// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:math' as math; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart'; import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'button_style.dart'; import 'button_style_button.dart'; import 'checkbox.dart'; import 'color_scheme.dart'; import 'colors.dart'; import 'constants.dart'; import 'icons.dart'; import 'ink_well.dart'; import 'material.dart'; import 'material_localizations.dart'; import 'material_state.dart'; import 'menu_bar_theme.dart'; import 'menu_button_theme.dart'; import 'menu_style.dart'; import 'menu_theme.dart'; import 'radio.dart'; import 'text_button.dart'; import 'theme.dart'; import 'theme_data.dart'; // Examples can assume: // bool _throwShotAway = false; // late BuildContext context; // enum SingingCharacter { lafayette } // late SingingCharacter? _character; // late StateSetter setState; // Enable if you want verbose logging about menu changes. const bool _kDebugMenus = false; // The default size of the arrow in _MenuItemLabel that indicates that a menu // has a submenu. const double _kDefaultSubmenuIconSize = 24; // The default spacing between the leading icon, label, trailing icon, and // shortcut label in a _MenuItemLabel. const double _kLabelItemDefaultSpacing = 12; // The minimum spacing between the leading icon, label, trailing icon, and // shortcut label in a _MenuItemLabel. const double _kLabelItemMinSpacing = 4; // Navigation shortcuts that we need to make sure are active when menus are // open. const Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent> _kMenuTraversalShortcuts = <ShortcutActivator, Intent>{ SingleActivator(LogicalKeyboardKey.gameButtonA): ActivateIntent(), SingleActivator(LogicalKeyboardKey.escape): DismissIntent(), SingleActivator(LogicalKeyboardKey.tab): NextFocusIntent(), SingleActivator(LogicalKeyboardKey.tab, shift: true): PreviousFocusIntent(), SingleActivator(LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowDown): DirectionalFocusIntent(TraversalDirection.down), SingleActivator(LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowUp): DirectionalFocusIntent(TraversalDirection.up), SingleActivator(LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowLeft): DirectionalFocusIntent(TraversalDirection.left), SingleActivator(LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowRight): DirectionalFocusIntent(TraversalDirection.right), }; // The minimum vertical spacing on the outside of menus. const double _kMenuVerticalMinPadding = 8; // How close to the edge of the safe area the menu will be placed. const double _kMenuViewPadding = 8; // The minimum horizontal spacing on the outside of the top level menu. const double _kTopLevelMenuHorizontalMinPadding = 4; /// The type of builder function used by [MenuAnchor.builder] to build the /// widget that the [MenuAnchor] surrounds. /// /// The `context` is the context that the widget is being built in. /// /// The `controller` is the [MenuController] that can be used to open and close /// the menu with. /// /// The `child` is an optional child supplied as the [MenuAnchor.child] /// attribute. The child is intended to be incorporated in the result of the /// function. typedef MenuAnchorChildBuilder = Widget Function( BuildContext context, MenuController controller, Widget? child, ); /// A widget used to mark the "anchor" for a set of submenus, defining the /// rectangle used to position the menu, which can be done either with an /// explicit location, or with an alignment. /// /// When creating a menu with [MenuBar] or a [SubmenuButton], a [MenuAnchor] is /// not needed, since they provide their own internally. /// /// The [MenuAnchor] is meant to be a slightly lower level interface than /// [MenuBar], used in situations where a [MenuBar] isn't appropriate, or to /// construct widgets or screen regions that have submenus. /// /// {@tool dartpad} /// This example shows how to use a [MenuAnchor] to wrap a button and open a /// cascading menu from the button. /// /// ** See code in examples/api/lib/material/menu_anchor/menu_anchor.0.dart ** /// {@end-tool} /// /// {@tool dartpad} /// This example shows how to use a [MenuAnchor] to create a cascading context /// menu in a region of the view, positioned where the user clicks the mouse /// with Ctrl pressed. The [anchorTapClosesMenu] attribute is set to true so /// that clicks on the [MenuAnchor] area will cause the menus to be closed. /// /// ** See code in examples/api/lib/material/menu_anchor/menu_anchor.1.dart ** /// {@end-tool} class MenuAnchor extends StatefulWidget { /// Creates a const [MenuAnchor]. /// /// The [menuChildren] argument is required. const MenuAnchor({ super.key, this.controller, this.childFocusNode, this.style, this.alignmentOffset = Offset.zero, this.clipBehavior = Clip.none, this.anchorTapClosesMenu = false, this.onOpen, this.onClose, this.crossAxisUnconstrained = true, required this.menuChildren, this.builder, this.child, }); /// An optional controller that allows opening and closing of the menu from /// other widgets. final MenuController? controller; /// The [childFocusNode] attribute is the optional [FocusNode] also associated /// the [child] or [builder] widget that opens the menu. /// /// The focus node should be attached to the widget that should receive focus /// if keyboard focus traversal moves the focus off of the submenu with the /// arrow keys. /// /// If not supplied, then keyboard traversal from the menu back to the /// controlling button when the menu is open is disabled. final FocusNode? childFocusNode; /// The [MenuStyle] that defines the visual attributes of the menu bar. /// /// Colors and sizing of the menus is controllable via the [MenuStyle]. /// /// Defaults to the ambient [MenuThemeData.style]. final MenuStyle? style; /// The offset of the menu relative to the alignment origin determined by /// [MenuStyle.alignment] on the [style] attribute and the ambient /// [Directionality]. /// /// Use this for adjustments of the menu placement. /// /// Increasing [Offset.dy] values of [alignmentOffset] move the menu position /// down. /// /// If the [MenuStyle.alignment] from [style] is not an [AlignmentDirectional] /// (e.g. [Alignment]), then increasing [Offset.dx] values of /// [alignmentOffset] move the menu position to the right. /// /// If the [MenuStyle.alignment] from [style] is an [AlignmentDirectional], /// then in a [TextDirection.ltr] [Directionality], increasing [Offset.dx] /// values of [alignmentOffset] move the menu position to the right. In a /// [TextDirection.rtl] directionality, increasing [Offset.dx] values of /// [alignmentOffset] move the menu position to the left. /// /// Defaults to [Offset.zero]. final Offset? alignmentOffset; /// {@macro flutter.material.Material.clipBehavior} /// /// Defaults to [Clip.none]. final Clip clipBehavior; /// Whether the menus will be closed if the anchor area is tapped. /// /// For menus opened by buttons that toggle the menu, if the button is tapped /// when the menu is open, the button should close the menu. But if /// [anchorTapClosesMenu] is true, then the menu will close, and /// (surprisingly) immediately re-open. This is because tapping on the button /// closes the menu before the `onPressed` or `onTap` handler is called /// because of it being considered to be "outside" the menu system, and then /// the button (seeing that the menu is closed) immediately reopens the menu. /// The result is that the user thinks that tapping on the button does /// nothing. So, for button-initiated menus, this value is typically false so /// that the menu anchor area is considered "inside" of the menu system and /// doesn't cause it to close unless [MenuController.close] is called. /// /// For menus that are positioned using [MenuController.open]'s `position` /// parameter, it is often desirable that clicking on the anchor always closes /// the menu since the anchor area isn't usually considered part of the menu /// system by the user. In this case [anchorTapClosesMenu] should be true. /// /// Defaults to false. final bool anchorTapClosesMenu; /// A callback that is invoked when the menu is opened. final VoidCallback? onOpen; /// A callback that is invoked when the menu is closed. final VoidCallback? onClose; /// Determine if the menu panel can be wrapped by a [UnconstrainedBox] which allows /// the panel to render at its "natural" size. /// /// Defaults to true as it allows developers to render the menu panel at the /// size it should be. When it is set to false, it can be useful when the menu should /// be constrained in both main axis and cross axis, such as a [DropdownMenu]. final bool crossAxisUnconstrained; /// A list of children containing the menu items that are the contents of the /// menu surrounded by this [MenuAnchor]. /// /// {@macro flutter.material.MenuBar.shortcuts_note} final List<Widget> menuChildren; /// The widget that this [MenuAnchor] surrounds. /// /// Typically this is a button used to open the menu by calling /// [MenuController.open] on the `controller` passed to the builder. /// /// If not supplied, then the [MenuAnchor] will be the size that its parent /// allocates for it. final MenuAnchorChildBuilder? builder; /// The optional child to be passed to the [builder]. /// /// Supply this child if there is a portion of the widget tree built in /// [builder] that doesn't depend on the `controller` or `context` supplied to /// the [builder]. It will be more efficient, since Flutter doesn't then need /// to rebuild this child when those change. final Widget? child; @override State<MenuAnchor> createState() => _MenuAnchorState(); @override List<DiagnosticsNode> debugDescribeChildren() { return menuChildren.map<DiagnosticsNode>((Widget child) => child.toDiagnosticsNode()).toList(); } @override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { super.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(FlagProperty('anchorTapClosesMenu', value: anchorTapClosesMenu, ifTrue: 'AUTO-CLOSE')); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<FocusNode?>('focusNode', childFocusNode)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<MenuStyle?>('style', style)); properties.add(EnumProperty<Clip>('clipBehavior', clipBehavior)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Offset?>('alignmentOffset', alignmentOffset)); properties.add(StringProperty('child', child.toString())); } } class _MenuAnchorState extends State<MenuAnchor> { // This is the global key that is used later to determine the bounding rect // for the anchor's region that the CustomSingleChildLayout's delegate // uses to determine where to place the menu on the screen and to avoid the // view's edges. final GlobalKey _anchorKey = GlobalKey(debugLabel: kReleaseMode ? null : 'MenuAnchor'); _MenuAnchorState? _parent; final FocusScopeNode _menuScopeNode = FocusScopeNode(debugLabel: kReleaseMode ? null : 'MenuAnchor sub menu'); MenuController? _internalMenuController; final List<_MenuAnchorState> _anchorChildren = <_MenuAnchorState>[]; ScrollPosition? _position; Size? _viewSize; OverlayEntry? _overlayEntry; Axis get _orientation => Axis.vertical; bool get _isOpen => _overlayEntry != null; bool get _isRoot => _parent == null; bool get _isTopLevel => _parent?._isRoot ?? false; MenuController get _menuController => widget.controller ?? _internalMenuController!; @override void initState() { super.initState(); if (widget.controller == null) { _internalMenuController = MenuController(); } _menuController._attach(this); } @override void dispose() { assert(_debugMenuInfo('Disposing of $this')); if (_isOpen) { _close(inDispose: true); _parent?._removeChild(this); } _anchorChildren.clear(); _menuController._detach(this); _internalMenuController = null; super.dispose(); } @override void didChangeDependencies() { super.didChangeDependencies(); _parent?._removeChild(this); _parent = _MenuAnchorState._maybeOf(context); _parent?._addChild(this); _position?.isScrollingNotifier.removeListener(_handleScroll); _position = Scrollable.maybeOf(context)?.position; _position?.isScrollingNotifier.addListener(_handleScroll); final Size newSize = MediaQuery.sizeOf(context); if (_viewSize != null && newSize != _viewSize) { // Close the menus if the view changes size. _root._close(); } _viewSize = newSize; } @override void didUpdateWidget(MenuAnchor oldWidget) { super.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); if (oldWidget.controller != widget.controller) { oldWidget.controller?._detach(this); if (widget.controller != null) { _internalMenuController?._detach(this); _internalMenuController = null; widget.controller?._attach(this); } else { assert(_internalMenuController == null); _internalMenuController = MenuController().._attach(this); } } assert(_menuController._anchor == this); if (_overlayEntry != null) { // Needs to update the overlay entry on the next frame, since it's in the // overlay. SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((Duration _) { _overlayEntry!.markNeedsBuild(); }); } } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { Widget child = _buildContents(context); if (!widget.anchorTapClosesMenu) { child = TapRegion( groupId: _root, onTapOutside: (PointerDownEvent event) { assert(_debugMenuInfo('Tapped Outside ${widget.controller}')); _closeChildren(); }, child: child, ); } return _MenuAnchorScope( anchorKey: _anchorKey, anchor: this, isOpen: _isOpen, child: child, ); } Widget _buildContents(BuildContext context) { return Builder( key: _anchorKey, builder: (BuildContext context) { if (widget.builder == null) { return widget.child ?? const SizedBox(); } return widget.builder!( context, _menuController, widget.child, ); }, ); } // Returns the first focusable item in the submenu, where "first" is // determined by the focus traversal policy. FocusNode? get _firstItemFocusNode { if (_menuScopeNode.context == null) { return null; } final FocusTraversalPolicy policy = FocusTraversalGroup.maybeOf(_menuScopeNode.context!) ?? ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy(); return policy.findFirstFocus(_menuScopeNode, ignoreCurrentFocus: true); } void _addChild(_MenuAnchorState child) { assert(_isRoot || _debugMenuInfo('Added root child: $child')); assert(!