// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; import '../base/common.dart'; import '../base/file_system.dart'; import '../base/io.dart' hide IOSink; import '../base/utils.dart'; import '../device.dart'; import '../globals.dart'; import '../runner/flutter_command.dart'; const String _kOut = 'out'; const String _kSkia = 'skia'; const String _kSkiaServe = 'skiaserve'; class ScreenshotCommand extends FlutterCommand { ScreenshotCommand() { argParser.addOption( _kOut, abbr: 'o', help: 'Location to write the screenshot.', ); argParser.addOption( _kSkia, valueHelp: 'port', help: 'Retrieve the last frame rendered by a Flutter app as a Skia picture\n' 'using the specified diagnostic server port.\n' 'To find the diagnostic server port number, use "flutter run --verbose"\n' 'and look for "Diagnostic server listening on" in the output.' ); argParser.addOption( _kSkiaServe, valueHelp: 'url', help: 'Post the picture to a skiaserve debugger at this URL.', ); } @override String get name => 'screenshot'; @override String get description => 'Take a screenshot from a connected device.'; @override final List<String> aliases = <String>['pic']; Device device; @override Future<Null> verifyThenRunCommand() async { if (argResults[_kSkia] != null) { if (argResults[_kOut] != null && argResults[_kSkiaServe] != null) throwToolExit('Cannot specify both --$_kOut and --$_kSkiaServe'); } else { if (argResults[_kSkiaServe] != null) throwToolExit('Must specify --$_kSkia with --$_kSkiaServe'); device = await findTargetDevice(); if (device == null) throwToolExit('Must specify --$_kSkia or have a connected device'); if (!device.supportsScreenshot && argResults[_kSkia] == null) throwToolExit('Screenshot not supported for ${device.name}.'); } return super.verifyThenRunCommand(); } @override Future<Null> runCommand() async { File outputFile; if (argResults.wasParsed(_kOut)) outputFile = fs.file(argResults[_kOut]); if (argResults[_kSkia] != null) { return runSkia(outputFile); } else { return runScreenshot(outputFile); } } Future<Null> runScreenshot(File outputFile) async { outputFile ??= getUniqueFile(fs.currentDirectory, 'flutter', 'png'); try { if (!await device.takeScreenshot(outputFile)) throwToolExit('Screenshot failed'); } catch (error) { throwToolExit('Error taking screenshot: $error'); } await showOutputFileInfo(outputFile); } Future<Null> runSkia(File outputFile) async { Uri skpUri = new Uri(scheme: 'http', host: '', port: int.parse(argResults[_kSkia]), path: '/skp'); const String errorHelpText = 'Be sure the --$_kSkia= option specifies the diagnostic server port, not the observatory port.\n' 'To find the diagnostic server port number, use "flutter run --verbose"\n' 'and look for "Diagnostic server listening on" in the output.'; http.StreamedResponse skpResponse; try { skpResponse = await new http.Request('GET', skpUri).send(); } on SocketException catch (e) { throwToolExit('Skia screenshot failed: $skpUri\n$e\n\n$errorHelpText'); } if (skpResponse.statusCode != HttpStatus.OK) { String error = await skpResponse.stream.toStringStream().join(); throwToolExit('Error: $error\n\n$errorHelpText'); } if (argResults[_kSkiaServe] != null) { Uri skiaserveUri = Uri.parse(argResults[_kSkiaServe]); Uri postUri = new Uri.http(skiaserveUri.authority, '/new'); http.MultipartRequest postRequest = new http.MultipartRequest('POST', postUri); postRequest.files.add(new http.MultipartFile( 'file', skpResponse.stream, skpResponse.contentLength)); http.StreamedResponse postResponse = await postRequest.send(); if (postResponse.statusCode != HttpStatus.OK) throwToolExit('Failed to post Skia picture to skiaserve.\n\n$errorHelpText'); } else { outputFile ??= getUniqueFile(fs.currentDirectory, 'flutter', 'skp'); IOSink sink = outputFile.openWrite(); await sink.addStream(skpResponse.stream); await sink.close(); await showOutputFileInfo(outputFile); if (await outputFile.length() < 1000) { String content = await outputFile.readAsString(); if (content.startsWith('{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "error"')) throwToolExit('\nIt appears the output file contains an error message, not valid skia output.\n\n$errorHelpText'); } } } Future<Null> showOutputFileInfo(File outputFile) async { int sizeKB = (await outputFile.length()) ~/ 1000; printStatus('Screenshot written to ${path.relative(outputFile.path)} (${sizeKB}kb).'); } }