// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import '../android/android_builder.dart'; import '../android/build_validation.dart'; import '../android/deferred_components_prebuild_validator.dart'; import '../android/gradle_utils.dart'; import '../base/deferred_component.dart'; import '../base/file_system.dart'; import '../build_info.dart'; import '../cache.dart'; import '../globals.dart' as globals; import '../project.dart'; import '../reporting/reporting.dart'; import '../runner/flutter_command.dart' show FlutterCommandResult; import 'build.dart'; class BuildAppBundleCommand extends BuildSubCommand { BuildAppBundleCommand({ bool verboseHelp = false, }) : super(verboseHelp: verboseHelp) { addTreeShakeIconsFlag(); usesTargetOption(); addBuildModeFlags(verboseHelp: verboseHelp); usesFlavorOption(); usesPubOption(); usesBuildNumberOption(); usesBuildNameOption(); addShrinkingFlag(verboseHelp: verboseHelp); addSplitDebugInfoOption(); addDartObfuscationOption(); usesDartDefineOption(); usesExtraDartFlagOptions(verboseHelp: verboseHelp); addBundleSkSLPathOption(hide: !verboseHelp); addBuildPerformanceFile(hide: !verboseHelp); usesTrackWidgetCreation(verboseHelp: verboseHelp); addNullSafetyModeOptions(hide: !verboseHelp); addEnableExperimentation(hide: !verboseHelp); usesAnalyzeSizeFlag(); addAndroidSpecificBuildOptions(hide: !verboseHelp); addMultidexOption(); addIgnoreDeprecationOption(); argParser.addMultiOption('target-platform', defaultsTo: <String>['android-arm', 'android-arm64', 'android-x64'], allowed: <String>['android-arm', 'android-arm64', 'android-x64'], help: 'The target platform for which the app is compiled.', ); argParser.addFlag('deferred-components', defaultsTo: true, help: 'Setting to false disables building with deferred components. All deferred code ' 'will be compiled into the base app, and assets act as if they were defined under' ' the regular assets section in pubspec.yaml. This flag has no effect on ' 'non-deferred components apps.', ); argParser.addFlag('validate-deferred-components', defaultsTo: true, help: 'When enabled, deferred component apps will fail to build if setup problems are ' 'detected that would prevent deferred components from functioning properly. The ' 'tooling also provides guidance on how to set up the project files to pass this ' 'verification. Disabling setup verification will always attempt to fully build ' 'the app regardless of any problems detected. Builds that are part of CI testing ' 'and advanced users with custom deferred components implementations should disable ' 'setup verification. This flag has no effect on non-deferred components apps.', ); } @override final String name = 'appbundle'; @override DeprecationBehavior get deprecationBehavior => boolArg('ignore-deprecation') ? DeprecationBehavior.ignore : DeprecationBehavior.exit; @override Future<Set<DevelopmentArtifact>> get requiredArtifacts async => <DevelopmentArtifact>{ DevelopmentArtifact.androidGenSnapshot, }; @override final String description = 'Build an Android App Bundle file from your app.\n\n' "This command can build debug and release versions of an app bundle for your application. 'debug' builds support " "debugging and a quick development cycle. 'release' builds don't support debugging and are " 'suitable for deploying to app stores. \n app bundle improves your app size'; @override Future<CustomDimensions> get usageValues async { String buildMode; if (boolArg('release')) { buildMode = 'release'; } else if (boolArg('debug')) { buildMode = 'debug'; } else if (boolArg('profile')) { buildMode = 'profile'; } else { // The build defaults to release. buildMode = 'release'; } return CustomDimensions( commandBuildAppBundleTargetPlatform: stringsArg('target-platform').join(','), commandBuildAppBundleBuildMode: buildMode, ); } @override Future<FlutterCommandResult> runCommand() async { if (globals.androidSdk == null) { exitWithNoSdkMessage(); } final AndroidBuildInfo androidBuildInfo = AndroidBuildInfo(await getBuildInfo(), targetArchs: stringsArg('target-platform').map<AndroidArch>(getAndroidArchForName), multidexEnabled: boolArg('multidex'), ); // Do all setup verification that doesn't involve loading units. Checks that // require generated loading units are done after gen_snapshot in assemble. final List<DeferredComponent>? deferredComponents = FlutterProject.current().manifest.deferredComponents; if (deferredComponents != null && boolArg('deferred-components') && boolArg('validate-deferred-components') && !boolArg('debug')) { final DeferredComponentsPrebuildValidator validator = DeferredComponentsPrebuildValidator( FlutterProject.current().directory, globals.logger, globals.platform, title: 'Deferred components prebuild validation', ); validator.clearOutputDir(); await validator.checkAndroidDynamicFeature(deferredComponents); validator.checkAndroidResourcesStrings(deferredComponents); validator.handleResults(); // Delete intermediates libs dir for components to resolve mismatching // abis supported by base and dynamic feature modules. for (final DeferredComponent component in deferredComponents) { final Directory deferredLibsIntermediate = FlutterProject.current().directory .childDirectory('build') .childDirectory(component.name) .childDirectory('intermediates') .childDirectory('flutter') .childDirectory(androidBuildInfo.buildInfo.mode.name) .childDirectory('deferred_libs'); if (deferredLibsIntermediate.existsSync()) { deferredLibsIntermediate.deleteSync(recursive: true); } } } validateBuild(androidBuildInfo); displayNullSafetyMode(androidBuildInfo.buildInfo); globals.terminal.usesTerminalUi = true; await androidBuilder?.buildAab( project: FlutterProject.current(), target: targetFile, androidBuildInfo: androidBuildInfo, validateDeferredComponents: boolArg('validate-deferred-components'), deferredComponentsEnabled: boolArg('deferred-components') && !boolArg('debug'), ); return FlutterCommandResult.success(); } }