// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:math' as math; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; import 'package:leak_tracker_flutter_testing/leak_tracker_flutter_testing.dart'; void main() { // Helpers final Widget sliverBox = SliverToBoxAdapter( child: Container( color: Colors.amber, height: 150.0, width: 150, ), ); Widget boilerplate( List slivers, { ScrollController? controller, Axis scrollDirection = Axis.vertical, }) { return MaterialApp( theme: ThemeData( useMaterial3: false, materialTapTargetSize: MaterialTapTargetSize.padded, ), home: Scaffold( body: CustomScrollView( scrollDirection: scrollDirection, slivers: slivers, controller: controller, ), ), ); } group('SliverFillRemaining', () { group('hasScrollBody: true, default', () { testWidgetsWithLeakTracking('no siblings', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController controller = ScrollController(); addTearDown(controller.dispose); await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: CustomScrollView( controller: controller, slivers: [ SliverFillRemaining(child: Container()), ], ), ), ); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byType(Container)).size.height, equals(600.0), ); controller.jumpTo(50.0); await tester.pump(); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byType(Container)).size.height, equals(600.0), ); controller.jumpTo(-100.0); await tester.pump(); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byType(Container)).size.height, equals(600.0), ); controller.jumpTo(0.0); await tester.pump(); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byType(Container)).size.height, equals(600.0), ); }); testWidgetsWithLeakTracking('one sibling', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController controller = ScrollController(); addTearDown(controller.dispose); await tester.pumpWidget( Directionality( textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, child: CustomScrollView( controller: controller, slivers: [ const SliverToBoxAdapter(child: SizedBox(height: 100.0)), SliverFillRemaining(child: Container()), ], ), ), ); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byType(Container)).size.height, equals(500.0), ); controller.jumpTo(50.0); await tester.pump(); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byType(Container)).size.height, equals(550.0), ); controller.jumpTo(-100.0); await tester.pump(); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byType(Container)).size.height, equals(400.0), ); controller.jumpTo(0.0); await tester.pump(); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byType(Container)).size.height, equals(500.0), ); }); testWidgetsWithLeakTracking('scrolls beyond viewportMainAxisExtent', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController controller = ScrollController(); addTearDown(controller.dispose); final List slivers = [ sliverBox, SliverFillRemaining( child: Container(color: Colors.white), ), ]; await tester.pumpWidget(boilerplate(slivers, controller: controller)); expect(controller.offset, 0.0); expect(find.byType(Container), findsNWidgets(2)); controller.jumpTo(150.0); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(controller.offset, 150.0); expect(find.byType(Container), findsOneWidget); }); }); group('hasScrollBody: false', () { testWidgetsWithLeakTracking('does not extend past viewportMainAxisExtent', (WidgetTester tester) async { final ScrollController controller = ScrollController(); addTearDown(controller.dispose); final List slivers = [ sliverBox, SliverFillRemaining( hasScrollBody: false, child: Container(color: Colors.white), ), ]; await tester.pumpWidget(boilerplate(slivers, controller: controller)); expect(controller.offset, 0.0); expect(find.byType(Container), findsNWidgets(2)); controller.jumpTo(150.0); await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(controller.offset, 0.0); expect(find.byType(Container), findsNWidgets(2)); }); testWidgetsWithLeakTracking('child without size is sized by extent', (WidgetTester tester) async { final List slivers = [ sliverBox, SliverFillRemaining( hasScrollBody: false, child: Container(color: Colors.blue), ), ]; await tester.pumpWidget(boilerplate(slivers)); RenderBox box = tester.renderObject(find.byType(Container).last); expect(box.size.height, equals(450)); await tester.pumpWidget(boilerplate( slivers, scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal, )); box = tester.renderObject(find.byType(Container).last); expect(box.size.width, equals(650)); }); testWidgetsWithLeakTracking('child with smaller size is sized by extent', (WidgetTester