// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:collection'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'actions.dart'; import 'focus_manager.dart'; import 'focus_scope.dart'; import 'framework.dart'; import 'platform_menu_bar.dart'; final Set<LogicalKeyboardKey> _controlSynonyms = LogicalKeyboardKey.expandSynonyms(<LogicalKeyboardKey>{LogicalKeyboardKey.control}); final Set<LogicalKeyboardKey> _shiftSynonyms = LogicalKeyboardKey.expandSynonyms(<LogicalKeyboardKey>{LogicalKeyboardKey.shift}); final Set<LogicalKeyboardKey> _altSynonyms = LogicalKeyboardKey.expandSynonyms(<LogicalKeyboardKey>{LogicalKeyboardKey.alt}); final Set<LogicalKeyboardKey> _metaSynonyms = LogicalKeyboardKey.expandSynonyms(<LogicalKeyboardKey>{LogicalKeyboardKey.meta}); /// A set of [KeyboardKey]s that can be used as the keys in a [Map]. /// /// A key set contains the keys that are down simultaneously to represent a /// shortcut. /// /// This is a thin wrapper around a [Set], but changes the equality comparison /// from an identity comparison to a contents comparison so that non-identical /// sets with the same keys in them will compare as equal. /// /// See also: /// /// * [ShortcutManager], which uses [LogicalKeySet] (a [KeySet] subclass) to /// define its key map. @immutable class KeySet<T extends KeyboardKey> { /// A constructor for making a [KeySet] of up to four keys. /// /// If you need a set of more than four keys, use [KeySet.fromSet]. /// /// The same [KeyboardKey] may not be appear more than once in the set. KeySet( T key1, [ T? key2, T? key3, T? key4, ]) : _keys = HashSet<T>()..add(key1) { int count = 1; if (key2 != null) { _keys.add(key2); assert(() { count++; return true; }()); } if (key3 != null) { _keys.add(key3); assert(() { count++; return true; }()); } if (key4 != null) { _keys.add(key4); assert(() { count++; return true; }()); } assert(_keys.length == count, 'Two or more provided keys are identical. Each key must appear only once.'); } /// Create a [KeySet] from a set of [KeyboardKey]s. /// /// Do not mutate the `keys` set after passing it to this object. /// /// The `keys` set must not be empty. KeySet.fromSet(Set<T> keys) : assert(keys.isNotEmpty), assert(!keys.contains(null)), _keys = HashSet<T>.of(keys); /// Returns a copy of the [KeyboardKey]s in this [KeySet]. Set<T> get keys => _keys.toSet(); final HashSet<T> _keys; @override bool operator ==(Object other) { if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) { return false; } return other is KeySet<T> && setEquals<T>(other._keys, _keys); } // Cached hash code value. Improves [hashCode] performance by 27%-900%, // depending on key set size and read/write ratio. @override late final int hashCode = _computeHashCode(_keys); // Arrays used to temporarily store hash codes for sorting. static final List<int> _tempHashStore3 = <int>[0, 0, 0]; // used to sort exactly 3 keys static final List<int> _tempHashStore4 = <int>[0, 0, 0, 0]; // used to sort exactly 4 keys static int _computeHashCode<T>(Set<T> keys) { // Compute order-independent hash and cache it. final int length = keys.length; final Iterator<T> iterator = keys.iterator; // There's always at least one key. Just extract it. iterator.moveNext(); final int h1 = iterator.current.hashCode; if (length == 1) { // Don't do anything fancy if there's exactly one key. return h1; } iterator.moveNext(); final int h2 = iterator.current.hashCode; if (length == 2) { // No need to sort if there's two keys, just compare them. return h1 < h2 ? Object.hash(h1, h2) : Object.hash(h2, h1); } // Sort key hash codes and feed to Object.hashAll to ensure the aggregate // hash code does not depend on the key order. final List<int> sortedHashes = length == 3 ? _tempHashStore3 : _tempHashStore4; sortedHashes[0] = h1; sortedHashes[1] = h2; iterator.moveNext(); sortedHashes[2] = iterator.current.hashCode; if (length == 4) { iterator.moveNext(); sortedHashes[3] = iterator.current.hashCode; } sortedHashes.sort(); return Object.hashAll(sortedHashes); } } /// An interface to define the keyboard key combination to trigger a shortcut. /// /// [ShortcutActivator]s are used by [Shortcuts] widgets, and are mapped to /// [Intent]s, the intended behavior that the key combination should trigger. /// When a [Shortcuts] widget receives a key event, its [ShortcutManager] looks /// up the first matching [ShortcutActivator], and signals the corresponding /// [Intent], which might trigger an action as defined by a hierarchy of /// [Actions] widgets. For a detailed introduction on the mechanism and use of /// the shortcut-action system, see [Actions]. /// /// The matching [ShortcutActivator] is looked up in the following way: /// /// * Find the registered [ShortcutActivator]s whose [triggers] contain the /// incoming event. /// * Of the previous list, finds the first activator whose [accepts] returns /// true in the order of insertion. /// /// See also: /// /// * [SingleActivator], an implementation that represents a single key combined /// with modifiers (control, shift, alt, meta). /// * [CharacterActivator], an implementation that represents key combinations /// that result in the specified character, such as question mark. /// * [LogicalKeySet], an implementation that requires one or more /// [LogicalKeyboardKey]s to be pressed at the same time. Prefer /// [SingleActivator] when possible. abstract class ShortcutActivator { /// Abstract const constructor. This constructor enables subclasses to provide /// const constructors so that they can be used in const expressions. const ShortcutActivator(); /// An optional property to provide all the keys that might be the final event /// to trigger this shortcut. /// /// For example, for `Ctrl-A`, [LogicalKeyboardKey.keyA] is the only trigger, /// while [LogicalKeyboardKey.control] is not, because the shortcut should /// only work by pressing KeyA *after* Ctrl, but not before. For `Ctrl-A-E`, /// on the other hand, both KeyA and KeyE should be triggers, since either of /// them is allowed to trigger. /// /// If provided, trigger keys can be used as a first-pass filter for incoming /// events in order to optimize lookups, as [Intent]s are stored in a [Map] /// and indexed by trigger keys. It is up to the individual implementors of /// this interface to decide if they ignore triggers or not. /// /// Subclasses should make sure that the return value of this method does not /// change throughout the lifespan of this object. /// /// This method might also return null, which means this activator declares /// all keys as trigger keys. Activators whose [triggers] return null will be /// tested with [accepts] on every event. Since this becomes a linear search, /// and having too many might impact performance, it is preferred to return /// non-null [triggers] whenever possible. Iterable<LogicalKeyboardKey>? get triggers => null; /// Whether the triggering `event` and the keyboard `state` at the time of the /// event meet required conditions, providing that the event is a triggering /// event. /// /// For example, for `Ctrl-A`, it has to check if the event is a /// [KeyDownEvent], if either side of the Ctrl key is pressed, and none of the /// Shift keys, Alt keys, or Meta keys are pressed; it doesn't have to check /// if KeyA is pressed, since it's already guaranteed. /// /// As a possible performance improvement, implementers of this function are /// encouraged (but not required) to check the [triggers] member, if it is /// non-null, to see if it contains the event's logical key before doing more /// complicated work. /// /// This method must not cause any side effects for the `state`. Typically /// this is only used to query whether [HardwareKeyboard.logicalKeysPressed] /// contains a key. /// /// See also: /// /// * [LogicalKeyboardKey.collapseSynonyms], which helps deciding whether a /// modifier key is pressed when the side variation is not important. bool accepts(KeyEvent event, HardwareKeyboard state); /// Returns true if the event and current [HardwareKeyboard] state would cause /// this [ShortcutActivator] to be activated. @Deprecated( 'Call accepts on the activator instead. ' 'This feature was deprecated after v3.16.0-15.0.pre.', ) static bool isActivatedBy(ShortcutActivator activator, KeyEvent event) { return activator.accepts(event, HardwareKeyboard.instance); } /// Returns a description of the key set that is short and readable. /// /// Intended to be used in debug mode for logging purposes. String debugDescribeKeys(); } /// A set of [LogicalKeyboardKey]s that can be used as the keys in a map. /// /// [LogicalKeySet] can be used as a [ShortcutActivator]. It is not recommended /// to use [LogicalKeySet] for a common shortcut such as `Delete` or `Ctrl+C`, /// prefer [SingleActivator] when possible, whose behavior more closely resembles /// that of typical platforms. /// /// When used as a [ShortcutActivator], [LogicalKeySet] will activate the intent /// when all [keys] are pressed, and no others, except that modifier keys are /// considered without considering sides (e.g. control left and control right are /// considered the same). /// /// {@tool dartpad} /// In the following example, the counter is increased when the following key /// sequences are pressed: /// /// * Control left, then C. /// * Control right, then C. /// * C, then Control left. /// /// But not when: /// /// * Control left, then A, then C. /// /// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/shortcuts/logical_key_set.0.dart ** /// {@end-tool} /// /// This is also a thin wrapper around a [Set], but changes the equality /// comparison from an identity comparison to a contents comparison so that /// non-identical sets with the same keys in them will compare as equal. class LogicalKeySet extends KeySet<LogicalKeyboardKey> with Diagnosticable implements ShortcutActivator { /// A constructor for making a [LogicalKeySet] of up to four keys. /// /// If you need a set of more than four keys, use [LogicalKeySet.fromSet]. /// /// The same [LogicalKeyboardKey] may not be appear more than once in the set. LogicalKeySet( super.key1, [ super.key2, super.key3, super.key4, ]); /// Create a [LogicalKeySet] from a set of [LogicalKeyboardKey]s. /// /// Do not mutate the `keys` set after passing it to this object. LogicalKeySet.fromSet(super.keys) : super.fromSet(); @override Iterable<LogicalKeyboardKey> get triggers => _triggers; late final Set<LogicalKeyboardKey> _triggers = keys.expand( (LogicalKeyboardKey key) => _unmapSynonyms[key] ?? <LogicalKeyboardKey>[key], ).toSet(); bool _checkKeyRequirements(Set<LogicalKeyboardKey> pressed) { final Set<LogicalKeyboardKey> collapsedRequired = LogicalKeyboardKey.collapseSynonyms(keys); final Set<LogicalKeyboardKey> collapsedPressed = LogicalKeyboardKey.collapseSynonyms(pressed); return collapsedRequired.length == collapsedPressed.length && collapsedRequired.difference(collapsedPressed).isEmpty; } @override bool accepts(KeyEvent event, HardwareKeyboard state) { if (event is! KeyDownEvent && event is! KeyRepeatEvent) { return false; } return triggers.contains(event.logicalKey) && _checkKeyRequirements(state.logicalKeysPressed); } static final Set<LogicalKeyboardKey> _modifiers = <LogicalKeyboardKey>{ LogicalKeyboardKey.alt, LogicalKeyboardKey.control, LogicalKeyboardKey.meta, LogicalKeyboardKey.shift, }; static final Map<LogicalKeyboardKey, List<LogicalKeyboardKey>> _unmapSynonyms = <LogicalKeyboardKey, List<LogicalKeyboardKey>>{ LogicalKeyboardKey.control: <LogicalKeyboardKey>[LogicalKeyboardKey.controlLeft, LogicalKeyboardKey.controlRight], LogicalKeyboardKey.shift: <LogicalKeyboardKey>[LogicalKeyboardKey.shiftLeft, LogicalKeyboardKey.shiftRight], LogicalKeyboardKey.alt: <LogicalKeyboardKey>[LogicalKeyboardKey.altLeft, LogicalKeyboardKey.altRight], LogicalKeyboardKey.meta: <LogicalKeyboardKey>[LogicalKeyboardKey.metaLeft, LogicalKeyboardKey.metaRight], }; @override String debugDescribeKeys() { final List<LogicalKeyboardKey> sortedKeys = keys.toList() ..sort((LogicalKeyboardKey a, LogicalKeyboardKey b) { // Put the modifiers first. If it has a synonym, then it's something // like shiftLeft, altRight, etc. final bool aIsModifier = a.synonyms.isNotEmpty || _modifiers.contains(a); final bool bIsModifier = b.synonyms.isNotEmpty || _modifiers.contains(b); if (aIsModifier && !bIsModifier) { return -1; } else if (bIsModifier && !aIsModifier) { return 1; } return a.debugName!.compareTo(b.debugName!); }); return sortedKeys.map<String>((LogicalKeyboardKey key) => key.debugName.toString()).join(' + '); } @override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { super.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Set<LogicalKeyboardKey>>('keys', _keys, description: debugDescribeKeys())); } } /// A [DiagnosticsProperty] which handles formatting a `Map<LogicalKeySet, Intent>` /// (the same type as the [Shortcuts.shortcuts] property) so that its /// diagnostic output is human-readable. class ShortcutMapProperty extends DiagnosticsProperty<Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent>> { /// Create a diagnostics property for `Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent>` objects, /// which are the same type as the [Shortcuts.shortcuts] property. ShortcutMapProperty( String super.name, Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent> super.value, { super.showName, Object super.defaultValue, super.level, super.description, }); @override Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent> get value => super.value!; @override String valueToString({TextTreeConfiguration? parentConfiguration}) { return '{${value.keys.map<String>((ShortcutActivator keySet) => '{${keySet.debugDescribeKeys()}}: ${value[keySet]}').join(', ')}}'; } } /// A shortcut key combination of a single key and modifiers. /// /// The [SingleActivator] implements