// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:file/file.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/common.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/file_system.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/io.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/utils.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/globals.dart' as globals; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import 'package:process/process.dart'; import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart'; import 'package:vm_service/vm_service_io.dart'; import '../src/common.dart'; // Set this to true for debugging to get verbose logs written to stdout. // The logs include the following: // <=stdout= data that the flutter tool running in --verbose mode wrote to stdout. // <=stderr= data that the flutter tool running in --verbose mode wrote to stderr. // =stdin=> data that the test sent to the flutter tool over stdin. // =vm=> data that was sent over the VM service channel to the app running on the test device. // <=vm= data that was sent from the app on the test device over the VM service channel. // Messages regarding what the test is doing. // If this is false, then only critical errors and logs when things appear to be // taking a long time are printed to the console. const bool _printDebugOutputToStdOut = false; final DateTime startTime = DateTime.now(); const Duration defaultTimeout = Duration(seconds: 5); const Duration appStartTimeout = Duration(seconds: 120); const Duration quitTimeout = Duration(seconds: 10); abstract class FlutterTestDriver { FlutterTestDriver( this._projectFolder, { String logPrefix, }) : _logPrefix = logPrefix != null ? '$logPrefix: ' : ''; final Directory _projectFolder; final String _logPrefix; Process _process; int _processPid; final StreamController<String> _stdout = StreamController<String>.broadcast(); final StreamController<String> _stderr = StreamController<String>.broadcast(); final StreamController<String> _allMessages = StreamController<String>.broadcast(); final StringBuffer _errorBuffer = StringBuffer(); String _lastResponse; Uri _vmServiceWsUri; bool _hasExited = false; VmService _vmService; String get lastErrorInfo => _errorBuffer.toString(); Stream<String> get stdout => _stdout.stream; int get vmServicePort => _vmServiceWsUri.port; bool get hasExited => _hasExited; String lastTime = ''; void _debugPrint(String message, { String topic = '' }) { const int maxLength = 2500; final String truncatedMessage = message.length > maxLength ? message.substring(0, maxLength) + '...' : message; final String line = '${topic.padRight(10)} $truncatedMessage'; _allMessages.add(line); final int timeInSeconds = DateTime.now().difference(startTime).inSeconds; String time = timeInSeconds.toString().padLeft(5) + 's '; if (time == lastTime) { time = ' ' * time.length; } else { lastTime = time; } if (_printDebugOutputToStdOut) { print('$time$_logPrefix$line'); } } Future<void> _setupProcess( List<String> arguments, { String script, bool withDebugger = false, File pidFile, }) async { final String flutterBin = globals.fs.path.join(getFlutterRoot(), 'bin', 'flutter'); if (withDebugger) { arguments.add('--start-paused'); } if (_printDebugOutputToStdOut) { arguments.add('--verbose'); } if (pidFile != null) { arguments.addAll(<String>['--pid-file', pidFile.path]); } if (script != null) { arguments.add(script); } _debugPrint('Spawning flutter $arguments in ${_projectFolder.path}'); const ProcessManager _processManager = LocalProcessManager(); _process = await _processManager.start( <String>[flutterBin] .followedBy(arguments) .toList(), workingDirectory: _projectFolder.path, // The web environment variable has the same effect as `flutter config --enable-web`. environment: <String, String>{'FLUTTER_TEST': 'true', 'FLUTTER_WEB': 'true'}, ); // This class doesn't use the result of the future. It's made available // via a getter for external uses. unawaited(_process.exitCode.then((int code) { _debugPrint('Process exited ($code)'); _hasExited = true; })); transformToLines(_process.stdout).listen(_stdout.add); transformToLines(_process.stderr).listen(_stderr.add); // Capture