tester) async { final GlobalKey key = GlobalKey(); final List slivers = [ sliverBox, SliverFillRemaining( hasScrollBody: false, child: ColoredBox( key: key, color: Colors.blue, child: Align( alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter, child: ElevatedButton( child: const Text('bottomCenter button'), onPressed: () {}, ), ), ), ), ]; await tester.pumpWidget(boilerplate(slivers)); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byKey(key)).size.height, equals(450), ); // Also check that the button alignment is true to expectations final Finder button = find.byType(ElevatedButton); expect(tester.getBottomLeft(button).dy, equals(600.0)); expect(tester.getCenter(button).dx, equals(400.0)); // Check Axis.horizontal await tester.pumpWidget(boilerplate( slivers, scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal, )); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byKey(key)).size.width, equals(650), ); }); testWidgetsWithLeakTracking('extent is overridden by child with larger size', (WidgetTester tester) async { final List slivers = [ sliverBox, SliverFillRemaining( hasScrollBody: false, child: Container( color: Colors.blue, height: 600, width: 1000, ), ), ]; await tester.pumpWidget(boilerplate(slivers)); RenderBox box = tester.renderObject(find.byType(Container).last); expect(box.size.height, equals(600)); await tester.pumpWidget(boilerplate( slivers, scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal, )); box = tester.renderObject(find.byType(Container).last); expect(box.size.width, equals(1000)); }); testWidgetsWithLeakTracking('extent is overridden by child size if precedingScrollExtent > viewportMainAxisExtent', (WidgetTester tester) async { final GlobalKey key = GlobalKey(); final List slivers = [ SliverFixedExtentList( itemExtent: 150, delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate( (BuildContext context, int index) => Container(color: Colors.amber), childCount: 5, ), ), SliverFillRemaining( hasScrollBody: false, child: Container( key: key, color: Colors.blue[300], child: Align( child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(50.0), child: ElevatedButton( child: const Text('center button'), onPressed: () {}, ), ), ), ), ), ]; await tester.pumpWidget(boilerplate(slivers)); await tester.drag(find.byType(Scrollable), const Offset(0.0, -750.0)); await tester.pump(); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byKey(key)).size.height, equals(148.0), ); // Also check that the button alignment is true to expectations final Finder button = find.byType(ElevatedButton); expect(tester.getBottomLeft(button).dy, equals(550.0)); expect(tester.getCenter(button).dx, equals(400.0)); }); testWidgetsWithLeakTracking('alignment with a flexible works', (WidgetTester tester) async { final GlobalKey key = GlobalKey(); final List slivers = [ sliverBox, SliverFillRemaining( hasScrollBody: false, child: Column( key: key, mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ const Flexible( child: Center(child: FlutterLogo(size: 100)), ), ElevatedButton( child: const Text('Bottom'), onPressed: () {}, ), ], ), ), ]; await tester.pumpWidget(boilerplate(slivers)); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byKey(key)).size.height, equals(450), ); // Check that the logo alignment is true to expectations final Finder logo = find.byType(FlutterLogo); expect( tester.renderObject(logo).size, const Size(100.0, 100.0), ); final VisualDensity density = VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity; expect(tester.getCenter(logo), Offset(400.0, 351.0 - density.vertical * 2.0)); // Also check that the button alignment is true to expectations // Buttons do not decrease their horizontal padding per the VisualDensity. final Finder button = find.byType(ElevatedButton); expect( tester.renderObject(button).size, Size(116.0 + math.max(0, density.horizontal) * 8.0, 48.0 + density.vertical * 4.0), ); expect(tester.getBottomLeft(button).dy, equals(600.0)); expect(tester.getCenter(button).dx, equals(400.0)); // Overscroll and see that alignment and size is maintained await tester.drag(find.byType(Scrollable), const Offset(0.0, -50.0)); await tester.pump(); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byKey(key)).size.height, equals(450), ); expect( tester.renderObject(logo).size, const Size(100.0, 100.0), ); expect(tester.getCenter(logo).dy, lessThan(351.0)); expect( tester.renderObject(button).size, // Buttons do not decrease their horizontal padding per the VisualDensity. Size(116.0 + math.max(0, density.horizontal) * 8.0, 48.0 + density.vertical * 