// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:ui' show ImageFilter; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'button.dart'; import 'colors.dart'; import 'icons.dart'; import 'page_scaffold.dart'; /// Standard iOS navigation bar height without the status bar. const double _kNavBarPersistentHeight = 44.0; /// Size increase from expanding the navigation bar into an iOS-11-style large title /// form in a [CustomScrollView]. const double _kNavBarLargeTitleHeightExtension = 56.0; /// Number of logical pixels scrolled down before the title text is transferred /// from the normal navigation bar to a big title below the navigation bar. const double _kNavBarShowLargeTitleThreshold = 10.0; const double _kNavBarEdgePadding = 16.0; // The back chevron has a special padding in iOS. const double _kNavBarBackButtonPadding = 0.0; const double _kNavBarBackButtonTapWidth = 50.0; /// Title text transfer fade. const Duration _kNavBarTitleFadeDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 150); const Color _kDefaultNavBarBackgroundColor = const Color(0xCCF8F8F8); const Color _kDefaultNavBarBorderColor = const Color(0x4C000000); const Border _kDefaultNavBarBorder = const Border( bottom: const BorderSide( color: _kDefaultNavBarBorderColor, width: 0.0, // One physical pixel. style: BorderStyle.solid, ), ); const TextStyle _kLargeTitleTextStyle = const TextStyle( fontFamily: '.SF UI Text', fontSize: 34.0, fontWeight: FontWeight.w700, letterSpacing: -1.4, color: CupertinoColors.black, ); /// An iOS-styled navigation bar. /// /// The navigation bar is a toolbar that minimally consists of a widget, normally /// a page title, in the [middle] of the toolbar. /// /// It also supports a [leading] and [trailing] widget before and after the /// [middle] widget while keeping the [middle] widget centered. /// /// The [leading] widget will automatically be a back chevron icon button (or a /// close button in case of a fullscreen dialog) to pop the current route if none /// is provided and [automaticallyImplyLeading] is true (true by default). /// /// It should be placed at top of the screen and automatically accounts for /// the OS's status bar. /// /// If the given [backgroundColor]'s opacity is not 1.0 (which is the case by /// default), it will produce a blurring effect to the content behind it. /// /// See also: /// /// * [CupertinoPageScaffold], a page layout helper typically hosting the /// [CupertinoNavigationBar]. /// * [CupertinoSliverNavigationBar] for a navigation bar to be placed in a /// scrolling list and that supports iOS-11-style large titles. class CupertinoNavigationBar extends StatelessWidget implements ObstructingPreferredSizeWidget { /// Creates a navigation bar in the iOS style. const CupertinoNavigationBar({ Key key, this.leading, this.automaticallyImplyLeading: true, this.middle, this.trailing, this.border: _kDefaultNavBarBorder, this.backgroundColor: _kDefaultNavBarBackgroundColor, this.actionsForegroundColor: CupertinoColors.activeBlue, }) : assert(automaticallyImplyLeading != null), super(key: key); /// Widget to place at the start of the navigation bar. Normally a back button /// for a normal page or a cancel button for full page dialogs. final Widget leading; /// Controls whether we should try to imply the leading widget if null. /// /// If true and [leading] is null, automatically try to deduce what the [leading] /// widget should be. If [leading] widget is not null, this parameter has no effect. /// /// This value cannot be null. final bool automaticallyImplyLeading; /// Widget to place in the middle of the navigation bar. Normally a title or /// a segmented control. final Widget middle; /// Widget to place at the end of the navigation bar. Normally additional actions /// taken on the page such as a search or edit function. final Widget trailing; // TODO(xster): implement support for double row navigation bars. /// The background color of the navigation bar. If it contains transparency, the /// tab bar will automatically produce a blurring effect to the content /// behind it. final Color backgroundColor; /// The border of the navigation bar. By default renders a single pixel