_anchorChildren.contains(child)); _anchorChildren.add(child); assert(_debugMenuInfo('Tree:\n${widget.toStringDeep()}')); } void _removeChild(_MenuAnchorState child) { assert(_isRoot || _debugMenuInfo('Removed root child: $child')); assert(_anchorChildren.contains(child)); _anchorChildren.remove(child); assert(_debugMenuInfo('Tree:\n${widget.toStringDeep()}')); } _MenuAnchorState? get _nextSibling { final int index = _parent!._anchorChildren.indexOf(this); assert(index != -1, 'Unable to find this widget $this in parent $_parent'); if (index < _parent!._anchorChildren.length - 1) { return _parent!._anchorChildren[index + 1]; } return null; } _MenuAnchorState? get _previousSibling { final int index = _parent!._anchorChildren.indexOf(this); assert(index != -1, 'Unable to find this widget $this in parent $_parent'); if (index > 0) { return _parent!._anchorChildren[index - 1]; } return null; } _MenuAnchorState get _root { _MenuAnchorState anchor = this; while (anchor._parent != null) { anchor = anchor._parent!; } return anchor; } _MenuAnchorState get _topLevel { _MenuAnchorState handle = this; while (handle._parent!._isTopLevel) { handle = handle._parent!; } return handle; } void _childChangedOpenState() { if (mounted) { _parent?._childChangedOpenState(); setState(() { // Mark dirty, but only if mounted. }); } } void _focusButton() { if (widget.childFocusNode == null) { return; } assert(_debugMenuInfo('Requesting focus for ${widget.childFocusNode}')); widget.childFocusNode!.requestFocus(); } void _handleScroll() { // If an ancestor scrolls, and we're a top level or root anchor, then close // the menus. Don't just close it on *any* scroll, since we want to be able // to scroll menus themselves if they're too big for the view. if (_isTopLevel || _isRoot) { _root._close(); } } /// Open the menu, optionally at a position relative to the [MenuAnchor]. /// /// Call this when the menu should be shown to the user. /// /// The optional `position` argument will specify the location of the menu in /// the local coordinates of the [MenuAnchor], ignoring any /// [MenuStyle.alignment] and/or [MenuAnchor.alignmentOffset] that were /// specified. void _open({Offset? position}) { assert(_menuController._anchor == this); if (_isOpen && position == null) { assert(_debugMenuInfo("Not opening $this because it's already open")); return; } if (_isOpen && position != null) { // The menu is already open, but we need to move to another location, so // close it first. _close(); } assert(_debugMenuInfo( 'Opening $this at ${position ?? Offset.zero} with alignment offset ${widget.alignmentOffset ?? Offset.zero}')); _parent?._closeChildren(); // Close all siblings. assert(_overlayEntry == null); final BuildContext outerContext = context; _parent?._childChangedOpenState(); setState(() { _overlayEntry = OverlayEntry( builder: (BuildContext context) { final OverlayState overlay = Overlay.of(outerContext); return Positioned.directional( textDirection: Directionality.of(outerContext), top: 0, start: 0, child: Directionality( textDirection: Directionality.of(outerContext), child: InheritedTheme.captureAll( // Copy all the themes from the supplied outer context to the // overlay. outerContext, _MenuAnchorScope( // Re-advertize the anchor here in the overlay, since // otherwise a search for the anchor by descendants won't find // it. anchorKey: _anchorKey, anchor: this, isOpen: _isOpen, child: _Submenu( anchor: this, menuStyle: widget.style, alignmentOffset: widget.alignmentOffset ?? Offset.zero, menuPosition: position, clipBehavior: widget.clipBehavior, menuChildren: widget.menuChildren, crossAxisUnconstrained: widget.crossAxisUnconstrained, ), ), to: overlay.context, ), ), ); }, ); }); Overlay.of(context).insert(_overlayEntry!); widget.onOpen?.call(); } /// Close the menu. /// /// Call this when the menu should be closed. Has no effect if the menu is /// already closed. void _close({bool inDispose = false}) { assert(_debugMenuInfo('Closing $this')); if (!_isOpen) { return; } _closeChildren(inDispose: inDispose); _overlayEntry?.remove(); _overlayEntry = null; if (!inDispose) { // Notify that _childIsOpen changed state, but only if not // currently disposing. _parent?._childChangedOpenState(); } widget.onClose?.call(); } void _closeChildren({bool inDispose = false}) { assert(_debugMenuInfo('Closing children of $this${inDispose ? ' (dispose)' : ''}')); for (final _MenuAnchorState child in List<_MenuAnchorState>.from(_anchorChildren)) { child._close(inDispose: inDispose); } } // Returns the active anchor in the given context, if any, and creates a // dependency relationship that will rebuild the context when the node // changes. static _MenuAnchorState? _maybeOf(BuildContext context) { return context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<_MenuAnchorScope>()?.anchor; } } /// A controller to manage a menu created by a [MenuBar] or [MenuAnchor]. /// /// A [MenuController] is used to control and interrogate a menu after it has /// been created, with methods such as [open] and [close], and state accessors /// like [isOpen]. /// /// See also: /// /// * [MenuAnchor], a widget that defines a region that has submenu. /// * [MenuBar], a widget that creates a menu bar, that can take an optional /// [MenuController]. /// * [SubmenuButton], a widget that has a button that manages a submenu. class MenuController { /// The anchor that this controller controls. /// /// This is set automatically when a [MenuController] is given to the anchor /// it controls. _MenuAnchorState? _anchor; /// Whether or not the associated menu is currently open. bool get isOpen { assert(_anchor != null); return _anchor!._isOpen; } /// Close the menu that this menu controller is associated with. /// /// Associating with a menu is done by passing a [MenuController] to a /// [MenuAnchor]. A [MenuController] is also be received by the /// [MenuAnchor.builder] when invoked. /// /// If the menu's anchor point (either a [MenuBar] or a [MenuAnchor]) is /// scrolled by an ancestor, or the view changes size, then any open menu will /// automatically close. void close() { assert(_anchor != null); _anchor!._close(); } /// Opens the menu that this menu controller is associated with. /// /// If `position` is given, then the menu will open at the position given, in /// the coordinate space of the [MenuAnchor] this controller is attached to. /// /// If given, the `position` will override the [MenuAnchor.alignmentOffset] /// given to the [MenuAnchor]. /// /// If the menu's anchor point (either a [MenuBar] or a [MenuAnchor]) is /// scrolled by an ancestor, or the view changes size, then any open menu will /// automatically close. void open({Offset? position}) { assert(_anchor != null); _anchor!._open(position: position); } // ignore: use_setters_to_change_properties void _attach(_MenuAnchorState anchor) { _anchor = anchor; } void _detach(_MenuAnchorState anchor) { if (_anchor == anchor) { _anchor = null; } } } /// A menu bar that manages cascading child menus. /// /// This is a Material Design menu bar that typically resides above the main /// body of an application (but can go anywhere) that defines a menu system for /// invoking callbacks in response to user selection of a menu item. /// /// The menus can be opened with a click or tap. Once a menu is opened, it can /// be navigated by using the arrow and tab keys or via mouse hover. Selecting a /// menu item can be done by pressing enter, or by clicking or tapping on the /// menu item. Clicking or tapping on any part of the user interface that isn't /// part of the menu system controlled by the same controller will cause all of /// the menus controlled by that controller to close, as will pressing the /// escape key. /// /// When a menu item with a submenu is clicked on, it toggles the visibility of /// the submenu. When the menu item is hovered over, the submenu will open, and /// hovering over other items will close the previous menu and open the newly /// hovered one. When those open/close transitions occur, /// [SubmenuButton.onOpen], and [SubmenuButton.onClose] are called on the /// corresponding [SubmenuButton] child of the menu bar. /// /// {@template flutter.material.MenuBar.shortcuts_note} /// Menus using [MenuItemButton] can have a [SingleActivator] or /// [CharacterActivator] assigned to them as their [MenuItemButton.shortcut], /// which will display an appropriate shortcut hint. Even though the shortcut /// labels are displayed in the menu, shortcuts are not automatically handled. /// They must be available in whatever context they are appropriate, and handled /// via another mechanism. /// /// If shortcuts should be generally enabled, but are not easily defined in a /// context surrounding the menu bar, consider registering them with a /// [ShortcutRegistry] (one is already included in the [WidgetsApp], and thus /// also [MaterialApp] and [CupertinoApp]), as shown in the example below. To be /// sure that selecting a menu item and triggering the shortcut do the same /// thing, it is recommended that they call the same callback. /// /// {@tool dartpad} This example shows a [MenuBar] that contains a single top /// level menu, containing three items: "About", a checkbox menu item for /// showing a message, and "Quit". The items are identified with an enum value, /// and the shortcuts are registered globally with the [ShortcutRegistry]. /// /// ** See code in examples/api/lib/material/menu_anchor/menu_bar.0.dart ** /// {@end-tool} /// {@endtemplate} /// /// {@macro flutter.material.MenuAcceleratorLabel.accelerator_sample} /// /// See also: /// /// * [MenuAnchor], a widget that creates a region with a submenu and shows it /// when requested. /// * [SubmenuButton], a menu item which manages a submenu. /// * [MenuItemButton], a leaf menu item which displays the label, an optional /// shortcut label, and optional leading and trailing icons. /// * [PlatformMenuBar], which creates a menu bar that is rendered by the host /// platform instead of by Flutter (on macOS, for example). /// * [ShortcutRegistry], a registry of shortcuts that apply for the entire /// application. /// * [VoidCallbackIntent], to define intents that will call a [VoidCallback] and /// work with the [Actions] and [Shortcuts] system. /// * [CallbackShortcuts], to define shortcuts that call a callback without /// involving [Actions]. class MenuBar extends StatelessWidget { /// Creates a const [MenuBar]. /// /// The [children] argument is required. const MenuBar({ super.key, this.style, this.clipBehavior = Clip.none, this.controller, required this.children, }); /// The [MenuStyle] that defines the visual attributes of the menu bar. /// /// Colors and sizing of the menus is controllable via the [MenuStyle]. /// /// Defaults to the ambient [MenuThemeData.style]. final MenuStyle? style; /// {@macro flutter.material.Material.clipBehavior} /// /// Defaults to [Clip.none]. final Clip clipBehavior; /// The [MenuController] to use for this menu bar. final MenuController? controller; /// The list of menu items that are the top level children of the [MenuBar]. /// /// A Widget in Flutter is immutable, so directly modifying the [children] /// with [List] APIs such as `someMenuBarWidget.menus.add(...)` will result in /// incorrect behaviors. Whenever the menus list is modified, a new list /// object must be provided. /// /// {@macro flutter.material.MenuBar.shortcuts_note} final List<Widget> children; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { assert(debugCheckHasOverlay(context)); return _MenuBarAnchor( controller: controller, clipBehavior: clipBehavior, style: style, menuChildren: children, ); } @override List<DiagnosticsNode> debugDescribeChildren() { return <DiagnosticsNode>[ ...children.map<DiagnosticsNode>( (Widget item) => item.toDiagnosticsNode(), ), ]; } @override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { super.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<MenuStyle?>('style', style, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Clip>('clipBehavior', clipBehavior, defaultValue: null)); } } /// A button for use in a [MenuBar], in a menu created with [MenuAnchor], or on /// its own, that can be activated by click or keyboard navigation. /// /// This widget represents a leaf entry in a menu hierarchy that is typically /// part of a [MenuBar], but may be used independently, or as part of a menu /// created with a [MenuAnchor]. /// /// {@macro flutter.material.MenuBar.shortcuts_note} /// /// See also: /// /// * [MenuBar], a class that creates a top level menu bar in a Material Design /// style. /// * [MenuAnchor], a widget that creates a region with a submenu and shows it /// when requested. /// * [SubmenuButton], a menu item similar to this one which manages a submenu. /// * [PlatformMenuBar], which creates a menu bar that is rendered by the host /// platform instead of by Flutter (on macOS, for example). /// * [ShortcutRegistry], a registry of shortcuts that apply for the entire /// application. /// * [VoidCallbackIntent], to define intents that will call a [VoidCallback] and /// work with the [Actions] and [Shortcuts] system. /// * [CallbackShortcuts] to define shortcuts that call a callback without /// involving [Actions]. class MenuItemButton extends StatefulWidget { /// Creates a const [MenuItemButton]. /// /// The [child] attribute is required. const MenuItemButton({ super.key, this.onPressed, this.onHover, this.requestFocusOnHover = true, this.onFocusChange, this.focusNode, this.shortcut, this.style, this.statesController, this.clipBehavior = Clip.none, this.leadingIcon, this.trailingIcon, required this.child, }); /// Called when the button is tapped or otherwise activated. /// /// If this callback is null, then the button will be disabled. /// /// See also: /// /// * [enabled], which is true if the button is enabled. final VoidCallback? onPressed; /// Called when a pointer enters or exits the button response area. /// /// The value passed to the callback is true if a pointer has entered button /// area and false if a pointer has exited. final ValueChanged<bool>? onHover; /// Determine if hovering can request focus. /// /// Defaults to true. final bool requestFocusOnHover; /// Handler called when the focus changes. /// /// Called with true if this widget's node gains focus, and false if it loses /// focus. final ValueChanged<bool>? onFocusChange; /// {@macro flutter.widgets.Focus.focusNode} final FocusNode? focusNode; /// The optional shortcut that selects this [MenuItemButton]. /// /// {@macro flutter.material.MenuBar.shortcuts_note} final MenuSerializableShortcut? shortcut; /// Customizes this button's appearance. /// /// Non-null properties of this style override the corresponding properties in /// [themeStyleOf] and [defaultStyleOf]. [MaterialStateProperty]s that resolve /// to non-null values will similarly override the corresponding /// [MaterialStateProperty]s in [themeStyleOf] and [defaultStyleOf]. /// /// Null by default. final ButtonStyle? style; /// {@macro flutter.material.inkwell.statesController} final MaterialStatesController? statesController; /// {@macro flutter.material.Material.clipBehavior} /// /// Defaults to [Clip.none]. final Clip clipBehavior; /// An optional icon to display before the [child] label. final Widget? leadingIcon; /// An optional icon to display after the [child] label. final Widget? trailingIcon; /// The widget displayed in the center of this button. /// /// Typically this is the button's label, using a [Text] widget. /// /// {@macro flutter.widgets.ProxyWidget.child} final Widget? child; /// Whether the button is enabled or disabled. /// /// To enable a button, set its [onPressed] property to a non-null value. bool get enabled => onPressed != null; @override State<MenuItemButton> createState() => _MenuItemButtonState(); /// Defines the button's default appearance. /// /// {@macro flutter.material.text_button.default_style_of} /// /// {@macro flutter.material.text_button.material3_defaults} ButtonStyle defaultStyleOf(BuildContext context) { return _MenuButtonDefaultsM3(context); } /// Returns the [MenuButtonThemeData.style] of the closest /// [MenuButtonTheme] ancestor. ButtonStyle? themeStyleOf(BuildContext