// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';

import '../globals.dart';

typedef String StringConverter(String string);

/// This runs the command in the background from the specified working
/// directory. Completes when the process has been started.
Future<Process> runCommand(List<String> cmd, {String workingDirectory}) async {
  printTrace(cmd.join(' '));
  String executable = cmd[0];
  List<String> arguments = cmd.length > 1 ? cmd.sublist(1) : [];
  Process process = await Process.start(
    workingDirectory: workingDirectory
  return process;

/// This runs the command and streams stdout/stderr from the child process to
/// this process' stdout/stderr. Completes with the process's exit code.
Future<int> runCommandAndStreamOutput(List<String> cmd, {
  String workingDirectory,
  String prefix: '',
  RegExp filter,
  StringConverter mapFunction
}) async {
  Process process = await runCommand(cmd,
                                     workingDirectory: workingDirectory);
    .transform(const LineSplitter())
    .where((String line) => filter == null ? true : filter.hasMatch(line))
    .listen((String line) {
      if (mapFunction != null)
        line = mapFunction(line);
      if (line != null)
    .transform(const LineSplitter())
    .where((String line) => filter == null ? true : filter.hasMatch(line))
    .listen((String line) {
      if (mapFunction != null)
        line = mapFunction(line);
      if (line != null)
  return await process.exitCode;

Future<Null> runAndKill(List<String> cmd, Duration timeout) {
  Future<Process> proc = runDetached(cmd);
  return new Future<Null>.delayed(timeout, () async {
    printTrace('Intentionally killing ${cmd[0]}');
    Process.killPid((await proc).pid);

Future<Process> runDetached(List<String> cmd) {
  printTrace(cmd.join(' '));
  Future<Process> proc = Process.start(
      cmd[0], cmd.getRange(1, cmd.length).toList(),
      mode: ProcessStartMode.DETACHED);
  return proc;

/// Run cmd and return stdout.
/// Throws an error if cmd exits with a non-zero value.
String runCheckedSync(List<String> cmd, {
  String workingDirectory, bool truncateCommand: false
}) {
  return _runWithLoggingSync(
    cmd, workingDirectory: workingDirectory, checked: true, noisyErrors: true, truncateCommand: truncateCommand

/// Run cmd and return stdout.
String runSync(List<String> cmd, { String workingDirectory }) {
  return _runWithLoggingSync(cmd, workingDirectory: workingDirectory);

/// Return the platform specific name for the given Dart SDK binary. So, `pub`
/// ==> `pub.bat`.
String sdkBinaryName(String name) {
  return Platform.isWindows ? '$name.bat' : name;

bool exitsHappy(List<String> cli) {
  printTrace(cli.join(' '));

  try {
    return Process.runSync(cli.first, cli.sublist(1)).exitCode == 0;
  } catch (error) {
    return false;

String _runWithLoggingSync(List<String> cmd, {
  bool checked: false,
  bool noisyErrors: false,
  String workingDirectory,
  bool truncateCommand: false
}) {
  String cmdText = cmd.join(' ');
  if (truncateCommand && cmdText.length > 160)
    cmdText = cmdText.substring(0, 160) + '…';
  ProcessResult results =
      Process.runSync(cmd[0], cmd.getRange(1, cmd.length).toList(), workingDirectory: workingDirectory);
  if (results.exitCode != 0) {
    String errorDescription = 'Error code ${results.exitCode} '
        'returned when attempting to run command: ${cmd.join(' ')}';
    if (results.stderr.length > 0) {
      if (noisyErrors) {
      } else {
        printTrace('Errors logged: ${results.stderr.trim()}');
    if (checked)
      throw errorDescription;
  if (results.stdout.trim().isNotEmpty)
  return results.stdout.trim();

class ProcessExit implements Exception {

  final int exitCode;

  String get message => 'ProcessExit: $exitCode';

  String toString() => message;