally, I'm struggling with joint pain." 4545,Hypertension,"I've noticed a combination of physical symptoms, including dizziness and shaky feelings, along with cognitive difficulties such as decreased focus and trouble concentrating." 4546,Hypertension,"I've noticed recurring symptoms of dizziness and tremors, accompanied by difficulties with focus and concentration." 4547,Hypertension,"I've noticed I'm frequently feeling lightheaded and jittery, accompanied by difficulties staying focused and maintaining my mental clarity." 4548,Hypertension,"I've noticed symptoms of vertigo, tremors, and cognitive impairment, characterized by diminished focus and reduced capacity for mental concentration." 4549,Hypertension,"I've noticed recent episodes of lightheadedness and tremors, accompanied by diminished focus and difficulty sustaining mental concentration." 4945,Migraine,"I've been experiencing a range of issues including acid reflux, indigestion, headaches, blurred vision, excessive hunger, a sore neck, depression, irritability, and visual disturbances, which have significantly impacted my daily life and made it hard for me to focus and perform everyday tasks with ease." 4946,Migraine,"I've been experiencing a range of issues, including acid reflux, indigestion, headaches, blurred vision, excessive hunger, neck soreness, depression, irritability, and visual disturbances. These symptoms have significantly impacted my daily life, making it challenging to focus and carry out tasks effectively." 4947,Migraine,"I've been experiencing a range of persistent health issues, including acid reflux, indigestion, headaches, blurred vision, excessive hunger, neck soreness, depression, irritability, and visual disturbances. These symptoms have significantly impacted my daily life, making it challenging to focus and function normally." 4948,Migraine,"I've been experiencing a multitude of issues, including acid reflux, indigestion, headaches, blurred and distorted vision, excessive hunger, neck soreness, depression, irritability, and visual disturbances, which have significantly impacted my daily life, making it challenging to focus and perform normal tasks." 4949,Migraine,"I've been experiencing a range of issues, including acid reflux, indigestion, headaches, blurred vision, excessive hunger, neck pain, depression, irritability, and visual disturbances. These symptoms have significantly impacted my daily life, making it challenging to focus and perform tasks with ease." 7100,diabetes,"I've noticed an increase in my hydration levels, accompanied by more frequent urination. I also experience recurring feelings of dryness in my throat and mouth. Additionally, my hunger and appetite have been heightened." 7101,diabetes,"I've increased my water intake and urination frequency, experiencing occasional dryness in my throat and mouth. Additionally, I've noticed a surge in my hunger and appetite lately." 7102,diabetes,"I've noticed improvements in my hydration levels as I drink more water and urinate regularly. Additionally, I often experience dryness in my throat and mouth. Interestingly, my hunger and appetite have increased lately." 7103,diabetes,"I've noticed an increase in my hydration levels, as I've been drinking more water and experiencing more frequent urination. Additionally, I've experienced feelings of dryness in my throat and mouth. Lately, I've also observed a growth in both my hunger and appetite." 7104,diabetes,"I've noticed an increase in my water intake and frequency of urination. I also experience persistent dryness in my throat and mouth. Additionally, I've experienced a surge in both my hunger and appetite recently." 3070,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing nasal congestion, accompanied by persistent redness and excessive tearing in my eyes. Additionally, I'm experiencing chest discomfort and respiratory issues. Furthermore, I'm dealing with muscle pain and a complete loss of sense of smell." 3071,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing nasal congestion, constant eye irritation with excessive tearing, chest discomfort, shortness of breath, muscle pain, and a complete loss of sense of smell." 3072,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing congestion in my nose, accompanied by frequent redness and runniness. I also have chest discomfort and difficulty breathing. Furthermore, my muscles ache significantly, and I've lost my sense of smell altogether." 3073,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing nasal congestion, along with persistent redness and excessive tearing in my eyes. Additionally, I've been dealing with chest discomfort and difficulty breathing. Furthermore, I'm feeling muscle soreness and have lost my sense of smell." 3074,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing congestion in my nose, accompanied by persistent redness and drainage in my eyes. Additionally, I'm feeling discomfort in my chest and struggling with breathing difficulties. Furthermore, my muscles ache, and I've lost my sense of smell altogether." 3545,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've experienced difficulties with bowel movements, often requiring significant effort to use the restroom. When I do manage to go, it's accompanied by discomfort and bleeding. Additionally, I'm experiencing persistent anal pain, as well as intense itching and irritation in the affected area." 3546,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing constipation, making it challenging to use the restroom. When I do manage to go, it's often accompanied by discomfort and pain. Additionally, my stool has been bloodtinged. Furthermore, I'm dealing with persistent anal itching and irritation, as well as pain in my buttocks." 3547,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing constipation, making it difficult for me to have a bowel movement. When I do manage to go, it's painful and accompanied by bloody stool. Additionally, I've been dealing with discomfort in my buttocks and anal itchingirritation." 3548,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing difficulties with bowel movements, making it challenging to use the restroom. When I do manage to go, I experience discomfort and notice blood in my stool. Additionally, I'm experiencing persistent pain in my buttocks and intense itching and irritation around my anus." 3549,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've experienced difficulties with bowel movements, accompanied by discomfort during use of the restroom. The process itself is painful, and my stools have been marred by blood. Additionally, I'm experiencing tenderness in the area surrounding my anus, as well as persistent itching and irritation." 5610,Malaria,"I've been experiencing a range of uncomfortable symptoms, including intense itching, chills, nausea, fever, headaches, excessive sweating, and severe muscle pain." 5611,Malaria,"I've been experiencing a range of unpleasant symptoms, including intense itching, chills, nausea, and a high fever, as well as headaches, excessive sweating, and severe muscle pain." 5612,Malaria,"I've been experiencing a range of unpleasant symptoms, including intense itching, chills, nausea, fever, headache, excessive sweating, and severe muscle pain." 5613,Malaria,"I've been experiencing a range of uncomfortable symptoms, including intense itching, chills, nausea, fever, headaches, excessive sweating, and severe muscle pain." 5614,Malaria,"I've been experiencing a range of unpleasant symptoms, including intense itching, chills, fever, headaches, excessive sweating, severe muscle pain, and ongoing nausea." 7105,diabetes,"I'm experiencing a hazy visual field that's worsening, along with persistent fatigue and exhaustion. Additionally, I've been plagued by episodes of intense dizziness and lightheadedness." 7106,diabetes,"I'm experiencing blurred vision that's worsening, accompanied by persistent fatigue and exhaustion. Additionally, I'm prone to sudden spells of dizziness and lightheadedness." 7107,diabetes,"My eyesight has become blurry and seems to be deteriorating further. I'm constantly fatigued and drained of energy. Additionally, I experience frequent episodes of dizziness and lightheadedness." 7108,diabetes,"I'm experiencing poor vision with increasing bluriness, as well as persistent exhaustion and fatigue. Additionally, I often feel dizzy and lightheaded." 7109,diabetes,"I'm experiencing blurred vision that's worsening, accompanied by persistent fatigue and exhaustion. Additionally, I'm occasionally plagued by intense dizziness and lightheadedness." 4635,Hypertension,"While working, I began experiencing a sudden onset of headaches, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness. Since then, it's been challenging for me to stay focused and complete tasks efficiently." 4636,Hypertension,"While working, I experienced sudden onset of headaches, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness. Since then, it's been challenging for me to maintain concentration and productivity due to these symptoms." 4637,Hypertension,"While working, I began experiencing a sudden onset of headache, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness, which has made it challenging for me to maintain my usual level of concentration and productivity at work." 4638,Hypertension,"While at work, I began experiencing a sudden onset of headaches, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness, making it challenging for me to maintain concentration and complete tasks with ease." 4639,Hypertension,"While working, I began experiencing symptoms including a headache, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness, which has made it challenging for me to maintain concentration and complete tasks efficiently." 1360,Psoriasis,"I've noticed that my skin has become more sensitive recently. I've also developed a silvery residue, particularly on my back and elbows." 1361,Psoriasis,"I've noticed changes in my skin sensitivity, with a recent increase in its reactivity. Additionally, I've developed a silvery sheen, particularly noticeable on my back and elbows." 1362,Psoriasis,"I've noticed changes in my skin's sensitivity it feels more delicate now compared to before. Additionally, I've developed a noticeable silvery sheen, particularly on my back and elbows." 1363,Psoriasis,"I've noticed that my skin has become more sensitive recently. I've also developed a silvery film, particularly on my back and elbows." 1364,Psoriasis,"I've noticed that my skin seems more delicate recently, particularly on my back and elbows where I've developed a subtle silvery sheen." 6250,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I often experience a burning sensation in my throat, particularly after consuming food. Furthermore, I sometimes notice a lingering sour or bitter taste that makes me feel uneasy." 6251,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I often experience a burning sensation in my throat, particularly after consuming food. Furthermore, I sometimes develop an unpleasantly sour or bitter taste that leaves me feeling nauseous." 6252,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I often experience a burning sensation in my throat, particularly after consuming food. Furthermore, I sometimes encounter a sour or bitter aftertaste that leaves me feeling uneasy and nauseous." 6253,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I often experience a burning sensation in my throat, particularly after consuming food, and sometimes develop an unpleasantly sour or bitter aftertaste that leaves me feeling uneasy." 6254,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I often experience a burning sensation in my throat, particularly after consuming food. Furthermore, I sometimes notice a sour or bitter taste lingering afterwards, which makes me feel uneasy and queasy." 7075,diabetes,"I'm experiencing physical symptoms such as tremors, fatigue, and numbness in my senses of taste and smell. Additionally, I sometimes experience irregular heartbeats or a rapid pulse." 7076,diabetes,"I'm experiencing bodily tremors, and my appetite and sense of smell are diminished. Additionally, I often experience irregular heartbeat and fatigue." 7077,diabetes,"I'm experiencing physical symptoms like involuntary tremors, dulled senses of taste and smell, and overwhelming fatigue. Additionally, my heart rate is unpredictable, sometimes racing with palpitations." 7078,diabetes,"I'm experiencing physical symptoms including tremors, fatigue, and compromised sensory perception taste and smell. Additionally, I've noticed occasional heart palpitations or rapid heartbeat." 7079,diabetes,"I'm experiencing intense physical symptoms my body is wracked with shakes and tremors, my sense of taste and smell are diminished, and I'm feeling drained of energy. Additionally, I often encounter irregular heartbeats and rapid pulse." 2170,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing intense itching all over, accompanied by a fever and headache. The rash is becoming increasingly inflamed and painful, making daily life quite unbearable." 2171,Chicken pox,"I've been experiencing intense itching all over, accompanied by a fever and headache. The red spots are becoming increasingly inflamed and painful, making daily life quite unbearable." 2172,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing intense itchiness throughout my entire body, accompanied by a fever and headache. As the red spots begin to swell, the discomfort has become increasingly unbearable daily." 2173,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing intense itching all over my body, accompanied by a high fever and headache. The rash is becoming increasingly inflamed and painful, making daily life quite unbearable." 2174,Chicken pox,"I've been experiencing intense itching all over, accompanied by a fever and headache. As the rash worsens, the red spots are becoming increasingly inflamed and painful, making daily life quite unbearable." 6725,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing irregular bowel habits, including both constipation and diarrhea. Additionally, I've noticed a decrease in my desire to eat and overall energy levels, which has left me feeling persistently tired." 6726,peptic ulcer disease,"I've experienced changes in my digestive habits, including constipation and diarrhea. Additionally, I'm struggling with a lack of appetite and energy, which has left me feeling exhausted most of the time." 6727,peptic ulcer disease,"I've been experiencing irregular bowel habits, including constipation and diarrhea, accompanied by a lack of interest in food and persistent fatigue." 6728,peptic ulcer disease,"I've noticed some changes in my digestive habits, including episodes of constipation and diarrhea. Additionally, I'm experiencing a decrease in appetite and overall energy levels, leaving me feeling consistently fatigued." 6729,peptic ulcer disease,"I've been experiencing irregularities with my bowel habits, including constipation and diarrhea. Additionally, I've noticed a decrease in my desire to eat and a general lack of energy, which has left me feeling persistently fatigued." 6765,peptic ulcer disease,"I've experienced recurring bloodstreaked bowel movements, resulting in significant iron loss and other nutritional deficiencies. This has led to anemia, leaving me feeling persistently weak and fatigued." 6766,peptic ulcer disease,"I've experienced frequent bloody stool episodes, leading to a deficiency in iron and blood loss. As a result, I've developed anemia, which has left me feeling persistently weak." 6767,peptic ulcer disease,"My experiences with bloody stools have led to iron deficiency and blood loss, resulting in anaemia, which makes me feel persistently weak." 6768,peptic ulcer disease,"I've experienced recurring episodes of bloody stools, leading to a loss of essential nutrients like iron and blood. As a result, I've developed anemia, which has left me feeling persistently weak." 6769,peptic ulcer disease,"I've been experiencing persistent gastrointestinal issues resulting in iron deficiency and blood loss, which has led to anemia. I often feel weakened as a result." 6515,drug reaction,"When I'm running a fever, I often experience dizziness and lightheadedness, accompanied by a foggy mental state where clarity of thought feels out of reach. My heart beats rapidly, and even simple tasks become daunting due to the haze that clouds my judgment." 6516,drug reaction,"When I'm running a fever, I experience intense dizziness and lightheadedness, accompanied by a foggy mind and rapid heartbeat. It's challenging for me to focus or think clearly, as if my senses are shrouded in haze." 6517,drug reaction,"When I'm running a fever, I often experience dizziness and lightheadedness. My thoughts become jumbled and unclear, while my heart beats rapidly. The mental fog is so thick that even simple decisions seem overwhelming, and my surroundings feel blurry." 6518,drug reaction,"When I'm running a fever, I experience intense dizziness and a lightheaded feeling. It's hard for me to focus or think straight, as if my mind is shrouded in fog. My heart beats rapidly, adding to the disorienting sensation. Everything appears hazy, making it challenging to stay mentally clear." 6519,drug reaction,"When I'm running a fever, I often experience dizziness and a lightheaded feeling, accompanied by mental fogginess and a rapid heartbeat. My thoughts become muddled, and the world around me appears hazy and unclear." 3715,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing muscle weakness, stiffness in my neck, joint swelling, and difficulty moving around. Even walking has become quite painful for me." 3716,Arthritis,"I've experienced persistent muscle weakness, stiffness in my neck, and joint swelling, which has made movement challenging. Even walking has become painful for me." 3717,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing muscle weakness, stiffness in my neck, swollen joints, and difficulty moving around. Even simple activities like walking have become painful for me." 3718,Arthritis,"I've experienced persistent muscle weakness, stiffness in my neck, joint swelling, and difficulty moving around. Even simple activities like walking have become uncomfortable due to pain." 3719,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent muscle weakness, stiffness in my neck, and joint swelling, making it challenging to move freely. Even walking has become quite painful for me." 5775,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing unexplained, darkcolored urine that's sometimes accompanied by blood and an unpleasant odor. Additionally, I've been noticing unpredictable temperature changes and having difficulty sleeping due to these irregularities." 5776,urinary tract infection,"My urine is dark and frequently accompanied by blood, with an unpleasantly pungent odor. I've also experienced unpredictable temperature changes, which have made it difficult for me to get a good night's rest." 5777,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing urinary incontinence with dark, sometimes bloody urine that also has an unusual odor. Additionally, I've been dealing with frequent temperature changes, which is making it difficult for me to get a good night's sleep." 5778,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing urinary issues, where my urine is consistently dark and sometimes bloodtinged, accompanied by an unpleasant odor that's hard to describe. To make matters worse, I've been dealing with frequent temperature fluctuations, which are disrupting my sleep at night." 5779,urinary tract infection,"My urine is dark in color and occasionally tinged with blood, emitting a strong and unpleasant odor. Lately, I've experienced frequent temperature fluctuations, which have disrupted my ability to get a good night's sleep." 6080,allergy,"In addition to my loss of appetite, I've also experienced difficulty swallowing and discomfort in my throat. Additionally, I've had a persistent runny nose." 6081,allergy,"I've also been experiencing difficulties with eating as well as swallowing. Additionally, I'm dealing with a sore throat and nasal congestion." 6082,allergy,"I've also been experiencing difficulties with swallowing, in addition to losing my appetite. To make matters worse, I'm dealing with a sore throat and constant nasal discharge." 6083,allergy,"I've also been experiencing difficulties with eating and swallowing, accompanied by a sore throat, runny nose, and loss of appetite." 6084,allergy,"I've also been experiencing difficulty eating due to loss of appetite, as well as trouble swallowing. Additionally, I'm dealing with discomfort in my throat and nasal congestion." 7110,diabetes,"I'm experiencing dryness in my throat and mouth, along with increasing hunger. While I do get a bit tired from time to time, it's not a consistent feeling." 7111,diabetes,"I'm experiencing a dry throat and mouth. Additionally, my appetite has increased. Notably, I've also been feeling quite fatigued at times." 7112,diabetes,"I'm experiencing dryness in my throat and mouth, and have also noticed an increase in hunger. Additionally, I sometimes feel fatigued." 7113,diabetes,"I'm experiencing dryness in my throat and mouth, accompanied by increased hunger. Additionally, I've been feeling fatigued at times, with periods of exhaustion." 7114,diabetes,"I've been experiencing dryness in my throat and mouth lately, as well as increased hunger. Additionally, I sometimes feel fatigued, but it's not a consistent feeling." 6635,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing intense stomach cramps, along with persistent chest pain. Lately, my chest has been feeling sore and tender. To be honest, I'm feeling quite anxious and jittery, often getting the chills." 6636,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing severe nausea, along with chest discomfort that's been persisting even when not actively exerting myself. Additionally, my chest has been feeling achy lately. I'm also quite anxious, which causes me to shake or shiver frequently." 6637,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing intense nausea, along with significant chest pain and discomfort. Lately, my chest has been feeling increasingly sore. On top of this, I've been extremely anxious and have noticed that I frequently shiver uncontrollably." 6638,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing intense nausea, as well as significant chest pain. Lately, my chest has been feeling achy. To be honest, I'm quite anxious and tend to shiver frequently." 6639,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing intense nausea, severe chest pain, and discomfort. Lately, my chest has been feeling achy. To be honest, I'm extremely anxious and often feel like I'm shivering." 5200,Jaundice,"I'm struggling with severe symptoms including persistent itching, repeated vomiting, extreme fatigue, significant weight loss, and a highgrade fever. Additionally, my skin has developed a yellow hue, my urine is unusually dark, and I've experienced recurring abdominal discomfort." 5201,Jaundice,"I've been plagued by severe itching, frequent vomiting, exhaustion, noticeable weight loss, and a prolonged fever. My skin has taken on a yellow hue, and my urine has become dark. I'm also struggling with persistent abdominal pain." 5202,Jaundice,"I've been dealing with severe itching, frequent vomiting, persistent fatigue, noticeable weight loss, and a highgrade fever. Additionally, my skin has taken on a yellowish hue, my urine has become darkened, and I'm plagued by persistent abdominal discomfort." 5203,Jaundice,"I'm suffering from severe symptoms including intense itching, recurring vomiting, persistent fatigue, unexplained weight loss, and elevated body temperature accompanied by jaundice yellowing of the skin, dark urine, and chronic abdominal pain." 5204,Jaundice,"I'm concerned about my recent symptoms severe itching, frequent vomiting, persistent fatigue, unexplained weight loss, fever, jaundice yellowing of skin, darkened urine, and abdominal pain. I think it's essential to seek medical attention." 4095,Acne,"I'm experiencing a skin issue with multiple pimples and blackheads that are filled with pus, accompanied by sensitivity." 4096,Acne,"I'm experiencing a breakout with multiple pustules and comedones, accompanied by heightened skin sensitivity." 4097,Acne,"I've recently broken out in a skin rash, featuring numerous pustules and blackheads. Additionally, my skin has become unusually sensitive." 4098,Acne,"I've recently developed a skin issue characterized by multiple pimples filled with pus and blackheads, as well as increased sensitivity." 4099,Acne,"I'm experiencing a skin issue, characterized by a rash with numerous pustules and blackheads. Additionally, my skin is feeling particularly sensitive." 2000,Chicken pox,"I've developed a widespread skin condition characterized by redness, inflammation, and intense itchiness, primarily affecting my arms and legs." 2001,Chicken pox,"I'm dealing with a concerning skin issue a rash has developed, appearing red and inflamed, and is now spreading across my entire body. Accompanying this is severe itchiness, particularly on my arms and legs." 2002,Chicken pox,"I'm currently dealing with a persistent skin condition characterized by a bright red, inflamed rash that's rapidly spreading across my body. Accompanying this discomfort is an overwhelming sense of itchiness, particularly on my arms and legs." 2003,Chicken pox,"I'm currently dealing with a widespread skin rash characterized by redness and inflammation. It's become increasingly itchy, particularly on my arms and legs." 2004,Chicken pox,"I've developed a widespread skin rash characterized by redness and inflammation. The condition is accompanied by severe itchiness, particularly on my arms and legs." 4600,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing a headache that feels like a sharp, stabbing pain in my forehead, in addition to chest pain and dizziness." 4601,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing a headache characterized by a sharp, piercing sensation in my forehead, accompanied by chest discomfort and lightheadedness." 4602,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing a severe headache accompanied by a sharp, stabbing sensation in my forehead, in addition to chest pain and dizziness." 4603,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing a headache characterized by a sharp, piercing sensation in my forehead, in addition to chest pain and dizziness." 4604,Hypertension,"I've experienced a severe headache characterized by a sharp, shooting sensation in my forehead, accompanied by chest discomfort and lightheadedness." 7185,diabetes,"I often struggle with overwhelming cravings to use the restroom, accompanied by a strong sense of fatigue and disorientation. Additionally, I've noticed a notable decline in my visual acuity." 7186,diabetes,"I'm plagued by overwhelming impulses and an insistent need to use the restroom. Additionally, I often feel lethargic and disoriented. Notably, my visual acuity has diminished substantially." 7187,diabetes,"I often have overwhelming cravings to use the restroom, as well as persistent feelings of fatigue and disorientation. Additionally, my visual acuity has noticeably diminished." 7188,diabetes,"I often encounter overwhelming impulses to urinate, accompanied by feelings of lethargy and disorientation. Additionally, I've noticed a significant impairment in my visual acuity." 7189,diabetes,"I often encounter overwhelming cravings followed by an urgent need to use the restroom. Additionally, I frequently feel lethargic and disoriented, with a significant impairment of my visual perception." 2010,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a severe skin rash characterized by redness, swelling, and widespread spread across my body. Accompanied by a mild fever, this condition is quite uncomfortable for me." 2011,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a severe skin rash with symptoms including redness, swelling, and widespread spread across my body. Accompanying this are a mild fever and considerable discomfort." 2012,Chicken pox,I'm experiencing a widespread skin rash characterized by redness and swelling. Accompanying symptoms include a lowgrade fever and significant discomfort. 2013,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a widespread skin rash characterized by redness and swelling, accompanied by a lowgrade fever and considerable discomfort." 2014,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a widespread skin rash characterized by redness and swelling, accompanied by a mild fever, which is causing significant distress." 5305,Jaundice,"I've been feeling incredibly unwell, with symptoms including scratchiness, sickness, fatigue, weight loss, fever, dark urine, yellow skin tone, and stomach discomfort." 5306,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing severe discomfort, including itchiness, illness, and exhaustion. To make matters worse, I've noticed significant weight loss, fever, and unusual changes in my urine color and skin tone, which has turned yellow. I'm also struggling with stomach pain." 5307,Jaundice,"I've been feeling incredibly unwell, with persistent itchiness, illness, and exhaustion. To make matters worse, I've noticed significant weight loss, fever, and altered urinary color. My skin also appears jaundiced, and I'm struggling with recurring stomach discomfort." 5308,Jaundice,"I'm exhausted, feeling miserable and fatigued. To make matters worse, I've lost weight, developed a fever, and am struggling with digestive discomfort. My urine appears dark, and my skin has taken on a yellowish hue. Overall, I'm not doing well at all." 5309,Jaundice,"I'm currently experiencing severe symptoms including itchiness, illness, fatigue, weight loss, fever, darkcolored urine, jaundice, and abdominal discomfort." 4725,Migraine,I've been experiencing persistent hunger despite recent meals and also noticed stiffness in my neck. 4726,Migraine,"I've been experiencing persistent hunger despite consuming food, accompanied by stiffness in my neck." 4727,Migraine,I've been experiencing persistent hunger despite consuming meals and also noticed stiffness in my neck. 4728,Migraine,"I've been experiencing unrelenting hunger despite having eaten, accompanied by a persistently stiff neck." 4729,Migraine,"I've been experiencing persistent hunger despite having eaten recently, accompanied by a stubbornly stiff neck." 6240,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing recurring episodes of foodacid reflux, accompanied by a sensation of stomach contents backing up into my throat. The discomfort worsens when I lie down. Additionally, I often experience frequent heartburn or indigestion following meals, which can culminate in vomiting." 6241,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing recurring episodes of retrosternal discomfort and regurgitation, accompanied by chest tightness that worsens when lying down. Following meals, I often experience heartburn or indigestion, followed by vomiting." 6242,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing recurring symptoms that include feelings of food or acid backing up into my throat, accompanied by chest pain that worsens when lying down. Additionally, I frequently experience heartburn or indigestion following meals, which often results in vomiting." 6243,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience recurring symptoms that include a sensation of stomach contents backing up into my throat, accompanied by chest discomfort that worsens when lying down. Additionally, I frequently suffer from heartburn or indigestion following meals, which often leads to vomiting." 6244,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing symptoms like regurgitation of food or acid into my throat. My chest discomfort worsens when I'm lying down. I frequently suffer from heartburn or indigestion after consuming food, which often leads to vomiting." 5585,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms, including a high fever, chills, intense itching, and discomfort from headaches, excessive sweating, nausea, and muscle aches." 5586,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of uncomfortable symptoms including a high fever, chills, intense itching, and headaches. Additionally, I've been dealing with nausea, muscle aches, and excessive sweating." 5587,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of uncomfortable symptoms, including a high fever, chills, intense itching, and headaches. Additionally, I've been struggling with excessive sweating, nausea, and muscle aches." 5588,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of unpleasant symptoms, including a high fever, chills, intense itching, headaches, excessive sweating, nausea, and muscle aches." 5589,Malaria,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including a high fever, chills, intense itching, headaches, excessive sweating, nausea, and muscle pain." 5675,Malaria,"I'm currently dealing with severe symptoms including relentless itching, intense chilliness, frequent vomiting, and a soaring body temperature. Additionally, excessive sweating, a pounding headache, debilitating nausea, and widespread muscle soreness are all taking a toll on my wellbeing." 5676,Malaria,"I've been dealing with severe symptoms including intense itching, chills, vomiting, and a soaring fever. Additionally, I'm experiencing excessive sweating, headaches, and discomfort due to nausea and muscle pain." 5677,Malaria,"I'm currently dealing with severe symptoms including intense itchiness, recurring fevers, excessive sweating, headaches, nausea, vomiting, chills, and widespread muscle pain, leaving me feeling quite unwell." 5678,Malaria,"I've been dealing with severe symptoms including unbearable itching, recurring chills, persistent nausea, and debilitating fever accompanied by excessive sweating, a throbbing headache, and crippling muscle ache." 5679,Malaria,"I'm feeling extremely unwell with symptoms including severe itching, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, excessive sweating, headaches, and muscle pain." 5765,urinary tract infection,"Here is the rephrased text I've experienced unusually cold temperatures and a strong, unpleasant odor in my urine. The area around my kidneys has been quite painful, and I'm having trouble retaining my urine. Additionally, I frequently experience intense, uncontrollable urges to urinate." 5766,urinary tract infection,"Here's a rephrased version of your message I've been experiencing extremely cold temperatures and an unpleasant odor in my urine. The area around my kidneys is painful and I'm having trouble holding my urine. I often have sudden, intense urges to urinate." 5767,urinary tract infection,"Here is the rephrased text I've been experiencing abnormally low body temperatures and persistent, unpleasant urine odor. Additionally, I'm noticing discomfort in the area surrounding my kidneys, and having difficulty maintaining bladder control. Furthermore, I often experience sudden, uncontrollable urges to urinate." 5768,urinary tract infection,"Here is the rephrased text I've been experiencing unusually low body temperatures and unpleasantsmelling urine. The area around my kidneys has been particularly painful, and I'm having trouble holding in my urine. Additionally, I frequently experience sudden, overwhelming urges to urinate." 5769,urinary tract infection,"I've been experiencing unusually cold temperatures and an unpleasant odor in my urine. I'm also experiencing discomfort in the area surrounding my kidneys, and have trouble holding it in. Additionally, I frequently experience sudden and overwhelming urges to urinate." 7190,diabetes,"I experience difficulties with respiration, particularly in outdoor environments, where I often feel overheated and excessively perspire. Additionally, I commonly suffer from recurring urinary tract and yeast infections." 7191,diabetes,"I experience respiratory difficulties, particularly in outdoor environments, which often leaves me feeling overheated and perspiring excessively. Additionally, I regularly encounter issues with urinary tract infections and yeast infections." 7192,diabetes,"I experience breathing difficulties, particularly in outdoor settings, accompanied by feelings of heat and excessive sweating. Additionally, I commonly encounter issues with urinary tract infections and yeast infections." 7193,diabetes,"I struggle with respiratory issues, particularly when outdoors, which leaves me feeling overheated and sweaty. Additionally, I experience recurring UTIs and yeast infections." 7194,diabetes,"I experience difficulties with respiratory function, particularly in outdoor environments where I often feel overheated and perspire excessively. Additionally, I frequently encounter issues with my urinary and genital health, including recurrent urinary tract infections and yeast infections." 1960,Chicken pox,"I've been experiencing a prolonged high fever over the past few days and I'm unsure of the underlying cause. Additionally, I've developed some rashes on my skin that are quite itchy and difficult to ignore." 1961,Chicken pox,"I've been experiencing a persistent high fever over the past few days. I'm unsure of the underlying cause. Additionally, I've observed some skin rashes that are quite itchy, making it difficult for me to refrain from scratching." 1962,Chicken pox,"I've been experiencing a persistent high fever over the past few days and am unsure of its cause. Additionally, I've noticed developing rashes on my skin that are quite itchy, making it challenging for me to resist scratching." 1963,Chicken pox,"I've been experiencing a high fever for several days without knowing the cause. Additionally, I've developed rashes on my skin that are quite itchy and difficult for me to resist scratching." 1964,Chicken pox,"I've been experiencing a high fever for several days now and I'm unsure of the underlying cause. Additionally, I've developed rashes on my skin that are causing intense itching, making it difficult for me to resist scratching." 6090,allergy,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including dizziness, nausea, and shaking. My respiratory system is also compromised due to a severely swollen throat, making it hard for me to breathe properly. Additionally, I've been waking up periodically throughout the night with chest pain and feeling unwell." 6091,allergy,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including dizziness, nausea, shakiness, difficulty breathing due to a swollen throat, occasional chest pain, and overall feeling of sickness, particularly at night." 6092,allergy,"I'm experiencing symptoms of a severe allergic reaction. I'm feeling lightheaded, queasy, and unsteady due to dizziness. My throat is inflamed, making it difficult for me to breathe. Additionally, I've been woken up by chest pain and nausea on multiple occasions throughout the night." 6093,allergy,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including dizziness, nausea, shakiness, difficulty breathing due to a swollen throat, and occasional chest pain and illness overnight." 6094,allergy,"I'm experiencing severe discomfort, with symptoms including dizziness, nausea, and trembling. Additionally, I'm struggling to breathe due to significant swelling in my throat. Furthermore, I've been woken up several times during the night with sharp chest pain and a general feeling of illness." 6210,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience recurring flatulence and hiccups. I also suffer from persistent chest discomfort that frequently spreads to my neck, jaw, and arm, accompanied by a sensation of constriction and pressure in my chest." 6211,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience recurring gas release belchingburping as well as persistent chest discomfort that can spread to areas like the back of my neck, jaw, and arm. Additionally, I often feel a sensation of constriction and heaviness in my chest." 6212,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience recurring flatulence and hiccups. I also suffer from recurring chest discomfort that tends to spread to my neck, jaw, and arm. Additionally, I often feel a sensation of constriction and heaviness in my chest." 