stderr to a buffer so we can show it all if any requests fail. _stderr.stream.listen(_errorBuffer.writeln); // This is just debug printing to aid running/debugging tests locally. _stdout.stream.listen((String message) => _debugPrint(message, topic: '<=stdout=')); _stderr.stream.listen((String message) => _debugPrint(message, topic: '<=stderr=')); } Future<void> get done => _process.exitCode; Future<void> connectToVmService({ bool pauseOnExceptions = false }) async { _vmService = await vmServiceConnectUri('$_vmServiceWsUri'); _vmService.onSend.listen((String s) => _debugPrint(s, topic: '=vm=>')); _vmService.onReceive.listen((String s) => _debugPrint(s, topic: '<=vm=')); final Completer<void> isolateStarted = Completer<void>(); _vmService.onIsolateEvent.listen((Event event) { if (event.kind == EventKind.kIsolateStart) { isolateStarted.complete(); } else if (event.kind == EventKind.kIsolateExit && event.isolate.id == _flutterIsolateId) { // Hot restarts cause all the isolates to exit, so we need to refresh // our idea of what the Flutter isolate ID is. _flutterIsolateId = null; } }); await Future.wait(<Future<Success>>[ _vmService.streamListen('Isolate'), _vmService.streamListen('Debug'), ]); if ((await _vmService.getVM()).isolates.isEmpty) { await isolateStarted.future; } await waitForPause(); if (pauseOnExceptions) { await _vmService.setExceptionPauseMode( await _getFlutterIsolateId(), ExceptionPauseMode.kUnhandled, ); } } Future<int> quit() => _killGracefully(); Future<int> _killGracefully() async { if (_processPid == null) { return -1; } // If we try to kill the process while it's paused, we'll end up terminating // it forcefully and it won't terminate child processes, so we need to ensure // it's running before terminating. await resume().timeout(defaultTimeout) .catchError((Object e) => _debugPrint('Ignoring failure to resume during shutdown')); _debugPrint('Sending SIGTERM to $_processPid..'); ProcessSignal.SIGTERM.send(_processPid); return _process.exitCode.timeout(quitTimeout, onTimeout: _killForcefully); } Future<int> _killForcefully() { _debugPrint('Sending SIGKILL to $_processPid..'); ProcessSignal.SIGKILL.send(_processPid); return _process.exitCode; } String _flutterIsolateId; Future<String> _getFlutterIsolateId() async { // Currently these tests only have a single isolate. If this // ceases to be the case, this code will need changing. if (_flutterIsolateId == null) { final VM vm = await _vmService.getVM(); _flutterIsolateId = vm.isolates.first.id; } return _flutterIsolateId; } Future<Isolate> _getFlutterIsolate() async { final Isolate isolate = await _vmService.getIsolate(await _getFlutterIsolateId()); return isolate; } /// Add a breakpoint and wait for it to trip the program execution. /// /// Only call this when you are absolutely sure that the program under test /// will hit the breakpoint _in the future_. /// /// In particular, do not call this if the program is currently racing to pass /// the line of code you are breaking on. Pretend that calling this will take /// an hour before setting the breakpoint. Would the code still eventually hit /// the breakpoint and stop? Future<void> breakAt(Uri uri, int line) async { await addBreakpoint(uri, line); await waitForPause(); } Future<void> addBreakpoint(Uri uri, int line) async { _debugPrint('Sending breakpoint for: $uri:$line'); await _vmService.addBreakpointWithScriptUri( await _getFlutterIsolateId(), uri.toString(), line, ); } // This method isn't racy. If the isolate is already paused, // it will immediately return. Future<Isolate> waitForPause() async { return _timeoutWithMessages<Isolate>( () async { final String flutterIsolate = await _getFlutterIsolateId(); final Completer<Event> pauseEvent = Completer<Event>(); // Start listening for pause events. final StreamSubscription<Event> pauseSubscription = _vmService.onDebugEvent .where((Event event) { return event.isolate.id == flutterIsolate && event.kind.startsWith('Pause'); }) .listen((Event event) { if (!pauseEvent.isCompleted) { pauseEvent.complete(event); } }); // But also check if the isolate was already paused (only after we've set // up the subscription) to