// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:math' as math; import 'dart:sky' as sky; import 'dart:sky' show Point, Offset, Size, Rect, Color, Paint, Path; import 'package:sky/base/debug.dart'; import 'package:sky/base/hit_test.dart'; import 'package:sky/base/node.dart'; import 'package:sky/base/scheduler.dart' as scheduler; export 'dart:sky' show Point, Offset, Size, Rect, Color, Paint, Path; export 'package:sky/base/hit_test.dart' show EventDisposition, HitTestTarget, HitTestEntry, HitTestResult; class ParentData { void detach() { detachSiblings(); } void detachSiblings() { } // workaround for lack of inter-class mixins in Dart void merge(ParentData other) { // override this in subclasses to merge in data from other into this assert(other.runtimeType == this.runtimeType); } String toString() => '<none>'; } class PaintingCanvas extends sky.Canvas { PaintingCanvas(sky.PictureRecorder recorder, Rect bounds) : super(recorder, bounds); List<RenderObject> _descendentsWithPaintingCanvases = new List<RenderObject>(); // used by RenderObject._updatePaintingCanvas() to find out which RenderObjects to ask to paint void paintChild(RenderObject child, Point point) { if (child.createNewDisplayList) { assert(!_descendentsWithPaintingCanvases.contains(child)); _descendentsWithPaintingCanvases.add(child); drawPaintingNode(child._paintingNode, point); } else { child._paintOnCanvas(this, point.toOffset()); } } } abstract class Constraints { const Constraints(); bool get isTight; } typedef void LayoutCallback(Constraints constraints); abstract class RenderObject extends AbstractNode implements HitTestTarget { // LAYOUT // parentData is only for use by the RenderObject that actually lays this // node out, and any other nodes who happen to know exactly what // kind of node that is. dynamic parentData; // TODO(ianh): change the type of this back to ParentData once the analyzer is cleverer void setupParentData(RenderObject child) { // override this to setup .parentData correctly for your class assert(debugCanPerformMutations); if (child.parentData is! ParentData) child.parentData = new ParentData(); } void adoptChild(RenderObject child) { // only for use by subclasses // call this whenever you decide a node is a child assert(debugCanPerformMutations); assert(child != null); setupParentData(child); super.adoptChild(child); markNeedsLayout(); } void dropChild(RenderObject child) { // only for use by subclasses assert(debugCanPerformMutations); assert(child != null); assert(child.parentData != null); child._cleanRelayoutSubtreeRoot(); child.parentData.detach(); super.dropChild(child); markNeedsLayout(); } static bool _debugDoingLayout = false; static bool get debugDoingLayout => _debugDoingLayout; bool _debugDoingThisResize = false; bool get debugDoingThisResize => _debugDoingThisResize; bool _debugDoingThisLayout = false; bool get debugDoingThisLayout => _debugDoingThisLayout; static RenderObject _debugActiveLayout = null; static RenderObject get debugActiveLayout => _debugActiveLayout; bool _debugDoingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; bool _debugMutationsLocked = false; bool _debugCanParentUseSize; bool get debugCanParentUseSize => _debugCanParentUseSize; bool get debugCanPerformMutations { RenderObject node = this; while (true) { if (node._debugDoingThisLayoutWithCallback) return true; if (node._debugMutationsLocked) return false; if (node.parent is! RenderObject) return true; node = node.parent; } } static List<RenderObject> _nodesNeedingLayout = new List<RenderObject>(); bool _needsLayout = true; bool get needsLayout => _needsLayout; RenderObject _relayoutSubtreeRoot; Constraints _constraints; Constraints get constraints => _constraints; bool debugDoesMeetConstraints(); // override this in a subclass to verify that your state matches the constraints object bool debugAncestorsAlreadyMarkedNeedsLayout() { if (_relayoutSubtreeRoot == null) return true; // we haven't yet done layout even once, so there's nothing for us to do RenderObject node = this; while (node != _relayoutSubtreeRoot) { assert(node._relayoutSubtreeRoot == _relayoutSubtreeRoot); assert(node.parent != null); node = node.parent as RenderObject; if (!node._needsLayout) return false; } assert(node._relayoutSubtreeRoot == node); return true; } void markNeedsLayout() { assert(debugCanPerformMutations); if (_needsLayout) { assert(debugAncestorsAlreadyMarkedNeedsLayout()); return; } _needsLayout = true; assert(_relayoutSubtreeRoot != null); if (_relayoutSubtreeRoot != this) { final parent = this.parent; // TODO(ianh): Remove this once the analyzer is cleverer assert(parent is RenderObject); parent.markNeedsLayout(); assert(parent == this.parent); // TODO(ianh): Remove this once the analyzer is cleverer } else { _nodesNeedingLayout.add(this); scheduler.ensureVisualUpdate(); } } void _cleanRelayoutSubtreeRoot() { if (_relayoutSubtreeRoot != this) { _relayoutSubtreeRoot = null; _needsLayout = true; _cleanRelayoutSubtreeRootChildren(); } } void _cleanRelayoutSubtreeRootChildren() { } // workaround for lack of inter-class mixins in Dart void scheduleInitialLayout() { assert(attached); assert(parent == null); assert(_relayoutSubtreeRoot == null); _relayoutSubtreeRoot = this; assert(() { _debugCanParentUseSize = false; return true; }); _nodesNeedingLayout.add(this); _nodesNeedingPaint.add(this); scheduler.ensureVisualUpdate(); } static void flushLayout() { sky.tracing.begin('RenderObject.flushLayout'); _debugDoingLayout = true; try { List<RenderObject> dirtyNodes = _nodesNeedingLayout; _nodesNeedingLayout = new List<RenderObject>(); dirtyNodes..sort((a, b) => a.depth - b.depth)..forEach((node) { if (node._needsLayout && node.attached) node.layoutWithoutResize(); }); } finally { _debugDoingLayout = false; sky.tracing.end('RenderObject.flushLayout'); } } void layoutWithoutResize() { try { assert(_relayoutSubtreeRoot == this); RenderObject debugPreviousActiveLayout; assert(!_debugMutationsLocked); assert(!_debugDoingThisLayoutWithCallback); assert(_debugCanParentUseSize != null); assert(() { _debugMutationsLocked = true; _debugDoingThisLayout = true; debugPreviousActiveLayout = _debugActiveLayout; _debugActiveLayout = this; return true; }); performLayout(); assert(() { _debugActiveLayout = debugPreviousActiveLayout; _debugDoingThisLayout = false; _debugMutationsLocked = false; return true; }); } catch (e) { print('Exception raised during layout:\n${e}\nContext:\n${this}'); if (inDebugBuild) rethrow; return; } _needsLayout = false; markNeedsPaint(); } void layout(Constraints constraints, { bool parentUsesSize: false }) { final parent = this.parent; // TODO(ianh): Remove this once the analyzer is cleverer RenderObject relayoutSubtreeRoot; if (!parentUsesSize || sizedByParent || constraints.isTight || parent is! RenderObject) relayoutSubtreeRoot = this; else relayoutSubtreeRoot = parent._relayoutSubtreeRoot; assert(parent == this.parent); // TODO(ianh): Remove this once the analyzer is cleverer if (!needsLayout && constraints == _constraints && relayoutSubtreeRoot == _relayoutSubtreeRoot) return; _constraints = constraints; _relayoutSubtreeRoot = relayoutSubtreeRoot; assert(!_debugMutationsLocked); assert(!_debugDoingThisLayoutWithCallback); assert(() { _debugMutationsLocked = true; _debugCanParentUseSize = parentUsesSize; return true; }); if (sizedByParent) { assert(() { _debugDoingThisResize = true; return true; }); performResize(); assert(() { _debugDoingThisResize = false; return true; }); } RenderObject debugPreviousActiveLayout; assert(() { _debugDoingThisLayout = true; debugPreviousActiveLayout = _debugActiveLayout; _debugActiveLayout = this; return true; }); performLayout(); assert(() { _debugActiveLayout = debugPreviousActiveLayout; _debugDoingThisLayout = false; _debugMutationsLocked = false; return true; }); assert(debugDoesMeetConstraints()); _needsLayout = false; markNeedsPaint(); assert(parent == this.parent); // TODO(ianh): Remove this once the analyzer is cleverer } bool get sizedByParent => false; // return true if the constraints are the only input to the sizing algorithm (in particular, child nodes have no impact) void performResize(); // set the local dimensions, using only the constraints (only called if sizedByParent is true) void performLayout(); // Override this to perform relayout without your parent's // involvement. // // This is called during layout. If sizedByParent is true, then // performLayout() should not change your dimensions, only do that // in performResize(). If sizedByParent is false, then set both // your dimensions and do your children's layout here. // // When calling layout() on your children, pass in // "parentUsesSize: true" if your size or layout is dependent on // your child's size or intrinsic dimensions. void invokeLayoutCallback(LayoutCallback callback) { assert(_debugMutationsLocked); assert(_debugDoingThisLayout); assert(!