6213,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience recurring episodes of flatulence and regurgitation. I also frequently suffer from chest discomfort that spreads to areas such as the base of my neck, jaw, and arm. Additionally, I often feel a sense of constriction and pressure in my chest." 6214,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience recurring belching and burping, as well as chest discomfort that frequently spreads to my neck, jaw, and arm. Additionally, I often feel a sense of tension and pressure in my chest." 3745,Arthritis,"I've noticed significant muscle weakness, accompanied by stiffness in my neck. Additionally, I've experienced joint swelling, which makes it challenging to move comfortably. Even walking has become quite painful." 3746,Arthritis,"I've experienced a decline in muscle strength, accompanied by persistent stiffness in my neck. Additionally, my joints have become swollen, making it challenging to move freely. Even walking has become uncomfortable and painful." 3747,Arthritis,"I've noticed a decline in my muscle strength, accompanied by stiffness in my neck and swelling in my joints. Additionally, I find it challenging to move comfortably due to stiffness, and even walking has become a painful experience for me." 3748,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing muscle weakness, stiffness in my neck, and joint swelling, which makes movement uncomfortable and often painful, especially when walking." 3749,Arthritis,"I've experienced increased muscle weakness, persistent neck stiffness, joint swelling, and limited mobility, which makes everyday activities like walking quite painful." 1755,Typhoid,"I've noticed some irregular bowel movements lately both diarrhea and constipation are causing me concern. The discomfort is intense, feeling like a sharp pinch in my abdominal area. To make matters worse, I've been perpetually fatigued." 1756,Typhoid,"I've also been dealing with digestive issues alternating episodes of diarrhea and constipation that are concerning me. The discomfort is accompanied by a sharp, piercing sensation in my abdominal region, leaving me feeling perpetually fatigued." 1757,Typhoid,"Lately, I've been dealing with uncomfortable stomach issues alternating episodes of diarrhea and constipation. What's more concerning is the persistent abdominal cramping that feels like sharp stabs. To top it off, I'm perpetually exhausted." 1758,Typhoid,"I've noticed some irregular bowel movements both diarrhea and constipation. The discomfort is quite concerning, as it's accompanied by a sharp, piercing sensation in my abdominal area. On top of that, I've been feeling excessively fatigued." 1759,Typhoid,"I've been dealing with some gastrointestinal issues lately I've had episodes of diarrhea and constipation that are causing me concern. It's accompanied by a sharp, stabbing discomfort in my abdominal area. To make matters worse, I'm feeling exhausted most of the time." 2330,Impetigo,"I've been experiencing a persistent high fever over the past few days, accompanied by the formation of severe sores around my nose and widespread rashes across my body. I'm currently feeling quite unwell." 2331,Impetigo,"I've been dealing with a persistent high fever for the last few days. Acnelike lesions have developed around my nose, and I'm also experiencing rashes on various areas of my body. The sores are quite severe, leaving me feeling anxious and uncomfortable overall." 2332,Impetigo,"I've been experiencing a prolonged high fever, accompanied by painful sores around my nose and widespread rashes on my skin. The condition is quite severe, leaving me feeling anxious and uncomfortable." 2333,Impetigo,"I'm currently experiencing a prolonged bout of fever accompanied by the formation of painful sores around my nose and skin rashes in various areas of my body. The severity of the sores is concerning me, and I'm struggling with feelings of unease." 2334,Impetigo,"I've been dealing with a persistent high fever over the past few days, accompanied by painful sores around my nose and widespread rashes on my skin. The severity of the sores has left me feeling quite anxious." 6125,allergy,"I consistently experience fatigue, a persistent unpleasant aftertaste, and frequent itchiness in my throat. Additionally, I often feel overheated and suffer from painful muscle spasms, which can sometimes lead to fullbody muscle cramps." 6126,allergy,"I consistently experience fatigue, accompanied by an unpleasant oral sensation and frequent itchiness in my throat. Moreover, I often feel overheated and my muscles are plagued by pain and stiffness, which sometimes leads to fullbody muscle cramping." 6127,allergy,"I frequently experience fatigue, a lingering unpleasant taste in my mouth, and persistent itching on my throat. Additionally, I often suffer from hot and tender muscles that may seize up completely." 6128,allergy,"I consistently experience fatigue, accompanied by an unpleasant aftertaste, persistent itching on my throat, and intense muscle heat and pain. Additionally, my entire body is prone to sudden and severe cramping episodes." 6129,allergy,"I often experience persistent fatigue, accompanied by unpleasant oral sensations and frequent itching in my throat. Moreover, I frequently suffer from hot and painful muscle spasms that can lead to fullbody cramping at times." 5455,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms including fever, nausea, chills, intense itching, headaches, excessive sweating, and muscle pain." 5456,Malaria,"I'm experiencing symptoms of fever, nausea, shivering, and severe pruritus. Additionally, I'm dealing with a headache, excessive sweating, and muscle pain, as well as feelings of queasiness." 5457,Malaria,"I'm experiencing fever, nausea, shivering, severe itchiness, a pounding headache, excessive sweating, and general discomfort with muscle soreness." 5458,Malaria,"I've been experiencing symptoms such as fever, nausea, chills, severe itching, headaches, excessive sweating, and muscle cramps, making me feel quite unwell." 5459,Malaria,"I've been experiencing symptoms including fever, nausea, shivering, and unbearable itching. Additionally, I'm suffering from a pounding headache, excessive sweating, and general queasiness, accompanied by significant muscle discomfort." 1715,Typhoid,"I've been struggling to stay hydrated due to my recurring vomiting and diarrhea. I'm also experiencing a lowgrade fever, accompanied by constipation and headaches." 1716,Typhoid,"I'm struggling to stay hydrated due to persistent vomiting and diarrhea, accompanied by a mild fever, constipation, and a headache." 1717,Typhoid,"I'm struggling to stay hydrated due to frequent vomiting and diarrhea, accompanied by a lowgrade fever, constipation, and headaches." 1718,Typhoid,"I've been struggling to stay hydrated due to frequent vomiting and diarrhea, accompanied by a lowgrade fever, constipation, and headaches." 1719,Typhoid,"I'm struggling to stay hydrated due to frequent vomiting and diarrhea, accompanied by a mild fever, constipation, and headaches." 3305,Pneumonia,"I'm extremely overheated, struggling to catch my breath. My throat is congested with a thick mucus buildup, making me feel unwell. My heart is racing, and my chest is tender to the touch. I'm also coughing up bloodtinged phlegm." 3306,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms of illness, including profuse sweating, difficulty breathing, and congestion in my throat. I also have a rapid heartbeat, chest discomfort, and am coughing up bloodtinged mucus." 3307,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing extreme heat exhaustion symptoms, including rapid breathing and an overwhelming sensation of not getting enough air. My throat is congested with thick mucus, leaving me feeling unwell. My heart rate is elevated, accompanied by a sharp chest pain. To make matters worse, I'm coughing up discolored mucous that appears reddish in color." 3308,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing extreme discomfort excessive sweating, difficulty breathing, and a severe constriction in my throat due to excess mucus. Additionally, my heart rate is rapid, and my chest feels constricted. My cough produces reddishcolored phlegm, further exacerbating my distress." 3309,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing intense discomfort, feeling overheated and struggling to breathe. My throat is congested with thick mucus, leaving me feeling unwell. My heart is racing and my chest is aching, accompanied by a persistent cough that's producing bloodtinged phlegm." 3295,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing difficulty breathing, feeling anxious and unwell. I'm sweating excessively, with chest pain and excessive phlegm in my throat. My heart is racing rapidly, and the color of the mucus I'm coughing up appears abnormal." 3296,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing shortness of breath, feeling quite unwell and anxious. I'm sweating excessively, with pain in my chest and a lot of phlegm in my throat. My heart is racing rapidly and the color of the mucus I'm coughing up appears abnormal." 3297,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing difficulty breathing, feeling quite anxious and unwell. I'm perspiring excessively, and my chest hurts with a lot of phlegm in my throat. My heart is racing rapidly, and the color of the mucus I'm coughing up appears abnormal." 3298,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing shortness of breath, feeling anxious and unwell. I'm excessively sweating, having chest pain, and producing a lot of mucus in my throat. My heart rate is rapid, and the color of the mucus I'm coughing up seems abnormal." 3299,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing difficulty breathing and feeling quite uneasy. I'm unwell, sweating excessively, and having chest pain. There's a lot of mucus in my throat, and when I cough it up, the color looks unusual to me. My heart is racing rapidly as well." 4320,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing symptoms including a persistent fever, stubborn cough, and labored breathing. Furthermore, I've noticed an excessive production of thick, sticky mucus that's been expelled through my coughing, leaving me feeling exhausted and drained." 4321,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing symptoms such as a persistent fever, lingering cough, and difficulty breathing. Additionally, I've noticed an excessive production of thick, sticky mucus when I cough, leaving me feeling drained and exhausted." 4322,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing symptoms including a persistent fever, stubborn cough, and difficulty breathing. I've also noticed an excessive amount of mucus in my phlegm when I cough, which has left me feeling exhausted and weakened overall." 4323,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing symptoms including a persistent fever, stubborn cough, and labored breathing. Additionally, my cough has been producing copious amounts of thick mucus, which is leaving me feeling exhausted and drained." 4324,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing a persistent fever, relentless cough, and labored breathing. Moreover, I've been producing an excessive amount of thick mucus, which has left me feeling fatigued and debilitated." 4130,Acne,"I've been dealing with an uncomfortable rash that's caused by itchy, inflamed bumps and blackheads covering my skin, accompanied by excessive scratching." 4131,Acne,"I've been dealing with an uncomfortable itchiness, accompanied by painful pimples and blackheads that have formed on my skin. Additionally, my skin has been breaking out in a way that's causing me distress." 4132,Acne,"I've been dealing with a bothersome itchy rash on my skin, characterized by numerous pusfilled pimples and blackheads. Additionally, my skin has been experiencing excessive scaling." 4133,Acne,"I've been dealing with an intense itching issue, accompanied by breakouts of acnelike lesions pimples and blackheads on my skin, as well as excessive flaking or scaling." 4134,Acne,"I've been dealing with a persistent and uncomfortable rash, characterized by inflamed pimples and blackheads, accompanied by excessive scaling of my skin." 6500,drug reaction,"I struggle with maintaining focus and suffer from poor mental clarity, which can lead to frequent memory lapses and difficulty recalling information." 6501,drug reaction,"I struggle with maintaining focus and having a clear mind. I frequently forget important details and overall, I find it hard to recall information." 6502,drug reaction,"I struggle with maintaining focus and have poor mental clarity, frequently forgetting things and having trouble recalling them." 6503,drug reaction,"I struggle to maintain focus and experience poor mental acuity. Frequently, I forget important details and generally find it challenging to recall information." 6504,drug reaction,"I struggle with maintaining focus and experiencing mental fogginess, which frequently leads to forgetting details and having trouble recalling information." 5795,urinary tract infection,"I've been experiencing persistent stomach discomfort, accompanied by recurring feverish feelings and sudden, overwhelming urges to use the restroom. The sensation is usually constant and often worsens at night. Notably, my urine typically has a strong odor." 5796,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing persistent abdominal pain accompanied by recurring fever and overwhelming urges to urinate, which worsens at night. Moreover, my urine consistently has an unpleasant odor." 5797,urinary tract infection,"I have recurring symptoms of urinary frequency and urgency, accompanied by abdominal pain, fever, and malodorous urine. The discomfort persists, often worsening at night." 5798,urinary tract infection,"I suffer from persistent abdominal pain, accompanied by recurring feverlike symptoms and an urgent need to urinate that often occurs without warning. The discomfort persists throughout the day, intensifying at night, and my urine typically has a strong, unpleasant odor." 5799,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing persistent abdominal pain, often accompanied by fever. I also experience strong urges to urinate suddenly and frequently, with the discomfort typically worsening at night. Notably, my urine usually has an unpleasant odor." 4560,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing severe chest pains, persistent headaches, and dizziness with a sense of unsteadiness." 4561,Hypertension,"I've experienced persistent chest pain, a lingering headache, and episodes of dizziness and unsteadiness." 4562,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing severe chest discomfort, persistent headaches, and dizzinessloss of balance." 4563,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing persistent and severe chest discomfort, accompanied by a nagging headache that persists, as well as dizziness and lightheadedness that makes me feel offbalance." 4564,Hypertension,"I've experienced severe chest discomfort, persistent headaches, and symptoms of dizziness and balance issues." 1795,Typhoid,"I've been struggling to stay hydrated due to persistent vomiting and diarrhea. On top of that, I'm dealing with a fever, constipation, and a nasty headache." 1796,Typhoid,"I'm struggling to stay hydrated due to my persistent vomiting and diarrhea. Additionally, I'm dealing with a high fever, constipation, and a nagging headache." 1797,Typhoid,"Due to the frequent bouts of nausea and stomach upset, it's been challenging for me to maintain proper hydration levels. Additionally, I'm also dealing with a soaring fever, constipation, and a persistent headache." 1798,Typhoid,"I'm struggling to stay hydrated due to persistent vomiting and diarrhea. On top of that, I've also developed a fever, constipation, and a headache, making it even more challenging for me." 1799,Typhoid,"I'm experiencing significant challenges maintaining proper hydration due to persistent vomiting and diarrhea. Additionally, I'm dealing with a high fever, constipation, and a headache." 1465,Varicose Veins,"I'm concerned about my leg health as I've observed noticeable swelling and visible blood vessels, particularly on my calf area where I can see a prominent network of enlarged veins." 1466,Varicose Veins,"As an individual with weightrelated issues, I've observed prominent swelling in my legs, accompanied by visible blood vessels, particularly around my calf area where numerous veins appear enlarged." 1467,Varicose Veins,"As someone who is overweight, I've observed that my legs often become swollen, with visible blood vessels, particularly on my calf area where I can see a prominent network of enlarged veins." 1468,Varicose Veins,"As an individual who is overweight, I've observed that my legs exhibit signs of swelling, with visible blood vessels prominent on my calf area." 1469,Varicose Veins,"As an individual who is overweight, I've observed that my legs often experience swelling, with visible blood vessels particularly noticeable on my calf area." 1955,Chicken pox,"I'm struggling with persistent fatigue, lacking the motivation and energy to get through the day. Even simple tasks feel overwhelming, and I've noticed a decline in my ability to stay focused or maintain eye contact." 1956,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing extreme fatigue, struggling to stay alert during the day, and lack motivation due to a general sense of lethargy." 1957,Chicken pox,"I'm struggling with exhaustion and a complete lack of vitality. It's an effort just to stay awake during the day, and I've been plagued by feelings of apathy and disinterest." 1958,Chicken pox,"I'm struggling with fatigue, lacking the motivation and energy to get through the day, often finding it hard to keep my eyes open and feeling extremely lethargic." 1959,Chicken pox,"I'm struggling with exhaustion and lack of motivation. My energy levels are depleted, making it a challenge to stay focused or enthusiastic throughout the day." 3215,Pneumonia,"I've been feeling utterly drained and cold, plagued by a persistent and unrelenting cough that leaves me wracked with chest pain and a racing heartbeat. The phlegm I hack up is an unsettling shade of brown, further adding to my discomfort." 3216,Pneumonia,"I've been feeling drained and cold, plagued by a persistent cough that leaves me short of breath. Each bout is accompanied by sharp chest pain and an unsettling racing of my heart. The phlegm I hack up is a distressing shade of brown." 3217,Pneumonia,"I've been feeling drained and cold, and I'm plagued by persistent coughing. Each bout leaves me with sharp chest pains and an unsettling racing of my heart. The phlegm that's expelled is discolored and an unpleasant shade of brown." 3218,Pneumonia,"I've been feeling utterly drained and cold, with a relentless cough that leaves me gasping for air. Each fit is accompanied by a sharp stabbing sensation in my chest, followed by a racing heartbeat. To make matters worse, the phlegm I'm producing has an unsettling brownish tint to it." 3219,Pneumonia,"I've been feeling utterly drained and cold, plagued by an incessant and debilitating cough that leaves me gasping for air. Each hacking fit is accompanied by sharp pains in my chest and a rapid heartbeat, as if my body is protesting the effort of exhaling. To make matters worse, the phlegm I cough up has taken on a disturbing brownish color, a constant reminder of my precarious state of health." 7140,diabetes,"I struggle with respiratory issues, particularly in outdoor environments, where I often feel a sudden onset of flushing and excessive sweating. Additionally, I frequently experience recurring yeast infections and urinary tract infections." 7141,diabetes,"I struggle with respiratory issues, particularly when I'm outdoors, which often leaves me feeling flushed and overheated. Additionally, I frequently encounter issues with yeast infections and urinary tract infections." 7142,diabetes,"I struggle with respiratory issues, particularly in outdoor environments, where I often become flushed and sweaty without warning. Additionally, I frequently experience recurring yeast infections and urinary tract infections." 7143,diabetes,"I'm prone to respiratory issues, particularly when outdoors, which often leaves me feeling flushed and sweaty. Additionally, I frequently suffer from recurring yeast infections and urinary tract infections." 7144,diabetes,"I struggle with respiratory issues that tend to worsen when I'm outdoors, characterized by sudden flushing and excessive sweating. Additionally, I frequently experience recurring yeast infections and urinary tract infections." 2235,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms of fever and fatigue. Additionally, I've noticed unsightly lesions on my facial skin that are not only itchy but also painful. The worst part is when they rupture and release a foulsmelling yellow discharge." 2236,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing a severe case of fever and fatigue. Additionally, I've noticed unsightly sores on my face that are not only painful but also itchy and oozing a yellowish discharge." 2237,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including high fever, fatigue, and painful skin lesions on my face that are itchy, tender, and occasionally discharge a yellowish substance." 2238,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms of fever and fatigue. I've also developed painful and itchy lesions on my skin, which frequently discharge a yellowish liquid." 2239,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing intense heat and fatigue due to a severe illness. I've also developed facial lesions that are both itchy and painful, often accompanied by a yellowish discharge." 6870,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience intense hunger and persistent cravings. Occasionally, my stomach becomes achy and experiences cramplike sensations. After eating, I often suffer from sharp pain and discomfort due to excessive gas and bloating." 6871,peptic ulcer disease,"I have an intense and persistent desire to eat, accompanied by recurring hunger. At times, my stomach becomes uncomfortable and crampy. After meals, I experience severe and painful gas and bloating." 6872,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience intense hunger and persistent cravings, accompanied by periodic stomach discomfort and cramping. Even after eating, I often suffer from severe and painful bloating and gas." 6873,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience intense hunger and persistent cravings, accompanied by recurring stomach discomfort and cramping. Postmeal symptoms include severe pain and bloating caused by gas." 6874,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience intense hunger and persistent cravings. Additionally, I often struggle with stomach pain and cramping. Even after eating, I'm plagued by excruciating gas and bloating issues." 4490,Hypertension,"I've been struggling with my physical and mental wellbeing lately, as I've noticed poor coordination, recurring headaches, chest discomfort, and occasional dizziness. Moreover, I'm having trouble maintaining my concentration and focus." 4491,Hypertension,"I've noticed some physical discomforts lately my coordination feels off, I've had headaches, chest tightness, and felt dizzy at times. On top of that, it's been hard for me to concentrate and stay focused." 4492,Hypertension,"I've been feeling unwell lately, with issues like poor coordination, frequent headaches, and discomfort in my chest. On top of that, I've struggled to maintain focus and concentration." 4493,Hypertension,"I've been struggling with poor coordination, accompanied by recurring headaches, chest discomfort, and episodes of dizziness. Moreover, I've noticed significant difficulties in maintaining concentration and staying focused." 4494,Hypertension,"I've been feeling unwell lately, with issues including poor coordination, headaches, chest discomfort, dizziness, and difficulty staying focused or concentrated." 6680,drug reaction,"When I'm running a fever, I experience dizziness, nausea, and a racing heartbeat. My mental clarity is significantly impaired, with thoughts feeling muddled and unclear." 6681,drug reaction,"I experience intense symptoms when I have a fever, including nausea, dizziness, and a racing heartbeat. Mentally, I struggle with clouded thinking, as if my mind is foggy and hard to focus. Even small tasks feel overwhelming due to this mental fogginess." 6682,drug reaction,"During a fever, I typically experience intense dizziness and queasiness. My pulse races rapidly, while mental clarity is severely impaired. A disorienting haze surrounds everything, making it challenging for me to think logically." 6683,drug reaction,"I experience symptoms of dizziness, nausea, and mental fogginess when I have a fever. My heart beats rapidly, making it challenging for me to focus and think coherently my mind feels hazy and disoriented." 6684,drug reaction,"I experience intense symptoms when I have a fever nausea, dizziness, and a racing heartbeat. My mental clarity is significantly impaired, making it hard for me to think or focus with any precision. Everything feels muddled and hazy." 2360,Impetigo,"I've developed painful skin rashes featuring fluidfilled blisters that become inflamed when touched, accompanied by a severe fever." 2361,Impetigo,"I've developed severe skin rash symptoms, characterized by fluidfilled blisters that are painful and tender to the touch. Additionally, I'm experiencing a highgrade fever." 2362,Impetigo,"I've developed painful and itchy skin rashes accompanied by fluidfilled blisters that are inflamed and tender to the touch. Additionally, I'm experiencing a severe fever." 2363,Impetigo,"I've developed a rash characterized by blisters filled with fluid, which are painful to the touch. Additionally, I'm experiencing a high fever." 2364,Impetigo,I've developed painful skin eruptions characterized by fluidfilled blisters that are sensitive to the touch and accompanied by a high fever. 1240,Psoriasis,"I've experienced a rapid onset of skin peeling on various areas of my body, particularly my arms, legs, and back. Additionally, I'm struggling with intense joint pain and skin rash issues." 1241,Psoriasis,"I've experienced a sudden onset of skin peeling on various areas of my body, including my arms, legs, and back. Additionally, I'm struggling with intense joint pain and itchy skin rashes." 1242,Psoriasis,"I've experienced a sudden onset of skin peeling on various areas of my body, primarily affecting my arms, legs, and back. Additionally, I'm struggling with intense joint pain and skin rash issues." 1243,Psoriasis,"I've experienced a sudden onset of skin peeling on various areas of my body, primarily affecting my arms, legs, and back. Additionally, I'm struggling with intense joint pain and skin rashes." 1244,Psoriasis,"I've experienced a sudden onset of skin peeling on various areas of my body, particularly on my arms, legs, and back. Additionally, I'm struggling with intense joint pain and developing skin rashes." 1995,Chicken pox,"I'm currently experiencing a significant lack of vitality, accompanied by an unexpected loss of interest in food. To be honest, I feel pretty unwell and am struggling to pinpoint the cause." 1996,Chicken pox,I'm struggling with a lack of energy and have lost my interest in food. I'm not feeling well at all and am unclear about the cause of my discomfort. 1997,Chicken pox,"I'm struggling with a lack of motivation and a complete loss of appetite, leaving me feeling unwell and uncertain about what's causing these symptoms." 1998,Chicken pox,"I'm struggling with a severe lack of energy, accompanied by a complete loss of appetite. To make matters worse, I'm experiencing significant discomfort and uncertainty about the underlying cause of my illness." 1999,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a complete lack of energy, accompanied by a loss of appetite. To make matters worse, I'm feeling quite unwell overall, but haven't been able to pinpoint the cause of my symptoms." 1380,Psoriasis,"I've noticed an expansion of my skin rash to new areas such as my chest and abdomen. It's quite bothersome, especially in the evenings when symptoms tend to worsen. Additionally, I'm observing skin flakes." 1381,Psoriasis,"I've noticed my skin rash has spread beyond its initial location, now affecting areas like my chest and belly. The discomfort is persistent and most bothersome at night. To add to this, I'm also experiencing dry, flaky skin." 1382,Psoriasis,"I've noticed my skin rash has spread beyond my initial affected area, now covering my chest and abdomen. The itching is quite bothersome, especially at night when it tends to worsen. Additionally, I'm dealing with skin flakiness as well." 1383,Psoriasis,"I've noticed the skin rash spreading to new areas such as my chest and abdomen. The irritation has increased, and it tends to be worse at night. Additionally, I'm experiencing flaky skin." 1384,Psoriasis,"My skin rash has spread beyond its initial location to affect my chest and abdomen. The symptoms are uncomfortable and worsen at night. Additionally, I'm noticing skin flakiness." 3460,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent issues with bowel movements that are causing discomfort and pain. I'm struggling with frequent and painful defecation, accompanied by inflammation and bleeding in the rectal area." 3461,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent struggles with bathroom use lately. My bowel movements have been painful and challenging to manage, accompanied by a heightened sense of discomfort in the rectal area. Moreover, I've noticed that my stool has turned an alarming shade of red due to excessive bleeding." 3462,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing some challenging issues with my bowel movements lately. The process is often painful and strained for me. Additionally, I'm dealing with an itchy and inflamed anus, as well as stools that are abnormally bloody." 3463,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent issues with bathroom use, characterized by painful and challenging bowel movements. I'm also struggling with anal inflammation, accompanied by profuse bleeding in my stool." 3464,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort during bathroom trips. My bowel movements are often painful and challenging to pass. Additionally, I'm dealing with anal inflammation and heavy bleeding with each stool." 4455,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing a range of symptoms, including headaches, chest pain, dizziness, balance issues, instability, and difficulty concentrating." 4456,Hypertension,"In addition to experiencing headaches, chest pain, and balance issues, I'm also struggling with dizziness and difficulty concentrating." 4457,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing a range of symptoms including headaches, chest pain, dizziness, imbalance, and trouble maintaining focus." 4458,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing a range of symptoms lately, including headaches, chest pain, feelings of instability and dizziness, as well as difficulty concentrating." 4459,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing a range of symptoms including headaches, chest pain, dizziness, balance issues, and difficulty concentrating." 2465,Dengue,"I've been experiencing frequent vomiting, which has led to a loss of appetite. Additionally, I'm consistently plagued by joint and back pain." 2466,Dengue,"I've experienced frequent vomiting, which has led to a loss of appetite. Additionally, I'm constantly experiencing joint and back pain." 2467,Dengue,"I've been experiencing frequent vomiting, which has led to a loss of appetite. I also suffer from persistent joint and back pain." 2468,Dengue,"I've been experiencing frequent vomiting, which has also led to a loss of appetite. Additionally, I'm consistently plagued by joint and back pain." 2469,Dengue,"I've been experiencing frequent vomiting, which has led to loss of appetite. Additionally, I'm plagued by persistent joint and back pain." 2715,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing a persistent rash accompanied by intense itching, along with noticeable changes in skin tone and the appearance of small bumps resembling knots or lumps." 2716,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing an itchy rash that persists, accompanied by patches of discolored skin featuring knots or lumps." 2717,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing a persistent rash accompanied by uncomfortable itching on my skin, along with patches of altered pigmentation and small knots or lumps forming on my skin's surface." 2718,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing a persistent rash accompanied by an annoying itchiness, as well as patches of discolored skin featuring bumps that resemble knots or lumps." 2719,Fungal infection,I've been experiencing a persistent rash accompanied by intense itching and noticing patches of discoloration and raised bumps resembling knots or lumps on my skin. 5680,Malaria,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including intense itching, shivering, vomiting tendencies, elevated body heat, headaches, excessive sweating, and muscle soreness." 5681,Malaria,"I've been experiencing a range of symptoms that are causing discomfort, including intense itching, chills, fever, and excessive sweating. Additionally, I'm dealing with headaches, muscle soreness, and persistent nausea." 5682,Malaria,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including intense itching, chills, fever, and excessive sweating. Additionally, I'm struggling with debilitating nausea, muscle soreness, and a lingering headache." 5683,Malaria,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including intense itching, feverish chills, queasiness, and a soaring body temperature. Additionally, I've had a persistent headache, excessive sweating, and debilitating muscle soreness." 5684,Malaria,"I've been experiencing excruciating itching, accompanied by feverish chills, queasiness, and a soaring temperature. My head has been throbbing, and I'm sweating excessively. On top of that, I've been dealing with intense nausea and muscle soreness, making me feel miserable overall." 6440,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I consistently experience a lingering unpleasant taste in my mouth, accompanied by a persistent sensation of constriction in my throat and frequent episodes of hiccuping." 6441,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience persistent sourness in my mouth, even without consuming acidic foods or drinks. Additionally, I often develop a lump in my throat and may exhibit frequent hiccup episodes." 6442,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I often experience an unpleasantly persistent sourness in my mouth, even without consuming acidic foods. Additionally, I commonly encounter a tickling sensation in my throat that can lead to hiccup episodes." 6443,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I've been experiencing an ongoing sensation of sourness in my mouth, even when I haven't consumed any acidic foods or drinks. Additionally, I often get a lump in my throat and develop frequent hiccups." 6444,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I consistently experience a persistent sourness in my mouth, even when there's no obvious cause. Additionally, I often find myself with a lump in my throat and prone to sudden hiccups." 5600,Malaria,"I've been experiencing severe symptoms including fever, vomiting, shivering, intense itching, and excessive sweating. Additionally, I'm struggling with headaches, profuse perspiration, and general discomfort due to nausea and muscle aches." 5601,Malaria,"I've been experiencing severe symptoms including fever, vomiting, chills, and unbearable itching, accompanied by headaches, excessive sweating, and persistent nausea with muscle aches." 5602,Malaria,"I've been experiencing symptoms such as fever, vomiting, chills, severe itching, headaches, excessive sweating, and discomfort due to nausea and muscle aches." 5603,Malaria,"I've been experiencing severe symptoms including fever, nausea, vomiting, chills, intense itching, headache, excessive sweating, and muscle aches, which has left me feeling quite unwell and uncomfortable." 5604,Malaria,"I've experienced fever, frequent vomiting, shivering, and severe itching. Additionally, I'm dealing with a headache, excessive sweating, and discomfort due to nausea and muscle soreness." 4055,Acne,"Woke up to a frustrating skin issue I'm dealing with a breakout of blackheads and pimples filled with pus, and my skin is looking particularly rough right now." 4056,Acne,"I'm dealing with some frustrating skin issues I woke up to discover a bunch of blackheads and pimples filled with pus, and my skin has been particularly dry and itchy lately." 4057,Acne,"I'm dealing with an unpleasant breakout, featuring numerous blackheads and pimples filled with pus. To make matters worse, my skin has become dry and flaky." 4058,Acne,"I'm dealing with a frustrating skin issue after waking up this morning, as I've developed a painful rash with numerous blackheads and pimples filled with pus. To make matters worse, my skin is feeling particularly sensitive and irritated." 4059,Acne,"I'm dealing with some unpleasant skin issues I've got a breakout with numerous blackheads and pimples filled with pus, and my skin is feeling quite flaky to boot." 4315,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been struggling with my health lately, experiencing a high fever, persistent cough, and breathing issues. The constant production of phlegm and exhaustion have made things particularly challenging for me." 4316,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been struggling with some unpleasant health issues lately. My temperature has soared, and I've experienced a relentless cough along with breathing difficulties. The constant hacking up of mucus has been exhausting, leaving me feeling fatigued as well. It's been tough to cope with these symptoms." 4317,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing a miserable stretch lately, plagued by a soaring fever, relentless cough, and respiratory issues. Coughing up excessive mucus has become the norm, accompanied by crushing fatigue. Navigating this onslaught of symptoms has been particularly challenging." 4318,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been struggling with my health lately, plagued by high fever, persistent cough, and shortness of breath. The constant hacking up of mucus has left me exhausted and drained, making it tough to cope with these symptoms." 4319,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been struggling lately, experiencing a high fever, persistent cough, and breathing issues. Coughing up thick mucus and feeling extremely fatigued has made life challenging to navigate." 6920,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience persistent hunger and a constant desire to eat. Occasionally, my stomach feels uncomfortable and crampy. Additionally, I often suffer from intense pain and discomfort following meals due to excessive gas and bloating." 6921,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience persistent hunger and a strong desire to eat frequently. Occasionally, my stomach may become uncomfortable with mild pain or cramping. Additionally, I often suffer from intense and unpleasant gas and bloating following meals." 6922,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience persistent hunger and frequent cravings. Occasionally, my stomach becomes irritated and crampy. Furthermore, I often suffer from severe gas pain and bloating following meals." 6923,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience persistent hunger, accompanied by occasional stomach discomfort and cramping. Following meals, I often suffer from severe gas pains and noticeable bloating." 6924,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience persistent hunger and a robust appetite. Occasionally, my stomach experiences discomfort, including aches and cramping. Moreover, I often struggle with excruciatingly painful gas and bloating following meals." 6350,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience a sensation of burning in my throat, particularly after consuming food. Additionally, I sometimes notice a bitter or sour taste that lingers, leaving an unpleasant aftertaste and making me feel queasy." 