// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import '../../artifacts.dart';
import '../../base/build.dart';
import '../../base/deferred_component.dart';
import '../../base/file_system.dart';
import '../../build_info.dart';
import '../../globals.dart' as globals show xcode;
import '../../project.dart';
import '../build_system.dart';
import '../depfile.dart';
import '../exceptions.dart';
import 'assets.dart';
import 'common.dart';
import 'icon_tree_shaker.dart';
import 'shader_compiler.dart';

/// Prepares the asset bundle in the format expected by flutter.gradle.
/// The vm_snapshot_data, isolate_snapshot_data, and kernel_blob.bin are
/// expected to be in the root output directory.
/// All assets and manifests are included from flutter_assets/**.
abstract class AndroidAssetBundle extends Target {
  const AndroidAssetBundle();

  List<Source> get inputs => const <Source>[

  List<Source> get outputs => const <Source>[];

  List<String> get depfiles => <String>[

  Future<void> build(Environment environment) async {
    final String? buildModeEnvironment = environment.defines[kBuildMode];
    if (buildModeEnvironment == null) {
      throw MissingDefineException(kBuildMode, name);
    final BuildMode buildMode = getBuildModeForName(buildModeEnvironment);
    final Directory outputDirectory = environment.outputDir
      ..createSync(recursive: true);

    // Only copy the prebuilt runtimes and kernel blob in debug mode.
    if (buildMode == BuildMode.debug) {
      final String vmSnapshotData = environment.artifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.vmSnapshotData, mode: BuildMode.debug);
      final String isolateSnapshotData = environment.artifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.isolateSnapshotData, mode: BuildMode.debug);
    final Depfile assetDepfile = await copyAssets(
      targetPlatform: TargetPlatform.android,
      buildMode: buildMode,
      shaderTarget: ShaderTarget.impellerAndroid,
    final DepfileService depfileService = DepfileService(
      fileSystem: environment.fileSystem,
      logger: environment.logger,

  List<Target> get dependencies => const <Target>[

/// An implementation of [AndroidAssetBundle] that includes dependencies on vm
/// and isolate data.
class DebugAndroidApplication extends AndroidAssetBundle {
  const DebugAndroidApplication();

  String get name => 'debug_android_application';

  List<Source> get inputs => <Source>[
    const Source.artifact(Artifact.vmSnapshotData, mode: BuildMode.debug),
    const Source.artifact(Artifact.isolateSnapshotData, mode: BuildMode.debug),

  List<Source> get outputs => <Source>[
    const Source.pattern('{OUTPUT_DIR}/flutter_assets/vm_snapshot_data'),
    const Source.pattern('{OUTPUT_DIR}/flutter_assets/isolate_snapshot_data'),
    const Source.pattern('{OUTPUT_DIR}/flutter_assets/kernel_blob.bin'),

/// An implementation of [AndroidAssetBundle] that only includes assets.
class AotAndroidAssetBundle extends AndroidAssetBundle {
  const AotAndroidAssetBundle();

  String get name => 'aot_android_asset_bundle';

/// Build a profile android application's Dart artifacts.
class ProfileAndroidApplication extends CopyFlutterAotBundle {
  const ProfileAndroidApplication();

  String get name => 'profile_android_application';

  List<Target> get dependencies => const <Target>[

/// Build a release android application's Dart artifacts.
class ReleaseAndroidApplication extends CopyFlutterAotBundle {
  const ReleaseAndroidApplication();

  String get name => 'release_android_application';

  List<Target> get dependencies => const <Target>[

/// Generate an ELF binary from a dart kernel file in release mode.
/// This rule implementation outputs the generated so to a unique location
/// based on the Android ABI. This allows concurrent invocations of gen_snapshot
/// to run simultaneously.
/// The name of an instance of this rule would be 'android_aot_profile_android-x64'
/// and is relied upon by flutter.gradle to match the correct rule.
/// It will produce an 'app.so` in the build directory under a folder named with
/// the matching Android ABI.
class AndroidAot extends AotElfBase {
  /// Create an [AndroidAot] implementation for a given [targetPlatform] and [buildMode].
  const AndroidAot(this.targetPlatform, this.buildMode);