context) { return MenuButtonTheme.of(context).style; } /// A static convenience method that constructs a [MenuItemButton]'s /// [ButtonStyle] given simple values. /// /// The [foregroundColor] color is used to create a [MaterialStateProperty] /// [ButtonStyle.foregroundColor] value. Specify a value for [foregroundColor] /// to specify the color of the button's icons. Use [backgroundColor] for the /// button's background fill color. Use [disabledForegroundColor] and /// [disabledBackgroundColor] to specify the button's disabled icon and fill /// color. /// /// All of the other parameters are either used directly or used to create a /// [MaterialStateProperty] with a single value for all states. /// /// All parameters default to null, by default this method returns a /// [ButtonStyle] that doesn't override anything. /// /// For example, to override the default foreground color for a /// [MenuItemButton], as well as its overlay color, with all of the standard /// opacity adjustments for the pressed, focused, and hovered states, one /// could write: /// /// ```dart /// MenuItemButton( /// leadingIcon: const Icon(Icons.pets), /// style: MenuItemButton.styleFrom(foregroundColor: Colors.green), /// onPressed: () { /// // ... /// }, /// child: const Text('Button Label'), /// ), /// ``` static ButtonStyle styleFrom({ Color? foregroundColor, Color? backgroundColor, Color? disabledForegroundColor, Color? disabledBackgroundColor, Color? shadowColor, Color? surfaceTintColor, Color? iconColor, TextStyle? textStyle, double? elevation, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, Size? minimumSize, Size? fixedSize, Size? maximumSize, MouseCursor? enabledMouseCursor, MouseCursor? disabledMouseCursor, BorderSide? side, OutlinedBorder? shape, VisualDensity? visualDensity, MaterialTapTargetSize? tapTargetSize, Duration? animationDuration, bool? enableFeedback, AlignmentGeometry? alignment, InteractiveInkFeatureFactory? splashFactory, }) { return TextButton.styleFrom( foregroundColor: foregroundColor, backgroundColor: backgroundColor, disabledBackgroundColor: disabledBackgroundColor, disabledForegroundColor: disabledForegroundColor, shadowColor: shadowColor, surfaceTintColor: surfaceTintColor, iconColor: iconColor, textStyle: textStyle, elevation: elevation, padding: padding, minimumSize: minimumSize, fixedSize: fixedSize, maximumSize: maximumSize, enabledMouseCursor: enabledMouseCursor, disabledMouseCursor: disabledMouseCursor, side: side, shape: shape, visualDensity: visualDensity, tapTargetSize: tapTargetSize, animationDuration: animationDuration, enableFeedback: enableFeedback, alignment: alignment, splashFactory: splashFactory, ); } @override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { super.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(FlagProperty('enabled', value: onPressed != null, ifFalse: 'DISABLED')); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<String>('child', child.toString())); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<ButtonStyle?>('style', style, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<MenuSerializableShortcut?>('shortcut', shortcut, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Widget?>('leadingIcon', leadingIcon, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Widget?>('trailingIcon', trailingIcon, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<FocusNode?>('focusNode', focusNode, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(EnumProperty<Clip>('clipBehavior', clipBehavior, defaultValue: Clip.none)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<MaterialStatesController?>('statesController', statesController, defaultValue: null)); } } class _MenuItemButtonState extends State<MenuItemButton> { // If a focus node isn't given to the widget, then we have to manage our own. FocusNode? _internalFocusNode; FocusNode get _focusNode => widget.focusNode ?? _internalFocusNode!; @override void initState() { super.initState(); _createInternalFocusNodeIfNeeded(); _focusNode.addListener(_handleFocusChange); } @override void dispose() { _focusNode.removeListener(_handleFocusChange); _internalFocusNode?.dispose(); _internalFocusNode = null; super.dispose(); } @override void didUpdateWidget(MenuItemButton oldWidget) { if (widget.focusNode != oldWidget.focusNode) { _focusNode.removeListener(_handleFocusChange); if (widget.focusNode != null) { _internalFocusNode?.dispose(); _internalFocusNode = null; } _createInternalFocusNodeIfNeeded(); _focusNode.addListener(_handleFocusChange); } super.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { // Since we don't want to use the theme style or default style from the // TextButton, we merge the styles, merging them in the right order when // each type of style exists. Each "*StyleOf" function is only called once. ButtonStyle mergedStyle = widget.themeStyleOf(context)?.merge(widget.defaultStyleOf(context)) ?? widget.defaultStyleOf(context); if (widget.style != null) { mergedStyle = widget.style!.merge(mergedStyle); } Widget child = TextButton( onPressed: widget.enabled ? _handleSelect : null, onHover: widget.enabled ? _handleHover : null, onFocusChange: widget.enabled ? widget.onFocusChange : null, focusNode: _focusNode, style: mergedStyle, statesController: widget.statesController, clipBehavior: widget.clipBehavior, child: _MenuItemLabel( leadingIcon: widget.leadingIcon, shortcut: widget.shortcut, trailingIcon: widget.trailingIcon, hasSubmenu: false, child: widget.child!, ), ); if (_platformSupportsAccelerators() && widget.enabled) { child = MenuAcceleratorCallbackBinding( onInvoke: _handleSelect, child: child, ); } return child; } void _handleFocusChange() { if (!_focusNode.hasPrimaryFocus) { // Close any child menus of this button's menu. _MenuAnchorState._maybeOf(context)?._closeChildren(); } } void _handleHover(bool hovering) { widget.onHover?.call(hovering); if (hovering && widget.requestFocusOnHover) { assert(_debugMenuInfo('Requesting focus for $_focusNode from hover')); _focusNode.requestFocus(); } } void _handleSelect() { assert(_debugMenuInfo('Selected ${widget.child} menu')); widget.onPressed?.call(); _MenuAnchorState._maybeOf(context)?._root._close(); } void _createInternalFocusNodeIfNeeded() { if (widget.focusNode == null) { _internalFocusNode = FocusNode(); assert(() { if (_internalFocusNode != null) { _internalFocusNode!.debugLabel = '$MenuItemButton(${widget.child})'; } return true; }()); } } } /// A menu item that combines a [Checkbox] widget with a [MenuItemButton]. /// /// To style the checkbox separately from the button, add a [CheckboxTheme] /// ancestor. /// /// {@tool dartpad} /// This example shows a menu with a checkbox that shows a message in the body /// of the app if checked. /// /// ** See code in examples/api/lib/material/menu_anchor/checkbox_menu_button.0.dart ** /// {@end-tool} /// /// See also: /// /// - [MenuBar], a widget that creates a menu bar of cascading menu items. /// - [MenuAnchor], a widget that defines a region which can host a cascading /// menu. class CheckboxMenuButton extends StatelessWidget { /// Creates a const [CheckboxMenuButton]. /// /// The [child], [value], and [onChanged] attributes are required. const CheckboxMenuButton({ super.key, required this.value, this.tristate = false, this.isError = false, required this.onChanged, this.onHover, this.onFocusChange, this.focusNode, this.shortcut, this.style, this.statesController, this.clipBehavior = Clip.none, this.trailingIcon, required this.child, }); /// Whether this checkbox is checked. /// /// When [tristate] is true, a value of null corresponds to the mixed state. /// When [tristate] is false, this value must not be null. final bool? value; /// If true, then the checkbox's [value] can be true, false, or null. /// /// [CheckboxMenuButton] displays a dash when its value is null. /// /// When a tri-state checkbox ([tristate] is true) is tapped, its [onChanged] /// callback will be applied to true if the current value is false, to null if /// value is true, and to false if value is null (i.e. it cycles through false /// => true => null => false when tapped). /// /// If tristate is false (the default), [value] must not be null. final bool tristate; /// True if this checkbox wants to show an error state. /// /// The checkbox will have different default container color and check color when /// this is true. This is only used when [ThemeData.useMaterial3] is set to true. /// /// Must not be null. Defaults to false. final bool isError; /// Called when the value of the checkbox should change. /// /// The checkbox passes the new value to the callback but does not actually /// change state until the parent widget rebuilds the checkbox with the new /// value. /// /// If this callback is null, the menu item will be displayed as disabled /// and will not respond to input gestures. /// /// When the checkbox is tapped, if [tristate] is false (the default) then the /// [onChanged] callback will be applied to `!value`. If [tristate] is true /// this callback cycle from false to true to null and then back to false /// again. /// /// The callback provided to [onChanged] should update the state of the parent /// [StatefulWidget] using the [State.setState] method, so that the parent /// gets rebuilt; for example: /// /// ```dart /// CheckboxMenuButton( /// value: _throwShotAway, /// child: const Text('THROW'), /// onChanged: (bool? newValue) { /// setState(() { /// _throwShotAway = newValue!; /// }); /// }, /// ) /// ``` final ValueChanged<bool?>? onChanged; /// Called when a pointer enters or exits the button response area. /// /// The value passed to the callback is true if a pointer has entered button /// area and false if a pointer has exited. final ValueChanged<bool>? onHover; /// Handler called when the focus changes. /// /// Called with true if this widget's node gains focus, and false if it loses /// focus. final ValueChanged<bool>? onFocusChange; /// {@macro flutter.widgets.Focus.focusNode} final FocusNode? focusNode; /// The optional shortcut that selects this [MenuItemButton]. /// /// {@macro flutter.material.MenuBar.shortcuts_note} final MenuSerializableShortcut? shortcut; /// Customizes this button's appearance. /// /// Non-null properties of this style override the corresponding properties in /// [MenuItemButton.themeStyleOf] and [MenuItemButton.defaultStyleOf]. /// [MaterialStateProperty]s that resolve to non-null values will similarly /// override the corresponding [MaterialStateProperty]s in /// [MenuItemButton.themeStyleOf] and [MenuItemButton.defaultStyleOf]. /// /// Null by default. final ButtonStyle? style; /// {@macro flutter.material.inkwell.statesController} final MaterialStatesController? statesController; /// {@macro flutter.material.Material.clipBehavior} /// /// Defaults to [Clip.none]. final Clip clipBehavior; /// An optional icon to display after the [child] label. final Widget? trailingIcon; /// The widget displayed in the center of this button. /// /// Typically this is the button's label, using a [Text] widget. /// /// {@macro flutter.widgets.ProxyWidget.child} final Widget? child; /// Whether the button is enabled or disabled. /// /// To enable a button, set its [onChanged] property to a non-null value. bool get enabled => onChanged != null; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MenuItemButton( key: key, onPressed: onChanged == null ? null : () { switch (value) { case false: onChanged!.call(true); break; case true: onChanged!.call(tristate ? null : false); break; case null: onChanged!.call(false); break; } }, onHover: onHover, onFocusChange: onFocusChange, focusNode: focusNode, style: style, shortcut: shortcut, statesController: statesController, leadingIcon: ExcludeFocus( child: IgnorePointer( child: ConstrainedBox( constraints: const BoxConstraints( maxHeight: Checkbox.width, maxWidth: Checkbox.width, ), child: Checkbox( tristate: tristate, value: value, onChanged: onChanged, isError: isError, ), ), ), ), clipBehavior: clipBehavior, trailingIcon: trailingIcon, child: child, ); } } /// A menu item that combines a [Radio] widget with a [MenuItemButton]. /// /// To style the radio button separately from the overall button, add a /// [RadioTheme] ancestor. /// /// {@tool dartpad} /// This example shows a menu with three radio buttons with shortcuts that /// changes the background color of the body when the buttons are selected. /// /// ** See code in examples/api/lib/material/menu_anchor/radio_menu_button.0.dart ** /// {@end-tool} /// /// See also: /// /// - [MenuBar], a widget that creates a menu bar of cascading menu items. /// - [MenuAnchor], a widget that defines a region which can host a cascading /// menu. class RadioMenuButton<T> extends StatelessWidget { /// Creates a const [RadioMenuButton]. /// /// The [child] attribute is required. const RadioMenuButton({ super.key, required this.value, required this.groupValue, required this.onChanged, this.toggleable = false, this.onHover, this.onFocusChange, this.focusNode, this.shortcut, this.style, this.statesController, this.clipBehavior = Clip.none, this.trailingIcon, required this.child, }); /// The value represented by this radio button. /// /// This radio button is considered selected if its [value] matches the /// [groupValue]. final T value; /// The currently selected value for a group of radio buttons. /// /// This radio button is considered selected if its [value] matches the /// [groupValue]. final T? groupValue; /// Set to true if this radio button is allowed to be returned to an /// indeterminate state by selecting it again when selected. /// /// To indicate returning to an indeterminate state, [onChanged] will be /// called with null. /// /// If true, [onChanged] can be called with [value] when selected while /// [groupValue] != [value], or with null when selected again while /// [groupValue] == [value]. /// /// If false, [onChanged] will be called with [value] when it is selected /// while [groupValue] != [value], and only by selecting another radio button /// in the group (i.e. changing the value of [groupValue]) can this radio /// button be unselected. /// /// The default is false. final bool toggleable; /// Called when the user selects this radio button. /// /// The radio button passes [value] as a parameter to this callback. The radio /// button does not actually change state until the parent widget rebuilds the /// radio button with the new [groupValue]. /// /// If null, the radio button will be displayed as disabled. /// /// The provided callback will not be invoked if this radio button is already /// selected. /// /// The callback provided to [onChanged] should update the state of the parent /// [StatefulWidget] using the [State.setState] method, so that the parent /// gets rebuilt; for example: /// /// ```dart /// RadioMenuButton<SingingCharacter>( /// value: SingingCharacter.lafayette, /// groupValue: _character, /// onChanged: (SingingCharacter? newValue) { /// setState(() { /// _character = newValue; /// }); /// }, /// child: const Text('Lafayette'), /// ) /// ``` final ValueChanged<T?