6351,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently encounter a sensation of burning in my throat, particularly postmeal. Additionally, a persistent bitter or sour taste lingers, leaving an unpleasant aftereffect that makes me feel queasy." 6352,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently get a burning sensation in my throat, particularly after consuming food. Additionally, I sometimes notice a lingering bitter or sour taste that leaves an unpleasant feeling." 6353,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently suffer from a burning sensation in my throat, particularly after consuming food. Additionally, an unpleasantly bitter or sour taste lingers, leaving me feeling quite unwell." 6354,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience a burning sensation in my throat, particularly after consuming food. Additionally, an unpleasant aftertaste, often bitter or sour, leaves me feeling uneasy." 6925,peptic ulcer disease,"I've noticed a recurring pattern of alternating constipation and diarrhea, accompanied by decreased appetite and low energy levels." 6926,peptic ulcer disease,"I've noticed a mix of constipation and diarrhea with my bowel movements, accompanied by a lack of appetite and low energy." 6927,peptic ulcer disease,"I've been struggling with inconsistent bowel habits, alternating between constipation and diarrhea. Additionally, I've noticed a lack of appetite and fatigue, making it difficult for me to muster the motivation to eat or have the energy I need." 6928,peptic ulcer disease,"I've noticed a mix of constipation and diarrhea in my bowel movements, accompanied by a general lack of appetite and energy." 6929,peptic ulcer disease,"I've been dealing with irregular bowel habits, alternating between constipation and diarrhea. Lately, I've struggled with a lack of appetite and feeling fatigued, making it challenging for me to muster the motivation or energy to do much." 2510,Dengue,"I've been plagued by recurring episodes of chills and shaking, often coupled with a persistent sensation of coldness and elevated body temperature. Additionally, I've noticed the emergence of skin lesions on my arms and small, reddish patches on my neck." 2511,Dengue,"I'm experiencing intense chills, shaking, and a sensation of being extremely cold, along with a highgrade fever. Additionally, I've noticed red patches on my neck and itchy rashes on my arms." 2512,Dengue,"I'm experiencing symptoms of intense cold, including chills and shivers, along with a high fever. Additionally, I've noticed rashlike lesions on my arms and red patches on my neck." 2513,Dengue,"I'm experiencing intense chills, shivering, and a sensation of coldness, along with a high fever. Additionally, I've noticed the onset of rashes on my arms and red spots on my neck." 2514,Dengue,"I've been experiencing chills, shivering, and a feeling of coldness, along with a high fever. Additionally, I've noticed rashes on my arms and red spots on my neck have developed." 4250,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue and exhaustion lately, accompanied by a stubborn cough that refuses to subside. My fever has been unusually high, making it difficult for me to breathe comfortably. When I do cough, I produce a significant amount of mucus." 4251,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue and exhaustion, accompanied by a stubborn cough that refuses to subside. My temperature has been unusually high, making it difficult for me to take deep breaths. With each cough, I've produced an excessive amount of mucus." 4252,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue, as well as a stubborn cough that refuses to subside. My temperature has been unusually high, making it difficult for me to breathe comfortably. When I do cough, I produce an excessive amount of mucus." 4253,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue, as well as a stubborn cough that's left me feeling quite under the weather. My fever has been unusually high and breathing has become labored, with excessive mucus production when I cough." 4254,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue and exhaustion lately, accompanied by a stubborn cough that refuses to subside. My fever has been unusually high, making it difficult for me to take a deep breath. When I do cough, I produce an excessive amount of mucus." 2685,Dengue,"I'm experiencing symptoms including skin rashes, high fever, chills, headaches, joint and back pain, and an unusual discomfort in the back of my eyes." 2686,Dengue,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms, including skin rashes, fever with chills, headaches, joint and back pain, as well as an unusual discomfort at the back of my eyes." 2687,Dengue,"I've been experiencing skin rashes, accompanied by a high fever, chills, headaches, joint and back pains, as well as an unusual eye discomfort at the back of my eyes." 2688,Dengue,"I'm experiencing skin rashes, accompanied by a high fever, chills, and headaches. Additionally, my joints and back ache, and I have a peculiar discomfort in the back of my eyes." 2689,Dengue,"I'm experiencing symptoms including rash formation, fever high, chills, headache, jointback pain, and an unusual eye discomfort." 6145,allergy,"I'm experiencing skin irritation, with swelling and itchiness that can sometimes lead to flakes. The inflammation on my cheeks and lips is particularly painful. Additionally, the puffiness often causes me to have headaches and watery eyes." 6146,allergy,"I'm experiencing skin issues, including swelling, itchiness, and occasional flaking. The puffing is particularly painful on my cheeks and lips. Additionally, I often get headaches and watery eyes due to the inflammation." 6147,allergy,"I'm experiencing skin issues, including swelling, itchiness, and occasional flaking. The inflammation can be quite painful, especially on my cheeks and lips. Additionally, I often get accompanied by headaches and itchy, watery eyes when this happens." 6148,allergy,"I'm experiencing symptoms of eczema, including swollen and itchy skin that can sometimes flake off. The swelling is especially painful on my cheeks and lips. Additionally, I often get accompanied by headaches and watery eyes due to the inflammation." 6149,allergy,"I'm experiencing skin issues my skin is inflamed, itchy, and sometimes flakes. The swelling on my face, particularly on my cheeks and lips, is quite painful. Additionally, I often get headaches and watery eyes as a result of this inflammation." 3270,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms I have a high fever, difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, excessive sweating, chills, exhaustion, and about to cough up brown mucus." 3271,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including a highgrade fever, difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, excessive sweating, chills, exhaustion, and impending coughing with brownish sputum." 3272,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including a high fever, difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, excessive sweating, chills, exhaustion, and an impending cough with expectoration of brown mucus." 3273,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms fever, difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, excessive sweating, chills, exhaustion, and impending coughing with thick, yellowish mucus." 3274,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms my temperature is extremely high, I'm struggling to breathe, and my heart rate is rapid. I'm drenched in sweat, shivering, and feeling utterly drained. To top it off, a nasty cough is looming, and I expect to hack up some dark phlegm soon." 1950,Chicken pox,"I've been plagued by an unbearable itchiness all over my body, accompanied by a persistent red and inflamed rash." 1951,Chicken pox,"I'm having a frustrating issue with severe itching all over my body, which is extremely bothersome. Additionally, I've developed a red and inflamed rash." 1952,Chicken pox,"I've been dealing with unbearable itching sensations all over my body, which is really frustrating. Additionally, I've developed a reddish and swollen rash." 1953,Chicken pox,"I'm struggling with extreme itchiness all over my body, which is really frustrating. Additionally, I've developed a reddish, inflamed rash." 1954,Chicken pox,"I'm plagued by relentless itching all over my body, which is incredibly frustrating. Additionally, I've developed a prominent rash characterized by bright redness and inflammation." 5925,urinary tract infection,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort in my lower abdomen, accompanied by a burning sensation while urinating that feels like it's about to become unbearable. Additionally, I've noticed my body temperature remains persistently low, leaving me feeling weak and fatigued." 5926,urinary tract infection,"I've been experiencing persistent pain in my lower abdomen, accompanied by a sensation that it might burst when I urinate. Simultaneously, my body temperature has remained abnormally low, leaving me feeling fatigued and weak." 5927,urinary tract infection,"I've been experiencing sharp abdominal pain that worsens during urination, making me feel like it might burst. Additionally, my body temperature has dropped, leaving me feeling weak and fatigued since this discomfort started." 5928,urinary tract infection,"I've been experiencing sharp abdominal pain that worsens with urination, leaving me feeling as though I might burst. Additionally, my body temperature has dropped, making me feel fatigued and weak overall." 5929,urinary tract infection,"I've been experiencing abdominal cramps that worsen with urination, accompanied by a sensation of pressure building up. Additionally, I've noticed a persistent drop in body temperature since these symptoms started, leaving me feeling fatigued and weak." 3560,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I'm having trouble using the bathroom due to constipation. When I do manage to go, my stool is often bloody and painful. Additionally, I've been dealing with itchiness, inflammation, and soreness in my anal area." 3561,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I'm struggling with constipation which makes using the bathroom challenging. When I do manage to go, my stool is often bloody and painful. To make matters worse, I've developed itching, inflammation, and soreness in the affected area." 3562,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I'm struggling with constipation, making it hard for me to use the restroom comfortably. When I do manage to go, I've noticed blood in my stool, which is painful. Furthermore, my anus has become itchy and inflamed, causing discomfort and soreness in that area." 3563,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I'm struggling with constipation, which is making it hard for me to use the restroom comfortably. When I do go, my stool often appears bloody, causing discomfort. Additionally, I've noticed significant itchiness, inflammation, and soreness in my anus." 3564,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been struggling with constipation, making it a challenge to use the restroom as needed. When I do manage to go, my stool is often bloody, which causes discomfort. Furthermore, I've noticed my anus has become increasingly itchy and inflamed, accompanied by soreness in that area." 5960,allergy,"I experience breathing difficulties and shortness of breath, accompanied by uncontrollable coughing, itchy eyes, and swelling on my face and other bodily areas." 5961,allergy,"I'm experiencing breathing difficulties, accompanied by shortness of breath. Uncontrollable coughing is also occurring, along with itchy eyes and swelling on various parts of my body, including my face." 5962,allergy,"I'm experiencing breathing difficulties, accompanied by shortness of breath. Uncontrollable coughing is also occurring, along with itchy eyes and facial and bodily swelling." 5963,allergy,"I experience breathing difficulties, accompanied by labored breathing. Additionally, I suffer from uncontrolled coughing, as well as itchy eyes and facial swelling that can also occur on other areas of my body." 5964,allergy,"I experience breathing difficulties, accompanied by shortness of breath. I also suffer from uncontrolled coughing and develop symptoms such as itchy eyes, facial swelling, and similar issues elsewhere on my body." 6135,allergy,"I consistently experience a tickly sensation in my throat, accompanied by fatigue. Additionally, my skin has become dry and I occasionally suffer from eye swelling ocular edema." 6136,allergy,"I often experience a scratchy sensation in my throat, accompanied by fatigue. Additionally, my skin tends to feel parched, and I occasionally notice swelling around my eyes ocular edema." 6137,allergy,"I often experience a scratchy sensation in my throat, accompanied by fatigue. Additionally, my skin tends to feel parched, and I occasionally develop ocular edema." 6138,allergy,"I experience recurring symptoms including a tickly throat, fatigue, dry skin, and occasional swelling of the eyes ocular edema." 6139,allergy,"I frequently experience throat tightness, fatigue, and dry skin. Additionally, I occasionally develop puffiness around my eyes ocular edema." 5090,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been plagued by chronic back pain, accompanied by a stubborn cough, numbness in my arms and legs, balance issues, and occasional dizziness, with added discomfort in my neck." 5091,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been dealing with ongoing issues including back pain, persistent coughing fits, numbness or tingling sensations in my arms and legs, balance problems causing dizziness, and discomfort in my neck." 5092,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing recurring issues with back pain, persistent coughing, numbness in my arms and legs, balance problems, dizziness, and persistent neck discomfort." 5093,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing recurring issues with back pain, a persistent cough, and numbnesstingling sensations in my arms and legs. Additionally, I've struggled with balance and coordination, often feeling dizzy, and have had ongoing discomfort in my neck." 5094,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing ongoing discomfort with back pain, a persistent cough, and numbness or tingling sensations in my arms and legs. Additionally, I've struggled with balance issues, feeling dizzy at times, and have had recurring neck pain." 4400,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm experiencing a high fever, which has resulted in difficulty breathing through both my nose and mouth for several days. Additionally, I'm feeling extremely fatigued. Could you please suggest some medication options" 4401,Bronchial Asthma,"Due to a persistent high fever, I'm experiencing difficulty breathing through both my nose and mouth, accompanied by overwhelming fatigue. Could you please suggest some medication options" 4402,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm experiencing a high fever and have been unable to breathe through my nose or mouth for a few days, leaving me feeling excessively fatigued. I would appreciate any medication recommendations you can offer." 4403,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm experiencing a high fever, which has left me unable to breathe through my nose or mouth for several days. Additionally, I'm feeling extremely fatigued. Could you please suggest some medication options for me" 4404,Bronchial Asthma,"Due to a high fever, I've been experiencing respiratory distress for the past few days, with difficulty breathing through both my nose and mouth. Additionally, I'm feeling extremely fatigued. Could you please suggest some medication options" 7145,diabetes,"I'm experiencing a persistent dry cough that persists, accompanied by palpitations and lingering infections that show no signs of improvement. Occasionally, I experience throat discomfort, although it tends to subside over time." 7146,diabetes,"I've been experiencing a persistent dry cough with no relief in sight. Additionally, I'm noticing frequent palpitations, which seem to be ongoing without improvement. Occasionally, I feel discomfort or pain in my throat, although this symptom appears to subside temporarily." 7147,diabetes,"I've been experiencing a persistent dry cough, accompanied by palpitations and recurring infections that seem to be ongoing rather than improving. Occasionally, I also experience throat pain, although it tends to resolve on its own." 7148,diabetes,"I've been experiencing a persistent dry cough without relief, accompanied by rapid heartbeat palpitations and recurring infections that seem to persist or worsen despite treatment. Occasionally, I also experience discomfort in my throat, which tends to subside over time." 7149,diabetes,"I'm experiencing a persistent dry cough that persists without relief. Additionally, I've been dealing with palpitations and my infection doesn't seem to be improving. Occasionally, my throat becomes sore, but the discomfort tends to subside." 6910,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience recurring issues with swallowing, often feeling like food gets stuck in my throat. Additionally, I commonly suffer from bloating and frequent belching, leaving me with an unpleasant aftertaste each time." 6911,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience recurring issues with swallowing, often feeling as though food gets stuck in my throat. I also commonly suffer from bloating and excessive belching. To make matters worse, every meal leaves me with an unpleasant aftertaste." 6912,peptic ulcer disease,"I consistently experience difficulty swallowing, with occasional sensations of food getting stuck in my throat. Additionally, I often feel bloated and experience frequent burping. Furthermore, every meal leaves me with an unpleasant aftertaste." 6913,peptic ulcer disease,"I consistently experience difficulty swallowing, often accompanied by a sensation of food getting stuck in my throat. I also commonly struggle with bloating and belching, followed by an unpleasant aftertaste each time." 6914,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience recurring issues with swallowing, often feeling like food gets stuck in my throat. Additionally, I commonly suffer from bloating and frequent belching. Moreover, every time I eat, I'm left with an unpleasant aftertaste." 3950,Acne,"I've been experiencing some unpleasant symptoms on my skin recently, including acnelike breakouts with pusfilled pimples and blackheads. Additionally, my skin has been prone to drying out and becoming flaky." 3951,Acne,"I've been dealing with a persistent skin issue that's causing me discomfort. The rash is characterized by inflamed bumps filled with pus and blackheads, making my skin look quite rough." 3952,Acne,"I've been dealing with some frustrating skin issues lately. I'm experiencing a breakout with pimplefilled blemishes and blackheads, accompanied by excessive peeling." 3953,Acne,"I've been experiencing some unpleasant skin issues, characterized by a severe acne breakout with pusfilled pimples and blackheads. Additionally, my skin has been prone to scarring." 3954,Acne,"I've been experiencing some frustrating skin issues recently, including a breakout with pusfilled pimples and blackheads. Additionally, my skin has been quite flaky." 4395,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm feeling miserable with a soaring fever, leaving me exhausted and drained. My persistent cough is producing excessive mucus, and dealing with these symptoms is taking a toll on my mental wellbeing, causing me to feel overwhelmed with frustration." 4396,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm feeling absolutely miserable with a soaring fever, extreme fatigue, and constant coughing. It's been a struggle to cope with all these symptoms, and everything seems to be getting on my nerves." 4397,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm feeling absolutely miserable with a blazing fever, exhaustion, and chronic coughing. The constant production of mucus is overwhelming, and trying to cope with all this is taking a toll on my emotional wellbeing everything seems to be getting to me." 4398,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm feeling absolutely miserable with a high fever that's leaving me exhausted. On top of that, I've been struggling to breathe due to persistent coughing and excessive mucus production. It's all taking a toll on my mental wellbeing too everything is just getting to me right now." 4399,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm feeling extremely unwell, exhausted, and overwhelmed by my high fever, relentless cough, and persistent congestion. This experience is emotionally draining me as well." 5875,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing symptoms including bloodtinged urine, hypothermia, recurring severe headaches, and an intense urge to urinate. Additionally, I've developed persistent lower back pain." 5876,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing symptoms of a possible infection, including blood in my urine, fever, frequent and intense urination, as well as persistent headaches and lower back pain." 5877,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing symptoms of kidney issues, including blood present in my urine, as well as low body temperature. I've also been plagued by persistent headaches and a sudden, intense urge to urinate frequently. Additionally, I'm now experiencing discomfort in my lower back area." 5878,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing symptoms such as blood in my urine, recurring headaches, an overwhelming urge to urinate frequently, and discomfort in my lower back." 5879,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing a range of concerning symptoms, including blood in my urine, hypothermia, recurring severe headaches, intense urges to urinate, and lower back pain, which are all causing me significant distress." 5840,urinary tract infection,"I experience frequent urges to use the bathroom, despite producing very little urine each time. Additionally, my stomach is often in discomfort and I struggle to regulate my need to urinate." 5841,urinary tract infection,"I need to use the bathroom often, but surprisingly, it's just a tiny amount that comes out each time. Additionally, my stomach is frequently uncomfortable, making me feel compelled to urinate." 5842,urinary tract infection,"I experience frequent urges to use the restroom despite producing very little urine each time. Additionally, my stomach is often in discomfort, and I struggle to manage my constant need to void." 5843,urinary tract infection,"I experience frequent urges to use the bathroom despite producing only small amounts of urine. Additionally, my stomach tends to be painful and I struggle with an uncontrollable need to urinate." 5844,urinary tract infection,"I experience frequent urges to use the bathroom, but when I do, it's often just a small amount of urine. Additionally, I'm plagued by recurring stomach discomfort and find myself constantly needing to pee, despite my best efforts to manage it." 3640,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent constipation and painful bowel movements lately. During episodes, I notice bleeding and significant discomfort in my anus, making the experience quite distressing." 3641,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've experienced recurring constipation accompanied by painful bowel movements. Upon evacuating, my anus becomes inflamed and bleeds, causing significant discomfort and excruciating pain." 3642,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent constipation accompanied by painful bowel movements. When I have a bowel movement, it's often accompanied by bleeding and significant discomfort in my anal area. The pain is intense and has left me feeling quite distressed." 3643,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've experienced recurring issues with constipation, accompanied by painful bowel movements. During elimination, my anus bleeds and becomes extremely uncomfortable, causing me considerable distress." 3644,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've experienced recurring constipation issues accompanied by painful bowel movements. During elimination, I experience bleeding and severe discomfort around my anus, which causes significant pain and distress." 5295,Jaundice,"I'm currently dealing with severe symptoms including intense itching, frequent vomiting, persistent fatigue, significant weight loss, and a highgrade fever. Additionally, my skin has taken on a yellow hue, my urine has turned dark, and I've been experiencing recurring abdominal pain." 5296,Jaundice,"I'm suffering from severe symptoms including intense itching, repeated vomiting, and extreme exhaustion. Notably, I've experienced significant weight loss, a persistent high fever, and visible changes in my skin and urine color. Additionally, I've been experiencing recurring abdominal pain." 5297,Jaundice,"I'm suffering from severe symptoms including relentless itching, frequent vomiting, exhaustion, weight loss, and a highgrade fever. Additionally, my skin has taken on a yellow hue, my urine is unusually dark, and I'm experiencing persistent abdominal discomfort." 5298,Jaundice,"I'm plagued by severe itching, frequent vomiting, exhaustion, significant weight loss, and a persistent high fever. Additionally, my skin has taken on a yellowish hue, my urine has turned dark, and I've been experiencing debilitating abdominal pain." 5299,Jaundice,"I'm currently dealing with severe symptoms including intense itching, frequent vomiting, persistent fatigue, weight loss, and a highgrade fever. Additionally, my skin has developed a yellow hue, my urine is unusually dark, and I'm experiencing persistent abdominal discomfort." 4750,Migraine,"I experience a range of digestive issues, including recurring heartburn and difficulty processing nutrients from the food I eat." 4751,Migraine,"In addition to recurring headaches and blurry vision, I also experience acid reflux and difficulty processing nutrients from my food." 4752,Migraine,"I experience recurring headaches, blurred vision, as well as digestive issues including acid reflux and impaired food digestion." 4753,Migraine,"I experience a range of digestive issues, including recurring heartburn, acid reflux, and difficulty processing my food, in addition to frequent headaches and blurred vision." 4754,Migraine,"In addition to recurring headaches and blurry vision, I also experience symptoms of acid reflux and difficulty digesting food." 6600,drug reaction,"I've observed changes in my menstrual pattern, accompanied by unusual vaginal discharge. Additionally, I experience occasional irritability and significant mood swings." 6601,drug reaction,"I've been experiencing some changes with my menstrual cycle, including unexpected vaginal discharge. Additionally, I've noticed that I become more irritable at times and my emotions tend to fluctuate greatly." 6602,drug reaction,"I've observed changes in my menstrual cycle and an unusual vaginal discharge has occurred. Additionally, I experience sudden irritability and mood swings from time to time." 6603,drug reaction,"I've been experiencing changes in my menstrual cycle, accompanied by unusual vaginal discharge. Additionally, I've been noticing mood swings and feelings of irritability that seem to come and go." 6604,drug reaction,"I've been experiencing some changes with my menstrual cycle and have noticed unusual vaginal discharge. Additionally, I've been feeling increasingly irritable and noticing significant mood swings." 1935,Typhoid,"I've experienced significant weight loss over the past week due to a bout of food poisoning that left me feeling nauseous and vomiting frequently. The episode was accompanied by a high fever, intense headaches, and persistent stomach cramps." 1936,Typhoid,"In the past week, I've experienced significant weight loss as a result of reduced food intake caused by persistent nausea and vomiting. This has been accompanied by symptoms such as a high fever, severe headache, and stomach pain." 1937,Typhoid,"I've experienced significant weight loss over the past week due to food avoidance caused by persistent nausea and vomiting, which has also led to high fever, severe headaches, and stomach discomfort." 1938,Typhoid,"I've experienced significant weight loss recently due to persistent nausea and vomiting, which was accompanied by a high fever, severe headache, and stomach discomfort." 1939,Typhoid,"In the past week, I've experienced significant weight loss as a result of frequent food avoidance caused by persistent nausea and vomiting. This was accompanied by a severe fever, intense headache, and stomach discomfort." 1930,Typhoid,"I've had a persistent headache for the past week that's become increasingly severe. Alongside this, I've also experienced stomach discomfort, as well as inconsistent bowel movements. I'm at a loss to explain these symptoms and my growing concern is unsettling." 1931,Typhoid,"For the past week, I've been experiencing a persistent and worsening headache. Alongside this, I've also noticed recurring symptoms of abdominal discomfort, as well as alternating periods of constipation and diarrhea. I'm deeply concerned about these developments and would love some guidance on what might be causing them." 1932,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing a persistent headache for the past week that's become increasingly severe. Along with it, I've noticed stomach discomfort, irregular bowel movements constipation and diarrhea, and I'm genuinely concerned about what might be causing these symptoms." 1933,Typhoid,"Here's the rephrased text I've had a persistent headache for the past week that has worsened with time. Alongside this, I've also experienced recurring stomach discomfort, constipation, and diarrhea, leaving me feeling increasingly concerned and uncertain about what might be causing these symptoms." 1934,Typhoid,"I've had a persistent headache for the past week, which has worsened over time. Along with the headaches, I'm experiencing stomach discomfort, irregular bowel movements including constipation and diarrhea, and I'm genuinely concerned about what's going on." 7070,diabetes,"I struggle with maintaining focus and managing my emotions, which can lead to mental fogginess and make everyday tasks feel overwhelming." 7071,diabetes,"I struggle with maintaining focus and emotional stability, often experiencing mental fogginess that makes everyday tasks challenging." 7072,diabetes,"I struggle with concentration and emotional stability. My mind often feels unclear and hazy, making everyday tasks a challenge." 7073,diabetes,"I often struggle with concentration and emotional stability, leading to a hazy mental state that makes everyday tasks feel overwhelming." 7074,diabetes,"I struggle with concentration and emotional stability. My mind often feels cloudy and disoriented, making everyday tasks a challenge." 6010,allergy,"I'm experiencing respiratory issues, including difficulty breathing and feeling winded. Additionally, I've been plagued by a persistent dry, hacking cough, as well as itchy eyes and widespread swelling on my face and body." 6011,allergy,"I'm experiencing respiratory issues, including difficulty breathing and shortness of breath. Additionally, I'm plagued by a persistent, dry cough, as well as symptoms such as itchy eyes, facial and bodily swelling." 6012,allergy,"I'm experiencing respiratory difficulties, including labored breathing and frequent episodes of shortness of breath. Additionally, I'm plagued by a persistent dry cough, accompanied by itchy eyes and widespread facial and bodily swelling." 6013,allergy,"I experience difficulty breathing, frequent shortness of breath, as well as symptoms including a persistent dry and hacking cough, itchy eyes, and noticeable facial and bodily swelling." 6014,allergy,"I experience respiratory difficulties, including labored breathing and frequent shortness of breath. Additionally, I suffer from a persistent dry cough, accompanied by itchiness in my eyes, and systemic inflammation characterized by facial and bodily swelling." 2925,Fungal infection,"I've experienced recurring skin issues, including itching, rashes, and patches with distinct tones. Additionally, I frequently develop small nodularlike bumps on my skin." 2926,Fungal infection,"I've experienced recurring episodes of itchiness followed by rashes on my skin. Additionally, I've noticed unusual patches with altered pigmentation and frequent occurrences of small nodularlike lesions." 2927,Fungal infection,"I've experienced recurring episodes of itchy skin that often develop into rashes. Additionally, I've noticed unusual patches with distinct tonal differences compared to the surrounding skin. Furthermore, I frequently get small lumps resembling nodules." 2928,Fungal infection,"I've experienced recurring episodes of itching on my skin, which often progresses to rashes. Additionally, I've noticed patches of skin with unusual tones and frequent appearance of small nodular lesions." 2929,Fungal infection,"I've experienced recurring issues with itchy skin, which often develops into a rash. Additionally, I've noticed irregular patches of skin that differ in tone from the surrounding areas, as well as frequent occurrences of small lumps resembling nodules." 3210,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue, as well as sensations of chilliness. My cough won't subside, accompanied by sharp chest pain that worsens when I cough. Additionally, my heart seems to be racing and I'm producing thick, dark mucus." 3211,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing severe fatigue and a sensation of coldness. My cough won't stop, and it's accompanied by discomfort in my chest that radiates to my heart. The phlegm I'm producing has an unpleasant brownish hue." 3212,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue, chills, and an uncontrollable cough. When I cough, it causes discomfort in my chest and accelerates my heart rate. The phlegm I'm expelling has a unpleasant brownish hue." 3213,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing extreme fatigue and chilly sensations, accompanied by persistent coughing that's leaving me feeling miserable. Each cough exacerbates discomfort in my chest, which can feel like it's constricting. My heart rate seems to be irregularly quickening as well. The phlegm I'm producing is a disturbing brownish hue." 3214,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing fatigue, chills, and persistent coughing fits that leave me feeling unwell. The coughing hurts my chest and makes my heart feel like it's pounding in my chest. Additionally, I'm producing thick, brown mucus when I cough." 5855,urinary tract infection,"I've been experiencing persistent urine issues, including a strong odor and cloudy appearance. Accompanying these symptoms are recurring feverish episodes and an increased need to urinate during nighttime hours." 5856,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing strongsmelling urine with a cloudy appearance, accompanied by frequent nighttime urination and elevated body temperature." 5857,urinary tract infection,"I've been experiencing a strong, unpleasant odor in my urine, accompanied by cloudiness. Additionally, I've noticed increased temperature and frequent nighttime urination." 5858,urinary tract infection,"I've noticed that my urine has a strong odor and appears cloudy. Additionally, I've been experiencing frequent urination, particularly at night, accompanied by high temperatures." 5859,urinary tract infection,"I'm experiencing urine that has a strong odor and appears cloudy, accompanied by frequent nighttime urination and feverlike symptoms." 5970,allergy,"I experience recurring symptoms of asthma, including wheezing and shortness of breath. Additionally, I frequently suffer from fevers and headaches, leaving me feeling perpetually fatigued." 5971,allergy,"I experience recurring symptoms of asthma, including wheezing and shortness of breath. Additionally, I frequently develop fevers and suffer from headaches. Furthermore, I consistently struggle with fatigue." 5972,allergy,"I experience recurring symptoms of asthma, including wheezing and shortness of breath. Additionally, I frequently develop fevers and suffer from frequent headaches. To make matters worse, I consistently feel fatigued throughout the day." 5973,allergy,"I experience symptoms similar to asthma, including wheezing and shortness of breath. Additionally, I frequently develop fevers and suffer from headaches. Overall, I consistently feel fatigued." 5974,allergy,"I experience recurring symptoms of asthma, including wheezing and labored breathing. Additionally, I frequently develop fevers and suffer from headaches. I also consistently feel exhausted." 6820,peptic ulcer disease,"I possess a ravenous appetite and persistent hunger, accompanied by occasional stomach cramps and spasms. Moreover, I experience excruciating discomfort and pain due to excessive gas and bloating following meals." 6821,peptic ulcer disease,"I have an intense appetite, but unfortunately, it's often accompanied by persistent hunger. While my stomach occasionally becomes inflamed and spasms, the real discomfort comes from the gas and bloating that occurs after meals, making for a truly painful experience." 6822,peptic ulcer disease,"I possess an unrelenting appetite and constant hunger, accompanied by occasional abdominal discomfort and spasms. Furthermore, my digestive system often produces excessive gas and bloating following meals, leading to significant pain." 6823,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience intense hunger and persistent cravings. Occasionally, my stomach feels strained and crampy. Consuming food often leads to uncomfortable symptoms like bloating and gas, causing significant discomfort." 6824,peptic ulcer disease,"I have a relentless appetite and persistent hunger that can be overwhelming. Occasionally, my stomach protests with sharp pains and spasms. Moreover, consuming food often leads to excruciating gas and bloating." 4495,Hypertension,"I experience frequent headaches, chest discomfort, lightheadedness, equilibrium issues, and difficulty focusing." 4496,Hypertension,"I experience frequent headaches, accompanied by chest discomfort, dizziness, difficulties with equilibrium, and impaired cognitive focus." 4497,Hypertension,"I am experiencing a range of physical and cognitive symptoms including headaches, chest discomfort, episodes of dizziness, difficulty maintaining my balance, and trouble focusing or concentrating." 4498,Hypertension,"I experience frequent headaches, chest discomfort, lightheadedness, difficulty maintaining my equilibrium, and cognitive fog, making it challenging to focus." 4499,Hypertension,"I experience frequent headaches, chest discomfort, lightheadedness, impaired coordination, and difficulty focusing." 3515,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing difficulties with bowel movements lately. When I do go, it's often accompanied by discomfort and pain around my anus. Additionally, I've noticed blood in my stool and increased sensitivity around that area." 3516,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing difficulties with bowel movements lately. When I attempt to have a bowel movement, it's become quite uncomfortable and painful, accompanied by rectal discomfort. Additionally, I've noticed occasional bleeding in my stool and persistent anal tenderness." 3517,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing issues with bowel movements lately. When I attempt to use the restroom, I find it very unpleasant and my rectal area is quite painful. Additionally, I've noticed some blood present in my stool and a general sense of discomfort in my anus." 3518,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing difficulties with bowel movements lately. When I attempt to use the restroom, I find it quite uncomfortable, accompanied by significant pain and discomfort in the anal area. Additionally, I've noticed blood present in my stool, which is concerning me." 3519,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing difficulties with bowel movements lately. When I attempt to use the restroom, it's become quite unpleasant and painful for me, particularly in the rectal area. Additionally, I've noticed some blood in my stool and persistent discomfort around my anus." 2130,Chicken pox,"I've experienced a complete loss of appetite and struggle to consume any food. I'm experiencing frequent nausea and feeling extremely fatigued. Additionally, I've noticed developing rashes on my skin, which has left me quite anxious." 