  /// The name of the produced Android ABI.
  String get _androidAbiName {
    return getNameForAndroidArch(

  String get name => 'android_aot_${getNameForBuildMode(buildMode)}_'

  /// The specific Android ABI we are building for.
  final TargetPlatform targetPlatform;

  /// The selected build mode.
  /// Build mode is restricted to [BuildMode.profile] or [BuildMode.release] for AOT builds.
  final BuildMode buildMode;

  List<Source> get inputs => <Source>[
    const Source.pattern('{FLUTTER_ROOT}/packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/build_system/targets/android.dart'),
    const Source.pattern('{BUILD_DIR}/app.dill'),
    const Source.artifact(Artifact.engineDartBinary),
    const Source.artifact(Artifact.skyEnginePath),
      mode: buildMode,
      platform: targetPlatform,

  List<Source> get outputs => <Source>[

  List<String> get depfiles => <String>[

  List<Target> get dependencies => const <Target>[

  Future<void> build(Environment environment) async {
    final AOTSnapshotter snapshotter = AOTSnapshotter(
      fileSystem: environment.fileSystem,
      logger: environment.logger,
      xcode: globals.xcode!,
      processManager: environment.processManager,
      artifacts: environment.artifacts,
    final Directory output = environment.buildDir.childDirectory(_androidAbiName);
    final String? buildModeEnvironment = environment.defines[kBuildMode];
    if (buildModeEnvironment == null) {
      throw MissingDefineException(kBuildMode, 'aot_elf');
    if (!output.existsSync()) {
      output.createSync(recursive: true);
    final List<String> extraGenSnapshotOptions = decodeCommaSeparated(environment.defines, kExtraGenSnapshotOptions);
    final List<File> outputs = <File>[]; // outputs for the depfile
    final String manifestPath = '${output.path}${environment.platform.pathSeparator}manifest.json';
    if (environment.defines[kDeferredComponents] == 'true') {
    final BuildMode buildMode = getBuildModeForName(buildModeEnvironment);
    final bool dartObfuscation = environment.defines[kDartObfuscation] == 'true';
    final String? codeSizeDirectory = environment.defines[kCodeSizeDirectory];

    if (codeSizeDirectory != null) {
      final File codeSizeFile = environment.fileSystem
      final File precompilerTraceFile = environment.fileSystem

    final String? splitDebugInfo = environment.defines[kSplitDebugInfo];
    final int snapshotExitCode = await snapshotter.build(
      platform: targetPlatform,
      buildMode: buildMode,
      mainPath: environment.buildDir.childFile('app.dill').path,
      outputPath: output.path,
      extraGenSnapshotOptions: extraGenSnapshotOptions,
      splitDebugInfo: splitDebugInfo,
      dartObfuscation: dartObfuscation,
    if (snapshotExitCode != 0) {
      throw Exception('AOT snapshotter exited with code $snapshotExitCode');
    if (environment.defines[kDeferredComponents] == 'true') {
      // Parse the manifest for .so paths
      final List<LoadingUnit> loadingUnits = LoadingUnit.parseLoadingUnitManifest(environment.fileSystem.file(manifestPath), environment.logger);
      for (final LoadingUnit unit in loadingUnits) {
    final DepfileService depfileService = DepfileService(
      fileSystem: environment.fileSystem,
      logger: environment.logger,
      Depfile(<File>[], outputs),
      writeEmpty: true,

// AndroidAot instances used by the bundle rules below.
const AndroidAot androidArmProfile = AndroidAot(TargetPlatform.android_arm,  BuildMode.profile);
const AndroidAot androidArm64Profile = AndroidAot(TargetPlatform.android_arm64, BuildMode.profile);
const AndroidAot androidx64Profile = AndroidAot(TargetPlatform.android_x64, BuildMode.profile);
const AndroidAot androidArmRelease = AndroidAot(TargetPlatform.android_arm,  BuildMode.release);
const AndroidAot androidArm64Release = AndroidAot(TargetPlatform.android_arm64, BuildMode.release);
const AndroidAot androidx64Release = AndroidAot(TargetPlatform.android_x64, BuildMode.release);

