// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:math' as math; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart'; import 'actions.dart'; import 'basic.dart'; import 'focus_manager.dart'; import 'framework.dart'; import 'primary_scroll_controller.dart'; import 'scroll_configuration.dart'; import 'scroll_controller.dart'; import 'scroll_metrics.dart'; import 'scroll_physics.dart'; import 'scrollable.dart'; export 'package:flutter/physics.dart' show Tolerance; /// Describes the aspects of a Scrollable widget to inform inherited widgets /// like [ScrollBehavior] for decorating. // TODO(Piinks): Fix doc with 2DScrollable change. // or enumerate the properties of combined // Scrollables, such as [TwoDimensionalScrollable]. /// /// Decorations like [GlowingOverscrollIndicator]s and [Scrollbar]s require /// information about the Scrollable in order to be initialized. @immutable class ScrollableDetails { /// Creates a set of details describing the [Scrollable]. The [direction] /// cannot be null. const ScrollableDetails({ required this.direction, this.controller, this.physics, @Deprecated( 'Migrate to decorationClipBehavior. ' 'This property was deprecated so that its application is clearer. This clip ' 'applies to decorators, and does not directly clip a scroll view. ' 'This feature was deprecated after v3.9.0-1.0.pre.' ) Clip? clipBehavior, Clip? decorationClipBehavior, }) : decorationClipBehavior = clipBehavior ?? decorationClipBehavior; /// A constructor specific to a [Scrollable] with an [Axis.vertical]. const ScrollableDetails.vertical({ bool reverse = false, this.controller, this.physics, this.decorationClipBehavior, }) : direction = reverse ? AxisDirection.up : AxisDirection.down; /// A constructor specific to a [Scrollable] with an [Axis.horizontal]. const ScrollableDetails.horizontal({ bool reverse = false, this.controller, this.physics, this.decorationClipBehavior, }) : direction = reverse ? AxisDirection.left : AxisDirection.right; /// {@macro flutter.widgets.Scrollable.axisDirection} final AxisDirection direction; /// {@macro flutter.widgets.Scrollable.controller} final ScrollController? controller; /// {@macro flutter.widgets.Scrollable.physics} final ScrollPhysics? physics; /// {@macro flutter.material.Material.clipBehavior} /// /// This can be used by [MaterialScrollBehavior] to clip a /// [StretchingOverscrollIndicator]. /// /// This [Clip] does not affect the [Viewport.clipBehavior], but is rather /// passed from the same value by [Scrollable] so that decorators like /// [StretchingOverscrollIndicator] honor the same clip. /// /// Defaults to null. final Clip? decorationClipBehavior; /// Deprecated getter for [decorationClipBehavior]. @Deprecated( 'Migrate to decorationClipBehavior. ' 'This property was deprecated so that its application is clearer. This clip ' 'applies to decorators, and does not directly clip a scroll view. ' 'This feature was deprecated after v3.9.0-1.0.pre.' ) Clip? get clipBehavior => decorationClipBehavior; /// Copy the current [ScrollableDetails] with the given values replacing the /// current values. ScrollableDetails copyWith({ AxisDirection? direction, ScrollController? controller, ScrollPhysics? physics, Clip? decorationClipBehavior, }) { return ScrollableDetails( direction: direction ?? this.direction, controller: controller ?? this.controller, physics: physics ?? this.physics, decorationClipBehavior: decorationClipBehavior ?? this.decorationClipBehavior, ); } @override String toString() { final List description = []; description.add('axisDirection: $direction'); void addIfNonNull(String prefix, Object? value) { if (value != null) { description.add(prefix + value.toString()); } } addIfNonNull('scroll controller: ', controller); addIfNonNull('scroll physics: ', physics); addIfNonNull('decorationClipBehavior: ', decorationClipBehavior); return '${describeIdentity(this)}(${description.join(", ")})'; } @override int get hashCode => Object.hash( direction, controller, physics, decorationClipBehavior, ); @override bool operator ==(Object other) { if (identical(this, other)) { return true; } if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) { return false; } return other is ScrollableDetails && other.direction == direction && other.controller == controller && other.physics == physics && other.decorationClipBehavior == decorationClipBehavior; } } /// An auto scroller that scrolls the [scrollable] if a drag gesture drags close /// to its edge. /// /// The scroll velocity is controlled by the [velocityScalar]: /// /// velocity = * [velocityScalar]. class EdgeDraggingAutoScroller { /// Creates a auto scroller that scrolls the [scrollable]. EdgeDraggingAutoScroller( this.scrollable, { this.onScrollViewScrolled, this.velocityScalar = _kDefaultAutoScrollVelocityScalar, }); // An eyeballed value for a smooth scrolling experience. static const double _kDefaultAutoScrollVelocityScalar = 7; /// The [Scrollable] this auto scroller is scrolling. final ScrollableState scrollable; /// Called when a scroll view is scrolled. /// /// The scroll view may be scrolled multiple times in a row until the drag /// target no longer triggers the auto scroll. This callback will be called /// in between each scroll. final VoidCallback? onScrollViewScrolled; /// The velocity scalar per pixel over scroll. /// /// It represents how the velocity scale with the over scroll distance. The /// auto-scroll velocity = * velocityScalar. final double velocityScalar; late Rect _dragTargetRelatedToScrollOrigin; /// Whether the auto scroll is in progress. bool get scrolling => _scrolling; bool _scrolling = false; double _offsetExtent(Offset offset, Axis scrollDirection) { switch (scrollDirection) { case Axis.horizontal: return offset.dx; case Axis.vertical: return offset.dy; } } double _sizeExtent(Size size, Axis scrollDirection) { switch (scrollDirection) { case Axis.horizontal: return size.width; case Axis.vertical: return size.height; } } AxisDirection get _axisDirection => scrollable.axisDirection; Axis get _scrollDirection => axisDirectionToAxis(_axisDirection); /// Starts the auto scroll if the [dragTarget] is close to the edge. /// /// The scroll starts to scroll the [scrollable] if the target rect is close /// to the edge of the [scrollable]; otherwise, it remains stationary. /// /// If the scrollable is already scrolling, calling this method updates the /// previous dragTarget to the new value and continues scrolling if necessary. void startAutoScrollIfNecessary(Rect dragTarget) { final Offset deltaToOrigin = scrollable.deltaToScrollOrigin; _dragTargetRelatedToScrollOrigin = dragTarget.translate(deltaToOrigin.dx, deltaToOrigin.dy); if (_scrolling) { // The change will be picked up in the next scroll. return; } assert(!_scrolling); _scroll(); } /// Stop any ongoing auto scrolling. void stopAutoScroll() { _scrolling = false; } Future _scroll() async { final RenderBox scrollRenderBox = scrollable.context.findRenderObject()! as RenderBox; final Rect globalRect = MatrixUtils.transformRect( scrollRenderBox.getTransformTo(null), Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, scrollRenderBox.size.width, scrollRenderBox.size.height), ); assert( globalRect.size.width >= _dragTargetRelatedToScrollOrigin.size.width && globalRect.size.height >= _dragTargetRelatedToScrollOrigin.size.height, 'Drag target size is larger than scrollable size, which may cause bouncing', ); _scrolling = true; double? newOffset; const double overDragMax = 20.0; final Offset deltaToOrigin = scrollable.deltaToScrollOrigin; final Offset viewportOrigin = globalRect.topLeft.translate(deltaToOrigin.dx, deltaToOrigin.dy); final double viewportStart = _offsetExtent(viewportOrigin, _scrollDirection); final double viewportEnd = viewportStart + _sizeExtent(globalRect.size, _scrollDirection); final double proxyStart = _offsetExtent(_dragTargetRelatedToScrollOrigin.topLeft, _scrollDirection); final double proxyEnd = _offsetExtent(_dragTargetRelatedToScrollOrigin.bottomRight, _scrollDirection); switch (_axisDirection) { case AxisDirection.up: case AxisDirection.left: if (proxyEnd > viewportEnd && scrollable.position.pixels > scrollable.position.minScrollExtent) { final double overDrag = math.min(proxyEnd - viewportEnd, overDragMax); newOffset = math.max(scrollable.position.minScrollExtent, scrollable.position.pixels - overDrag); } else if (proxyStart < viewportStart && scrollable.position.pixels < scrollable.position.maxScrollExtent) { final double overDrag = math.min(viewportStart - proxyStart, overDragMax); newOffset = math.min(scrollable.position.maxScrollExtent, scrollable.position.pixels + overDrag); } case AxisDirection.right: case AxisDirection.down: if (proxyStart < viewportStart && scrollable.position.pixels > scrollable.position.minScrollExtent) { final double overDrag = math.min(viewportStart - proxyStart, overDragMax); newOffset = math.max(scrollable.position.minScrollExtent, scrollable.position.pixels - overDrag); } else if (proxyEnd > viewportEnd && scrollable.position.pixels < scrollable.position.maxScrollExtent) { final double overDrag = math.min(proxyEnd - viewportEnd, overDragMax); newOffset = math.min(scrollable.position.maxScrollExtent, scrollable.position.pixels + overDrag); } } if (newOffset == null || (newOffset - scrollable.position.pixels).abs() < 1.0) { // Drag should not trigger scroll. _scrolling = false; return; } final Duration duration = Duration(milliseconds: (1000 / velocityScalar).round()); await scrollable.position.animateTo( newOffset, duration: duration, curve: Curves.linear, ); if (onScrollViewScrolled != null) { onScrollViewScrolled!