typical shortcuts such as: /// /// * ArrowLeft /// * Shift + Delete /// * Control + Alt + Meta + Shift + A /// /// More specifically, it creates shortcut key combinations that are composed of a /// [trigger] key, and zero, some, or all of the four modifiers (control, shift, /// alt, meta). The shortcut is activated when the following conditions are met: /// /// * The incoming event is a down event for a [trigger] key. /// * If [control] is true, then at least one control key must be held. /// Otherwise, no control keys must be held. /// * Similar conditions apply for the [alt], [shift], and [meta] keys. /// /// This resembles the typical behavior of most operating systems, and handles /// modifier keys differently from [LogicalKeySet] in the following way: /// /// * [SingleActivator]s allow additional non-modifier keys being pressed in /// order to activate the shortcut. For example, pressing key X while holding /// ControlLeft *and key A* will be accepted by /// `SingleActivator(LogicalKeyboardKey.keyX, control: true)`. /// * [SingleActivator]s do not consider modifiers to be a trigger key. For /// example, pressing ControlLeft while holding key X *will not* activate a /// `SingleActivator(LogicalKeyboardKey.keyX, control: true)`. /// /// See also: /// /// * [CharacterActivator], an activator that represents key combinations /// that result in the specified character, such as question mark. class SingleActivator with Diagnosticable, MenuSerializableShortcut implements ShortcutActivator { /// Triggered when the [trigger] key is pressed while the modifiers are held. /// /// The [trigger] should be the non-modifier key that is pressed after all the /// modifiers, such as [LogicalKeyboardKey.keyC] as in `Ctrl+C`. It must not /// be a modifier key (sided or unsided). /// /// The [control], [shift], [alt], and [meta] flags represent whether the /// respective modifier keys should be held (true) or released (false). They /// default to false. /// /// By default, the activator is checked on all [KeyDownEvent] events for the /// [trigger] key. If [includeRepeats] is false, only [trigger] key events /// which are not [KeyRepeatEvent]s will be considered. /// /// {@tool dartpad} /// In the following example, the shortcut `Control + C` increases the /// counter: /// /// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/shortcuts/single_activator.single_activator.0.dart ** /// {@end-tool} const SingleActivator( this.trigger, { this.control = false, this.shift = false, this.alt = false, this.meta = false, this.includeRepeats = true, }) : // The enumerated check with `identical` is cumbersome but the only way // since const constructors can not call functions such as `==` or // `Set.contains`. Checking with `identical` might not work when the // key object is created from ID, but it covers common cases. assert( !identical(trigger, LogicalKeyboardKey.control) && !identical(trigger, LogicalKeyboardKey.controlLeft) && !identical(trigger, LogicalKeyboardKey.controlRight) && !identical(trigger, LogicalKeyboardKey.shift) && !identical(trigger, LogicalKeyboardKey.shiftLeft) && !identical(trigger, LogicalKeyboardKey.shiftRight) && !identical(trigger, LogicalKeyboardKey.alt) && !identical(trigger, LogicalKeyboardKey.altLeft) && !identical(trigger, LogicalKeyboardKey.altRight) && !identical(trigger, LogicalKeyboardKey.meta) && !identical(trigger, LogicalKeyboardKey.metaLeft) && !identical(trigger, LogicalKeyboardKey.metaRight), ); /// The non-modifier key of the shortcut that is pressed after all modifiers /// to activate the shortcut. /// /// For example, for `Control + C`, [trigger] should be /// [LogicalKeyboardKey.keyC]. final LogicalKeyboardKey trigger; /// Whether either (or both) control keys should be held for [trigger] to /// activate the shortcut. /// /// It defaults to false, meaning all Control keys must be released when the /// event is received in order to activate the shortcut. If it's true, then /// either or both Control keys must be pressed. /// /// See also: /// /// * [LogicalKeyboardKey.controlLeft], [LogicalKeyboardKey.controlRight]. final bool control; /// Whether either (or both) shift keys should be held for [trigger] to /// activate the shortcut. /// /// It defaults to false, meaning all Shift keys must be released when the /// event is received in order to activate the shortcut. If it's true, then /// either or both Shift keys must be pressed. /// /// See also: /// /// * [LogicalKeyboardKey.shiftLeft], [LogicalKeyboardKey.shiftRight]. final bool shift; /// Whether either (or both) alt keys should be held for [trigger] to /// activate the shortcut. /// /// It defaults to false, meaning all Alt keys must be released when the /// event is received in order to activate the shortcut. If it's true, then /// either or both Alt keys must be pressed. /// /// See also: /// /// * [LogicalKeyboardKey.altLeft], [LogicalKeyboardKey.altRight]. final bool alt; /// Whether either (or both) meta keys should be held for [trigger] to /// activate the shortcut. /// /// It defaults to false, meaning all Meta keys must be released when the /// event is received in order to activate the shortcut. If it's true, then /// either or both Meta keys must be pressed. /// /// See also: /// /// * [LogicalKeyboardKey.metaLeft], [LogicalKeyboardKey.metaRight]. final bool meta; /// Whether this activator accepts repeat events of the [trigger] key. /// /// If [includeRepeats] is true, the activator is checked on all /// [KeyDownEvent] or [KeyRepeatEvent]s for the [trigger] key. If /// [includeRepeats] is false, only [trigger] key events which are /// [KeyDownEvent]s will be considered. final bool includeRepeats; @override Iterable<LogicalKeyboardKey> get triggers { return <LogicalKeyboardKey>[trigger]; } bool _shouldAcceptModifiers(Set<LogicalKeyboardKey> pressed) { return control == pressed.intersection(_controlSynonyms).isNotEmpty && shift == pressed.intersection(_shiftSynonyms).isNotEmpty && alt == pressed.intersection(_altSynonyms).isNotEmpty && meta == pressed.intersection(_metaSynonyms).isNotEmpty; } @override bool accepts(KeyEvent event, HardwareKeyboard state) { return (event is KeyDownEvent || (includeRepeats && event is KeyRepeatEvent)) && triggers.contains(event.logicalKey) && _shouldAcceptModifiers(state.logicalKeysPressed); } @override ShortcutSerialization serializeForMenu() { return ShortcutSerialization.modifier( trigger, shift: shift, alt: alt, meta: meta, control: control, ); } /// Returns a short and readable description of the key combination. /// /// Intended to be used in debug mode for logging purposes. In release mode, /// [debugDescribeKeys] returns an empty string. @override String debugDescribeKeys() { String result = ''; assert(() { final List<String> keys = <String>[ if (control) 'Control', if (alt) 'Alt', if (meta) 'Meta', if (shift) 'Shift', trigger.debugName ?? trigger.toStringShort(), ]; result = keys.join(' + '); return true; }()); return result; } @override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { super.