// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert' show BASE64; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:json_rpc_2/json_rpc_2.dart' as rpc; import 'package:json_rpc_2/error_code.dart' as rpc_error_code; import 'package:web_socket_channel/io.dart'; import 'globals.dart'; /// A connection to the Dart VM Service. class VMService { VMService._(this.peer, this.port, this.httpAddress) { _vm = new VM._empty(this); peer.registerMethod('streamNotify', (rpc.Parameters event) { _handleStreamNotify(event.asMap); }); } /// Connect to '' at [port]. static Future<VMService> connect(int port) async { Uri uri = new Uri(scheme: 'ws', host: '', port: port, path: 'ws'); WebSocket ws = await WebSocket.connect(uri.toString()); rpc.Peer peer = new rpc.Peer(new IOWebSocketChannel(ws).cast()); peer.listen(); Uri httpAddress = new Uri(scheme: 'http', host: '', port: port); return new VMService._(peer, port, httpAddress); } final Uri httpAddress; final int port; final rpc.Peer peer; VM _vm; /// The singleton [VM] object. Owns [Isolate] and [FlutterView] objects. VM get vm => _vm; final Map<String, StreamController<ServiceEvent>> _eventControllers = <String, StreamController<ServiceEvent>>{}; Set<String> _listeningFor = new Set<String>(); bool get isClosed => peer.isClosed; Future<Null> get done => peer.done; // Events Stream<ServiceEvent> get onDebugEvent => onEvent('Debug'); Stream<ServiceEvent> get onExtensionEvent => onEvent('Extension'); // IsolateStart, IsolateRunnable, IsolateExit, IsolateUpdate, ServiceExtensionAdded Stream<ServiceEvent> get onIsolateEvent => onEvent('Isolate'); Stream<ServiceEvent> get onTimelineEvent => onEvent('Timeline'); // TODO(johnmccutchan): Add FlutterView events. // Listen for a specific event name. Stream<ServiceEvent> onEvent(String streamId) { _streamListen(streamId); return _getEventController(streamId).stream; } StreamController<ServiceEvent> _getEventController(String eventName) { StreamController<ServiceEvent> controller = _eventControllers[eventName]; if (controller == null) { controller = new StreamController<ServiceEvent>.broadcast(); _eventControllers[eventName] = controller; } return controller; } void _handleStreamNotify(Map<String, dynamic> data) { final String streamId = data['streamId']; final Map<String, dynamic> eventData = data['event']; final Map<String, dynamic> eventIsolate = eventData['isolate']; ServiceEvent event; if (eventIsolate != null) { // getFromMap creates the Isolate if necessary. Isolate isolate = vm.getFromMap(eventIsolate); event = new ServiceObject._fromMap(isolate, eventData); if (event.kind == ServiceEvent.kIsolateExit) { vm._isolateCache.remove(isolate.id); vm._buildIsolateList(); } else if (event.kind == ServiceEvent.kIsolateRunnable) { // Force reload once the isolate becomes runnable so that we // update the root library. isolate.reload(); } } else { // The event doesn't have an isolate, so it is owned by the VM. event = new ServiceObject._fromMap(vm, eventData); } _getEventController(streamId).add(event); } Future<Null> _streamListen(String streamId) async { if (!_listeningFor.contains(streamId)) { _listeningFor.add(streamId); await peer.sendRequest('streamListen', <String, dynamic>{ 'streamId': streamId }); } } /// Reloads the VM. Future<VM> getVM() { return _vm.reload(); } } /// An error that is thrown when constructing/updating a service object. class VMServiceObjectLoadError { VMServiceObjectLoadError(this.message, this.map); final String message; final Map<String, dynamic> map; } bool _isServiceMap(Map<String, dynamic> m) { return (m != null) && (m['type'] != null); } bool _hasRef(String type) => (type != null) && type.startsWith('@'); String _stripRef(String type) => (_hasRef(type) ? type.substring(1) : type); /// Given a raw response from the service protocol and a [ServiceObjectOwner], /// recursively walk the response and replace values that are service maps with /// actual [ServiceObject]s. During the upgrade the owner is given a chance /// to return a cached / canonicalized object. void _upgradeCollection(dynamic collection, ServiceObjectOwner owner) { if (collection is ServiceMap) { return; } if (collection is Map) { _upgradeMap(collection, owner); } else if (collection is List) { _upgradeList(collection, owner); } } void _upgradeMap(Map<String, dynamic> map, ServiceObjectOwner owner) { map.forEach((String k, dynamic v) { if ((v is