// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import '../../artifacts.dart'; import '../../base/build.dart'; import '../../base/common.dart'; import '../../base/file_system.dart'; import '../../base/io.dart'; import '../../build_info.dart'; import '../../globals.dart' as globals; import '../../macos/xcode.dart'; import '../../project.dart'; import '../../reporting/reporting.dart'; import '../build_system.dart'; import '../depfile.dart'; import '../exceptions.dart'; import 'assets.dart'; import 'common.dart'; import 'icon_tree_shaker.dart'; import 'shader_compiler.dart'; /// Supports compiling a dart kernel file to an assembly file. /// /// If more than one iOS arch is provided, then this rule will /// produce a universal binary. abstract class AotAssemblyBase extends Target { const AotAssemblyBase(); @override String get analyticsName => 'ios_aot'; @override Future<void> build(Environment environment) async { final AOTSnapshotter snapshotter = AOTSnapshotter( fileSystem: environment.fileSystem, logger: environment.logger, xcode: globals.xcode!, artifacts: environment.artifacts, processManager: environment.processManager, ); final String buildOutputPath = environment.buildDir.path; final String? environmentBuildMode = environment.defines[kBuildMode]; if (environmentBuildMode == null) { throw MissingDefineException(kBuildMode, 'aot_assembly'); } final String? environmentTargetPlatform = environment.defines[kTargetPlatform]; if (environmentTargetPlatform== null) { throw MissingDefineException(kTargetPlatform, 'aot_assembly'); } final String? sdkRoot = environment.defines[kSdkRoot]; if (sdkRoot == null) { throw MissingDefineException(kSdkRoot, 'aot_assembly'); } final List<String> extraGenSnapshotOptions = decodeCommaSeparated(environment.defines, kExtraGenSnapshotOptions); final BuildMode buildMode = getBuildModeForName(environmentBuildMode); final TargetPlatform targetPlatform = getTargetPlatformForName(environmentTargetPlatform); final String? splitDebugInfo = environment.defines[kSplitDebugInfo]; final bool dartObfuscation = environment.defines[kDartObfuscation] == 'true'; final List<DarwinArch> darwinArchs = environment.defines[kIosArchs] ?.split(' ') .map(getIOSArchForName) .toList() ?? <DarwinArch>[DarwinArch.arm64]; if (targetPlatform != TargetPlatform.ios) { throw Exception('aot_assembly is only supported for iOS applications.'); } final EnvironmentType? environmentType = environmentTypeFromSdkroot(sdkRoot, environment.fileSystem); if (environmentType == EnvironmentType.simulator) { throw Exception( 'release/profile builds are only supported for physical devices. ' 'attempted to build for simulator.' ); } final String? codeSizeDirectory = environment.defines[kCodeSizeDirectory]; // If we're building multiple iOS archs the binaries need to be lipo'd // together. final List<Future<int>> pending = <Future<int>>[]; for (final DarwinArch darwinArch in darwinArchs) { final List<String> archExtraGenSnapshotOptions = List<String>.of(extraGenSnapshotOptions); if (codeSizeDirectory != null) { final File codeSizeFile = environment.fileSystem .directory(codeSizeDirectory) .childFile('snapshot.${getNameForDarwinArch(darwinArch)}.json'); final File precompilerTraceFile = environment.fileSystem .directory(codeSizeDirectory) .childFile('trace.${getNameForDarwinArch(darwinArch)}.json'); archExtraGenSnapshotOptions.add('--write-v8-snapshot-profile-to=${codeSizeFile.path}'); archExtraGenSnapshotOptions.add('--trace-precompiler-to=${precompilerTraceFile.path}'); } pending.add(snapshotter.build( platform: targetPlatform, buildMode: buildMode, mainPath: environment.buildDir.childFile('app.dill').path, outputPath: environment.fileSystem.path.join(buildOutputPath, getNameForDarwinArch(darwinArch)), darwinArch: darwinArch, sdkRoot: sdkRoot, quiet: true, splitDebugInfo: splitDebugInfo, dartObfuscation: dartObfuscation, extraGenSnapshotOptions: archExtraGenSnapshotOptions, )); } final List<int> results = await Future.wait(pending); if (results.any((int result) => result != 0)) { throw Exception('AOT snapshotter exited with code ${results.join()}'); } // Combine the app lib into a fat framework. await Lipo.create( environment, darwinArchs, relativePath: 'App.framework/App', inputDir: buildOutputPath, ); // And combine the dSYM for each architecture too, if it was created. await Lipo.create( environment, darwinArchs, relativePath: 'App.