// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:flutter_devicelab/framework/framework.dart'; import 'package:flutter_devicelab/framework/utils.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; /// Tests that the Flutter module project template works and supports /// adding Flutter to an existing iOS app. Future<void> main() async { await task(() async { section('Create Flutter module project'); final Directory tempDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('flutter_module_test.'); final Directory projectDir = Directory(path.join(tempDir.path, 'hello')); try { await inDirectory(tempDir, () async { await flutter( 'create', options: <String>[ '--org', 'io.flutter.devicelab', '--template=module', 'hello', ], ); }); section('Build ephemeral host app in release mode without CocoaPods'); await inDirectory(projectDir, () async { await flutter( 'build', options: <String>['ios', '--no-codesign'], ); }); final Directory ephemeralReleaseHostApp = Directory(path.join( projectDir.path, 'build', 'ios', 'iphoneos', 'Runner.app', )); if (!exists(ephemeralReleaseHostApp)) { return TaskResult.failure('Failed to build ephemeral host .app'); } if (!await _isAppAotBuild(ephemeralReleaseHostApp)) { return TaskResult.failure( 'Ephemeral host app ${ephemeralReleaseHostApp.path} was not a release build as expected' ); } if (await _hasDebugSymbols(ephemeralReleaseHostApp)) { return TaskResult.failure( "Ephemeral host app ${ephemeralReleaseHostApp.path}'s App.framework's " "debug symbols weren't stripped in release mode" ); } section('Clean build'); await inDirectory(projectDir, () async { await flutter('clean'); }); section('Build ephemeral host app in profile mode without CocoaPods'); await inDirectory(projectDir, () async { await flutter( 'build', options: <String>['ios', '--no-codesign', '--profile'], ); }); final Directory ephemeralProfileHostApp = Directory(path.join( projectDir.path, 'build', 'ios', 'iphoneos', 'Runner.app', )); if (!exists(ephemeralProfileHostApp)) { return TaskResult.failure('Failed to build ephemeral host .app'); } if (!await _isAppAotBuild(ephemeralProfileHostApp)) { return TaskResult.failure( 'Ephemeral host app ${ephemeralProfileHostApp.path} was not a profile build as expected' ); } if (!await _hasDebugSymbols(ephemeralProfileHostApp)) { return TaskResult.failure( "Ephemeral host app ${ephemeralProfileHostApp.path}'s App.framework does not contain debug symbols" ); } section('Clean build'); await inDirectory(projectDir, () async { await flutter('clean'); }); section('Build ephemeral host app in debug mode for simulator without CocoaPods'); await inDirectory(projectDir, () async { await flutter( 'build', options: <String>['ios', '--no-codesign', '--simulator', '--debug'], ); }); final Directory ephemeralDebugHostApp = Directory(path.join( projectDir.path, 'build', 'ios', 'iphonesimulator', 'Runner.app', )); if (!exists(ephemeralDebugHostApp)) { return TaskResult.failure('Failed to build ephemeral host .app'); } if (!exists(File(path.join( ephemeralDebugHostApp.path, 'Frameworks', 'App.framework', 'flutter_assets', 'isolate_snapshot_data', )))) { return TaskResult.failure( 'Ephemeral host app ${ephemeralDebugHostApp.path} was not a debug build as expected' ); } section('Clean build'); await inDirectory(projectDir, () async { await flutter('clean'); }); section('Add plugins'); final File pubspec = File(path.join(projectDir.path, 'pubspec.yaml')); String content = await pubspec.readAsString(); content = content.replaceFirst( '\ndependencies:\n', '\ndependencies:\n device_info:\n google_maps_flutter:\n', // One dynamic and one static framework. ); await pubspec.writeAsString(content, flush: true); await inDirectory(projectDir, () async { await flutter( 'packages', options: <String>['get'], ); }); section('Build ephemeral host app with CocoaPods'); await inDirectory(projectDir, () async { await flutter( 'build', options: <String>['ios', '--no-codesign'], ); }); final bool ephemeralHostAppWithCocoaPodsBuilt = exists(Directory(path.join( projectDir.path, 'build', 'ios', 'iphoneos', 'Runner.app', ))); if (!ephemeralHostAppWithCocoaPodsBuilt) { return TaskResult.failure('Failed to build ephemeral host .app with CocoaPods'); } final File podfileLockFile = File(path.join(projectDir.path, '.ios', 'Podfile.lock')); final String podfileLockOutput = podfileLockFile.readAsStringSync(); if (!podfileLockOutput.contains(':path: Flutter/engine') || !podfileLockOutput.contains(':path: Flutter/FlutterPluginRegistrant') || !podfileLockOutput.contains(':path: Flutter/.symlinks/device_info/ios') || !podfileLockOutput.contains(':path: Flutter/.symlinks/google_maps_flutter/ios')) { return TaskResult.failure('Building ephemeral host app Podfile.lock does not contain expected pods'); } section('Clean build'); await inDirectory(projectDir, () async { await flutter('clean'); }); section('Make iOS host app editable'); await inDirectory(projectDir, () async { await flutter( 'make-host-app-editable', options: <String>['ios'], ); }); section('Build editable host app'); await inDirectory(projectDir, () async { await flutter( 'build', options: <String>['ios', '--no-codesign'], ); }); final bool editableHostAppBuilt = exists(Directory(path.join( projectDir.path, 'build', 'ios', 'iphoneos', 'Runner.app', ))); if (!editableHostAppBuilt) { return TaskResult.failure('Failed to build editable host .app'); } section('Add to existing iOS Objective-C app'); final