// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:html/dom.dart';
import 'package:html/parser.dart';
import 'base/common.dart';
/// Placeholder for base href
const String kBaseHrefPlaceholder = r'$FLUTTER_BASE_HREF';
/// Utility class for parsing and performing operations on the contents of the
/// index.html file.
/// For example, to parse the base href from the index.html file:
/// ```dart
/// String parseBaseHref(File indexHtmlFile) {
/// final IndexHtml indexHtml = IndexHtml(indexHtmlFile.readAsStringSync());
/// return indexHtml.getBaseHref();
/// }
/// ```
class IndexHtml {
String get content => _content;
String _content;
Document _getDocument() => parse(_content);
/// Parses the base href from the index.html file.
String getBaseHref() {
final Element? baseElement = _getDocument().querySelector('base');
final String? baseHref = baseElement?.attributes == null
? null
: baseElement!.attributes['href'];
if (baseHref == null || baseHref == kBaseHrefPlaceholder) {
return '';
if (!baseHref.startsWith('/')) {
throw ToolExit(
'Error: The base href in "web/index.html" must be absolute (i.e. start '
'with a "/"), but found: `${baseElement!.outerHtml}`.\n'
if (!baseHref.endsWith('/')) {
throw ToolExit(
'Error: The base href in "web/index.html" must end with a "/", but found: `${baseElement!.outerHtml}`.\n'
return stripLeadingSlash(stripTrailingSlash(baseHref));
/// Applies substitutions to the content of the index.html file.
void applySubstitutions({
required String baseHref,
required String? serviceWorkerVersion,
}) {
if (_content.contains(kBaseHrefPlaceholder)) {
_content = _content.replaceAll(kBaseHrefPlaceholder, baseHref);
if (serviceWorkerVersion != null) {
_content = _content
'var serviceWorkerVersion = null',
'var serviceWorkerVersion = "$serviceWorkerVersion"',
// This is for legacy index.html that still uses the old service
// worker loading mechanism.
/// Strips the leading slash from a path.
String stripLeadingSlash(String path) {
while (path.startsWith('/')) {
path = path.substring(1);
return path;
/// Strips the trailing slash from a path.
String stripTrailingSlash(String path) {
while (path.endsWith('/')) {
path = path.substring(0, path.length - 1);
return path;
const String _kBasePathExample = '''
For example, to serve from the root use:
To serve from a subpath "foo" (i.e. http://localhost:8080/foo/ instead of http://localhost:8080/) use:
For more information, see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/base