// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'package:dds/dap.dart'; import 'package:dds/src/dap/protocol_generated.dart'; import 'package:file/file.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/cache.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/convert.dart'; import 'package:flutter_tools/src/globals.dart' as globals; import '../../src/common.dart'; import '../test_data/basic_project.dart'; import '../test_data/compile_error_project.dart'; import '../test_utils.dart'; import 'test_client.dart'; import 'test_server.dart'; import 'test_support.dart'; void main() { late Directory tempDir; late DapTestSession dap; final String relativeMainPath = 'lib${fileSystem.path.separator}main.dart'; setUpAll(() { Cache.flutterRoot = getFlutterRoot(); }); setUp(() async { tempDir = createResolvedTempDirectorySync('flutter_adapter_test.'); dap = await DapTestSession.setUp(); }); tearDown(() async { await dap.tearDown(); tryToDelete(tempDir); }); group('launch', () { testWithoutContext('can run and terminate a Flutter app in debug mode', () async { final BasicProject project = BasicProject(); await project.setUpIn(tempDir); // Once the "topLevelFunction" output arrives, we can terminate the app. unawaited( dap.client.output .firstWhere((String output) => output.startsWith('topLevelFunction')) .whenComplete(() => dap.client.terminate()), ); final List<OutputEventBody> outputEvents = await dap.client.collectAllOutput( launch: () => dap.client .launch( cwd: project.dir.path, toolArgs: <String>['-d', 'flutter-tester'], ), ); final String output = _uniqueOutputLines(outputEvents); expectLines(output, <Object>[ 'Launching $relativeMainPath on Flutter test device in debug mode...', startsWith('Connecting to VM Service at'), 'topLevelFunction', 'Application finished.', '', startsWith('Exited'), ]); }); testWithoutContext('can run and terminate a Flutter app in noDebug mode', () async { final BasicProject project = BasicProject(); await project.setUpIn(tempDir); // Once the "topLevelFunction" output arrives, we can terminate the app. unawaited( dap.client.stdoutOutput .firstWhere((String output) => output.startsWith('topLevelFunction')) .whenComplete(() => dap.client.terminate()), ); final List<OutputEventBody> outputEvents = await dap.client.collectAllOutput( launch: () => dap.client .launch( cwd: project.dir.path, noDebug: true, toolArgs: <String>['-d', 'flutter-tester'], ), ); final String output = _uniqueOutputLines(outputEvents); expectLines(output, <Object>[ 'Launching $relativeMainPath on Flutter test device in debug mode...', 'topLevelFunction', 'Application finished.', '', startsWith('Exited'), ]); // If we're running with an out-of-process debug adapter, ensure that its // own process shuts down after we terminated. final DapTestServer server = dap.server; if (server is OutOfProcessDapTestServer) { await server.exitCode; } }); testWithoutContext('outputs useful message on invalid DAP protocol messages', () async { final OutOfProcessDapTestServer server = dap.server as OutOfProcessDapTestServer; final CompileErrorProject project = CompileErrorProject(); await project.setUpIn(tempDir); final StringBuffer stderrOutput = StringBuffer(); dap.server.onStderrOutput = stderrOutput.write; // Write invalid headers and await the error. dap.server.sink.add(utf8.encode('foo\r\nbar\r\n\r\n')); await server.exitCode; // Verify the user-friendly message was included in the output. final String error = stderrOutput.toString(); expect(error, contains('Input could not be parsed as a Debug Adapter Protocol message')); expect(error, contains('The "flutter debug-adapter" command is intended for use by tooling')); // This test only runs with out-of-process DAP as it's testing _actual_ // stderr output and that the debug-adapter process terminates, which is // not possible when running the DAP Server in-process. }, skip: useInProcessDap); // [intended] See above. testWithoutContext('correctly outputs launch errors and terminates', () async { final CompileErrorProject project = CompileErrorProject(); await project.setUpIn(tempDir); final List<OutputEventBody> outputEvents = await dap.client.collectAllOutput( launch: () => dap.client .launch( cwd: project.dir.path, toolArgs: <String>['-d', 'flutter-tester'], ), ); final String output = _uniqueOutputLines(outputEvents); expect(output, contains('this code does not compile')); expect(output, contains('Exception: Failed to build')); expect(output, contains('Exited (1)')); }); /// Helper