bottom border side. /// /// If a border is null, the navigation bar will not display a border. final Border border; /// Default color used for text and icons of the [leading] and [trailing] /// widgets in the navigation bar. /// /// The default color for text in the [middle] slot is always black, as per /// iOS standard design. final Color actionsForegroundColor; /// True if the navigation bar's background color has no transparency. @override bool get fullObstruction => backgroundColor.alpha == 0xFF; @override Size get preferredSize { return const Size.fromHeight(_kNavBarPersistentHeight); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return _wrapWithBackground( border: border, backgroundColor: backgroundColor, child: new _CupertinoPersistentNavigationBar( leading: leading, automaticallyImplyLeading: automaticallyImplyLeading, middle: middle, trailing: trailing, actionsForegroundColor: actionsForegroundColor, ), ); } } /// An iOS-styled navigation bar with iOS-11-style large titles using slivers. /// /// The [CupertinoSliverNavigationBar] must be placed in a sliver group such /// as the [CustomScrollView]. /// /// This navigation bar consists of two sections, a pinned static section on top /// and a sliding section containing iOS-11-style large title below it. /// /// It should be placed at top of the screen and automatically accounts for /// the iOS status bar. /// /// Minimally, a [largeTitle] widget will appear in the middle of the app bar /// when the sliver is collapsed and transfer to the area below in larger font /// when the sliver is expanded. /// /// For advanced uses, an optional [middle] widget can be supplied to show a /// different widget in the middle of the navigation bar when the sliver is collapsed. /// /// Like [CupertinoNavigationBar], it also supports a [leading] and [trailing] /// widget on the static section on top that remains while scrolling. /// /// The [leading] widget will automatically be a back chevron icon button (or a /// close button in case of a fullscreen dialog) to pop the current route if none /// is provided and [automaticallyImplyLeading] is true (true by default). /// /// See also: /// /// * [CupertinoNavigationBar], an iOS navigation bar for use on non-scrolling /// pages. class CupertinoSliverNavigationBar extends StatelessWidget { /// Creates a navigation bar for scrolling lists. /// /// The [largeTitle] argument is required and must not be null. const CupertinoSliverNavigationBar({ Key key, @required this.largeTitle, this.leading, this.automaticallyImplyLeading: true, this.middle, this.trailing, this.backgroundColor: _kDefaultNavBarBackgroundColor, this.actionsForegroundColor: CupertinoColors.activeBlue, }) : assert(largeTitle != null), assert(automaticallyImplyLeading != null), super(key: key); /// The navigation bar's title. /// /// This text will appear in the top static navigation bar when collapsed and /// below the navigation bar, in a larger font, when expanded. /// /// A suitable [DefaultTextStyle] is provided around this widget as it is /// moved around, to change its font size. /// /// If [middle] is null, then the [largeTitle] widget will be inserted into /// the tree in two places when transitioning from the collapsed state to the /// expanded state. It is therefore imperative that this subtree not contain /// any [GlobalKey]s, and that it not rely on maintaining state (for example, /// animations will not survive the transition from one location to the other, /// and may in fact be visible in two places at once during the transition). final Widget largeTitle; /// Widget to place at the start of the static navigation bar. Normally a back button /// for a normal page or a cancel button for full page dialogs. /// /// This widget is visible in both collapsed and expanded states. final Widget leading; /// Controls whether we should try to imply the leading widget if null. /// /// If true and [leading] is null, automatically try to deduce what the [leading] /// widget should be. If [leading] widget is not null, this parameter has no effect. /// /// This value cannot be null. final bool automaticallyImplyLeading; /// A widget to place in the middle