(); } if (_scrolling) { await _scroll(); } } } /// A typedef for a function that can calculate the offset for a type of scroll /// increment given a [ScrollIncrementDetails]. /// /// This function is used as the type for [Scrollable.incrementCalculator], /// which is called from a [ScrollAction]. typedef ScrollIncrementCalculator = double Function(ScrollIncrementDetails details); /// Describes the type of scroll increment that will be performed by a /// [ScrollAction] on a [Scrollable]. /// /// This is used to configure a [ScrollIncrementDetails] object to pass to a /// [ScrollIncrementCalculator] function on a [Scrollable]. /// /// {@template flutter.widgets.ScrollIncrementType.intent} /// This indicates the *intent* of the scroll, not necessarily the size. Not all /// scrollable areas will have the concept of a "line" or "page", but they can /// respond to the different standard key bindings that cause scrolling, which /// are bound to keys that people use to indicate a "line" scroll (e.g. /// control-arrowDown keys) or a "page" scroll (e.g. pageDown key). It is /// recommended that at least the relative magnitudes of the scrolls match /// expectations. /// {@endtemplate} enum ScrollIncrementType { /// Indicates that the [ScrollIncrementCalculator] should return the scroll /// distance it should move when the user requests to scroll by a "line". /// /// The distance a "line" scrolls refers to what should happen when the key /// binding for "scroll down/up by a line" is triggered. It's up to the /// [ScrollIncrementCalculator] function to decide what that means for a /// particular scrollable. line, /// Indicates that the [ScrollIncrementCalculator] should return the scroll /// distance it should move when the user requests to scroll by a "page". /// /// The distance a "page" scrolls refers to what should happen when the key /// binding for "scroll down/up by a page" is triggered. It's up to the /// [ScrollIncrementCalculator] function to decide what that means for a /// particular scrollable. page, } /// A details object that describes the type of scroll increment being requested /// of a [ScrollIncrementCalculator] function, as well as the current metrics /// for the scrollable. class ScrollIncrementDetails { /// A const constructor for a [ScrollIncrementDetails]. /// /// All of the arguments must not be null, and are required. const ScrollIncrementDetails({ required this.type, required this.metrics, }); /// The type of scroll this is (e.g. line, page, etc.). /// /// {@macro flutter.widgets.ScrollIncrementType.intent} final ScrollIncrementType type; /// The current metrics of the scrollable that is being scrolled. final ScrollMetrics metrics; } /// An [Intent] that represents scrolling the nearest scrollable by an amount /// appropriate for the [type] specified. /// /// The actual amount of the scroll is determined by the /// [Scrollable.incrementCalculator], or by its defaults if that is not /// specified. class ScrollIntent extends Intent { /// Creates a const [ScrollIntent] that requests scrolling in the given /// [direction], with the given [type]. const ScrollIntent({ required this.direction, this.type = ScrollIncrementType.line, }); /// The direction in which to scroll the scrollable containing the focused /// widget. final AxisDirection direction; /// The type of scrolling that is intended. final ScrollIncrementType type; } /// An [Action] that scrolls the [Scrollable] that encloses the current /// [primaryFocus] by the amount configured in the [ScrollIntent] given to it. /// /// If a Scrollable cannot be found above the current [primaryFocus], the /// [PrimaryScrollController] will be considered for default handling of /// [ScrollAction]s. /// /// If [Scrollable.incrementCalculator] is null for the scrollable, the default /// for a [ScrollIntent.type] set to [ScrollIncrementType.page] is 80% of the /// size of the scroll window, and for [ScrollIncrementType.line], 50 logical /// pixels. class ScrollAction extends Action { @override bool isEnabled(ScrollIntent intent) { final FocusNode? focus = primaryFocus; final bool contextIsValid = focus != null && focus.context != null; if (contextIsValid) { // Check for primary scrollable within the current context if (Scrollable.maybeOf(focus.context!) != null) { return true; } // Check for fallback scrollable with context from PrimaryScrollController final ScrollController? primaryScrollController = PrimaryScrollController.maybeOf(focus.context!); return primaryScrollController != null && primaryScrollController.hasClients; } return false; } /// Returns the scroll increment for a single scroll request, for use when /// scrolling using a hardware keyboard. /// /// Must not be called when the position is null, or when any of the position /// metrics (pixels, viewportDimension, maxScrollExtent, minScrollExtent) are /// null. The type and state arguments must not be null, and the widget must /// have already been laid out so that the position fields are valid. static double _calculateScrollIncrement(ScrollableState state, { ScrollIncrementType type = ScrollIncrementType.line }) { assert(state.position.hasPixels); assert(state.resolvedPhysics == null || state.resolvedPhysics!.shouldAcceptUserOffset(state.position)); if (state.widget.incrementCalculator != null) { return state.widget.incrementCalculator!( ScrollIncrementDetails( type: type, metrics: state.position, ), ); } switch (type) { case ScrollIncrementType.line: return 50.0; case ScrollIncrementType.page: return 0.8 * state.position.viewportDimension; } } /// Find out how much of an increment to move by, taking the different /// directions into account. static double getDirectionalIncrement(ScrollableState state, ScrollIntent intent) { final double increment = _calculateScrollIncrement(state, type: intent.type); switch (intent.direction) { case AxisDirection.down: switch (state.axisDirection) { case AxisDirection.up: return -increment; case AxisDirection.down: return increment; case AxisDirection.right: case AxisDirection.left: return 0.0; } case AxisDirection.up: switch (state.axisDirection) { case AxisDirection.up: return increment; case AxisDirection.down: return -increment; case AxisDirection.right: case AxisDirection.left: return 0.0; } case AxisDirection.left: switch (state.axisDirection) { case AxisDirection.right: return -increment; case AxisDirection.left: return increment; case AxisDirection.up: case AxisDirection.down: return 0.0; } case AxisDirection.right: switch (state.axisDirection) { case AxisDirection.right: return increment; case AxisDirection.left: return -increment; case AxisDirection.up: case AxisDirection.down: return 0.0; } } } @override void invoke(ScrollIntent intent) { ScrollableState? state = Scrollable.maybeOf(primaryFocus!.context!); if (state == null) { final ScrollController primaryScrollController = PrimaryScrollController.of(primaryFocus!.context!); assert (() { if (primaryScrollController.positions.length != 1) { throw FlutterError.fromParts([ ErrorSummary( 'A ScrollAction was invoked with the PrimaryScrollController, but ' 'more than one ScrollPosition is attached.', ), ErrorDescription( 'Only one ScrollPosition can be manipulated by a ScrollAction at ' 'a time.', ), ErrorHint( 'The PrimaryScrollController can be inherited automatically by ' 'descendant ScrollViews based on the TargetPlatform and scroll ' 'direction. By default, the PrimaryScrollController is ' 'automatically inherited on mobile platforms for vertical ' 'ScrollViews. ScrollView.primary can also override this behavior.', ), ]); } return true; }()); if (primaryScrollController.position.context.notificationContext == null && Scrollable.maybeOf(primaryScrollController.position.context.notificationContext!) == null) { return; } state = Scrollable.maybeOf(primaryScrollController.position.context.notificationContext!); } assert(state != null, '$ScrollAction was invoked on a context that has no scrollable parent'); assert(state!.position.hasPixels, 'Scrollable must be laid out before it can be scrolled via a ScrollAction'); // Don't do anything if the user isn't allowed to scroll. if (state!.resolvedPhysics != null && !state.resolvedPhysics!.shouldAcceptUserOffset(state.position)) { return; } final double increment = getDirectionalIncrement(state, intent); if (increment == 0.0) { return; } state.position.moveTo( state.position.pixels + increment, duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 100), curve: Curves.easeInOut, ); } }