_debugDoingThisLayoutWithCallback); assert(() { _debugDoingThisLayoutWithCallback = true; return true; }); callback(constraints); assert(() { _debugDoingThisLayoutWithCallback = false; return true; }); } // when the parent has rotated (e.g. when the screen has been turned // 90 degrees), immediately prior to layout() being called for the // new dimensions, rotate() is called with the old and new angles. // The next time paint() is called, the coordinate space will have // been rotated N quarter-turns clockwise, where: // N = newAngle-oldAngle // ...but the rendering is expected to remain the same, pixel for // pixel, on the output device. Then, the layout() method or // equivalent will be invoked. void rotate({ int oldAngle, // 0..3 int newAngle, // 0..3 Duration time }) { } // PAINTING static bool _debugDoingPaint = false; static bool get debugDoingPaint => _debugDoingPaint; static void set debugDoingPaint(bool value) { _debugDoingPaint = value; } bool _debugDoingThisPaint = false; bool get debugDoingThisPaint => _debugDoingThisPaint; static RenderObject _debugActivePaint = null; static RenderObject get debugActivePaint => _debugActivePaint; static List<RenderObject> _nodesNeedingPaint = new List<RenderObject>(); final sky.PaintingNode _paintingNode = new sky.PaintingNode(); sky.PaintingNode get paintingNode { assert(createNewDisplayList); return _paintingNode; } bool _needsPaint = true; bool get needsPaint => _needsPaint; void markNeedsPaint() { assert(!debugDoingPaint); if (!attached) return; // Don't try painting things that aren't in the hierarchy if (_needsPaint) return; if (createNewDisplayList) { _needsPaint = true; _nodesNeedingPaint.add(this); scheduler.ensureVisualUpdate(); } else { assert(parent != null); // parent always exists on this path because the root node is a RenderView, which sets createNewDisplayList. if (parent is RenderObject) { (parent as RenderObject).markNeedsPaint(); // TODO(ianh): remove the cast once the analyzer is cleverer } } } static void flushPaint() { sky.tracing.begin('RenderObject.flushPaint'); _debugDoingPaint = true; try { List<RenderObject> dirtyNodes = _nodesNeedingPaint; _nodesNeedingPaint = new List<RenderObject>(); for (RenderObject node in dirtyNodes..sort((a, b) => a.depth - b.depth)) { if (node._needsPaint && node.attached) node._updatePaintingCanvas(); }; assert(_nodesNeedingPaint.length == 0); } finally { _debugDoingPaint = false; sky.tracing.end('RenderObject.flushPaint'); } } void _updatePaintingCanvas() { assert(!_needsLayout); assert(createNewDisplayList); sky.PictureRecorder recorder = new sky.PictureRecorder(); PaintingCanvas canvas = new PaintingCanvas(recorder, paintBounds); _needsPaint = false; try { _paintOnCanvas(canvas, Offset.zero); } catch (e) { print('Exception raised during _updatePaintingCanvas:\n${e}\nContext:\n${this}'); if (inDebugBuild) rethrow; return; } assert(!_needsLayout); // check that the paint() method didn't mark us dirty again assert(!_needsPaint); // check that the paint() method didn't mark us dirty again _paintingNode.setBackingDrawable(recorder.endRecordingAsDrawable()); if (canvas._descendentsWithPaintingCanvases != null) { for (RenderObject node in canvas._descendentsWithPaintingCanvases) { assert(node.attached == attached); if (node._needsPaint) node._updatePaintingCanvas(); }; } } void _paintOnCanvas(PaintingCanvas canvas, Offset offset) { _needsPaint = false; assert(!_debugDoingThisPaint); RenderObject debugLastActivePaint; assert(() { _debugDoingThisPaint = true; debugLastActivePaint = _debugActivePaint; _debugActivePaint = this; debugPaint(canvas, offset); if (debugPaintBoundsEnabled) { canvas.save(); canvas.clipRect(paintBounds.shift(offset)); } return true; }); paint(canvas, offset); assert(() { if (debugPaintBoundsEnabled) canvas.restore(); _debugActivePaint = debugLastActivePaint; _debugDoingThisPaint = false; return true; }); assert(!