// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:archive/archive.dart'; import 'package:archive/archive_io.dart'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import 'package:vm_snapshot_analysis/treemap.dart'; import '../convert.dart'; import '../reporting/reporting.dart'; import 'file_system.dart'; import 'logger.dart'; import 'terminal.dart'; /// A class to analyze APK and AOT snapshot and generate a breakdown of the data. class SizeAnalyzer { SizeAnalyzer({ @required FileSystem fileSystem, @required Logger logger, // TODO(jonahwilliams): migrate to required once this has rolled into google3. Usage flutterUsage, Pattern appFilenamePattern = 'libapp.so', }) : _flutterUsage = flutterUsage, _fileSystem = fileSystem, _logger = logger, _appFilenamePattern = appFilenamePattern; final FileSystem _fileSystem; final Logger _logger; final Pattern _appFilenamePattern; final Usage _flutterUsage; String _appFilename; static const String aotSnapshotFileName = 'aot-snapshot.json'; static const int tableWidth = 80; static const int _kAotSizeMaxDepth = 2; static const int _kZipSizeMaxDepth = 1; /// Analyze the [aotSnapshot] in an uncompressed output directory. Future<Map<String, dynamic>> analyzeAotSnapshot({ @required Directory outputDirectory, @required File aotSnapshot, @required File precompilerTrace, @required String type, String excludePath, }) async { _logger.printStatus('▒' * tableWidth); _logger.printStatus('━' * tableWidth); final _SymbolNode aotAnalysisJson = _parseDirectory( outputDirectory, outputDirectory.parent.path, excludePath, ); // Convert an AOT snapshot file into a map. final Map<String, dynamic> processedAotSnapshotJson = treemapFromJson( json.decode(aotSnapshot.readAsStringSync()), ); final _SymbolNode aotSnapshotJsonRoot = _parseAotSnapshot(processedAotSnapshotJson); for (final _SymbolNode firstLevelPath in aotAnalysisJson.children) { _printEntitySize( firstLevelPath.name, byteSize: firstLevelPath.byteSize, level: 1, ); // Print the expansion of lib directory to show more info for `appFilename`. if (firstLevelPath.name == _fileSystem.path.basename(outputDirectory.path)) { _printLibChildrenPaths(firstLevelPath, '', aotSnapshotJsonRoot, _kAotSizeMaxDepth, 0); } } _logger.printStatus('▒' * tableWidth); Map<String, dynamic> apkAnalysisJson = aotAnalysisJson.toJson(); apkAnalysisJson['type'] = type; // one of apk, aab, ios, macos, windows, or linux. apkAnalysisJson = _addAotSnapshotDataToAnalysis( apkAnalysisJson: apkAnalysisJson, path: _locatedAotFilePath, aotSnapshotJson: processedAotSnapshotJson, precompilerTrace: json.decode(precompilerTrace.readAsStringSync()) as Map<String, Object>, ); assert(_appFilename != null); CodeSizeEvent(type, flutterUsage: _flutterUsage).send(); return apkAnalysisJson; } /// Analyzes [apk] and [aotSnapshot] to output a [Map] object that includes /// the breakdown of the both files, where the breakdown of [aotSnapshot] is placed /// under 'lib/arm64-v8a/$_appFilename'. /// /// [kind] must be one of 'apk' or 'aab'. /// The [aotSnapshot] can be either instruction sizes snapshot or a v8 snapshot. Future<Map<String, dynamic>> analyzeZipSizeAndAotSnapshot({ @required File zipFile, @required File aotSnapshot, @required File precompilerTrace, @required String kind, }) async { assert(kind == 'apk' || kind == 'aab'); _logger.printStatus('▒' * tableWidth); _printEntitySize( '${zipFile.basename} (total compressed)', byteSize: zipFile.lengthSync(), level: 0, showColor: false, ); _logger.printStatus('━' * tableWidth); final _SymbolNode apkAnalysisRoot = _parseUnzipFile(zipFile); // Convert an AOT snapshot file into a map. final Map<String, dynamic> processedAotSnapshotJson = treemapFromJson( json.decode(aotSnapshot.readAsStringSync()), ); final _SymbolNode aotSnapshotJsonRoot = _parseAotSnapshot(processedAotSnapshotJson); for (final _SymbolNode firstLevelPath in apkAnalysisRoot.children) { _printLibChildrenPaths(firstLevelPath, '', aotSnapshotJsonRoot, _kZipSizeMaxDepth, 0); } _logger.printStatus('▒' * tableWidth); Map<String, dynamic> apkAnalysisJson = apkAnalysisRoot.toJson(); apkAnalysisJson['type'] = kind; assert(_appFilename != null); apkAnalysisJson = _addAotSnapshotDataToAnalysis( apkAnalysisJson: apkAnalysisJson, path: _locatedAotFilePath, aotSnapshotJson: processedAotSnapshotJson, precompilerTrace: json.decode(precompilerTrace.readAsStringSync()) as Map<String, Object>, ); CodeSizeEvent(kind, flutterUsage: _flutterUsage).send(); return apkAnalysisJson; } _SymbolNode _parseUnzipFile(File zipFile) { final Archive archive = ZipDecoder().decodeBytes(zipFile.readAsBytesSync()); final Map<List<String>, int> pathsToSize = <List<String>, int>{}; for (final ArchiveFile archiveFile in archive.files) { pathsToSize[_fileSystem.path.split(archiveFile.name)] = archiveFile.rawContent.length; } return _buildSymbolTree(pathsToSize); } _SymbolNode _parseDirectory(Directory directory, String relativeTo, String excludePath) { final Map<List<String>, int> pathsToSize = <List<String>, int>{}; for (final File file in directory.listSync(recursive: true).whereType<File>()) { if (excludePath != null && file.uri.pathSegments.contains(excludePath)) { continue; } final List<String> path = _fileSystem.path.split( _fileSystem.path.relative(file.path, from: relativeTo)); pathsToSize[path] = file.lengthSync(); } return _buildSymbolTree(pathsToSize); } List<String> _locatedAotFilePath; List<String> _buildNodeName(_SymbolNode start, _SymbolNode parent) { final List<String> results = <String>[start.name]; while (parent != null && parent.name != 'Root') { results.insert(0, parent.name); parent = parent.parent; } return results; } _SymbolNode _buildSymbolTree(Map<List<String>, int> pathsToSize) { final _SymbolNode rootNode = _SymbolNode('Root'); _SymbolNode currentNode = rootNode; for (final List<String> paths in pathsToSize.keys) { for (final String path in paths) { _SymbolNode childWithPathAsName = currentNode.childByName(path); if (childWithPathAsName == null) { childWithPathAsName = _SymbolNode(path); if (matchesPattern(path, pattern: _appFilenamePattern) != null) { _appFilename = path; childWithPathAsName.name += ' (Dart AOT)'; _locatedAotFilePath = _buildNodeName(childWithPathAsName, currentNode); } else if (path == 'libflutter.so') { childWithPathAsName.name += ' (Flutter Engine)'; } currentNode.addChild(childWithPathAsName); } childWithPathAsName.addSize(pathsToSize[paths]); currentNode = childWithPathAsName; } currentNode = rootNode; } return rootNode; } /// Prints all children paths for the lib/ directory in an APK. /// /// A brief summary of aot snapshot is printed under 'lib/arm64-v8a/$_appFilename'. void _printLibChildrenPaths( _SymbolNode currentNode, String totalPath, _SymbolNode aotSnapshotJsonRoot, int maxDepth, int currentDepth, ) { totalPath += currentNode.name; assert(_appFilename != null); if (currentNode.children.isNotEmpty && currentNode.name != '$_appFilename (Dart AOT)' && currentDepth < maxDepth && currentNode.byteSize >= 1000) { for (final _SymbolNode child in currentNode.children) { _printLibChildrenPaths(child, '$totalPath/', aotSnapshotJsonRoot, maxDepth, currentDepth + 1); } _leadingPaths = totalPath.split('/') ..removeLast(); } else { // Print total path and size if currentNode does not have any children and is // larger than 1KB final bool isAotSnapshotPath = _locatedAotFilePath.join('/').contains(totalPath); if (currentNode.byteSize >= 1000 || isAotSnapshotPath) { _printEntitySize(totalPath, byteSize: currentNode.byteSize, level: 1, emphasis: currentNode.children.isNotEmpty); if (isAotSnapshotPath) { _printAotSnapshotSummary(aotSnapshotJsonRoot, level: totalPath.split('/').length); } _leadingPaths = totalPath.split('/') ..removeLast(); } } } /// Go through the AOT gen snapshot size JSON and print out a collapsed summary /// for the first package level. void _printAotSnapshotSummary(_SymbolNode aotSnapshotRoot, {int maxDirectoriesShown = 20, @required int level}) { _printEntitySize( 'Dart AOT symbols accounted decompressed size', byteSize: aotSnapshotRoot.byteSize, level: level, emphasis: true, ); final List<_SymbolNode> sortedSymbols = aotSnapshotRoot.children.toList() // Remove entries like @unknown, @shared, and @stubs as well as private dart libraries // which are not interpretable by end users. ..removeWhere((_SymbolNode node) => node.name.startsWith('@') || node.name.startsWith('dart:_')) ..sort((_SymbolNode a, _SymbolNode b) => b.byteSize.compareTo(a.byteSize)); for (final _SymbolNode node in sortedSymbols.take(maxDirectoriesShown)) { // Node names will have an extra leading `package:*` name, remove it to // avoid extra nesting. _printEntitySize(_formatExtraLeadingPackages(node.name), byteSize: node.byteSize, level: level + 1); } } String _formatExtraLeadingPackages(String name) { if (!name.startsWith('package')) { return name; } final List<String> chunks = name.split('/'); if (chunks.length < 2) { return name; } chunks.removeAt(0); return chunks.join('/'); } /// Adds breakdown of aot snapshot data as the children of the node at the given path. Map<String, dynamic> _addAotSnapshotDataToAnalysis({ @required Map<String, dynamic> apkAnalysisJson, @required List<String> path, @required Map<String, dynamic> aotSnapshotJson, @required Map<String, dynamic> precompilerTrace, }) { Map<String, dynamic> currentLevel = apkAnalysisJson; currentLevel['precompiler-trace'] = precompilerTrace; while (path.isNotEmpty) { final List<Map<String, dynamic>> children = currentLevel['children'] as List<Map<String, dynamic>>; final Map<String, dynamic> childWithPathAsName = children.firstWhere( (Map<String, dynamic> child) => child['n'] as String == path.first, ); path.removeAt(0); currentLevel = childWithPathAsName; } currentLevel['children'] = aotSnapshotJson['children']; return apkAnalysisJson; } List<String> _leadingPaths = <String>[]; /// Print an entity's name with its size on the same line. void _printEntitySize( String entityName, { @required int byteSize, @required int level, bool showColor = true, bool emphasis = false, }) { final String formattedSize = _prettyPrintBytes(byteSize); TerminalColor color = TerminalColor.green; if (formattedSize.endsWith('MB')) { color = TerminalColor.cyan; } else if (formattedSize.endsWith('KB')) { color = TerminalColor.yellow; } // Compute any preceding directories, and compare this to the stored // directories (in _leadingPaths) for the last entity that was printed. The // similarly determines whether or not leading directory information needs to // be printed. final List<String> localSegments = entityName.split('/') ..removeLast(); int i = 0; while (i < _leadingPaths.length && i < localSegments.length && _leadingPaths[i] == localSegments[i]) { i += 1; } for (; i < localSegments.length; i += 1) { _logger.printStatus( localSegments[i] + '/', indent: (level + i) * 2, emphasis: true, ); } _leadingPaths = localSegments; final String baseName = _fileSystem.path.basename(entityName); final int spaceInBetween = tableWidth - (level + i) * 2 - baseName.length - formattedSize.length; _logger.printStatus( baseName + ' ' * spaceInBetween, newline: false, emphasis: emphasis, indent: (level + i) * 2, ); _logger.printStatus(formattedSize, color: showColor ? color : null); } String _prettyPrintBytes(int numBytes) { const int kB = 1024; const int mB = kB * 1024; if (numBytes < kB) { return '$numBytes B'; } else if (numBytes < mB) { return '${(numBytes / kB).round()} KB'; } else { return '${(numBytes / mB).round()} MB'; } } _SymbolNode _parseAotSnapshot(Map<String, dynamic> aotSnapshotJson) { final bool isLeafNode = aotSnapshotJson['children'] == null; if (!isLeafNode) { return _buildNodeWithChildren(aotSnapshotJson); } else { // TODO(peterdjlee): Investigate why there are leaf nodes with size of null. final int byteSize = aotSnapshotJson['value'] as int; if (byteSize == null) { return null; } return _buildNode(aotSnapshotJson, byteSize); } } _SymbolNode _buildNode( Map<String, dynamic> aotSnapshotJson, int byteSize, { List<_SymbolNode> children = const <_SymbolNode>[], }) { final String name = aotSnapshotJson['n'] as String; final Map<String, _SymbolNode> childrenMap = <String, _SymbolNode>{}; for (final _SymbolNode child in children) { childrenMap[child.name] = child; } return _SymbolNode( name, byteSize: byteSize, )..addAllChildren(children); } /// Builds a node by recursively building all of its children first /// in order to calculate the sum of its children's sizes. _SymbolNode _buildNodeWithChildren(Map<String, dynamic> aotSnapshotJson) { final List<dynamic> rawChildren = aotSnapshotJson['children'] as List<dynamic>; final List<_SymbolNode> symbolNodeChildren = <_SymbolNode>[]; int totalByteSize = 0; // Given a child, build its subtree. for (final dynamic child in rawChildren) { final _SymbolNode childTreemapNode = _parseAotSnapshot(child as Map<String, dynamic>); symbolNodeChildren.add(childTreemapNode); totalByteSize += childTreemapNode.byteSize; } // If none of the children matched the diff tree type if (totalByteSize == 0) { return null; } else { return _buildNode( aotSnapshotJson, totalByteSize, children: symbolNodeChildren, ); } } } /// A node class that represents a single symbol for AOT size snapshots. class _SymbolNode { _SymbolNode( this.name, { this.byteSize = 0, }) : assert(name != null), assert(byteSize != null), _children = <String, _SymbolNode>{}; /// The human friendly identifier for this node. String name; int byteSize; void addSize(int sizeToBeAdded) { byteSize += sizeToBeAdded; } _SymbolNode get parent => _parent; _SymbolNode _parent; Iterable<_SymbolNode> get children => _children.values; final Map<String, _SymbolNode> _children; _SymbolNode childByName(String name) => _children[name]; _SymbolNode addChild(_SymbolNode child) { assert(child.parent == null); assert(!_children.containsKey(child.name), 'Cannot add duplicate child key ${child.name}'); child._parent = this; _children[child.name] = child; return child; } void addAllChildren(List<_SymbolNode> children) { children.forEach(addChild); } Map<String, dynamic> toJson() { final Map<String, dynamic> json = <String, dynamic>{ 'n': name, 'value': byteSize }; final List<Map<String, dynamic>> childrenAsJson = <Map<String, dynamic>>[]; for (final _SymbolNode child in children) { childrenAsJson.add(child.toJson()); } if (childrenAsJson.isNotEmpty) { json['children'] = childrenAsJson; } return json; } } /// Matches `pattern` against the entirety of `string`. @visibleForTesting Match matchesPattern(String string, {@required Pattern pattern}) { final Match match = pattern.matchAsPrefix(string); return (match != null && match.end == string.length) ? match : null; }