>? onChanged; /// Called when a pointer enters or exits the button response area. /// /// The value passed to the callback is true if a pointer has entered button /// area and false if a pointer has exited. final ValueChanged<bool>? onHover; /// Handler called when the focus changes. /// /// Called with true if this widget's node gains focus, and false if it loses /// focus. final ValueChanged<bool>? onFocusChange; /// {@macro flutter.widgets.Focus.focusNode} final FocusNode? focusNode; /// The optional shortcut that selects this [MenuItemButton]. /// /// {@macro flutter.material.MenuBar.shortcuts_note} final MenuSerializableShortcut? shortcut; /// Customizes this button's appearance. /// /// Non-null properties of this style override the corresponding properties in /// [MenuItemButton.themeStyleOf] and [MenuItemButton.defaultStyleOf]. /// [MaterialStateProperty]s that resolve to non-null values will similarly /// override the corresponding [MaterialStateProperty]s in /// [MenuItemButton.themeStyleOf] and [MenuItemButton.defaultStyleOf]. /// /// Null by default. final ButtonStyle? style; /// {@macro flutter.material.inkwell.statesController} final MaterialStatesController? statesController; /// {@macro flutter.material.Material.clipBehavior} /// /// Defaults to [Clip.none]. final Clip clipBehavior; /// An optional icon to display after the [child] label. final Widget? trailingIcon; /// The widget displayed in the center of this button. /// /// Typically this is the button's label, using a [Text] widget. /// /// {@macro flutter.widgets.ProxyWidget.child} final Widget? child; /// Whether the button is enabled or disabled. /// /// To enable a button, set its [onChanged] property to a non-null value. bool get enabled => onChanged != null; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MenuItemButton( key: key, onPressed: onChanged == null ? null : () { if (toggleable && groupValue == value) { onChanged!.call(null); return; } onChanged!.call(value); }, onHover: onHover, onFocusChange: onFocusChange, focusNode: focusNode, style: style, shortcut: shortcut, statesController: statesController, leadingIcon: ExcludeFocus( child: IgnorePointer( child: ConstrainedBox( constraints: const BoxConstraints( maxHeight: Checkbox.width, maxWidth: Checkbox.width, ), child: Radio<T>( value: value, groupValue: groupValue, onChanged: onChanged, toggleable: toggleable, ), ), ), ), clipBehavior: clipBehavior, trailingIcon: trailingIcon, child: child, ); } } /// A menu button that displays a cascading menu. /// /// It can be used as part of a [MenuBar], or as a standalone widget. /// /// This widget represents a menu item that has a submenu. Like the leaf /// [MenuItemButton], it shows a label with an optional leading or trailing /// icon, but additionally shows an arrow icon showing that it has a submenu. /// /// By default the submenu will appear to the side of the controlling button. /// The alignment and offset of the submenu can be controlled by setting /// [MenuStyle.alignment] on the [style] and the [alignmentOffset] argument, /// respectively. /// /// When activated (by being clicked, through keyboard navigation, or via /// hovering with a mouse), it will open a submenu containing the /// [menuChildren]. /// /// If [menuChildren] is empty, then this menu item will appear disabled. /// /// See also: /// /// * [MenuItemButton], a widget that represents a leaf menu item that does not /// host a submenu. /// * [MenuBar], a widget that renders menu items in a row in a Material Design /// style. /// * [MenuAnchor], a widget that creates a region with a submenu and shows it /// when requested. /// * [PlatformMenuBar], a widget that renders similar menu bar items from a /// [PlatformMenuItem] using platform-native APIs instead of Flutter. class SubmenuButton extends StatefulWidget { /// Creates a const [SubmenuButton]. /// /// The [child] and [menuChildren] attributes are required. const SubmenuButton({ super.key, this.onHover, this.onFocusChange, this.onOpen, this.onClose, this.style, this.menuStyle, this.alignmentOffset, this.clipBehavior = Clip.none, this.focusNode, this.statesController, this.leadingIcon, this.trailingIcon, required this.menuChildren, required this.child, }); /// Called when a pointer enters or exits the button response area. /// /// The value passed to the callback is true if a pointer has entered this /// part of the button and false if a pointer has exited. final ValueChanged<bool>? onHover; /// Handler called when the focus changes. /// /// Called with true if this widget's [focusNode] gains focus, and false if it /// loses focus. final ValueChanged<bool>? onFocusChange; /// A callback that is invoked when the menu is opened. final VoidCallback? onOpen; /// A callback that is invoked when the menu is closed. final VoidCallback? onClose; /// Customizes this button's appearance. /// /// Non-null properties of this style override the corresponding properties in /// [themeStyleOf] and [defaultStyleOf]. [MaterialStateProperty]s that resolve /// to non-null values will similarly override the corresponding /// [MaterialStateProperty]s in [themeStyleOf] and [defaultStyleOf]. /// /// Null by default. final ButtonStyle? style; /// The [MenuStyle] of the menu specified by [menuChildren]. /// /// Defaults to the value of [MenuThemeData.style] of the ambient [MenuTheme]. final MenuStyle? menuStyle; /// The offset of the menu relative to the alignment origin determined by /// [MenuStyle.alignment] on the [style] attribute. /// /// Use this for fine adjustments of the menu placement. /// /// Defaults to an offset that takes into account the padding of the menu so /// that the top starting corner of the first menu item is aligned with the /// top of the [MenuAnchor] region. final Offset? alignmentOffset; /// {@macro flutter.material.Material.clipBehavior} /// /// Defaults to [Clip.none]. final Clip clipBehavior; /// {@macro flutter.widgets.Focus.focusNode} final FocusNode? focusNode; /// {@macro flutter.material.inkwell.statesController} final MaterialStatesController? statesController; /// An optional icon to display before the [child]. final Widget? leadingIcon; /// An optional icon to display after the [child]. final Widget? trailingIcon; /// The list of widgets that appear in the menu when it is opened. /// /// These can be any widget, but are typically either [MenuItemButton] or /// [SubmenuButton] widgets. /// /// If [menuChildren] is empty, then the button for this menu item will be /// disabled. final List<Widget> menuChildren; /// The widget displayed in the middle portion of this button. /// /// Typically this is the button's label, using a [Text] widget. /// /// {@macro flutter.widgets.ProxyWidget.child} final Widget? child; @override State<SubmenuButton> createState() => _SubmenuButtonState(); /// Defines the button's default appearance. /// /// {@macro flutter.material.text_button.default_style_of} /// /// {@macro flutter.material.text_button.material3_defaults} ButtonStyle defaultStyleOf(BuildContext context) { return _MenuButtonDefaultsM3(context); } /// Returns the [MenuButtonThemeData.style] of the closest [MenuButtonTheme] /// ancestor. ButtonStyle? themeStyleOf(BuildContext context) { return MenuButtonTheme.of(context).style; } /// A static convenience method that constructs a [SubmenuButton]'s /// [ButtonStyle] given simple values. /// /// The [foregroundColor] color is used to create a [MaterialStateProperty] /// [ButtonStyle.foregroundColor] value. Specify a value for [foregroundColor] /// to specify the color of the button's icons. Use [backgroundColor] for the /// button's background fill color. Use [disabledForegroundColor] and /// [disabledBackgroundColor] to specify the button's disabled icon and fill /// color. /// /// All of the other parameters are either used directly or used to create a /// [MaterialStateProperty] with a single value for all states. /// /// All parameters default to null, by default this method returns a /// [ButtonStyle] that doesn't override anything. /// /// For example, to override the default foreground color for a /// [SubmenuButton], as well as its overlay color, with all of the standard /// opacity adjustments for the pressed, focused, and hovered states, one /// could write: /// /// ```dart /// SubmenuButton( /// leadingIcon: const Icon(Icons.pets), /// style: SubmenuButton.styleFrom(foregroundColor: Colors.green), /// menuChildren: const <Widget>[ /* ... */ ], /// child: const Text('Button Label'), /// ), /// ``` static ButtonStyle styleFrom({ Color? foregroundColor, Color? backgroundColor, Color? disabledForegroundColor, Color? disabledBackgroundColor, Color? shadowColor, Color? surfaceTintColor, Color? iconColor, TextStyle? textStyle, double? elevation, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, Size? minimumSize, Size? fixedSize, Size? maximumSize, MouseCursor? enabledMouseCursor, MouseCursor? disabledMouseCursor, BorderSide? side, OutlinedBorder? shape, VisualDensity? visualDensity, MaterialTapTargetSize? tapTargetSize, Duration? animationDuration, bool? enableFeedback, AlignmentGeometry? alignment, InteractiveInkFeatureFactory? splashFactory, }) { return TextButton.styleFrom( foregroundColor: foregroundColor, backgroundColor: backgroundColor, disabledBackgroundColor: disabledBackgroundColor, disabledForegroundColor: disabledForegroundColor, shadowColor: shadowColor, surfaceTintColor: surfaceTintColor, iconColor: iconColor, textStyle: textStyle, elevation: elevation, padding: padding, minimumSize: minimumSize, fixedSize: fixedSize, maximumSize: maximumSize, enabledMouseCursor: enabledMouseCursor, disabledMouseCursor: disabledMouseCursor, side: side, shape: shape, visualDensity: visualDensity, tapTargetSize: tapTargetSize, animationDuration: animationDuration, enableFeedback: enableFeedback, alignment: alignment, splashFactory: splashFactory, ); } @override List<DiagnosticsNode> debugDescribeChildren() { return <DiagnosticsNode>[ ...menuChildren.map<DiagnosticsNode>((Widget child) { return child.toDiagnosticsNode(); }) ]; } @override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { super.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Widget>('leadingIcon', leadingIcon, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<String>('child', child.toString())); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Widget>('trailingIcon', trailingIcon, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<FocusNode?>('focusNode', focusNode)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<MenuStyle>('menuStyle', menuStyle, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Offset>('alignmentOffset', alignmentOffset)); properties.add(EnumProperty<Clip>('clipBehavior', clipBehavior)); } } class _SubmenuButtonState extends State<SubmenuButton> { FocusNode? _internalFocusNode; bool _waitingToFocusMenu = false; final MenuController _menuController = MenuController(); _MenuAnchorState? get _anchor => _MenuAnchorState._maybeOf(context); FocusNode get _buttonFocusNode => widget.focusNode ?? _internalFocusNode!; bool get _enabled => widget.menuChildren.isNotEmpty; @override void initState() { super.initState(); if (widget.focusNode == null) { _internalFocusNode = FocusNode(); assert(() { if (_internalFocusNode != null) { _internalFocusNode!.debugLabel = '$SubmenuButton(${widget.child})'; } return true; }()); } _buttonFocusNode.addListener(_handleFocusChange); } @override void dispose() { _internalFocusNode?.removeListener(_handleFocusChange); _internalFocusNode?.dispose(); _internalFocusNode = null; super.dispose(); } @override void didUpdateWidget(SubmenuButton oldWidget) { super.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); if (widget.focusNode != oldWidget.focusNode) { if (oldWidget.focusNode == null) { _internalFocusNode?.removeListener(_handleFocusChange); _internalFocusNode?.dispose(); _internalFocusNode = null; } else { oldWidget.focusNode!.removeListener(_handleFocusChange); } if (widget.focusNode == null) { _internalFocusNode ??= FocusNode(); assert(() { if (_internalFocusNode != null) { _internalFocusNode!.debugLabel = '$SubmenuButton(${widget.child})'; } return true; }()); } _buttonFocusNode.addListener(_handleFocusChange); } } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { Offset menuPaddingOffset = widget.alignmentOffset ?? Offset.zero; final EdgeInsets menuPadding = _computeMenuPadding(context); // Move the submenu over by the size of the menu padding, so that // the first menu item aligns with the submenu button that opens it. switch (_anchor?._orientation ?? Axis.vertical) { case Axis.horizontal: switch (Directionality.of(context)) { case TextDirection.rtl: menuPaddingOffset += Offset(menuPadding.right, 0); break; case TextDirection.ltr: menuPaddingOffset += Offset(-menuPadding.left, 0); break; } break; case Axis.vertical: menuPaddingOffset += Offset(0, -menuPadding.top); break; } return MenuAnchor( controller: _menuController, childFocusNode: _buttonFocusNode, alignmentOffset: menuPaddingOffset, clipBehavior: widget.clipBehavior, onClose: widget.onClose, onOpen: widget.onOpen, style: widget.menuStyle, builder: (BuildContext context, MenuController controller, Widget? child) { // Since we don't want to use the theme style or default style from the // TextButton, we merge the styles, merging them in the right order when // each type of style exists. Each "*StyleOf" function is only called // once. ButtonStyle mergedStyle = widget.themeStyleOf(context)?.merge(widget.defaultStyleOf(context)) ?? widget.defaultStyleOf(context); if (widget.style != null) { mergedStyle = widget.style!.merge(mergedStyle); } void toggleShowMenu(BuildContext context) { if (controller._anchor == null) { return; } if (controller.isOpen) { controller.close(); } else { controller.open(); if (!_waitingToFocusMenu) { // Only schedule this if it's not already scheduled. SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((Duration _) { // This has to happen in the next frame because the menu bar is // not focusable until the first menu is open. controller._anchor?._focusButton(); _waitingToFocusMenu = false; }); _waitingToFocusMenu = true; } } } // Called when the pointer is hovering over the menu button. void handleHover(bool hovering, BuildContext context) { widget.onHover?.call(hovering); // Don't open the root menu bar menus on hover unless something else // is already open. This means that the user has to first click to // open a menu on the menu bar before hovering allows them to traverse // it. if (controller._anchor!._root._orientation == Axis.horizontal && !controller._anchor!._root._isOpen) { return; } if (hovering) { controller.open(); controller._anchor!._focusButton(); } } child = TextButton( style: mergedStyle, focusNode: _buttonFocusNode, onHover: _enabled ? (bool hovering) => handleHover(hovering, context) : null, onPressed: _enabled ? () => toggleShowMenu(context) : null, child: _MenuItemLabel( leadingIcon: widget.leadingIcon, trailingIcon: widget.trailingIcon, hasSubmenu: true, showDecoration: (controller._anchor!._parent?._orientation ?? Axis.horizontal) == Axis.vertical, child: child ?? const SizedBox(), ), ); if (_enabled && _platformSupportsAccelerators()) { return MenuAcceleratorCallbackBinding( onInvoke: () => toggleShowMenu(context), hasSubmenu: true, child: child, ); } return child; }, menuChildren: widget.menuChildren, child: widget.child, ); } EdgeInsets _computeMenuPadding(BuildContext context) { final MaterialStateProperty<EdgeInsetsGeometry?