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/App', inputDir: buildOutputPath, // Don't fail if the dSYM wasn't created (i.e. during a debug build). skipMissingInputs: true, ); } } /// Generate an assembly target from a dart kernel file in release mode. class AotAssemblyRelease extends AotAssemblyBase { const AotAssemblyRelease(); @override String get name => 'aot_assembly_release'; @override List<Source> get inputs => const <Source>[ Source.pattern('{FLUTTER_ROOT}/packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/build_system/targets/ios.dart'), Source.pattern('{BUILD_DIR}/app.dill'), Source.artifact(Artifact.engineDartBinary), Source.artifact(Artifact.skyEnginePath), // TODO(zanderso): cannot reference gen_snapshot with artifacts since // it resolves to a file (ios/gen_snapshot) that never exists. This was // split into gen_snapshot_arm64 and gen_snapshot_armv7. // Source.artifact(Artifact.genSnapshot, // platform: TargetPlatform.ios, // mode: BuildMode.release, // ), ]; @override List<Source> get outputs => const <Source>[ Source.pattern('{OUTPUT_DIR}/App.framework/App'), ]; @override List<Target> get dependencies => const <Target>[ ReleaseUnpackIOS(), KernelSnapshot(), ]; } /// Generate an assembly target from a dart kernel file in profile mode. class AotAssemblyProfile extends AotAssemblyBase { const AotAssemblyProfile(); @override String get name => 'aot_assembly_profile'; @override List<Source> get inputs => const <Source>[ Source.pattern('{FLUTTER_ROOT}/packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/build_system/targets/ios.dart'), Source.pattern('{BUILD_DIR}/app.dill'), Source.artifact(Artifact.engineDartBinary), Source.artifact(Artifact.skyEnginePath), // TODO(zanderso): cannot reference gen_snapshot with artifacts since // it resolves to a file (ios/gen_snapshot) that never exists. This was // split into gen_snapshot_arm64 and gen_snapshot_armv7. // Source.artifact(Artifact.genSnapshot, // platform: TargetPlatform.ios, // mode: BuildMode.profile, // ), ]; @override List<Source> get outputs => const <Source>[ Source.pattern('{OUTPUT_DIR}/App.framework/App'), ]; @override List<Target> get dependencies => const <Target>[ ProfileUnpackIOS(), KernelSnapshot(), ]; } /// Create a trivial App.framework file for debug iOS builds. class DebugUniversalFramework extends Target { const DebugUniversalFramework(); @override String get name => 'debug_universal_framework'; @override List<Target> get dependencies => const <Target>[ DebugUnpackIOS(), KernelSnapshot(), ]; @override List<Source> get inputs => const <Source>[ Source.pattern('{FLUTTER_ROOT}/packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/build_system/targets/ios.dart'), ]; @override List<Source> get outputs => const <Source>[ Source.pattern('{BUILD_DIR}/App.framework/App'), ]; @override Future<void> build(Environment environment) async { final String? sdkRoot = environment.defines[kSdkRoot]; if (sdkRoot == null) { throw MissingDefineException(kSdkRoot, name); } // Generate a trivial App.framework. final Set<String>? iosArchNames = environment.defines[kIosArchs]?.split(' ').toSet(); final File output = environment.buildDir .childDirectory('App.framework') .childFile('App'); environment.buildDir.createSync(recursive: true); await _createStubAppFramework( output, environment, iosArchNames, sdkRoot, ); } } /// Copy the iOS framework to the correct copy dir by invoking 'rsync'. /// /// This class is abstract to share logic between the three concrete /// implementations. The shelling out is done to avoid complications with /// preserving special files (e.g., symbolic links) in the framework structure. abstract class UnpackIOS extends Target { const UnpackIOS(); @override List<Source> get inputs => <Source>[ const Source.pattern( '{FLUTTER_ROOT}/packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/build_system/targets/ios.dart'), Source.artifact( Artifact.flutterXcframework, platform: TargetPlatform.ios, mode: buildMode, ), ]; @override List<Source> get outputs => const <Source>[ Source.pattern('{OUTPUT_DIR}/Flutter.framework/Flutter'), ]; @override List<Target> get dependencies => <Target>[]; @visibleForOverriding BuildMode get buildMode; @override Future<void> build(Environment environment) async { final String? sdkRoot = environment.defines[kSdkRoot]; if (sdkRoot == null) { throw MissingDefineException(kSdkRoot, name); } final String? archs = environment.defines[kIosArchs]; if (archs == null) { throw