2131,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a complete loss of appetite and am having trouble consuming any food. I've been feeling queasy and exhausted. Additionally, I've developed rashes on my skin, which is causing me significant concern." 2132,Chicken pox,"I've lost all interest in food and struggle to eat at all. I'm feeling extremely queasy and overwhelmingly fatigued. Additionally, I've developed some itchy rashes on my skin, which has me quite worried." 2133,Chicken pox,"I've experienced a complete loss of appetite and struggle to consume any food. I'm also feeling extremely fatigued and nauseous, with the urge to vomit. Noticing rashes on my skin has further increased my concern." 2134,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a complete loss of appetite, having trouble consuming food at all. I'm also feeling nauseous and extremely fatigued. Additionally, I've noticed unexplained rashes on my skin, causing me significant concern." 4240,Bronchial Asthma,"Honey, I've been noticing you seem tired and weak lately, and that persistent cough is concerning me. You're having trouble catching your breath, and your temperature has been running high. Additionally, when you cough, it seems like you're producing a lot of mucus." 4241,Bronchial Asthma,"Mom, Dad, I've been feeling pretty exhausted lately, and I've had this persistent cough that's been bothering me. It's been hard for me to catch my breath, and my temperature has been quite high. When I cough, I seem to produce a lot of phlegm." 4242,Bronchial Asthma,"Mom and Dad, I'm not feeling well lately. I've been really tired and weak, and I have this persistent cough that's hard to get rid of. It's been tough for me to catch my breath, and my fever has been pretty high. When I do cough, it produces a lot of mucus." 4243,Bronchial Asthma,"Mom and Dad, I've been feeling exhausted and drained lately, with a persistent cough that's not getting any better. I'm having trouble breathing, and my fever is quite high. Whenever I cough, it produces a lot of phlegm." 4244,Bronchial Asthma,"Mom and Dad, I'm feeling pretty exhausted and worn out lately. I've had this persistent cough that's been bothering me, and it's making it hard for me to breathe. My fever has been really high, too, and when I do cough up mucus, there's a lot of it." 1915,Typhoid,"I'm experiencing an unusual ache in my abdominal region, unsure of its cause. Additionally, I've developed a slight fever, accompanied by chills and headache symptoms." 1916,Typhoid,"I'm experiencing a peculiar discomfort in my abdominal region, and I'm unsure of its cause. Additionally, I've developed a mild fever, accompanied by chills and headaches." 1917,Typhoid,"I'm experiencing a peculiar pain in my abdominal region that I can't explain, accompanied by a lowgrade fever, shivering, and headaches." 1918,Typhoid,"I'm experiencing persistent abdominal discomfort accompanied by a fever, chills, and headaches, but I'm unsure of the cause." 1919,Typhoid,"I'm experiencing unusual abdominal pain, and I'm unsure of its cause. Additionally, I've developed a slight fever accompanied by chills and headaches." 4955,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been managing persistent symptoms including a debilitating cough, muscle weakness in my limbs, intense back pain, neck strain, dizziness, and loss of balance." 4956,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been coping with persistent symptoms including a nagging cough, muscle fatigue in my limbs, debilitating back pain, and issues with neck soreness, balance, and stability." 4957,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been struggling with persistent issues including a severe cough, muscle weakness in my limbs, debilitating back pain, neck pain, and symptoms of dizziness and unsteadiness." 4958,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been coping with a persistent cough, muscle fatigue in my limbs, intense back pain, plus additional issues like neck ache, dizziness, and loss of balance stability." 4959,Cervical spondylosis,"In addition to a persistent cough and weakening limbs, I've also been plagued by severe back ache, accompanied by neck pain, dizziness, and loss of balance." 6105,allergy,"I frequently experience uncontrollable sneezing, accompanied by a persistent sore throat. Additionally, my lips and the skin around my eyes tend to swell at times. Once I begin sneezing, it's difficult for me to stop." 6106,allergy,"I experience frequent sneezing, accompanied by a sore throat. Additionally, my lips and facial skin around my eyes tend to become swollen at times. Moreover, once I begin sneezing, it's challenging for me to stop." 6107,allergy,"I experience frequent sneezing accompanied by a sore throat. Additionally, my lips and eyelid areas sometimes become inflamed. When I begin sneezing, it's challenging for me to control it once started, I tend to continue nonstop." 6108,allergy,"I experience frequent sneezing and often suffer from a sore throat. Additionally, my lips and facial skin around my eyes sometimes become inflamed and swollen. When I start sneezing, it's hard to control the urge as I tend to sneeze continuously once it begins." 6109,allergy,"I experience frequent sneezing and persistent sore throats. Additionally, my lips and facial skin around my eyes may become inflamed and swollen at times. Once my sneezing fit begins, it's challenging for me to stop." 2185,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a severe case of illness with a soaring fever, widespread red spots and rashes covering my body, accompanied by debilitating exhaustion and an almost complete loss of appetite, leaving me feeling weak and lethargic. My concern is palpable." 2186,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a severe headache accompanied by widespread red spots and rashes on my skin. Fatigue is overwhelming, and I've also lost all interest in food, leaving me feeling drained and sluggish. This situation has me quite anxious." 2187,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a severe case of illness with a high fever, widespread red spots and rashes on my skin, leaving me feeling utterly drained and devoid of appetite. This has left me weak and lethargic, causing significant concern for my overall wellbeing." 2188,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a severe fever, accompanied by widespread red spots and rashes on my skin. Feeling utterly drained, I've also lost all interest in food, leaving me feeling extremely weak and sluggish. This is causing me significant distress." 2189,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a severe fever, accompanied by widespread red spots and rashes. I'm extremely fatigued, having lost my appetite altogether, which has left me feeling weak and lacking energy. To be honest, I'm getting quite concerned." 5615,Malaria,"I've experienced a range of unpleasant symptoms including a highgrade fever, chills, severe itchiness, headaches, excessive sweating, intense muscle pain, and nausea." 5616,Malaria,"I've experienced severe symptoms including fever, chills, intense itching, headaches, excessive sweating, and debilitating pain due to muscle aches and nausea." 5617,Malaria,"I've been experiencing severe symptoms including a high fever, chills, and intense itching. I'm also dealing with a pounding headache, excessive sweating, as well as excruciating muscle pain and nausea that's left me in constant discomfort." 5618,Malaria,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including fever, chills, and intense itching. Additionally, I've had a persistent headache, excessive sweating, and debilitating pain caused by muscle cramps and nausea, leaving me feeling extremely unwell." 5619,Malaria,"I've been experiencing severe symptoms including a prolonged fever, shivering, and excruciating itching sensations. Alongside these issues, I've also had a persistent headache, excessive sweating, and intense discomfort due to muscle aches and nausea." 2595,Dengue,"I'm experiencing red, itchy, and inflamed spots on my arms and legs, accompanied by nausea, a strong urge to vomit, and a mild fever." 2596,Dengue,"I'm experiencing red, itchy, and inflamed spots on my arms and legs, accompanied by nausea, vomiting urges, and a mild fever." 2597,Dengue,"I've noticed red, itchy, and inflamed spots on my arms and legs. Additionally, I'm experiencing nausea, a strong urge to vomit, and a mild fever." 2598,Dengue,"I've noticed red, itchy, and inflamed patches on my arms and legs, accompanied by nausea, vomiting urges, and a lowgrade fever." 2599,Dengue,"Here is the rephrased response I've experienced the onset of red, itchy, and inflamed spots on my arms and legs, accompanied by nausea, vomiting urges, and a mild fever." 2665,Dengue,"I'm currently dealing with a high fever, accompanied by discomfort in the back of my eyes and a persistent headache. As a result, I've been feeling extremely fatigued and exhausted, making it impossible for me to perform any tasks." 2666,Dengue,"I've been battling a high fever, accompanied by throbbing eye pain and a persistent headache. The exhaustion that comes with it leaves me feeling drained and unable to perform any tasks." 2667,Dengue,"I've been dealing with a high fever, accompanied by throbbing eye pain and a persistent headache. As a result, I'm feeling extremely fatigued and exhausted, making it impossible for me to focus on my work." 2668,Dengue,"I'm currently battling a high fever, along with discomfort behind my eyes and a pounding headache. This has left me feeling utterly exhausted, making it impossible for me to focus on work." 2669,Dengue,"I'm currently battling a high fever, along with discomfort in my eye sockets and a persistent headache. As a result, I'm extremely fatigued and exhausted, making it impossible for me to be productive or accomplish any tasks." 6640,drug reaction,"I experience recurring rashes on my back and chest, accompanied by intense itching all over my body. Additionally, I often have dry, flaky skin that can lead to the formation of noticeable marks." 6641,drug reaction,"I experience recurring rashes on my back and chest, accompanied by intense itching sensations throughout my entire body. Additionally, I often notice dryness and flakiness on my skin, resulting in noticeable marks or patches." 6642,drug reaction,"I experience recurring rashes on my back and chest, accompanied by an overall itching sensation that affects my entire body. Additionally, I often notice dry, flaky patches on my skin, which can sometimes leave behind noticeable marks." 6643,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing eczema symptoms, including rashes on my back and chest, as well as intense itching all over my body. Additionally, my skin can become dry and flaky, leading to the formation of scaly patches." 6644,drug reaction,"I experience itching all over my body, accompanied by rashes on my back and chest. Additionally, I sometimes develop dry, flaky skin that can lead to scarring or discoloration." 3200,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue, chilliness, and frequent coughing accompanied by chest discomfort. My pulse has been rapid, and upon coughing, I notice that the mucus is discolored with a reddish tint." 3201,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing a persistent feeling of chilliness and fatigue, accompanied by frequent coughing episodes with accompanying chest discomfort. Additionally, my heartbeat has been noticeably rapid, and upon coughing, the mucus produced is often tinged with a reddish hue." 3202,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue, chilliness, and recurring episodes of coughing accompanied by chest discomfort. Additionally, my heartbeat has been unusually rapid, and upon coughing, the mucus that's expelled has a reddish hue, which concerns me." 3203,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent coldness, fatigue, and frequent coughing with chest discomfort. My heart rate has accelerated, and the phlegm I hack up is often tinged with a reddishbrown hue." 3204,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing symptoms of illness including persistent fatigue, chilliness, and frequent coughing accompanied by chest discomfort. Additionally, my pulse has been racing, and the mucus produced during coughing episodes tends to have a reddish or brownish tint." 1810,Typhoid,"I'm experiencing severe abdominal pain, accompanied by recurring vomiting and persistent nausea I'm unsure of the cause." 1811,Typhoid,"I'm experiencing severe abdominal discomfort, accompanied by persistent nausea and frequent vomiting." 1812,Typhoid,"I'm experiencing a sharp pain in my abdomen that's unclear to me, accompanied by frequent vomiting and persistent nausea." 1813,Typhoid,"I'm experiencing severe abdominal pain that's unclear to me, accompanied by persistent vomiting and nausea." 1814,Typhoid,"I'm experiencing severe abdominal discomfort, accompanied by recurring vomiting and persistent nausea." 2210,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing a severe fever, accompanied by painful red sores near my nose that are producing yellow, rustcolored pus." 2211,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing a severe fever, accompanied by painful red lesions forming around my nose. The affected areas are producing a yellowish, crusty discharge." 2212,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing a high fever, accompanied by painful, red sores forming near my nose that are discharging yellowish, rustcolored pus." 2213,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing a severe fever accompanied by painful, yellowrust colored pusfilled lesions near my nose." 2214,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing a severe fever with red, painful lesions appearing near my nose that are accompanied by yellow, crusty discharge." 5375,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including persistent itching, frequent vomiting, extreme fatigue, noticeable weight loss, and a highgrade fever. Additionally, my skin has taken on a yellowish hue, my urine is darker than usual, and I'm plagued by recurring abdominal pain." 5376,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing symptoms including intense itching, repeated vomiting, and persistent fatigue. Additionally, I've noticed significant weight loss, a fever that's remained elevated, and physical signs such as yellow discoloration of my skin and darkened urine. Furthermore, I've been plagued by recurring abdominal pain." 5377,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including intense itching, frequent vomiting, persistent fatigue, significant weight loss, high fever, jaundice yellowing of the skin, darkened urine, and debilitating abdominal pain." 5378,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including persistent itching, recurring vomiting, debilitating fatigue, significant weight loss, and a prolonged fever. Additionally, my skin has developed a yellowish hue, and my urine appears dark. Abdominal pain is also a constant issue." 5379,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including persistent itching, frequent vomiting, extreme fatigue, significant weight loss, and a highgrade fever. Additionally, my skin has taken on a yellow hue, my urine is abnormally dark, and I'm plagued by recurring abdominal pain." 2430,Impetigo,"Over the past week, the facial rash has worsened in severity and pain, with open sores now discharging a yellowish fluid, causing daily discomfort." 2431,Impetigo,"Over the past week, my facial rash has worsened in severity and discomfort, with open sores now leaking a yellowish fluid. The pain is escalating daily." 2432,Impetigo,"Within the past week, the rash on my face has worsened in terms of severity and pain. Additionally, the sores have started producing a yellowish discharge, which is becoming more unbearable with each passing day." 2433,Impetigo,"Within the past week, the facial rash has worsened in both severity and pain, with the sores now draining a yellowish liquid. The discomfort is escalating daily." 2434,Impetigo,"Over the past week, the facial rash has worsened in severity and pain, with open sores now discharging a yellowish substance, causing increasing discomfort daily." 6895,peptic ulcer disease,"I've struggled with unintentional weight loss, followed by difficulty regaining it. To alleviate the accompanying discomfort and pain in my mouth, I rely on antacids." 6896,peptic ulcer disease,"Here is the rephrased response I've struggled with unintentional weight loss, followed by difficulty regaining it. To manage associated pain and discomfort, I rely on antacids to alleviate the persistent ache in my mouth." 6897,peptic ulcer disease,"I've struggled with unintentional weight loss, making it challenging for me to regain the pounds I've lost. To manage the accompanying discomfort and pain, I rely on antacids to alleviate the nagging ache in my mouth." 6898,peptic ulcer disease,"I unintentionally shed pounds and struggle to regain them. To alleviate the accompanying oral discomfort, I rely on antacids to ease the persistent pain and gnawing sensation." 6899,peptic ulcer disease,"I unintentionally drop pounds, finding it challenging to regain them. To alleviate the persistent pain and discomfort in my mouth, I rely on antacids." 3120,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing a severe cold, accompanied by persistent coughing and intense chilliness. My sinuses are completely congested, making it impossible for me to smell anything. Additionally, I'm feeling discomfort in my chest and have muscle pain throughout my body." 3121,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing a nasty cold with uncontrollable coughing, intense chilliness, and overactive mucus production. My sinuses are completely congested, making it impossible to smell anything. Additionally, I'm dealing with chest pain and muscle soreness." 3122,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing a persistent cough and feeling extremely cold. My body's natural defenses are overproducing mucus, which is causing my sinuses to become completely blocked. Unfortunately, this has left me unable to smell anything, and I'm also suffering from chest discomfort and muscle pain." 3123,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing a severe cold with persistent coughing, feeling extremely chilly, and having an overactive mucus production that's blocking my sinuses. Additionally, I've lost my sense of smell and am suffering from chest pain and muscle aches." 3124,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing a persistent cough, feeling extremely cold, and having an overproduction of mucus. My sinuses are congested, making it impossible to smell anything. Additionally, I'm in discomfort due to chest pain and muscle soreness." 5470,Malaria,"I've been experiencing severe discomfort, accompanied by a range of symptoms including intense itching, chills, nausea, and a high fever. In addition to these issues, I'm also dealing with a persistent headache, excessive sweating, muscle aches, and a queasy feeling." 5471,Malaria,"I've been experiencing severe symptoms, including intense itching, chills, nausea, and a high fever, making me feel extremely unwell. Additionally, I'm dealing with a throbbing headache, excessive sweating, muscle pain, and queasiness." 5472,Malaria,"In addition to my intense physical symptoms like scratching, chills, nausea, and fever, I've also been experiencing discomfort and queasiness. Specifically, I've had a headache, felt excessively sweaty, and suffered from muscle pain, which has left me feeling unwell overall." 5473,Malaria,"I've been experiencing a range of uncomfortable symptoms, including intense itching, chills, nausea, high fever, headaches, excessive sweating, muscle pain, and a general feeling of queasiness." 5474,Malaria,"I've been experiencing extreme discomfort along with intense symptoms like fever, chills, and nausea. Additionally, I've had a persistent headache, excessive sweating, muscle pain, and a general feeling of queasiness." 2295,Impetigo,"I'm currently dealing with mild symptoms including a lowgrade fever, headache, minor skin lesions around my nose, and some rashes on my neck. To be honest, things are really challenging for me at this moment." 2296,Impetigo,"I'm currently experiencing mild symptoms such as fever, headache, small pustules near my nose, and rashes on my neck. To be honest, things are quite challenging for me at the moment." 2297,Impetigo,"Hello, I'm currently experiencing a mild fever, headache, and skin issues including small sores near my nose and rashes on my neck. To be honest, things are quite challenging for me at this moment." 2298,Impetigo,"I'm currently experiencing mild symptoms, including a lowgrade fever and headache, accompanied by small sores around my nose and rashes on my neck. To be honest, things are really challenging for me at the moment." 2299,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing a mild fever and headaches, along with some minor skin issues around my nose and on my neck. To be honest, things are really challenging for me at this moment." 4405,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm experiencing symptoms of respiratory distress, including a persistent dry cough, labored breathing, and a highgrade fever. Additionally, my body is producing excessive mucus and I'm struggling with fatigue and weakness." 4406,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm experiencing a persistent dry cough, difficulty breathing, and a highgrade fever. Additionally, I'm excessively producing mucus and feel extremely fatigued and weakened." 4407,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm experiencing a persistent dry cough, labored breathing, and a fever that's above normal. Additionally, I'm noticing an excessive amount of mucus production and feeling unusually fatigued and drained." 4408,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm experiencing a persistent dry cough, difficulty breathing, and a high fever. I've also noticed an excessive amount of mucus production, accompanied by feelings of fatigue and exhaustion." 4409,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm experiencing a persistent dry cough, difficulty breathing, and a temperature that's elevated. Additionally, I'm producing an excessive amount of mucus, accompanied by fatigue and exhaustion." 1205,Psoriasis,"I've experienced flaky skin, particularly on my knees, elbows, and scalp, which is often accompanied by a tingling or stinging feeling." 1206,Psoriasis,"I've experienced excessive peeling of my skin, particularly on sensitive areas such as my knees, elbows, and scalp, which is often accompanied by a tingling or searing discomfort." 1207,Psoriasis,"I've experienced skin peeling, primarily on my knees, elbows, and scalp, which is often accompanied by a tingling or stinging sensation." 1208,Psoriasis,"I've experienced excessive peeling of my skin, primarily on my knees, elbows, and scalp, which is often accompanied by an unpleasant burning or stinging feeling." 1209,Psoriasis,"I've experienced skin peeling, particularly on my knees, elbows, and scalp, which is often accompanied by a burning or stinging sensation." 1760,Typhoid,I've been experiencing persistent constipation and stomach discomfort that's become increasingly unbearable. The discomfort has worsened over time and is significantly impacting my daily routine. 1761,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing persistent constipation and discomfort in my abdomen, which has become increasingly unbearable. The symptoms have worsened to the point where they're significantly impacting my daily routine." 1762,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing persistent constipation and stomach discomfort, which has become increasingly unbearable and is now impacting my daily routine." 1763,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing persistent constipation and abdominal discomfort that's become increasingly unbearable. Unfortunately, the discomfort is now impacting my daily routine in a significant way." 1764,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing persistent constipation and stomach discomfort, which has become increasingly unbearable. The discomfort is now impacting my daily routine in a significant way." 4690,Hypertension,"I unexpectedly suffered from a sudden onset of headaches, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness during a conference, which has hindered my ability to maintain concentration and attention since then." 4691,Hypertension,"In the midst of a conference, I unexpectedly developed a headache, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness. Since then, I've struggled to maintain my attention and engagement with the discussion." 4692,Hypertension,"During a conference, I unexpectedly developed a severe headache, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness. These symptoms have made it difficult for me to maintain my attention and engage with the material since then." 4693,Hypertension,"During a conference, I unexpectedly suffered from a headache, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness. Following this episode, I've struggled with maintaining my attention and staying focused on the subject matter." 4694,Hypertension,"I unexpectedly suffered from a sudden onset of a headache, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness during a conference. Following this episode, I've struggled with maintaining my attention and staying focused on the subject matter." 5955,allergy,"I'm experiencing a sore throat, frequent sneezing, and occasional facial swelling around my lips and eyes. Once I start sneezing, I struggle to stop" 5956,allergy,"I'm experiencing a sore throat, frequent sneezing, and occasional facial swelling around my lips and eyes. Once I start sneezing, I struggle to stop." 5957,allergy,"I'm experiencing a sore throat and frequent sneezing. Occasionally, I develop facial swelling around my lips and eyes. Once I start sneezing, it's hard for me to stop." 5958,allergy,"I'm experiencing a sore throat, frequent sneezing episodes, and occasional facial swelling around my lips and eyes. Once I start sneezing, it's hard for me to stop." 5959,allergy,"I'm experiencing a sore throat and persistent sneezing. Occasionally, I notice swelling around my facial features, such as my lips and eyelids. Once I start sneezing, it's hard for me to stop." 6590,drug reaction,"I've been experiencing significant changes in my hair, including thinning and a noticeable change in texture. Additionally, I'm struggling with worsening dandruff, an itchy and dry scalp, and overall dry skin." 6591,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing excessive hair loss, accompanied by a significant change in hair texture. Additionally, my dandruff is worsening, and I'm dealing with an increasingly itchy and dry scalp. Furthermore, my skin is becoming severely dry." 6592,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing significant changes in my hair, including excessive shedding and a noticeable change in texture. Additionally, I've seen a decline in scalp health, with worsening dandruff and an increasingly dry, itchy scalp. To top it off, my skin is also becoming quite parched." 6593,drug reaction,"I've been experiencing significant changes in my hair, including loss of hair and a noticeable change in texture. Additionally, I'm struggling with worsening dandruff, itchiness, and dryness on my scalp. To make matters worse, my skin is also becoming increasingly dry." 6594,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing significant hair loss, along with a notable change in hair texture. Additionally, my dandruff is worsening, accompanied by an increasingly dry and itchy scalp. Furthermore, my skin is becoming uncomfortably dry." 3405,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent respiratory problems accompanied by fever, fatigue, chills, and a persistent cough. I'm also struggling with intense sweating, general weakness, and discomfort in my chest, as well as rapid heartbeat." 3406,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent respiratory problems accompanied by fever, fatigue, coughing, and chills. I'm also feeling extremely unwell and weak, with profuse sweating, chest discomfort, and rapid heartbeat." 3407,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent respiratory problems accompanied by chilliness, fatigue, a persistent cough, and fever. Additionally, I've been excessively sweating and overall feeling unwell and debilitated. My chest is sore, and my heart rate has been unusually rapid." 3408,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing recurring respiratory problems accompanied by fever, shivering, extreme fatigue, persistent coughing, and profuse sweating. I'm also suffering from a general sense of weakness, as well as chest discomfort and rapid heartbeat." 3409,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing recurring respiratory problems accompanied by chills, fatigue, coughing, and a fever. Additionally, I've been profusely sweating, feeling extremely unwell and weak, with a sore chest and rapid heartbeat." 4515,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing a range of symptoms including headaches, chest pain, dizziness, balance problems, and difficulty concentrating." 4516,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing a range of symptoms including headaches, chest pain, dizziness, balance problems, and difficulty concentrating." 4517,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing a cluster of symptoms, including headaches, chest pain, episodes of fainting, balance difficulties, and trouble focusing." 4518,Hypertension,"I've been plagued by a range of symptoms including headaches, chest pain, dizziness, and loss of balance, as well as difficulty concentrating." 4519,Hypertension,"I've been dealing with a cluster of symptoms including headaches, chest pain, episodes of fainting, balance problems, and difficulty concentrating." 7180,diabetes,"I experience persistent skin issues, including rashes and irritations, particularly in the crevices of my skin. Additionally, minor wounds such as bruises and cuts tend to take longer than usual to recover from." 7181,diabetes,"I frequently experience skin issues, including rashes and irritations that tend to occur in the small crevices on my skin. Additionally, any wounds or lesions I may get take longer than usual to fully recover from." 7182,diabetes,"I experience skin issues, including rashes and irritations, particularly in the crevices of my skin. Additionally, my skin takes longer than average to recover from bruises and cuts." 7183,diabetes,"I experience frequent skin rashes and irritations, especially in the crevices of my skin. Additionally, my skin takes longer to recover from bruises and cuts." 7184,diabetes,"I experience persistent skin issues, specifically in the crevices, where rashes and irritations are common occurrences. Additionally, minor injuries like bruises and cuts tend to have slower healing rates for me." 2785,Fungal infection,"I've experienced widespread itching all over my body, leading to intense scratching that has caused redness and acnelike breakouts. I also occasionally develop small nodules and irregular patches with distinct colorations that differ from my normal skin tone." 2786,Fungal infection,"I've experienced widespread itchiness, leading to persistent scratching which has resulted in redness and acnelike breakouts on my skin. Furthermore, I occasionally develop small nodules and unusual patches with distinct coloring compared to my natural skin tone." 2787,Fungal infection,"I've experienced intense itching all over my body, leading to redness, pimples, and occasional nodular bumps resembling small pimples. Furthermore, I've noticed unusual patches with distinct hues appearing on my skin." 2788,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing intense itching all over my body, which has led to dry, red skin and breakouts in the form of pimples. On occasion, I develop small nodules resembling miniature pimples, as well as patches with distinct coloration that differ from my natural skin tone." 2789,Fungal infection,"I've experienced widespread itchiness, leading to redness, pimples, and nodular bumps on my skin. Occasionally, I also develop peculiar patches with distinct coloring compared to the surrounding skin." 4440,Bronchial Asthma,"Due to a persistent high fever, I've been experiencing difficulty breathing through both my nose and mouth for several days. Additionally, I've noticed excess mucus production at times. Given my fatigue and respiratory issues, I would greatly appreciate any medication recommendations you may have." 4441,Bronchial Asthma,"Due to a high fever, I've experienced nasal and oral congestion for several days, accompanied by fatigue. Occasionally, excessive mucus is visible. Could you suggest some medication options" 4442,Bronchial Asthma,"Due to a high fever, I've been experiencing respiratory distress with difficulty breathing through both my nose and mouth for several days, accompanied by persistent fatigue. Occasionally, I've noticed visible mucus. Could you please suggest some medication options for my condition" 4443,Bronchial Asthma,"Due to a severe fever, I've developed respiratory distress with nasal congestion and dyspnea difficulty breathing lasting several days, accompanied by fatigue and occasional mucus production. I'd appreciate medication recommendations." 4444,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm experiencing a high fever, which has left me unable to breathe through my nose or mouth for a few days. I'm also extremely fatigued. Occasionally, I've noticed thick mucus present. Can you recommend any medications that might help" 4745,Migraine,"I've been feeling frustrated and downhearted recently, and to top it off, I've noticed some unusual changes in my eyesight." 4746,Migraine,"Lately, I've been feeling irritable and downbeat, and to top it off, I've observed some unusual changes in my eyesight." 4747,Migraine,"I've been feeling down and frustrated recently, and to make matters worse, I've also started experiencing some unusual visual symptoms." 4748,Migraine,"Recently, I've been feeling frustrated and down, and I've also observed some alterations in my visual acuity." 4749,Migraine,"I've been feeling quite downbeat and irritable recently, and to make matters worse, I've started noticing some changes in my vision that are concerning me." 6060,allergy,"I'm experiencing respiratory difficulties, including labored breathing, facial swelling, and itchy eyes. Additionally, I'm dealing with a persistent, dry cough." 6061,allergy,"I'm dealing with respiratory problems that cause me to feel short of breath. Additionally, I'm experiencing facial and torso swelling, itchy eyes, and a persistent dry cough." 6062,allergy,"I'm experiencing respiratory difficulties, including shortness of breath. My skin is inflamed, my eyes are irritated, and I've developed a persistent, dry cough." 6063,allergy,"I'm struggling with respiratory problems that cause me to feel short of breath. Additionally, I'm experiencing swelling in my face and torso, along with itchy eyes and a persistent, dry cough." 6064,allergy,"I suffer from respiratory problems that cause me to feel short of breath. Additionally, I experience facial and upper body swelling, itchy eyes, and a persistent, dry cough." 4335,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm experiencing various health concerns, which include a persistent dry cough, labored breathing, a highgrade fever, and excessive mucus buildup. Additionally, I'm struggling with pronounced fatigue and weakness." 4336,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm experiencing several health concerns, such as a persistent dry cough, labored breathing, a fever above normal levels, and an excessive amount of mucus. Additionally, I'm struggling with fatigue and weakness." 4337,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm experiencing several health concerns, such as a persistent dry cough, shortness of breath, highgrade fever, and excessive mucus buildup. To top it off, I'm also struggling with exhaustion and fatigue." 4338,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm experiencing a range of health issues right now, including a persistent dry cough, labored breathing, a highgrade fever, and excess mucus production. To top it off, I'm feeling unusually fatigued and exhausted." 4339,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm experiencing various health concerns, such as a persistent dry cough, labored breathing, a fever, and excessive mucus buildup. To add to this, I'm struggling with fatigue and weakness." 4360,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been struggling with shortness of breath, a persistent cough, and a high fever. To make matters worse, I've been producing thick, mucoid mucus when I cough, and I'm feeling incredibly fatigued and exhausted. It's all been quite overwhelming, and I'm currently feeling quite unwell." 4361,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm forced to admit that I've been struggling with shortness of breath, a persistent cough, and a high fever, accompanied by copious amounts of thick, mucoid sputum production. To be honest, it's all taken a toll on me, leaving me feeling weak, exhausted, and quite unwell overall." 4362,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been struggling with shortness of breath, persistent coughing, high fever, thick mucus production, and extreme fatigue. It's been a challenging experience, leaving me feeling quite unwell." 4363,Bronchial Asthma,"To be honest, I've been struggling with symptoms like shortness of breath, a persistent cough, and a high fever lately. Additionally, my cough has been producing thick, mucoid mucus, leaving me feeling drained and exhausted. It's been quite challenging to cope with these issues, and at the moment, I'm feeling quite unwell." 4364,Bronchial Asthma,"I must admit that I've been struggling with symptoms including shortness of breath, a persistent cough, high fever, and excessive production of thick mucus. To make matters worse, I'm also experiencing fatigue and exhaustion. It's been a challenging ordeal, and to be honest, I'm feeling quite unwell at the moment." 7055,diabetes,"I'm experiencing blurred vision that's worsening, persistent fatigue, and occasional episodes of lightheadedness and vertigo." 7056,diabetes,"I'm experiencing blurred vision that's worsening over time. Additionally, I'm feeling persistently tired and exhausted. I've also been noticing occasional episodes of dizziness and lightheadedness." 7057,diabetes,"I'm experiencing worsening blurred vision, persistent fatigue, and recurring episodes of sudden dizzinessvertigo." 7058,diabetes,"I'm experiencing blurred vision that's worsening over time. Additionally, I've been feeling persistently exhausted and drained. Occasionally, I also experience sudden lightheadedness and dizziness." 7059,diabetes,"I'm experiencing worsening blurred vision, persistent fatigue, and occasional episodes of intense dizziness and lightheadedness." 6730,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing persistent abdominal pain that intensifies with bending or lying down. Certain foods like spicy and acidic ones also cause me discomfort, and occasionally, I develop loose stools as a result." 6731,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience persistent abdominal pain that worsens with bending or lying down. I also notice digestive issues when consuming certain foods, including spicy or acidic ones, which can lead to loose stools." 6732,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience persistent abdominal pain that intensifies when I bend or lie down. Certain foods, particularly those with strong flavors like spices or acidity, also trigger discomfort for me. Additionally, my symptoms often lead to loose stools." 