_needsPaint); } bool get createNewDisplayList => false; Rect get paintBounds; void debugPaint(PaintingCanvas canvas, Offset offset) { } void paint(PaintingCanvas canvas, Offset offset) { } // EVENTS EventDisposition handleEvent(sky.Event event, HitTestEntry entry) { // override this if you have a client, to hand it to the client // override this if you want to do anything with the event return EventDisposition.ignored; } // HIT TESTING // RenderObject subclasses are expected to have a method like the // following (with the signature being whatever passes for coordinates // for this particular class): // bool hitTest(HitTestResult result, { Point position }) { // // If (x,y) is not inside this node, then return false. (You // // can assume that the given coordinate is inside your // // dimensions. You only need to check this if you're an // // irregular shape, e.g. if you have a hole.) // // Otherwise: // // For each child that intersects x,y, in z-order starting from the top, // // call hitTest() for that child, passing it /result/, and the coordinates // // converted to the child's coordinate origin, and stop at the first child // // that returns true. // // Then, add yourself to /result/, and return true. // } // You must not add yourself to /result/ if you return false. String toString([String prefix = '']) { RenderObject debugPreviousActiveLayout = _debugActiveLayout; _debugActiveLayout = null; String header = '${runtimeType}'; if (_relayoutSubtreeRoot != null && _relayoutSubtreeRoot != this) { int count = 1; RenderObject target = parent; while (target != null && target != _relayoutSubtreeRoot) { target = target.parent as RenderObject; count += 1; } header += ' relayoutSubtreeRoot=up$count'; } if (_needsLayout) header += ' NEEDS-LAYOUT'; if (!attached) header += ' DETACHED'; prefix += ' '; String result = '${header}\n${debugDescribeSettings(prefix)}${debugDescribeChildren(prefix)}'; _debugActiveLayout = debugPreviousActiveLayout; return result; } String debugDescribeSettings(String prefix) => '${prefix}parentData: ${parentData}\n${prefix}constraints: ${constraints}\n'; String debugDescribeChildren(String prefix) => ''; } double clamp({ double min: 0.0, double value: 0.0, double max: double.INFINITY }) { assert(min != null); assert(value != null); assert(max != null); return math.max(min, math.min(max, value)); } // GENERIC MIXIN FOR RENDER NODES WITH ONE CHILD abstract class RenderObjectWithChildMixin<ChildType extends RenderObject> implements RenderObject { ChildType _child; ChildType get child => _child; void set child (ChildType value) { if (_child != null) dropChild(_child); _child = value; if (_child != null) adoptChild(_child); } void attachChildren() { if (_child != null) _child.attach(); } void detachChildren() { if (_child != null) _child.detach(); } void _cleanRelayoutSubtreeRootChildren() { if (_child != null) _child._cleanRelayoutSubtreeRoot(); } String debugDescribeChildren(String prefix) { if (child != null) return '${prefix}child: ${child.toString(prefix)}'; return ''; } } // GENERIC MIXIN FOR RENDER NODES WITH A LIST OF CHILDREN abstract class ContainerParentDataMixin<ChildType extends RenderObject> { ChildType previousSibling; ChildType nextSibling; void detachSiblings() { if (previousSibling != null) { assert(previousSibling.parentData is ContainerParentDataMixin<ChildType>); assert(previousSibling != this); assert(previousSibling.parentData.nextSibling == this); previousSibling.parentData.nextSibling = nextSibling; } if (nextSibling != null) { assert(nextSibling.parentData is ContainerParentDataMixin<ChildType>); assert(nextSibling != this); assert(nextSibling.parentData.previousSibling == this); nextSibling.parentData.previousSibling = previousSibling; } previousSibling = null; nextSibling = null; } } abstract class ContainerRenderObjectMixin<ChildType extends RenderObject, ParentDataType extends ContainerParentDataMixin<ChildType>> implements RenderObject { bool _debugUltimatePreviousSiblingOf(ChildType child, { ChildType equals }) { assert(child.parentData is ParentDataType); while (child.parentData.previousSibling != null) { assert(child.parentData.previousSibling != child); child = child.parentData.previousSibling; assert(child.parentData is ParentDataType); } return child == equals; } bool _debugUltimateNextSiblingOf(ChildType child, { ChildType equals }) { assert(child.parentData is ParentDataType); while (child.parentData.nextSibling != null) { assert(child.parentData.nextSibling != child); child = child.parentData.nextSibling; assert(child.parentData is ParentDataType); } return child == equals; } int _childCount = 0; int get childCount => _childCount; ChildType _firstChild; ChildType _lastChild; void _addToChildList(ChildType child, { ChildType before }) { assert(child.parentData is ParentDataType); assert(child.parentData.nextSibling == null); assert(child.parentData.previousSibling == null); _childCount += 1; assert(_childCount > 0); if (before == null) { // append at the end (_lastChild) child.parentData.previousSibling = _lastChild; if (_lastChild != null) { assert(_lastChild.parentData