// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io' as io;

import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/file_system.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/io.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/cache.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/commands/create.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/dart/sdk.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';

import '../src/common.dart';
import '../src/context.dart';

void main() {
  group('create', () {
    Directory temp;
    Directory projectDir;

    setUpAll(() {

    setUp(() {
      temp = fs.systemTempDirectory.createTempSync('flutter_tools');
      projectDir = temp.childDirectory('flutter_project');

    tearDown(() {
      temp.deleteSync(recursive: true);

    // Verify that we create a project that is well-formed.
    testUsingContext('project', () async {
      return _createAndAnalyzeProject(
    }, timeout: const Timeout.factor(2.0));

    testUsingContext('kotlin/swift project', () async {
      return _createProject(
        <String>['--no-pub', '--android-language', 'kotlin', '-i', 'swift'],
        unexpectedPaths: <String>[

    testUsingContext('package project', () async {
      return _createAndAnalyzeProject(
        unexpectedPaths: <String>[
    }, timeout: const Timeout.factor(2.0));

    testUsingContext('plugin project', () async {
      return _createAndAnalyzeProject(
        plugin: true,
    }, timeout: const Timeout.factor(2.0));

    testUsingContext('kotlin/swift plugin project', () async {
      return _createProject(
        <String>['--no-pub', '--template=plugin', '-a', 'kotlin', '--ios-language', 'swift'],
        unexpectedPaths: <String>[
        plugin: true,

    testUsingContext('plugin project with custom org', () async {
      return _createProject(
          <String>['--no-pub', '--template=plugin', '--org', 'com.bar.foo'],
          unexpectedPaths: <String>[
          plugin: true,

    testUsingContext('project with-driver-test', () async {
      return _createAndAnalyzeProject(
    }, timeout: const Timeout.factor(2.0));

    // Verify content and formatting
    testUsingContext('content', () async {
      Cache.flutterRoot = '../..';

      final CreateCommand command = new CreateCommand();
      final CommandRunner<Null> runner = createTestCommandRunner(command);

      await runner.run(<String>['create', '--no-pub', '--org', 'com.foo.bar', projectDir.path]);

      void expectExists(String relPath) {
        expect(fs.isFileSync('${projectDir.path}/$relPath'), true);

      for (FileSystemEntity file in projectDir.listSync(recursive: true)) {
        if (file is File && file.path.endsWith('.dart')) {
          final String original = file.readAsStringSync();

          final Process process = await Process.start(
            workingDirectory: projectDir.path,
          final String formatted = await process.stdout.transform(UTF8.decoder).join();

          expect(original, formatted, reason: file.path);

      // TODO(pq): enable when sky_shell is available
      if (!io.Platform.isWindows) {
        // Verify that the sample widget test runs cleanly.
        final List<String> args = <String>[
          fs.path.absolute(fs.path.join('bin', 'flutter_tools.dart')),
          fs.path.join(projectDir.path, 'test', 'widget_test.dart'),

        final ProcessResult result = await Process.run(
          fs.path.join(dartSdkPath, 'bin', 'dart'),
          workingDirectory: projectDir.path,
        expect(result.exitCode, 0);

      // Generated Xcode settings
      final String xcodeConfigPath = fs.path.join('ios', 'Flutter', 'Generated.xcconfig');
      final File xcodeConfigFile = fs.file(fs.path.join(projectDir.path, xcodeConfigPath));
      final String xcodeConfig = xcodeConfigFile.readAsStringSync();
      expect(xcodeConfig, contains('FLUTTER_ROOT='));
      expect(xcodeConfig, contains('FLUTTER_APPLICATION_PATH='));
      expect(xcodeConfig, contains('FLUTTER_FRAMEWORK_DIR='));
      // App identification
      final String xcodeProjectPath = fs.path.join('ios', 'Runner.xcodeproj', 'project.pbxproj');
      final File xcodeProjectFile = fs.file(fs.path.join(projectDir.path, xcodeProjectPath));
      final String xcodeProject = xcodeProjectFile.readAsStringSync();
      expect(xcodeProject, contains('PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.foo.bar.flutterProject'));

    // Verify that we can regenerate over an existing project.
    testUsingContext('can re-gen over existing project', () async {
      Cache.flutterRoot = '../..';

      final CreateCommand command = new CreateCommand();
      final CommandRunner<Null> runner = createTestCommandRunner(command);

      await runner.run(<String>['create', '--no-pub', projectDir.path]);

      await runner.run(<String>['create', '--no-pub', projectDir.path]);

    // Verify that we help the user correct an option ordering issue
    testUsingContext('produces sensible error message', () async {
      Cache.flutterRoot = '../..';

      final CreateCommand command = new CreateCommand();
      final CommandRunner<Null> runner = createTestCommandRunner(command);

        runner.run(<String>['create', projectDir.path, '--pub']),
        throwsToolExit(exitCode: 2, message: 'Try moving --pub'),

    // Verify that we fail with an error code when the file exists.
    testUsingContext('fails when file exists', () async {
      Cache.flutterRoot = '../..';
      final CreateCommand command = new CreateCommand();
      final CommandRunner<Null> runner = createTestCommandRunner(command);
      final File existingFile = fs.file("${projectDir.path.toString()}/bad");
      if (!existingFile.existsSync())
        existingFile.createSync(recursive: true);
        runner.run(<String>['create', existingFile.path]),
        throwsToolExit(message: 'file exists'),

    testUsingContext('fails when invalid package name', () async {
      Cache.flutterRoot = '../..';
      final CreateCommand command = new CreateCommand();
      final CommandRunner<Null> runner = createTestCommandRunner(command);
        runner.run(<String>['create', fs.path.join(projectDir.path, 'invalidName')]),
        throwsToolExit(message: '"invalidName" is not a valid Dart package name.'),

Future<Null> _createProject(
    Directory dir, List<String> createArgs, List<String> expectedPaths,
    { List<String> unexpectedPaths = const <String>[], bool plugin = false}) async {
  Cache.flutterRoot = '../..';
  final CreateCommand command = new CreateCommand();
  final CommandRunner<Null> runner = createTestCommandRunner(command);
  final List<String> args = <String>['create'];
  await runner.run(args);

  for (String path in expectedPaths) {
    expect(fs.file(fs.path.join(dir.path, path)).existsSync(), true, reason: '$path does not exist');
  for (String path in unexpectedPaths) {
    expect(fs.file(fs.path.join(dir.path, path)).existsSync(), false, reason: '$path exists');

Future<Null> _createAndAnalyzeProject(
    Directory dir, List<String> createArgs, List<String> expectedPaths,
    { List<String> unexpectedPaths = const <String>[], bool plugin = false }) async {
  await _createProject(dir, createArgs, expectedPaths, unexpectedPaths: unexpectedPaths, plugin: plugin);
  if (plugin) {
    await _analyzeProject(dir.path, target: fs.path.join(dir.path, 'lib', 'flutter_project.dart'));
    await _analyzeProject(fs.path.join(dir.path, 'example'));
  } else {
    await _analyzeProject(dir.path);

Future<Null> _analyzeProject(String workingDir, {String target}) async {
  final String flutterToolsPath = fs.path.absolute(fs.path.join(

  final List<String> args = <String>[flutterToolsPath, 'analyze'];
  if (target != null)

  final ProcessResult exec = await Process.run(
    workingDirectory: workingDir,
  if (exec.exitCode != 0) {
  expect(exec.exitCode, 0);