6733,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience persistent abdominal pain that worsens with bending or lying down. Certain foods, like spicy or acidic ones, also cause me discomfort. Additionally, my symptoms can lead to loose stools at times." 6734,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing persistent abdominal pain that worsens when I bend or lie down. Certain foods, including spicy and acidic ones, also cause me discomfort. Additionally, I often develop loose stools due to these dietary triggers." 5175,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort with back pain, a lingering cough, and fatigue in my upper and lower limbs. Additionally, I've noticed neck strain and frequent episodes of dizziness and unsteadiness." 5176,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort with back pain, a lingering cough, and fatigue in my limbs. Additionally, I'm struggling with neck pain and feelings of dizziness and imbalance." 5177,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent back pain, along with recurring bouts of coughing, and noticeable fatigue in my upper and lower extremities. Additionally, my neck has been bothering me, leaving me feeling lightheaded and unsteady at times." 5178,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort and pain in my back, accompanied by a stubborn cough. Additionally, I've noticed significant weakening of my arm and leg muscles, as well as discomfort in my neck, which has left me feeling lightheaded and unsteady on my feet." 5179,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort including back pain, a lingering cough, and numbness or weakness in my arms and legs. Additionally, I'm struggling with neck pain and frequent episodes of dizziness, which affect my sense of balance." 4425,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been struggling with labored breathing, persistent coughing, and fatigue. Additionally, my respiratory secretions are thick and mucoid, accompanied by a high fever. As a result, I'm feeling utterly drained and exhausted from dealing with these symptoms." 4426,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been struggling with labored breathing, persistent coughing, and fatigue. Additionally, I've noticed an excessive production of thick mucus accompanied by a severe fever. As a result, I'm feeling utterly drained and depleted." 4427,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been struggling with breathing troubles, persistent coughing, and fatigue. Thick, mucuslike phlegm is accumulating in my lungs, accompanied by an elevated body temperature. The constant battle to manage these symptoms has left me feeling utterly drained and depleted." 4428,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been struggling with labored breathing, persistent coughing, and fatigue. Additionally, I've noticed an excessive production of thick mucus, accompanied by a fever that's remained elevated. As a result, I'm left feeling utterly drained and depleted." 4429,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been struggling with shortness of breath, persistent coughing fits, and overwhelming fatigue. Additionally, my body has been producing an abundance of thick, gelatinous phlegm, accompanied by a fever that's remained elevated. As a result, I'm feeling utterly depleted and drained." 6260,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience recurring episodes of gas and bloating, accompanied by consistent chest pain that radiates to the neck, jaw, and arm. I also feel a sense of pressure and tension in my chest." 6261,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience recurring episodes of flatulence and hiccups, accompanied by persistent discomfort and pressure in my chest that radiates to the base of my neck, jaw, and arm." 6262,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience recurring gas issues, accompanied by recurring episodes of chest pain that radiates to the back of my neck, jaw, and arm. I also feel a sensation of tightness and pressure in my chest." 6263,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience recurring episodes of flatulence and hiccups. Additionally, I often feel a sensation of discomfort radiating from my chest to my neck, jaw, and arm, accompanied by feelings of pressure and tension in my chest." 6264,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience recurring episodes of gas and bloating accompanied by a persistent sensation of pressure and tension in my chest, which radiates to my neck, jaw, and arm, often accompanied by discomfort that spreads across my upper body." 3980,Acne,"I'm experiencing a sudden outbreak of acne, with blackheads and pimples filled with pus covering my skin. To top it off, my skin is becoming incredibly sensitive to touch or other stimuli." 3981,Acne,"I've developed a severe skin issue characterized by a painful rash covered in blackheads and pusfilled pimples. To top it off, my skin is unbearably sensitive." 3982,Acne,"I've developed a severe skin condition characterized by numerous blackheads and pimples filled with pus, accompanied by extreme sensitivity to touch or other stimuli." 3983,Acne,"I've developed a painful breakout, covered in inflamed blackheads and pimples filled with pus. To make matters worse, my skin is now incredibly sensitive to touch or even slight movements." 3984,Acne,"I've developed a frustrating breakout with numerous blackheads and pimples filled with pus, accompanied by heightened sensitivity to the touch." 4605,Hypertension,"Despite feeling well earlier today, I unexpectedly experienced a sudden onset of headaches, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness during my walk. Since then, it's been challenging for me to maintain focus and mental clarity." 4606,Hypertension,"I've been feeling normal up until now, but while on my walk I unexpectedly experienced a headache, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness. Since then, it's been challenging for me to maintain my concentration." 4607,Hypertension,"Suddenly, I experienced a sudden onset of symptoms including a headache, chest pain, and dizziness while walking outside. Since then, it's been challenging for me to maintain my focus and concentration." 4608,Hypertension,"I was feeling great throughout the day, but shortly after taking a walk, I unexpectedly experienced a sudden onset of a headache, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness. Since then, it's been challenging for me to stay focused and mentally sharp." 4609,Hypertension,"I was doing well earlier today, but during my walk I unexpectedly experienced a headache, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness. Since then, it's been challenging for me to maintain my attention and mental clarity." 4085,Acne,"I woke up this morning to find myself covered in a severe rash, complete with numerous pusfilled pimples and blackheads scattered across my skin. To make matters worse, it seems like my skin is having some kind of weird reaction, feeling loose and flapping around as if it's not quite attached right." 4086,Acne,"I woke up to find myself covered in a severe rash with numerous pusfilled pimples and blackheads scattered throughout, accompanied by unusual skin movement." 4087,Acne,"I woke up this morning to find myself covered in a severe rash. My skin is pimpled and blackheadfilled, with a bunch of pusfilled bumps scattered throughout. To make things worse, my skin feels like it's crawling on me too." 4088,Acne,"I woke up this morning to find myself covered in a severe rash, with multiple painful pimples and blackheads scattered throughout. To make matters worse, my skin feels incredibly itchy and is behaving erratically, as if it's moving on its own." 4089,Acne,"I'm having a terrible day I woke up to find a nasty rash covering my entire body, accompanied by numerous pusfilled pimples and blackheads. To make matters worse, my skin is feeling particularly restless and seems to be shifting around strangely." 3820,Arthritis,"I've noticed a increase in stiffness and weakness in my neck muscles lately, which makes it difficult to move comfortably. As my joints have expanded, I've found that walking can be quite challenging and even painful at times." 3821,Arthritis,"I've been noticing stiffness and weakness in my neck muscles lately, which makes it challenging to walk comfortably due to joint growth. Walking often leaves me feeling stiff and uncomfortable." 3822,Arthritis,"I've noticed increased stiffness and weakness in my neck muscles lately. As my joints have expanded, everyday activities like walking have become challenging due to persistent stiffness. Walking itself has become quite uncomfortable for me." 3823,Arthritis,"I've noticed increased stiffness and weakness in my neck lately, which makes it challenging to move comfortably. As I've gone through growth spurts, even simple activities like walking have become stiff and uncomfortable for me." 3824,Arthritis,"I've noticed increased stiffness and weakness in my neck muscles lately. As my joints have expanded, everyday activities like walking can be quite challenging I often feel stiff and uncomfortable when moving around." 6495,drug reaction,"I've noticed a substantial increase in my weight, leading to obesity, and I've experienced alterations in my appetite and cravings for various foods." 6496,drug reaction,"I've noticed a substantial increase in my weight, leading to obesity. My eating habits have also undergone changes, with altered cravings for various types of food." 6497,drug reaction,"I've noticed a substantial increase in my weight, leading to obesity. Additionally, I've experienced alterations in my appetite and developed strong cravings for specific foods." 6498,drug reaction,"I've experienced substantial weight gain, resulting in significant obesity. My appetite and food cravings have also undergone notable changes." 6499,drug reaction,"I've noticed a substantial increase in my weight, resulting in obesity. Additionally, I've experienced alterations in my appetite and developed cravings for various types of food." 3900,Arthritis,"I'm experiencing weakness in my muscles, stiffness in my neck, and swelling in my joints, making it difficult for me to move without feeling stiff. Even walking has become quite uncomfortable." 3901,Arthritis,"I'm experiencing muscle weakness, stiffness in my neck, and joint swelling, making everyday activities like walking and turning challenging due to a sense of stiffness." 3902,Arthritis,"I'm experiencing muscle weakness, stiffness in my neck, and swollen joints that make it painful to move or walk without feeling stiff." 3903,Arthritis,"I've experienced muscle weakness, stiffness in my neck, and swelling in my joints, making everyday activities like walking quite challenging and uncomfortable due to constant stiffness." 3904,Arthritis,"I struggle with weak muscles, a stiff neck, and swollen joints, making everyday movements like turning or walking quite painful and uncomfortable." 4940,Migraine,"I've been plagued by a range of distressing symptoms, including persistent acidity, indigestion, headaches, blurry vision, excessive hunger, a stiff neck, depression, irritability, and visual disturbances. These issues have significantly impacted my daily routine, leaving me feeling uncomfortable and disoriented." 4941,Migraine,"For several days, I've been struggling with persistent issues including acidity, indigestion, frequent headaches, blurry vision, and unusual visual distortions. Additionally, I've experienced intense hunger, stiffness in my neck, feelings of depression, irritability, and unusual visual disturbances that are impacting my daily routine and causing me significant distress." 4942,Migraine,"I've been plagued by a cluster of symptoms including acidity, indigestion, headaches, blurred vision, and stomach issues that have disrupted my daily routine and left me feeling uncomfortable. Additionally, I've noticed excessive hunger, stiff neck, feelings of depression, irritability, and visual disturbances, which are taking a toll on my overall wellbeing." 4943,Migraine,"I've been plagued by a range of health issues, including persistent acidity and indigestion, frequent headaches, blurred and distorted vision, uncontrollable hunger, stiff neck, feelings of depression and irritability, and recurring visual disturbances. These symptoms have significantly impacted my daily life, leaving me feeling uncomfortable and distressed." 4944,Migraine,"I've been plagued by a range of unpleasant symptoms, including digestive issues like acidity and indigestion, accompanied by headaches, blurred and distorted vision, and persistent hunger. Additionally, I've struggled with stiffness in my neck, feelings of depression and irritability, and visual disturbances that have significantly impacted my daily life and overall comfort." 6745,peptic ulcer disease,"I've experienced unexplained weight loss and struggle to regain lost weight. Additionally, I frequently experience pain and discomfort which subsides when I take antacids. Furthermore, my mouth consistently has a foul taste." 6746,peptic ulcer disease,"I've experienced unexplained weight loss and struggle to regain it. Additionally, I experience chronic pain and discomfort that subsides when I take antacids. Furthermore, my mouth frequently has a foul taste." 6747,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing unintentional weight loss, struggling to gain weight despite efforts. Additionally, I experience recurring pain and discomfort that subsides when taking antacids. Notably, my mouth has an unpleasant taste." 6748,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing unexplained weight loss and struggle to gain weight. I also experience persistent discomfort, which is alleviated when I take antacids. Moreover, my mouth has a strong unpleasant taste." 6749,peptic ulcer disease,"Here's a rephrased version of your text I'm experiencing unexplained weight loss and struggling to gain weight. I also experience persistent pain and discomfort, which improves when I take antacids. Additionally, my mouth has a persistent unpleasant taste." 3620,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I'm experiencing difficulties with bowel movements, which are becoming increasingly challenging and painful. The act of going is strained and accompanied by discomfort and pain, leaving my anus feeling sore and occasionally causing bleeding. This situation is not only unpleasant but also quite distressing for me." 3621,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing some challenging bowel movements recently. It's becoming increasingly difficult for me to have a bowel movement, and when I do, it's accompanied by significant discomfort and pain. To make matters worse, my anal area is persistently sore and has started bleeding, leaving me feeling quite uncomfortable." 3622,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing some difficulty with bowel movements, which are becoming increasingly challenging and painful. The process of going is strained and accompanied by discomfort, and there's been noticeable rectal soreness and bleeding as a result. It's been causing me considerable pain and unease." 3623,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing some discomfort with my bowel movements, finding it challenging to have a bowel movement and experiencing pain during the process. Additionally, I've noticed that my anus has become sore and has started bleeding after going, which is causing me significant discomfort and pain." 3624,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing some discomfort with my bowel movements recently. Going to the bathroom has become a struggle, and I often feel pain during the process. My anus is quite sore, and I've noticed bleeding when I go, which is causing me significant distress and discomfort." 1675,Varicose Veins,"I've noticed a significant worsening of my leg swelling over the past few days, and what's concerning me is that the blood vessels are becoming more visible under the skin this is an unusual development for me." 1676,Varicose Veins,"I'm concerned about my legs, which have been swelling more severely over the past few days. The blood vessels are now visible under the skin, which is an uncommon occurrence for me." 1677,Varicose Veins,I'm concerned about my recent increase in leg swelling. The appearance of blood vessels under the skin's surface is alarming and unlike anything I've experienced before. 1678,Varicose Veins,"I've noticed a significant worsening in leg swelling over the past few days, with visible blood vessels becoming more prominent under the skin. This is an unusual development." 1679,Varicose Veins,"I'm experiencing increasingly severe leg swelling, accompanied by visible blood vessels on the surface of my skin an unusual and concerning development." 6300,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I often experience discomfort in my throat, including a burning sensation, particularly after consuming food. Additionally, I sometimes notice a bitter or sour taste lingering afterwards, leaving me feeling unwell." 6301,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I often experience a burning sensation in my throat, especially after meals, accompanied by an unpleasantly bitter or sour taste that can leave me feeling unwell." 6302,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"After meals, I often experience a burning sensation in my throat and occasionally encounter a bitter or sour aftertaste that leaves me feeling queasy." 6303,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I often experience a burning sensation in my throat, particularly after consuming food, and sometimes I'm left with an unpleasant bitter or sour aftertaste that makes me feel queasy." 6304,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I often experience discomfort in my throat, particularly after meals, where it feels like it's burning. Additionally, I sometimes get a bitter or sour taste that lingers, making me feel unwell." 4015,Acne,"I've developed a breakout with painful blackheads and pimples filled with pus all over my skin. To make matters worse, my skin is incredibly sensitive to the touch." 4016,Acne,"I've developed a breakout of blackheads and pimples filled with pus, accompanied by unusually sensitive skin." 4017,Acne,"I'm dealing with a sudden breakout of blackheads and pimples filled with pus all over my skin, accompanied by intense sensitivity." 4018,Acne,"I've suddenly developed a skin issue a rash has surfaced, covered in blackheads and pimples filled with pus. To make matters worse, my skin is also unbearably sensitive." 4019,Acne,"I'm experiencing a sudden outbreak of acne, with blackheads and pimplelike bumps filled with pus covering my skin. To make matters worse, it's become incredibly sensitive to the touch." 4910,Migraine,"I've been dealing with a range of unpleasant physical and emotional symptoms, including digestive issues like acidity and indigestion, as well as headaches, blurred vision, and excessive hunger. I've also noticed stiffness in my neck, feelings of depression and irritability, and unusual visual disturbances that have been impacting my daily routine and causing me significant discomfort." 4911,Migraine,"I've been struggling with persistent issues like acidity, indigestion, frequent headaches, blurred and distorted vision, unrelenting hunger, stiffness in my neck, feelings of depression and irritability, and unsettling visual disturbances. These symptoms have significantly impacted my daily life, leaving me feeling uncomfortable and in need of relief." 4912,Migraine,"For several weeks, I've been struggling with persistent issues including acid reflux, stomach upset, frequent headaches, and blurredvision disturbances. Additionally, I've noticed increased hunger, stiffness in my neck, feelings of depression, irritability, and altered visual perceptions. These symptoms have significantly impacted my daily routine, causing me considerable distress." 4913,Migraine,"I've been struggling with a range of issues including acidity, indigestion, headaches, blurred vision, and excessive hunger, which are impacting my daily routine and causing significant distress." 4914,Migraine,"I've been struggling with persistent issues including acidity, indigestion, frequent headaches, blurrydistorted vision, intense hunger, stiffness in my neck, feelings of depression, irritability, and unusual visual disturbances, which have significantly impacted my daily routine and caused me significant discomfort." 5515,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms, including fever, vomiting, shivering, intense itching, excessive sweating, headache, nausea, and muscle pain." 5516,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms including fever, vomiting, shivering, intense itching, excessive sweating, headaches, nausea, and muscle pain." 5517,Malaria,"I'm experiencing symptoms including fever, vomiting, shivering, intense itching, excessive sweating, headache, nausea, and muscle soreness." 5518,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a fever, frequent vomiting, shivering, intense itching, excessive sweating, headaches, nausea, and muscle soreness." 5519,Malaria,"I'm experiencing fever, vomiting, shivering, intense itching, excessive sweating, headache, nausea, and muscular discomfort." 5655,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms including a high fever, intense itching, chills, and vomiting. I've also noticed excessive sweating, a headache, as well as nausea, muscle ache, and general discomfort." 5656,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms including a high fever, severe itching, chills, vomiting, excessive sweating, headache, nausea, and muscle aches." 5657,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms including a high fever, severe itchiness, chills, vomiting, excessive sweating, headaches, nausea, and muscle aches." 5658,Malaria,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including a high fever, intense itching, chills, vomiting, excessive sweating, headaches, nausea, and muscle aches." 5659,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms including a high fever, intense itching, chills, and frequent vomiting. I've also noticed excessive sweating, a headache, and discomfort from nausea and muscle soreness." 6390,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing a sensation of food or acid backing up into my throat, accompanied by persistent chest discomfort that worsens when I'm horizontal. Following meals, I often experience recurring episodes of heartburn and indigestion, which sometimes lead to vomiting." 6391,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing a sensation of regurgitation, possibly related to food or acid, which worsens when I'm horizontal. Following meals, I often suffer from recurring heartburn or indigestion, accompanied by nausea and vomiting." 6392,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing a sensation of food or acid being backed up in my throat, which worsens when I lie down. Additionally, I often experience heartburn or indigestion after eating, leading to vomiting." 6393,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing a sensation of food or acid refluxing into my throat, accompanied by worsening chest discomfort when lying down. Postmeals, I often experience heartburn or indigestion followed by vomiting." 6394,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing a sensation of food or acid backing up into my throat, which worsens when I'm horizontal. Additionally, I often experience heartburn or indigestion after eating, and sometimes vomit." 2230,Impetigo,"I'm struggling with severe exhaustion and a persistent fever. I've also developed itchy rashes around my face, particularly near my nose and mouth, which are making it hard for me to get a good night's sleep." 2231,Impetigo,"I'm dealing with severe exhaustion, accompanied by a persistent highgrade fever. I've also noticed rashes around my nose and mouth that are itchy and making it challenging for me to get restful sleep." 2232,Impetigo,"I'm currently dealing with severe exhaustion, accompanied by a high temperature. Additionally, I've developed skin rashes around my face, particularly near my nose and mouth. These rashes are incredibly itchy, making it challenging for me to get a good night's sleep." 2233,Impetigo,"I'm struggling with severe fatigue and a persistent fever. I've also developed a skin rash near my nose and mouth that's causing intense itching, making it hard for me to get a good night's sleep." 2234,Impetigo,"I'm struggling with intense exhaustion and a persistent high temperature, accompanied by red rashes around my face, particularly near my nose and mouth. These rashes are extremely itchy and interfering with my ability to get a good night's rest." 3160,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms uncontrollable sneezing, a nonstop runny nose, persistent chilliness, and overwhelming exhaustion. To make matters worse, my cough is relentless, and my fever has reached an unusually high level." 3161,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing uncontrollable sneezing fits, along with a persistent runny nose. Additionally, I'm feeling persistently cold and extremely fatigued, and have been plagued by frequent coughing episodes. To top it off, my fever is unusually high." 3162,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing uncontrollable sneezing, nasal congestion, and persistent chills. Additionally, I'm feeling extremely fatigued and have been coughing frequently. To make matters worse, my fever is unusually high." 3163,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing uncontrollable sneezing, a relentless runny nose, and persistent chilliness. Additionally, I'm feeling extremely fatigued and have been plagued by frequent coughing fits. To top it off, my fever is alarmingly high." 3164,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing uncontrollable sneezing, excessive nasal discharge, persistent chilliness, exhaustion, frequent coughing, and an elevated fever that's higher than normal." 5170,Cervical spondylosis,"For several weeks, I've been dealing with persistent issues, including recurring back pain, an unrelenting cough, and numbness or weakness in my limbs. Lately, I've also noticed persistent neck discomfort, feelings of instability, and difficulties with my balance." 5171,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been dealing with persistent back discomfort, a lingering cough, and noticeable weakness in my limbs. Additionally, I've also struggled with ongoing neck pain, feelings of instability, and difficulties maintaining my balance." 5172,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been plagued by persistent discomfort in my back, as well as lingering respiratory issues characterized by a stubborn cough. Furthermore, I've noticed noticeable weaknesses in my limbs, accompanied by recurring episodes of neck pain, compromised stability, and difficulties with maintaining my balance." 5173,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been dealing with persistent symptoms including recurring back pain, lingering cough, and muscle weakness in my limbs. Additionally, I've noticed issues with neck pain, stability, and balance." 5174,Cervical spondylosis,"For several weeks, I've struggled with persistent issues including recurring back pain, a lingering cough, and muscle weakness in my limbs. Additionally, I've noticed worsening neck pain, compromised stability, and ongoing balance problems." 5550,Malaria,"I've been experiencing severe symptoms including intense itching, chills, vomiting, and a fever. Additionally, I'm struggling with headaches, excessive sweating, nausea, and muscle pain." 5551,Malaria,"I'm experiencing intense itching, accompanied by chills, nausea, fever, headaches, excessive sweating, nausea, and muscle aches." 5552,Malaria,"I've been experiencing intense itching, shivering, queasiness, and a fever. Additionally, I've had a persistent headache, excessive sweating, and felt nauseous with accompanying muscle soreness." 5553,Malaria,"I've been experiencing severe symptoms including intense itching, chills, fever, and stomach upset. Additionally, I'm dealing with a persistent headache, excessive sweating, and discomfort in my muscles." 5554,Malaria,"I'm experiencing severe discomfort, characterized by intense itchiness, chills, nausea, and fever. Additionally, I've been plagued by headaches, excessive sweating, nausea, and persistent muscle aches." 3185,Common Cold,"I've been battling a persistent cough and cold for days, leaving me feeling exhausted and miserable. My face is achy, sinuses are congested, and chest pains have become a nuisance due to the constant phlegm I'm hacking up. To make matters worse, my sense of smell has vanished, and every muscle in my body aches with discomfort." 3186,Common Cold,"I've been dealing with a persistent cough and cold for days, which has left me feeling exhausted and congested. My sinuses are blocked, causing discomfort in my face. The constant coughing has also irritated my chest, making it ache. Furthermore, I'm struggling to smell anything due to my stuffy nose, and my muscles are screaming in pain from the fatigue and sinus pressure." 3187,Common Cold,"I've been dealing with a stubborn cold for days, feeling exhausted and congested. My sinuses are clogged, and my chest is sore from all the phlegm I've been coughing up. To make matters worse, I'm struggling to smell anything, and my muscles ache terribly." 3188,Common Cold,"I've been plagued by a stubborn cold and cough for days now, leaving me feeling fatigued with a congested face, clogged sinuses, and a sore chest from all the phlegm I've been hacking up. To make matters worse, my sense of smell is completely shot, and I'm wracked with muscle pain." 3189,Common Cold,"I've been battling a relentless cough and cold for days, feeling exhausted and congested with sinus pressure. The constant coughing has left my chest sore from the phlegm, while my sense of smell is gone and my muscles ache terribly." 5030,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing chronic discomfort and fatigue, characterized by recurring back pain, a stubborn cough, and muscle weakness. Additionally, I've noticed persistent issues with neck pain and difficulty maintaining my balance due to spells of dizziness." 5031,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing chronic issues with back pain, accompanied by a lingering cough and muscle fatigue. Additionally, I've been plagued by neck discomfort, as well as frequent episodes of dizziness and compromised balance." 5032,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing chronic discomfort due to back pain, a stubborn cough, and muscle fatigue. Additionally, I've noticed recurring issues with neck pain and dizziness, which has also affected my sense of balance." 5033,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing chronic discomfort due to recurring issues with back pain, persistent coughing fits, and muscle fatigue. Additionally, I've noticed aching in my neck area and struggles with maintaining my equilibrium, which has left me feeling dizzy and offbalance." 5034,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing chronic back pain, accompanied by a nagging cough and muscle fatigue. Additionally, I've noticed discomfort in my neck, as well as episodes of dizziness and imbalance issues that leave me feeling offkilter." 6695,drug reaction,"I experience widespread itching all over my body, accompanied by rashes on my back and chest. Additionally, my skin can become dry and flaky, leading to occasional staining." 6696,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing widespread itchiness across my body, accompanied by rashes on my back and chest. Additionally, my skin can become dry and flaky, leading to unsightly stains." 6697,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing widespread itching throughout my body, accompanied by rashes on my back and chest. Additionally, my skin can become dry and flaky, leading to embarrassing body stains." 6698,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing widespread itching across my body, accompanied by rashes on my back and chest. Additionally, my skin can become dry and flaky at times, leading to unsightly stains." 6699,drug reaction,"I experience widespread itching all over my body, accompanied by rashes on my back and chest. Additionally, my skin can become dry, flaky, and prone to leaving behind unsightly stains." 6340,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing a sensation of food or acid backing up into my throat. When I lie down, my chest discomfort worsens. I frequently get heartburn or indigestion after eating, which often leads to nausea and vomiting." 6341,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing a sensation of food or acid backing up into my throat. When I lie down, my chest discomfort worsens. I commonly experience heartburn or indigestion following meals, accompanied by nausea and vomiting." 6342,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing a sensation of regurgitation, like food or acid is backing up in my throat. Resting doesn't alleviate the discomfort instead, it exacerbates the chest pain. I frequently experience heartburn or indigestion after eating and occasionally vomit." 6343,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing a sensation of regurgitation in my throat, like food or acid is refluxing back up. When I lie down, my chest discomfort worsens. I commonly experience heartburn or indigestion following meals, which often leads to vomiting." 6344,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing discomfort in my throat, which feels like regurgitation of food or acid. Lying down exacerbates my chest tightness. I frequently get heartburn or indigestion after eating, followed by nausea and vomiting." 4410,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing a persistent cough for days, which exacerbates my underlying respiratory issues. To make matters worse, I'm running a high fever and feeling incredibly fatigued, making it difficult for me to manage these symptoms effectively." 4411,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing a persistent and relentless cough for days, exacerbated by my preexisting respiratory issues. On top of that, I'm dealing with an elevated fever that's left me feeling extremely weak and drained. Managing these symptoms has been incredibly tough for me." 4412,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been plagued by a persistent cough for several days, which is exacerbated by my preexisting respiratory conditions. To make matters worse, I'm running a high fever, feeling extremely weak and exhausted. Managing these symptoms has been incredibly draining." 4413,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing a persistent, debilitating cough for days, exacerbated by my preexisting respiratory issues. I'm also dealing with an uncontrolled fever and extreme fatigue, making it difficult for me to manage these symptoms." 4414,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been plagued by a persistent cough for several days, which is exacerbated by my preexisting respiratory problems. To make matters worse, my fever has spiked and I'm feeling drained and exhausted. The combination of these symptoms has left me struggling to manage their effects on my body." 4260,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue and weakness, accompanied by a stubborn cough that's not subsiding. My respiratory rate has slowed, and my temperature has been elevated. Coughing yields copious amounts of thick, sticky phlegm." 4261,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue and weakness, accompanied by a stubborn cough that refuses to subside. Additionally, I've noticed my breathing is becoming increasingly shallow, and my fever has remained elevated. When I do cough, I'm producing a significant amount of thick, mucouslike phlegm." 4262,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue and weakness, accompanied by a stubborn cough that's been bothering me. Additionally, I've noticed my breathing has become shallow and my fever has spiked. When I do cough, I produce a significant amount of thick, mucuslike sputum." 4263,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue and weakness, accompanied by a stubborn cough that refuses to resolve. Additionally, I've noticed my breathing has become shallow, and I've developed a high fever. When I do cough, it's often followed by the production of thick, mucoid phlegm." 4264,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue and weakness, accompanied by a stubborn cough that hasn't subsided. My respiratory rate has decreased, and I've developed a fever with temperatures reaching quite high levels. When I do cough, it's often productive, resulting in thick, phlegmlike mucus." 6000,allergy,"I frequently experience nasal congestion, excessive mucus production, and itchy eyes. Additionally, my throat is often irritated, leading to frequent coughing. Furthermore, I consistently suffer from a dull headache." 6001,allergy,"I experience frequent congestion issues, including constant sneezing, a runny nose, and itchy eyes that also tend to be runny. Additionally, I often cough and suffer from persistent headaches." 6002,allergy,"I experience frequent symptoms of congestion, including persistent sneezing, runny nose, and scratchy, watery eyes. Additionally, I often cough and endure a constant headache." 6003,allergy,"I'm experiencing some recurring issues with my sinuses I tend to sneeze and have a runny nose fairly often. Additionally, my eyes can become itchy and watery, and I'll sometimes have a persistent cough. To top it off, I've been dealing with a lingering headache that seems to be constant." 6004,allergy,"I'm plagued by persistent issues with my sinuses, including frequent sneezing, a runny nose, and itchy, watery eyes. Additionally, I often experience congestion and coughing fits, accompanied by a constant headache." 4825,Migraine,"I've also been experiencing blurred and distorted vision in addition to symptoms such as headaches, indigestion, acid reflux, an increased appetite, neck discomfort, feelings of sadness and impatience, and visual disturbances." 4826,Migraine,"I've been experiencing a range of symptoms, including blurry and distorted vision, in addition to headaches, indigestion, acid reflux, increased appetite, neck soreness, sadness, impatience, and visual disturbances." 4827,Migraine,"I've been experiencing a range of symptoms, including blurred and distorted vision, in addition to headaches, indigestion, acid reflux, excessive appetite, a sore neck, sadness, impatience, and visual disturbances." 4828,Migraine,"I've been experiencing not only headaches, stomach issues, and emotional distress like sadness and impatience, but also blurry and distorted vision." 4829,Migraine,"In addition to experiencing various physical complaints like headaches, indigestion, and acid reflux, as well as emotional struggles such as sadness and impatience, I've also noticed significant issues with my eyesight, including blurred and distorted vision." 4615,Hypertension,"I'm experiencing a range of uncomfortable symptoms today, including a lingering headache, chest discomfort, dizziness, and feelings of unsteadiness when walking." 4616,Hypertension,"I'm experiencing a range of unpleasant symptoms today, including a lingering headache, persistent chest discomfort, dizziness, and unsteadiness when walking." 4617,Hypertension,"I'm experiencing a persistent headache, along with chest discomfort. As the day has progressed, I've developed additional symptoms including dizziness and impaired balance, making it difficult for me to maintain my footing." 4618,Hypertension,"I'm experiencing a persistent headache, along with chest discomfort, and recently added symptoms of dizziness and loss of balance." 4619,Hypertension,"I'm experiencing a headache and chest discomfort upon waking, which has worsened throughout the day to include dizziness and loss of balance." 