> insets = widget.menuStyle?.padding ?? MenuTheme.of(context).style?.padding ?? _MenuDefaultsM3(context).padding!; return insets .resolve(widget.statesController?.value ?? const <MaterialState>{})! .resolve(Directionality.of(context)); } void _handleFocusChange() { if (_buttonFocusNode.hasPrimaryFocus) { if (!_menuController.isOpen) { _menuController.open(); } } else { if (!_menuController._anchor!._menuScopeNode.hasFocus && _menuController.isOpen) { _menuController.close(); } } } } /// An action that closes all the menus associated with the given /// [MenuController]. /// /// See also: /// /// * [MenuAnchor], a widget that hosts a cascading submenu. /// * [MenuBar], a widget that defines a menu bar with cascading submenus. class DismissMenuAction extends DismissAction { /// Creates a [DismissMenuAction]. DismissMenuAction({required this.controller}); /// The [MenuController] associated with the menus that should be closed. final MenuController controller; @override void invoke(DismissIntent intent) { assert(_debugMenuInfo('$runtimeType: Dismissing all open menus.')); controller._anchor!._root._close(); } @override bool isEnabled(DismissIntent intent) { return controller.isOpen; } } /// A helper class used to generate shortcut labels for a /// [MenuSerializableShortcut] (a subset of the subclasses of /// [ShortcutActivator]). /// /// This helper class is typically used by the [MenuItemButton] and /// [SubmenuButton] classes to display a label for their assigned shortcuts. /// /// Call [getShortcutLabel] with the [MenuSerializableShortcut] to get a label /// for it. /// /// For instance, calling [getShortcutLabel] with `SingleActivator(trigger: /// LogicalKeyboardKey.keyA, control: true)` would return "⌃ A" on macOS, "Ctrl /// A" in an US English locale, and "Strg A" in a German locale. class _LocalizedShortcutLabeler { _LocalizedShortcutLabeler._(); static _LocalizedShortcutLabeler? _instance; static final Map<LogicalKeyboardKey, String> _shortcutGraphicEquivalents = <LogicalKeyboardKey, String>{ LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowLeft: '←', LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowRight: '→', LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowUp: '↑', LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowDown: '↓', LogicalKeyboardKey.enter: '↵', }; static final Set<LogicalKeyboardKey> _modifiers = <LogicalKeyboardKey>{ LogicalKeyboardKey.alt, LogicalKeyboardKey.control, LogicalKeyboardKey.meta, LogicalKeyboardKey.shift, LogicalKeyboardKey.altLeft, LogicalKeyboardKey.controlLeft, LogicalKeyboardKey.metaLeft, LogicalKeyboardKey.shiftLeft, LogicalKeyboardKey.altRight, LogicalKeyboardKey.controlRight, LogicalKeyboardKey.metaRight, LogicalKeyboardKey.shiftRight, }; /// Return the instance for this singleton. static _LocalizedShortcutLabeler get instance { return _instance ??= _LocalizedShortcutLabeler._(); } // Caches the created shortcut key maps so that creating one of these isn't // expensive after the first time for each unique localizations object. final Map<MaterialLocalizations, Map<LogicalKeyboardKey, String>> _cachedShortcutKeys = <MaterialLocalizations, Map<LogicalKeyboardKey, String>>{}; /// Returns the label to be shown to the user in the UI when a /// [MenuSerializableShortcut] is used as a keyboard shortcut. /// /// When [defaultTargetPlatform] is [TargetPlatform.macOS] or /// [TargetPlatform.iOS], this will return graphical key representations when /// it can. For instance, the default [LogicalKeyboardKey.shift] will return /// '⇧', and the arrow keys will return arrows. The key /// [LogicalKeyboardKey.meta] will show as '⌘', [LogicalKeyboardKey.control] /// will show as '˄', and [LogicalKeyboardKey.alt] will show as '⌥'. /// /// The keys are joined by spaces on macOS and iOS, and by "+" on other /// platforms. String getShortcutLabel(MenuSerializableShortcut shortcut, MaterialLocalizations localizations) { final ShortcutSerialization serialized = shortcut.serializeForMenu(); final String keySeparator; switch (defaultTargetPlatform) { case TargetPlatform.iOS: case TargetPlatform.macOS: // Use "⌃ ⇧ A" style on macOS and iOS. keySeparator = ' '; break; case TargetPlatform.android: case TargetPlatform.fuchsia: case TargetPlatform.linux: case TargetPlatform.windows: // Use "Ctrl+Shift+A" style. keySeparator = '+'; break; } if (serialized.trigger != null) { final List<String> modifiers = <String>[]; final LogicalKeyboardKey trigger = serialized.trigger!; // These should be in this order, to match the LogicalKeySet version. if (serialized.alt!) { modifiers.add(_getModifierLabel(LogicalKeyboardKey.alt, localizations)); } if (serialized.control!) { modifiers.add(_getModifierLabel(LogicalKeyboardKey.control, localizations)); } if (serialized.meta!) { modifiers.add(_getModifierLabel(LogicalKeyboardKey.meta, localizations)); } if (serialized.shift!) { modifiers.add(_getModifierLabel(LogicalKeyboardKey.shift, localizations)); } String? shortcutTrigger; final int logicalKeyId = trigger.keyId; if (_shortcutGraphicEquivalents.containsKey(trigger)) { shortcutTrigger = _shortcutGraphicEquivalents[trigger]; } else { // Otherwise, look it up, and if we don't have a translation for it, // then fall back to the key label. shortcutTrigger = _getLocalizedName(trigger, localizations); if (shortcutTrigger == null && logicalKeyId & LogicalKeyboardKey.planeMask == 0x0) { // If the trigger is a Unicode-character-producing key, then use the // character. shortcutTrigger = String.fromCharCode(logicalKeyId & LogicalKeyboardKey.valueMask).toUpperCase(); } // Fall back to the key label if all else fails. shortcutTrigger ??= trigger.keyLabel; } return <String>[ ...modifiers, if (shortcutTrigger != null && shortcutTrigger.isNotEmpty) shortcutTrigger, ].join(keySeparator); } else if (serialized.character != null) { return serialized.character!; } throw UnimplementedError('Shortcut labels for ShortcutActivators that do not implement ' 'MenuSerializableShortcut (e.g. ShortcutActivators other than SingleActivator or ' 'CharacterActivator) are not supported.'); } // Tries to look up the key in an internal table, and if it can't find it, // then fall back to the key's keyLabel. String? _getLocalizedName(LogicalKeyboardKey key, MaterialLocalizations localizations) { // Since this is an expensive table to build, we cache it based on the // localization object. There's currently no way to clear the cache, but // it's unlikely that more than one or two will be cached for each run, and // they're not huge. _cachedShortcutKeys[localizations] ??= <LogicalKeyboardKey, String>{ LogicalKeyboardKey.altGraph: localizations.keyboardKeyAltGraph, LogicalKeyboardKey.backspace: localizations.keyboardKeyBackspace, LogicalKeyboardKey.capsLock: localizations.keyboardKeyCapsLock, LogicalKeyboardKey.channelDown: localizations.keyboardKeyChannelDown, LogicalKeyboardKey.channelUp: localizations.keyboardKeyChannelUp, LogicalKeyboardKey.delete: localizations.keyboardKeyDelete, LogicalKeyboardKey.eject: localizations.keyboardKeyEject, LogicalKeyboardKey.end: localizations.keyboardKeyEnd, LogicalKeyboardKey.escape: localizations.keyboardKeyEscape, LogicalKeyboardKey.fn: localizations.keyboardKeyFn, LogicalKeyboardKey.home: localizations.keyboardKeyHome, LogicalKeyboardKey.insert: localizations.keyboardKeyInsert, LogicalKeyboardKey.numLock: localizations.keyboardKeyNumLock, LogicalKeyboardKey.numpad1: localizations.keyboardKeyNumpad1, LogicalKeyboardKey.numpad2: localizations.keyboardKeyNumpad2, LogicalKeyboardKey.numpad3: localizations.keyboardKeyNumpad3, LogicalKeyboardKey.numpad4: localizations.keyboardKeyNumpad4, LogicalKeyboardKey.numpad5: localizations.keyboardKeyNumpad5, LogicalKeyboardKey.numpad6: localizations.keyboardKeyNumpad6, LogicalKeyboardKey.numpad7: localizations.keyboardKeyNumpad7, LogicalKeyboardKey.numpad8: localizations.keyboardKeyNumpad8, LogicalKeyboardKey.numpad9: localizations.keyboardKeyNumpad9, LogicalKeyboardKey.numpad0: localizations.keyboardKeyNumpad0, LogicalKeyboardKey.numpadAdd: localizations.keyboardKeyNumpadAdd, LogicalKeyboardKey.numpadComma: localizations.keyboardKeyNumpadComma, LogicalKeyboardKey.numpadDecimal: localizations.keyboardKeyNumpadDecimal, LogicalKeyboardKey.numpadDivide: localizations.keyboardKeyNumpadDivide, LogicalKeyboardKey.numpadEnter: localizations.keyboardKeyNumpadEnter, LogicalKeyboardKey.numpadEqual: localizations.keyboardKeyNumpadEqual, LogicalKeyboardKey.numpadMultiply: localizations.keyboardKeyNumpadMultiply, LogicalKeyboardKey.numpadParenLeft: localizations.keyboardKeyNumpadParenLeft, LogicalKeyboardKey.numpadParenRight: localizations.keyboardKeyNumpadParenRight, LogicalKeyboardKey.numpadSubtract: localizations.keyboardKeyNumpadSubtract, LogicalKeyboardKey.pageDown: localizations.keyboardKeyPageDown, LogicalKeyboardKey.pageUp: localizations.keyboardKeyPageUp, LogicalKeyboardKey.power: localizations.keyboardKeyPower, LogicalKeyboardKey.powerOff: localizations.keyboardKeyPowerOff, LogicalKeyboardKey.printScreen: localizations.keyboardKeyPrintScreen, LogicalKeyboardKey.scrollLock: localizations.keyboardKeyScrollLock, LogicalKeyboardKey.select: localizations.keyboardKeySelect, LogicalKeyboardKey.space: localizations.keyboardKeySpace, }; return _cachedShortcutKeys[localizations]![key]; } String _getModifierLabel(LogicalKeyboardKey modifier, MaterialLocalizations localizations) { assert(_modifiers.contains(modifier), '${modifier.keyLabel} is not a modifier key'); if (modifier == LogicalKeyboardKey.meta || modifier == LogicalKeyboardKey.metaLeft || modifier == LogicalKeyboardKey.metaRight) { switch (defaultTargetPlatform) { case TargetPlatform.android: case TargetPlatform.fuchsia: case TargetPlatform.linux: return localizations.keyboardKeyMeta; case TargetPlatform.windows: return localizations.keyboardKeyMetaWindows; case TargetPlatform.iOS: case TargetPlatform.macOS: return '⌘'; } } if (modifier == LogicalKeyboardKey.alt || modifier == LogicalKeyboardKey.altLeft || modifier == LogicalKeyboardKey.altRight) { switch (defaultTargetPlatform) { case TargetPlatform.android: case TargetPlatform.fuchsia: case TargetPlatform.linux: case TargetPlatform.windows: return localizations.keyboardKeyAlt; case TargetPlatform.iOS: case TargetPlatform.macOS: return '⌥'; } } if (modifier == LogicalKeyboardKey.control || modifier == LogicalKeyboardKey.controlLeft || modifier == LogicalKeyboardKey.controlRight) { // '⎈' (a boat helm wheel, not an asterisk) is apparently the standard // icon for "control", but only seems to appear on the French Canadian // keyboard. A '✲' (an open center asterisk) appears on some Microsoft // keyboards. For all but macOS (which has standardized on "⌃", it seems), // we just return the local translation of "Ctrl". switch (defaultTargetPlatform) { case TargetPlatform.android: case TargetPlatform.fuchsia: case TargetPlatform.linux: case TargetPlatform.windows: return localizations.keyboardKeyControl; case TargetPlatform.iOS: case TargetPlatform.macOS: return '⌃'; } } if (modifier == LogicalKeyboardKey.shift || modifier == LogicalKeyboardKey.shiftLeft || modifier == LogicalKeyboardKey.shiftRight) { switch (defaultTargetPlatform) { case TargetPlatform.android: case TargetPlatform.fuchsia: case TargetPlatform.linux: case TargetPlatform.windows: return localizations.keyboardKeyShift; case TargetPlatform.iOS: case TargetPlatform.macOS: return '⇧'; } } throw ArgumentError('Keyboard key ${modifier.keyLabel} is not a modifier.'); } } class _MenuAnchorScope extends InheritedWidget { const _MenuAnchorScope({ required super.child, required this.anchorKey, required this.anchor, required this.isOpen, }); final GlobalKey anchorKey; final _MenuAnchorState anchor; final bool isOpen; @override bool updateShouldNotify(_MenuAnchorScope oldWidget) { return anchorKey != oldWidget.anchorKey || anchor != oldWidget.anchor || isOpen != oldWidget.isOpen; } } /// MenuBar-specific private specialization of [MenuAnchor] so that it can act /// differently in regards to orientation, how open works, and what gets built. class _MenuBarAnchor extends MenuAnchor { const _MenuBarAnchor({ required super.menuChildren, super.controller, super.clipBehavior, super.style, }); @override State<MenuAnchor> createState() => _MenuBarAnchorState(); } class _MenuBarAnchorState extends _MenuAnchorState { @override bool get _isOpen { // If it's a bar, then it's "open" if any of its children are open. for (final _MenuAnchorState child in _anchorChildren) { if (child._isOpen) { return true; } } return false; } @override Axis get _orientation => Axis.horizontal; @override Widget _buildContents(BuildContext context) { return FocusScope( node: _menuScopeNode, skipTraversal: !_isOpen, canRequestFocus: _isOpen, child: ExcludeFocus( excluding: !