# Flutter's Build Infrastructure

This directory exists to support building Flutter on our build infrastructure.

The results of such builds are viewable at

The external master pages do not allow forcing new builds. Contact
@eseidelGoogle or another member of Google's Flutter team if you need to do

Our infrastructure is broken into two parts.  A buildbot master specified by our
file, and a [set of
which we run on that master.  Both of these technologies are highly specific to
Google's Chromium project. We're just borrowing some of their infrastructure.

## Editing a recipe

Flutter has one recipe per repository. Currently

Recipes are just python.  They are
by the [luci/recipes-py github project](https://github.com/luci/recipes-py).

The typical cyle for editing a recipe is:

1. Make your edits.
2. Run `build/scripts/slave/recipes.py simulation_test train flutter` to update expected files  (remove the flutter if you need to do a global update).
3. Run `build/scripts/slave/recipes.py run flutter/flutter` (or flutter/engine) if something was strange during training and you need to run it locally.
4. Upload the patch (`git commit`, `git cl upload`) and send it to someone in the `recipes/flutter/OWNERS` file for review.

Most of the functionality for recipes comes from recipe_modules, which are
unfortunately spread to many separate repositories.  The easiest way to find
documentation on how to use modules is to [get a full checkout of chromium's
and search for files named `api.py` or `example.py` under `infra/build`.

## Editing the client.flutter buildbot master

Flutter uses Chromium's fancy
master generation system.  Chromium hosts 100s (if not 1000s) of buildbot
masters and thus has lots of infrastructure for turning them up and down.
Eventually all of buildbot is planned to be replaced by other infrastruture, but
for now flutter has its own client.flutter master.

You would need to edit client.flutter's master in order to add slaves (talk to
@eseidelGoogle), add builder groups, or to change the html layout of
https://build.chromium.org/p/client.flutter.  Carefully follow the [builders.pyl
to do so.

## Future Directions

We would like to host our own recipes instead of storing them in
Support for [cross-repository
recipes](https://github.com/luci/recipes-py/blob/master/doc/cross_repo.md) is
in-progress.  If you view the git log of this directory, you'll see we intially
tried, but it's not quite ready.