// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart'; import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart'; import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; import 'common.dart'; final Set interestingLabels = { 'BUILD', 'LAYOUT', 'UPDATING COMPOSITING BITS', 'PAINT', 'COMPOSITING', 'FINALIZE TREE', '$Placeholder', '$CustomPaint', '$RenderCustomPaint', }; class TestRoot extends StatefulWidget { const TestRoot({ super.key }); static late final TestRootState state; @override State createState() => TestRootState(); } class TestRootState extends State { @override void initState() { super.initState(); TestRoot.state = this; } Widget _widget = const Placeholder(); void updateWidget(Widget newWidget) { setState(() { _widget = newWidget; }); } void rebuild() { setState(() { // no change, just force a rebuild }); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return _widget; } } void main() { WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); initTimelineTests(); test('Timeline', () async { // We don't have expectations around the first frame because there's a race around // the warm-up frame that we don't want to get involved in here. await runFrame(() { runApp(const TestRoot()); }); await SchedulerBinding.instance.endOfFrame; await fetchInterestingEvents(interestingLabels); // The next few cases build the exact same tree so should have no effect. debugProfileBuildsEnabled = true; await runFrame(() { TestRoot.state.rebuild(); }); expect( await fetchInterestingEventNames(interestingLabels), ['BUILD', 'LAYOUT', 'UPDATING COMPOSITING BITS', 'PAINT', 'COMPOSITING', 'FINALIZE TREE'], ); debugProfileBuildsEnabled = false; debugProfileLayoutsEnabled = true; await runFrame(() { TestRoot.state.rebuild(); }); expect( await fetchInterestingEventNames(interestingLabels), ['BUILD', 'LAYOUT', 'UPDATING COMPOSITING BITS', 'PAINT', 'COMPOSITING', 'FINALIZE TREE'], ); debugProfileLayoutsEnabled = false; debugProfilePaintsEnabled = true; await runFrame(() { TestRoot.state.rebuild(); }); expect( await fetchInterestingEventNames(interestingLabels), ['BUILD', 'LAYOUT', 'UPDATING COMPOSITING BITS', 'PAINT', 'COMPOSITING', 'FINALIZE TREE'], ); debugProfilePaintsEnabled = false; // Now we replace the widgets each time to cause a rebuild. List events; Map args; debugProfileBuildsEnabled = true; debugEnhanceBuildTimelineArguments = true; await runFrame(() { TestRoot.state.updateWidget(Placeholder(key: UniqueKey(), color: const Color(0xFFFFFFFF))); }); events = await fetchInterestingEvents(interestingLabels); expect( events.map(eventToName), ['BUILD', 'Placeholder', 'CustomPaint', 'LAYOUT', 'UPDATING COMPOSITING BITS', 'PAINT', 'COMPOSITING', 'FINALIZE TREE'], ); args = (events.where((TimelineEvent event) => event.json!['name'] == '$Placeholder').single.json!['args'] as Map).cast(); expect(args['color'], 'Color(0xffffffff)'); debugProfileBuildsEnabled = false; debugEnhanceBuildTimelineArguments = false; debugProfileBuildsEnabledUserWidgets = true; debugEnhanceBuildTimelineArguments = true; await runFrame(() { TestRoot.state.updateWidget(Placeholder(key: UniqueKey(), color: const Color(0xFFFFFFFF))); }); events = await fetchInterestingEvents(interestingLabels); expect( events.map(eventToName), ['BUILD', 'Placeholder', 'LAYOUT', 'UPDATING COMPOSITING BITS', 'PAINT', 'COMPOSITING', 'FINALIZE TREE'], ); args = (events.where((TimelineEvent event) => event.json!['name'] == '$Placeholder').single.json!['args'] as Map).cast(); expect(args['color'], 'Color(0xffffffff)'); debugProfileBuildsEnabledUserWidgets = false; debugEnhanceBuildTimelineArguments = false; debugProfileLayoutsEnabled = true; debugEnhanceLayoutTimelineArguments = true; await runFrame(() { TestRoot.state.updateWidget(Placeholder(key: UniqueKey())); }); events = await fetchInterestingEvents(interestingLabels); expect( events.map(eventToName), ['BUILD', 'LAYOUT', 'RenderCustomPaint', 'UPDATING COMPOSITING BITS', 'PAINT', 'COMPOSITING', 'FINALIZE TREE'], ); args = (events.where((TimelineEvent event) => event.json!['name'] == '$RenderCustomPaint').single.json!['args'] as Map).cast(); expect(args['creator'], startsWith('CustomPaint')); expect(args['creator'], contains('Placeholder')); expect(args['painter'], startsWith('_PlaceholderPainter#')); debugProfileLayoutsEnabled = false; debugEnhanceLayoutTimelineArguments = false; debugProfilePaintsEnabled = true; debugEnhancePaintTimelineArguments = true; await runFrame(() { TestRoot.state.updateWidget(Placeholder(key: UniqueKey())); }); events = await fetchInterestingEvents(interestingLabels); expect( events.map(eventToName), ['BUILD', 'LAYOUT', 'UPDATING COMPOSITING BITS', 'PAINT', 'RenderCustomPaint', 'COMPOSITING', 'FINALIZE TREE'], ); args = (events.where((TimelineEvent event) => event.json!['name'] == '$RenderCustomPaint').single.json!['args'] as Map).cast(); expect(args['creator'], startsWith('CustomPaint')); expect(args['creator'], contains('Placeholder')); expect(args['painter'], startsWith('_PlaceholderPainter#')); debugProfilePaintsEnabled = false; debugEnhancePaintTimelineArguments = false; }, skip: isBrowser); // [intended] uses dart:isolate and io. }