Map) && _isServiceMap(v)) { map[k] = owner.getFromMap(v); } else if (v is List) { _upgradeList(v, owner); } else if (v is Map) { _upgradeMap(v, owner); } }); } void _upgradeList(List<dynamic> list, ServiceObjectOwner owner) { for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { dynamic v = list[i]; if ((v is Map) && _isServiceMap(v)) { list[i] = owner.getFromMap(v); } else if (v is List) { _upgradeList(v, owner); } else if (v is Map) { _upgradeMap(v, owner); } } } /// Base class of all objects received over the service protocol. abstract class ServiceObject { ServiceObject._empty(this._owner); /// Factory constructor given a [ServiceObjectOwner] and a service map, /// upgrade the map into a proper [ServiceObject]. This function always /// returns a new instance and does not interact with caches. factory ServiceObject._fromMap(ServiceObjectOwner owner, Map<String, dynamic> map) { if (map == null) return null; if (!_isServiceMap(map)) throw new VMServiceObjectLoadError("Expected a service map", map); String type = _stripRef(map['type']); ServiceObject serviceObject; switch (type) { case 'Event': serviceObject = new ServiceEvent._empty(owner); break; case 'FlutterView': serviceObject = new FlutterView._empty(owner.vm); break; case 'Isolate': serviceObject = new Isolate._empty(owner.vm); break; } if (serviceObject == null) { // If we don't have a model object for this service object type, as a // fallback return a ServiceMap object. serviceObject = new ServiceMap._empty(owner); } // We have now constructed an emtpy service object, call update to // populate it. serviceObject.update(map); return serviceObject; } final ServiceObjectOwner _owner; ServiceObjectOwner get owner => _owner; /// The id of this object. String get id => _id; String _id; /// The user-level type of this object. String get type => _type; String _type; /// The vm-level type of this object. Usually the same as [type]. String get vmType => _vmType; String _vmType; /// Is it safe to cache this object? bool _canCache = false; bool get canCache => _canCache; /// Has this object been fully loaded? bool get loaded => _loaded; bool _loaded = false; /// Is this object immutable after it is [loaded]? bool get immutable => false; String get name => _name; String _name; String get vmName => _vmName; String _vmName; /// If this is not already loaded, load it. Otherwise reload. Future<ServiceObject> load() async { if (loaded) { return this; } return reload(); } /// Fetch this object from vmService and return the response directly. Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _fetchDirect() { Map<String, dynamic> params = <String, dynamic>{ 'objectId': id, }; return _owner.isolate.invokeRpcRaw('getObject', params); } Future<ServiceObject> _inProgressReload; /// Reload the service object (if possible). Future<ServiceObject> reload() async { bool hasId = (id != null) && (id != ''); bool isVM = this is VM; // We should always reload the VM. // We can't reload objects without an id. // We shouldn't reload an immutable and already loaded object. bool skipLoad = !isVM && (!hasId || (immutable && loaded)); if (skipLoad) { return this; } if (_inProgressReload == null) { Completer<ServiceObject> completer = new Completer<ServiceObject>(); _inProgressReload = completer.future; try { Map<String, dynamic> response = await _fetchDirect(); if (_stripRef(response['type']) == 'Sentinel') { // An object may have been collected. completer.complete(new ServiceObject._fromMap(owner, response)); } else { update(response); completer.complete(this); } } catch (e, st) { completer.completeError(e, st); } _inProgressReload = null; } return _inProgressReload; } /// Update [this] using [map] as a source. [map] can be a service reference. void update(Map<String, dynamic> map) { // Don't allow the type to change on an object update. final bool mapIsRef = _hasRef(map['type']); final String mapType = _stripRef(map['type']); if ((_type != null) && (_type != mapType)) { throw new VMServiceObjectLoadError("ServiceObject types must not change", map); } _type = mapType; _vmType = map.containsKey('_vmType') ? _stripRef(map['_vmType']) : _type; _canCache = map['fixedId'] == true; if ((_id != null) && (_id != map['id']) && _canCache) { throw new VMServiceObjectLoadError("ServiceObject id changed", map); } _id = map['id']; // Copy name properties. _name = map['name']; _vmName = map.containsKey('_vmName') ? map['_vmName'] : _name; // We