of the static navigation bar instead of /// the [largeTitle]. /// /// This widget is visible in both collapsed and expanded states. The text /// supplied in [largeTitle] will no longer appear in collapsed state if a /// [middle] widget is provided. final Widget middle; /// Widget to place at the end of the static navigation bar. Normally /// additional actions taken on the page such as a search or edit function. /// /// This widget is visible in both collapsed and expanded states. final Widget trailing; /// The background color of the navigation bar. If it contains transparency, the /// tab bar will automatically produce a blurring effect to the content /// behind it. final Color backgroundColor; /// Default color used for text and icons of the [leading] and [trailing] /// widgets in the navigation bar. /// /// The default color for text in the [middle] slot is always black, as per /// iOS standard design. final Color actionsForegroundColor; /// True if the navigation bar's background color has no transparency. bool get opaque => backgroundColor.alpha == 0xFF; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return new SliverPersistentHeader( pinned: true, // iOS navigation bars are always pinned. delegate: new _CupertinoLargeTitleNavigationBarSliverDelegate( persistentHeight: _kNavBarPersistentHeight + MediaQuery.of(context).padding.top, title: largeTitle, leading: leading, automaticallyImplyLeading: automaticallyImplyLeading, middle: middle, trailing: trailing, backgroundColor: backgroundColor, actionsForegroundColor: actionsForegroundColor, ), ); } } /// Returns `child` wrapped with background and a bottom border if background color /// is opaque. Otherwise, also blur with [BackdropFilter]. Widget _wrapWithBackground({ Border border, Color backgroundColor, Widget child, }) { final DecoratedBox childWithBackground = new DecoratedBox( decoration: new BoxDecoration( border: border, color: backgroundColor, ), child: child, ); final bool darkBackground = backgroundColor.computeLuminance() < 0.179; SystemChrome.setSystemUIOverlayStyle( darkBackground ? SystemUiOverlayStyle.light : SystemUiOverlayStyle.dark ); if (backgroundColor.alpha == 0xFF) return childWithBackground; return new ClipRect( child: new BackdropFilter( filter: new ImageFilter.blur(sigmaX: 10.0, sigmaY: 10.0), child: childWithBackground, ), ); } /// The top part of the navigation bar that's never scrolled away. /// /// Consists of the entire navigation bar without background and border when used /// without large titles. With large titles, it's the top static half that /// doesn't scroll. class _CupertinoPersistentNavigationBar extends StatelessWidget implements PreferredSizeWidget { const _CupertinoPersistentNavigationBar({ Key key, this.leading, this.automaticallyImplyLeading, this.middle, this.trailing, this.actionsForegroundColor, this.middleVisible, }) : super(key: key); final Widget leading; final bool automaticallyImplyLeading; final Widget middle; final Widget trailing; final Color actionsForegroundColor; /// Whether the middle widget has a visible animated opacity. A null value /// means the middle opacity will not be animated. final bool middleVisible; @override Size get preferredSize => const Size.fromHeight(_kNavBarPersistentHeight); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final TextStyle actionsStyle = new TextStyle( fontFamily: '.SF UI Text', fontSize: 17.0, letterSpacing: -0.24, color: actionsForegroundColor, ); final Widget styledLeading = leading == null ? null : new DefaultTextStyle( style: actionsStyle, child: leading, ); final Widget styledTrailing = trailing == null ? null : new DefaultTextStyle( style: actionsStyle, child: trailing, ); // Let the middle be black rather than `actionsForegroundColor` in case // it's a plain text title. final Widget styledMiddle = middle == null ? null : new DefaultTextStyle( style: actionsStyle.copyWith( fontWeight: FontWeight.w600, letterSpacing: -0.72, color: CupertinoColors.black, ), child: middle, ); final Widget animatedStyledMiddle = middleVisible == null ? styledMiddle : new AnimatedOpacity( opacity: middleVisible ? 