// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:collection'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:ui' as ui show Image; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import 'package:mojo/core.dart' as core; import 'media_query.dart'; import 'basic.dart'; import 'framework.dart'; // Base class for asset resolvers. abstract class _AssetResolver { // ignore: one_member_abstracts // Return a resolved asset key for the asset named [name]. Future<String> resolve(String name); } // Asset bundle capable of producing assets via the resolution logic of an // asset resolver. // // Wraps an underlying [AssetBundle] and forwards calls after resolving the // asset key. class _ResolvingAssetBundle extends CachingAssetBundle { _ResolvingAssetBundle({ this.bundle, this.resolver }) { assert(bundle != null); assert(resolver != null); } final AssetBundle bundle; final _AssetResolver resolver; final Map<String, String> keyCache = <String, String>{}; @override Future<core.MojoDataPipeConsumer> load(String key) async { if (!keyCache.containsKey(key)) keyCache[key] = await resolver.resolve(key); return await bundle.load(keyCache[key]); } } /// Abstraction for reading images out of a Mojo data pipe. /// /// Useful for mocking purposes in unit tests. typedef Future<ui.Image> ImageDecoder(core.MojoDataPipeConsumer pipe); // Asset bundle that understands how specific asset keys represent image scale. class _ResolutionAwareAssetBundle extends _ResolvingAssetBundle { _ResolutionAwareAssetBundle({ AssetBundle bundle, _ResolutionAwareAssetResolver resolver, ImageDecoder imageDecoder }) : _imageDecoder = imageDecoder, super( bundle: bundle, resolver: resolver ); @override _ResolutionAwareAssetResolver get resolver => super.resolver; final ImageDecoder _imageDecoder; @override Future<ImageInfo> fetchImage(String key) async { core.MojoDataPipeConsumer pipe = await load(key); // At this point the key should be in our key cache, and the image // resource should be in our image cache double scale = resolver.getScale(keyCache[key]); return new ImageInfo( image: await _imageDecoder(pipe), scale: scale ); } } // Base class for resolvers that use the asset manifest to retrieve a list // of asset variants to choose from. abstract class _VariantAssetResolver extends _AssetResolver { _VariantAssetResolver({ this.bundle }); final AssetBundle bundle; // TODO(kgiesing): Ideally, this cache would be on an object with the same // lifetime as the asset bundle it wraps. However, that won't matter until we // need to change AssetVendors frequently; as of this writing we only have // one. Map<String, List<String>> _assetManifest; Future<Null> _initializer; Future<Null> _loadManifest() async { String json = await bundle.loadString("AssetManifest.json"); _assetManifest = JSON.decode(json); } @override Future<String> resolve(String name) async { _initializer ??= _loadManifest(); await _initializer; // If there's no asset manifest, just return the main asset if (_assetManifest == null) return name; // Allow references directly to variants: if the supplied name is not a // key, just return it List<String> variants = _assetManifest[name]; if (variants == null) return name; else return chooseVariant(name, variants); } String chooseVariant(String main, List<String> variants); } // Asset resolver that understands how to determine the best match for the // current device pixel ratio class _ResolutionAwareAssetResolver extends _VariantAssetResolver { _ResolutionAwareAssetResolver({ AssetBundle bundle, this.devicePixelRatio }) : super(bundle: bundle); final double devicePixelRatio; // We assume the main asset is designed for a device pixel ratio of 1.0 static const double _naturalResolution = 1.0; static final RegExp _extractRatioRegExp = new RegExp(r"/?(\d+(\.\d*)?)x/"); double getScale(String key) { Match match = _extractRatioRegExp.firstMatch(key); if (match != null && match.groupCount > 0) return double.parse(match.group(1)); return 1.0; } // Return the value for the key in a [SplayTreeMap] nearest the provided key. String _findNearest(SplayTreeMap<double, String> candidates, double value) { if (candidates.containsKey(value)) return candidates[value]; double lower = candidates.lastKeyBefore(value); double upper = candidates.firstKeyAfter(value); if (lower == null) return candidates[upper]; if (upper == null) return candidates[lower]; if (value > (lower + upper) / 2) return candidates[upper]; else return candidates[lower]; } @override String chooseVariant(String main, List<String> candidates) { SplayTreeMap<double, String> mapping = new SplayTreeMap<double, String>(); for (String candidate in candidates) mapping[getScale(candidate)] = candidate; mapping[_naturalResolution] = main; return _findNearest(mapping, devicePixelRatio); } } /// Establishes an asset resolution strategy for its descendants. /// /// Given a main asset and a set of variants, AssetVendor chooses the most /// appropriate asset for the current context. The current asset resolution /// strategy knows how to find the asset most closely matching the current /// device pixel ratio - see [MediaQuery]. /// /// Main assets are presumed to match a nominal pixel ratio of 1.0. To specify /// assets targeting different pixel ratios, place the variant assets in /// the application bundle under subdirectories named in the form "Nx", where /// N is the nominal device pixel ratio for that asset. /// /// For example, suppose an application wants to use an icon named /// "heart.png". This icon has representations at 1.0 (the main icon), as well /// as 1.5 and 2.0 pixel ratios (variants). The asset bundle should then contain /// the following assets: /// /// ``` /// heart.png /// 1.5x/heart.png /// 2.0x/heart.png /// ``` /// /// On a device with a 1.0 device pixel ratio, the image chosen would be /// heart.png; on a device with a 1.3 device pixel ratio, the image chosen /// would be 1.5x/heart.png. /// /// The directory level of the asset does not matter as long as the variants are /// at the equivalent level; that is, the following is also a valid bundle /// structure: /// /// ``` /// icons/heart.png /// icons/1.5x/heart.png /// icons/2.0x/heart.png /// ``` class AssetVendor extends StatefulWidget { /// Creates a widget that establishes an asset resolution strategy for its descendants. AssetVendor({ Key key, @required this.bundle, this.devicePixelRatio, this.imageDecoder: decodeImageFromDataPipe, this.child }) : super(key: key) { assert(bundle != null); } /// The bundle from which to load the assets. final AssetBundle bundle; /// If non-null, the device pixel ratio to assume when selecting assets. final double devicePixelRatio; /// The function to use for decoding images. final ImageDecoder imageDecoder; /// The widget below this widget in the tree. final Widget child; @override _AssetVendorState createState() => new _AssetVendorState(); @override void debugFillDescription(List<String> description) { super.debugFillDescription(description); description.add('bundle: $bundle'); if (devicePixelRatio != null) description.add('devicePixelRatio: $devicePixelRatio'); } } class _AssetVendorState extends State<AssetVendor> { _ResolvingAssetBundle _bundle; void _initBundle() { _bundle = new _ResolutionAwareAssetBundle( bundle: config.bundle, imageDecoder: config.imageDecoder, resolver: new _ResolutionAwareAssetResolver( bundle: config.bundle, devicePixelRatio: config.devicePixelRatio ) ); } @override void initState() { super.initState(); _initBundle(); } @override void didUpdateConfig(AssetVendor oldConfig) { if (config.bundle != oldConfig.bundle || config.devicePixelRatio != oldConfig.devicePixelRatio) { _initBundle(); } } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return new DefaultAssetBundle(bundle: _bundle, child: config.child); } @override void debugFillDescription(List<String> description) { super.debugFillDescription(description); description.add('bundle: $_bundle'); } }