4.0), ); expect(tester.getBottomLeft(button).dy, lessThan(600.0)); expect(tester.getCenter(button).dx, equals(400.0)); }, variant: const TargetPlatformVariant({ TargetPlatform.iOS, TargetPlatform.macOS })); group('fillOverscroll: true, relevant platforms', () { testWidgetsWithLeakTracking('child without size is sized by extent and overscroll', (WidgetTester tester) async { final List slivers = [ sliverBox, SliverFillRemaining( hasScrollBody: false, fillOverscroll: true, child: Container(color: Colors.blue), ), ]; // Check size await tester.pumpWidget(boilerplate(slivers)); final RenderBox box1 = tester.renderObject(find.byType(Container).last); expect(box1.size.height, equals(450)); // Overscroll and check size await tester.drag(find.byType(Scrollable), const Offset(0.0, -50.0)); await tester.pump(); final RenderBox box2 = tester.renderObject(find.byType(Container).last); expect(box2.size.height, greaterThan(450)); // Ensure overscroll retracts to original size after releasing gesture await tester.pumpAndSettle(); final RenderBox box3 = tester.renderObject(find.byType(Container).last); expect(box3.size.height, equals(450)); }, variant: const TargetPlatformVariant({ TargetPlatform.iOS, TargetPlatform.macOS })); testWidgetsWithLeakTracking('child with smaller size is overridden and sized by extent and overscroll', (WidgetTester tester) async { final GlobalKey key = GlobalKey(); final List slivers = [ sliverBox, SliverFillRemaining( hasScrollBody: false, fillOverscroll: true, child: ColoredBox( key: key, color: Colors.blue, child: Align( alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter, child: ElevatedButton( child: const Text('bottomCenter button'), onPressed: () {}, ), ), ), ), ]; await tester.pumpWidget(boilerplate(slivers)); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byKey(key)).size.height, equals(450), ); await tester.drag(find.byType(Scrollable), const Offset(0.0, -50.0)); await tester.pump(); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byKey(key)).size.height, greaterThan(450), ); // Also check that the button alignment is true to expectations, even with // child stretching to fill overscroll final Finder button = find.byType(ElevatedButton); expect(tester.getBottomLeft(button).dy, equals(600.0)); expect(tester.getCenter(button).dx, equals(400.0)); // Ensure overscroll retracts to original size after releasing gesture await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byKey(key)).size.height, equals(450), ); }, variant: const TargetPlatformVariant({ TargetPlatform.iOS, TargetPlatform.macOS })); testWidgetsWithLeakTracking('extent is overridden by child size and overscroll if precedingScrollExtent > viewportMainAxisExtent', (WidgetTester tester) async { final GlobalKey key = GlobalKey(); final ScrollController controller = ScrollController(); addTearDown(controller.dispose); final List slivers = [ SliverFixedExtentList( itemExtent: 150, delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate( (BuildContext context, int index) => Container(color: Colors.amber), childCount: 5, ), ), SliverFillRemaining( hasScrollBody: false, fillOverscroll: true, child: Container( key: key, color: Colors.blue[300], child: Align( child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(50.0), child: ElevatedButton( child: const Text('center button'), onPressed: () {}, ), ), ), ), ), ]; await tester.pumpWidget(boilerplate(slivers, controller: controller)); // Scroll to the end controller.jumpTo(controller.position.maxScrollExtent); await tester.pump(); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byKey(key)).size.height, equals(148.0 + VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity.vertical * 4.0), ); // Check that the button alignment is true to expectations final Finder button = find.byType(ElevatedButton); expect(tester.getBottomLeft(button).dy, equals(550.0)); expect(tester.getCenter(button).dx, equals(400.0)); // Drag for overscroll await tester.drag(find.byType(Scrollable), const Offset(0.0, -50.0)); await tester.pump(); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byKey(key)).size.height, greaterThan(148.0), ); // Check that the button alignment is still centered in stretched child expect(tester.getBottomLeft(button).dy, lessThan(550.0)); expect(tester.getCenter(button).dx, equals(400.0)); // Ensure overscroll retracts to original size after releasing gesture await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byKey(key)).size.height, equals(148.0 + VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity.vertical * 4.0), ); }, variant: const TargetPlatformVariant({ TargetPlatform.iOS, TargetPlatform.macOS })); testWidgetsWithLeakTracking('fillOverscroll works when child has no size and precedingScrollExtent > viewportMainAxisExtent', (WidgetTester tester) async { final GlobalKey key = GlobalKey(); final ScrollController controller = ScrollController(); addTearDown(controller.dispose); final List slivers = [ SliverFixedExtentList( itemExtent: 150, delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate( (BuildContext context, int index) { return Semantics(label: index.toString(), child: Container(color: Colors.amber)); }, childCount: 5, ), ), SliverFillRemaining( hasScrollBody: false, fillOverscroll: true, child: Container( key: key, color: Colors.blue, ), ), ]; await tester.pumpWidget(boilerplate(slivers, controller: controller)); expect(find.byKey(key), findsNothing); expect( find.bySemanticsLabel('4'), findsNothing, ); // Scroll to bottom controller.jumpTo(controller.position.maxScrollExtent); await tester.pump(); // Check item at the end of the list expect(find.byKey(key), findsNothing); expect( find.bySemanticsLabel('4'), findsOneWidget, ); // Overscroll await tester.drag(find.byType(Scrollable), const Offset(0.0, -50.0)); await tester.pump(); // Check for new item at the end of the now overscrolled list expect(find.byKey(key), findsOneWidget); expect( find.bySemanticsLabel('4'), findsOneWidget, ); // Ensure overscroll retracts to original size after releasing gesture await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect(find.byKey(key), findsNothing); expect( find.bySemanticsLabel('4'), findsOneWidget, ); }, variant: const TargetPlatformVariant({ TargetPlatform.iOS, TargetPlatform.macOS })); testWidgetsWithLeakTracking('alignment with a flexible works with fillOverscroll', (WidgetTester tester) async { final GlobalKey key = GlobalKey(); final List slivers = [ sliverBox, SliverFillRemaining( hasScrollBody: false, fillOverscroll: true, child: Column( key: key, mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ const Flexible( child: Center(child: FlutterLogo(size: 100)), ), ElevatedButton( child: const Text('Bottom'), onPressed: () {}, ), ], ), ), ]; await tester.pumpWidget(boilerplate(slivers)); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byKey(key)).size.height, equals(450), ); // Check that the logo alignment is true to expectations. final Finder logo = find.byType(FlutterLogo); expect( tester.renderObject(logo).size, const Size(100.0, 100.0), ); final VisualDensity density = VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity; expect(tester.getCenter(logo), Offset(400.0, 351.0 - density.vertical * 2.0)); // Also check that the button alignment is true to expectations. // Buttons do not decrease their horizontal padding per the VisualDensity. final Finder button = find.byType(ElevatedButton); expect( tester.renderObject(button).size, Size(116.0 + math.max(0, density.horizontal) * 8.0, 48.0 + density.vertical * 4.0), ); expect(tester.getBottomLeft(button).dy, equals(600.0)); expect(tester.getCenter(button).dx, equals(400.0)); // Overscroll and see that logo alignment shifts to maintain center as // container stretches with overscroll, button remains aligned at the // bottom. await tester.drag(find.byType(Scrollable), const Offset(0.0, -50.0)); await tester.pump(); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byKey(key)).size.height, greaterThan(450), ); expect( tester.renderObject(logo).size, const Size(100.0, 100.0), ); expect(tester.getCenter(logo).dy, lessThan(351.0)); expect( tester.renderObject(button).size, // Buttons do not decrease their horizontal padding per the VisualDensity. Size(116.0 + math.max(0, density.horizontal) * 8.0, 48.0 + density.vertical * 4.0), ); expect(tester.getBottomLeft(button).dy, equals(600.0)); expect(tester.getCenter(button).dx, equals(400.0)); // Ensure overscroll retracts to original position when gesture is // released. await tester.pumpAndSettle(); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byKey(key)).size.height, equals(450), ); expect( tester.renderObject(logo).size, const Size(100.0, 100.0), ); expect(tester.getCenter(logo), Offset(400.0, 351.0 - density.vertical * 2.0)); expect( tester.renderObject(button).size, // Buttons do not decrease their horizontal padding per the VisualDensity. Size(116.0 + math.max(0, density.horizontal) * 8.0, 48.0 + density.vertical * 4.0), ); expect(tester.getBottomLeft(button).dy, equals(600.0)); expect(tester.getCenter(button).dx, equals(400.0)); }, variant: const TargetPlatformVariant({ TargetPlatform.iOS, TargetPlatform.macOS })); }); group('fillOverscroll: true, is ignored on irrelevant platforms', () { // Android/Other scroll physics when hasScrollBody: false, ignores fillOverscroll: true testWidgetsWithLeakTracking('child without size is sized by extent', (WidgetTester tester) async { final List slivers = [ sliverBox, SliverFillRemaining( hasScrollBody: false, fillOverscroll: true, child: Container(color: Colors.blue), ), ]; await tester.pumpWidget(boilerplate(slivers)); final RenderBox box1 = tester.renderObject(find.byType(Container).last); expect(box1.size.height, equals(450)); await tester.drag(find.byType(Scrollable), const Offset(0.0, -50.0)); await tester.pump(); final RenderBox box2 = tester.renderObject(find.byType(Container).last); expect(box2.size.height, equals(450)); }); testWidgetsWithLeakTracking('child with size is overridden and sized by extent', (WidgetTester tester) async { final GlobalKey key = GlobalKey(); final List slivers = [ sliverBox, SliverFillRemaining( hasScrollBody: false, fillOverscroll: true, child: ColoredBox( key: key, color: Colors.blue, child: Align( alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter, child: ElevatedButton( child: const Text('bottomCenter button'), onPressed: () {}, ), ), ), ), ]; await tester.pumpWidget(boilerplate(slivers)); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byKey(key)).size.height, equals(450), ); await tester.drag(find.byType(Scrollable), const Offset(0.0, -50.0)); await tester.pump(); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byKey(key)).size.height, equals(450), ); // Also check that the button alignment is true to expectations final Finder button = find.byType(ElevatedButton); expect(tester.getBottomLeft(button).dy, equals(600.0)); expect(tester.getCenter(button).dx, equals(400.0)); }); testWidgetsWithLeakTracking('extent is overridden by child size if precedingScrollExtent > viewportMainAxisExtent', (WidgetTester tester) async { final GlobalKey key = GlobalKey(); final ScrollController controller = ScrollController(); addTearDown(controller.dispose); final List slivers = [ SliverFixedExtentList( itemExtent: 150, delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate( (BuildContext context, int index) => Container(color: Colors.amber), childCount: 5, ), ), SliverFillRemaining( hasScrollBody: false, fillOverscroll: true, child: Container( key: key, color: Colors.blue[300], child: Align( child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(50.0), child: ElevatedButton( child: const Text('center button'), onPressed: () {}, ), ), ), ), ), ]; await tester.pumpWidget(boilerplate(slivers, controller: controller)); // Scroll to the end controller.jumpTo(controller.position.maxScrollExtent); await tester.pump(); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byKey(key)).size.height, equals(148.0), ); // Check that the button alignment is true to expectations final Finder button = find.byType(ElevatedButton); expect(tester.getBottomLeft(button).dy, equals(550.0)); expect(tester.getCenter(button).dx, equals(400.0)); await tester.drag(find.byType(Scrollable), const Offset(0.0, -50.0)); await tester.pump(); expect( tester.renderObject(find.byKey(key)).size.height, equals(148.0), ); // Check that the button alignment is still centered expect(tester.getBottomLeft(button).dy, equals(550.0)); expect(tester.getCenter(button).dx, equals(400.0)); }); testWidgetsWithLeakTracking('child has no size and precedingScrollExtent > viewportMainAxisExtent', (WidgetTester tester) async { final GlobalKey key = GlobalKey(); final ScrollController controller = ScrollController(); addTearDown(controller.dispose); final List slivers = [ SliverFixedExtentList( itemExtent: 150, delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate( (BuildContext context, int index) { return Semantics(label: index.toString(), child: Container(color: Colors.amber)); }, childCount: 5, ), ), SliverFillRemaining( hasScrollBody: false, fillOverscroll: true, child: Container( key: key, color: Colors.blue, ), ), ]; await tester.pumpWidget(boilerplate(slivers, controller: controller)); expect(find.byKey(key), findsNothing); expect( find.bySemanticsLabel('4'), findsNothing, ); // Scroll to bottom controller.jumpTo(controller.position.maxScrollExtent); await tester.pump(); // End of list expect(find.byKey(key), findsNothing); expect( find.bySemanticsLabel('4'), findsOneWidget, ); // Overscroll await tester.drag(find.byType(Scrollable), const Offset(0.0, -50.0)); await tester.pump(); expect(find.byKey(key), findsNothing); expect( find.bySemanticsLabel('4'), findsOneWidget, ); }); }); }); }); }