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(MessageProperty('keys', debugDescribeKeys())); properties.add(FlagProperty('includeRepeats', value: includeRepeats, ifFalse: 'excluding repeats')); } } /// A shortcut combination that is triggered by a key event that produces a /// specific character. /// /// Keys often produce different characters when combined with modifiers. For /// example, it might be helpful for the user to bring up a help menu by /// pressing the question mark ('?'). However, there is no logical key that /// directly represents a question mark. Although 'Shift+Slash' produces a '?' /// character on a US keyboard, its logical key is still considered a Slash key, /// and hard-coding 'Shift+Slash' in this situation is unfriendly to other /// keyboard layouts. /// /// For example, `CharacterActivator('?')` is triggered when a key combination /// results in a question mark, which is 'Shift+Slash' on a US keyboard, but /// 'Shift+Comma' on a French keyboard. /// /// {@tool dartpad} /// In the following example, when a key combination results in a question mark, /// the counter is increased: /// /// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/shortcuts/character_activator.0.dart ** /// {@end-tool} /// /// The [alt], [control], and [meta] flags represent whether the respective /// modifier keys should be held (true) or released (false). They default to /// false. [CharacterActivator] cannot check shifted keys, since the Shift key /// affects the resulting character, and will accept whether either of the /// Shift keys are pressed or not, as long as the key event produces the /// correct character. /// /// By default, the activator is checked on all [KeyDownEvent] or /// [KeyRepeatEvent]s for the [character] in combination with the requested /// modifier keys. If `includeRepeats` is false, only the [character] events /// with that are [KeyDownEvent]s will be considered. /// /// {@template flutter.widgets.shortcuts.CharacterActivator.alt} /// On macOS and iOS, the [alt] flag indicates that the Option key (⌥) is /// pressed. Because the Option key affects the character generated on these /// platforms, it can be unintuitive to define [CharacterActivator]s for them. /// /// For instance, if you want the shortcut to trigger when Option+s (⌥-s) is /// pressed, and what you intend is to trigger whenever the character 'ß' is /// produced, you would use `CharacterActivator('ß')` or /// `CharacterActivator('ß', alt: true)` instead of `CharacterActivator('s', /// alt: true)`. This is because `CharacterActivator('s', alt: true)` will /// never trigger, since the 's' character can't be produced when the Option /// key is held down. /// /// If what is intended is that the shortcut is triggered when Option+s (⌥-s) /// is pressed, regardless of which character is produced, it is better to use /// [SingleActivator], as in `SingleActivator(LogicalKeyboardKey.keyS, alt: /// true)`. /// {@endtemplate} /// /// See also: /// /// * [SingleActivator], an activator that represents a single key combined /// with modifiers, such as `Ctrl+C` or `Ctrl-Right Arrow`. class CharacterActivator with Diagnosticable, MenuSerializableShortcut implements ShortcutActivator { /// Triggered when the key event yields the given character. const CharacterActivator(this.character, { this.alt = false, this.control = false, this.meta = false, this.includeRepeats = true, }); /// Whether either (or both) Alt keys should be held for the [character] to /// activate the shortcut. /// /// It defaults to false, meaning all Alt keys must be released when the event /// is received in order to activate the shortcut. If it's true, then either /// one or both Alt keys must be pressed. /// /// {@macro flutter.widgets.shortcuts.CharacterActivator.alt} /// /// See also: /// /// * [LogicalKeyboardKey.altLeft], [LogicalKeyboardKey.altRight]. final bool alt; /// Whether either (or both) Control keys should be held for the [character] /// to activate the shortcut. /// /// It defaults to false, meaning all Control keys must be released when the /// event is received in order to activate the shortcut. If it's true, then /// either one or both Control keys must be pressed. /// /// See also: /// /// * [LogicalKeyboardKey.controlLeft], [LogicalKeyboardKey.controlRight]. final bool control; /// Whether either (or both) Meta keys should be held for the [character] to /// activate the shortcut. /// /// It defaults to false, meaning all Meta keys must be released when the /// event is received in order to activate the shortcut. If it's true, then /// either one or both Meta keys must be pressed. /// /// See also: /// /// * [LogicalKeyboardKey.metaLeft], [LogicalKeyboardKey.metaRight]. final bool meta; /// Whether this activator accepts repeat events of the [character]. /// /// If [includeRepeats] is true, the activator is checked on all /// [KeyDownEvent] and [KeyRepeatEvent]s for the [character]. If /// [includeRepeats] is false, only the [character] events that are /// [KeyDownEvent]s will be considered. final bool includeRepeats; /// The character which triggers the shortcut. /// /// This is typically a single-character string, such as '?' or 'œ', although /// [CharacterActivator] doesn't check the length of [character] or whether it /// can be matched by any key combination at all. It is case-sensitive, since /// the [character] is directly compared by `==` to the character reported by /// the platform. /// /// See also: /// /// * [KeyEvent.character], the character of a key event. final String character; @override Iterable<LogicalKeyboardKey>? get triggers => null; bool _shouldAcceptModifiers(Set<LogicalKeyboardKey> pressed) { // Doesn't look for shift, since the character will encode that. return control == pressed.intersection(_controlSynonyms).isNotEmpty && alt == pressed.intersection(_altSynonyms).isNotEmpty && meta == pressed.intersection(_metaSynonyms).isNotEmpty; } @override bool accepts(KeyEvent event, HardwareKeyboard state) { // Ignore triggers, since we're only interested in the character. return event.character == character && (event is KeyDownEvent || (includeRepeats && event is KeyRepeatEvent)) && _shouldAcceptModifiers(state.logicalKeysPressed); } @override String debugDescribeKeys() { String result = ''; assert(() { final List<String> keys = <String>[ if (alt) 'Alt', if (control) 'Control', if (meta) 'Meta', "'$character'", ]; result = keys.join(' + '); return true; }()); return result; } @override ShortcutSerialization serializeForMenu() { return ShortcutSerialization.character(character, alt: alt, control: control, meta: meta); } @override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { super.