// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// @dart = 2.8

import 'dart:math' as math;

import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';

import '../button_bar.dart';
import '../button_theme.dart';
import '../color_scheme.dart';
import '../debug.dart';
import '../dialog.dart';
import '../icons.dart';
import '../material_localizations.dart';
import '../text_button.dart';
import '../text_theme.dart';
import '../theme.dart';

import 'calendar_date_picker.dart';
import 'date_picker_common.dart';
import 'date_picker_header.dart';
import 'date_utils.dart' as utils;
import 'input_date_picker.dart';

const Size _calendarPortraitDialogSize = Size(330.0, 518.0);
const Size _calendarLandscapeDialogSize = Size(496.0, 346.0);
const Size _inputPortraitDialogSize = Size(330.0, 270.0);
const Size _inputLandscapeDialogSize = Size(496, 160.0);
const Duration _dialogSizeAnimationDuration = Duration(milliseconds: 200);
const double _inputFormPortraitHeight = 98.0;
const double _inputFormLandscapeHeight = 108.0;

/// Shows a dialog containing a Material Design date picker.
/// The returned [Future] resolves to the date selected by the user when the
/// user confirms the dialog. If the user cancels the dialog, null is returned.
/// When the date picker is first displayed, it will show the month of
/// [initialDate], with [initialDate] selected.
/// The [firstDate] is the earliest allowable date. The [lastDate] is the latest
/// allowable date. [initialDate] must either fall between these dates,
/// or be equal to one of them. For each of these [DateTime] parameters, only
/// their dates are considered. Their time fields are ignored. They must all
/// be non-null.
/// The [currentDate] represents the current day (i.e. today). This
/// date will be highlighted in the day grid. If null, the date of
/// `DateTime.now()` will be used.
/// An optional [initialEntryMode] argument can be used to display the date
/// picker in the [DatePickerEntryMode.calendar] (a calendar month grid)
/// or [DatePickerEntryMode.input] (a text input field) mode.
/// It defaults to [DatePickerEntryMode.calendar] and must be non-null.
/// An optional [selectableDayPredicate] function can be passed in to only allow
/// certain days for selection. If provided, only the days that
/// [selectableDayPredicate] returns true for will be selectable. For example,
/// this can be used to only allow weekdays for selection. If provided, it must
/// return true for [initialDate].
/// The following optional string parameters allow you to override the default
/// text used for various parts of the dialog:
///   * [helpText], label displayed at the top of the dialog.
///   * [cancelText], label on the cancel button.
///   * [confirmText], label on the ok button.
///   * [errorFormatText], message used when the input text isn't in a proper date format.
///   * [errorInvalidText], message used when the input text isn't a selectable date.
///   * [fieldHintText], text used to prompt the user when no text has been entered in the field.
///   * [fieldLabelText], label for the date text input field.
/// An optional [locale] argument can be used to set the locale for the date
/// picker. It defaults to the ambient locale provided by [Localizations].
/// An optional [textDirection] argument can be used to set the text direction
/// ([TextDirection.ltr] or [TextDirection.rtl]) for the date picker. It
/// defaults to the ambient text direction provided by [Directionality]. If both
/// [locale] and [textDirection] are non-null, [textDirection] overrides the
/// direction chosen for the [locale].
/// The [context], [useRootNavigator] and [routeSettings] arguments are passed to
/// [showDialog], the documentation for which discusses how it is used. [context]
/// and [useRootNavigator] must be non-null.
/// The [builder] parameter can be used to wrap the dialog widget
/// to add inherited widgets like [Theme].
/// An optional [initialDatePickerMode] argument can be used to have the
/// calendar date picker initially appear in the [DatePickerMode.year] or
/// [DatePickerMode.day] mode. It defaults to [DatePickerMode.day], and
/// must be non-null.
/// See also:
///  * [showDateRangePicker], which shows a material design date range picker
///    used to select a range of dates.
///  * [CalendarDatePicker], which provides the calendar grid used by the date picker dialog.
///  * [InputDatePickerFormField], which provides a text input field for entering dates.
Future<DateTime> showDatePicker({
  @required BuildContext context,
  @required DateTime initialDate,
  @required DateTime firstDate,
  @required DateTime lastDate,
  DateTime currentDate,
  DatePickerEntryMode initialEntryMode = DatePickerEntryMode.calendar,
  SelectableDayPredicate selectableDayPredicate,
  String helpText,
  String cancelText,
  String confirmText,
  Locale locale,
  bool useRootNavigator = true,
  RouteSettings routeSettings,
  TextDirection textDirection,
  TransitionBuilder builder,
  DatePickerMode initialDatePickerMode = DatePickerMode.day,
  String errorFormatText,
  String errorInvalidText,
  String fieldHintText,
  String fieldLabelText,
}) async {
  assert(context != null);
  assert(initialDate != null);
  assert(firstDate != null);
  assert(lastDate != null);
  initialDate = utils.dateOnly(initialDate);
  firstDate = utils.dateOnly(firstDate);
  lastDate = utils.dateOnly(lastDate);
    'lastDate $lastDate must be on or after firstDate $firstDate.'
    'initialDate $initialDate must be on or after firstDate $firstDate.'
    'initialDate $initialDate must be on or before lastDate $lastDate.'
    selectableDayPredicate == null || selectableDayPredicate(initialDate),
    'Provided initialDate $initialDate must satisfy provided selectableDayPredicate.'
  assert(initialEntryMode != null);
  assert(useRootNavigator != null);
  assert(initialDatePickerMode != null);