/// A rule paired with [AndroidAot] that copies the produced so file and manifest.json (if present) into the output directory.
class AndroidAotBundle extends Target {
  /// Create an [AndroidAotBundle] implementation for a given [targetPlatform] and [buildMode].
  const AndroidAotBundle(this.dependency);

  /// The [AndroidAot] instance this bundle rule depends on.
  final AndroidAot dependency;

  /// The name of the produced Android ABI.
  String get _androidAbiName {
    return getNameForAndroidArch(

  String get name => 'android_aot_bundle_${getNameForBuildMode(dependency.buildMode)}_'

  TargetPlatform get targetPlatform => dependency.targetPlatform;

  /// The selected build mode.
  /// This is restricted to [BuildMode.profile] or [BuildMode.release].
  BuildMode get buildMode => dependency.buildMode;

  List<Source> get inputs => <Source>[

  // flutter.gradle has been updated to correctly consume it.
  List<Source> get outputs => <Source>[

  List<String> get depfiles => <String>[

  List<Target> get dependencies => <Target>[
    const AotAndroidAssetBundle(),

  Future<void> build(Environment environment) async {
    final Directory buildDir = environment.buildDir.childDirectory(_androidAbiName);
    final Directory outputDirectory = environment.outputDir
    if (!outputDirectory.existsSync()) {
      outputDirectory.createSync(recursive: true);
    final File outputLibFile = buildDir.childFile('app.so');

    final List<File> inputs = <File>[];
    final List<File> outputs = <File>[];
    final File manifestFile = buildDir.childFile('manifest.json');
    if (manifestFile.existsSync()) {
      final File destinationFile = outputDirectory.childFile('manifest.json');
    final DepfileService depfileService = DepfileService(
      fileSystem: environment.fileSystem,
      logger: environment.logger,
      Depfile(inputs, outputs),
      writeEmpty: true,

// AndroidBundleAot instances.
const AndroidAotBundle androidArmProfileBundle = AndroidAotBundle(androidArmProfile);
const AndroidAotBundle androidArm64ProfileBundle = AndroidAotBundle(androidArm64Profile);
const AndroidAotBundle androidx64ProfileBundle = AndroidAotBundle(androidx64Profile);
const AndroidAotBundle androidArmReleaseBundle = AndroidAotBundle(androidArmRelease);
const AndroidAotBundle androidArm64ReleaseBundle = AndroidAotBundle(androidArm64Release);
const AndroidAotBundle androidx64ReleaseBundle = AndroidAotBundle(androidx64Release);

// Rule that copies split aot library files to the intermediate dirs of each deferred component.
class AndroidAotDeferredComponentsBundle extends Target {
  /// Create an [AndroidAotDeferredComponentsBundle] implementation for a given [targetPlatform] and [buildMode].
  /// If [components] is not provided, it will be read from the pubspec.yaml manifest.
  AndroidAotDeferredComponentsBundle(this.dependency, {List<DeferredComponent>? components}) : _components = components;

  /// The [AndroidAotBundle] instance this bundle rule depends on.
  final AndroidAotBundle dependency;

  List<DeferredComponent>? _components;

  /// The name of the produced Android ABI.
  String get _androidAbiName {
    return getNameForAndroidArch(

  String get name => 'android_aot_deferred_components_bundle_${getNameForBuildMode(dependency.buildMode)}_'

  TargetPlatform get targetPlatform => dependency.targetPlatform;

  List<Source> get inputs => <Source>[
    // Tracking app.so is enough to invalidate the dynamically named
    // loading unit libs as changes to loading units guarantee
    // changes to app.so as well. This task does not actually
    // copy app.so.
    const Source.pattern('{PROJECT_DIR}/pubspec.yaml'),

  List<Source> get outputs => const <Source>[];

