    "Central Federal Corporation", 
    "Savings Institutions", 
    "C&F Financial Corporation", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Capitol Federal Financial, Inc.", 
    "Savings Institutions", 
    "Calamos Focus Growth ETF", 
    "California First National Bancorp", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Cardinal Financial Corporation", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Compass EMP US 500 Enhanced Volatility Weighted Index ETF", 
    "ContraFect Corporation", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "ContraFect Corporation", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "ContraFect Corporation", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "The Carlyle Group L.P.", 
    "Investment Managers", 
    "Compugen Ltd.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
    "Cancer Genetics, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Medical Specialities", 
    "Cognex Corporation", 
    "Capital Goods", 
    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
    "Calamos Global Total Return Fund", 
    "Comstock Holding Companies, Inc.", 
    "Capital Goods", 
    "City Holding Company", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Churchill Downs, Incorporated", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation", 
    "The Chefs' Warehouse, Inc.", 
    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
    "Food Distributors", 
    "Check-Cap Ltd.", 
    "Cheviot Financial Corp", 
    "Savings Institutions", 
    "Chemical Financial Corporation", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Charter Financial Corp.", 
    "Savings Institutions", 
    "Calamos Convertible Opportunities and Income Fund", 
    "Cherokee Inc.", 
    "Consumer Non-Durables", 
    "Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.", 
    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
    "China Housing & Land Development, Inc.", 
    "Basic Industries", 
    "Chemung Financial Corp", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "China Natural Resources, Inc.", 
    "Basic Industries", 
    "Precious Metals", 
    "China Gerui Advanced Materials Group Limited", 
    "Capital Goods", 
    "Steel/Iron Ore", 
    "Coherus BioSciences, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
    "C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc.", 
    "Oil Refining/Marketing", 
    "CHS Inc", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "CHS Inc", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "CHS Inc", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "CHS Inc", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "CHS Inc", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "Charter Communications, Inc.", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "Television Services", 
    "Chuy's Holdings, Inc.", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "Calamos Global Dynamic Income Fund", 
    "WisdomTree China Dividend ex-Financials Fund", 
    "Calamos Convertible and High Income Fund", 
    "ChyronHego Corporation", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "Professional Services", 
    "Cinedigm Corp", 
    "Business Services", 
    "CIFC Corp.", 
    "Finance: Consumer Services", 
    "Cincinnati Financial Corporation", 
    "Property-Casualty Insurers", 
    "CIS Acquisition Ltd.", 
    "Basic Industries", 
    "Major Chemicals", 
    "CNinsure Inc.", 
    "Specialty Insurers", 
    "Compass EMP Developed 500 Enhanced Volatility Weighted Index E", 
    "Citizens Holding Company", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "China Jo-Jo Drugstores, Inc.", 
    "Consumer Durables", 
    "Specialty Chemicals", 
    "Carmike Cinemas, Inc.", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "ClickSoftware Technologies Ltd.", 
    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
    "Capitol Acquisition Corp. II", 
    "Business Services", 
    "Capitol Acquisition Corp. II", 
    "Business Services", 
    "Capitol Acquisition Corp. II", 
    "Business Services", 
    "Carolina Bank Holdings Inc.", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Collectors Universe, Inc.", 
    "Business Services", 
    "Celladon Corporation", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Biotechnology: Biological Products (No Diagnostic Substances)", 
    "Celldex Therapeutics, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Substances", 
    "Clearfield, Inc.", 
    "Public Utilities", 
    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
    "ClearSign Combustion Corporation", 
    "Capital Goods", 
    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
    "Calamos Asset Management, Inc.", 
    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
    "Calumet Specialty Products Partners, L.P.", 
    "Integrated oil Companies", 
    "Clean Energy Fuels Corp.", 
    "Public Utilities", 
    "Natural Gas Distribution", 
    "Cleantech Solutions International, Inc.", 
    "Industrial Machinery/Components", 
    "Cellectar Biosciences, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "Cellectar Biosciences, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "ClearOne, Inc.", 
    "Public Utilities", 
    "Telecommunications Equipment", 
    "CollabRx, Inc.", 
    "EDP Services", 
    "Celsion Corporation", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "Celsus Therapeutics Plc", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "Town Sports International Holdings, Inc.", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "Clovis Oncology, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "Euro Tech Holdings Company Limited", 
    "Consumer Durables", 
    "Diversified Electronic Products", 
    "Columbus McKinnon Corporation", 
    "Capital Goods", 
    "Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks", 
    "Comcast Corporation", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "Television Services", 
    "Comcast Corporation", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "Television Services", 
    "CIM Commercial Trust Corporation", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "Real Estate Investment Trusts", 
    "CME Group Inc.", 
    "Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service", 
    "CM Finance Inc", 
    "China Mobile Games and Entertainment Group Limited", 
    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
    "Cumulus Media Inc.", 
    "Consumer Services", 
    "Cimpress N.V", 
    "Chimerix, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "CMS Bancorp, Inc.", 
    "Comtech Telecommunications Corp.", 
    "Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment", 
    "Conatus Pharmaceuticals Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "Century Bancorp, Inc.", 
    "Major Banks", 
    "Concert Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "Coronado Biosciences, Inc.", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Major Pharmaceuticals", 
    "ChinaNet Online Holdings, Inc.", 
    "China Information Technology, Inc.", 
    "Computer Software: Prepackaged Software", 
    "CB Pharma Acquisition Corp.", 
    "Business Services", 
    "CB Pharma Acquisition Corp.", 
    "Business Services", 
    "CB Pharma Acquisition Corp.", 
    "CB Pharma Acquisition Corp.", 
    "Business Services", 
    "CONMED Corporation", 
    "Health Care", 
    "Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus", 
    "ConnectOne Bancorp, Inc.", 
    "Comverse Inc.", 
    "Business Services", 