MissingDefineException(kIosArchs, name); } _copyFramework(environment, sdkRoot); final File frameworkBinary = environment.outputDir.childDirectory('Flutter.framework').childFile('Flutter'); final String frameworkBinaryPath = frameworkBinary.path; if (!frameworkBinary.existsSync()) { throw Exception('Binary $frameworkBinaryPath does not exist, cannot thin'); } _thinFramework(environment, frameworkBinaryPath, archs); if (buildMode == BuildMode.release) { _bitcodeStripFramework(environment, frameworkBinaryPath); } _signFramework(environment, frameworkBinaryPath, buildMode); } void _copyFramework(Environment environment, String sdkRoot) { final EnvironmentType? environmentType = environmentTypeFromSdkroot(sdkRoot, environment.fileSystem); final String basePath = environment.artifacts.getArtifactPath( Artifact.flutterFramework, platform: TargetPlatform.ios, mode: buildMode, environmentType: environmentType, ); final ProcessResult result = environment.processManager.runSync(<String>[ 'rsync', '-av', '--delete', '--filter', '- .DS_Store/', basePath, environment.outputDir.path, ]); if (result.exitCode != 0) { throw Exception( 'Failed to copy framework (exit ${result.exitCode}:\n' '${result.stdout}\n---\n${result.stderr}', ); } } /// Destructively thin Flutter.framework to include only the specified architectures. void _thinFramework(Environment environment, String frameworkBinaryPath, String archs) { final List<String> archList = archs.split(' ').toList(); final ProcessResult infoResult = environment.processManager.runSync(<String>[ 'lipo', '-info', frameworkBinaryPath, ]); final String lipoInfo = infoResult.stdout as String; final ProcessResult verifyResult = environment.processManager.runSync(<String>[ 'lipo', frameworkBinaryPath, '-verify_arch', ...archList, ]); if (verifyResult.exitCode != 0) { throw Exception('Binary $frameworkBinaryPath does not contain $archs. Running lipo -info:\n$lipoInfo'); } // Skip thinning for non-fat executables. if (lipoInfo.startsWith('Non-fat file:')) { environment.logger.printTrace('Skipping lipo for non-fat file $frameworkBinaryPath'); return; } // Thin in-place. final ProcessResult extractResult = environment.processManager.runSync(<String>[ 'lipo', '-output', frameworkBinaryPath, for (final String arch in archList) ...<String>[ '-extract', arch, ], ...<String>[frameworkBinaryPath], ]); if (extractResult.exitCode != 0) { throw Exception('Failed to extract $archs for $frameworkBinaryPath.\n${extractResult.stderr}\nRunning lipo -info:\n$lipoInfo'); } } /// Destructively strip bitcode from the framework. This can be removed /// when the framework is no longer built with bitcode. void _bitcodeStripFramework(Environment environment, String frameworkBinaryPath) { final ProcessResult stripResult = environment.processManager.runSync(<String>[ 'xcrun', 'bitcode_strip', frameworkBinaryPath, '-r', // Delete the bitcode segment. '-o', frameworkBinaryPath, ]); if (stripResult.exitCode != 0) { throw Exception('Failed to strip bitcode for $frameworkBinaryPath.\n${stripResult.stderr}'); } } } /// Unpack the release prebuilt engine framework. class ReleaseUnpackIOS extends UnpackIOS { const ReleaseUnpackIOS(); @override String get name => 'release_unpack_ios'; @override BuildMode get buildMode => BuildMode.release; } /// Unpack the profile prebuilt engine framework. class ProfileUnpackIOS extends UnpackIOS { const ProfileUnpackIOS(); @override String get name => 'profile_unpack_ios'; @override BuildMode get buildMode => BuildMode.profile; } /// Unpack the debug prebuilt engine framework. class DebugUnpackIOS extends UnpackIOS { const DebugUnpackIOS(); @override String get name => 'debug_unpack_ios'; @override BuildMode get buildMode => BuildMode.debug; } /// The base class for all iOS bundle targets. /// /// This is responsible for setting up the basic App.framework structure, including: /// * Copying the app.dill/kernel_blob.bin from the build directory to assets (debug) /// * Copying the precompiled isolate/vm data from the engine (debug) /// * Copying the flutter assets to App.framework/flutter_assets /// * Copying either the stub or real App assembly file to App.framework/App abstract class IosAssetBundle extends Target { const IosAssetBundle(); @override List<Target> get dependencies => const <Target>[ KernelSnapshot(), ]; @override List<Source> get inputs => const <Source>[ Source.pattern('{BUILD_DIR}/App.framework/App'), Source.pattern('{PROJECT_DIR}/pubspec.yaml'), ...IconTreeShaker.inputs, ...ShaderCompiler.inputs, ]; @override List<Source> get outputs => const <Source>[ Source.pattern('{OUTPUT_DIR}/App.framework/App'), Source.pattern('{OUTPUT_DIR}/App.framework/Info.plist'), ]; @override List<String> get depfiles => <String>[ 'flutter_assets.d', ]; @override Future<void> build(Environment environment) async { final String? environmentBuildMode = environment.defines[kBuildMode]; if (environmentBuildMode == null) { throw MissingDefineException(kBuildMode, name); } final BuildMode buildMode = getBuildModeForName(environmentBuildMode); final Directory frameworkDirectory = environment.outputDir.childDirectory('App.framework'); final String frameworkBinaryPath = frameworkDirectory.childFile('App').path; final Directory assetDirectory = frameworkDirectory.childDirectory('flutter_assets'); frameworkDirectory.createSync(recursive: true); assetDirectory.createSync(); // Only copy the prebuilt runtimes and kernel blob in debug mode. if (buildMode == BuildMode.debug) { // Copy the App.framework to the output directory. environment.buildDir .childDirectory('App.framework') .childFile('App') .copySync(frameworkBinaryPath); final String vmSnapshotData = environment.artifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.vmSnapshotData, mode: BuildMode.debug); final String isolateSnapshotData = environment.artifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.isolateSnapshotData, mode: BuildMode.debug); environment.buildDir.childFile('app.dill') .copySync(assetDirectory.childFile('kernel_blob.bin').path); environment.fileSystem.file(vmSnapshotData) .copySync(assetDirectory.childFile('vm_snapshot_data').path); environment.fileSystem.file(isolateSnapshotData) .copySync(assetDirectory.childFile('isolate_snapshot_data').path); } else { environment.buildDir.childDirectory('App.framework').childFile('App') .copySync(frameworkBinaryPath); } // Copy the dSYM if (environment.buildDir.childDirectory('App.framework.dSYM').existsSync()) { final File dsymOutputBinary = environment .outputDir .childDirectory('App.framework.dSYM') .childDirectory('Contents') .childDirectory('Resources') .childDirectory('DWARF') .childFile('App'); dsymOutputBinary.parent.createSync(recursive: true); environment .buildDir .childDirectory('App.framework.dSYM') .childDirectory('Contents') .childDirectory('Resources') .childDirectory('DWARF') .childFile('App') .copySync(dsymOutputBinary.path); } final FlutterProject flutterProject = FlutterProject.fromDirectory(environment.projectDir); // Copy the assets. final Depfile assetDepfile = await copyAssets( environment, assetDirectory, targetPlatform: TargetPlatform.ios, // Always specify an impeller shader target so that we support runtime toggling and // the --enable-impeller debug flag. shaderTarget: ShaderTarget.impelleriOS, additionalInputs: <File>[ flutterProject.ios.infoPlist, flutterProject.ios.appFrameworkInfoPlist, ], ); final DepfileService depfileService = DepfileService( fileSystem: environment.fileSystem, logger: environment.logger, ); depfileService.writeToFile( assetDepfile, environment.buildDir.childFile('flutter_assets.d'), ); // Copy the plist from either the project or module. flutterProject.ios.appFrameworkInfoPlist .copySync(environment.outputDir .childDirectory('App.framework') .childFile('Info.plist').path); _signFramework(environment, frameworkBinaryPath, buildMode); } } /// Build a debug iOS application bundle. class DebugIosApplicationBundle extends IosAssetBundle { const DebugIosApplicationBundle(); @override String get name => 'debug_ios_bundle_flutter_assets'; @override List<Source> get inputs => <Source>[ const Source.artifact(Artifact.vmSnapshotData, mode: BuildMode.debug), const Source.artifact(Artifact.isolateSnapshotData, mode: BuildMode.debug), const Source.pattern('{BUILD_DIR}/app.dill'), ...super.inputs, ]; @override List<Source> get outputs => <Source>[ const Source.pattern('{OUTPUT_DIR}/App.framework/flutter_assets/vm_snapshot_data'), const Source.pattern('{OUTPUT_DIR}/App.framework/flutter_assets/isolate_snapshot_data'), const Source.pattern('{OUTPUT_DIR}/App.framework/flutter_assets/kernel_blob.bin'), ...super.outputs, ]; @override List<Target> get dependencies => <Target>[ const DebugUniversalFramework(), ...super.dependencies, ]; } /// IosAssetBundle with debug symbols, used for Profile and Release builds. abstract class _IosAssetBundleWithDSYM extends IosAssetBundle { const _IosAssetBundleWithDSYM(); @override List<Source> get inputs => <Source>[ ...super.inputs, const Source.pattern('{BUILD_DIR}/App.