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(MessageProperty('character', debugDescribeKeys())); properties.add(FlagProperty('includeRepeats', value: includeRepeats, ifFalse: 'excluding repeats')); } } class _ActivatorIntentPair with Diagnosticable { const _ActivatorIntentPair(this.activator, this.intent); final ShortcutActivator activator; final Intent intent; @override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { super.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<String>('activator', activator.debugDescribeKeys())); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Intent>('intent', intent)); } } /// A manager of keyboard shortcut bindings used by [Shortcuts] to handle key /// events. /// /// The manager may be listened to (with [addListener]/[removeListener]) for /// change notifications when the shortcuts change. /// /// Typically, a [Shortcuts] widget supplies its own manager, but in uncommon /// cases where overriding the usual shortcut manager behavior is desired, a /// subclassed [ShortcutManager] may be supplied. class ShortcutManager with Diagnosticable, ChangeNotifier { /// Constructs a [ShortcutManager]. ShortcutManager({ Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent> shortcuts = const <ShortcutActivator, Intent>{}, this.modal = false, }) : _shortcuts = shortcuts { if (kFlutterMemoryAllocationsEnabled) { ChangeNotifier.maybeDispatchObjectCreation(this); } } /// True if the [ShortcutManager] should not pass on keys that it doesn't /// handle to any key-handling widgets that are ancestors to this one. /// /// Setting [modal] to true will prevent any key event given to this manager /// from being given to any ancestor managers, even if that key doesn't appear /// in the [shortcuts] map. /// /// The net effect of setting [modal] to true is to return /// [KeyEventResult.skipRemainingHandlers] from [handleKeypress] if it does /// not exist in the shortcut map, instead of returning /// [KeyEventResult.ignored]. final bool modal; /// Returns the shortcut map. /// /// When the map is changed, listeners to this manager will be notified. /// /// The returned map should not be modified. Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent> get shortcuts => _shortcuts; Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent> _shortcuts = <ShortcutActivator, Intent>{}; set shortcuts(Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent> value) { if (!mapEquals<ShortcutActivator, Intent>(_shortcuts, value)) { _shortcuts = value; _indexedShortcutsCache = null; notifyListeners(); } } static Map<LogicalKeyboardKey?, List<_ActivatorIntentPair>> _indexShortcuts(Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent> source) { final Map<LogicalKeyboardKey?, List<_ActivatorIntentPair>> result = <LogicalKeyboardKey?, List<_ActivatorIntentPair>>{}; source.forEach((ShortcutActivator activator, Intent intent) { // This intermediate variable is necessary to comply with Dart analyzer. final Iterable<LogicalKeyboardKey?>? nullableTriggers = activator.triggers; for (final LogicalKeyboardKey? trigger in nullableTriggers ?? <LogicalKeyboardKey?>[null]) { result.putIfAbsent(trigger, () => <_ActivatorIntentPair>[]) .add(_ActivatorIntentPair(activator, intent)); } }); return result; } Map<LogicalKeyboardKey?, List<_ActivatorIntentPair>> get _indexedShortcuts { return _indexedShortcutsCache ??= _indexShortcuts(shortcuts); } Map<LogicalKeyboardKey?, List<_ActivatorIntentPair>>? _indexedShortcutsCache; Iterable<_ActivatorIntentPair> _getCandidates(LogicalKeyboardKey key) { return <_ActivatorIntentPair>[ ... _indexedShortcuts[key] ?? <_ActivatorIntentPair>[], ... _indexedShortcuts[null] ?? <_ActivatorIntentPair>[], ]; } /// Returns the [Intent], if any, that matches the current set of pressed /// keys. /// /// Returns null if no intent matches the current set of pressed keys. Intent? _find(KeyEvent event, HardwareKeyboard state) { for (final _ActivatorIntentPair activatorIntent in _getCandidates(event.logicalKey)) { if (activatorIntent.activator.accepts(event, state)) { return activatorIntent.intent; } } return null; } /// Handles a key press `event` in the given `context`. /// /// If a key mapping is found, then the associated action will be invoked /// using the [Intent] activated by the [ShortcutActivator] in the [shortcuts] /// map, and the currently focused widget's context (from /// [FocusManager.primaryFocus]). /// /// Returns a [KeyEventResult.handled] if an action was invoked, otherwise a /// [KeyEventResult.skipRemainingHandlers] if [modal] is true, or if it maps /// to a [DoNothingAction] with [DoNothingAction.consumesKey] set to false, /// and in all other cases returns [KeyEventResult.ignored]. /// /// In order for an action to be invoked (and [KeyEventResult.handled] /// returned), a [ShortcutActivator] must accept the given [KeyEvent], be /// mapped to an [Intent], the [Intent] must be mapped to an [Action], and the /// [Action] must be enabled. @protected KeyEventResult handleKeypress(BuildContext context, KeyEvent event) { final Intent? matchedIntent = _find(event, HardwareKeyboard.instance); if (matchedIntent != null) { final BuildContext? primaryContext = primaryFocus?.context; if (primaryContext != null) { final Action<Intent>? action = Actions.maybeFind<Intent>( primaryContext, intent: matchedIntent, ); if (action != null) { final (bool enabled, Object? invokeResult) = Actions.of(primaryContext).invokeActionIfEnabled( action, matchedIntent, primaryContext, ); if (enabled) { return action.toKeyEventResult(matchedIntent, invokeResult); } } } } return modal ? KeyEventResult.skipRemainingHandlers : KeyEventResult.ignored; } @override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { super.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent>>('shortcuts', shortcuts)); properties.add(FlagProperty('modal', value: modal, ifTrue: 'modal', defaultValue: false)); } } /// A widget that creates key bindings to specific actions for its /// descendants. /// /// {@youtube 560 315 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZcQmdoz9N8} /// /// This widget establishes a [ShortcutManager] to be used by its descendants /// when invoking an [Action] via a keyboard key combination that maps to an /// [Intent]. /// /// This is similar to but more powerful than the [CallbackShortcuts] widget. /// Unlike [CallbackShortcuts], this widget separates key bindings and their /// implementations. This separation allows [Shortcuts] to have key bindings /// that adapt to the focused context. For example, the desired action for a /// deletion intent may be to delete a character in a text input, or to delete /// a file in a file menu. /// /// See the article on [Using Actions and /// Shortcuts](https://docs.flutter.dev/development/ui/advanced/actions_and_shortcuts) /// for a detailed explanation. /// /// {@tool dartpad} /// Here, we will use the [Shortcuts] and [Actions] widgets to add and subtract /// from a counter. When