Directory objectiveCHostApp = Directory(path.join(tempDir.path, 'hello_host_app')); mkdir(objectiveCHostApp); recursiveCopy( Directory(path.join(flutterDirectory.path, 'dev', 'integration_tests', 'ios_host_app')), objectiveCHostApp, ); final File objectiveCAnalyticsOutputFile = File(path.join(tempDir.path, 'analytics-objc.log')); final Directory objectiveCBuildDirectory = Directory(path.join(tempDir.path, 'build-objc')); await inDirectory(objectiveCHostApp, () async { await exec('pod', <String>['install']); await exec( 'xcodebuild', <String>[ '-workspace', 'Host.xcworkspace', '-scheme', 'Host', '-configuration', 'Debug', 'CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=NO', 'CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO', 'CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=-', 'EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=-', 'CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=${objectiveCBuildDirectory.path}', 'COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE=NO', ], environment: <String, String> { 'FLUTTER_ANALYTICS_LOG_FILE': objectiveCAnalyticsOutputFile.path, }, ); }); final bool existingAppBuilt = exists(File(path.join( objectiveCBuildDirectory.path, 'Host.app', 'Host', ))); if (!existingAppBuilt) { return TaskResult.failure('Failed to build existing Objective-C app .app'); } final String objectiveCAnalyticsOutput = objectiveCAnalyticsOutputFile.readAsStringSync(); if (!objectiveCAnalyticsOutput.contains('cd24: ios') || !objectiveCAnalyticsOutput.contains('cd25: true') || !objectiveCAnalyticsOutput.contains('viewName: build/bundle')) { return TaskResult.failure( 'Building outer Objective-C app produced the following analytics: "$objectiveCAnalyticsOutput"' 'but not the expected strings: "cd24: ios", "cd25: true", "viewName: build/bundle"' ); } section('Fail building existing Objective-C iOS app if flutter script fails'); int xcodebuildExitCode = 0; await inDirectory(objectiveCHostApp, () async { xcodebuildExitCode = await exec( 'xcodebuild', <String>[ '-workspace', 'Host.xcworkspace', '-scheme', 'Host', '-configuration', 'Debug', 'ARCHS=i386', // i386 is not supported in Debug mode. 'CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=NO', 'CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO', 'CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=-', 'EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=-', 'CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=${objectiveCBuildDirectory.path}', 'COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE=NO', ], canFail: true, ); }); if (xcodebuildExitCode != 65) { // 65 returned on PhaseScriptExecution failure. return TaskResult.failure('Host Objective-C app build succeeded though flutter script failed'); } section('Add to existing iOS Swift app'); final Directory swiftHostApp = Directory(path.join(tempDir.path, 'hello_host_app_swift')); mkdir(swiftHostApp); recursiveCopy( Directory(path.join(flutterDirectory.path, 'dev', 'integration_tests', 'ios_host_app_swift')), swiftHostApp, ); final File swiftAnalyticsOutputFile = File(path.join(tempDir.path, 'analytics-swift.log')); final Directory swiftBuildDirectory = Directory(path.join(tempDir.path, 'build-swift')); await inDirectory(swiftHostApp, () async { await exec('pod', <String>['install']); await exec( 'xcodebuild', <String>[ '-workspace', 'Host.xcworkspace', '-scheme', 'Host', '-configuration', 'Debug', 'CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=NO', 'CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO', 'CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=-', 'EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=-', 'CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=${swiftBuildDirectory.path}', 'COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE=NO', ], environment: <String, String> { 'FLUTTER_ANALYTICS_LOG_FILE': swiftAnalyticsOutputFile.path, }, ); }); final bool existingSwiftAppBuilt = exists(File(path.join( swiftBuildDirectory.path, 'Host.app', 'Host', ))); if (!existingSwiftAppBuilt) { return TaskResult.failure('Failed to build existing Swift app .app'); } final String swiftAnalyticsOutput = swiftAnalyticsOutputFile.readAsStringSync(); if (!swiftAnalyticsOutput.contains('cd24: ios') || !swiftAnalyticsOutput.contains('cd25: true') || !swiftAnalyticsOutput.contains('viewName: build/bundle')) { return TaskResult.failure( 'Building outer Swift app produced the following analytics: "$swiftAnalyticsOutput"' 'but not the expected strings: "cd24: ios", "cd25: true", "viewName: build/bundle"' ); } return TaskResult.success(null); } catch (e) { return TaskResult.failure(e.toString()); } finally { rmTree(tempDir); } }); } Future<bool> _isAppAotBuild(Directory app) async { final String binary = path.join( app.path, 'Frameworks', 'App.framework', 'App', ); final String symbolTable = await eval( 'nm', <String> [ '-gU', binary, ], ); return symbolTable.contains('kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions'); } Future<bool> _hasDebugSymbols(Directory app) async { final String binary = path.join( app.path, 'Frameworks', 'App.framework', 'App', ); final String symbolTable = await eval( 'dsymutil', <String> [ '--dump-debug-map', binary, ], // The output is huge. printStdout: false, ); // Search for some random Flutter framework Dart function which should always // be in App.framework. return symbolTable.contains('BuildOwner_reassemble'); }