have now updated all common properties, let the subclasses update // their specific properties. _update(map, mapIsRef); } /// Implemented by subclasses to populate their model. void _update(Map<String, dynamic> map, bool mapIsRef); } class ServiceEvent extends ServiceObject { /// The possible 'kind' values. static const String kVMUpdate = 'VMUpdate'; static const String kIsolateStart = 'IsolateStart'; static const String kIsolateRunnable = 'IsolateRunnable'; static const String kIsolateExit = 'IsolateExit'; static const String kIsolateUpdate = 'IsolateUpdate'; static const String kIsolateReload = 'IsolateReload'; static const String kIsolateSpawn = 'IsolateSpawn'; static const String kServiceExtensionAdded = 'ServiceExtensionAdded'; static const String kPauseStart = 'PauseStart'; static const String kPauseExit = 'PauseExit'; static const String kPauseBreakpoint = 'PauseBreakpoint'; static const String kPauseInterrupted = 'PauseInterrupted'; static const String kPauseException = 'PauseException'; static const String kPausePostRequest = 'PausePostRequest'; static const String kNone = 'None'; static const String kResume = 'Resume'; static const String kBreakpointAdded = 'BreakpointAdded'; static const String kBreakpointResolved = 'BreakpointResolved'; static const String kBreakpointRemoved = 'BreakpointRemoved'; static const String kGraph = '_Graph'; static const String kGC = 'GC'; static const String kInspect = 'Inspect'; static const String kDebuggerSettingsUpdate = '_DebuggerSettingsUpdate'; static const String kConnectionClosed = 'ConnectionClosed'; static const String kLogging = '_Logging'; static const String kExtension = 'Extension'; ServiceEvent._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner); String _kind; String get kind => _kind; DateTime _timestamp; DateTime get timestmap => _timestamp; String _extensionKind; String get extensionKind => _extensionKind; Map<String, dynamic> _extensionData; Map<String, dynamic> get extensionData => _extensionData; List<Map<String, dynamic>> _timelineEvents; List<Map<String, dynamic>> get timelineEvents => _timelineEvents; @override void _update(Map<String, dynamic> map, bool mapIsRef) { _loaded = true; _upgradeCollection(map, owner); _kind = map['kind']; assert(map['isolate'] == null || owner == map['isolate']); _timestamp = new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(map['timestamp']); if (map['extensionKind'] != null) { _extensionKind = map['extensionKind']; _extensionData = map['extensionData']; } _timelineEvents = map['timelineEvents']; } bool get isPauseEvent { return (kind == kPauseStart || kind == kPauseExit || kind == kPauseBreakpoint || kind == kPauseInterrupted || kind == kPauseException || kind == kPausePostRequest || kind == kNone); } } /// A ServiceObjectOwner is either a [VM] or an [Isolate]. Owners can cache /// and/or canonicalize service objets received over the wire. abstract class ServiceObjectOwner extends ServiceObject { ServiceObjectOwner._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner); /// Returns the owning VM. VM get vm => null; /// Returns the owning isolate (if any). Isolate get isolate => null; /// Returns the vmService connection. VMService get vmService => null; /// Builds a [ServiceObject] corresponding to the [id] from [map]. /// The result may come from the cache. The result will not necessarily /// be [loaded]. ServiceObject getFromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map); } /// There is only one instance of the VM class. The VM class owns [Isolate] /// and [FlutterView] objects. class VM extends ServiceObjectOwner { VM._empty(this._vmService) : super._empty(null); /// Connection to the VMService. final VMService _vmService; @override VMService get vmService => _vmService; @override VM get vm => this; @override Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _fetchDirect() async { return invokeRpcRaw('getVM', <String, dynamic> {}); } @override void _update(Map<String, dynamic> map, bool mapIsRef) { if (mapIsRef) return; // Upgrade the collection. A side effect of this call is that any new // isolates in the map are created and added to the isolate cache. _upgradeCollection(map, this); _loaded = true; // TODO(johnmccutchan): Extract any properties we care about here. // Remove any isolates which are now dead from the isolate cache. _removeDeadIsolates(map['isolates']); } final Map<String, ServiceObject> _cache = new Map<String,ServiceObject>(); final Map<String,Isolate> _isolateCache = new Map<String,Isolate>(); /// The list of live isolates, ordered by isolate start time. final List<Isolate> isolates = new List<Isolate>(); /// The set of live views. final Map<String, FlutterView> _viewCache = new Map<String, FlutterView>(); int _compareIsolates(Isolate a, Isolate b) { DateTime aStart = a.startTime; DateTime bStart = b.startTime; if (aStart == null) { if (bStart == null) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } if (bStart == null) { return -1; } return aStart.compareTo(bStart); } void _buildIsolateList() { List<Isolate> isolateList = _isolateCache.values.toList(); isolateList.sort(_compareIsolates); isolates.clear(); isolates.addAll(isolateList); } void _removeDeadIsolates(List<Isolate> newIsolates) { // Build a set of new isolates. Set<String> newIsolateSet = new Set<String>(); newIsolates.forEach((Isolate iso) => newIsolateSet.add(iso.id)); // Remove any old isolates which no longer exist. List<String> toRemove = <String>[]; _isolateCache.forEach((String id, _) { if (!newIsolateSet.contains(id)) { toRemove.add(id); } }); toRemove.forEach((String id) => _isolateCache.remove(id)); _buildIsolateList(); } @override ServiceObject getFromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) { if (map == null) { return null; } String type = _stripRef(map['type']); if (type == 'VM') { // Update this VM object. update(map); return this; } String mapId = map['id']; switch (type) { case 'Isolate': { // Check cache. Isolate isolate = _isolateCache[mapId]; if (isolate == null) { // Add new isolate to the cache. isolate = new ServiceObject._fromMap(this, map); _isolateCache[mapId] = isolate; _buildIsolateList(); // Eagerly load the isolate. isolate.load().catchError((dynamic e, StackTrace stack) { printTrace('Eagerly loading an isolate failed: $e\n$stack'); }); } else { // Existing isolate, update data. isolate.update(map); } return isolate; } break; case 'FlutterView': { FlutterView view = _viewCache[mapId]; if (view == null) { // Add new view to the cache. view = new ServiceObject._fromMap(this, map); _viewCache[mapId] = view; } else { view.update(map); } return view; } break; default: throw new VMServiceObjectLoadError( 'VM.getFromMap called for something other than an isolate', map); } } // Note that this function does not reload the isolate if it found // in the cache. Future<Isolate> getIsolate(String isolateId) { if (!loaded) { // Trigger a VM load, then get the isolate. Ignore any errors. return load().then((_) => getIsolate(isolateId)).catchError((_) => null); } return new Future<Isolate>.value(_isolateCache[isolateId]); } /// Invoke the RPC and return the raw response. Future<Map<String, dynamic>> invokeRpcRaw( String method, [Map<String, dynamic> params]) async { if (params == null) { params = <String, dynamic>{}; } Map<String, dynamic> result = await _vmService.peer.sendRequest(method, params); return result; } /// Invoke the RPC and return a ServiceObject response. Future<ServiceObject> invokeRpc( String method, [Map<String, dynamic> params]) async { Map<String, dynamic> response = await invokeRpcRaw(method, params); ServiceObject serviceObject = new ServiceObject._fromMap(this, response); if ((serviceObject != null) && (serviceObject._canCache)) { String serviceObjectId = serviceObject.id; _cache.putIfAbsent(serviceObjectId, () => serviceObject); } return serviceObject; } /// Create a new development file system on the device. Future<Map<String, dynamic>> createDevFS(String fsName) async { Map<String, dynamic> response = await invokeRpcRaw('_createDevFS', <String, dynamic> { 'fsName': fsName }); return response; } /// List the development file system son the device. Future<List<String>> listDevFS() async { Map<String, dynamic> response = await invokeRpcRaw('_listDevFS', <String, dynamic>{}); return response['fsNames']; } // Write one file into a file system. Future<Map<String, dynamic>> writeDevFSFile(String fsName, { String path, List<int> fileContents }) { assert(path != null); assert(fileContents != null); return invokeRpcRaw('_writeDevFSFile', <String, dynamic> { 'fsName': fsName, 'path': path, 'fileContents': BASE64.encode(fileContents) }); } // Read one file from a file system. Future<List<int>> readDevFSFile(String fsName, String path) { return invokeRpcRaw('_readDevFSFile', <String, dynamic> { 'fsName': fsName, 'path': path }).then((Map<String, dynamic> response) { return BASE64.decode(response['fileContents']); }); } /// The complete list of a file system. Future<List<String>> listDevFSFiles(String fsName) { return invokeRpcRaw('_listDevFSFiles', <String, dynamic> { 'fsName': fsName }).then((Map<String, dynamic> response) { return response['files']; }); } /// Delete an existing file system. Future<Map<String, dynamic>> deleteDevFS(String fsName) { return invokeRpcRaw('_deleteDevFS', <String, dynamic> { 'fsName': fsName }); } Future<ServiceMap> runInView(String viewId, String main, String packages, String assetsDirectory) { return invokeRpc('_flutter.runInView', <String, dynamic> { 'viewId': viewId, 'mainScript': main, 'packagesFile': packages, 'assetDirectory': assetsDirectory }); } Future<Map<String, dynamic>> clearVMTimeline() { return invokeRpcRaw('_clearVMTimeline', <String, dynamic>{}); } Future<Map<String, dynamic>> setVMTimelineFlags( List<String> recordedStreams) { assert(recordedStreams != null); return invokeRpcRaw('_setVMTimelineFlags', <String, dynamic> { 'recordedStreams': recordedStreams }); } Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getVMTimeline() { return invokeRpcRaw('_getVMTimeline', <String, dynamic> {}); } Future<Null> refreshViews() async { await vmService.vm.invokeRpc('_flutter.listViews'); } FlutterView get mainView { return _viewCache.values.first; } } /// An isolate running inside the VM. Instances of the Isolate class are always /// canonicalized. class Isolate extends ServiceObjectOwner { Isolate._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner); @override VM get vm => owner; @override VMService get vmService => vm.vmService; @override Isolate get isolate => this; DateTime startTime; ServiceEvent pauseEvent; final Map<String, ServiceObject> _cache = new Map<String, ServiceObject>(); @override ServiceObject getFromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) { if (map == null) { return null; } String mapType = _stripRef(map['type']); if (mapType == 'Isolate') { // There are sometimes isolate refs in ServiceEvents. return vm.getFromMap(map); } String mapId = map['id']; ServiceObject serviceObject = (mapId != null) ? _cache[mapId] : null; if (serviceObject != null) { serviceObject.update(map); return serviceObject; } // Build the object from the map directly. serviceObject = new ServiceObject._fromMap(this, map); if ((serviceObject != null) && serviceObject.canCache) { _cache[mapId] = serviceObject; } return serviceObject; } @override Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _fetchDirect() { return invokeRpcRaw('getIsolate', <String, dynamic>{}); } /// Invoke the RPC and return the raw response. Future<Map<String, dynamic>> invokeRpcRaw( String method, [Map<String, dynamic> params]) { // Inject the 'isolateId' parameter. if (params == null) { params = <String, dynamic>{ 'isolateId': id }; } else { params['isolateId'] = id; } return vm.invokeRpcRaw(method, params); } /// Invoke the RPC and return a ServiceObject response. Future<ServiceObject> invokeRpc( String method, Map<String, dynamic> params) async { Map<String, dynamic> response = await invokeRpcRaw(method, params); return getFromMap(response); } @override void _update(Map<String, dynamic> map, bool mapIsRef) { if (mapIsRef) { return; } _loaded = true; int startTimeMillis = map['startTime']; startTime = new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(startTimeMillis); _upgradeCollection(map, this); pauseEvent = map['pauseEvent']; } static final int kIsolateReloadBarred = 1005; Future<Map<String, dynamic>> reloadSources({ bool pause: false }) async { try { Map<String, dynamic> response = await invokeRpcRaw( '_reloadSources', <String, dynamic>{ 'pause': pause } ); return response; } on rpc.RpcException catch(e) { return new Future<Map<String, dynamic>>.error(<String, dynamic>{ 'code': e.code, 'message': e.message, 'data': e.data, }); } } // Flutter extension methods. // Invoke a flutter extension method, if the flutter extension is not // available, returns null. Future<Map<String, dynamic>> invokeFlutterExtensionRpcRaw( String method, [Map<String, dynamic> params]) async { try { return await invokeRpcRaw(method, params); } catch (e) { // If an application is not using the framework if (_isMethodNotFoundException(e)) return null; rethrow; } } // Debug dump extension methods. Future<Map<String, dynamic>> flutterDebugDumpApp() { return