the child widget has keyboard focus, and a user presses /// the keys that have been defined in [Shortcuts], the action that is bound /// to the appropriate [Intent] for the key is invoked. /// /// It also shows the use of a [CallbackAction] to avoid creating a new [Action] /// subclass. /// /// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/shortcuts/shortcuts.0.dart ** /// {@end-tool} /// /// {@tool dartpad} /// This slightly more complicated, but more flexible, example creates a custom /// [Action] subclass to increment and decrement within a widget (a [Column]) /// that has keyboard focus. When the user presses the up and down arrow keys, /// the counter will increment and decrement a data model using the custom /// actions. /// /// One thing that this demonstrates is passing arguments to the [Intent] to be /// carried to the [Action]. This shows how actions can get data either from /// their own construction (like the `model` in this example), or from the /// intent passed to them when invoked (like the increment `amount` in this /// example). /// /// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/shortcuts/shortcuts.1.dart ** /// {@end-tool} /// /// See also: /// /// * [CallbackShortcuts], a simpler but less flexible widget that defines key /// bindings that invoke callbacks. /// * [Intent], a class for containing a description of a user action to be /// invoked. /// * [Action], a class for defining an invocation of a user action. /// * [CallbackAction], a class for creating an action from a callback. class Shortcuts extends StatefulWidget { /// Creates a const [Shortcuts] widget that owns the map of shortcuts and /// creates its own manager. /// /// When using this constructor, [manager] will return null. /// /// The [child] and [shortcuts] arguments are required. /// /// See also: /// /// * [Shortcuts.manager], a constructor that uses a [ShortcutManager] to /// manage the shortcuts list instead. const Shortcuts({ super.key, required Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent> shortcuts, required this.child, this.debugLabel, }) : _shortcuts = shortcuts, manager = null; /// Creates a const [Shortcuts] widget that uses the [manager] to /// manage the map of shortcuts. /// /// If this constructor is used, [shortcuts] will return the contents of /// [ShortcutManager.shortcuts]. /// /// The [child] and [manager] arguments are required. const Shortcuts.manager({ super.key, required ShortcutManager this.manager, required this.child, this.debugLabel, }) : _shortcuts = const <ShortcutActivator, Intent>{}; /// The [ShortcutManager] that will manage the mapping between key /// combinations and [Action]s. /// /// If this widget was created with [Shortcuts.manager], then /// [ShortcutManager.shortcuts] will be used as the source for shortcuts. If /// the unnamed constructor is used, this manager will be null, and a /// default-constructed [ShortcutManager] will be used. final ShortcutManager? manager; /// {@template flutter.widgets.shortcuts.shortcuts} /// The map of shortcuts that describes the mapping between a key sequence /// defined by a [ShortcutActivator] and the [Intent] that will be emitted /// when that key sequence is pressed. /// {@endtemplate} Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent> get shortcuts { return manager == null ? _shortcuts : manager!.shortcuts; } final Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent> _shortcuts; /// The child widget for this [Shortcuts] widget. /// /// {@macro flutter.widgets.ProxyWidget.child} final Widget child; /// The debug label that is printed for this node when logged. /// /// If this label is set, then it will be displayed instead of the shortcut /// map when logged. /// /// This allows simplifying the diagnostic output to avoid cluttering it /// unnecessarily with large default shortcut maps. final String? debugLabel; @override State<Shortcuts> createState() => _ShortcutsState(); @override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { super.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<ShortcutManager>('manager', manager, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(ShortcutMapProperty('shortcuts', shortcuts, description: debugLabel?.isNotEmpty ?? false ? debugLabel : null)); } } class _ShortcutsState extends State<Shortcuts> { ShortcutManager? _internalManager; ShortcutManager get manager => widget.manager ?? _internalManager!; @override void dispose() { _internalManager?.dispose(); super.dispose(); } @override void initState() { super.initState(); if (widget.manager == null) { _internalManager = ShortcutManager(); _internalManager!.shortcuts = widget.shortcuts; } } @override void didUpdateWidget(Shortcuts oldWidget) { super.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); if (widget.manager != oldWidget.manager) { if (widget.manager != null) { _internalManager?.dispose(); _internalManager = null; } else { _internalManager ??= ShortcutManager(); } } _internalManager?.shortcuts = widget.shortcuts; } KeyEventResult _handleOnKeyEvent(FocusNode node, KeyEvent event) { if (node.context == null) { return KeyEventResult.ignored; } return manager.handleKeypress(node.context!, event); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Focus( debugLabel: '$Shortcuts', canRequestFocus: false, onKeyEvent: _handleOnKeyEvent, child: widget.child, ); } } /// A widget that binds key combinations to specific callbacks. /// /// {@youtube 560 315 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcQQ1ns_qNY} /// /// This is similar to but simpler than the [Shortcuts] widget as it doesn't /// require [Intent]s and [Actions] widgets. Instead, it accepts a map /// of [ShortcutActivator]s to [VoidCallback]s. /// /// Unlike [Shortcuts], this widget does not separate key bindings and their /// implementations. This separation allows [Shortcuts] to have key bindings /// that adapt to the focused context. For example, the desired action for a /// deletion intent may be to delete a character in a text input, or to delete /// a file in a file menu. /// /// {@tool dartpad} /// This example uses the [CallbackShortcuts] widget to add and subtract /// from a counter when the up or down arrow keys are pressed. /// /// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/shortcuts/callback_shortcuts.0.dart ** /// {@end-tool} /// /// [Shortcuts] and [CallbackShortcuts] can both be used in the same app. As /// with any key handling widget, if this widget handles a key event then /// widgets above it in the focus chain will not receive the event. This means /// that if this widget handles a key, then an ancestor [Shortcuts] widget (or /// any other key handling widget) will not receive that key. Similarly, if /// a descendant of this widget handles the key, then the key event will not /// reach this widget for handling. /// /// See the article on [Using Actions and /// Shortcuts](https://docs.flutter.dev/development/ui/advanced/actions_and_shortcuts) /// for a detailed explanation. /// /// See also: /// * [Shortcuts], a more powerful widget for defining key bindings. /// * [Focus], a widget that defines which widgets can receive keyboard focus. class CallbackShortcuts extends StatelessWidget { /// Creates a const [CallbackShortcuts] widget. const CallbackShortcuts({ super.key, required this.bindings, required this.child, }); /// A map of key combinations to callbacks used to define the shortcut /// bindings. /// /// If a descendant of this widget has focus, and a key is pressed, the /// activator keys of this map will be asked if they accept the key event. If /// they do, then the corresponding callback is invoked, and the key event /// propagation is halted. If none of the activators accept the key event, /// then the key event continues to be propagated up the focus chain. /// /// If more than one activator accepts the key event, then all of the /// callbacks associated with activators that accept the key event are /// invoked. /// /// Some examples of [ShortcutActivator] subclasses that can be used to define /// the key combinations here are [SingleActivator], [CharacterActivator], and /// [LogicalKeySet]. final Map<ShortcutActivator, VoidCallback> bindings; /// The widget below this widget in the tree. /// /// {@macro flutter.widgets.ProxyWidget.child} final Widget child; // A helper function to make the stack trace more useful if the callback // throws, by providing the activator and event as arguments that will appear // in the stack trace. bool _applyKeyEventBinding(ShortcutActivator activator, KeyEvent event) { if (activator.accepts(event, HardwareKeyboard.instance)) { bindings[activator]!.call(); return true; } return false; } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Focus( canRequestFocus: false, skipTraversal: true, onKeyEvent: (FocusNode node, KeyEvent event) { KeyEventResult result = KeyEventResult.ignored; // Activates all key bindings that match, returns "handled" if any handle it. for (final ShortcutActivator activator in bindings.keys) { result = _applyKeyEventBinding(activator, event) ? KeyEventResult.handled : result; } return result; }, child: child, ); } } /// A entry returned by [ShortcutRegistry.addAll] that allows the caller to /// identify the shortcuts they registered with the [ShortcutRegistry] through /// the [ShortcutRegistrar]. /// /// When the entry is no longer needed, [dispose] should be called, and the /// entry should no longer be used. class ShortcutRegistryEntry { // Tokens can only be created by the ShortcutRegistry. const ShortcutRegistryEntry._(this.registry); /// The [ShortcutRegistry] that this entry was issued by. final ShortcutRegistry registry; /// Replaces the given shortcut bindings in the [ShortcutRegistry] that this /// entry was created from. /// /// This method will assert in debug mode if another [ShortcutRegistryEntry] /// exists (i.e. hasn't been disposed of) that has already added a given /// shortcut. /// /// It will also assert if this entry has already been disposed. /// /// If two equivalent, but different, [ShortcutActivator]s are added, all of /// them will be executed when triggered. For example, if both /// `SingleActivator(LogicalKeyboardKey.keyA)` and `CharacterActivator('a')` /// are added, then both will be executed when an "a" key is pressed. void replaceAll(Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent> value) { registry._replaceAll(this, value); } /// Called when the entry is no longer needed. /// /// Call this will remove all shortcuts associated with this /// [ShortcutRegistryEntry] from the [registry]. @mustCallSuper void dispose() { registry._disposeEntry(this); } } /// A class used by [ShortcutRegistrar] that allows adding or removing shortcut /// bindings by descendants of the [ShortcutRegistrar]. /// /// You can reach the nearest [ShortcutRegistry] using [of] and [maybeOf]. /// /// The registry may be listened to (with [addListener]/[removeListener]) for /// change notifications when the registered shortcuts change. Change /// notifications take place after the current frame is drawn, so that /// widgets that are not descendants of the registry can listen to it (e.g. in /// overlays). class ShortcutRegistry with ChangeNotifier { /// Creates an instance of [ShortcutRegistry]. ShortcutRegistry() { if (kFlutterMemoryAllocationsEnabled) { ChangeNotifier.maybeDispatchObjectCreation(this); } } bool _notificationScheduled = false; bool _disposed = false; @override void dispose() { super.dispose(); _disposed = true; } /// Gets the combined shortcut bindings from all contexts that are registered /// with this [ShortcutRegistry]. /// /// Listeners will be notified when the value returned by this getter changes. /// /// Returns a copy: modifying the returned map will have no effect. Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent> get shortcuts { assert(ChangeNotifier.debugAssertNotDisposed(this)); return <ShortcutActivator, Intent>{ for (final MapEntry<ShortcutRegistryEntry, Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent>> entry in _registeredShortcuts.entries) ...entry.value, }; } final Map<ShortcutRegistryEntry, Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent>> _registeredShortcuts = <ShortcutRegistryEntry, Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent>>{}; /// Adds all the given shortcut bindings to this [ShortcutRegistry], and /// returns a entry for managing those bindings. /// /// The entry should have [ShortcutRegistryEntry.dispose] called on it when /// these shortcuts are no longer needed. This will remove them from the /// registry, and invalidate the entry. /// /// This method will assert in debug mode if another entry exists (i.e. hasn't /// been disposed of) that has already added a given shortcut. /// /// If two equivalent, but different, [ShortcutActivator]s are added, all of /// them will be executed when triggered. For example, if both /// `SingleActivator(LogicalKeyboardKey.keyA)` and `CharacterActivator('a')` /// are added, then both will be executed when an "a" key is pressed. /// /// See also: /// /// * [ShortcutRegistryEntry.replaceAll], a function used to replace the set of /// shortcuts associated with a particular entry. /// * [ShortcutRegistryEntry.dispose], a function used to remove the set of /// shortcuts associated with a particular entry. ShortcutRegistryEntry addAll(Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent> value) { assert(ChangeNotifier.debugAssertNotDisposed(this)); assert(value.isNotEmpty, 'Cannot register an empty map of shortcuts'); final ShortcutRegistryEntry entry = ShortcutRegistryEntry._(this); _registeredShortcuts[entry] = value; assert(_debugCheckForDuplicates()); _notifyListenersNextFrame(); return entry; } // Subscriber notification has to happen in the next frame because shortcuts // are often registered that affect things in the overlay or different parts // of the tree, and so can cause build ordering issues if notifications happen // during the build. The _notificationScheduled check makes sure we only // notify once per frame. void _notifyListenersNextFrame() { if (!