that tests exception output in either debug or noDebug mode. Future<void> testExceptionOutput({required bool noDebug}) async { final BasicProjectThatThrows project = BasicProjectThatThrows(); await project.setUpIn(tempDir); final List<OutputEventBody> outputEvents = await dap.client.collectAllOutput(launch: () { // Terminate the app after we see the exception because otherwise // it will keep running and `collectAllOutput` won't end. dap.client.output .firstWhere((String output) => output.contains(endOfErrorOutputMarker)) .then((_) => dap.client.terminate()); return dap.client.launch( noDebug: noDebug, cwd: project.dir.path, toolArgs: <String>['-d', 'flutter-tester'], ); }); final String output = _uniqueOutputLines(outputEvents); final List<String> outputLines = output.split('\n'); expect( outputLines, containsAllInOrder(<String>[ '══╡ EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY WIDGETS LIBRARY ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════', 'The following _Exception was thrown building App(dirty):', 'Exception: c', 'The relevant error-causing widget was:', ])); expect(output, contains('App:${Uri.file(project.dir.path)}/lib/main.dart:24:12')); } testWithoutContext('correctly outputs exceptions in debug mode', () => testExceptionOutput(noDebug: false)); testWithoutContext('correctly outputs exceptions in noDebug mode', () => testExceptionOutput(noDebug: true)); testWithoutContext('can hot reload', () async { final BasicProject project = BasicProject(); await project.setUpIn(tempDir); // Launch the app and wait for it to print "topLevelFunction". await Future.wait(<Future<void>>[ dap.client.stdoutOutput.firstWhere((String output) => output.startsWith('topLevelFunction')), dap.client.start( launch: () => dap.client.launch( cwd: project.dir.path, noDebug: true, toolArgs: <String>['-d', 'flutter-tester'], ), ), ], eagerError: true); // Capture the next two output events that we expect to be the Reload // notification and then topLevelFunction being printed again. final Future<List<String>> outputEventsFuture = dap.client.stdoutOutput // But skip any topLevelFunctions that come before the reload. .skipWhile((String output) => output.startsWith('topLevelFunction')) .take(2) .toList(); await dap.client.hotReload(); expectLines( (await outputEventsFuture).join(), <Object>[ startsWith('Reloaded'), 'topLevelFunction', ], ); await dap.client.terminate(); }); testWithoutContext('sends progress notifications during hot reload', () async { final BasicProject project = BasicProject(); await project.setUpIn(tempDir); // Launch the app and wait for it to print "topLevelFunction". await Future.wait(<Future<void>>[ dap.client.stdoutOutput.firstWhere((String output) => output.startsWith('topLevelFunction')), dap.client.initialize(supportsProgressReporting: true), dap.client.launch( cwd: project.dir.path, noDebug: true, toolArgs: <String>['-d', 'flutter-tester'], ), ], eagerError: true); // Capture progress events during a reload. final Future<List<Event>> progressEventsFuture = dap.client.progressEvents().toList(); await dap.client.hotReload(); await dap.client.terminate(); // Verify the progress events. final List<Event> progressEvents = await progressEventsFuture; expect(progressEvents, hasLength(2)); final List<String> eventKinds = progressEvents.map((Event event) => event.event).toList(); expect(eventKinds, <String>['progressStart', 'progressEnd']); final List<Map<String, Object?>> eventBodies = progressEvents.map((Event event) => event.body).cast<Map<String, Object?>>().toList(); final ProgressStartEventBody start = ProgressStartEventBody.fromMap(eventBodies[0]); final ProgressEndEventBody end = ProgressEndEventBody.fromMap(eventBodies[1]); expect(start.progressId, isNotNull); expect(start.title, 'Flutter'); expect(start.message, 'Hot reloading…'); expect(end.progressId, start.progressId); expect(end.message, isNull); }); testWithoutContext('can hot restart', () async { final BasicProject project = BasicProject(); await project.setUpIn(tempDir); // Launch the app and wait for it to print "topLevelFunction". await Future.wait(<Future<void>>[ dap.client.stdoutOutput.firstWhere((String output) => output.startsWith('topLevelFunction')), dap.client.start( launch: () => dap.client.launch( cwd: project.dir.path, noDebug: true, toolArgs: <String>['-d', 'flutter-tester'], ), ), ], eagerError: true); // Capture the next two output events that we expect to be the Restart // notification and then topLevelFunction