_isOpen, child: Shortcuts( shortcuts: _kMenuTraversalShortcuts, child: Actions( actions: <Type, Action<Intent>>{ DirectionalFocusIntent: _MenuDirectionalFocusAction(), DismissIntent: DismissMenuAction(controller: _menuController), }, child: Builder(builder: (BuildContext context) { return _MenuPanel( menuStyle: widget.style, clipBehavior: widget.clipBehavior, orientation: Axis.horizontal, children: widget.menuChildren, ); }), ), ), ), ); } @override void _open({Offset? position}) { assert(_menuController._anchor == this); // Menu bars can't be opened, because they're already always open. return; } } class _MenuDirectionalFocusAction extends DirectionalFocusAction { /// Creates a [DirectionalFocusAction]. _MenuDirectionalFocusAction(); @override void invoke(DirectionalFocusIntent intent) { assert(_debugMenuInfo('_MenuDirectionalFocusAction invoked with $intent')); final BuildContext? context = FocusManager.instance.primaryFocus?.context; if (context == null) { super.invoke(intent); return; } final _MenuAnchorState? anchor = _MenuAnchorState._maybeOf(context); if (anchor == null || !anchor._root._isOpen) { super.invoke(intent); return; } final bool buttonIsFocused = anchor.widget.childFocusNode?.hasPrimaryFocus ?? false; Axis orientation; if (buttonIsFocused) { orientation = anchor._parent!._orientation; } else { orientation = anchor._orientation; } final bool firstItemIsFocused = anchor._firstItemFocusNode?.hasPrimaryFocus ?? false; assert(_debugMenuInfo('In _MenuDirectionalFocusAction, current node is ${anchor.widget.childFocusNode?.debugLabel}, ' 'button is${buttonIsFocused ? '' : ' not'} focused. Assuming ${orientation.name} orientation.')); switch (intent.direction) { case TraversalDirection.up: switch (orientation) { case Axis.horizontal: if (_moveToParent(anchor)) { return; } break; case Axis.vertical: if (firstItemIsFocused) { if (_moveToParent(anchor)) { return; } } if (_moveToPrevious(anchor)) { return; } break; } break; case TraversalDirection.down: switch (orientation) { case Axis.horizontal: if (_moveToSubmenu(anchor)) { return; } break; case Axis.vertical: if (_moveToNext(anchor)) { return; } break; } break; case TraversalDirection.left: switch (orientation) { case Axis.horizontal: switch (Directionality.of(context)) { case TextDirection.rtl: if (_moveToNext(anchor)) { return; } break; case TextDirection.ltr: if (_moveToPrevious(anchor)) { return; } break; } break; case Axis.vertical: switch (Directionality.of(context)) { case TextDirection.rtl: if (buttonIsFocused) { if (_moveToSubmenu(anchor)) { return; } } else { if (_moveToNextTopLevel(anchor)) { return; } } break; case TextDirection.ltr: switch (anchor._parent!._orientation) { case Axis.horizontal: if (_moveToPreviousTopLevel(anchor)) { return; } break; case Axis.vertical: if (buttonIsFocused) { if (_moveToPreviousTopLevel(anchor)) { return; } } else { if (_moveToParent(anchor)) { return; } } break; } break; } break; } break; case TraversalDirection.right: switch (orientation) { case Axis.horizontal: switch (Directionality.of(context)) { case TextDirection.rtl: if (_moveToPrevious(anchor)) { return; } break; case TextDirection.ltr: if (_moveToNext(anchor)) { return; } break; } break; case Axis.vertical: switch (Directionality.of(context)) { case TextDirection.rtl: switch (anchor._parent!._orientation) { case Axis.horizontal: if (_moveToPreviousTopLevel(anchor)) { return; } break; case Axis.vertical: if (_moveToParent(anchor)) { return; } break; } break; case TextDirection.ltr: if (buttonIsFocused) { if (_moveToSubmenu(anchor)) { return; } } else { if (_moveToNextTopLevel(anchor)) { return; } } break; } break; } break; } super.invoke(intent); } bool _moveToNext(_MenuAnchorState currentMenu) { assert(_debugMenuInfo('Moving focus to next item in menu')); // Need to invalidate the scope data because we're switching scopes, and // otherwise the anti-hysteresis code will interfere with moving to the // correct node. if (currentMenu.widget.childFocusNode != null) { final FocusTraversalPolicy? policy = FocusTraversalGroup.maybeOf(primaryFocus!.context!); if (currentMenu.widget.childFocusNode!.nearestScope != null) { policy?.invalidateScopeData(currentMenu.widget.childFocusNode!.nearestScope!); } return false; } return false; } bool _moveToNextTopLevel(_MenuAnchorState currentMenu) { final _MenuAnchorState? sibling = currentMenu._topLevel._nextSibling; if (sibling == null) { // Wrap around to the first top level. currentMenu._topLevel._parent!._anchorChildren.first._focusButton(); } else { sibling._focusButton(); } return true; } bool _moveToParent(_MenuAnchorState currentMenu) { assert(_debugMenuInfo('Moving focus to parent menu button')); if (!(currentMenu.widget.childFocusNode?.hasPrimaryFocus ?? true)) { currentMenu._focusButton(); } return true; } bool _moveToPrevious(_MenuAnchorState currentMenu) { assert(_debugMenuInfo('Moving focus to previous item in menu')); // Need to invalidate the scope data because we're switching scopes, and // otherwise the anti-hysteresis code will interfere with moving to the // correct node. if (currentMenu.widget.childFocusNode != null) { final FocusTraversalPolicy? policy = FocusTraversalGroup.maybeOf(primaryFocus!.context!); if (currentMenu.widget.childFocusNode!.nearestScope != null) { policy?.invalidateScopeData(currentMenu.widget.childFocusNode!.nearestScope!); } return false; } return false; } bool _moveToPreviousTopLevel(_MenuAnchorState currentMenu) { final _MenuAnchorState? sibling = currentMenu._topLevel._previousSibling; if (sibling == null) { // Already on the first one, wrap around to the last one. currentMenu._topLevel._parent!._anchorChildren.last._focusButton(); } else { sibling._focusButton(); } return true; } bool _moveToSubmenu(_MenuAnchorState currentMenu) { assert(_debugMenuInfo('Opening submenu')); if (!currentMenu._isOpen) { // If no submenu is open, then an arrow opens the submenu. currentMenu._open(); return true; } else { final FocusNode? firstNode = currentMenu._firstItemFocusNode; if (firstNode != null && firstNode.nearestScope != firstNode) { // Don't request focus if the "first" found node is a focus scope, since // that means that nothing else in the submenu is focusable. firstNode.requestFocus(); } return true; } } } /// An [InheritedWidget] that provides a descendant [MenuAcceleratorLabel] with /// the function to invoke when the accelerator is pressed. /// /// This is used when creating your own custom menu item for use with /// [MenuAnchor] or [MenuBar]. Provided menu items such as [MenuItemButton] and /// [SubmenuButton] already supply this wrapper internally. class MenuAcceleratorCallbackBinding extends InheritedWidget { /// Create a const [MenuAcceleratorCallbackBinding]. /// /// The [child] parameter is required. const MenuAcceleratorCallbackBinding({ super.key, this.onInvoke, this.hasSubmenu = false, required super.child, }); /// The function that pressing the accelerator defined in a descendant /// [MenuAcceleratorLabel] will invoke. /// /// If set to null, then the accelerator won't be enabled. final VoidCallback? onInvoke; /// Whether or not the associated label will host its own submenu or not. /// /// This setting determines when accelerators are active, since accelerators /// for menu items that open submenus shouldn't be active when the submenu is /// open. final bool hasSubmenu; @override bool updateShouldNotify(MenuAcceleratorCallbackBinding oldWidget) { return onInvoke != oldWidget.onInvoke || hasSubmenu != oldWidget.hasSubmenu; } /// Returns the active [MenuAcceleratorCallbackBinding] in the given context, if any, /// and creates a dependency relationship that will rebuild the context when /// [onInvoke] changes. /// /// If no [MenuAcceleratorCallbackBinding] is found, returns null. /// /// See also: /// /// * [of], which is similar, but asserts if no [MenuAcceleratorCallbackBinding] /// is found. static MenuAcceleratorCallbackBinding? maybeOf(BuildContext context) { return context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<MenuAcceleratorCallbackBinding>(); } /// Returns the active [MenuAcceleratorCallbackBinding] in the given context, and /// creates a dependency relationship that will rebuild the context when /// [onInvoke] changes. /// /// If no [MenuAcceleratorCallbackBinding] is found, returns will assert in debug mode /// and throw an exception in release mode. /// /// See also: /// /// * [maybeOf], which is similar, but returns null if no /// [MenuAcceleratorCallbackBinding] is found. static MenuAcceleratorCallbackBinding of(BuildContext context) { final MenuAcceleratorCallbackBinding? result = maybeOf(context); assert(() { if (result == null) { throw FlutterError( 'MenuAcceleratorWrapper.of() was called with a context that does not ' 'contain a MenuAcceleratorWrapper in the given context.\n' 'No MenuAcceleratorWrapper ancestor could be found in the context that ' 'was passed to MenuAcceleratorWrapper.of(). This can happen because ' 'you are using a widget that looks for a MenuAcceleratorWrapper ' 'ancestor, and do not have a MenuAcceleratorWrapper widget ancestor.\n' 'The context used was:\n' ' $context', ); } return true; }()); return result!; } } /// The type of builder function used for building a [MenuAcceleratorLabel]'s /// [MenuAcceleratorLabel.builder] function. /// /// {@template flutter.material.menu_anchor.menu_accelerator_child_builder.args} /// The arguments to the function are as follows: /// /// * The `context` supplies the [BuildContext] to use. /// * The `label` is the [MenuAcceleratorLabel.label] attribute for the relevant /// [MenuAcceleratorLabel] with the accelerator markers stripped out of it. /// * The `index` is the index of the accelerator character within the /// `label.characters` that applies to this accelerator. If it is -1, then the /// accelerator should not be highlighted. Otherwise, the given character /// should be highlighted somehow in the rendered label (typically with an /// underscore). Importantly, `index` is not an index into the [String] /// `label`, it is an index into the [Characters] iterable returned by /// `label.characters`, so that it is in terms of user-visible characters /// (a.k.a. grapheme clusters), not Unicode code points. /// {@endtemplate} /// /// See also: /// /// * [MenuAcceleratorLabel.defaultLabelBuilder], which is the implementation /// used as the default value for [MenuAcceleratorLabel.builder]. typedef MenuAcceleratorChildBuilder = Widget Function( BuildContext context, String label, int index, ); /// A widget that draws the label text for a menu item (typically a /// [MenuItemButton] or [SubmenuButton]) and renders its child with information /// about the currently active keyboard accelerator. /// /// On platforms other than macOS and iOS, this widget listens for the Alt key /// to be pressed, and when it is down, will update the label by calling the /// builder again with the position of the accelerator in the label string. /// While the Alt key is pressed, it registers a shortcut with the /// [ShortcutRegistry] mapped to a [VoidCallbackIntent] containing the callback /// defined by the nearest [MenuAcceleratorCallbackBinding]. /// /// Because the accelerators are registered with the [ShortcutRegistry], any /// other shortcuts in the widget tree between the [primaryFocus] and the /// [ShortcutRegistry] that define Alt-based shortcuts using the same keys will /// take precedence over the accelerators. /// /// Because accelerators aren't used on macOS and iOS, the label ignores the Alt /// key on those platforms, and the [builder] is always given -1 as an /// accelerator index. Accelerator labels are still stripped of their /// accelerator markers. /// /// The built-in menu items [MenuItemButton] and [SubmenuButton] already provide /// the appropriate [MenuAcceleratorCallbackBinding], so unless you are creating /// your own custom menu item type that takes a [MenuAcceleratorLabel], it is /// not necessary to provide one. /// /// {@template flutter.material.MenuAcceleratorLabel.accelerator_sample} /// {@tool dartpad} This example shows a [MenuBar] that handles keyboard /// accelerators using [MenuAcceleratorLabel]. To use the accelerators, press /// the Alt key to see which letters are underlined in the menu bar, and then /// press the appropriate letter. Accelerators are not supported on macOS or iOS /// since those platforms don't support them natively, so this demo will only /// show a regular Material menu bar on those platforms. /// /// ** See code in examples/api/lib/material/menu_anchor/menu_accelerator_label.0.dart ** /// {@end-tool} /// {@endtemplate} class MenuAcceleratorLabel extends StatefulWidget { /// Creates a const [MenuAcceleratorLabel]. /// /// The [label] parameter is required. const MenuAcceleratorLabel( this.label, { super.key, this.builder = defaultLabelBuilder, }); /// The label string that should be displayed. /// /// The label string provides the label text, as well as the possible /// characters which could be used as accelerators in the menu system. /// /// {@template flutter.material.menu_anchor.menu_accelerator_label.label} /// To indicate which letters in the label are to be used as accelerators, add /// an "&" character before the character in the string. If more than one /// character has an "&" in front of it, then the characters appearing earlier /// in the string are preferred. To represent a literal "&", insert "&&" into /// the string. All other ampersands will be removed from the string before /// calling [MenuAcceleratorLabel.builder]. Bare ampersands at the end of the /// string or before whitespace are stripped and ignored. /// {@endtemplate} /// /// See also: /// /// * [displayLabel], which returns the [label] with all of the ampersands /// stripped out of it, and double ampersands converted to ampersands. /// * [stripAcceleratorMarkers], which returns the supplied string with all of /// the ampersands stripped out of it, and double ampersands converted to /// ampersands, and optionally calls a callback with the index of the /// accelerator character found. final String label; /// Returns the [label] with any accelerator markers removed. /// /// This getter just calls [stripAcceleratorMarkers] with the [label]. String get displayLabel => stripAcceleratorMarkers(label); /// The optional [MenuAcceleratorChildBuilder] which is used to build the /// widget that displays the label itself. /// /// The [defaultLabelBuilder] function serves as the default value for /// [builder], rendering the label as a [RichText] widget with appropriate /// [TextSpan]s for rendering the label with an underscore under the selected /// accelerator for the label when accelerators have been activated. /// /// {@macro flutter.material.menu_anchor.menu_accelerator_child_builder.args} /// /// When writing the builder function, it's not necessary to take the current /// platform into account. On platforms which don't support accelerators (e.g. /// macOS and iOS), the passed accelerator index will always be -1, and the /// accelerator markers will already be stripped. final MenuAcceleratorChildBuilder builder; /// Whether [label] contains an accelerator definition. /// /// {@macro flutter.material.menu_anchor.menu_accelerator_label.label} bool get hasAccelerator => RegExp(r'&(?!([&\s]|$))').hasMatch(label); /// Serves as the default value for [builder], rendering the label as a /// [RichText] widget with appropriate [TextSpan]s for rendering the label /// with an underscore under the selected accelerator for the label when the /// [index] is non-negative, and a [Text] widget when the [index] is negative. /// /// {@macro flutter.material.menu_anchor.menu_accelerator_child_builder.args} static Widget defaultLabelBuilder( BuildContext context, String label, int index, ) { if (index < 0) { return Text(label); } final TextStyle defaultStyle = DefaultTextStyle.of(context).style; final Characters characters = label.characters; return RichText( text: TextSpan( children: <TextSpan>[ if (index > 0) TextSpan(text: characters.getRange(0, index).toString(), style: defaultStyle), TextSpan( text: characters.getRange(index, index + 1).toString(), style: defaultStyle.copyWith(decoration: TextDecoration.underline), ), if (index < characters.length - 1) TextSpan(text: characters.getRange(index + 1).toString(), style: defaultStyle), ], ), ); } /// Strips out any accelerator markers from the given [label], and unescapes /// any escaped ampersands. /// /// If [setIndex] is supplied, it will be called before this function returns /// with the index in the returned string of the accelerator character. /// /// {@macro flutter.material.menu_anchor.menu_accelerator_label.label} static String stripAcceleratorMarkers(String label, {void Function(int index)? setIndex}) { int quotedAmpersands = 0; final StringBuffer displayLabel = StringBuffer(); int acceleratorIndex = -1; // Use characters so that we don't split up surrogate pairs and interpret // them incorrectly. final Characters labelChars = label.characters; final Characters ampersand = '&'.characters; bool lastWasAmpersand = false; for (int i = 0; i < labelChars.length; i += 1) { // Stop looking one before the end, since a single ampersand at the end is // just treated as a quoted ampersand. final Characters character = labelChars.characterAt(i); if (lastWasAmpersand) { lastWasAmpersand = false; displayLabel.write(character); continue; } if (character != ampersand) { displayLabel.write(character); continue; } if (i == labelChars.length - 1) { // Strip bare ampersands at the end of a string. break; } lastWasAmpersand = true; final Characters acceleratorCharacter = labelChars.characterAt(i + 1); if (acceleratorIndex == -1 && acceleratorCharacter != ampersand && acceleratorCharacter.toString().trim().isNotEmpty) { // Don't set the accelerator index if the character is an ampersand, // or whitespace. acceleratorIndex = i - quotedAmpersands; } // As we encounter '&<character>' pairs, the following indices must be // adjusted so that they correspond with indices in the stripped string. quotedAmpersands += 1; } setIndex?.call(acceleratorIndex); return displayLabel.toString(); } @override State<MenuAcceleratorLabel> createState() => _MenuAcceleratorLabelState(); @override String toString({DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.info}) { return '$MenuAcceleratorLabel("$label")'; } @override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { super.