avoid races. If it was paused, we don't need to wait // for the event. final Isolate isolate = await _vmService.getIsolate(flutterIsolate); if (isolate.pauseEvent.kind.startsWith('Pause')) { _debugPrint('Isolate was already paused (${isolate.pauseEvent.kind}).'); } else { _debugPrint('Isolate is not already paused, waiting for event to arrive...'); await pauseEvent.future; } // Cancel the subscription on either of the above. await pauseSubscription.cancel(); return _getFlutterIsolate(); }, task: 'Waiting for isolate to pause', ); } Future<Isolate> resume({ bool waitForNextPause = false }) => _resume(null, waitForNextPause); Future<Isolate> stepOver({ bool waitForNextPause = true }) => _resume(StepOption.kOver, waitForNextPause); Future<Isolate> stepOverAsync({ bool waitForNextPause = true }) => _resume(StepOption.kOverAsyncSuspension, waitForNextPause); Future<Isolate> stepInto({ bool waitForNextPause = true }) => _resume(StepOption.kInto, waitForNextPause); Future<Isolate> stepOut({ bool waitForNextPause = true }) => _resume(StepOption.kOut, waitForNextPause); Future<bool> isAtAsyncSuspension() async { final Isolate isolate = await _getFlutterIsolate(); return isolate.pauseEvent.atAsyncSuspension == true; } Future<Isolate> stepOverOrOverAsyncSuspension({ bool waitForNextPause = true }) async { if (await isAtAsyncSuspension()) { return await stepOverAsync(waitForNextPause: waitForNextPause); } return await stepOver(waitForNextPause: waitForNextPause); } Future<Isolate> _resume(String step, bool waitForNextPause) async { assert(waitForNextPause != null); await _timeoutWithMessages<dynamic>( () async => _vmService.resume(await _getFlutterIsolateId(), step: step), task: 'Resuming isolate (step=$step)', ); return waitForNextPause ? waitForPause() : null; } Future<ObjRef> evaluateInFrame(String expression) async { return _timeoutWithMessages<ObjRef>( () async => await _vmService.evaluateInFrame(await _getFlutterIsolateId(), 0, expression) as ObjRef, task: 'Evaluating expression ($expression)', ); } Future<InstanceRef> evaluate(String targetId, String expression) async { return _timeoutWithMessages<InstanceRef>( () async => await _vmService.evaluate(await _getFlutterIsolateId(), targetId, expression) as InstanceRef, task: 'Evaluating expression ($expression for $targetId)', ); } Future<Frame> getTopStackFrame() async { final String flutterIsolateId = await _getFlutterIsolateId(); final Stack stack = await _vmService.getStack(flutterIsolateId); if (stack.frames.isEmpty) { throw Exception('Stack is empty'); } return stack.frames.first; } Future<SourcePosition> getSourceLocation() async { final String flutterIsolateId = await _getFlutterIsolateId(); final Frame frame = await getTopStackFrame(); final Script script = await _vmService.getObject(flutterIsolateId, frame.location.script.id) as Script; return _lookupTokenPos(script.tokenPosTable, frame.location.tokenPos); } SourcePosition _lookupTokenPos(List<List<int>> table, int tokenPos) { for (final List<int> row in table) { final int lineNumber = row[0]; int index = 1; for (index = 1; index < row.length - 1; index += 2) { if (row[index] == tokenPos) { return SourcePosition(lineNumber, row[index + 1]); } } } return null; } Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _waitFor({ String event, int id, Duration timeout = defaultTimeout, bool ignoreAppStopEvent = false, }) async { assert(timeout != null); assert(event != null || id != null); assert(event == null || id == null); final String interestingOccurrence = event != null ? '$event event' : 'response to request $id'; final Completer<Map<String, dynamic>> response = Completer<Map<String, dynamic>>(); StreamSubscription<String> subscription; subscription = _stdout.stream.listen((String line) async { final Map<String, dynamic> json = parseFlutterResponse(line); _lastResponse = line; if (json == null) { return; } if ((event != null && json['event'] == event) || (id != null && json['id'] == id)) { await subscription.cancel(); _debugPrint('OK ($interestingOccurrence)'); response.complete(json); } else if (!ignoreAppStopEvent && json['event'] == 'app.stop') { await subscription.cancel(); final StringBuffer