  List<String> get depfiles => <String>[

  List<Target> get dependencies => <Target>[

  Future<void> build(Environment environment) async {
    _components ??= FlutterProject.current().manifest.deferredComponents ?? <DeferredComponent>[];
    final List<String> abis = <String>[_androidAbiName];
    final List<LoadingUnit> generatedLoadingUnits = LoadingUnit.parseGeneratedLoadingUnits(environment.outputDir, environment.logger, abis: abis);
    for (final DeferredComponent component in _components!) {
    final Depfile libDepfile = copyDeferredComponentSoFiles(environment, _components!, generatedLoadingUnits, environment.projectDir.childDirectory('build'), abis, dependency.buildMode);

    final File manifestFile = environment.outputDir.childDirectory(_androidAbiName).childFile('manifest.json');
    if (manifestFile.existsSync()) {

    final DepfileService depfileService = DepfileService(
      fileSystem: environment.fileSystem,
      logger: environment.logger,
      writeEmpty: true,

Target androidArmProfileDeferredComponentsBundle = AndroidAotDeferredComponentsBundle(androidArmProfileBundle);
Target androidArm64ProfileDeferredComponentsBundle = AndroidAotDeferredComponentsBundle(androidArm64ProfileBundle);
Target androidx64ProfileDeferredComponentsBundle = AndroidAotDeferredComponentsBundle(androidx64ProfileBundle);
Target androidArmReleaseDeferredComponentsBundle = AndroidAotDeferredComponentsBundle(androidArmReleaseBundle);
Target androidArm64ReleaseDeferredComponentsBundle = AndroidAotDeferredComponentsBundle(androidArm64ReleaseBundle);
Target androidx64ReleaseDeferredComponentsBundle = AndroidAotDeferredComponentsBundle(androidx64ReleaseBundle);

/// A set of all target names that build deferred component apps.
Set<String> deferredComponentsTargets = <String>{

/// Utility method to copy and rename the required .so shared libs from the build output
/// to the correct component intermediate directory.
/// The [DeferredComponent]s passed to this method must have had loading units assigned.
/// Assigned components are components that have determined which loading units contains
/// the dart libraries it has via the DeferredComponent.assignLoadingUnits method.
Depfile copyDeferredComponentSoFiles(
  Environment env,
  List<DeferredComponent> components,
  List<LoadingUnit> loadingUnits,
  Directory buildDir, // generally `<projectDir>/build`
  List<String> abis,
  BuildMode buildMode,
) {
  final List<File> inputs = <File>[];
  final List<File> outputs = <File>[];
  final Set<int> usedLoadingUnits = <int>{};
  // Copy all .so files for loading units that are paired with a deferred component.
  for (final String abi in abis) {
    for (final DeferredComponent component in components) {
      final Set<LoadingUnit>? loadingUnits = component.loadingUnits;
      if (loadingUnits == null || !component.assigned) {
        env.logger.printError('Deferred component require loading units to be assigned.');
        return Depfile(inputs, outputs);
      for (final LoadingUnit unit in loadingUnits) {
        // ensure the abi for the unit is one of the abis we build for.
        final List<String>? splitPath = unit.path?.split(env.fileSystem.path.separator);
        if (splitPath == null || splitPath[splitPath.length - 2] != abi) {
        // the deferred_libs directory is added as a source set for the component.
        final File destination = buildDir
        if (!destination.existsSync()) {
          destination.createSync(recursive: true);
        final File source = env.fileSystem.file(unit.path);
  // Copy unused loading units, which are included in the base module.
  for (final String abi in abis) {
    for (final LoadingUnit unit in loadingUnits) {
      if (usedLoadingUnits.contains(unit.id)) {
        // ensure the abi for the unit is one of the abis we build for.
      final List<String>? splitPath = unit.path?.split(env.fileSystem.path.separator);
      if (splitPath == null || splitPath[splitPath.length - 2] != abi) {
      final File destination = env.outputDir
          // Omit 'lib' prefix here as it is added by the gradle task that adds 'lib' to 'app.so'.
      if (!destination.existsSync()) {
          destination.createSync(recursive: true);
      final File source = env.fileSystem.file(unit.path);
  return Depfile(inputs, outputs);