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(StringProperty('label', label)); } } class _MenuAcceleratorLabelState extends State<MenuAcceleratorLabel> { late String _displayLabel; int _acceleratorIndex = -1; MenuAcceleratorCallbackBinding? _binding; _MenuAnchorState? _anchor; ShortcutRegistry? _shortcutRegistry; ShortcutRegistryEntry? _shortcutRegistryEntry; bool _showAccelerators = false; @override void initState() { super.initState(); if (_platformSupportsAccelerators()) { _showAccelerators = _altIsPressed(); HardwareKeyboard.instance.addHandler(_handleKeyEvent); } _updateDisplayLabel(); } @override void dispose() { assert(_platformSupportsAccelerators() || _shortcutRegistryEntry == null); _displayLabel = ''; if (_platformSupportsAccelerators()) { _shortcutRegistryEntry?.dispose(); _shortcutRegistryEntry = null; _shortcutRegistry = null; _anchor = null; HardwareKeyboard.instance.removeHandler(_handleKeyEvent); } super.dispose(); } @override void didChangeDependencies() { super.didChangeDependencies(); if (!_platformSupportsAccelerators()) { return; } _binding = MenuAcceleratorCallbackBinding.maybeOf(context); _anchor = _MenuAnchorState._maybeOf(context); _shortcutRegistry = ShortcutRegistry.maybeOf(context); _updateAcceleratorShortcut(); } @override void didUpdateWidget(MenuAcceleratorLabel oldWidget) { super.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); if (widget.label != oldWidget.label) { _updateDisplayLabel(); } } static bool _altIsPressed() { return HardwareKeyboard.instance.logicalKeysPressed.intersection( <LogicalKeyboardKey>{ LogicalKeyboardKey.altLeft, LogicalKeyboardKey.altRight, LogicalKeyboardKey.alt, }, ).isNotEmpty; } bool _handleKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) { assert(_platformSupportsAccelerators()); final bool altIsPressed = _altIsPressed(); if (altIsPressed != _showAccelerators) { setState(() { _showAccelerators = altIsPressed; _updateAcceleratorShortcut(); }); } // Just listening, does't ever handle a key. return false; } void _updateAcceleratorShortcut() { assert(_platformSupportsAccelerators()); _shortcutRegistryEntry?.dispose(); _shortcutRegistryEntry = null; // Before registering an accelerator as a shortcut it should meet these // conditions: // // 1) Is showing accelerators (i.e. Alt key is down). // 2) Has an accelerator marker in the label. // 3) Has an associated action callback for the label (from the // MenuAcceleratorCallbackBinding). // 4) Is part of an anchor that either doesn't have a submenu, or doesn't // have any submenus currently open (only the "deepest" open menu should // have accelerator shortcuts registered). if (_showAccelerators && _acceleratorIndex != -1 && _binding?.onInvoke != null && !(_binding!.hasSubmenu && (_anchor?._isOpen ?? false))) { final String acceleratorCharacter = _displayLabel[_acceleratorIndex].toLowerCase(); _shortcutRegistryEntry = _shortcutRegistry?.addAll( <ShortcutActivator, Intent>{ CharacterActivator(acceleratorCharacter, alt: true): VoidCallbackIntent(_binding!.onInvoke!), }, ); } } void _updateDisplayLabel() { _displayLabel = MenuAcceleratorLabel.stripAcceleratorMarkers( widget.label, setIndex: (int index) { _acceleratorIndex = index; }, ); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final int index = _showAccelerators ? _acceleratorIndex : -1; return widget.builder(context, _displayLabel, index); } } /// A label widget that is used as the label for a [MenuItemButton] or /// [SubmenuButton]. /// /// It not only shows the [SubmenuButton.child] or [MenuItemButton.child], but if /// there is a shortcut associated with the [MenuItemButton], it will display a /// mnemonic for the shortcut. For [SubmenuButton]s, it will display a visual /// indicator that there is a submenu. class _MenuItemLabel extends StatelessWidget { /// Creates a const [_MenuItemLabel]. /// /// The [child] and [hasSubmenu] arguments are required. const _MenuItemLabel({ required this.hasSubmenu, this.showDecoration = true, this.leadingIcon, this.trailingIcon, this.shortcut, required this.child, }); /// Whether or not this menu has a submenu. /// /// Determines whether the submenu arrow is shown or not. final bool hasSubmenu; /// Whether or not this item should show decorations like shortcut labels or /// submenu arrows. Items in a [MenuBar] don't show these decorations when /// they are laid out horizontally. final bool showDecoration; /// The optional icon that comes before the [child]. final Widget? leadingIcon; /// The optional icon that comes after the [child]. final Widget? trailingIcon; /// The shortcut for this label, so that it can generate a string describing /// the shortcut. final MenuSerializableShortcut? shortcut; /// The required label child widget. final Widget child; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final VisualDensity density = Theme.of(context).visualDensity; final double horizontalPadding = math.max( _kLabelItemMinSpacing, _kLabelItemDefaultSpacing + density.horizontal * 2, ); return Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, children: <Widget>[ Row( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: <Widget>[ if (leadingIcon != null) leadingIcon!, Padding( padding: leadingIcon != null ? EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: horizontalPadding) : EdgeInsets.zero, child: child, ), ], ), if (trailingIcon != null) Padding( padding: EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: horizontalPadding), child: trailingIcon, ), if (showDecoration && shortcut != null) Padding( padding: EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: horizontalPadding), child: Text( _LocalizedShortcutLabeler.instance.getShortcutLabel( shortcut!, MaterialLocalizations.of(context), ), ), ), if (showDecoration && hasSubmenu) Padding( padding: EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: horizontalPadding), child: const Icon( Icons.arrow_right, // Automatically switches with text direction. size: _kDefaultSubmenuIconSize, ), ), ], ); } @override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) { super.debugFillProperties(properties); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<String>('child', child.toString())); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<MenuSerializableShortcut>('shortcut', shortcut, defaultValue: null)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<bool>('hasSubmenu', hasSubmenu)); properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<bool>('showDecoration', showDecoration)); } } // Positions the menu in the view while trying to keep as much as possible // visible in the view. class _MenuLayout extends SingleChildLayoutDelegate { const _MenuLayout({ required this.anchorRect, required this.textDirection, required this.alignment, required this.alignmentOffset, required this.menuPosition, required this.menuPadding, required this.avoidBounds, required this.orientation, required this.parentOrientation, }); // Rectangle of underlying button, relative to the overlay's dimensions. final Rect anchorRect; // Whether to prefer going to the left or to the right. final TextDirection textDirection; // The alignment to use when finding the ideal location for the menu. final AlignmentGeometry alignment; // The offset from the alignment position to find the ideal location for the // menu. final Offset alignmentOffset; // The position passed to the open method, if any. final Offset? menuPosition; // The padding on the inside of the menu, so it can be accounted for when // positioning. final EdgeInsetsGeometry menuPadding; // List of rectangles that we should avoid overlapping. Unusable screen area. final Set<Rect> avoidBounds; // The orientation of this menu final Axis orientation; // The orientation of this menu's parent. final Axis parentOrientation; @override BoxConstraints getConstraintsForChild(BoxConstraints constraints) { // The menu can be at most the size of the overlay minus _kMenuViewPadding // pixels in each direction. return BoxConstraints.loose(constraints.biggest).deflate( const EdgeInsets.all(_kMenuViewPadding), ); } @override Offset getPositionForChild(Size size, Size childSize) { // size: The size of the overlay. // childSize: The size of the menu, when fully open, as determined by // getConstraintsForChild. final Rect overlayRect = Offset.zero & size; double x; double y; if (menuPosition == null) { Offset desiredPosition = alignment.resolve(textDirection).withinRect(anchorRect); final Offset directionalOffset; if (alignment is AlignmentDirectional) { switch (textDirection) { case TextDirection.rtl: directionalOffset = Offset(-alignmentOffset.dx, alignmentOffset.dy); break; case TextDirection.ltr: directionalOffset = alignmentOffset; break; } } else { directionalOffset = alignmentOffset; } desiredPosition += directionalOffset; x = desiredPosition.dx; y = desiredPosition.dy; switch (textDirection) { case TextDirection.rtl: x -= childSize.width; break; case TextDirection.ltr: break; } } else { final Offset adjustedPosition = menuPosition! + anchorRect.topLeft; x = adjustedPosition.dx; y = adjustedPosition.dy; } final Iterable<Rect> subScreens = DisplayFeatureSubScreen.subScreensInBounds(overlayRect, avoidBounds); final Rect allowedRect = _closestScreen(subScreens, anchorRect.center); bool offLeftSide(double x) => x < allowedRect.left; bool offRightSide(double x) => x + childSize.width > allowedRect.right; bool offTop(double y) => y < allowedRect.top; bool offBottom(double y) => y + childSize.height > allowedRect.bottom; // Avoid going outside an area defined as the rectangle offset from the // edge of the screen by the button padding. If the menu is off of the screen, // move the menu to the other side of the button first, and then if it // doesn't fit there, then just move it over as much as needed to make it // fit. if (childSize.width >= allowedRect.width) { // It just doesn't fit, so put as much on the screen as possible. x = allowedRect.left; } else { if (offLeftSide(x)) { // If the parent is a different orientation than the current one, then // just push it over instead of trying the other side. if (parentOrientation != orientation) { x = allowedRect.left; } else { final double newX = anchorRect.right; if (!offRightSide(newX)) { x = newX; } else { x = allowedRect.left; } } } else if (offRightSide(x)) { if (parentOrientation != orientation) { x = allowedRect.right - childSize.width; } else { final double newX = anchorRect.left - childSize.width; if (!offLeftSide(newX)) { x = newX; } else { x = allowedRect.right - childSize.width; } } } } if (childSize.height >= allowedRect.height) { // Too tall to fit, fit as much on as possible. y = allowedRect.top; } else { if (offTop(y)) { final double newY = anchorRect.bottom; if (!offBottom(newY)) { y = newY; } else { y = allowedRect.top; } } else if (offBottom(y)) { final double newY = anchorRect.top - childSize.height; if (!offTop(newY)) { y = newY; } else { y = allowedRect.bottom - childSize.height; } } } return Offset(x, y); } @override bool shouldRelayout(_MenuLayout oldDelegate) { return anchorRect != oldDelegate.anchorRect || textDirection != oldDelegate.textDirection || alignment != oldDelegate.alignment || alignmentOffset != oldDelegate.alignmentOffset || menuPosition != oldDelegate.menuPosition || menuPadding != oldDelegate.menuPadding || orientation != oldDelegate.orientation || parentOrientation != oldDelegate.parentOrientation || !setEquals(avoidBounds, oldDelegate.avoidBounds); } Rect _closestScreen(Iterable<Rect> screens, Offset point) { Rect closest = screens.first; for (final Rect screen in screens) { if ((screen.center - point).distance < (closest.center - point).distance) { closest = screen; } } return closest; } } /// A widget that manages a list of menu buttons in a menu. /// /// It sizes itself to the widest/tallest item it contains, and then sizes all /// the other entries to match. class _MenuPanel extends StatefulWidget { const _MenuPanel({ required this.menuStyle, this.clipBehavior = Clip.none, required this.orientation, this.crossAxisUnconstrained = true, required this.children, }); /// The menu style that has all the attributes for this menu panel. final MenuStyle? menuStyle; /// {@macro flutter.material.Material.clipBehavior} /// /// Defaults to [Clip.none]. final Clip clipBehavior; /// Determine if a [UnconstrainedBox] can be applied to the menu panel to allow it to render /// at its "natural" size. /// /// Defaults to true. When it is set to false, it can be useful when the menu should /// be constrained in both main-axis and cross-axis, such as a [DropdownMenu]. final bool crossAxisUnconstrained; /// The layout orientation of this panel. final Axis orientation; /// The list of widgets to use as children of this menu bar. /// /// These are the top level [SubmenuButton]s. final List<Widget> children; @override State<_MenuPanel> createState() => _MenuPanelState(); } class _MenuPanelState extends State<_MenuPanel> { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final MenuStyle? themeStyle; final MenuStyle defaultStyle; switch (widget.orientation) { case Axis.horizontal: themeStyle = MenuBarTheme.of(context).style; defaultStyle = _MenuBarDefaultsM3(context); break; case Axis.vertical: themeStyle = MenuTheme.of(context).style; defaultStyle = _MenuDefaultsM3(context); break; } final MenuStyle? widgetStyle = widget.menuStyle; T? effectiveValue<T>(T? Function(MenuStyle? style) getProperty) { return getProperty(widgetStyle) ?? getProperty(themeStyle) ?? getProperty(defaultStyle); } T? resolve<T>(MaterialStateProperty<T>? Function(MenuStyle? style) getProperty) { return effectiveValue( (MenuStyle? style) { return getProperty(style)?.resolve(<MaterialState>{}); }, ); } final Color? backgroundColor = resolve<Color?>((MenuStyle? style) => style?.backgroundColor); final Color? shadowColor = resolve<Color?>((MenuStyle? style) => style?.shadowColor); final Color? surfaceTintColor = resolve<Color?>((MenuStyle? style) => style?.surfaceTintColor); final double elevation = resolve<double?>((MenuStyle? style) => style?.elevation) ?? 0; final Size? minimumSize = resolve<Size?>((MenuStyle? style) => style?.minimumSize); final Size? fixedSize = resolve<Size?