invokeFlutterExtensionRpcRaw('ext.flutter.debugDumpApp'); } Future<Map<String, dynamic>> flutterDebugDumpRenderTree() { return invokeFlutterExtensionRpcRaw('ext.flutter.debugDumpRenderTree'); } // Loader page extension methods. void flutterLoaderShowMessage(String message) { // Invoke loaderShowMessage; ignore any returned errors. invokeRpcRaw('ext.flutter.loaderShowMessage', <String, dynamic> { 'value': message }).catchError((dynamic error) => null); } void flutterLoaderSetProgress(double progress) { // Invoke loaderSetProgress; ignore any returned errors. invokeRpcRaw('ext.flutter.loaderSetProgress', <String, dynamic>{ 'loaderSetProgress': progress }).catchError((dynamic error) => null); } void flutterLoaderSetProgressMax(double max) { // Invoke loaderSetProgressMax; ignore any returned errors. invokeRpcRaw('ext.flutter.loaderSetProgressMax', <String, dynamic>{ 'loaderSetProgressMax': max }).catchError((dynamic error) => null); } static bool _isMethodNotFoundException(dynamic e) { return (e is rpc.RpcException) && (e.code == rpc_error_code.METHOD_NOT_FOUND); } // Reload related extension methods. Future<Map<String, dynamic>> flutterReassemble() async { return await invokeFlutterExtensionRpcRaw('ext.flutter.reassemble'); } Future<bool> flutterFrameworkPresent() async { return (await invokeFlutterExtensionRpcRaw('ext.flutter.frameworkPresent') != null); } Future<Map<String, dynamic>> uiWindowScheduleFrame() async { return await invokeFlutterExtensionRpcRaw('ext.ui.window.scheduleFrame'); } Future<Map<String, dynamic>> flutterEvictAsset(String assetPath) async { return await invokeFlutterExtensionRpcRaw('ext.flutter.evict', <String, dynamic>{ 'value': assetPath } ); } // Application control extension methods. Future<Map<String, dynamic>> flutterExit() async { return await invokeFlutterExtensionRpcRaw('ext.flutter.exit').timeout( const Duration(seconds: 2), onTimeout: () => null); } } class ServiceMap extends ServiceObject implements Map<String, dynamic> { ServiceMap._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner); final Map<String, dynamic> _map = new Map<String, dynamic>(); @override void _update(Map<String, dynamic> map, bool mapIsRef) { _loaded = !mapIsRef; _upgradeCollection(map, owner); _map.clear(); _map.addAll(map); } // Forward Map interface calls. @override void addAll(Map<String, dynamic> other) => _map.addAll(other); @override void clear() => _map.clear(); @override bool containsValue(dynamic v) => _map.containsValue(v); @override bool containsKey(Object k) => _map.containsKey(k); @override void forEach(Function f) => _map.forEach(f); @override dynamic putIfAbsent(String key, Function ifAbsent) => _map.putIfAbsent(key, ifAbsent); @override void remove(Object key) => _map.remove(key); @override dynamic operator [](Object k) => _map[k]; @override void operator []=(String k, dynamic v) => _map[k] = v; @override bool get isEmpty => _map.isEmpty; @override bool get isNotEmpty => _map.isNotEmpty; @override Iterable<String> get keys => _map.keys; @override Iterable<dynamic> get values => _map.values; @override int get length => _map.length; @override String toString() => _map.toString(); } /// Peered to a Android/iOS FlutterView widget on a device. class FlutterView extends ServiceObject { FlutterView._empty(ServiceObjectOwner owner) : super._empty(owner); Isolate _uiIsolate; Isolate get uiIsolate => _uiIsolate; @override void _update(Map<String, dynamic> map, bool mapIsRef) { _loaded = !mapIsRef; _upgradeCollection(map, owner); _uiIsolate = map['isolate']; } // TODO(johnmccutchan): Report errors when running failed. Future<Null> runFromSource(String entryPath, String packagesPath, String assetsDirectoryPath) async { final String viewId = id; // When this completer completes the isolate is running. final Completer<Null> completer = new Completer<Null>(); final StreamSubscription<ServiceEvent> subscription = owner.vm.vmService.onIsolateEvent.listen((ServiceEvent event) { // TODO(johnmccutchan): Listen to the debug stream and catch initial // launch errors. if (event.kind == ServiceEvent.kIsolateRunnable) { printTrace('Isolate is runnable.'); completer.complete(null); } }); await owner.vm.runInView(viewId, entryPath, packagesPath, assetsDirectoryPath); await completer.future; await owner.vm.refreshViews(); await subscription.cancel(); } bool get hasIsolate => _uiIsolate != null; @override String toString() => id; }