being printed again. final Future<List<String>> outputEventsFuture = dap.client.stdoutOutput // But skip any topLevelFunctions that come before the restart. .skipWhile((String output) => output.startsWith('topLevelFunction')) .take(2) .toList(); await dap.client.hotRestart(); expectLines( (await outputEventsFuture).join(), <Object>[ startsWith('Restarted application'), 'topLevelFunction', ], ); await dap.client.terminate(); }); testWithoutContext('sends progress notifications during hot restart', () async { final BasicProject project = BasicProject(); await project.setUpIn(tempDir); // Launch the app and wait for it to print "topLevelFunction". await Future.wait(<Future<void>>[ dap.client.stdoutOutput.firstWhere((String output) => output.startsWith('topLevelFunction')), dap.client.initialize(supportsProgressReporting: true), dap.client.launch( cwd: project.dir.path, noDebug: true, toolArgs: <String>['-d', 'flutter-tester'], ), ], eagerError: true); // Capture progress events during a restart. final Future<List<Event>> progressEventsFuture = dap.client.progressEvents().toList(); await dap.client.hotRestart(); await dap.client.terminate(); // Verify the progress events. final List<Event> progressEvents = await progressEventsFuture; expect(progressEvents, hasLength(2)); final List<String> eventKinds = progressEvents.map((Event event) => event.event).toList(); expect(eventKinds, <String>['progressStart', 'progressEnd']); final List<Map<String, Object?>> eventBodies = progressEvents.map((Event event) => event.body).cast<Map<String, Object?>>().toList(); final ProgressStartEventBody start = ProgressStartEventBody.fromMap(eventBodies[0]); final ProgressEndEventBody end = ProgressEndEventBody.fromMap(eventBodies[1]); expect(start.progressId, isNotNull); expect(start.title, 'Flutter'); expect(start.message, 'Hot restarting…'); expect(end.progressId, start.progressId); expect(end.message, isNull); }); testWithoutContext('can hot restart when exceptions occur on outgoing isolates', () async { final BasicProjectThatThrows project = BasicProjectThatThrows(); await project.setUpIn(tempDir); // Launch the app and wait for it to stop at an exception. late int originalThreadId, newThreadId; await Future.wait(<Future<void>>[ // Capture the thread ID of the stopped thread. dap.client.stoppedEvents.first.then((StoppedEventBody event) => originalThreadId = event.threadId!), dap.client.start( exceptionPauseMode: 'All', // Ensure we stop on all exceptions launch: () => dap.client.launch( cwd: project.dir.path, toolArgs: <String>['-d', 'flutter-tester'], ), ), ], eagerError: true); // Hot restart, ensuring it completes and capturing the ID of the new thread // to pause. await Future.wait(<Future<void>>[ // Capture the thread ID of the newly stopped thread. dap.client.stoppedEvents.first.then((StoppedEventBody event) => newThreadId = event.threadId!), dap.client.hotRestart(), ], eagerError: true); // We should not have stopped on the original thread, but the new thread // from after the restart. expect(newThreadId, isNot(equals(originalThreadId))); await dap.client.terminate(); }); testWithoutContext('sends events for extension state updates', () async { final BasicProject project = BasicProject(); await project.setUpIn(tempDir); const String debugPaintRpc = 'ext.flutter.debugPaint'; // Create a future to capture the isolate ID when the debug paint service // extension loads, as we'll need that to call it later. final Future<String> isolateIdForDebugPaint = dap.client .serviceExtensionAdded(debugPaintRpc) .then((Map<String, Object?> body) => body['isolateId']! as String); // Launch the app and wait for it to print "topLevelFunction" so we know // it's up and running. await Future.wait(<Future<void>>[ dap.client.stdoutOutput.firstWhere((String output) => output.startsWith('topLevelFunction')), dap.client.start( launch: () => dap.client.launch( cwd: project.dir.path, toolArgs: <String>['-d', 'flutter-tester'], ), ), ], eagerError: true); // Capture the next relevant state-change event (which should occur as a // result of the call below). final Future<Map<String, Object?>> stateChangeEventFuture = dap.client.serviceExtensionStateChanged(debugPaintRpc); // Enable debug paint to trigger the state change. await dap.client.custom( 'callService', <String, Object?>{ 'method': debugPaintRpc, 'params': <String, Object?>{ 'enabled': true, 'isolateId': await isolateIdForDebugPaint, }, }, ); // Ensure the event occurred, and its value was as expected. final Map<String, Object?