1690,Varicose Veins,"I've been having frequent muscle cramps over the past few days and I'm starting to feel concerned. I've noticed what looks like a small bruise on my calf, although I'm not entirely sure." 1691,Varicose Veins,"I've been having recurring cramps over the past few days and I'm concerned that something might be off. I've also noticed what appears to be a small bruise on my calf muscles, although I'm not entirely certain." 1692,Varicose Veins,"I've been having frequent muscle cramps over the past few days and I'm concerned that something might be off. I've noticed what looks like a small bruise on my calf, but I'm unsure if it's actually there or just an illusion." 1693,Varicose Veins,"I've been having frequent cramps over the past few days and I'm concerned that something might be off. I've noticed what appears to be a small bruise on my calf, although I'm not entirely certain." 1694,Varicose Veins,"I've been having frequent and persistent leg cramps lately, which has left me feeling uneasy. I'm concerned that there might be an underlying issue causing this discomfort, particularly since I think I may have noticed some bruising on my calves." 5220,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing intense itching, frequent vomiting, extreme fatigue, significant weight loss, a high fever, jaundice yellowish skin, darkcolored urine, and persistent abdominal discomfort." 5221,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing a range of concerning symptoms, including intense itching, frequent vomiting, excessive fatigue, significant weight loss, high fever, yellowing skin jaundice, darkcolored urine, and persistent abdominal pain." 5222,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing intense itching, frequent vomiting, excessive fatigue, noticeable weight loss, a highgrade fever, jaundice yellow discoloration of the skin, darkcolored urine, and persistent abdominal discomfort." 5223,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including intense itching, recurring vomiting, excessive fatigue, significant weight loss, and a persistent high fever. Additionally, my skin has taken on a yellowish hue, my urine appears dark, and I'm suffering from persistent abdominal pain." 5224,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing intense itching, frequent vomiting, and feeling extremely fatigued. I've also noticed significant weight loss. My body temperature is elevated with a high fever, and my skin has taken on a yellowish hue. Additionally, my urine appears dark in color and I'm suffering from persistent abdominal discomfort." 3230,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue and chilliness, accompanied by a stubborn cough that's been bothering me for some time. When I cough, it causes discomfort in my chest area and increases my heart rate. Additionally, the mucus I'm producing has a rusty brown color." 3231,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue, chills, and a lingering cough that's causing discomfort in my chest. When I cough, my heart rate increases and I'm producing thick, rustcolored mucus." 3232,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue, chills, and a lingering cough that's become increasingly bothersome. Coughing has taken on a sharp, chestpainful quality, accompanied by an elevated heart rate. Additionally, the mucus I'm producing is a reddishbrown hue." 3233,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent weakness and chills, accompanied by an ongoing cough that's causing discomfort in my chest. Each coughing spell leaves me feeling like my heart is racing. Additionally, the phlegm I'm producing has a rustcolored hue." 3234,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue, chilliness, and a stubborn cough that refuses to subside. Coughing exacerbates discomfort in my chest, accompanied by an accelerated heart rate. Moreover, the phlegm I'm expectorating has taken on a rusty brown hue." 3710,Arthritis,"I've been struggling with muscle weakness, persistent neck stiffness, swollen joints, and significant discomfort when moving or walking." 3711,Arthritis,"I've been struggling with muscle weakness, stiff neck, and joint swelling, which makes everyday movements feel laborious and painful, especially walking." 3712,Arthritis,"I've been dealing with muscle weakness, particularly in my arms and neck, which has left me feeling quite stiff. Additionally, my joints have become inflamed, causing significant stiffness whenever I try to move or even walk, making every step feel agonizing." 3713,Arthritis,"I've been dealing with persistent muscle weakness, significant neck stiffness, and swollen joints that cause pronounced stiffness whenever I move. Even walking has become an arduous task due to the discomfort." 3714,Arthritis,"I've been struggling with muscle weakness, particularly in my muscles, which has left me with a stiff neck. Additionally, my joints have become swollen and inflamed, causing significant stiffness when I move. Even walking has been a painful and arduous task for me lately." 6555,drug reaction,I have difficulty sustaining concentration and my cognitive sharpness is lacking. I often struggle to recall information and commonly misplace details. 6556,drug reaction,"I often find it challenging to concentrate and my mental acuity is compromised. Additionally, I experience difficulties with recall and frequently misplace information." 6557,drug reaction,"I often find it challenging to stay focused and retain mental clarity, which can lead to difficulties in recalling information and forgetting important details." 6558,drug reaction,"I experience difficulties sustaining concentration, and my mental acuity is subpar. I often struggle with memory lapses and tend to forget important details." 6559,drug reaction,"I experience difficulties sustaining concentration and often lack mental acuity. My memory can be unreliable, leading to frequent forgetfulness." 6480,drug reaction,"Here's a rephrased version I'm experiencing hair thinning along with noticeable changes in my hair's texture. Additionally, I've noticed significant dryness, itchiness, and flakiness on my scalp sclap, accompanied by increased dandruff. Furthermore, my skin has become increasingly dry." 6481,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing hair loss with noticeable changes to my hair's texture, which has become dry and prone to itching. Additionally, I've noticed an increase in scalp dryness and dandruff. Furthermore, my skin overall is becoming extremely dry." 6482,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing significant hair loss, accompanied by changes in hair texture. Additionally, I've noticed dryness, itchiness, and excessive scaling on my scalp, as well as an increase in dandruff. Furthermore, my skin is becoming increasingly dry." 6483,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing thinning hair, accompanied by a noticeable change in texture. My scalp has become dry, itchy, and flaky with excessive dandruff. Additionally, my skin is feeling extremely dry." 6484,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing significant hair thinning, accompanied by a noticeable change in hair texture. Additionally, I'm struggling with dry, itchy scalp and excessive dandruff. Furthermore, my skin has become extremely dry." 5845,urinary tract infection,"I've noticed unusual physical symptoms my urine often appears black or reddish in color and emits an unusual smell. Additionally, I've been experiencing frequent temperature fluctuations, which disrupts my sleep patterns and leaves me struggling to get a good night's rest." 5846,urinary tract infection,"I often notice my urine appears abnormally dark, with colors ranging from black to red, accompanied by an unusual odor. Additionally, I've been experiencing frequent temperature fluctuations that disrupt my ability to sleep at night." 5847,urinary tract infection,"I've been noticing some unusual physical symptoms my urine often appears black or reddish in color and has an unusual odor. Additionally, I'm experiencing frequent changes in body temperature, which can make it difficult for me to get a good night's sleep." 5848,urinary tract infection,"I often notice unusual color variations in my urine it can appear black or reddish in hue accompanied by an unmistakable, pungent smell. Additionally, I've been struggling with unpredictable body temperature fluctuations, making it challenging for me to get a good night's rest due to frequent nighttime awakenings." 5849,urinary tract infection,"I often urinate darkcolored liquid with an unusual smell. Additionally, my body temperature fluctuates frequently, leading to disrupted sleep patterns, especially at night." 5095,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort in my back, accompanied by a stubborn cough and noticeable muscle weakness. Additionally, my neck has been tender, and I've noticed dizziness and an unbalanced sense of equilibrium that affects my walking." 5096,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing recurring issues with back pain, accompanied by a persistent dry cough, muscle weakness, and discomfort in my neck. Additionally, I've felt dizzy and struggled with balance, making it difficult to stand or walk steadily." 5097,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing chronic discomfort, including recurring back pain, a persistent dry cough, and noticeable muscle weakness. Additionally, my neck has been sore, and I've been plagued by dizziness and loss of balance, making everyday movements challenging." 5098,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort, including lower back pain, a nagging dry cough, and noticeable weakness in my muscle tone. Additionally, my neck has been quite sore and I've struggled with dizziness and instability when walking." 5099,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort in my back, accompanied by a recurring dry cough and noticeable weakness in my muscle tone. Additionally, I've been plagued by stiffness in my neck and have felt lightheaded and offbalance while walking or standing." 2200,Impetigo,"I've noticed a concerning skin rash on my face and neck, characterized by red blisters that are forming sores. I'm anxious about the potential impact on my overall health." 2201,Impetigo,"Here is the rephrased response I'm experiencing a concerning skin issue on my face and neck, characterized by painful, blistering red sores. I'm feeling anxious about my overall health and would like guidance." 2202,Impetigo,"I've noticed a concerning skin issue on my face and neck small, painful blisters with red sores have appeared. As you can imagine, this has me quite anxious about my overall wellbeing." 2203,Impetigo,"I've recently developed a concerning skin rash on my face and neck, characterized by red sores that are blistering. This has me feeling anxious about my overall wellbeing." 2204,Impetigo,"I've developed a concerning skin condition on my face and neck characterized by painful, blistering red sores. I'm experiencing anxiety about my overall wellbeing and would appreciate guidance or advice." 1870,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing persistent abdominal discomfort for about a week, despite taking medication, which has left me feeling nauseous and unable to tolerate food. As a result, my overall strength has significantly deteriorated." 1871,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing a persistent stomach ache for about a week now, despite taking medication. The pain has worsened to the point where I'm constantly feeling nauseous and unable to keep food down, leaving me extremely weakened." 1872,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing chronic stomach pain for the past week that hasn't responded to treatment. The discomfort has become so severe I'm now at risk of vomiting, and my lack of appetite has left me feeling incredibly weak." 1873,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing chronic abdominal discomfort for about a week, despite taking medication, and unfortunately, my symptoms persist. The pain has progressed to include feelings of nausea and an inability to consume food or drinks, leaving me severely weakened." 1874,Typhoid,"I've been experiencing persistent stomach discomfort for the past week, despite taking medication. The pain has worsened to the point where I feel nauseous and unable to eat, leaving me feeling extremely weak." 6455,drug reaction,"I experience frequent headaches and migraines, struggle with insomnia, and exhibit symptoms like muscle twitching and tremors. Additionally, I occasionally feel lightheaded." 6456,drug reaction,"I've been experiencing recurring headaches and migraines, struggling with insomnia, and dealing with involuntary muscle movements and tremors. Additionally, I occasionally feel dizzy and lightheaded." 6457,drug reaction,"I experience frequent headaches and migraines, struggle with sleep quality, and occasionally encounter muscle spasms, tremors, and dizziness." 6458,drug reaction,"I experience recurring headaches and migraines, struggle with insomnia, and occasionally suffer from muscle spasms and trembling. Additionally, I sometimes feel lightheaded." 6459,drug reaction,"I experience recurring headaches and migraines, struggle with insomnia, and often encounter involuntary muscle spasms and tremors. Additionally, I occasionally feel faint or dizzy." 1400,Psoriasis,"I have a thin layer of flaky, silvercolored skin cells on my back and arms that can be easily removed with friction. Additionally, I experience frequent breakouts in various areas of my body, resulting in red, itchy rashes." 1401,Psoriasis,"I have a condition where my skin develops small, shedding scales, particularly on my back and arms. Additionally, I experience widespread rashes across my body." 1402,Psoriasis,"I have a thin, powdery coating on my skin, particularly noticeable on my back and arms, comprised of tiny shedding scales that easily flake off with gentle friction. Additionally, I experience recurring skin irritations and rashes across various areas of my body." 1403,Psoriasis,"I have a thin, silvery coating on my skin, particularly noticeable on my back and arms. These tiny scales can easily flake off when touched or rubbed. Additionally, I experience frequent rashes all over my body." 1404,Psoriasis,"I have a thin, silverlike coating on my skin, particularly noticeable on my back and arms, composed of small, easily removable scales. Additionally, I experience frequent rashes across my entire body." 6285,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I typically start my day with a sore or irritated throat, accompanied by persistent discomfort. Additionally, I struggle with bad breath and experience frequent belching." 6286,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience morning discomfort, including a sore throat and hoarse voice, as well as constant throat pain. Additionally, I struggle with bad breath and often find myself burping excessively." 6287,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience symptoms including a sore throat, hoarseness, persistent throat discomfort, bad breath, and occasional belching." 6288,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience postnasal drip, which leaves my throat feeling irritated and sore upon waking. Additionally, I struggle with persistent morning breath and occasional belching." 6289,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I typically start my day with a sore or irritated throat, which persists throughout, accompanied by unpleasant breath. Additionally, I often experience frequent belching." 2350,Impetigo,"I've observed that the lesions on my face are taking longer to heal and are more prone to becoming inflamed. My cheek sores are quite large, tender to the touch, and very challenging to manage. Despite efforts, I'm struggling to eliminate these sores." 2351,Impetigo,"I've observed that the acne on my face is taking longer to heal and appears to be more prone to infection. The sores on my cheek are particularly large, tender to the touch, and extremely challenging to manage. I'm having trouble clearing up these lesions." 2352,Impetigo,"I've observed that the facial lesions on my skin are taking longer to heal and are more prone to infection. Specifically, the sores on my cheek are quite large, tender to the touch, and challenging to manage. Despite efforts, I'm struggling to eliminate these sores." 2353,Impetigo,"I've observed that my facial sores are taking longer to heal and are prone to infection. The ones on my cheeks are particularly troublesome they're large, painful, and hard to manage. Despite efforts, I'm struggling to clear them up." 2354,Impetigo,"I've observed that the acnelike lesions on my face are taking longer to heal and are more prone to infection. The ones on my cheek are particularly large, tender to the touch, and challenging to manage. Despite efforts, I'm struggling to clear them up." 3090,Common Cold,"I've been dealing with persistent coughing, accompanied by feelings of chilliness and shivering. My nose has been congested, and I'm experiencing facial pressure and sinus discomfort. Additionally, I'm producing an excessive amount of phlegm, which is making my chest feel tight and sore. Moreover, my sense of smell is impaired, and my muscles are aching all over." 3091,Common Cold,"I've been struggling with persistent coughing, accompanied by a lingering chilliness and shivering sensations. My nasal passages have been congested, resulting in facial pressure. The constant coughing has also left me producing an excessive amount of phlegm, causing discomfort in my chest. Furthermore, I'm experiencing a complete loss of smell and my muscles are feeling sore and achy." 3092,Common Cold,"I've been dealing with persistent coughing, accompanied by feelings of chilliness and shivering. My nose has been congested, causing facial pressure, and I'm producing excessive phlegm that's triggering chest pains when I cough. Additionally, my sense of smell is completely impaired, and I'm experiencing general muscle soreness." 3093,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing persistent coughing, accompanied by chills and shivering. My nose has been congested, and I'm feeling facial pressure. The excess phlegm is causing discomfort in my chest when I cough. Additionally, I'm struggling with a lack of sense of smell and general muscle ache." 3094,Common Cold,"I've been plagued by persistent coughing, accompanied by feelings of chilliness and shivering. My nasal passages have been congested, resulting in facial pressure and discomfort. The phlegm buildup has led to painful coughs that radiate to my chest. Additionally, I'm experiencing a loss of sense of smell and widespread muscle soreness." 2640,Dengue,"I've been experiencing discomforting skin rashes accompanied by intense itching, as well as a loss of appetite and persistent fatigue throughout the day. I'm concerned that something may be amiss with my physical health." 2641,Dengue,"I've been experiencing itchy rashes on my skin, accompanied by a loss of appetite and overwhelming fatigue throughout the day. I'm convinced that something is amiss with my physical health, but I'm not sure what's causing these symptoms." 2642,Dengue,"I've been experiencing recurring skin rashes, characterized by itchiness, as well as a significant loss of appetite and persistent fatigue throughout the day. I'm deeply concerned about what's going on with my physical health." 2643,Dengue,"I've been experiencing skin issues, including itchy rashes, and also struggling with a lack of appetite and persistent fatigue throughout the day. I'm concerned that something may be amiss with my physical health." 2644,Dengue,"I've been experiencing itchy rashes on my skin, accompanied by a loss of appetite and persistent fatigue throughout the day. I'm concerned that something may be amiss with my physical health." 3290,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing intense discomfort my body's overheating, making it hard for me to breathe. My throat feels sticky and congested, while my heart is racing and my chest hurts. Coughing up phlegm that's like iron filings doesn't help matters." 3291,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing intense physical discomfort excessive sweating, labored breathing, and a general feeling of illness. My throat is extremely congested, and I'm producing thick, rusty mucus when I cough. My heart is racing, and my chest hurts." 3292,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms of illness excessive sweating, labored breathing, and a general feeling of malaise. My throat is extremely congested, and I'm producing copious amounts of thick, rusty mucus while coughing persistently. My heart rate is rapid, and my chest feels heavy with discomfort." 3293,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing intense physical discomfort excessive sweating, labored breathing, and a severe sore throat with excess mucus. My heart is racing, and my chest feels strained. Additionally, I'm coughing up thick, rustycolored phlegm." 3294,Pneumonia,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms excessive sweating, labored breathing, and a general feeling of illness. My throat is extremely congested with mucus, my heart is racing, and my chest hurts. The phlegm I'm coughing up has a reddish tint." 3155,Common Cold,"I've been under the weather, battling a nasty cough, sore throat, and fever. Lately, I've felt exhausted and drained, with frequent chills and a persistent fatigue." 3156,Common Cold,"I've been feeling exhausted and unwell lately, plagued by a persistent cough and painful throat. I've also experienced frequent chills and a fever. To be honest, I just feel worn out and drained." 3157,Common Cold,"I've been feeling exhausted and unwell lately, plagued by a persistent cough and throbbing sore throat. My body's been wracked with chills and I'm running a fever. To be honest, I just feel drained and worn out." 3158,Common Cold,"I've been feeling unwell lately, dealing with a persistent cough and sore throat, accompanied by frequent chills and a feverish body. To be honest, I'm just exhausted and worn out." 3159,Common Cold,"I've been feeling quite unwell, struggling with a persistent cough and a sore throat. I've had recurring chills and a feverish state. To be honest, I'm just exhausted and drained." 4160,Acne,"I experienced a sudden outbreak of acne yesterday, characterized by numerous large pustules and blackheads on my face. My skin also appears to be inflamed." 4161,Acne,"I woke up to discover a widespread breakout on my skin, characterized by numerous pustules and blackheads covering my facial area, accompanied by excessive itching." 4162,Acne,"Here is the rephrased text Yesterday, I woke up to discover a large breakout on my skin. My face is covered in inflamed acne lesions and pores that are clogged with blackheads. Additionally, my skin has been feeling quite itchy." 4163,Acne,"I'm experiencing a severe breakout with numerous pimples and blackheads covering my face, accompanied by intense itching and flaking." 4164,Acne,"I woke up yesterday to find my skin covered in a massive breakout, with numerous pusfilled acne lesions and clogged pores scattered across my face. To make matters worse, I've also been experiencing excessive flakiness and itching." 6630,drug reaction,"I experience flaking skin due to my rashes, which can lead to illness. Occasionally, my hands shake uncontrollably." 6631,drug reaction,"I occasionally experience dry, flaky skin due to my eczema, which also makes me more susceptible to illness. Furthermore, my hands may become shaky or trembly at times." 6632,drug reaction,"I occasionally experience skin flaking due to rashes, which makes me more susceptible to getting ill. Additionally, I sometimes experience hand tremors that cause them to quiver and shake." 6633,drug reaction,"I occasionally experience dry, flaking skin due to rashes, which can also leave me vulnerable to illness. Moreover, my hands may become shaky and trembly at times." 6634,drug reaction,"Occasionally, I experience skin flaking due to rashes, which can lead to increased susceptibility to illness. Additionally, I may exhibit hand tremors, characterized by involuntary quivering or trembling." 4435,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue, along with a stubborn cough that's making it hard to catch my breath. Additionally, I'm running a high fever and producing copious amounts of thick, gellike mucus when I cough." 4436,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent exhaustion and a stubborn cough that's making it hard for me to catch my breath. My temperature has been elevated, and I've been coughing up copious amounts of thick, mucuslike phlegm." 4437,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue, a lingering cough that's affecting my breathing, and a fever. Additionally, I've been producing large amounts of sticky, yellowish phlegm when I cough." 4438,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue and a nagging cough that's made breathing labored. I'm running a high temperature and consistently coughing up thick, yellowish phlegm." 4439,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue and a chronic cough that's impeding my ability to breathe comfortably. I also have a high fever and am producing excessive amounts of thick, yellowish mucus when I cough." 3800,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent muscle weakness, stiffness in my neck, and joint swelling, making it challenging to move freely or engage in physical activities like walking due to associated pain." 3801,Arthritis,"I've experienced a significant decrease in muscle strength, accompanied by persistent stiffness in my neck and joints. The swelling has made movement challenging, leaving me feeling stiff and sore. Even walking has become painful, making everyday activities difficult to navigate." 3802,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent muscle weakness, accompanied by stiffness in my neck. Additionally, my joints have been inflamed, making it difficult for me to move freely without feeling stiff. Even walking has become a painful endeavor for me." 3803,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing muscle weakness, particularly in my neck, which has resulted in stiffness. Additionally, I've noticed joint swelling that makes movement feel labored and painful. Even simple activities like walking have become challenging due to the discomfort." 3804,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent muscle weakness, stiffness in my neck, and joint swelling, making it challenging to move freely. Even simple activities like walking have become painful." 1520,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing recurring and increasingly severe calf cramps, which are causing significant discomfort. Additionally, my weightrelated issues have led to swelling in my legs." 1521,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing increasingly frequent and severe calf cramps, which are causing significant discomfort. Additionally, my weightrelated issues have led to swelling in my legs, further exacerbating the problem." 1522,Varicose Veins,"I've observed an increase in calf cramps, which are now occurring more frequently and intensely, leading to significant discomfort. Additionally, my weight issues have led to swelling in my legs." 1523,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing recurring and increasingly severe calf cramps, which are quite bothersome. Additionally, my weightrelated issues have led to swelling in my legs." 1524,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing more frequent and severe calf cramps lately, which is causing significant discomfort. Additionally, my weight gain has led to swelling in my legs, further exacerbating the issue." 1270,Psoriasis,"I'm struggling with chronic skin issues, characterized by recurring dryness and flakiness that leaves me susceptible to infections. Additionally, I'm dealing with debilitating joint pain and noticing patches of peeling skin on my knees and elbows." 1271,Psoriasis,"I'm struggling with recurring skin issues caused by dry, flaky patches that leave me vulnerable to infections. To top it off, I'm dealing with excruciating joint pain, and my knee and elbow skin is now peeling off in patches." 1272,Psoriasis,"I'm struggling with recurring skin infections likely triggered by dry, flaky patches. Additionally, I'm experiencing severe joint pain and noticing significant peeling of my knee and elbow skin." 1273,Psoriasis,"I'm dealing with chronic skin issues, including recurring infections caused by dry, flaking patches. Additionally, I'm struggling with intense joint pain and noticing significant peeling of my knee and elbow skin." 1274,Psoriasis,"I'm struggling with recurring skin infections likely caused by dry, flaky patches. On top of that, I'm dealing with significant joint pain. To make matters worse, the skin on my knees and elbows has become loose and is starting to peel." 6520,drug reaction,"I experience intermittent shedding of my skin due to rashes, which leaves me susceptible to infections. Additionally, my hands tend to tremble or undergo sudden spasms from time to time." 6521,drug reaction,"I experience occasional skin shedding from existing rashes, leaving me susceptible to infections. Additionally, my hands may involuntarily twitch or shake, sometimes accompanied by involuntary tremors." 6522,drug reaction,"I experience occasional exfoliation of skin due to rashes, leaving me susceptible to infection. Additionally, my hands often tremble or exhibit brief spasms." 6523,drug reaction,"I experience occasional skin shedding due to existing rashes, leaving me susceptible to infections. Additionally, I sometimes experience hand tremors and involuntary shakes." 6524,drug reaction,"I experience recurring rashrelated shedding of my skin, leaving me susceptible to infections. Additionally, I sometimes experience hand tremors, which can intensify into fullblown tremors." 3660,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent bowel issues that have caused significant distress. Passing stool has become a challenging and painful process for me, accompanied by bleeding and extreme discomfort." 3661,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing some challenging bowel movements lately. The act of going is quite strenuous, and it's accompanied by pain afterwards. Additionally, there's bleeding and significant discomfort when I do go to the bathroom. Overall, I'm in a lot of distress due to these symptoms." 3662,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent struggles with bowel movements lately. Passing stool has become challenging, accompanied by significant pain. The act of going to the bathroom is met with bleeding and intense discomfort, leaving me feeling severely uncomfortable and in a state of distress." 3663,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing some challenging bowel movements lately. Passing stool has become painful and feels strained. Afterward, my rectal area tends to bleed and remains quite tender. The overall experience is leaving me feeling quite uncomfortable and in a significant amount of distress." 3664,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing some challenging bowel movements lately. Passing stool is a struggle for me, accompanied by significant pain and discomfort. Upon having a bowel movement, I notice bleeding and intense discomfort, leaving me feeling miserable. The experience is overwhelmingly painful and distressing." 3095,Common Cold,"I've been struggling with a persistent cough and cold for days. My sinuses are congested, causing facial pressure, and I'm producing excessive mucus that's triggered by painful coughing fits in my chest. To top it off, my sense of smell is completely gone, and my muscles ache all over." 3096,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing a persistent cough and cold symptoms for days now. My sinuses feel congested, causing facial pressure, and I've also been producing thick phlegm that triggers painful coughing fits in my chest. To top it off, my sense of smell has been severely impaired, and I'm feeling general muscle fatigue." 3097,Common Cold,"I've been dealing with a lingering cough and cold for days now. My sinuses are congested, causing facial pressure and discomfort. To make matters worse, I'm producing excess mucus, which leads to frequent coughing that often feels like it's irritating my chest. On top of all this, I'm experiencing loss of smell and general muscle fatigue." 3098,Common Cold,"I've been dealing with a persistent cough and cold for days now, accompanied by sinus congestion, facial tenderness, and excessive mucus production. The constant coughing has left me with chest pains, while my sense of smell is completely gone. To top it off, my muscles are feeling achy all over." 3099,Common Cold,"I've been experiencing a persistent cough and cold symptoms for several days now. My sinuses are congested, causing facial pressure and difficulty smelling. Additionally, I've noticed excessive mucus production and sharp chest pains when I cough. To top it off, my muscles feel achy and fatigued." 2135,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a high fever, accompanied by a severe headache. I'm having trouble keeping food down and feel queasy. Additionally, red spots are emerging on my arms. I'm genuinely concerned about my condition." 2136,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a high fever, accompanied by a severe headache. My appetite is nonexistent and I'm feeling queasy. Additionally, I've noticed red spots forming on my arms. I'm genuinely concerned about my wellbeing." 2137,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a high fever, accompanied by a severe headache. My appetite is nonexistent and I'm feeling queasy, with a strong urge to vomit. Additionally, red spots are emerging on my arms. I'm extremely concerned about my condition." 2138,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a high fever, accompanied by a severe headache. My appetite has vanished and I'm struggling with nausea. Additionally, I've noticed red spots forming on my arms. I'm genuinely concerned about my condition." 2139,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing a high fever, accompanied by a severe headache. Appetite loss is significant, and I'm concerned about nausea. Additionally, red spots are emerging on my arms. I'm feeling anxious and worried." 5015,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent back pain, accompanied by a recurring cough that's producing phlegm. Additionally, I've noticed fatigue in my arms and legs. Furthermore, my neck is tender and I've struggled with episodes of dizziness and balance issues." 5016,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort including lower back pain, persistent coughing, and noticeable fatigue in my extremities. Additionally, I'm plagued by stiffness in my neck and recurring episodes of dizziness and imbalance." 5017,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent back discomfort, accompanied by a persistent cough that's producing phlegm, as well as noticeable weakness in my extremities. Additionally, my neck has been tender to the touch, and I've struggled with episodes of dizziness and impaired balance." 5018,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort due to back pain, a lingering cough, and fatigue in my extremities. Additionally, I'm struggling with neck stiffness and episodes of dizziness, affecting my balance." 5019,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort including lower back pain, a recurring cough that's producing phlegm, and noticeable fatigue in my extremities. Additionally, I'm struggling with neck stiffness, dizziness, and compromised balance." 2280,Impetigo,"I've been experiencing recurring high fevers at night, accompanied by the development of facial sores around my nose. Notably, these sores are taking longer to resolve and are more susceptible to infection." 2281,Impetigo,"I've been experiencing recurring fevers at night and have developed skin lesions around my nose, which have been slow to heal and more susceptible to infection." 2282,Impetigo,"I've been experiencing recurring fevers at night, accompanied by skin lesions around my nose that seem to be persistently infected." 2283,Impetigo,"I experience recurring high fevers at night, accompanied by skin lesions around my nose area. The sores persist for a longer period than usual and seem to be more susceptible to infection." 2284,Impetigo,"I've been experiencing recurring nighttime fevers accompanied by facial lesions, mostly around my nose, which seem to be taking longer to recover from and are increasingly susceptible to further infection." 5155,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing severe symptoms, including a persistent phlegmy cough, muscle weakness, debilitating back pain, as well as discomfort in my neck and unsteadiness on my feet." 5156,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing a range of symptoms including a persistent phlegmy cough, muscle weakness, severe back pain, dizziness that makes me feel unstable on my feet, and recurring neck pain." 5157,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing severe symptoms including a persistent, hacking cough, muscle fatigue, intense back pain, as well as neck and balance issues that leave me feeling unsteady on my feet." 5158,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing a range of uncomfortable symptoms, including a persistent phlegmy cough, muscle weakness, severe back pain, dizziness, and instability on my feet, as well as discomfort in my neck." 5159,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing a persistent, irritating cough, accompanied by muscle weakness. To make matters worse, I've also been plagued by severe backaches. Furthermore, I've noticed that I feel lightheaded and unstable on my feet, and my neck has been causing me discomfort as well." 6580,drug reaction,"I've been experiencing persistent chest discomfort and severe stomach upset lately. Additionally, I've noticed that I'm shivering excessively and feeling quite anxious." 6581,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing both chest discomfort and severe queasiness. Over the past few days, my chest has been bothering me. Additionally, I've noticed that I tend to shiver excessively and feel quite anxious." 6582,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing both chest discomfort and severe queasiness. My chest has been bothering me lately. Additionally, I've been consistently shivering and feeling extremely anxious." 6583,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing simultaneous symptoms of chest discomfort and severe queasiness. Over the past few days, I've had recurring chest pain. To make matters worse, I often feel chilled to the bone and am plagued by heightened anxiety." 6584,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing severe chest discomfort along with intense nausea. My chest has been aching recently, and I've also been consistently shivering and feeling extremely anxious." 5590,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms including a high fever, chills, intense itching, headaches, excessive sweating, nausea, and muscle aches. I've been feeling extremely unwell overall." 5591,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a highgrade fever accompanied by chills, intense itching, and a throbbing headache. Additionally, I'm excessively sweating, feeling queasy with nausea, and suffering from significant muscle discomfort." 5592,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a severe illness characterized by a high fever, chills, intense itching, and excessive sweating. Additionally, I've got a pounding headache, nausea, and widespread muscle pain that's left me feeling miserable overall." 5593,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of uncomfortable symptoms including a high fever, chills, severe itching, headaches, excessive sweating, nausea, and muscle aches." 5594,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms including a high fever, chills, severe itching, headache, excessive sweating, nausea, and muscle pain." 2885,Fungal infection,"I've noticed an increase in scratching, resulting in numerous patches of itchy skin with a rash. Additionally, there are some areas where my skin tone appears altered, accompanied by painful bumps." 