  Widget dialog = _DatePickerDialog(
    initialDate: initialDate,
    firstDate: firstDate,
    lastDate: lastDate,
    currentDate: currentDate,
    initialEntryMode: initialEntryMode,
    selectableDayPredicate: selectableDayPredicate,
    helpText: helpText,
    cancelText: cancelText,
    confirmText: confirmText,
    initialCalendarMode: initialDatePickerMode,
    errorFormatText: errorFormatText,
    errorInvalidText: errorInvalidText,
    fieldHintText: fieldHintText,
    fieldLabelText: fieldLabelText,

  if (textDirection != null) {
    dialog = Directionality(
      textDirection: textDirection,
      child: dialog,

  if (locale != null) {
    dialog = Localizations.override(
      context: context,
      locale: locale,
      child: dialog,

  return showDialog<DateTime>(
    context: context,
    useRootNavigator: useRootNavigator,
    routeSettings: routeSettings,
    builder: (BuildContext context) {
      return builder == null ? dialog : builder(context, dialog);

class _DatePickerDialog extends StatefulWidget {
    Key key,
    @required DateTime initialDate,
    @required DateTime firstDate,
    @required DateTime lastDate,
    DateTime currentDate,
    this.initialEntryMode = DatePickerEntryMode.calendar,
    this.initialCalendarMode = DatePickerMode.day,
  }) : assert(initialDate != null),
       assert(firstDate != null),
       assert(lastDate != null),
       initialDate = utils.dateOnly(initialDate),
       firstDate = utils.dateOnly(firstDate),
       lastDate = utils.dateOnly(lastDate),
       currentDate = utils.dateOnly(currentDate ?? DateTime.now()),
       assert(initialEntryMode != null),
       assert(initialCalendarMode != null),
       super(key: key) {
      'lastDate ${this.lastDate} must be on or after firstDate ${this.firstDate}.'
      'initialDate ${this.initialDate} must be on or after firstDate ${this.firstDate}.'
      'initialDate ${this.initialDate} must be on or before lastDate ${this.lastDate}.'
      selectableDayPredicate == null || selectableDayPredicate(this.initialDate),
      'Provided initialDate ${this.initialDate} must satisfy provided selectableDayPredicate'

  /// The initially selected [DateTime] that the picker should display.
  final DateTime initialDate;

  /// The earliest allowable [DateTime] that the user can select.
  final DateTime firstDate;

  /// The latest allowable [DateTime] that the user can select.
  final DateTime lastDate;

  /// The [DateTime] representing today. It will be highlighted in the day grid.
  final DateTime currentDate;

  final DatePickerEntryMode initialEntryMode;

  /// Function to provide full control over which [DateTime] can be selected.
  final SelectableDayPredicate selectableDayPredicate;

  /// The text that is displayed on the cancel button.
  final String cancelText;

  /// The text that is displayed on the confirm button.
  final String confirmText;

  /// The text that is displayed at the top of the header.
  /// This is used to indicate to the user what they are selecting a date for.
  final String helpText;

  /// The initial display of the calendar picker.
  final DatePickerMode initialCalendarMode;

  final String errorFormatText;

  final String errorInvalidText;

  final String fieldHintText;

  final String fieldLabelText;

  _DatePickerDialogState createState() => _DatePickerDialogState();

class _DatePickerDialogState extends State<_DatePickerDialog> {

  DatePickerEntryMode _entryMode;
  DateTime _selectedDate;
  bool _autoValidate;
  final GlobalKey _calendarPickerKey = GlobalKey();
  final GlobalKey<FormState> _formKey = GlobalKey<FormState>();

  void initState() {
    _entryMode = widget.initialEntryMode;
    _selectedDate = widget.initialDate;
    _autoValidate = false;

  void _handleOk() {
    if (_entryMode == DatePickerEntryMode.input) {
      final FormState form = _formKey.currentState;
      if (!form.validate()) {
        setState(() => _autoValidate = true);
    Navigator.pop(context, _selectedDate);

  void _handleCancel() {

  void _handleEntryModeToggle() {
    setState(() {
      switch (_entryMode) {
        case DatePickerEntryMode.calendar:
          _autoValidate = false;
          _entryMode = DatePickerEntryMode.input;
        case DatePickerEntryMode.input:
          _entryMode = DatePickerEntryMode.calendar;

  void _handleDateChanged(DateTime date) {
    setState(() => _selectedDate = date);