error = StringBuffer(); error.write('Received app.stop event while waiting for $interestingOccurrence\n\n'); if (json['params'] != null && json['params']['error'] != null) { error.write('${json['params']['error']}\n\n'); } if (json['params'] != null && json['params']['trace'] != null) { error.write('${json['params']['trace']}\n\n'); } response.completeError(error.toString()); } }); return _timeoutWithMessages( () => response.future, timeout: timeout, task: 'Expecting $interestingOccurrence', ).whenComplete(subscription.cancel); } Future<T> _timeoutWithMessages<T>( Future<T> Function() callback, { @required String task, Duration timeout = defaultTimeout, }) { assert(task != null); assert(timeout != null); if (_printDebugOutputToStdOut) { _debugPrint('$task...'); final Timer longWarning = Timer(timeout, () => _debugPrint('$task is taking longer than usual...')); return callback().whenComplete(longWarning.cancel); } // We're not showing all output to the screen, so let's capture the output // that we would have printed if we were, and output it if we take longer // than the timeout or if we get an error. final StringBuffer messages = StringBuffer('$task\n'); final DateTime start = DateTime.now(); bool timeoutExpired = false; void logMessage(String logLine) { final int ms = DateTime.now().difference(start).inMilliseconds; final String formattedLine = '[+ ${ms.toString().padLeft(5)}] $logLine'; messages.writeln(formattedLine); } final StreamSubscription<String> subscription = _allMessages.stream.listen(logMessage); final Timer longWarning = Timer(timeout, () { _debugPrint(messages.toString()); timeoutExpired = true; _debugPrint('$task is taking longer than usual...'); }); final Future<T> future = callback().whenComplete(longWarning.cancel); return future.catchError((dynamic error) { if (!timeoutExpired) { timeoutExpired = true; _debugPrint(messages.toString()); } throw error; }).whenComplete(() => subscription.cancel()); } } class FlutterRunTestDriver extends FlutterTestDriver { FlutterRunTestDriver( Directory projectFolder, { String logPrefix, }) : super(projectFolder, logPrefix: logPrefix); String _currentRunningAppId; Future<void> run({ bool withDebugger = false, bool startPaused = false, bool pauseOnExceptions = false, bool chrome = false, File pidFile, String script, }) async { await _setupProcess( <String>[ 'run', if (!chrome) '--disable-service-auth-codes', '--machine', '-d', if (chrome) ...<String>['chrome', '--web-run-headless', '--web-enable-expression-evaluation'] else 'flutter-tester', ], withDebugger: withDebugger, startPaused: startPaused, pauseOnExceptions: pauseOnExceptions, pidFile: pidFile, script: script, ); } Future<void> attach( int port, { bool withDebugger = false, bool startPaused = false, bool pauseOnExceptions = false, File pidFile, }) async { await _setupProcess( <String>[ 'attach', '--machine', '-d', 'flutter-tester', '--debug-port', '$port', ], withDebugger: withDebugger, startPaused: startPaused, pauseOnExceptions: pauseOnExceptions, pidFile: pidFile, ); } @override Future<void> _setupProcess( List<String> args, { String script, bool withDebugger = false, bool startPaused = false, bool pauseOnExceptions = false, File pidFile, }) async { assert(!startPaused || withDebugger); await super._setupProcess( args, script: script, withDebugger: withDebugger, pidFile: pidFile, ); final Completer<void> prematureExitGuard = Completer<void>(); // If the process exits before all of the `await`s below are done, then it // exited prematurely. This causes the currently suspended `await` to // deadlock until the test times out. Instead, this causes the test to fail // fast. unawaited(_process.exitCode.then((_) { if (!prematureExitGuard.isCompleted) { prematureExitGuard.completeError('Process exited prematurely: ${args.join(' ')}: $_errorBuffer'); } })); unawaited(() async { try { // Stash the PID so that we can terminate the VM more reliably than using // _process.kill() (`flutter` is a shell script so _process itself is a // shell, not the flutter tool's Dart process). final Map<String, dynamic> connected = await _waitFor(event: 'daemon.connected'); _processPid = connected['params']['pid'] as