// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';

import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';

import '../application_package.dart';
import '../base/common.dart';
import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../build_info.dart';
import '../dart/package_map.dart';
import '../dart/pub.dart';
import '../device.dart';
import '../doctor.dart';
import '../flx.dart' as flx;
import '../globals.dart';
import '../usage.dart';
import 'flutter_command_runner.dart';

typedef void Validator();

abstract class FlutterCommand extends Command<Null> {
  FlutterCommand() {
    commandValidator = commonCommandValidator;

  FlutterCommandRunner get runner => super.runner;

  /// Whether this command uses the 'target' option.
  bool _usesTargetOption = false;

  bool _usesPubOption = false;

  bool get shouldRunPub => _usesPubOption && argResults['pub'];

  BuildMode _defaultBuildMode;

  void usesTargetOption() {
      abbr: 't',
      defaultsTo: flx.defaultMainPath,
      help: 'Target app path / main entry-point file.');
    _usesTargetOption = true;

  String get targetFile {
    if (argResults.wasParsed('target'))
      return argResults['target'];
    else if (argResults.rest.isNotEmpty)
      return argResults.rest.first;
      return flx.defaultMainPath;

  void usesPubOption() {
      defaultsTo: true,
      help: 'Whether to run "flutter packages get" before executing this command.');
    _usesPubOption = true;

  void addBuildModeFlags({ bool defaultToRelease: true }) {
    defaultBuildMode = defaultToRelease ? BuildMode.release : BuildMode.debug;

      negatable: false,
      help: 'Build a debug version of your app${defaultToRelease ? '' : ' (default mode)'}.');
      negatable: false,
      help: 'Build a version of your app specialized for performance profiling.');
      negatable: false,
      help: 'Build a release version of your app${defaultToRelease ? ' (default mode)' : ''}.');

  set defaultBuildMode(BuildMode buildMode) {
    _defaultBuildMode = buildMode;

  BuildMode getBuildMode() {
    List<bool> modeFlags = <bool>[argResults['debug'], argResults['profile'], argResults['release']];
    if (modeFlags.where((bool flag) => flag).length > 1)
      throw new UsageException('Only one of --debug, --profile, or --release can be specified.', null);
    if (argResults['debug'])
      return BuildMode.debug;
    if (argResults['profile'])
      return BuildMode.profile;
    if (argResults['release'])
      return BuildMode.release;
    return _defaultBuildMode;

  void setupApplicationPackages() {
    applicationPackages ??= new ApplicationPackageStore();

  /// The path to send to Google Analytics. Return `null` here to disable
  /// tracking of the command.
  String get usagePath => name;

  /// Runs this command.
  /// Rather than overriding this method, subclasses should override
  /// [verifyThenRunCommand] to perform any verification
  /// and [runCommand] to execute the command
  /// so that this method can record and report the overall time to analytics.
  Future<Null> run() {
    Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();
    UsageTimer analyticsTimer = usagePath == null ? null : flutterUsage.startTimer(name);

    if (flutterUsage.isFirstRun)

    return verifyThenRunCommand().whenComplete(() {
      int ms = stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds;
      printTrace("'flutter $name' took ${ms}ms.");

  /// Perform validation then call [runCommand] to execute the command.
  /// Return a [Future] that completes with an exit code
  /// indicating whether execution was successful.
  /// Subclasses should override this method to perform verification
  /// then call this method to execute the command
  /// rather than calling [runCommand] directly.
  Future<Null> verifyThenRunCommand() async {
    // Populate the cache. We call this before pub get below so that the sky_engine
    // package is available in the flutter cache for pub to find.
    await cache.updateAll();

    if (shouldRunPub)
      await pubGet();


    String commandPath = usagePath;
    if (commandPath != null)

    await runCommand();

  /// Subclasses must implement this to execute the command.
  Future<Null> runCommand();

  /// Find and return the target [Device] based upon currently connected
  /// devices and criteria entered by the user on the command line.
  /// If a device cannot be found that meets specified criteria,
  /// then print an error message and return `null`.
  Future<Device> findTargetDevice({bool androidOnly: false}) async {
    if (!doctor.canLaunchAnything) {
      printError("Unable to locate a development device; please run 'flutter doctor' "
          "for information about installing additional components.");
      return null;

    List<Device> devices = await deviceManager.getDevices();

    if (devices.isEmpty && deviceManager.hasSpecifiedDeviceId) {
      printStatus("No devices found with name or id "
          "matching '${deviceManager.specifiedDeviceId}'");
      return null;
    } else if (devices.isEmpty) {
      return null;

    devices = devices.where((Device device) => device.isSupported()).toList();

    if (androidOnly)
      devices = devices.where((Device device) => device.platform == TargetPlatform.android_arm).toList();

    if (devices.isEmpty) {
      printStatus('No supported devices connected.');
      return null;
    } else if (devices.length > 1) {
      if (deviceManager.hasSpecifiedDeviceId) {
        printStatus("Found ${devices.length} devices with name or id matching "
      } else {
        printStatus("More than one device connected; please specify a device with "
            "the '-d <deviceId>' flag.");
        devices = await deviceManager.getAllConnectedDevices();
      return null;
    return devices.single;

  void printNoConnectedDevices() {
    printStatus('No connected devices.');

  // This is a field so that you can modify the value for testing.
  Validator commandValidator;

  void commonCommandValidator() {
    if (!PackageMap.isUsingCustomPackagesPath) {
      // Don't expect a pubspec.yaml file if the user passed in an explicit .packages file path.
      if (!fs.isFileSync('pubspec.yaml')) {
        throw new ToolExit(
          'Error: No pubspec.yaml file found.\n'
          'This command should be run from the root of your Flutter project.\n'
          'Do not run this command from the root of your git clone of Flutter.'
      if (fs.isFileSync('flutter.yaml')) {
        throw new ToolExit(
          'Please merge your flutter.yaml into your pubspec.yaml.\n\n'
          'We have changed from having separate flutter.yaml and pubspec.yaml\n'
          'files to having just one pubspec.yaml file. Transitioning is simple:\n'
          'add a line that just says "flutter:" to your pubspec.yaml file, and\n'
          'move everything from your current flutter.yaml file into the\n'
          'pubspec.yaml file, below that line, with everything indented by two\n'
          'extra spaces compared to how it was in the flutter.yaml file. Then, if\n'
          'you had a "name:" line, move that to the top of your "pubspec.yaml"\n'
          'file (you may already have one there), so that there is only one\n'
          '"name:" line. Finally, delete the flutter.yaml file.\n\n'
          'For an example of what a new-style pubspec.yaml file might look like,\n'
          'check out the Flutter Gallery pubspec.yaml:\n'

    if (_usesTargetOption) {
      String targetPath = targetFile;
      if (!fs.isFileSync(targetPath))
        throw new ToolExit('Target file "$targetPath" not found.');

    // Validate the current package map only if we will not be running "pub get" later.
    if (!(_usesPubOption && argResults['pub'])) {
      String error = new PackageMap(PackageMap.globalPackagesPath).checkValid();
      if (error != null)
        throw new ToolExit(error);

  ApplicationPackageStore applicationPackages;