2886,Fungal infection,"I've noticed an increase in itching lately, accompanied by itchy rashes covering much of my skin. Additionally, there are areas where my complexion seems altered, and I'm experiencing several tender lumps." 2887,Fungal infection,"I've noticed an increase in selfscratching, which has resulted in multiple rashes on my skin. Additionally, there are areas where my skin tone appears altered, and I'm experiencing some painful lumplike growths." 2888,Fungal infection,"I've noticed I've been scratching myself frequently, leading to multiple areas of rashy skin. Additionally, I've developed some patches with altered pigmentation and have been experiencing painful bumps." 2889,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing some unusual symptoms frequent itching, rashes, and patches of discoloration on my skin. Additionally, there are some tender lumps that are causing me discomfort." 4795,Migraine,"In addition to physical discomforts like hunger pangs, a sore neck, and eye strain, I've been plagued by digestive issues such as acid reflux and indigestion, accompanied by recurring headaches and blurry vision." 4796,Migraine,"In addition to physical discomforts like increased hunger, a sore neck, and visual distortions, I've also been plagued by digestive issues such as acid reflux, indigestion, and frequent headaches that affect my overall wellbeing." 4797,Migraine,"I've been plagued by a range of uncomfortable symptoms, including acid reflux, indigestion, frequent headaches, and impairment to my vision, in addition to increased hunger, a sore neck, anxiety, irritation, and visual distortion." 4798,Migraine,"I've been dealing with a range of uncomfortable symptoms, including persistent hunger, a stiff neck, feelings of anxiety and irritability, distorted vision, as well as recurring episodes of acid reflux, indigestion, and debilitating headaches that have affected my ability to see clearly." 4799,Migraine,"In addition to increased hunger, a sore neck, anxiety, irritation, and visual distortion, I've also been dealing with acid reflux, indigestion, frequent headaches, and decreased vision clarity." 2675,Dengue,"I'm plagued by constant joint and back pain, which leaves me feeling nauseous and incredibly weakened. The persistent discomfort makes it impossible for me to concentrate on my job or muster the energy to do much of anything." 2676,Dengue,"I experience persistent joint and back pain daily, which leaves me feeling nauseous and extremely drained. This constant discomfort has significantly reduced my physical strength and mental energy. As a result, I struggle to concentrate on my work and have lost interest in most activities." 2677,Dengue,"I'm experiencing persistent joint and back pain daily, which is accompanied by nausealike feelings and extreme weakness. As a result, I'm struggling to concentrate at work and lack motivation to do much of anything due to my physical discomfort." 2678,Dengue,"I'm constantly plagued by debilitating joint and back pain, which often leaves me feeling nauseous and incredibly weakened. As a result, I struggle to concentrate on my work and have lost motivation, making it difficult for me to even muster the energy to do anything at all." 2679,Dengue,"I'm constantly plagued by joint and back pain, which leaves me feeling nauseous and extremely fatigued. As a result, I've lost my ability to concentrate at work and have zero motivation to do anything." 6280,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing a lack of appetite and difficulty swallowing. Despite small meals, I often feel uncomfortably full. Additionally, I commonly experience heartburn, nausea, and throat tingling." 6281,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing a loss of appetite, and even small amounts of food feel difficult to swallow. After eating, I often feel persistently full. Additionally, I commonly experience heartburn, nausea, and throat tingling." 6282,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I've lost my appetite and find it hard to swallow. Despite having small meals, I often feel uncomfortably full. Additionally, I commonly experience heartburn, nausea, and a tingling sensation in my throat." 6283,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm not hungry and find it difficult to swallow. Despite eating small amounts, I often feel uncomfortably full. This is accompanied by recurring symptoms like heartburn, nausea, and a tingling sensation in my throat." 6284,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm struggling with a lack of appetite and difficulty swallowing. Despite eating small amounts, I often experience persistent feelings of fullness. Additionally, I frequently encounter heartburn, nausea, and discomfort in the back of my throat." 3475,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've experienced persistent constipation accompanied by uncomfortable bowel movements. Additionally, I've noticed rectal bleeding and anal irritation." 3476,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent bowel irregularity, accompanied by discomfort during bowel movements. Additionally, I've noticed visible blood in my stool and persistent irritation around the anal area." 3477,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've experienced recurring constipation, accompanied by significant discomfort during bowel movements. Additionally, I've observed blood in my stool and persistent irritation around my anus." 3478,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing recurring constipation issues, accompanied by painful bowel movements. Additionally, I've noticed the presence of blood in my stool, as well as persistent irritation around my anus." 3479,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've experienced persistent constipation, accompanied by discomfort during bowel movements and rectal bleeding. Additionally, I'm experiencing anal irritation." 5275,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including persistent itching, frequent vomiting, and extreme fatigue. I've also lost significant weight and am running a high fever. My skin has taken on a yellowish hue and my urine has turned dark. Additionally, I'm plagued by constant abdominal pain." 5276,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing a range of concerning symptoms including severe itching, recurring vomiting, persistent fatigue, unexplained weight loss, elevated body temperature, and jaundice yellowing of the skin. Additionally, my urine has turned dark and I'm dealing with persistent abdominal pain." 5277,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing persistent symptoms including intense itching, frequent vomiting, extreme fatigue, significant weight loss, and a sustained high fever. Additionally, my skin has taken on a yellowish hue and my urine has turned darker than usual. I'm also plagued by recurring abdominal pain." 5278,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms including intense itching, frequent vomiting, persistent fatigue, noticeable weight loss, and a high fever. Additionally, my skin has developed a yellowish hue, my urine has turned dark, and I'm experiencing recurring abdominal pain." 5279,Jaundice,"I'm experiencing symptoms of jaundice, including intense itching, frequent vomiting, exhaustion, significant weight loss, highgrade fever, and yellowing skin tone. Additionally, my urine appears dark and I've had persistent abdominal pain." 2545,Dengue,"I'm plagued by intense, relentless muscle pain that's left me feeling perpetually achy. Additionally, I've developed widespread red patches across my body, accompanied by a maddening itch that's driving me to distraction." 2546,Dengue,"I've been plagued by excruciating muscle pain that's persistent and feels like a nagging ache. To make matters worse, I've developed numerous red patches all over my body, accompanied by intense itching that's quite distressing." 2547,Dengue,"I'm experiencing intense muscle pain that persists in a dull, aching sensation. In addition, numerous red patches cover my skin, accompanied by severe itching which is quite distressing." 2548,Dengue,"I'm experiencing intense, persistent muscle pain that's accompanied by widespread red spots and unbearable itching, leading to significant distress." 2549,Dengue,"I'm struggling with excruciating muscle pain that persists constantly, accompanied by widespread red spots and intense itching, which is significantly impacting my comfort level." 6175,allergy,"I often experience fatigue, metallic taste, scratchy throat, and muscle discomfort. Occasionally, I also get fullbody cramping." 6176,allergy,"I often experience persistent fatigue, unpleasant oral sensations, and an itchy throat. Additionally, my muscles are usually tender and uncomfortable, with occasional fullbody muscle cramps." 6177,allergy,"I often experience fatigue, an unpleasant metallic taste, and itching on my throat. Additionally, I struggle with muscle soreness and discomfort, which can also manifest as widespread cramping." 6178,allergy,"I often experience symptoms including fatigue, bad breath, itching in my throat, muscle soreness, and occasional fullbody cramping." 6179,allergy,"I often experience fatigue, unpleasant mouth sensations, and itchy throats. Additionally, I suffer from muscle soreness and discomfort, as well as occasional fullbody cramping." 2205,Impetigo,"I've developed a skin condition characterized by blisters and painful, raised, fluidfilled lesions that become tender when touched. Additionally, I'm experiencing a highgrade fever." 2206,Impetigo,"I'm experiencing severe skin reactions characterized by blisters filled with fluid, which are inflamed and extremely tender to the touch. Additionally, I'm struggling with a persistent high fever." 2207,Impetigo,"I've been experiencing skin issues characterized by painful, raised blisters filled with fluid. These sores are quite tender to the touch. Additionally, I'm struggling with a persistent high fever." 2208,Impetigo,"I've been experiencing a recurring skin condition characterized by itchy, painful blisters that fill with fluid and become inflamed. In addition, I'm currently battling a persistent high fever." 2209,Impetigo,"I've developed a skin condition characterized by painful, fluidfilled blisters that are tender to the touch. Additionally, I'm experiencing a highgrade fever." 2005,Chicken pox,"I've been experiencing a persistent high fever for several days, which is concerning me. Additionally, I'm noticing red spots on my arms and legs, some of which are inflamed and swollen I'm unsure what's causing this." 2006,Chicken pox,"I've been experiencing a persistent high fever for several days, which is concerning me. Additionally, I've noticed numerous red spots on my arms and legs, some of which are inflamed." 2007,Chicken pox,"I've been experiencing a prolonged fever for the past few days, which is concerning me. I'm unsure of the underlying cause. Additionally, I've noticed numerous red spots on my arms and legs, some of which have become swollen." 2008,Chicken pox,"I've been experiencing a persistent high fever for several days now, and I'm growing concerned about its cause. Additionally, I've noticed red spots appearing on my arms and legs, with some of them becoming inflamed and swollen." 2009,Chicken pox,"I've been experiencing a high fever for the past few days and it's becoming concerning. The cause is unknown to me. Additionally, I'm noticing red spots on my arms and legs, some of which are also inflamed." 4845,Migraine,"I've been dealing with a range of discomforting symptoms, including blurred vision, voracious hunger, a sore throat, feelings of sadness, short temper, frequent headaches, as well as recurring issues with acid reflux, stomach upset, and persistent pain in my head." 4846,Migraine,"I've been dealing with a range of uncomfortable symptoms, including poor eyesight, intense hunger, soreness in my neck, feelings of sadness and frustration, frequent headaches, as well as recurring issues with acid reflux and indigestion." 4847,Migraine,"I've been dealing with a range of health issues, including blurred vision, insatiable hunger, a sore neck, depression, mood swings, frequent heartburn, indigestion, and recurring headaches." 4848,Migraine,"In addition to various physical symptoms like blurry vision, insatiable hunger, a sore neck, depression, short temper, and frequent headaches, I've also been plagued by recurring issues with acid reflux, indigestion, and more headaches." 4849,Migraine,"In addition to vision issues, intense hunger, stiff neck, sadness, frustration, and frequent headaches, I've also been dealing with persistent heartburn, stomach discomfort, and recurring headaches." 3205,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent coughing, accompanied by chest discomfort, extreme chilliness, fatigue, and rapid heartbeat. The phlegm I cough up also appears reddish in color." 3206,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent coughing with accompanying chest discomfort, extreme fatigue, and an intense chill. My heartbeat feels rapid, and the mucus I cough up appears to have a reddish tint." 3207,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent coughing episodes accompanied by chest discomfort, extreme chilliness, fatigue, rapid heartbeat, and rustcolored phlegm upon coughing." 3208,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent coughing accompanied by chest discomfort, intense chilliness, and overwhelming fatigue. My heartbeat feels rapid, and the mucus I cough up appears to have a pinkish tint." 3209,Pneumonia,"I've been experiencing persistent coughing spells accompanied by chest discomfort, intense coldness, and overwhelming fatigue. My heartbeat feels rapid, and the mucus I cough up has a concerning reddish tint." 4710,Migraine,"I've been dealing with some issues regarding my eyesight, noticing that things appear warped and encountering frequent visual aberrations." 4711,Migraine,I've been struggling with blurry vision and intermittent visual anomalies. 4712,Migraine,"I've been struggling with blurred vision and occasional visual anomalies, resulting in a distorted view of the world around me." 4713,Migraine,"I've been experiencing issues with my eyesight, noticing distortions in what I see and encountering unexplained visual anomalies." 4714,Migraine,"I've been struggling with my eyesight lately, noticing that objects appear warped to me and encountering unusual visual effects." 6845,peptic ulcer disease,"I unintentionally shed pounds, struggling to regain lost weight. To alleviate the chronic stomach issues causing discomfort, I take antacids. The persistent pain in my mouth is unbearable." 6846,peptic ulcer disease,"Unintentionally, I experience weight loss, making it challenging to regain weight. To alleviate the persistent pain and discomfort, I take antacids. The constant ache in my mouth is excruciating." 6847,peptic ulcer disease,"I unintentionally shed pounds without realizing it, making it challenging for me to regain lost weight. As a result, I experience persistent discomfort and pain in my mouth that is alleviated by taking antacids." 6848,peptic ulcer disease,"I unintentionally shed pounds without realizing it, and now struggle to put on weight. Despite this, my symptoms persist, leading me to seek relief from heartburn through antacid use. Meanwhile, the constant ache in my mouth is a significant concern." 6849,peptic ulcer disease,"I inadvertently shed pounds and struggle to regain them. To alleviate the discomfort and pain, I turn to antacids. The constant ache in my mouth is overwhelming." 4025,Acne,"I've experienced a sudden onset of acne, characterized by numerous blackheads and pusfilled pimples, which is not familial in nature. Additionally, my skin has become unusually sensitive." 4026,Acne,"I've developed an unpleasant skin condition characterized by a noninherited rash featuring numerous blackheads and pusfilled acne, accompanied by heightened sensitivity." 4027,Acne,"I've developed a stubborn acne condition characterized by painful blackheads and inflamed pimples filled with pus. Additionally, my skin has become extremely sensitive and reactive to its surroundings." 4028,Acne,"I've experienced a sudden onset of a severe skin condition characterized by a rash, numerous blackheads, and painful pimples filled with pus. Additionally, my skin has become extremely sensitive to touch or environmental stimuli." 4029,Acne,"I've experienced an onset of acne characterized by blackheads and pustules, accompanied by increased sensitivity." 6305,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing persistent heartburn and indigestion symptoms, which often result in frequent vomiting of consumed foods. Furthermore, I struggle with food getting lodged in my throat, causing swallowing difficulties. Additionally, I'm plagued by a nagging pain in my upper abdominal area." 6306,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience frequent heartburn and indigestion, accompanied by recurring vomiting of consumed food, as well as food getting lodged in my throat, causing swallowing difficulties. Additionally, I suffer from persistent discomfort in my upper abdominal region." 6307,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I'm experiencing recurring symptoms of heartburn and indigestion, characterized by frequent vomiting after eating and persistent difficulty swallowing due to food getting stuck in my throat. Additionally, I'm plagued by a sharp pain in my upper abdominal region." 6308,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience frequent episodes of heartburn and indigestion, accompanied by persistent vomiting after eating, which often leaves me feeling bloated and uncomfortable. Additionally, food tends to get lodged in my throat, making it challenging for me to swallow normally, while a sharp pain persists in my upper abdomen." 6309,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience frequent episodes of heartburn and indigestion, accompanied by recurring vomiting after meals, which leaves me struggling to swallow due to food getting stuck in my throat. Additionally, I often feel a persistent discomfort or pain in my upper abdominal area." 6325,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience indigestion and heartburn, particularly following meals that include spicy or fatty ingredients. The discomfort intensifies when I bend forward or recline. Moreover, I often feel a persistent pain in my chest." 6326,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience indigestion and heartburn, particularly following consumption of spicy or greasy meals. The discomfort intensifies when I bend forward or recline. Moreover, my chest area is persistently painful." 6327,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience indigestion and heartburn, which tends to worsen after consuming spicy or greasy meals. The discomfort intensifies when I'm in a bentover position or lying down. Moreover, I've been experiencing persistent chest pain." 6328,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience indigestion and heartburn, particularly following consumption of spicy or greasy meals. The discomfort worsens when I'm in a bent position or lying down. Furthermore, I suffer from persistent chest pain." 6329,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I frequently experience indigestion and heartburn, particularly following consumption of spicy or greasy meals. The discomfort intensifies when I bend forward or recline. Moreover, I often endure considerable chest pain." 6720,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience persistent and intense hunger and appetite accompanied by recurring episodes of abdominal cramping and spasming. Additionally, I notice significant bloating and gas after consuming food, resulting in heightened feelings of discomfort and unease." 6721,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience persistent and intense hunger as well as an overwhelming appetite. I often develop stomach cramps and spasms, accompanied by bloating and gas following meals, which significantly disrupts my comfort." 6722,peptic ulcer disease,"I'm experiencing persistent, intense hunger and cravings, accompanied by recurring abdominal cramps and spasms. Following meals, I notice significant bloating and gas, leaving me feeling quite uncomfortable." 6723,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience persistent and intense hunger as well as an insatiable appetite. Occasionally, I develop sharp abdominal cramps and spasms. Following meals, I often encounter discomforting bloating and gas, leading to significant unease." 6724,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience persistent and uncomfortable hunger and cravings. Occasionally, I experience sharp stomach pains and muscle contractions. Following meals, I often notice noticeable bloating and digestive gas, which leaves me feeling anxious and uneasy." 2225,Impetigo,"I've been experiencing a sudden onset of rashes, primarily around my nose area, which has begun to spread to other parts of my body. I'm extremely concerned about this development." 2226,Impetigo,"I've been experiencing a sudden onset of skin rashes, primarily around my nose, which have started to spread to other areas of my body. To be honest, I'm getting increasingly anxious about it." 2227,Impetigo,"I've been experiencing recurring rashes on my skin, primarily around my nose, which have started to spread to other areas of my body. This has me quite concerned." 2228,Impetigo,"I've been experiencing skin issues with persistent rashes, primarily around my nose, which have started to spread to other areas of my body. This is causing me significant concern." 2229,Impetigo,I've been experiencing some concerning skin issues lately small rashes have appeared primarily around my nose and are gradually spreading to other areas of my body. This has me quite anxious. 1370,Psoriasis,"I'm concerned about some skin issues I've been experiencing lately. My fingernails have developed small pitting, which is unsettling to me. Additionally, I've noticed joint pain and rashes on my arms and back. I'm not sure what's causing these symptoms and would appreciate any guidance you can offer." 1371,Psoriasis,"I'm concerned about the small pits developing on my fingernails, and I'm unsure of the cause. Additionally, I've been experiencing joint pain and have noticed rashes on my arms and back." 1372,Psoriasis,"I'm concerned about small pits developing on my nails, and also experiencing joint pain and skin issues rashes on my arms and back. I'd like to understand what might be causing these symptoms." 1373,Psoriasis,"I'm concerned about the small pits forming on my fingernails, and I'm not sure what's causing it. Additionally, I've been experiencing joint pain and have noticed rashes on my arms and back." 1374,Psoriasis,"I'm concerned about developing small pits on my fingernails. Additionally, I've been experiencing joint pain and have noticed rashes on my arms and back. I'm unsure what's causing these issues." 5075,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been dealing with ongoing issues including lower back pain, a stubborn cough, and tingling sensations in my extremities. Additionally, I'm struggling to maintain balance, manage vertigo, and am experiencing discomfort in my neck." 5076,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been dealing with recurring issues including chronic back pain, a stubborn cough, and tingling sensations in my limbs. Additionally, I'm struggling to maintain balance, experiencing vertigo symptoms that are difficult to manage, and suffering from persistent neck discomfort." 5077,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been dealing with ongoing discomfort characterized by recurring episodes of back pain, a persistent cough, and tingling sensations in my arms and legs. Additionally, I've been struggling to maintain balance, experience frequent vertigo, and endure neck pain." 5078,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been dealing with chronic issues including recurring back pain, a persistent cough, and numbnesstingling sensations in my arms and legs. Additionally, I'm struggling with balance problems, vertigo, and neck discomfort." 5079,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been dealing with ongoing issues including back ache, persistent coughing, and numbnesstingling sensations in my limbs. Additionally, I've struggled with balance problems, vertigo, and recurring neck discomfort." 3740,Arthritis,"I've experienced significant stiffness in my neck, accompanied by severe muscle weakness. The swelling in my joints has made mobility a struggle, making even simple activities like walking uncomfortable." 3741,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent stiffness in my neck, accompanied by significant muscle weakness. The inflammation in my joints has made mobility difficult, and walking has become particularly uncomfortable." 3742,Arthritis,"I've experienced significant stiffness in my neck, accompanied by pronounced muscle weakness. The inflammation in my joints has made everyday movement a struggle, making walking particularly uncomfortable." 3743,Arthritis,"I've experienced significant stiffness in my neck, accompanied by pronounced muscle weakness. The inflammation in my joints has made mobility a struggle, and walking has become quite arduous." 3744,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent stiffness in my neck, accompanied by significant muscle weakness. Swelling in my joints has made it difficult for me to mobilize comfortably, and even walking has become a struggle." 7115,diabetes,"I'm experiencing a slower recovery from my injury, accompanied by numbness and tingling sensations in both my hands and feet. Additionally, I'm feeling unusually weak." 7116,diabetes,"I'm experiencing a slower recovery from my injury, accompanied by numbness and tingling sensations in both my hands and feet, leaving me feeling quite weak." 7117,diabetes,"My recovery from the injury is progressing slowly at present. I'm experiencing numbness and tingling sensations in both my hands and feet, leaving me feeling extremely weak." 7118,diabetes,"I'm experiencing a slower recovery from my injury, accompanied by numbness and tingling sensations in both my hands and feet, leaving me feeling incredibly weak." 7119,diabetes,"I'm experiencing delayed recovery from my wound, accompanied by tingling and numbness in both my hands and feet. Additionally, I'm feeling extremely weakened." 1655,Varicose Veins,"I've noticed that my leg veins have become noticeably prominent and swollen, creating a visible bulge under my skin. Moving or changing positions also causes discomfort." 1656,Varicose Veins,"I've noticed that my leg veins appear more prominent and inflamed, causing discomfort when I engage in physical activity due to their visibility under my skin." 1657,Varicose Veins,"I've noticed that my leg veins have become noticeably larger and more prominent than usual, appearing through my skin even without compression stockings. Furthermore, any movement or activity causes discomfort and pain." 1658,Varicose Veins,"I've noticed that my leg veins have become increasingly prominent and swollen, to the point where they're visibly noticeable through my skin. The swelling is accompanied by discomfort or pain when I move around." 1659,Varicose Veins,"I've noticed that my leg veins have become more prominent and inflamed, causing discomfort when I move due to increased visibility under my skin." 5685,Malaria,"I'm experiencing symptoms including a high fever, chills, vomiting, intense itching, excessive sweating, headaches, and discomfort due to nausea and muscle aches." 5686,Malaria,"I'm experiencing symptoms that include fever, chills, vomiting, severe itching, excessive sweating, headaches, nausea, and muscle aches." 5687,Malaria,"I've been experiencing a range of symptoms, including a high temperature, shivers, persistent nausea, severe itching, profuse sweating, and intense muscle pain." 5688,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms including fever, chills, vomiting, severe itching, excessive sweating, headaches, nausea, and muscle aches." 5689,Malaria,"I'm experiencing a range of symptoms including a high fever, chills, vomiting, severe itching, and profuse sweating. Additionally, I've had a persistent headache, nausea, and muscle aches that have been quite debilitating." 4020,Acne,"I've developed an unexplained and unpleasant rash on my skin, characterized by a cluster of pusfilled acne and blackheads. Additionally, my skin has become extremely sensitive." 4021,Acne,"I've developed an uncontrollable rash on my skin, characterized by severe acnelike symptoms featuring pusfilled pimples and blackheads. Additionally, my skin has become extremely sensitive to touch or external stimuli." 4022,Acne,"I've developed a stubborn rash on my skin, characterized by inflamed pimples and blackheads filled with pus. Additionally, my skin has become extremely sensitive." 4023,Acne,"I've developed a stubborn rash that's filled with pusfilled acne and blackheads. To top it off, my skin is also extremely sensitive." 4024,Acne,"I've developed an unsightly rash on my skin, characterized by inflamed pimples and blackheads filled with pus. Additionally, my skin has become extremely sensitive to touch or other stimuli." 5080,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing general muscle weakness in my arms and legs, accompanied by recurring backaches and a nagging cough. Moreover, I've had issues with neck strain, balance problems, and occasional dizziness." 5081,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing chronic weakness in my arms and legs, accompanied by recurring discomfort in my back, persistent coughing, as well as ongoing issues with neck pain, balance problems, and occasional dizziness." 5082,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing general muscle weakness in my arms and legs, accompanied by recurring back pain, persistent coughing, and discomfort in my neck. Additionally, I've noticed issues with balance and have been plagued by bouts of dizziness." 5083,Cervical spondylosis,"I've experienced weakness in my arms and legs, accompanied by recurring back pain, a lingering cough, as well as ongoing discomfort in my neck, which has led to balance issues and occasional dizziness." 5084,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been experiencing weakness in my limbs, as well as persistent discomfort with back pain, a nagging cough, and recurring episodes of neck pain, balance issues, and dizziness." 2405,Impetigo,"I've been experiencing painful sores on my face and nose, with no idea what's causing them. The ones on my cheek are particularly large and tender to the touch, accompanied by a burning sensation and noticeable redness." 2406,Impetigo,"I've developed acnelike sores on my face and nose that are causing me discomfort. The larger ones on my cheek are itchy and painful when touched, accompanied by a burning sensation and redness." 2407,Impetigo,"I've been experiencing skin issues on my face and nose, including large, irritated sores on my cheeks that feel hot to the touch and cause skin redness." 2408,Impetigo,"I've recently developed painful sores on my face and nose, including large, irritated lesions on my cheeks that burn when touched and become red." 2409,Impetigo,"I've been experiencing recurring sores on my face and nose, with no clear cause identified. The ones on my cheek are particularly large, tender to the touch, and accompanied by a burning sensation and noticeable redness." 1265,Psoriasis,"I'm having trouble sleeping because of the itching and discomfort from the rash. Additionally, I've noticed small dents on my fingernails, which is worrying me." 1266,Psoriasis,"Sleep has been elusive for me lately due to the constant itching and discomfort from the rash. I've also noticed some worrying signs on my nails small dents that have developed, which is causing me a lot of anxiety." 1267,Psoriasis,"I've struggled with insomnia due to the relentless itching and discomfort from the rash. Additionally, I'm troubled by the small dents on my fingernails, a development that's causing me significant concern." 1268,Psoriasis,"I've been struggling with sleep due to the unbearable itching and discomfort from the rash. To make matters worse, I've noticed tiny dents on my fingernails, which has me really worried." 1269,Psoriasis,Sleep has been elusive for me lately due to the constant itching and discomfort from the rash. I'm also worried about the small dents forming on my fingernails it's a concern for me. 2775,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing recurring red rashes with intense itching, accompanied by unusual colored spots and growing nodules on my skin." 2776,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing recurring red rashes with persistent itching. Additionally, I've noticed unusual colored patches and growing nodules on my skin." 2777,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing recurring red rashes accompanied by persistent itching. Additionally, I've noticed unusual colored patches and small nodules on my skin that seem to be growing." 2778,Fungal infection,I'm experiencing recurring red rashlike lesions accompanied by intense itching. I've also noticed unusual colored patches and small nodules on my skin that seem to be growing in size. 2779,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing recurring red rashes accompanied by intense itchiness. Additionally, I've noticed abnormal patches of different colors and small nodules that seem to be growing in size." 4200,Bronchial Asthma,"I'm experiencing severe fatigue and weakness, accompanied by persistent coughing struggles to breathe. Additionally, my fever is extremely elevated and excessive mucus production occurs with each cough." 4201,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue and weakness, accompanied by frequent and labored coughing. My temperature has spiked, and I'm producing excessive phlegm when I cough." 4202,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing excessive fatigue and weakness, accompanied by persistent coughing and labored breathing. My temperature is elevated, and my coughs are often productive, resulting in significant phlegm production." 4203,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing severe fatigue and weakness, accompanied by persistent coughing with labored breathing. My temperature is quite elevated, and excessive phlegm is produced when I cough." 4204,Bronchial Asthma,"I've been experiencing exhaustion, fatigue, and shortness of breath, accompanied by frequent and labored coughing, as well as a persistent high fever and excessive phlegm production upon coughing." 3135,Common Cold,"I've been really unwell lately. I'm experiencing chronic pain in my throat, along with a persistent and quite unpleasant cough. I'm also dealing with frequent chills and a fever. To be honest, I just feel incredibly drained and weak overall." 3136,Common Cold,"I've been feeling really unwell lately. I'm dealing with a sore throat, a persistent cough, and I've had a fever. To be honest, I'm just feeling drained and exhausted like I don't have the energy to get out of bed." 3137,Common Cold,"I've been feeling absolutely drained and unwell lately. My throat has been very sore and I've had a persistent, unpleasant cough. I've also experienced frequent chills and a fever that's left me feeling quite weak and rundown." 3138,Common Cold,"I've been struggling with exhaustion and illness lately. My throat is incredibly sore, and I've had a persistent and unpleasant cough. I'm experiencing frequent chills and a fever that's left me feeling drained and weak overall." 3139,Common Cold,"I've been feeling completely drained and unwell lately. I've had a sore throat, a persistent cough, and I'm experiencing chills and a fever. To be honest, I just feel incredibly fatigued and weak." 2030,Chicken pox,"I'm feeling exhausted with zero energy, and my appetite has vanished. To top it off, I've got a soaring fever and a blinding headache but for the life of me, I have no idea what's causing these symptoms" 2031,Chicken pox,"I'm feeling exhausted, with no interest in eating. I'm experiencing a highgrade fever and a debilitating headache, but I'm unsure of the underlying cause." 2032,Chicken pox,"I'm feeling extremely fatigued, lacking any motivation or desire to eat. I'm also experiencing a persistently high fever and excruciating headaches, but I'm unable to pinpoint the cause." 2033,Chicken pox,"I'm feeling extremely fatigued, lacking motivation and struggling with a significant loss of appetite. I'm also experiencing a persistent highgrade fever and excruciating headaches, leaving me puzzled about the underlying cause." 2034,Chicken pox,"I'm feeling exhausted with a complete lack of enthusiasm, accompanied by a loss of hunger. I'm also experiencing a highgrade fever and debilitating headaches, but I'm unsure of the underlying cause." 5400,Jaundice,"I've been feeling unwell with symptoms including itchiness, nausea, exhaustion, fever, weight loss, and stomach discomfort. Additionally, my skin has taken on a yellowish hue, as has my urine." 5401,Jaundice,"I've been feeling unwell with symptoms including itchiness, nausea, fatigue, fever, weight loss, and discolored skin and urine, accompanied by stomach discomfort." 5402,Jaundice,"I've been feeling utterly miserable, plagued by symptoms like itching, nausea, exhaustion, and a soaring fever that's caused me to lose weight. To make matters worse, my skin and urine have taken on a telltale yellow hue, accompanied by persistent stomach discomfort." 5403,Jaundice,"I've been feeling unwell, with symptoms including itching, nausea, fatigue, fever, and weight loss. My skin has turned yellow as has my urine, and I'm also experiencing abdominal pain." 5404,Jaundice,"I've been feeling unwell, with symptoms including itchiness, nausea, exhaustion, fever, weight loss, and jaundice yellowing of skin and urine. Additionally, I've had persistent stomach discomfort." 1300,Psoriasis,"I'm concerned because my skin rashes aren't improving and I've recently observed excessive peeling, particularly on my elbows and knees it's got me quite anxious." 1301,Psoriasis,"I'm concerned because my skin rashes aren't improving, and I've recently experienced excessive peeling, particularly on my elbows and knees." 1302,Psoriasis,"I'm concerned as my skin rashes aren't improving and I've recently observed rapid skin peeling, particularly on my elbows and knees. This has me quite anxious." 1303,Psoriasis,"I'm concerned because the rashes on my skin aren't improving and I've recently started experiencing skin peeling, particularly on my elbows and knees. This is alarming me." 1304,Psoriasis,"I've been experiencing persistent rashes on my skin that aren't clearing up, and I'm concerned because I've also started noticing rapid skin peeling, particularly on my elbows and knees. This is really worrying me." 4430,Bronchial Asthma,"Hi Mom and Dad, I'm feeling exhausted and have had a persistent cough that's not improving. I've developed a high fever, and my breathing has become labored. To top it off, I've been bringing up a lot of phlegm and thick mucus when I cough." 4431,Bronchial Asthma,"Mom and Dad, I'm feeling pretty unwell lately. I've had a persistent cough, and my temperature is quite high. It's also made it harder for me to breathe, and when I do cough, I bring up a lot of thick mucus." 4432,Bronchial Asthma,"Hi Mom and Dad, I'm feeling pretty unwell lately. I've had a persistent cough that won't clear up, along with a high fever and shallow breathing. To top it off, my coughs are producing a lot of thick mucus." 4433,Bronchial Asthma,"Hi Mom and Dad, I'm not feeling well at all lately. I've had nonstop fatigue, a persistent cough that's really bothering me, and my fever is quite high. To make matters worse, my breathing has become shallow and I've been coughing up a lot of thick mucus." 4434,Bronchial Asthma,"Hi Mom and Dad, I'm feeling pretty unwell right now. I've got a persistent cough that's leaving me exhausted, and to make things worse, I have a high fever, shallow breathing, and am bringing up a lot of thick mucus when I cough." 6970,diabetes,"I experience unpredictable mood swings and struggle with focus, often feeling mentally clouded and disoriented, which makes everyday tasks a challenge to complete." 