int; // Set this up now, but we don't wait it yet. We want to make sure we don't // miss it while waiting for debugPort below. final Future<Map<String, dynamic>> started = _waitFor(event: 'app.started', timeout: appStartTimeout); if (withDebugger) { final Map<String, dynamic> debugPort = await _waitFor(event: 'app.debugPort', timeout: appStartTimeout); final String wsUriString = debugPort['params']['wsUri'] as String; _vmServiceWsUri = Uri.parse(wsUriString); await connectToVmService(pauseOnExceptions: pauseOnExceptions); if (!startPaused) { await resume(waitForNextPause: false); } } // Now await the started event; if it had already happened the future will // have already completed. _currentRunningAppId = (await started)['params']['appId'] as String; prematureExitGuard.complete(); } on Exception catch (error, stackTrace) { prematureExitGuard.completeError(error, stackTrace); } }()); return prematureExitGuard.future; } Future<void> hotRestart({ bool pause = false }) => _restart(fullRestart: true, pause: pause); Future<void> hotReload() => _restart(fullRestart: false); Future<void> scheduleFrame() async { if (_currentRunningAppId == null) { throw Exception('App has not started yet'); } await _sendRequest( 'app.callServiceExtension', <String, dynamic>{'appId': _currentRunningAppId, 'methodName': 'ext.ui.window.scheduleFrame'}, ); } Future<void> reloadMethod({ String libraryId, String classId }) async { if (_currentRunningAppId == null) { throw Exception('App has not started yet'); } final dynamic reloadMethodResponse = await _sendRequest( 'app.reloadMethod', <String, dynamic>{'appId': _currentRunningAppId, 'class': classId, 'library': libraryId}, ); if (reloadMethodResponse == null || reloadMethodResponse['code'] != 0) { _throwErrorResponse('reloadMethodResponse request failed'); } } Future<void> _restart({ bool fullRestart = false, bool pause = false }) async { if (_currentRunningAppId == null) { throw Exception('App has not started yet'); } _debugPrint('Performing ${ pause ? "paused " : "" }${ fullRestart ? "hot restart" : "hot reload" }...'); final dynamic hotReloadResponse = await _sendRequest( 'app.restart', <String, dynamic>{'appId': _currentRunningAppId, 'fullRestart': fullRestart, 'pause': pause}, ); _debugPrint('${fullRestart ? "Hot restart" : "Hot reload"} complete.'); if (hotReloadResponse == null || hotReloadResponse['code'] != 0) { _throwErrorResponse('Hot ${fullRestart ? 'restart' : 'reload'} request failed'); } } Future<int> detach() async { if (_process == null) { return 0; } if (_vmService != null) { _debugPrint('Closing VM service...'); _vmService.dispose(); } if (_currentRunningAppId != null) { _debugPrint('Detaching from app...'); await Future.any<void>(<Future<void>>[ _process.exitCode, _sendRequest( 'app.detach', <String, dynamic>{'appId': _currentRunningAppId}, ), ]).timeout( quitTimeout, onTimeout: () { _debugPrint('app.detach did not return within $quitTimeout'); }, ); _currentRunningAppId = null; } _debugPrint('Waiting for process to end...'); return _process.exitCode.timeout(quitTimeout, onTimeout: _killGracefully); } Future<int> stop() async { if (_vmService != null) { _debugPrint('Closing VM service...'); _vmService.dispose(); } if (_currentRunningAppId != null) { _debugPrint('Stopping application...'); await Future.any<void>(<Future<void>>[ _process.exitCode, _sendRequest( 'app.stop', <String, dynamic>{'appId': _currentRunningAppId}, ), ]).timeout( quitTimeout, onTimeout: () { _debugPrint('app.stop did not return within $quitTimeout'); }, ); _currentRunningAppId = null; } if (_process != null) { _debugPrint('Waiting for process to end...'); return _process.exitCode.timeout(quitTimeout, onTimeout: _killGracefully); } return 0; } int id = 1; Future<dynamic> _sendRequest(String method, dynamic params) async { final int requestId = id++; final Map<String, dynamic> request = <String, dynamic>{ 'id': requestId, 'method': method, 'params': params, }; final String jsonEncoded = json.encode(<Map<String, dynamic>>[request]); _debugPrint(jsonEncoded, topic: '=stdin=>'); // Set up the response future before we send the request to avoid any // races. If the method we're