>((MenuStyle? style) => style?.fixedSize); final Size? maximumSize = resolve<Size?>((MenuStyle? style) => style?.maximumSize); final BorderSide? side = resolve<BorderSide?>((MenuStyle? style) => style?.side); final OutlinedBorder shape = resolve<OutlinedBorder?>((MenuStyle? style) => style?.shape)!.copyWith(side: side); final VisualDensity visualDensity = effectiveValue((MenuStyle? style) => style?.visualDensity) ?? VisualDensity.standard; final EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = resolve<EdgeInsetsGeometry?>((MenuStyle? style) => style?.padding) ?? EdgeInsets.zero; final Offset densityAdjustment = visualDensity.baseSizeAdjustment; // Per the Material Design team: don't allow the VisualDensity // adjustment to reduce the width of the left/right padding. If we // did, VisualDensity.compact, the default for desktop/web, would // reduce the horizontal padding to zero. final double dy = densityAdjustment.dy; final double dx = math.max(0, densityAdjustment.dx); final EdgeInsetsGeometry resolvedPadding = padding .add(EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: dx, vertical: dy)) .clamp(EdgeInsets.zero, EdgeInsetsGeometry.infinity); // ignore_clamp_double_lint BoxConstraints effectiveConstraints = visualDensity.effectiveConstraints( BoxConstraints( minWidth: minimumSize?.width ?? 0, minHeight: minimumSize?.height ?? 0, maxWidth: maximumSize?.width ?? double.infinity, maxHeight: maximumSize?.height ?? double.infinity, ), ); if (fixedSize != null) { final Size size = effectiveConstraints.constrain(fixedSize); if (size.width.isFinite) { effectiveConstraints = effectiveConstraints.copyWith( minWidth: size.width, maxWidth: size.width, ); } if (size.height.isFinite) { effectiveConstraints = effectiveConstraints.copyWith( minHeight: size.height, maxHeight: size.height, ); } } Widget menuPanel = _intrinsicCrossSize( child: Material( elevation: elevation, shape: shape, color: backgroundColor, shadowColor: shadowColor, surfaceTintColor: surfaceTintColor, type: backgroundColor == null ? MaterialType.transparency : MaterialType.canvas, clipBehavior: Clip.hardEdge, child: Padding( padding: resolvedPadding, child: SingleChildScrollView( scrollDirection: widget.orientation, child: Flex( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, textDirection: Directionality.of(context), direction: widget.orientation, mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: widget.children, ), ), ), ), ); if (widget.crossAxisUnconstrained) { menuPanel = UnconstrainedBox( constrainedAxis: widget.orientation, clipBehavior: Clip.hardEdge, alignment: AlignmentDirectional.centerStart, child: menuPanel, ); } return ConstrainedBox( constraints: effectiveConstraints, child: menuPanel, ); } Widget _intrinsicCrossSize({required Widget child}) { switch (widget.orientation) { case Axis.horizontal: return IntrinsicHeight(child: child); case Axis.vertical: return IntrinsicWidth(child: child); } } } // A widget that defines the menu drawn inside of the overlay entry. class _Submenu extends StatelessWidget { const _Submenu({ required this.anchor, required this.menuStyle, required this.menuPosition, required this.alignmentOffset, required this.clipBehavior, this.crossAxisUnconstrained = true, required this.menuChildren, }); final _MenuAnchorState anchor; final MenuStyle? menuStyle; final Offset? menuPosition; final Offset alignmentOffset; final Clip clipBehavior; final bool crossAxisUnconstrained; final List<Widget> menuChildren; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { // Use the text direction of the context where the button is. final TextDirection textDirection = Directionality.of(context); final MenuStyle? themeStyle; final MenuStyle defaultStyle; switch (anchor._parent?._orientation ?? Axis.horizontal) { case Axis.horizontal: themeStyle = MenuBarTheme.of(context).style; defaultStyle = _MenuBarDefaultsM3(context); break; case Axis.vertical: themeStyle = MenuTheme.of(context).style; defaultStyle = _MenuDefaultsM3(context); break; } T? effectiveValue<T>(T? Function(MenuStyle? style) getProperty) { return getProperty(menuStyle) ?? getProperty(themeStyle) ?? getProperty(defaultStyle); } T? resolve<T>(MaterialStateProperty<T>? Function(MenuStyle? style) getProperty) { return effectiveValue( (MenuStyle? style) { return getProperty(style)?.resolve(<MaterialState>{}); }, ); } final MaterialStateMouseCursor mouseCursor = _MouseCursor( (Set<MaterialState> states) => effectiveValue((MenuStyle? style) => style?.mouseCursor?.resolve(states)), ); final VisualDensity visualDensity = effectiveValue((MenuStyle? style) => style?.visualDensity) ?? Theme.of(context).visualDensity; final AlignmentGeometry alignment = effectiveValue((MenuStyle? style) => style?.alignment)!; final BuildContext anchorContext = anchor._anchorKey.currentContext!; final RenderBox overlay = Overlay.of(anchorContext).context.findRenderObject()! as RenderBox; final RenderBox anchorBox = anchorContext.findRenderObject()! as RenderBox; final Offset upperLeft = anchorBox.localToGlobal(Offset.zero, ancestor: overlay); final Offset bottomRight = anchorBox.localToGlobal(anchorBox.paintBounds.bottomRight, ancestor: overlay); final Rect anchorRect = Rect.fromPoints(upperLeft, bottomRight); final EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = resolve<EdgeInsetsGeometry?>((MenuStyle? style) => style?.padding) ?? EdgeInsets.zero; final Offset densityAdjustment = visualDensity.baseSizeAdjustment; // Per the Material Design team: don't allow the VisualDensity // adjustment to reduce the width of the left/right padding. If we // did, VisualDensity.compact, the default for desktop/web, would // reduce the horizontal padding to zero. final double dy = densityAdjustment.dy; final double dx = math.max(0, densityAdjustment.dx); final EdgeInsetsGeometry resolvedPadding = padding .add(EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(dx, dy, dx, dy)) .clamp(EdgeInsets.zero, EdgeInsetsGeometry.infinity); // ignore_clamp_double_lint return Theme( data: Theme.of(context).copyWith( visualDensity: visualDensity, ), child: ConstrainedBox( constraints: BoxConstraints.loose(overlay.paintBounds.size), child: CustomSingleChildLayout( delegate: _MenuLayout( anchorRect: anchorRect, textDirection: textDirection, avoidBounds: DisplayFeatureSubScreen.avoidBounds(MediaQuery.of(context)).toSet(), menuPadding: resolvedPadding, alignment: alignment, alignmentOffset: alignmentOffset, menuPosition: menuPosition, orientation: anchor._orientation, parentOrientation: anchor._parent?._orientation ?? Axis.horizontal, ), child: TapRegion( groupId: anchor._root, onTapOutside: (PointerDownEvent event) { anchor._close(); }, child: MouseRegion( cursor: mouseCursor, hitTestBehavior: HitTestBehavior.deferToChild, child: FocusScope( node: anchor._menuScopeNode, child: Actions( actions: <Type, Action<Intent>>{ DirectionalFocusIntent: _MenuDirectionalFocusAction(), DismissIntent: DismissMenuAction(controller: anchor._menuController), }, child: Shortcuts( shortcuts: _kMenuTraversalShortcuts, child: Directionality( // Copy the directionality from the button into the overlay. textDirection: textDirection, child: _MenuPanel( menuStyle: menuStyle, clipBehavior: clipBehavior, orientation: anchor._orientation, crossAxisUnconstrained: crossAxisUnconstrained, children: menuChildren, ), ), ), ), ), ), ), ), ), ); } } /// Wraps the [MaterialStateMouseCursor] so that it can default to /// [MouseCursor.uncontrolled] if none is set. class _MouseCursor extends MaterialStateMouseCursor { const _MouseCursor(this.resolveCallback); final MaterialPropertyResolver<MouseCursor?> resolveCallback; @override MouseCursor resolve(Set<MaterialState> states) => resolveCallback(states) ?? MouseCursor.uncontrolled; @override String get debugDescription => 'Menu_MouseCursor'; } /// A debug print function, which should only be called within an assert, like /// so: /// /// assert(_debugMenuInfo('Debug Message')); /// /// so that the call is entirely removed in release builds. /// /// Enable debug printing by setting [_kDebugMenus] to true at the top of the /// file. bool _debugMenuInfo(String message, [Iterable<String>? details]) { assert(() { if (_kDebugMenus) { debugPrint('MENU: $message'); if (details != null && details.isNotEmpty) { for (final String detail in details) { debugPrint(' $detail'); } } } return true; }()); // Return true so that it can be easily used inside of an assert. return true; } bool _platformSupportsAccelerators() { switch (defaultTargetPlatform) { case TargetPlatform.android: case TargetPlatform.fuchsia: case TargetPlatform.linux: case TargetPlatform.windows: return true; case TargetPlatform.iOS: case TargetPlatform.macOS: // On iOS and macOS, pressing the Option key (a.k.a. the Alt key) causes a // different set of characters to be generated, and the native menus don't // support accelerators anyhow, so we just disable accelerators on these // platforms. return false; } } // BEGIN GENERATED TOKEN PROPERTIES - Menu // Do not edit by hand. The code between the "BEGIN GENERATED" and // "END GENERATED" comments are generated from data in the Material // Design token database by the script: // dev/tools/gen_defaults/bin/gen_defaults.dart. // Token database version: v0_158 class _MenuBarDefaultsM3 extends MenuStyle { _MenuBarDefaultsM3(this.context) : super( elevation: const MaterialStatePropertyAll<double?>(3.0), shape: const MaterialStatePropertyAll<OutlinedBorder>(_defaultMenuBorder), alignment: AlignmentDirectional.bottomStart, ); static const RoundedRectangleBorder _defaultMenuBorder = RoundedRectangleBorder(borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(4.0))); final BuildContext context; late final ColorScheme _colors = Theme.of(context).colorScheme; @override MaterialStateProperty<Color?> get backgroundColor { return MaterialStatePropertyAll<Color?>(_colors.surface); } @override MaterialStateProperty<Color?>? get shadowColor { return MaterialStatePropertyAll<Color?>(_colors.shadow); } @override MaterialStateProperty<Color?>? get surfaceTintColor { return MaterialStatePropertyAll<Color?>(_colors.surfaceTint); } @override MaterialStateProperty<EdgeInsetsGeometry?>? get padding { return MaterialStatePropertyAll<EdgeInsetsGeometry>( EdgeInsetsDirectional.symmetric( horizontal: math.max( _kTopLevelMenuHorizontalMinPadding, 2 + Theme.of(context).visualDensity.baseSizeAdjustment.dx, ), ), ); } } class _MenuButtonDefaultsM3 extends ButtonStyle { _MenuButtonDefaultsM3(this.context) : super( animationDuration: kThemeChangeDuration, enableFeedback: true, alignment: AlignmentDirectional.centerStart, ); final BuildContext context; late final ColorScheme _colors = Theme.of(context).colorScheme; @override MaterialStateProperty<Color?>? get backgroundColor { return ButtonStyleButton.allOrNull<Color>(Colors.transparent); } // No default shadow color // No default surface tint color @override MaterialStateProperty<double>? get elevation { return ButtonStyleButton.allOrNull<double>(0.0); } @override MaterialStateProperty<Color?>? get foregroundColor { return MaterialStateProperty.resolveWith((Set<MaterialState> states) { if (states.contains(MaterialState.disabled)) { return _colors.onSurface.withOpacity(0.38); } if (states.contains(MaterialState.pressed)) { return _colors.onSurface; } if (states.contains(MaterialState.hovered)) { return _colors.onSurface; } if (states.contains(MaterialState.focused)) { return _colors.onSurface; } return _colors.onSurface; }); } @override MaterialStateProperty<Color?>? get iconColor { return MaterialStateProperty.resolveWith((Set<MaterialState> states) { if (states.contains(MaterialState.disabled)) { return _colors.onSurface.withOpacity(0.38); } if (states.contains(MaterialState.pressed)) { return _colors.onSurfaceVariant; } if (states.contains(MaterialState.hovered)) { return _colors.onSurfaceVariant; } if (states.contains(MaterialState.focused)) { return _colors.onSurfaceVariant; } return _colors.onSurfaceVariant; }); } // No default fixedSize @override MaterialStateProperty<Size>? get maximumSize { return ButtonStyleButton.allOrNull<Size>(Size.infinite); } @override MaterialStateProperty<Size>? get minimumSize { return ButtonStyleButton.allOrNull<Size>(const Size(64.0, 48.0)); } @override MaterialStateProperty<MouseCursor?>? get mouseCursor { return MaterialStateProperty.resolveWith( (Set<MaterialState> states) { if (states.contains(MaterialState.disabled)) { return SystemMouseCursors.basic; } return SystemMouseCursors.click; }, ); } @override MaterialStateProperty<Color?>? get overlayColor { return MaterialStateProperty.resolveWith( (Set<MaterialState> states) { if (states.contains(MaterialState.pressed)) { return _colors.onSurface.withOpacity(0.12); } if (states.contains(MaterialState.hovered)) { return _colors.onSurface.withOpacity(0.08); } if (states.contains(MaterialState.focused)) { return _colors.onSurface.withOpacity(0.12); } return Colors.transparent; }, ); } @override MaterialStateProperty<EdgeInsetsGeometry>? get padding { return ButtonStyleButton.allOrNull<EdgeInsetsGeometry>(_scaledPadding(context)); } // No default side @override MaterialStateProperty<OutlinedBorder>? get shape { return ButtonStyleButton.allOrNull<OutlinedBorder>(const RoundedRectangleBorder()); } @override InteractiveInkFeatureFactory? get splashFactory => Theme.of(context).splashFactory; @override MaterialTapTargetSize? get tapTargetSize => Theme.of(context).materialTapTargetSize; @override MaterialStateProperty<TextStyle?> get textStyle { return MaterialStatePropertyAll<TextStyle?>(Theme.of(context).textTheme.labelLarge); } @override VisualDensity? get visualDensity => Theme.of(context).visualDensity; // The horizontal padding number comes from the spec. EdgeInsetsGeometry _scaledPadding(BuildContext context) { return ButtonStyleButton.scaledPadding( const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 12), const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8), const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 4), MediaQuery.maybeTextScaleFactorOf(context) ?? 1, ); } } class _MenuDefaultsM3 extends MenuStyle { _MenuDefaultsM3(this.context) : super( elevation: const MaterialStatePropertyAll<double?>(3.0), shape: const MaterialStatePropertyAll<OutlinedBorder>(_defaultMenuBorder), alignment: AlignmentDirectional.topEnd, ); static const RoundedRectangleBorder _defaultMenuBorder = RoundedRectangleBorder(borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(4.0))); final BuildContext context; late final ColorScheme _colors = Theme.of(context).colorScheme; @override MaterialStateProperty<Color?> get backgroundColor { return MaterialStatePropertyAll<Color?>(_colors.surface); } @override MaterialStateProperty<Color?>? get surfaceTintColor { return MaterialStatePropertyAll<Color?>(_colors.surfaceTint); } @override MaterialStateProperty<Color?>? get shadowColor { return MaterialStatePropertyAll<Color?>(_colors.shadow); } @override MaterialStateProperty<EdgeInsetsGeometry?>? get padding { return MaterialStatePropertyAll<EdgeInsetsGeometry>( EdgeInsetsDirectional.symmetric( vertical: math.max( _kMenuVerticalMinPadding, 2 + Theme.of(context).visualDensity.baseSizeAdjustment.dy, ), ), ); } } // END GENERATED TOKEN PROPERTIES - Menu