// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';

import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;

import '../application_package.dart';
import '../base/common.dart';
import '../build_configuration.dart';
import '../dart/pub.dart';
import '../device.dart';
import '../globals.dart';
import '../runner/flutter_command.dart';
import '../toolchain.dart';
import 'build_apk.dart';
import 'install.dart';

/// Given the value of the --target option, return the path of the Dart file
/// where the app's main function should be.
String findMainDartFile([String target]) {
  if (target == null)
    target = '';
  String targetPath = path.absolute(target);
  if (FileSystemEntity.isDirectorySync(targetPath)) {
    return path.join(targetPath, 'lib', 'main.dart');
  } else {
    return targetPath;

abstract class RunCommandBase extends FlutterCommand {
  RunCommandBase() {
        negatable: true,
        defaultsTo: true,
        help: 'Toggle Dart\'s checked mode.');
        negatable: true,
        defaultsTo: false,
        help: 'Start tracing during startup.');
        help: 'Which route to load when running the app.');

  bool get checked => argResults['checked'];
  bool get traceStartup => argResults['trace-startup'];
  String get target => argResults['target'];
  String get route => argResults['route'];

class RunCommand extends RunCommandBase {
  final String name = 'run';

  final String description = 'Run your Flutter app on an attached device.';

  final List<String> aliases = <String>['start'];

  RunCommand() {
        defaultsTo: true,
        help: 'Stop any currently running application process before running the app.');
        defaultsTo: true,
        help: 'Clear log history before running the app.');
        defaultsTo: false,
        negatable: false,
        help: 'Start in a paused mode and wait for a debugger to connect.');
        defaultsTo: observatoryDefaultPort.toString(),
        help: 'Listen to the given port for a debug connection.');

  bool get requiresDevice => true;

  Future<int> run() async {
    if (argResults['pub']) {
      int exitCode = await pubGet();
      if (exitCode != 0)
        return exitCode;
    return await super.run();

  Future<int> runInProject() async {
    printTrace('Downloading toolchain.');

    await Future.wait([
    ], eagerError: true);

    bool clearLogs = argResults['clear-logs'];

    int debugPort;

    try {
      debugPort = int.parse(argResults['debug-port']);
    } catch (error) {
      printError('Invalid port for `--debug-port`: $error');
      return 1;

    int result = await startApp(
      target: target,
      enginePath: runner.enginePath,
      install: true,
      stop: argResults['full-restart'],
      checked: checked,
      traceStartup: traceStartup,
      route: route,
      clearLogs: clearLogs,
      startPaused: argResults['start-paused'],
      debugPort: debugPort

    return result;

String _getMissingPackageHintForPlatform(TargetPlatform platform) {
  switch (platform) {
    case TargetPlatform.android_arm:
      return 'Is your project missing an android/AndroidManifest.xml?';
    case TargetPlatform.ios:
      return 'Is your project missing an ios/Info.plist?';
      return null;

Future<int> startApp(
  Device device,
  ApplicationPackageStore applicationPackages,
  Toolchain toolchain,
  List<BuildConfiguration> configs, {
  String target,
  String enginePath,
  bool stop: true,
  bool install: true,
  bool checked: true,
  bool traceStartup: false,
  String route,
  bool clearLogs: false,
  bool startPaused: false,
  int debugPort: observatoryDefaultPort
}) async {
  String mainPath = findMainDartFile(target);
  if (!FileSystemEntity.isFileSync(mainPath)) {
    String message = 'Tried to run $mainPath, but that file does not exist.';
    if (target == null)
      message += '\nConsider using the -t option to specify the Dart file to start.';
    return 1;

  ApplicationPackage package = applicationPackages.getPackageForPlatform(device.platform);

  if (package == null) {
    String message = 'No application found for ${device.platform}.';
    String hint = _getMissingPackageHintForPlatform(device.platform);
    if (hint != null)
      message += '\n$hint';
    return 1;

  if (install) {
    printTrace('Running build command.');
    int result = await buildForDevice(
      device, applicationPackages, toolchain, configs,
      enginePath: enginePath,
      target: target
    if (result != 0)
      return result;

  // TODO(devoncarew): Move this into the device.startApp() impls. They should
  // wait on the stop command to complete before (re-)starting the app. We could
  // plumb a Future through the start command from here, but that seems a little
  // messy.
  if (stop) {
    if (package != null) {
      printTrace("Stopping app '${package.name}' on ${device.name}.");
      // We don't wait for the stop command to complete.

  // Allow any stop commands from above to start work.
  await new Future<Duration>.delayed(Duration.ZERO);

  if (install) {
    printTrace('Running install command.');

    // TODO(devoncarew): This fails for ios devices - we haven't built yet.
    await installApp(device, package);

  Map<String, dynamic> platformArgs = <String, dynamic>{};

  if (traceStartup != null)
    platformArgs['trace-startup'] = traceStartup;

  printStatus('Running ${_getDisplayPath(mainPath)} on ${device.name}...');

  bool result = await device.startApp(
    mainPath: mainPath,
    route: route,
    checked: checked,
    clearLogs: clearLogs,
    startPaused: startPaused,
    debugPort: debugPort,
    platformArgs: platformArgs

  if (!result)
    printError('Error running application on ${device.name}.');

  return result ? 0 : 2;

/// Delay until the Observatory / service protocol is available.
/// This does not fail if we're unable to connect, and times out after the given
/// [timeout].
Future<Null> delayUntilObservatoryAvailable(String host, int port, {
  Duration timeout: const Duration(seconds: 10)
}) async {
  printTrace('Waiting until Observatory is available (port $port).');

  Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();

  final String url = 'ws://$host:$port/ws';
  printTrace('Looking for the observatory at $url.');

  while (stopwatch.elapsed <= timeout) {
    try {
      WebSocket ws = await WebSocket.connect(url);
      printTrace('Connected to the observatory port.');
      ws.close().catchError((dynamic error) => null);
    } catch (error) {
      await new Future<Null>.delayed(new Duration(milliseconds: 250));

  printTrace('Unable to connect to the observatory.');

/// Return a relative path if [fullPath] is contained by the cwd, else return an
/// absolute path.
String _getDisplayPath(String fullPath) {
  String cwd = Directory.current.path + Platform.pathSeparator;
  if (fullPath.startsWith(cwd))
    return fullPath.substring(cwd.length);
  return fullPath;