1.0 : 0.0, duration: _kNavBarTitleFadeDuration, child: styledMiddle, ); // Auto add back button if leading not provided. Widget backOrCloseButton; bool useBackButton = false; if (styledLeading == null && automaticallyImplyLeading) { final ModalRoute<dynamic> currentRoute = ModalRoute.of(context); if (currentRoute?.canPop == true) { useBackButton = !(currentRoute is PageRoute && currentRoute?.fullscreenDialog == true); backOrCloseButton = new CupertinoButton( child: useBackButton ? new Container( height: _kNavBarPersistentHeight, width: _kNavBarBackButtonTapWidth, alignment: AlignmentDirectional.centerStart, child: const Icon(CupertinoIcons.back, size: 34.0,) ) : const Text('Close'), padding: EdgeInsets.zero, onPressed: () { Navigator.of(context).maybePop(); }, ); } } return new SizedBox( height: _kNavBarPersistentHeight + MediaQuery.of(context).padding.top, child: IconTheme.merge( data: new IconThemeData( color: actionsForegroundColor, size: 22.0, ), child: new SafeArea( bottom: false, child: new Padding( padding: new EdgeInsetsDirectional.only( start: useBackButton ? _kNavBarBackButtonPadding : _kNavBarEdgePadding, end: _kNavBarEdgePadding, ), child: new NavigationToolbar( leading: styledLeading ?? backOrCloseButton, middle: animatedStyledMiddle, trailing: styledTrailing, centerMiddle: true, ), ), ), ), ); } } class _CupertinoLargeTitleNavigationBarSliverDelegate extends SliverPersistentHeaderDelegate with DiagnosticableTreeMixin { _CupertinoLargeTitleNavigationBarSliverDelegate({ @required this.persistentHeight, @required this.title, this.leading, this.automaticallyImplyLeading, this.middle, this.trailing, this.border: _kDefaultNavBarBorder, this.backgroundColor: _kDefaultNavBarBackgroundColor, this.actionsForegroundColor, }) : assert(persistentHeight != null); final double persistentHeight; final Widget title; final Widget leading; final bool automaticallyImplyLeading; final Widget middle; final Widget trailing; final Color backgroundColor; final Border border; final Color actionsForegroundColor; @override double get minExtent => persistentHeight; @override double get maxExtent => persistentHeight + _kNavBarLargeTitleHeightExtension; @override Widget build(BuildContext context, double shrinkOffset, bool overlapsContent) { final bool showLargeTitle = shrinkOffset < maxExtent - minExtent - _kNavBarShowLargeTitleThreshold; final _CupertinoPersistentNavigationBar persistentNavigationBar = new _CupertinoPersistentNavigationBar( leading: leading, automaticallyImplyLeading: automaticallyImplyLeading, middle: middle ?? title, trailing: trailing, // If middle widget exists, always show it. Otherwise, show title // when collapsed. middleVisible: middle != null ? null : !showLargeTitle, actionsForegroundColor: actionsForegroundColor, ); return _wrapWithBackground( border: border, backgroundColor: backgroundColor, child: new Stack( fit: StackFit.expand, children: <Widget>[ new Positioned( top: persistentHeight, left: 0.0, right: 0.0, bottom: 0.0, child: new ClipRect( // The large title starts at the persistent bar. // It's aligned with the bottom of the sliver and expands clipped // and behind the persistent bar. child: new OverflowBox( minHeight: 0.0, maxHeight: double.INFINITY, alignment: AlignmentDirectional.bottomStart, child: new Padding( padding: const EdgeInsetsDirectional.only( start: _kNavBarEdgePadding, bottom: 8.0, // Bottom has a different padding. ), child: new DefaultTextStyle( style: _kLargeTitleTextStyle, maxLines: 1, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, child: new AnimatedOpacity( opacity: showLargeTitle ? 1.0 : 0.0, duration: _kNavBarTitleFadeDuration, child: new SafeArea( top: false, bottom: false, child: title, ), ), ), ), ), ), ), new Positioned( left: 0.0, right: 0.0, top: 0.0, child: persistentNavigationBar, ), ], ), ); } @override bool shouldRebuild(_CupertinoLargeTitleNavigationBarSliverDelegate oldDelegate) { return persistentHeight != oldDelegate.persistentHeight || title != oldDelegate.title || leading != oldDelegate.leading || middle != oldDelegate.middle || trailing != oldDelegate.trailing || backgroundColor != oldDelegate.backgroundColor || actionsForegroundColor != oldDelegate.actionsForegroundColor; } }