syntax = "proto3"; package conductor_state; // A git remote message Remote { string name = 1; string url = 2; } enum ReleasePhase { // Release was started with `conductor start` and repositories cloned. APPLY_ENGINE_CHERRYPICKS = 0; CODESIGN_ENGINE_BINARIES = 1; APPLY_FRAMEWORK_CHERRYPICKS = 2; // Git tag applied to framework RC branch HEAD and pushed upstream. PUBLISH_VERSION = 3; // RC branch HEAD pushed to upstream release branch. // // For example, flutter-1.2-candidate.3 -> upstream/beta PUBLISH_CHANNEL = 4; // Package artifacts verified to exist on cloud storage. VERIFY_RELEASE = 5; // There is no further work to be done. RELEASE_COMPLETED = 6; } enum CherrypickState { // The cherrypick has not yet been applied. PENDING = 0; // The cherrypick has not been applied and will require manual resolution. PENDING_WITH_CONFLICT = 1; // The cherrypick has been successfully applied to the local checkout. // // This state requires Cherrypick.appliedRevision to also be set. COMPLETED = 2; // The cherrypick will NOT be applied in this release. ABANDONED = 3; } message Cherrypick { // The revision on trunk to cherrypick. string trunkRevision = 1; // Once applied, the actual commit revision of the cherrypick. string appliedRevision = 2; CherrypickState state = 3; } message Repository { // The development git branch the release is based on. // // Must be of the form /flutter-(\d+)\.(\d+)-candidate\.(\d+)/ string candidateBranch = 1; // The commit hash at the tip of the branch before cherrypicks were applied. string startingGitHead = 2; // The difference in commits between this and [startingGitHead] is the number // of cherrypicks that have been currently applied. string currentGitHead = 3; // Path to the git checkout on local disk. string checkoutPath = 4; // The remote commits will be fetched from. Remote upstream = 5; // The remote cherrypicks will be pushed to create a Pull Request. // // This should be a mirror owned by the user conducting the release. Remote mirror = 6; // Desired cherrypicks. repeated Cherrypick cherrypicks = 7; // Only for engine repositories. string dartRevision = 8; } message ConductorState { // One of 'stable', 'beta', or 'dev' string releaseChannel = 1; // The name of the release. string releaseVersion = 2; Repository engine = 4; Repository framework = 5; int64 createdDate = 6; int64 lastUpdatedDate = 7; repeated string logs = 8; // The current [ReleasePhase] that has yet to be completed. ReleasePhase currentPhase = 9; // Commit hash of the Conductor tool. string conductorVersion = 10; }