  Size _dialogSize(BuildContext context) {
    final Orientation orientation = MediaQuery.of(context).orientation;
    switch (_entryMode) {
      case DatePickerEntryMode.calendar:
        switch (orientation) {
          case Orientation.portrait:
            return _calendarPortraitDialogSize;
          case Orientation.landscape:
            return _calendarLandscapeDialogSize;
      case DatePickerEntryMode.input:
        switch (orientation) {
          case Orientation.portrait:
            return _inputPortraitDialogSize;
          case Orientation.landscape:
            return _inputLandscapeDialogSize;
    return null;

  static final Map<LogicalKeySet, Intent> _formShortcutMap = <LogicalKeySet, Intent>{
    // Pressing enter on the field will move focus to the next field or control.
    LogicalKeySet(LogicalKeyboardKey.enter): const NextFocusIntent(),

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final ThemeData theme = Theme.of(context);
    final ColorScheme colorScheme = theme.colorScheme;
    final MaterialLocalizations localizations = MaterialLocalizations.of(context);
    final Orientation orientation = MediaQuery.of(context).orientation;
    final TextTheme textTheme = theme.textTheme;
    // Constrain the textScaleFactor to the largest supported value to prevent
    // layout issues.
    final double textScaleFactor = math.min(MediaQuery.of(context).textScaleFactor, 1.3);

    final String dateText = _selectedDate != null
      ? localizations.formatMediumDate(_selectedDate)
      : localizations.unspecifiedDate;
    final Color dateColor = colorScheme.brightness == Brightness.light
      ? colorScheme.onPrimary
      : colorScheme.onSurface;
    final TextStyle dateStyle = orientation == Orientation.landscape
      ? textTheme.headline5?.copyWith(color: dateColor)
      : textTheme.headline4?.copyWith(color: dateColor);

    final Widget actions = ButtonBar(
      buttonTextTheme: ButtonTextTheme.primary,
      layoutBehavior: ButtonBarLayoutBehavior.constrained,
      children: <Widget>[
          child: Text(widget.cancelText ?? localizations.cancelButtonLabel),
          onPressed: _handleCancel,
          child: Text(widget.confirmText ?? localizations.okButtonLabel),
          onPressed: _handleOk,

    Widget picker;
    IconData entryModeIcon;
    String entryModeTooltip;
    switch (_entryMode) {
      case DatePickerEntryMode.calendar:
        picker = CalendarDatePicker(
          key: _calendarPickerKey,
          initialDate: _selectedDate,
          firstDate: widget.firstDate,
          lastDate: widget.lastDate,
          currentDate: widget.currentDate,
          onDateChanged: _handleDateChanged,
          selectableDayPredicate: widget.selectableDayPredicate,
          initialCalendarMode: widget.initialCalendarMode,
        entryModeIcon = Icons.edit;
        entryModeTooltip = localizations.inputDateModeButtonLabel;

      case DatePickerEntryMode.input:
        picker = Form(
          key: _formKey,
          autovalidate: _autoValidate,
          child: Container(
            padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 24),
            height: orientation == Orientation.portrait ? _inputFormPortraitHeight : _inputFormLandscapeHeight,
            child: Shortcuts(
              shortcuts: _formShortcutMap,
              child: Column(
                children: <Widget>[
                  const Spacer(),
                    initialDate: _selectedDate,
                    firstDate: widget.firstDate,
                    lastDate: widget.lastDate,
                    onDateSubmitted: _handleDateChanged,
                    onDateSaved: _handleDateChanged,
                    selectableDayPredicate: widget.selectableDayPredicate,
                    errorFormatText: widget.errorFormatText,
                    errorInvalidText: widget.errorInvalidText,
                    fieldHintText: widget.fieldHintText,
                    fieldLabelText: widget.fieldLabelText,
                    autofocus: true,
                  const Spacer(),
        entryModeIcon = Icons.calendar_today;
        entryModeTooltip = localizations.calendarModeButtonLabel;

    final Widget header = DatePickerHeader(
      helpText: widget.helpText ?? localizations.datePickerHelpText,
      titleText: dateText,
      titleStyle: dateStyle,
      orientation: orientation,
      isShort: orientation == Orientation.landscape,
      icon: entryModeIcon,
      iconTooltip: entryModeTooltip,
      onIconPressed: _handleEntryModeToggle,

    final Size dialogSize = _dialogSize(context) * textScaleFactor;
    return Dialog(
      child: AnimatedContainer(
        width: dialogSize.width,
        height: dialogSize.height,
        duration: _dialogSizeAnimationDuration,
        curve: Curves.easeIn,
        child: MediaQuery(
          data: MediaQuery.of(context).copyWith(
            textScaleFactor: textScaleFactor,
          child: Builder(builder: (BuildContext context) {
            switch (orientation) {
              case Orientation.portrait:
                return Column(
                  mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
                  crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
                  children: <Widget>[
                    Expanded(child: picker),
              case Orientation.landscape:
                return Row(
                  mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
                  crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
                  children: <Widget>[
                      child: Column(
                        mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
                        crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
                        children: <Widget>[
                          Expanded(child: picker),
            return null;
      insetPadding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16.0, vertical: 24.0),
      clipBehavior: Clip.antiAlias,