> stateChangeEvent = await stateChangeEventFuture; expect(stateChangeEvent['value'], 'true'); // extension state change values are always strings await dap.client.terminate(); }); testWithoutContext('provides appStarted events to the client', () async { final BasicProject project = BasicProject(); await project.setUpIn(tempDir); // Launch the app and wait for it to send a 'flutter.appStarted' event. await Future.wait(<Future<void>>[ dap.client.event('flutter.appStarted'), dap.client.start( launch: () => dap.client.launch( cwd: project.dir.path, toolArgs: <String>['-d', 'flutter-tester'], ), ), ], eagerError: true); await dap.client.terminate(); }); }); group('attach', () { late SimpleFlutterRunner testProcess; late BasicProject project; late String breakpointFilePath; late int breakpointLine; setUp(() async { project = BasicProject(); await project.setUpIn(tempDir); testProcess = await SimpleFlutterRunner.start(tempDir); breakpointFilePath = globals.fs.path.join(project.dir.path, 'lib', 'main.dart'); breakpointLine = project.buildMethodBreakpointLine; }); tearDown(() async { testProcess.process.kill(); await testProcess.process.exitCode; }); testWithoutContext('can attach to an already-running Flutter app and reload', () async { final Uri vmServiceUri = await testProcess.vmServiceUri; // Launch the app and wait for it to print "topLevelFunction". await Future.wait(<Future<void>>[ dap.client.stdoutOutput.firstWhere((String output) => output.startsWith('topLevelFunction')), dap.client.start( launch: () => dap.client.attach( cwd: project.dir.path, toolArgs: <String>['-d', 'flutter-tester'], vmServiceUri: vmServiceUri.toString(), ), ), ], eagerError: true); // Capture the "Reloaded" output and events immediately after. final Future<List<String>> outputEventsFuture = dap.client.stdoutOutput .skipWhile((String output) => !output.startsWith('Reloaded')) .take(4) .toList(); // Perform the reload, and expect we get the Reloaded output followed // by printed output, to ensure the app is running again. await dap.client.hotReload(); expectLines( (await outputEventsFuture).join(), <Object>[ startsWith('Reloaded'), 'topLevelFunction', ], allowExtras: true, ); await dap.client.terminate(); }); testWithoutContext('can attach to an already-running Flutter app and hit breakpoints', () async { final Uri vmServiceUri = await testProcess.vmServiceUri; // Launch the app and wait for it to print "topLevelFunction". await Future.wait(<Future<void>>[ dap.client.stdoutOutput.firstWhere((String output) => output.startsWith('topLevelFunction')), dap.client.start( launch: () => dap.client.attach( cwd: project.dir.path, toolArgs: <String>['-d', 'flutter-tester'], vmServiceUri: vmServiceUri.toString(), ), ), ], eagerError: true); // Set a breakpoint and expect to hit it. final Future<StoppedEventBody> stoppedFuture = dap.client.stoppedEvents.firstWhere((StoppedEventBody e) => e.reason == 'breakpoint'); await Future.wait(<Future<void>>[ stoppedFuture, dap.client.setBreakpoint(breakpointFilePath, breakpointLine), ], eagerError: true); }); testWithoutContext('resumes and removes breakpoints on detach', () async { final Uri vmServiceUri = await testProcess.vmServiceUri; // Launch the app and wait for it to print "topLevelFunction". await Future.wait(<Future<void>>[ dap.client.stdoutOutput.firstWhere((String output) => output.startsWith('topLevelFunction')), dap.client.start( launch: () => dap.client.attach( cwd: project.dir.path, toolArgs: <String>['-d', 'flutter-tester'], vmServiceUri: vmServiceUri.toString(), ), ), ], eagerError: true); // Set a breakpoint and expect to hit it. final Future<StoppedEventBody> stoppedFuture = dap.client.stoppedEvents.firstWhere((StoppedEventBody e) => e.reason == 'breakpoint'); await Future.wait(<Future<void>>[ stoppedFuture, dap.client.setBreakpoint(breakpointFilePath, breakpointLine), ], eagerError: true); // Detach. await dap.client.terminate(); // Ensure we get additional output (confirming the process resumed). await testProcess.output.first; }); }); } /// Extracts the output from a set of [OutputEventBody], removing any /// adjacent duplicates and combining into a single string. String _uniqueOutputLines(List<OutputEventBody> outputEvents) { String? lastItem; return outputEvents .map((OutputEventBody e) => e.output) .where((String output) { // Skip the item if it's the same as the previous one. final bool isDupe = output == lastItem; lastItem = output; return !isDupe; }) .join(); }