is ParentDataType); _lastChild.parentData.nextSibling = child; } _lastChild = child; if (_firstChild == null) _firstChild = child; } else { assert(_firstChild != null); assert(_lastChild != null); assert(_debugUltimatePreviousSiblingOf(before, equals: _firstChild)); assert(_debugUltimateNextSiblingOf(before, equals: _lastChild)); assert(before.parentData is ParentDataType); if (before.parentData.previousSibling == null) { // insert at the start (_firstChild); we'll end up with two or more children assert(before == _firstChild); child.parentData.nextSibling = before; before.parentData.previousSibling = child; _firstChild = child; } else { // insert in the middle; we'll end up with three or more children // set up links from child to siblings child.parentData.previousSibling = before.parentData.previousSibling; child.parentData.nextSibling = before; // set up links from siblings to child assert(child.parentData.previousSibling.parentData is ParentDataType); assert(child.parentData.nextSibling.parentData is ParentDataType); child.parentData.previousSibling.parentData.nextSibling = child; child.parentData.nextSibling.parentData.previousSibling = child; assert(before.parentData.previousSibling == child); } } } void add(ChildType child, { ChildType before }) { assert(child != this); assert(before != this); assert(child != before); assert(child != _firstChild); assert(child != _lastChild); adoptChild(child); _addToChildList(child, before: before); } void addAll(List<ChildType> children) { if (children != null) for (ChildType child in children) add(child); } void _removeFromChildList(ChildType child) { assert(child.parentData is ParentDataType); assert(_debugUltimatePreviousSiblingOf(child, equals: _firstChild)); assert(_debugUltimateNextSiblingOf(child, equals: _lastChild)); assert(_childCount >= 0); if (child.parentData.previousSibling == null) { assert(_firstChild == child); _firstChild = child.parentData.nextSibling; } else { assert(child.parentData.previousSibling.parentData is ParentDataType); child.parentData.previousSibling.parentData.nextSibling = child.parentData.nextSibling; } if (child.parentData.nextSibling == null) { assert(_lastChild == child); _lastChild = child.parentData.previousSibling; } else { assert(child.parentData.nextSibling.parentData is ParentDataType); child.parentData.nextSibling.parentData.previousSibling = child.parentData.previousSibling; } child.parentData.previousSibling = null; child.parentData.nextSibling = null; _childCount -= 1; } void remove(ChildType child) { _removeFromChildList(child); dropChild(child); } void removeAll() { ChildType child = _firstChild; while (child != null) { assert(child.parentData is ParentDataType); ChildType next = child.parentData.nextSibling; child.parentData.previousSibling = null; child.parentData.nextSibling = null; dropChild(child); child = next; } _firstChild = null; _lastChild = null; _childCount = 0; } void move(ChildType child, { ChildType before }) { assert(child != this); assert(before != this); assert(child != before); assert(child.parent == this); assert(child.parentData is ParentDataType); if (child.parentData.nextSibling == before) return; _removeFromChildList(child); _addToChildList(child, before: before); } void redepthChildren() { ChildType child = _firstChild; while (child != null) { redepthChild(child); assert(child.parentData is ParentDataType); child = child.parentData.nextSibling; } } void attachChildren() { ChildType child = _firstChild; while (child != null) { child.attach(); assert(child.parentData is ParentDataType); child = child.parentData.nextSibling; } } void detachChildren() { ChildType child = _firstChild; while (child != null) { child.detach(); assert(child.parentData is ParentDataType); child = child.parentData.nextSibling; } } void _cleanRelayoutSubtreeRootChildren() { ChildType child = _firstChild; while (child != null) { child._cleanRelayoutSubtreeRoot(); assert(child.parentData is ParentDataType); child = child.parentData.nextSibling; } } ChildType get firstChild => _firstChild; ChildType get lastChild => _lastChild; ChildType childAfter(ChildType child) { assert(child.parentData is ParentDataType); return child.parentData.nextSibling; } String debugDescribeChildren(String prefix) { String result = ''; int count = 1; ChildType child = _firstChild; while (child != null) { result += '${prefix}child ${count}: ${child.toString(prefix)}'; count += 1; child = child.parentData.nextSibling; } return result; } }