// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:io'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; import 'package:gen_keycodes/key_data.dart'; import 'package:gen_keycodes/utils.dart'; /// Generates the keyboard_keys.dart and keyboard_maps.dart files, based on the /// information in the key data structure given to it. class CodeGenerator { CodeGenerator(this.keyData); /// Given an [input] string, wraps the text at 80 characters and prepends each /// line with the [prefix] string. Use for generated comments. String wrapString(String input, {String prefix = ' /// '}) { final int wrapWidth = 80 - prefix.length; final StringBuffer result = StringBuffer(); final List<String> words = input.split(RegExp(r'\s+')); String currentLine = words.removeAt(0); for (final String word in words) { if ((currentLine.length + word.length) < wrapWidth) { currentLine += ' $word'; } else { result.writeln('$prefix$currentLine'); currentLine = '$word'; } } if (currentLine.isNotEmpty) { result.writeln('$prefix$currentLine'); } return result.toString(); } /// Gets the generated definitions of PhysicalKeyboardKeys. String get physicalDefinitions { final StringBuffer definitions = StringBuffer(); for (final Key entry in keyData.data) { final String firstComment = wrapString('Represents the location of the ' '"${entry.commentName}" key on a generalized keyboard.'); final String otherComments = wrapString('See the function ' '[RawKeyEvent.physicalKey] for more information.'); definitions.write(''' $firstComment /// $otherComments static const PhysicalKeyboardKey ${entry.constantName} = PhysicalKeyboardKey(${toHex(entry.usbHidCode, digits: 8)}, debugName: kReleaseMode ? null : '${entry.commentName}'); '''); } return definitions.toString(); } /// Gets the generated definitions of LogicalKeyboardKeys. String get logicalDefinitions { String escapeLabel(String label) => label.contains("'") ? 'r"$label"' : "r'$label'"; final StringBuffer definitions = StringBuffer(); void printKey(int flutterId, String keyLabel, String constantName, String commentName, {String otherComments}) { final String firstComment = wrapString('Represents the logical "$commentName" key on the keyboard.'); otherComments ??= wrapString('See the function [RawKeyEvent.logicalKey] for more information.'); if (keyLabel == null) { definitions.write(''' $firstComment /// $otherComments static const LogicalKeyboardKey $constantName = LogicalKeyboardKey(${toHex(flutterId, digits: 11)}, debugName: kReleaseMode ? null : '$commentName'); '''); } else { definitions.write(''' $firstComment /// $otherComments static const LogicalKeyboardKey $constantName = LogicalKeyboardKey(${toHex(flutterId, digits: 11)}, keyLabel: ${escapeLabel(keyLabel)}, debugName: kReleaseMode ? null : '$commentName'); '''); } } for (final Key entry in keyData.data) { printKey( entry.flutterId, entry.keyLabel, entry.constantName, entry.commentName, ); } for (final String name in Key.synonyms.keys) { // Use the first item in the synonyms as a template for the ID to use. // It won't end up being the same value because it'll be in the pseudo-key // plane. final Key entry = keyData.data.firstWhere((Key item) => item.name == Key.synonyms[name][0]); final Set<String> unionNames = Key.synonyms[name].map<String>((dynamic name) { return upperCamelToLowerCamel(name as String); }).toSet(); printKey(Key.synonymPlane | entry.flutterId, entry.keyLabel, name, Key.getCommentName(name), otherComments: wrapString('This key represents the union of the keys ' '$unionNames when comparing keys. This key will never be generated ' 'directly, its main use is in defining key maps.')); } return definitions.toString(); } String get logicalSynonyms { final StringBuffer synonyms = StringBuffer(); for (final String name in Key.synonyms.keys) { for (final String synonym in Key.synonyms[name].cast<String>()) { final String keyName = upperCamelToLowerCamel(synonym); synonyms.writeln(' $keyName: $name,'); } } return synonyms.toString(); } List<Key> get numpadKeyData { return keyData.data.where((Key entry) { return entry.constantName.startsWith('numpad') && entry.keyLabel != null; }).toList(); } List<Key> get functionKeyData { final RegExp functionKeyRe = RegExp(r'^f[0-9]+$'); return keyData.data.where((Key