// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import '../base/common.dart'; import '../base/file_system.dart'; import '../base/utils.dart'; import '../convert.dart'; import '../device.dart'; import '../globals.dart'; import '../runner/flutter_command.dart'; import '../vmservice.dart'; const String _kOut = 'out'; const String _kType = 'type'; const String _kObservatoryUri = 'observatory-uri'; const String _kDeviceType = 'device'; const String _kSkiaType = 'skia'; const String _kRasterizerType = 'rasterizer'; class ScreenshotCommand extends FlutterCommand { ScreenshotCommand() { argParser.addOption( _kOut, abbr: 'o', valueHelp: 'path/to/file', help: 'Location to write the screenshot.', ); argParser.addOption( _kObservatoryUri, valueHelp: 'URI', help: 'The observatory URI to connect to.\n' 'This is required when --$_kType is "$_kSkiaType" or "$_kRasterizerType".\n' 'To find the observatory URI, use "flutter run" and look for' '"An Observatory ... is available at" in the output.', ); argParser.addOption( _kType, valueHelp: 'type', help: 'The type of screenshot to retrieve.', allowed: const [_kDeviceType, _kSkiaType, _kRasterizerType], allowedHelp: const { _kDeviceType: 'Delegate to the device\'s native screenshot capabilities. This ' 'screenshots the entire screen currently being displayed (including content ' 'not rendered by Flutter, like the device status bar).', _kSkiaType: 'Render the Flutter app as a Skia picture. Requires --$_kObservatoryUri', _kRasterizerType: 'Render the Flutter app using the rasterizer. Requires --$_kObservatoryUri', }, defaultsTo: _kDeviceType, ); } @override String get name => 'screenshot'; @override String get description => 'Take a screenshot from a connected device.'; @override final List aliases = ['pic']; Device device; @override Future verifyThenRunCommand(String commandPath) async { device = await findTargetDevice(); if (device == null) { throwToolExit('Must have a connected device'); } if (argResults[_kType] == _kDeviceType && !device.supportsScreenshot) { throwToolExit('Screenshot not supported for ${device.name}.'); } if (argResults[_kType] != _kDeviceType && argResults[_kObservatoryUri] == null) { throwToolExit('Observatory URI must be specified for screenshot type ${argResults[_kType]}'); } return super.verifyThenRunCommand(commandPath); } @override Future runCommand() async { File outputFile; if (argResults.wasParsed(_kOut)) outputFile = fs.file(argResults[_kOut]); switch (argResults[_kType]) { case _kDeviceType: await runScreenshot(outputFile); return null; case _kSkiaType: await runSkia(outputFile); return null; case _kRasterizerType: await runRasterizer(outputFile); return null; } return null; } Future runScreenshot(File outputFile) async { outputFile ??= getUniqueFile(fs.currentDirectory, 'flutter', 'png'); try { await device.takeScreenshot(outputFile); } catch (error) { throwToolExit('Error taking screenshot: $error'); } await showOutputFileInfo(outputFile); } Future runSkia(File outputFile) async { final Map skp = await _invokeVmServiceRpc('_flutter.screenshotSkp'); outputFile ??= getUniqueFile(fs.currentDirectory, 'flutter', 'skp'); final IOSink sink = outputFile.openWrite(); sink.add(base64.decode(skp['skp'])); await sink.close(); await showOutputFileInfo(outputFile); await _ensureOutputIsNotJsonRpcError(outputFile); } Future runRasterizer(File outputFile) async { final Map response = await _invokeVmServiceRpc('_flutter.screenshot'); outputFile ??= getUniqueFile(fs.currentDirectory, 'flutter', 'png'); final IOSink sink = outputFile.openWrite(); sink.add(base64.decode(response['screenshot'])); await sink.close(); await showOutputFileInfo(outputFile); await _ensureOutputIsNotJsonRpcError(outputFile); } Future> _invokeVmServiceRpc(String method) async { final Uri observatoryUri = Uri.parse(argResults[_kObservatoryUri]); final VMService vmService = await VMService.connect(observatoryUri); return await vmService.vm.invokeRpcRaw(method); } Future _ensureOutputIsNotJsonRpcError(File outputFile) async { if (await outputFile.length() < 1000) { final String content = await outputFile.readAsString( encoding: const AsciiCodec(allowInvalid: true), ); if (content.startsWith('{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "error"')) throwToolExit('\nIt appears the output file contains an error message, not valid skia output.'); } } Future showOutputFileInfo(File outputFile) async { final int sizeKB = (await outputFile.length()) ~/ 1024; printStatus('Screenshot written to ${fs.path.relative(outputFile.path)} (${sizeKB}kB).'); } }