_notificationScheduled) { SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((Duration _) { _notificationScheduled = false; if (!_disposed) { notifyListeners(); } }, debugLabel: 'ShortcutRegistry.notifyListeners'); _notificationScheduled = true; } } /// Returns the [ShortcutRegistry] that belongs to the [ShortcutRegistrar] /// which most tightly encloses the given [BuildContext]. /// /// If no [ShortcutRegistrar] widget encloses the context given, [of] will /// throw an exception in debug mode. /// /// There is a default [ShortcutRegistrar] instance in [WidgetsApp], so if /// [WidgetsApp], [MaterialApp] or [CupertinoApp] are used, an additional /// [ShortcutRegistrar] isn't needed. /// /// See also: /// /// * [maybeOf], which is similar to this function, but will return null if /// it doesn't find a [ShortcutRegistrar] ancestor. static ShortcutRegistry of(BuildContext context) { final _ShortcutRegistrarScope? inherited = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<_ShortcutRegistrarScope>(); assert(() { if (inherited == null) { throw FlutterError( 'Unable to find a $ShortcutRegistrar widget in the context.\n' '$ShortcutRegistrar.of() was called with a context that does not contain a ' '$ShortcutRegistrar widget.\n' 'No $ShortcutRegistrar ancestor could be found starting from the context that was ' 'passed to $ShortcutRegistrar.of().\n' 'The context used was:\n' ' $context', ); } return true; }()); return inherited!.registry; } /// Returns [ShortcutRegistry] of the [ShortcutRegistrar] that most tightly /// encloses the given [BuildContext]. /// /// If no [ShortcutRegistrar] widget encloses the given context, [maybeOf] /// will return null. /// /// There is a default [ShortcutRegistrar] instance in [WidgetsApp], so if /// [WidgetsApp], [MaterialApp] or [CupertinoApp] are used, an additional /// [ShortcutRegistrar] isn't needed. /// /// See also: /// /// * [of], which is similar to this function, but returns a non-nullable /// result, and will throw an exception if it doesn't find a /// [ShortcutRegistrar] ancestor. static ShortcutRegistry? maybeOf(BuildContext context) { final _ShortcutRegistrarScope? inherited = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<_ShortcutRegistrarScope>(); return inherited?.registry; } // Replaces all the shortcuts associated with the given entry from this // registry. void _replaceAll(ShortcutRegistryEntry entry, Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent> value) { assert(ChangeNotifier.debugAssertNotDisposed(this)); assert(_debugCheckEntryIsValid(entry)); _registeredShortcuts[entry] = value; assert(_debugCheckForDuplicates()); _notifyListenersNextFrame(); } // Removes all the shortcuts associated with the given entry from this // registry. void _disposeEntry(ShortcutRegistryEntry entry) { assert(_debugCheckEntryIsValid(entry)); final Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent>? removedShortcut = _registeredShortcuts.remove(entry); if (removedShortcut != null) { _notifyListenersNextFrame(); } } bool _debugCheckEntryIsValid(ShortcutRegistryEntry entry) { if (!_registeredShortcuts.containsKey(entry)) { if (entry.registry == this) { throw FlutterError('entry ${describeIdentity(entry)} is invalid.\n' 'The entry has already been disposed of. Tokens are not valid after ' 'dispose is called on them, and should no longer be used.'); } else { throw FlutterError('Foreign entry ${describeIdentity(entry)} used.\n' 'This entry was not created by this registry, it was created by ' '${describeIdentity(entry.registry)}, and should be used with that ' 'registry instead.'); } } return true; } bool _debugCheckForDuplicates() { final Map<ShortcutActivator, ShortcutRegistryEntry?> previous = <ShortcutActivator, ShortcutRegistryEntry?>{}; for (final MapEntry<ShortcutRegistryEntry, Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent>> tokenEntry in _registeredShortcuts.entries) { for (final ShortcutActivator shortcut in tokenEntry.value.keys) { if (previous.containsKey(shortcut)) { throw FlutterError( '$ShortcutRegistry: Received a duplicate registration for the ' 'shortcut $shortcut in ${describeIdentity(tokenEntry.key)} and ${previous[shortcut]}.'); } previous[shortcut] = tokenEntry.key; } } return true; } } /// A widget that holds a [ShortcutRegistry] which allows descendants to add, /// remove, or replace shortcuts. /// /// This widget holds a [ShortcutRegistry] so that its descendants can find it /// with [ShortcutRegistry.of] or [ShortcutRegistry.maybeOf]. /// /// The registered shortcuts are valid whenever a widget below this one in the /// hierarchy has focus. /// /// To add shortcuts to the registry, call [ShortcutRegistry.of] or /// [ShortcutRegistry.maybeOf] to get the [ShortcutRegistry], and then add them /// using [ShortcutRegistry.addAll], which will return a [ShortcutRegistryEntry] /// which must be disposed by calling [ShortcutRegistryEntry.dispose] when the /// shortcuts are no longer needed. /// /// To replace or update the shortcuts in the registry, call /// [ShortcutRegistryEntry.replaceAll]. /// /// To remove previously added shortcuts from the registry, call /// [ShortcutRegistryEntry.dispose] on the entry returned by /// [ShortcutRegistry.addAll]. class ShortcutRegistrar extends StatefulWidget { /// Creates a const [ShortcutRegistrar]. /// /// The [child] parameter is required. const ShortcutRegistrar({super.key, required this.child}); /// The widget below this widget in the tree. /// /// {@macro flutter.widgets.ProxyWidget.child} final Widget child; @override State<ShortcutRegistrar> createState() => _ShortcutRegistrarState(); } class _ShortcutRegistrarState extends State<ShortcutRegistrar> { final ShortcutRegistry registry = ShortcutRegistry(); final ShortcutManager manager = ShortcutManager(); @override void initState() { super.initState(); registry.addListener(_shortcutsChanged); } void _shortcutsChanged() { // This shouldn't need to update the widget, and avoids calling setState // during build phase. manager.shortcuts = registry.shortcuts; } @override void dispose() { registry.removeListener(_shortcutsChanged); registry.dispose(); manager.dispose(); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return _ShortcutRegistrarScope( registry: registry, child: Shortcuts.manager( manager: manager, child: widget.child, ), ); } } class _ShortcutRegistrarScope extends InheritedWidget { const _ShortcutRegistrarScope({ required this.registry, required super.child, }); final ShortcutRegistry registry; @override bool updateShouldNotify(covariant _ShortcutRegistrarScope oldWidget) { return registry != oldWidget.registry; } }