entry) { return functionKeyRe.hasMatch(entry.constantName); }).toList(); } /// This generates the map of USB HID codes to physical keys. String get predefinedHidCodeMap { final StringBuffer scanCodeMap = StringBuffer(); for (final Key entry in keyData.data) { scanCodeMap.writeln(' ${toHex(entry.usbHidCode)}: ${entry.constantName},'); } return scanCodeMap.toString().trimRight(); } /// THis generates the map of Flutter key codes to logical keys. String get predefinedKeyCodeMap { final StringBuffer keyCodeMap = StringBuffer(); for (final Key entry in keyData.data) { keyCodeMap.writeln(' ${toHex(entry.flutterId, digits: 10)}: ${entry.constantName},'); } for (final String entry in Key.synonyms.keys) { // Use the first item in the synonyms as a template for the ID to use. // It won't end up being the same value because it'll be in the pseudo-key // plane. final Key primaryKey = keyData.data.firstWhere((Key item) { return item.name == Key.synonyms[entry][0]; }, orElse: () => null); assert(primaryKey != null); keyCodeMap.writeln(' ${toHex(Key.synonymPlane | primaryKey.flutterId, digits: 10)}: $entry,'); } return keyCodeMap.toString().trimRight(); } /// This generates the map of GLFW number pad key codes to logical keys. String get glfwNumpadMap { final StringBuffer glfwNumpadMap = StringBuffer(); for (final Key entry in numpadKeyData) { if (entry.glfwKeyCodes != null) { for (final int code in entry.glfwKeyCodes.cast<int>()) { glfwNumpadMap.writeln(' $code: LogicalKeyboardKey.${entry.constantName},'); } } } return glfwNumpadMap.toString().trimRight(); } /// This generates the map of GLFW key codes to logical keys. String get glfwKeyCodeMap { final StringBuffer glfwKeyCodeMap = StringBuffer(); for (final Key entry in keyData.data) { if (entry.glfwKeyCodes != null) { for (final int code in entry.glfwKeyCodes.cast<int>()) { glfwKeyCodeMap.writeln(' $code: LogicalKeyboardKey.${entry.constantName},'); } } } return glfwKeyCodeMap.toString().trimRight(); } /// This generates the map of XKB USB HID codes to physical keys. String get xkbScanCodeMap { final StringBuffer xkbScanCodeMap = StringBuffer(); for (final Key entry in keyData.data) { if (entry.xKbScanCode != null) { xkbScanCodeMap.writeln(' ${toHex(entry.xKbScanCode)}: PhysicalKeyboardKey.${entry.constantName},'); } } return xkbScanCodeMap.toString().trimRight(); } /// This generates the map of Android key codes to logical keys. String get androidKeyCodeMap { final StringBuffer androidKeyCodeMap = StringBuffer(); for (final Key entry in keyData.data) { if (entry.androidKeyCodes != null) { for (final int code in entry.androidKeyCodes.cast<int>()) { androidKeyCodeMap.writeln(' $code: LogicalKeyboardKey.${entry.constantName},'); } } } return androidKeyCodeMap.toString().trimRight(); } /// This generates the map of Android number pad key codes to logical keys. String get androidNumpadMap { final StringBuffer androidKeyCodeMap = StringBuffer(); for (final Key entry in numpadKeyData) { if (entry.androidKeyCodes != null) { for (final int code in entry.androidKeyCodes.cast<int>()) { androidKeyCodeMap.writeln(' $code: LogicalKeyboardKey.${entry.constantName},'); } } } return androidKeyCodeMap.toString().trimRight(); } /// This generates the map of Android scan codes to physical keys. String get androidScanCodeMap { final StringBuffer androidScanCodeMap = StringBuffer(); for (final Key entry in keyData.data) { if (entry.androidScanCodes != null) { for (final int code in entry.androidScanCodes.cast<int>()) { androidScanCodeMap.writeln(' $code: PhysicalKeyboardKey.${entry.constantName},'); } } } return androidScanCodeMap.toString().trimRight(); } /// This generates the map of macOS key codes to physical keys. String get macOsScanCodeMap { final StringBuffer macOsScanCodeMap = StringBuffer(); for (final Key entry in keyData.data) { if (entry.macOsScanCode != null) { macOsScanCodeMap.writeln(' ${toHex(entry.macOsScanCode)}: PhysicalKeyboardKey.${entry.constantName},'); } } return macOsScanCodeMap.toString().trimRight(); } /// This generates the map of macOS number pad key codes to logical keys. String get macOsNumpadMap { final StringBuffer macOsNumPadMap = StringBuffer(); for (final Key entry in numpadKeyData) { if (entry.macOsScanCode != null) { macOsNumPadMap.writeln(' ${toHex(entry.macOsScanCode)}: LogicalKeyboardKey.