// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Encodes ARB file resource values with Unicode escapes. void encodeBundleTranslations(Map bundle) { for (final String key in bundle.keys) { // The ARB file resource "attributes" for foo are called @foo. Don't need // to encode them. if (key.startsWith('@')) { continue; } final String translation = bundle[key] as String; // Rewrite the string as a series of unicode characters in JSON format. // Like "\u0012\u0123\u1234". bundle[key] = translation.runes.map((int code) { final String codeString = '00${code.toRadixString(16)}'; return '\\u${codeString.substring(codeString.length - 4)}'; }).join(); } } String generateArbString(Map bundle) { final StringBuffer contents = StringBuffer(); contents.writeln('{'); for (final String key in bundle.keys) { contents.writeln(' "$key": "${bundle[key]}"${key == bundle.keys.last ? '' : ','}'); } contents.writeln('}'); return contents.toString(); }