6971,diabetes,"I'm experiencing frequent mood swings and struggle to focus, often feeling mentally foggy and disoriented. Even simple tasks become challenging due to this mental haze." 6972,diabetes,"I experience emotional fluctuations and struggle with staying focused. I often feel mentally cloudy, making everyday tasks a challenge." 6973,diabetes,"I've been experiencing unpredictable mood swings, making it tough to focus. I often feel mentally foggy, which makes everyday tasks feel overwhelming." 6974,diabetes,"I experience fluctuating moods and struggle with focus, often feeling mentally foggy or hazy. Even routine tasks can become daunting as a result." 5355,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing persistent itching, frequent vomiting, significant weight loss, extreme fatigue, yellowing of my skin jaundice, a highgrade fever, and abdominal pain." 5356,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing persistent itching, frequent vomiting, significant weight loss, extreme fatigue, jaundice yellowing of the skin, a highgrade fever, and stomach pain." 5357,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing severe itching, frequent vomiting, unexplained weight loss, persistent exhaustion, jaundice yellowing of the skin, high fever, and stomach pain." 5358,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing a range of symptoms, including itching, nausea leading to vomiting, significant weight loss, extreme fatigue, yellowing of the skin jaundice, high fever, and persistent abdominal pain." 5359,Jaundice,"I've been experiencing a combination of symptoms including itchiness, frequent vomiting, significant weight loss, extreme fatigue, jaundice yellowing of the skin, and a high fever. Additionally, I've been suffering from stomach pain." 4010,Acne,"I've been experiencing severe skin issues, with an outbreak of blackheads and pusfilled pimples covering my skin. To make matters worse, my skin has become extremely sensitive to even minor stimuli." 4011,Acne,"I've been experiencing severe skin issues, with a nasty rash covering my skin, featuring blackheads and painful pimples filled with pus. To make matters worse, my skin has become extremely sensitive to the touch." 4012,Acne,"I've experienced an unfortunate breakout of acne, characterized by blackheads and painful pimples that seem to be spreading uncontrollably. To make matters worse, my skin has become extremely reactive and irritable." 4013,Acne,"I'm experiencing severe skin issues large, painful blackheads and pimples have appeared all over my body, accompanied by intense sensitivity to even slight touch." 4014,Acne,"I've developed a severe acne condition, characterized by inflamed blackheads and pusfilled pimples covering my skin, accompanied by heightened sensitivity and discomfort." 7050,diabetes,"I've noticed changes in my hydration levels, as I'm drinking more water and urinating more frequently. Additionally, I often experience dryness in my mouth and throat. Moreover, my appetite and hunger sensations have intensified lately." 7051,diabetes,"I've experienced an increase in water consumption and frequency of urination. I also notice recurring dryness in my mouth and throat, accompanied by a heightened appetite and hunger." 7052,diabetes,"My hydration levels are higher than usual, accompanied by more frequent trips to the bathroom. I often experience dryness in my mouth and throat. Additionally, my desire to eat has intensified alongside an increase in my appetite." 7053,diabetes,"My water consumption has risen, accompanied by more frequent trips to the bathroom. I also experience persistent dryness in my mouth and throat. Additionally, my appetite and hunger levels have surged in recent times." 7054,diabetes,"I've experienced an uptick in both my water consumption and bathroom trips. Additionally, I'm consistently dealing with dryness in my mouth and throat. Furthermore, my hunger and appetite have both surged lately." 4630,Hypertension,"I've had a nagging headache and chest discomfort for a couple of days, but today my symptoms escalated with severe dizziness and loss of balance." 4631,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing a recurring headache and chest discomfort for several days, but today's symptoms escalated with severe dizziness and loss of balance." 4632,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing a persistent headache and chest discomfort for several days, which has escalated to include increased dizziness and loss of equilibrium that's become more pronounced today." 4633,Hypertension,"For the past few days, I've experienced recurring headaches and chest discomfort. However, my symptoms have taken a turn for the worse today, with dizziness and loss of equilibrium becoming more pronounced." 4634,Hypertension,"I've been experiencing persistent headaches and chest discomfort for several days, but my symptoms have escalated with the addition of severe dizziness and loss of equilibrium." 5985,allergy,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue, accompanied by a tingling sensation in my throat. Additionally, I've noticed flakiness on my skin. Occasionally, I'll also have puffiness in my eyes." 5986,allergy,"I've been experiencing persistent fatigue, accompanied by a strange tingling sensation in my throat. Additionally, I've noticed changes in my skin, including flakes, and occasionally, my eyes puff up or swell." 5987,allergy,"I'm consistently exhausted, experiencing persistent fatigue. Additionally, I've noticed unusual symptoms such as tingling sensations in my throat, flaky skin, and occasional puffiness around my eyes." 5988,allergy,"I consistently experience fatigue, accompanied by a persistent tingling sensation in my throat. Additionally, I've noticed the onset of flaky skin, as well as occasional puffiness around my eyes." 5989,allergy,"I consistently experience fatigue, accompanied by a tingling sensation in my throat. Additionally, I've noticed dry, flaky skin on my body. Occasionally, I develop puffiness around my eyes, which can also be accompanied by swelling." 2145,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing severe nausea and discomfort, and I'm unsure of the cause. I've noticed unusual rashes on my arms and legs, and I've also been dealing with a loss of appetite and persistent exhaustion." 2146,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing unpleasant symptoms, including nausea and unease. I've also noticed some skin issues on my arms and legs, and I've lost my appetite. On top of that, I'm consistently feeling fatigued every day." 2147,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing severe nausea and unease, unsure of the cause. I've noticed skin rashes on my arms and legs, and I've lost my appetite, feeling perpetually fatigued." 2148,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing unexplained nausea and unease, accompanied by physical symptoms such as rashlike markings on my arms and legs. Additionally, I've noticed a significant loss of appetite and persistent exhaustion." 2149,Chicken pox,"I'm experiencing persistent nausea and unease, unsure of the cause. I've noticed rashes on my arms and legs, accompanied by a loss of appetite and debilitating exhaustion daily." 6075,allergy,"I often experience fatigue, accompanied by an unappealing oral sensation and intense itching in my throat. Moreover, I typically feel muscle tension and heat, which can escalate to fullbody muscle cramping at times." 6076,allergy,"I consistently experience fatigue, accompanied by an unappealing oral sensation and an intense itching sensation in my throat. Additionally, I'm plagued by muscle soreness and heat, which can lead to fullbody spasms at times." 6077,allergy,"I frequently experience fatigue, accompanied by an unappealing mouth sensation and intense itchiness on the back of my throat. Additionally, I often feel muscle heat and pain, which can sometimes escalate to a fullbody cramping episode." 6078,allergy,"I often experience fatigue, accompanied by an unpleasant aftertaste and severe itching in my throat. Additionally, my muscles become inflamed and painful, leading to occasional fullbody muscle cramps." 6079,allergy,"I often experience fatigue, an unappealing aftertaste, and intense itchiness in my throat. Additionally, I frequently encounter muscle tension and pain, which can lead to fullbody muscle cramping." 4695,Hypertension,"I've been feeling great today, but unexpectedly experienced a sudden onset of a headache, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness during my morning run. Since then, I've struggled to regain my equilibrium." 4696,Hypertension,"I was having a great day until I unexpectedly experienced a sudden onset of headaches, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness while jogging. Since then, it's been challenging for me to stabilize myself." 4697,Hypertension,"I've felt great all day, but during my run, I experienced a sudden onset of a severe headache, chest pain, and dizziness. Since then, it's been challenging for me to keep my balance." 4698,Hypertension,"Earlier today I was doing well, but during my run, I experienced a sudden onset of headaches, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness. Since then, it's been challenging for me to regain my equilibrium." 4699,Hypertension,"I've been having a great day so far, but while running, I suddenly experienced a severe headache, chest discomfort, and lightheadedness, making it challenging for me to regain my balance." 3750,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent muscle weakness, particularly in my neck, which has left me with a noticeable tightness. Additionally, my joints have become inflamed and swollen, making movement stiff and painful. Even simple activities like walking have become uncomfortable due to these symptoms." 3751,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent muscle weakness, along with stiffness in my neck. Additionally, I've noticed swelling in my joints, which makes it challenging to move around comfortably, and even walking has become quite uncomfortable for me." 3752,Arthritis,"I've experienced a significant decline in muscle strength lately, accompanied by persistent neck stiffness and discomfort. Additionally, my joints are inflamed, making everyday movements challenging due to stiffness. Even simple activities like walking have become unpleasantly arduous." 3753,Arthritis,"I've experienced a sudden decline in muscle strength, accompanied by persistent neck tension and swollen joints that make movement stiff and challenging. Even simple activities like walking have become uncomfortable due to these symptoms." 3754,Arthritis,"I've been experiencing persistent muscle weakness, accompanied by stiffness in my neck and swollen joints that make movement challenging and painful. Additionally, walking has become an uncomfortable ordeal due to these symptoms." 6610,drug reaction,"I struggle with mental clarity, often experiencing difficulty maintaining focus and recalling information. Forgetting and memory lapses are common issues for me." 6611,drug reaction,"I struggle with poor mental acuity, often finding myself easily distracted and having trouble maintaining concentration. Additionally, I frequently experience lapses in memory, leading to forgotten events or misplaced items." 6612,drug reaction,"I struggle with mental clarity and often experience difficulty staying focused. Additionally, I frequently forget important details and have trouble recalling them." 6613,drug reaction,"I struggle with poor mental concentration, often losing my train of thought and having trouble recalling information." 6614,drug reaction,"I struggle with mental fog, making it hard for me to concentrate and retain information. I frequently forget details and experience issues recalling them." 3570,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"Here's the rephrased text I'm experiencing difficulties with bowel movements, which are accompanied by significant discomfort. My stool has been bleeding, and I've noticed tenderness in my rear end. Additionally, I'm struggling with persistent itchiness and irritation in my anal area." 3571,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I'm experiencing difficulty with bowel movements, which is accompanied by significant discomfort. My stools have been bleeding, and I've noticed tenderness in my anal area. Furthermore, my anus has become extremely itchy and inflamed." 3572,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"Here is a rephrased version of your text I'm experiencing difficulty with bowel movements, accompanied by significant discomfort. My stools have been bleeding and I've noticed rectal tenderness. Additionally, my anus has become excessively itchy and inflamed." 3573,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I'm experiencing difficulties with bowel movements, accompanied by significant discomfort during the process. My stool has been streaked with blood, and I've noticed persistent pain in my rectal area. Furthermore, my anus has become excessively itchy and inflamed." 3574,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I'm experiencing difficulty with bowel movements, which are accompanied by significant discomfort. Additionally, my stool has been bleeding and I've noticed rectal pain. Furthermore, I'm experiencing persistent itching and irritation in that area as well." 5480,Malaria,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms, including widespread itching, chills, vomiting, and a high fever accompanied by excessive sweating. Additionally, I'm dealing with headaches, nausea, and excruciating muscle pain." 5481,Malaria,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including intense itching all over, high fever, excessive sweating, nausea, headaches, vomiting, and muscle pain." 5482,Malaria,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including widespread itchiness, chills, nausea, and vomiting, accompanied by a high fever, excessive sweating, headaches, and muscle pain." 5483,Malaria,"I've been experiencing severe symptoms including widespread itching, chills, nausea, high fever, excessive sweating, headaches, and muscle pain." 5484,Malaria,"I'm experiencing severe symptoms including widespread itching, chills, nausea, vomiting, a high fever, excessive sweating, a pounding headache, and muscle pain." 4935,Migraine,"In addition to my eyesight issues, increased appetite, neck soreness, melancholy, irritability, and recurring headaches, I'm also dealing with acid reflux, indigestion, and frequent dizziness. These symptoms have significantly impeded my ability to engage in daily activities, causing me considerable emotional distress." 4936,Migraine,"In addition to eye problems, increased hunger, neck pain, sadness, mood swings, and recurring headaches, I've also been dealing with acid reflux, indigestion, and frequent dizziness, making even routine tasks more challenging and causing me significant emotional strain." 4937,Migraine,"I've been dealing with a range of issues beyond eyesight problems, including increased appetite, neck soreness, melancholy, irritability, and frequent headaches. Additionally, I've noticed acid reflux, indigestion, and dizziness have become more common for me. These symptoms have made everyday activities much harder and are causing significant distress." 4938,Migraine,"In addition to eyesight issues, increased appetite, sore neck, melancholy, irritability, and recurring headaches, I've also been dealing with acid reflux, indigestion, and frequent dizziness. These symptoms have significantly hindered my daily routines and caused me considerable emotional distress." 4939,Migraine,"In addition to eyesight issues, increased appetite, sore neck, melancholy, irritability, and recurring headaches, I've also been dealing with acid reflux, indigestion, and frequent dizziness. These symptoms have significantly hindered my daily activities and caused me considerable distress." 2460,Dengue,"I'm struggling with intense joint pain, making it challenging to engage in daily tasks. Additionally, I've lost my appetite, resulting in feelings of fatigue." 2461,Dengue,"I'm struggling with intense joint pain that's significantly impacting my mobility and daily routines. Additionally, I've lost interest in food, leading to feelings of weakness." 2462,Dengue,"I've been struggling with intense joint pain that hinders my mobility and daily routines. Additionally, my appetite has disappeared, leaving me feeling lethargic and weakened." 2463,Dengue,"I've been plagued by intense joint pain, making everyday movements a struggle. Additionally, my appetite has significantly decreased, leaving me feeling fatigued and weak." 2464,Dengue,"I've been struggling with excruciating joint pain, making everyday movements a challenge. Additionally, I've lost my appetite, leaving me feeling drained and fatigued." 1305,Psoriasis,"Over the past few weeks, I've been experiencing a recurring skin issue characterized by red rashes on my arms, legs, and chest accompanied by dry, flaky patches. Additionally, I've also noticed occasional joint discomfort." 1306,Psoriasis,"Over the past few weeks, I've been experiencing a recurring skin rash on multiple areas of my body my arms, legs, and chest. The rash is characterized by redness, itchiness, and dry, scaly patches. Additionally, I've noticed persistent joint pain that's not typical for me." 1307,Psoriasis,"Over the past few weeks, I've been experiencing a persistent skin issue characterized by a red, itchy rash on my arms, legs, and chest, accompanied by dry, scaly patches. Additionally, I've noticed a peculiar joint pain that's been bothering me." 1308,Psoriasis,"I've been experiencing a persistent skin issue on my arms, legs, and chest for several weeks now. The rash is characterized by a red, itchy appearance with flaky, dry patches. Additionally, I've noticed an unusual ache or discomfort in my joints." 1309,Psoriasis,"I've been experiencing a persistent skin issue for the past few weeks, characterized by a red, itchy rash on my arms, legs, and chest that also features dry, scaling patches. Additionally, I'm noticing unusual joint discomfort." 3495,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've experienced significant digestive issues recently, including difficulty having bowel movements and discomfort during them. Additionally, I've noticed persistent itchiness around my anus, as well as spotting of blood in my stool." 3496,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing persistent constipation, accompanied by discomfort during bowel movements. Additionally, my rectal area has become irritated and itchy, with occasional bleeding present in my stool." 3497,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've experienced severe constipation recently, accompanied by painful bowel movements. Additionally, I've noticed persistent itching and occasional bleeding when using the bathroom." 3498,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing severe constipation and discomfort during bowel movements. Additionally, I've noticed persistent itching around my anus, accompanied by occasional bleeding in my stool." 3499,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been experiencing severe constipation issues recently, accompanied by significant pain during bowel movements. Additionally, I've noticed intense itchiness around my anus and have occasionally spotted blood in my stool." 2580,Dengue,"I've experienced chills and shivering alongside a feeling of coldness and an extremely elevated body temperature. Additionally, I've noticed rashes on my arms and reddened patches on my neck." 2581,Dengue,I've experienced shivering fits accompanied by a feeling of coldness and an extremely high fever. I've also noticed rashes on my arms and red patches on my neck. 2582,Dengue,"I've been experiencing chills and shaking, along with a feeling of coldness and a very high fever. Additionally, I've developed rashes on my arms and red patches on my neck." 2583,Dengue,"I've experienced chills and shaking episodes alongside a feeling of coldness and an extremely elevated body temperature. Additionally, I've noticed rashes on my arms and red patches on my neck." 2584,Dengue,"I've experienced chills and shaking, along with a feeling of coldness and a very high fever. Additionally, I've developed rashes on my arms and red patches on my neck." 5975,allergy,"I'm consistently fatigued, have experienced a loss of appetite, and am dealing with a persistent sore throat. Additionally, I've been experiencing fevers and frequent muscle pain, as well as occasional fullbody muscle spasms." 5976,allergy,"I'm consistently fatigued, my appetite has disappeared, and I've developed a persistent sore throat. Additionally, I frequently experience feverish symptoms and muscle stiffness, which sometimes leads to overall body cramping." 5977,allergy,"I'm consistently fatigued, experiencing a loss of appetite and severe sore throat symptoms. Additionally, I've been plagued by recurring fevers, persistent muscle pain, and occasional fullbody muscle spasms." 5978,allergy,"I'm constantly fatigued, have lost my appetite due to a lack of taste, and experience persistent discomfort in my throat. Additionally, I frequently develop fevers, accompanied by muscle pain, and occasionally, my entire body becomes stiff and cramped." 5979,allergy,"I'm constantly fatigued, my sense of taste is gone, and I've developed a persistently sore throat. Additionally, I experience frequent fevers and muscle pains, occasionally leading to fullbody cramping." 3125,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing a nasty cold my cough won't quit, and I'm shivering from the chill. Sinus pressure is crushing me, and I'm drowning in mucus. My chest feels like it's on fire, and my sense of smell is completely gone. To top it off, my muscles are killing me with achiness." 3126,Common Cold,"I'm feeling miserable constant coughing fits have me under siege, and I'm freezing cold. My sinuses are completely clogged, leaving me drowning in a sea of mucus. Every breath hurts my chest, and to make matters worse, my sense of smell is completely gone. To top it all off, my muscles ache all over." 3127,Common Cold,"I'm experiencing a miserable combination of symptoms constant coughing, extreme coldness, sinus congestion, overwhelming mucus production, chest discomfort, loss of sense of smell, and muscle soreness." 3128,Common Cold,"I'm struggling with a nasty cold my cough won't subside, I'm shivering from the cold, and my sinuses are clogged up tight. The constant mucus is overwhelming, and I've lost all sense of smell. To top it off, my chest hurts and my muscles ache." 3129,Common Cold,"I'm struggling with a nasty cold my constant coughing is driving me crazy, and the freezing temperature isn't helping. My sinuses are completely congested, and I'm overwhelmed by all the mucus. To make matters worse, my chest hurts, my sense of smell is gone, and my muscles ache." 5225,Jaundice,"I'm concerned about my symptoms intense itching, nausea, significant weight loss, exhaustion, yellowish skin, high fever, darkcolored urine, and persistent stomach pain." 5226,Jaundice,"I'm concerned about my health as I've been dealing with persistent itching, nausea, weight loss, exhaustion, and a range of uncomfortable symptoms including yellow skin, high fever, dark urine, and recurring stomach pain." 5227,Jaundice,"I've been plagued by extreme itching and nausea, accompanied by significant weight loss and debilitating exhaustion. My skin has turned yellow, and I'm running a high fever. Additionally, my urine is dark, and I'm experiencing persistent stomach discomfort." 5228,Jaundice,"I've been dealing with extreme itchiness and queasiness. I've lost weight, feel extremely fatigued, and my skin has taken on a yellowish hue. I also have a high fever, darkcolored urine, and persistent stomach discomfort." 5229,Jaundice,"I'm dealing with unbearable itching and queasiness. I've lost weight, feel completely drained, and my skin has taken on a yellowish hue. I'm also running a high fever. To top it off, my urine is darkcolored and I'm experiencing persistent stomach discomfort." 2915,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing some skin issues there are red, bumpy patches, as well as smaller lumps and darker areas that stand out from the rest of my complexion." 2916,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing red, itchy patches on my skin, accompanied by small lumps and areas with distinct pigmentation changes compared to the rest of my complexion." 2917,Fungal infection,"I'm experiencing several skin issues red, bumpy patches, small lumps, and areas with a different skin tone than the rest of my body." 2918,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing red, itchy patches on my skin, accompanied by small bumps and unevenly pigmented spots that differ from my natural skin tone." 2919,Fungal infection,"I've developed red, itchy patches on my skin, which I've been compulsively scratching. I also have small bumps and areas with discoloration, distinguished from the rest of my skin by their unique tone." 5045,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been dealing with persistent discomfort, including excruciating backaches, intermittent coughing, and noticeable fatigue in my limbs. Additionally, my neck has been aching, and I've been experiencing episodes of dizziness and loss of balance." 5046,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been struggling with excruciating back pain, recurring coughing fits, and muscle weakness in my arms and legs. Additionally, I've experienced persistent neck discomfort, dizziness, and a general sense of being offbalance." 5047,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been struggling with persistent back pain, along with recurring coughing episodes and muscle weakness affecting my limbs. Additionally, I'm experiencing discomfort in my neck and have noticed dizziness and a sense of imbalance." 5048,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been dealing with intense back pain, recurring coughing fits, and numbness or weakness in my arms and legs. Additionally, I've noticed discomfort in my neck, accompanied by episodes of dizziness and loss of balance." 5049,Cervical spondylosis,"I've been plagued by persistent and debilitating symptoms, including chronic back pain, intermittent coughing fits, and noticeable muscle weakness throughout my body. Additionally, I've been experiencing sharp discomfort in my neck, accompanied by a sense of dizziness and unsteadiness that's affecting my overall balance." 1850,Typhoid,"I've been dealing with recurring symptoms such as chills, fever, and severe abdominal distress. To make matters worse, I've been feeling consistently unwell and unable to shake off these discomforts." 1851,Typhoid,"I've been dealing with persistent issues like chills, a high fever, and severe stomach upset, which have left me feeling miserable overall. Despite my best efforts, I haven't been able to shake these symptoms." 1852,Typhoid,"I've been dealing with recurring episodes of chills, fever, and severe stomach issues, accompanied by a general feeling of unhappiness that persists despite my efforts to alleviate these symptoms." 1853,Typhoid,"I've been dealing with recurring episodes of shivering, fever, and severe abdominal distress, leaving me feeling consistently unwell and struggling to shake off these unpleasant symptoms." 1854,Typhoid,"I've been dealing with recurring episodes of chills, fever, and severe stomach distress, which has left me feeling consistently unwell and struggling to shake off these unpleasant symptoms." 5555,Malaria,"I've been experiencing severe symptoms including intense scratching, chills, nausea, and high fever. Additionally, I'm struggling with headaches, excessive sweating, and discomfort due to nausea and muscle aches." 5556,Malaria,"I've been experiencing severe discomfort alongside my symptoms intense scratching, chills, high fever, nausea, and profuse sweating. Additionally, I'm struggling with a headache, excessive perspiration, and a general feeling of unease due to nausea and muscle ache." 5557,Malaria,"I'm experiencing severe discomfort along with my physical symptoms, including intense itching, chills, nausea, high fever, headaches, excessive sweating, and muscle aches." 5558,Malaria,"I've been experiencing severe discomfort along with my symptoms of intense scratching, chills, fever, nausea, and headaches. Additionally, I've felt extremely unwell due to excessive sweating, muscle aches, and persistent nausea." 5559,Malaria,"I've been experiencing severe discomfort alongside my symptoms, including intense itching, chills, vomiting, high fever, headaches, excessive sweating, and muscle aches, making me feel extremely unwell overall." 6815,peptic ulcer disease,"Due to recurring issues with bloodstained bowel movements, I've misplaced essential items like iron supplements and medication. As a result, I'm struggling with anemia and often experience fatigue." 6816,peptic ulcer disease,"My irregular bowel movements have led to significant losses, including iron and blood. As a result, I've developed anemia, which often leaves me feeling fatigued." 6817,peptic ulcer disease,"Due to recurring issues with bloodstained stool, I've misplaced significant items, including iron supplements and bloodtesting equipment. As a result, I've developed anaemia and often experience fatigue." 6818,peptic ulcer disease,"Due to recurring issues with my bowel movements, I've misplaced significant items, including iron supplements and blood products. As a result, I've developed anemia and often experience fatigue." 6819,peptic ulcer disease,"Due to frequent bleeding caused by my stools, I've misplaced significant amounts of blood and iron, leading to anemia and persistent feelings of weakness." 1635,Varicose Veins,"I've experienced persistent discomfort in my legs during exercise, characterized by heaviness, swelling, and visiblepainful veins. Additionally, I consistently feel fatigued." 1636,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort in my legs during exercise, characterized by heaviness, swelling, and noticeable vein prominence accompanied by pain. Additionally, I'm often left feeling exhausted." 1637,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort during exercise due to my legs feeling unusually heavy, swollen, and tender, with visible and painful veins. Additionally, I often feel exhausted and fatigued." 1638,Varicose Veins,"I've been experiencing persistent discomfort during exercise due to my legs feeling unusually heavy and swollen, with prominent and painful veins. Additionally, I often feel chronically fatigued." 1639,Varicose Veins,"I've experienced persistent discomfort in my legs during physical activity, characterized by heaviness, swelling, and noticeable vein prominence accompanied by pain. Additionally, I often feel exhausted, even when not exercising." 2850,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing intense itching and have developed several rashlike patches on my skin. Additionally, there are areas with a slightly different pigmentation compared to the surrounding skin, and I've also noticed some firm bumps." 2851,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing persistent itching and have developed multiple rashes and blemishes on my skin. Some areas appear to be discolored compared to the rest of my complexion, and I've also noticed the presence of somewhat firm bumps." 2852,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing intense itching and have developed numerous rashlike patches on my skin. Additionally, there are areas with altered pigmentation compared to the rest of my skin tone, accompanied by small, firm bumps." 2853,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing persistent itchiness and have developed multiple rashlike patches on my skin. Additionally, there are areas with distinct color variations compared to the rest of my skin tone, accompanied by some firm bumps." 2854,Fungal infection,"I've been experiencing itching and discomfort, accompanied by the appearance of rashes and discolored patches on my skin. Some areas also have hardened bumps." 3530,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been struggling with bathroom issues lately. It's been painful to use the restroom and even more challenging to go. To make matters worse, I'm experiencing discomfort in that area, including soreness, bleeding, and itchiness." 3531,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been struggling with bowel movements lately. Passing stool has become a real challenge and is accompanied by discomfort. Additionally, I'm dealing with persistent anal soreness, rectal bleeding, and intense itching." 3532,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been struggling with bowel movements lately. It's taken a lot of effort to go to the bathroom, and when I do, it's painful. To make things worse, I've had issues with soreness in my rectal area, accompanied by bloody stools. Additionally, I've noticed increased itching and irritation around my anus." 3533,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been struggling with bowel movements that are painful and challenging to complete, accompanied by rectal pain and discomfort. Additionally, I've noticed blood in my stool, persistent anal itching, and a general feeling of soreness in the area." 3534,Dimorphic Hemorrhoids,"I've been struggling with digestive issues lately. Passing stool has become a real challenge, accompanied by significant discomfort. Moreover, I'm dealing with persistent anal pain, blood in my stool, and an itchy, irritated anus." 1805,Typhoid,"I'm experiencing excruciating stomach cramps and persistent constipation issues. Additionally, I've been plagued by nightly headaches and chills. The past few days have been particularly unbearable with pain." 1806,Typhoid,"I'm experiencing excruciating stomach cramps and persistent constipation. Each evening, I develop a pounding headache accompanied by chills. The past few days have been particularly agonizing." 1807,Typhoid,"I'm experiencing excruciating abdominal discomfort accompanied by chronic constipation. Each evening, I develop a headache and shiver with chills. The past few days have been particularly unbearable." 1808,Typhoid,"I'm experiencing excruciating abdominal cramps and persistent bowel obstruction. Additionally, I've been plagued by recurring headaches and chills every evening, resulting in unbearable discomfort over the past few days." 1809,Typhoid,"I'm experiencing intense abdominal discomfort and difficulty with bowel movements. Additionally, I've been plagued by recurring headaches and chills every evening. The past few days have been extremely uncomfortable." 6420,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience occasional difficulty swallowing due to persistent throat tingling, unpleasant oral sensations, and unpleasant odors." 6421,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I sometimes experience difficulty swallowing due to discomforting sensations including a tingling feeling in my throat, unpleasant breath, and an unappealing taste in my mouth." 6422,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience occasional difficulty swallowing due to sensations of tingling in my throat, unpleasant breath, and an unpleasant taste in my mouth." 6423,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I experience occasional difficulties with swallowing due to a sensation of tingling in my throat, accompanied by unpleasant breath and a foul taste." 6424,gastroesophageal reflux disease,"I sometimes experience difficulties with eating due to a sensation of tingling in my throat, unpleasant breath, and an unappealing oral sensation." 6675,drug reaction,"I experience recurring headaches and migraines, accompanied by issues with sleep quality. Additionally, I've been plagued by involuntary tremors and shivers throughout my body. On occasion, I also feel dizzy or lightheaded." 6676,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing recurring headaches and migraines, accompanied by persistent sleep disturbances. Additionally, I've noticed involuntary tremors and chills throughout my body, as well as occasional episodes of dizziness." 6677,drug reaction,"I experience recurring headaches and migraines, accompanied by insomnia and symptoms like involuntary tremors and shivers throughout my body. Additionally, I occasionally feel dizzy or lightheaded." 6678,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing recurring headaches and migraines, which are affecting my ability to sleep well. Additionally, I've been noticing involuntary physical reactions such as trembling and chills throughout my body, occasionally feeling dizzy or lightheaded." 6679,drug reaction,"I'm experiencing recurring headaches and migraines, accompanied by issues with falling asleep. Additionally, I've noticed physical symptoms such as uncontrollable shaking and shivering throughout my body. Occasionally, I feel lightheaded." 6850,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience intermittent discomfort in my upper abdomen, often accompanied by intense nausea, recurring episodes of heartburn, and persistent indigestion." 6851,peptic ulcer disease,"Occasionally, I experience a sharp sensation of burning in my upper abdominal area during the day or at night. Additionally, I often encounter severe nausea, as well as symptoms of heartburn and indigestion." 6852,peptic ulcer disease,"Occasionally, I experience discomfort in my upper abdomen, both during the day and at night. I also frequently suffer from severe nausea, heartburn, and indigestion." 6853,peptic ulcer disease,"I occasionally experience a sharp, persistent discomfort in my upper abdominal area, both during the day and at night. This is often accompanied by intense nausea, frequent heartburn, and recurring indigestion." 6854,peptic ulcer disease,"I occasionally experience a sharp burning sensation in my upper abdomen, often accompanied by intense nausea, heartburn, and indigestion." 5500,Malaria,"I've been feeling unwell with intense itching all over my body, accompanied by chills, nausea, excessive sweating, and a severe fever. I'm also experiencing stomach discomfort, a pounding headache, and muscle soreness." 5501,Malaria,"I've been dealing with intense body itching accompanied by chills, nausea, profuse sweating, and a soaring fever. I'm feeling queasy, have a pounding headache, and my muscles ache terribly." 5502,Malaria,"I'm feeling unwell with intense itching all over my body, accompanied by shivering, queasiness, excessive sweating, a severe fever, stomach discomfort, headache, and significant muscle pain." 5503,Malaria,"I'm feeling quite unwell I've had severe itching all over, accompanied by chills, nausea, excessive sweating, and a high fever. I'm also experiencing stomach discomfort, headaches, and muscle pain." 5504,Malaria,"I'm feeling quite unwell. I've had intense itching all over my body, accompanied by chills, nausea, excessive sweating, and a very high fever. Additionally, I'm experiencing stomach upset, headaches, and significant muscle pain." 6830,peptic ulcer disease,"When I tilt my body downward or recline, I experience increased discomfort in my stomach. Additionally, consuming certain foods like spicy or acidic ones often leaves me with pain after eating. This can also lead to occasional instances of loose stools." 6831,peptic ulcer disease,"Eating certain foods, particularly those that are hot or acidic, causes discomfort in my stomach, resulting in pain and sometimes even loose stools." 6832,peptic ulcer disease,"When I lean forward or lie down, I often experience increased discomfort in my stomach. Following meals that include spicy, hot, or acidic foods, I commonly experience pain. This can lead to loose stools from time to time." 6833,peptic ulcer disease,"Eating certain foods like hot or acidic ones causes me to experience stomach discomfort and pain, which is often followed by loose stools. Even reclining or bending down makes my discomfort worse." 6834,peptic ulcer disease,"I experience discomfort and pain in my stomach when bending or reclining, which worsens after consuming certain foods, including spicy or acidic ones. These meals often lead to loose stools as an additional consequence."