${entry.constantName},'); } } return macOsNumPadMap.toString().trimRight(); } String get macOsFunctionKeyMap { final StringBuffer macOsFunctionKeyMap = StringBuffer(); for (final Key entry in functionKeyData) { if (entry.macOsScanCode != null) { macOsFunctionKeyMap.writeln(' ${toHex(entry.macOsScanCode)}: LogicalKeyboardKey.${entry.constantName},'); } } return macOsFunctionKeyMap.toString().trimRight(); } /// This generates the map of Fuchsia key codes to logical keys. String get fuchsiaKeyCodeMap { final StringBuffer fuchsiaKeyCodeMap = StringBuffer(); for (final Key entry in keyData.data) { if (entry.usbHidCode != null) { fuchsiaKeyCodeMap.writeln(' ${toHex(entry.flutterId)}: LogicalKeyboardKey.${entry.constantName},'); } } return fuchsiaKeyCodeMap.toString().trimRight(); } /// This generates the map of Fuchsia USB HID codes to physical keys. String get fuchsiaHidCodeMap { final StringBuffer fuchsiaScanCodeMap = StringBuffer(); for (final Key entry in keyData.data) { if (entry.usbHidCode != null) { fuchsiaScanCodeMap.writeln(' ${toHex(entry.usbHidCode)}: PhysicalKeyboardKey.${entry.constantName},'); } } return fuchsiaScanCodeMap.toString().trimRight(); } /// This generates the map of Web KeyboardEvent codes to logical keys. String get webLogicalKeyMap { final StringBuffer result = StringBuffer(); for (final Key entry in keyData.data) { if (entry.name != null) { result.writeln(" '${entry.name}': LogicalKeyboardKey.${entry.constantName},"); } } return result.toString().trimRight(); } /// This generates the map of Web KeyboardEvent codes to physical keys. String get webPhysicalKeyMap { final StringBuffer result = StringBuffer(); for (final Key entry in keyData.data) { if (entry.name != null) { result.writeln(" '${entry.name}': PhysicalKeyboardKey.${entry.constantName},"); } } return result.toString().trimRight(); } /// This generates the map of Web number pad codes to logical keys. String get webNumpadMap { final StringBuffer result = StringBuffer(); for (final Key entry in numpadKeyData) { if (entry.name != null) { result.writeln(" '${entry.name}': LogicalKeyboardKey.${entry.constantName},"); } } return result.toString().trimRight(); } /// Substitutes the various maps and definitions into the template file for /// keyboard_key.dart. String generateKeyboardKeys() { final Map<String, String> mappings = <String, String>{ 'PHYSICAL_KEY_MAP': predefinedHidCodeMap, 'LOGICAL_KEY_MAP': predefinedKeyCodeMap, 'LOGICAL_KEY_DEFINITIONS': logicalDefinitions, 'LOGICAL_KEY_SYNONYMS': logicalSynonyms, 'PHYSICAL_KEY_DEFINITIONS': physicalDefinitions, }; final String template = File(path.join(flutterRoot.path, 'dev', 'tools', 'gen_keycodes', 'data', 'keyboard_key.tmpl')).readAsStringSync(); return _injectDictionary(template, mappings); } /// Substitutes the various platform specific maps into the template file for /// keyboard_maps.dart. String generateKeyboardMaps() { // There is no macOS keycode map since macOS uses keycode to represent a physical key. // The LogicalKeyboardKey is generated by raw_keyboard_macos.dart from the unmodified characters // from NSEvent. final Map<String, String> mappings = <String, String>{ 'ANDROID_SCAN_CODE_MAP': androidScanCodeMap, 'ANDROID_KEY_CODE_MAP': androidKeyCodeMap, 'ANDROID_NUMPAD_MAP': androidNumpadMap, 'FUCHSIA_SCAN_CODE_MAP': fuchsiaHidCodeMap, 'FUCHSIA_KEY_CODE_MAP': fuchsiaKeyCodeMap, 'MACOS_SCAN_CODE_MAP': macOsScanCodeMap, 'MACOS_NUMPAD_MAP': macOsNumpadMap, 'MACOS_FUNCTION_KEY_MAP': macOsFunctionKeyMap, 'GLFW_KEY_CODE_MAP': glfwKeyCodeMap, 'GLFW_NUMPAD_MAP': glfwNumpadMap, 'XKB_SCAN_CODE_MAP': xkbScanCodeMap, 'WEB_LOGICAL_KEY_MAP': webLogicalKeyMap, 'WEB_PHYSICAL_KEY_MAP': webPhysicalKeyMap, 'WEB_NUMPAD_MAP': webNumpadMap, }; final String template = File(path.join(flutterRoot.path, 'dev', 'tools', 'gen_keycodes', 'data', 'keyboard_maps.tmpl')).readAsStringSync(); return _injectDictionary(template, mappings); } /// The database of keys loaded from disk. final KeyData keyData; static String _injectDictionary(String template, Map<String, String> dictionary) { String result = template; for (final String key in dictionary.keys) { result = result.replaceAll('@@@$key@@@', dictionary[key]); } return result; } }