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/App'), ]; @override List<Source> get outputs => <Source>[ ...super.outputs, const Source.pattern('{OUTPUT_DIR}/App.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/App'), ]; } /// Build a profile iOS application bundle. class ProfileIosApplicationBundle extends _IosAssetBundleWithDSYM { const ProfileIosApplicationBundle(); @override String get name => 'profile_ios_bundle_flutter_assets'; @override List<Target> get dependencies => const <Target>[ AotAssemblyProfile(), ]; } /// Build a release iOS application bundle. class ReleaseIosApplicationBundle extends _IosAssetBundleWithDSYM { const ReleaseIosApplicationBundle(); @override String get name => 'release_ios_bundle_flutter_assets'; @override List<Target> get dependencies => const <Target>[ AotAssemblyRelease(), ]; @override Future<void> build(Environment environment) async { bool buildSuccess = true; try { await super.build(environment); } catch (_) { // ignore: avoid_catches_without_on_clauses buildSuccess = false; rethrow; } finally { // Send a usage event when the app is being archived. // Since assemble is run during a `flutter build`/`run` as well as an out-of-band // archive command from Xcode, this is a more accurate count than `flutter build ipa` alone. if (environment.defines[kXcodeAction]?.toLowerCase() == 'install') { environment.logger.printTrace('Sending archive event if usage enabled.'); UsageEvent( 'assemble', 'ios-archive', label: buildSuccess ? 'success' : 'fail', flutterUsage: environment.usage, ).send(); } } } } /// Create an App.framework for debug iOS targets. /// /// This framework needs to exist for the Xcode project to link/bundle, /// but it isn't actually executed. To generate something valid, we compile a trivial /// constant. Future<void> _createStubAppFramework(File outputFile, Environment environment, Set<String>? iosArchNames, String sdkRoot) async { try { outputFile.createSync(recursive: true); } on Exception catch (e) { throwToolExit('Failed to create App.framework stub at ${outputFile.path}: $e'); } final FileSystem fileSystem = environment.fileSystem; final Directory tempDir = fileSystem.systemTempDirectory .createTempSync('flutter_tools_stub_source.'); try { final File stubSource = tempDir.childFile('debug_app.cc') ..writeAsStringSync(r''' static const int Moo = 88; '''); final EnvironmentType? environmentType = environmentTypeFromSdkroot(sdkRoot, fileSystem); await globals.xcode!.clang(<String>[ '-x', 'c', for (String arch in iosArchNames ?? <String>{}) ...<String>['-arch', arch], stubSource.path, '-dynamiclib', // Keep version in sync with AOTSnapshotter flag if (environmentType == EnvironmentType.physical) '-miphoneos-version-min=11.0' else '-miphonesimulator-version-min=11.0', '-Xlinker', '-rpath', '-Xlinker', '@executable_path/Frameworks', '-Xlinker', '-rpath', '-Xlinker', '@loader_path/Frameworks', '-fapplication-extension', '-install_name', '@rpath/App.framework/App', '-isysroot', sdkRoot, '-o', outputFile.path, ]); } finally { try { tempDir.deleteSync(recursive: true); } on FileSystemException { // Best effort. Sometimes we can't delete things from system temp. } on Exception catch (e) { throwToolExit('Failed to create App.framework stub at ${outputFile.path}: $e'); } } _signFramework(environment, outputFile.path, BuildMode.debug); } void _signFramework(Environment environment, String binaryPath, BuildMode buildMode) { String? codesignIdentity = environment.defines[kCodesignIdentity]; if (codesignIdentity == null || codesignIdentity.isEmpty) { codesignIdentity = '-'; } final ProcessResult result = environment.processManager.runSync(<String>[ 'codesign', '--force', '--sign', codesignIdentity, if (buildMode != BuildMode.release) ...<String>[ // Mimic Xcode's timestamp codesigning behavior on non-release binaries. '--timestamp=none', ], binaryPath, ]); if (result.exitCode != 0) { final String stdout = (result.stdout as String).trim(); final String stderr = (result.stderr as String).trim(); final StringBuffer output = StringBuffer(); output.writeln('Failed to codesign $binaryPath with identity $codesignIdentity.'); if (stdout.isNotEmpty) { output.writeln(stdout); } if (stderr.isNotEmpty) { output.writeln(stderr); } throw Exception(output.toString()); } }