calling is app.stop then we tell _waitFor not // to throw if it sees an app.stop event before the response to this request. final Future<Map<String, dynamic>> responseFuture = _waitFor( id: requestId, ignoreAppStopEvent: method == 'app.stop', ); _process.stdin.writeln(jsonEncoded); final Map<String, dynamic> response = await responseFuture; if (response['error'] != null || response['result'] == null) { _throwErrorResponse('Unexpected error response'); } return response['result']; } void _throwErrorResponse(String message) { throw '$message\n\n$_lastResponse\n\n${_errorBuffer.toString()}'.trim(); } } class FlutterTestTestDriver extends FlutterTestDriver { FlutterTestTestDriver(Directory _projectFolder, {String logPrefix}) : super(_projectFolder, logPrefix: logPrefix); Future<void> test({ String testFile = 'test/test.dart', bool withDebugger = false, bool pauseOnExceptions = false, bool coverage = false, File pidFile, Future<void> Function() beforeStart, }) async { await _setupProcess(<String>[ 'test', '--disable-service-auth-codes', '--machine', if (coverage) '--coverage', ], script: testFile, withDebugger: withDebugger, pauseOnExceptions: pauseOnExceptions, pidFile: pidFile, beforeStart: beforeStart); } @override Future<void> _setupProcess( List<String> args, { String script, bool withDebugger = false, bool pauseOnExceptions = false, File pidFile, Future<void> Function() beforeStart, }) async { await super._setupProcess( args, script: script, withDebugger: withDebugger, pidFile: pidFile, ); // Stash the PID so that we can terminate the VM more reliably than using // _proc.kill() (because _proc is a shell, because `flutter` is a shell // script). final Map<String, dynamic> version = await _waitForJson(); _processPid = version['pid'] as int; if (withDebugger) { final Map<String, dynamic> startedProcess = await _waitFor(event: 'test.startedProcess', timeout: appStartTimeout); final String vmServiceHttpString = startedProcess['params']['observatoryUri'] as String; _vmServiceWsUri = Uri.parse(vmServiceHttpString).replace(scheme: 'ws', path: '/ws'); await connectToVmService(pauseOnExceptions: pauseOnExceptions); // Allow us to run code before we start, eg. to set up breakpoints. if (beforeStart != null) { await beforeStart(); } await resume(waitForNextPause: false); } } Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _waitForJson({ Duration timeout = defaultTimeout, }) async { assert(timeout != null); return _timeoutWithMessages<Map<String, dynamic>>( () => _stdout.stream.map<Map<String, dynamic>>(_parseJsonResponse) .firstWhere((Map<String, dynamic> output) => output != null), timeout: timeout, task: 'Waiting for JSON', ); } Map<String, dynamic> _parseJsonResponse(String line) { try { return castStringKeyedMap(json.decode(line)); } on Exception { // Not valid JSON, so likely some other output. return null; } } Future<void> waitForCompletion() async { final Completer<bool> done = Completer<bool>(); // Waiting for `{"success":true,"type":"done",...}` line indicating // end of test run. final StreamSubscription<String> subscription = _stdout.stream.listen( (String line) async { final Map<String, dynamic> json = _parseJsonResponse(line); if (json != null && json['type'] != null && json['success'] != null) { done.complete(json['type'] == 'done' && json['success'] == true); } }); await resume(); final Future<dynamic> timeoutFuture = Future<dynamic>.delayed(defaultTimeout); await Future.any<dynamic>(<Future<dynamic>>[done.future, timeoutFuture]); await subscription.cancel(); if (!done.isCompleted) { await quit(); } } } Stream<String> transformToLines(Stream<List<int>> byteStream) { return byteStream.transform<String>(utf8.decoder).transform<String>(const LineSplitter()); } Map<String, dynamic> parseFlutterResponse(String line) { if (line.startsWith('[') && line.endsWith(']')) { try { final Map<String, dynamic> response = castStringKeyedMap(json.decode(line)[0]); return response; } on Exception { // Not valid JSON, so likely some other output that was surrounded by [brackets] return null; } } return null; } class SourcePosition { SourcePosition(this.line, this.column); final int line; final int column; }