// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert' show ASCII, LineSplitter;

import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';

import 'io.dart';
import 'platform.dart';

final AnsiTerminal terminal = new AnsiTerminal();

abstract class Logger {
  bool get isVerbose => false;

  bool quiet = false;

  bool get supportsColor => terminal.supportsColor;
  set supportsColor(bool value) {
    terminal.supportsColor = value;

  /// Display an error level message to the user. Commands should use this if they
  /// fail in some way.
  void printError(String message, [StackTrace stackTrace]);

  /// Display normal output of the command. This should be used for things like
  /// progress messages, success messages, or just normal command output.
  void printStatus(
    String message,
    { bool emphasis: false, bool newline: true, String ansiAlternative, int indent }

  /// Use this for verbose tracing output. Users can turn this output on in order
  /// to help diagnose issues with the toolchain or with their setup.
  void printTrace(String message);

  /// Start an indeterminate progress display.
  /// [message] is the message to display to the user; [progressId] provides an ID which can be
  /// used to identify this type of progress (`hot.reload`, `hot.restart`, ...).
  Status startProgress(String message, { String progressId, bool expectSlowOperation: false });

class Status {
  void stop() { }
  void cancel() { }

typedef void _FinishCallback();

class StdoutLogger extends Logger {
  Status _status;

  bool get isVerbose => false;

  void printError(String message, [StackTrace stackTrace]) {
    _status = null;

    if (stackTrace != null)
      stderr.writeln(new Chain.forTrace(stackTrace).terse.toString());

  void printStatus(
    String message,
    { bool emphasis: false, bool newline: true, String ansiAlternative, int indent }
  ) {
    _status = null;
    if (terminal.supportsColor && ansiAlternative != null)
      message = ansiAlternative;
    if (emphasis)
      message = terminal.bolden(message);
    if (indent != null && indent > 0)
      message = LineSplitter.split(message).map((String line) => ' ' * indent + line).join('\n');
    if (newline)
      message = '$message\n';

  void printTrace(String message) { }

  Status startProgress(String message, { String progressId, bool expectSlowOperation: false }) {
    if (_status != null) {
      // Ignore nested progresses; return a no-op status object.
      return new Status();
    } else {
      if (supportsColor) {
        _status = new _AnsiStatus(message, expectSlowOperation, () { _status = null; });
        return _status;
      } else {
        return new Status();

class BufferLogger extends Logger {
  bool get isVerbose => false;

  StringBuffer _error = new StringBuffer();
  StringBuffer _status = new StringBuffer();
  StringBuffer _trace = new StringBuffer();

  String get errorText => _error.toString();
  String get statusText => _status.toString();
  String get traceText => _trace.toString();

  void printError(String message, [StackTrace stackTrace]) => _error.writeln(message);

  void printStatus(
    String message,
    { bool emphasis: false, bool newline: true, String ansiAlternative, int indent }
  ) {
    if (newline)

  void printTrace(String message) => _trace.writeln(message);

  Status startProgress(String message, { String progressId, bool expectSlowOperation: false }) {
    return new Status();

class VerboseLogger extends Logger {
  Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

  VerboseLogger() {

  bool get isVerbose => true;

  void printError(String message, [StackTrace stackTrace]) {
    _emit(_LogType.error, message, stackTrace);

  void printStatus(
    String message,
    { bool emphasis: false, bool newline: true, String ansiAlternative, int indent }
  ) {
    _emit(_LogType.status, message);

  void printTrace(String message) {
    _emit(_LogType.trace, message);

  Status startProgress(String message, { String progressId, bool expectSlowOperation: false }) {
    return new Status();

  void _emit(_LogType type, String message, [StackTrace stackTrace]) {
    if (message.trim().isEmpty)

    int millis = stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds;

    String prefix;
    const int prefixWidth = 8;
    if (millis == 0) {
      prefix = ''.padLeft(prefixWidth);
    } else {
      prefix = '+$millis ms'.padLeft(prefixWidth);
      if (millis >= 100)
        prefix = terminal.bolden(prefix);
    prefix = '[$prefix] ';

    String indent = ''.padLeft(prefix.length);
    String indentMessage = message.replaceAll('\n', '\n$indent');

    if (type == _LogType.error) {
      stderr.writeln(prefix + terminal.bolden(indentMessage));
      if (stackTrace != null)
        stderr.writeln(indent + stackTrace.toString().replaceAll('\n', '\n$indent'));
    } else if (type == _LogType.status) {
      print(prefix + terminal.bolden(indentMessage));
    } else {
      print(prefix + indentMessage);

enum _LogType {

class AnsiTerminal {
  AnsiTerminal() {
    // TODO(devoncarew): This detection does not work for Windows.
    String term = platform.environment['TERM'];
    supportsColor = term != null && term != 'dumb';

  static const String KEY_F1  = '\u001BOP';
  static const String KEY_F5  = '\u001B[15~';
  static const String KEY_F10 = '\u001B[21~';

  static const String _bold  = '\u001B[1m';
  static const String _reset = '\u001B[0m';
  static const String _clear = '\u001B[2J\u001B[H';

  static const int _ENOTTY = 25;
  static const int _ENETRESET = 102;
  static const int _ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = 87;

  /// Setting the line mode can throw for some terminals (with "Operation not
  /// supported on socket"), but the error can be safely ignored.
  static const List<int> _lineModeIgnorableErrors = const <int>[
    _ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, // TODO(goderbauer): remove when https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/28599 is fixed

  bool supportsColor;

  String bolden(String str) => supportsColor ? '$_bold$str$_reset' : str;

  String clearScreen() => supportsColor ? _clear : '\n\n';

  set singleCharMode(bool value) {
    try {
      stdin.lineMode = !value;
    } on StdinException catch (error) {
      if (!_lineModeIgnorableErrors.contains(error.osError?.errorCode))

  /// Return keystrokes from the console.
  /// Useful when the console is in [singleCharMode].
  Stream<String> get onCharInput => stdin.transform(ASCII.decoder);

class _AnsiStatus extends Status {
  _AnsiStatus(this.message, this.expectSlowOperation, this.onFinish) {
    stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();

    stdout.write('${message.padRight(52)}     ');

    timer = new Timer.periodic(new Duration(milliseconds: 100), _callback);

  static final List<String> _progress = <String>['-', r'\', '|', r'/', '-', r'\', '|', '/'];
  static final NumberFormat secondsFormat = new NumberFormat('0.0');
  static final NumberFormat millisecondsFormat = new NumberFormat.decimalPattern();

  final String message;
  final bool expectSlowOperation;
  final _FinishCallback onFinish;
  Stopwatch stopwatch;
  Timer timer;
  int index = 1;
  bool live = true;

  void _callback(Timer timer) {
    index = ++index % _progress.length;

  void stop() {

    if (!live)
    live = false;

    if (expectSlowOperation) {
      double seconds = stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds / Duration.MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND;
    } else {


  void cancel() {

    if (!live)
    live = false;

    print('\b ');